Пример #1
static void
check_quaternion(generator_t &gen, distribution_t &dist)
  // check identity
    quat      q;
    glm::quat g;

    assert(q == g);

  for(size_t x = 0; x < 10000; ++x)
    // check negation
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      assert(quatNegate(q) == -g);

    // check addition
      quat      q1 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      quat      q2 = randomQuat(gen, dist);

      glm::quat g1 = loadQuat(q1);
      glm::quat g2 = loadQuat(q2);

      assert(quatAdd(q1, q2) == g1+g2);

    // check subtraction
      quat      q1 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      quat      q2 = randomQuat(gen, dist);

      glm::quat g1 = loadQuat(q1);
      glm::quat g2 = loadQuat(q2);

      assert(quatSubtract(q1, q2) == g1 + (-g2));

    // check scale
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      float f = dist(gen);

      assert(quatScale(q, f) == g*f);

    // check normalize
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      assert(quatNormalize(q) == glm::normalize(g));

    // check dot
      quat      q1 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      quat      q2 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g1 = loadQuat(q1);
      glm::quat g2 = loadQuat(q2);

      assert(std::abs(quatDot(q1, q2) - glm::dot(g1, g2)) < 0.0001f);

    // check conjugate
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      assert(quatConjugate(q) == glm::conjugate(g));

    // check inverse
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      assert(quatInverse(q) == glm::inverse(g));

    // check quaternion multiplication
      quat      q1 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      quat      q2 = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g1 = loadQuat(q1);
      glm::quat g2 = loadQuat(q2);

      assert(quatMultiply(q1, q2) == g1*g2);

    // check vector multiplication
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      glm::vec3 v = randomVector(gen, dist);

      assert(quatMultiplyVec3f(q, (vec3f){ v.x, v.y, v.z }) == g*v);

    // check rotation
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      glm::vec3 v = randomVector(gen, dist);
      float     r = randomAngle(gen, dist);

      assert(quatRotate(q, (vec3f){ v.x, v.y, v.z }, r) == glm::rotate(g, r, v));

    // check rotate X
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      float     r = randomAngle(gen, dist);

      assert(quatRotateX(q, r) == glm::rotate(g, r, x_axis));

    // check rotate Y
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      float     r = randomAngle(gen, dist);

      assert(quatRotateY(q, r) == glm::rotate(g, r, y_axis));

    // check rotate Z
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      float     r = randomAngle(gen, dist);

      assert(quatRotateZ(q, r) == glm::rotate(g, r, z_axis));

    // check conversion from matrix
      quat      q = randomQuat(gen, dist);
      glm::quat g = loadQuat(q);

      mtx44 m;
      quatToMtx44(&m, q);

      assert(m == glm::mat4_cast(g));
Пример #2
myQuat_t getPosition(mpu9250_t dev)
    imuData_t imuData;
    if (getIMUData(dev, &imuData))
        if (! validIMUData(imuData))
            puts("invalid IMU data");
            if (failureCount++ > 20)
                puts("Error in IMU, restarting!");
                identifyYourself("IMU failure");
                if (! initialiseIMU(&dev))
                    puts("Could not initialise IMU! dying...");
            return currentQ;
        failureCount = 0;

         * Get Gyro data that records current angular velocity and create an
         * estimated quaternion representation of orientation using this
         * velocity, the time interval between the last calculation and the
         * previous orientation:
         * change in position = velocity * time,
         * new position = old position + change in position)

        // get orientation as deduced by adding gyro measured rotational
        // velocity (times time interval) to previous orientation.
        double gx1 = (double)(imuData.gyro.x_axis);
        double gy1 = (double)(imuData.gyro.y_axis);
        double gz1 = (double)(imuData.gyro.z_axis);
        double omega[3] = { gx1, gy1, gz1 }; // this will be in degrees/sec
        //double omegaMagnitude = fabs(vecLength(omega));

        uint32_t dt = imuData.ts - lastIMUData.ts; // dt in microseconds
        lastIMUData = imuData;
        myQuat_t gRot = makeQuatFromAngularVelocityTime(omega, dt/1000000.0);
        myQuat_t gyroDeducedQ =  quatMultiply(currentQ, gRot);
        if (! useGyroscopes)

        if (! (useAccelerometers | useMagnetometers))
            // return now with just the gyro data
            currentQ = gyroDeducedQ;
            lastIMUData = imuData;
            return currentQ;

        // get orientation from the gyro as Roll Pitch Yaw (ie Euler angles)
        double gyroDeducedYPR[3];
        quatToEuler(gyroDeducedQ, gyroDeducedYPR);
        double currentYPR[3];
        quatToEuler(currentQ, currentYPR);

        // Calculate a roll/pich/yaw from the accelerometers and magnetometers.

