NaoCamera::NaoCamera(const char* device, CameraInfo::Camera camera, int width, int height, bool flip, const CameraSettings::CameraSettingsCollection& settings, const Matrix5uc& autoExposureWeightTable) : camera(camera), WIDTH(width), HEIGHT(height) { VERIFY((fd = open(device, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) != -1); mapBuffers(); queueBuffers(); setImageFormat(); setFrameRate(1, 30); checkSettingsAvailability(); specialSettings.horizontalFlip.value = flip ? 1 : 0; setControlSetting(specialSettings.horizontalFlip); specialSettings.verticalFlip.value = flip ? 1 : 0; setControlSetting(specialSettings.verticalFlip); setSettings(settings, autoExposureWeightTable); writeCameraSettings(); readCameraSettings(); startCapturing(); }
void StreamSoundSource::play() { if(!m_soundFile) { g_logger.error("there is not sound file to play the stream"); return; } queueBuffers(); SoundSource::play(); }
bool Stream::play() { // We don't want to play this Stream twice, do we ? if (playing()) return true; if (!streamBuf(buffers[0])) return false; if (!streamBuf(buffers[1])) return false; queueBuffers(2, buffers); playSource(); return true; }
bool Stream::update() { int processed = processedBuffers(); bool active = true; while (processed--) { ALuint buffer; unqueueBuffers(1, &buffer); active = streamBuf(buffer); queueBuffers(1, &buffer); } return active; }
void StreamSoundSource::play() { m_playing = true; if(!m_soundFile) { m_waitingFile = true; return; } if(m_eof) { m_soundFile->reset(); m_eof = false; } queueBuffers(); SoundSource::play(); }
void Stream::stop() { queueBuffers(2, buffers); stopSource(); }
void Stream::pause() { queueBuffers(2, buffers); pauseSource(); }