         * Get Accelerometer data that records gravity direction and create a
         * 'measured' Quaternion representation of orientation (will only be
         * pitch and roll, not yaw)

        // get gravity direction from accelerometer
        double ax1 = imuData.accel.x_axis / 1024.0;
        double ay1 = imuData.accel.y_axis / 1024.0;
        double az1 = imuData.accel.z_axis / 1024.0;
        double downSensor[3] = { ax1, ay1, az1 };
        if (fabs(vecLength(downSensor) - 0.98) > 0.5)
            // excessive accelerometer reading, bail out
            //printf("too much accel: %f ", fabs(vecLength(downSensor)));
            currentQ = gyroDeducedQ;
            lastIMUData = imuData;
            return currentQ;

        // The accelerometers can only measure pitch and roll (in the world reference
        // frame), calculate the pitch and roll values to account for
        // accelerometer readings, make yaw = 0.

        double ypr[3];
        double downX = downSensor[X_AXIS];
        double downY = downSensor[Y_AXIS];
        double downZ = downSensor[Z_AXIS];

        // add a little X into Z when calculating roll to compensate for
        // situations when pitching near vertical as Y, Z will be near 0 and
        // the results will be unstable
        double fiddledDownZ = sqrt(downZ*downZ + 0.001*downX*downX);
        if (downZ <= 0) // compensate for loss of sign when squaring Z
            fiddledDownZ *= -1.0;
        ypr[ROLL] = atan2(downY, fiddledDownZ);
        ypr[PITCH] = -atan2(downX, sqrt(downY*downY + downZ*downZ));
        ypr[YAW] = 0;  // yaw == 0, accelerometer cannot measure yaw
        if (! useAccelerometers) 
            // if no accelerometers, use roll and pitch values from gyroscope
            // derived orientation
            ypr[PITCH] = gyroDeducedYPR[PITCH];
            ypr[ROLL] = gyroDeducedYPR[ROLL];
            ypr[YAW] = gyroDeducedYPR[YAW];
        else if (vecLength(downSensor) == 0)
            // something wrong! - weightless??
            ypr[PITCH] = gyroDeducedYPR[PITCH];
            ypr[ROLL] = gyroDeducedYPR[ROLL];
            ypr[YAW] = gyroDeducedYPR[YAW];

        if (! useMagnetometers)
            ypr[YAW] = gyroDeducedYPR[YAW];
        myQuat_t accelQ = eulerToQuat(ypr);
        myQuat_t invAccelQ = quatConjugate(accelQ);

         * Get Magnetometer data that records north direction and create a
         * 'measured' Quaternion representation of orientation (will only be
         * yaw)

        // get magnetometer indication of North
        double mx1 = (double)(imuData.mag.x_axis - magHardCorrection[X_AXIS]);
        double my1 = (double)(imuData.mag.y_axis - magHardCorrection[Y_AXIS]);
        double mz1 = (double)(imuData.mag.z_axis - magHardCorrection[Z_AXIS]);
        mx1 *= magSoftCorrection[X_AXIS];
        my1 *= magSoftCorrection[Y_AXIS];
        mz1 *= magSoftCorrection[Z_AXIS];
        // NB MPU9250 has different XYZ axis for magnetometers than for gyros
        // and accelerometers so juggle x,y,z here...
        double magV[3] = { my1, mx1, -mz1 };
        // make quaternion representing mag readings
        myQuat_t magQ = quatFromValues(0, magV[X_AXIS], magV[Y_AXIS], magV[Z_AXIS]);
        if (vecLength(magV) == 0)
            // something wrong! - no magnetic field??
            //puts("not on earth?");
            magQ = quatFromValues(1, 0, 0, 0);

        // the magnetometers can only measure yaw (in the world reference
        // frame), adjust the yaw of the roll/pitch/yaw values calculated
        // earlier to account for the magnetometer readings.
        if (useMagnetometers) 
            // pitch and roll the mag direction using accelerometer info to
            // create a quaternion that represents the IMU as if it was
            // horizontal (so we can get pure yaw)
            myQuat_t horizQ = quatMultiply(accelQ, magQ);
            horizQ = quatMultiply(horizQ, invAccelQ);

            // calculate pure yaw
            ypr[YAW] = -atan2(horizQ.y, horizQ.x);

        // measuredQ is the orientation as measured using the
        // accelerometer/magnetometer readings
        myQuat_t measuredQ = eulerToQuat(ypr);
        // check measured and deduced orientations are not wildly different (eg
        // due to a 360d alias flip) and adjust if problem...
        measuredQ = adjustForCongruence(measuredQ, gyroDeducedQ);

         * The gyro estimated orientation will be smooth and precise over short
         * time intervals but small errors will accumulate causing it to
         * drift over time.  The 'measured' orientation as obtained from the
         * magnetometer and accelerometer will be jumpy but will always average
         * around the correct orientation.
         * Take the mag and accel 'measured' orientation and the gyro
         * 'estimated' orientation and create a new 'current' orientation that
         * is the estimated orientation corrected slightly towards the measured
         * orientation.  That way we get the smooth precision of the gyros but
         * eliminate the accumulation of drift errors.

        if (useGyroscopes)
            // the new orientation is the gyro deduced position corrected
            // towards the accel/mag measured position using interpolation
            // between quaternions.
            currentQ = slerp(gyroDeducedQ, measuredQ, 0.02);
            currentQ = measuredQ;

        if (! isQuatValid(currentQ))
            puts("error in quaternion, reseting orientation...");
    return currentQ;