static void aten_read_block( PIA *pi, char * buf, int count ) { int k, a, b, c, d; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(0x48); w2(0xe); w2(6); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) { w2(7); w2(6); w2(2); a = r1(); w0(0x58); b = r1(); w2(0); d = r1(); w0(0x48); c = r1(); buf[2*k] = j44(c,d); buf[2*k+1] = j44(a,b); } w2(0xc); break; case 1: w0(0x58); w2(0xe); w2(6); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) { w2(0x27); w2(0x26); w2(0x22); a = r0(); w2(0x20); b = r0(); buf[2*k] = b; buf[2*k+1] = a; } w2(0x26); w2(0xc); break; } }
SEXP kx_r_execute_with_params(SEXP connection, SEXP query, SEXP param) { K result; SEXP s; kx_connection = INTEGER_VALUE(connection); int i, n = length(param); K vector = ktn(KF,n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { kF(vector)[i] = REAL(param)[i]; } result = k(kx_connection, (char*) CHARACTER_VALUE(query), vector, (K)0); if (0 == result) { error("Error: not connected to kdb+ server\n"); } else if (-128 == result->t) { char *e = calloc(strlen(result->s) + 1, 1); strcpy(e, result->s); r0(result); error("Error from kdb+: `%s\n", e); } s = from_any_kobject(result); r0(result); return s; }
KDB_API K K_DECL testSerial(K a) { K k = kpn("000001.SZ", 9); //K s = b9(-1, k); K s = b9(1, k); for (G* i = kG(s); i < kG(s) + s->n; ++i) { std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::uppercase) << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<int>(*i) << ','; } std::cout << std::endl; # if KX_HAS_OKX std::cout << "okx = " << okx(s) << std::endl; # endif if (a->g) { r0(s); return k; } else { r0(k); return s; } }
K recieve_data(I x) { static char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; read_bytes(sizeof(int), &buf); int tnamesize = 0; memcpy(&tnamesize, buf, sizeof(int)); read_bytes(tnamesize, &buf); buf[tnamesize] = '\0'; K tname = ks(buf); read_bytes(sizeof(J), &buf); J size = 0; memcpy(&size, buf, sizeof(J)); read_bytes(size, &buf); K bytes = ktn(KG, size); memcpy(kG(bytes), &buf, (size_t) size); K result = k(0, ".u.upd", tname, d9(bytes), (K) 0); r0(bytes); if (result != 0) { r0(result); } return (K) 0; }
void Dirac_DomainWall_4D:: BprojCore_dag(double* f1,double* fN,const double* f) const{ // f1 = f5(0), fN = f5(N5_-1) for(int c=0; c<NC_; ++c){ double fup_r = 0.5*(f[r0(c)] +f[r2(c)]); double fup_i = 0.5*(f[i0(c)] +f[i2(c)]); double fdn_r = 0.5*(f[r1(c)] +f[r3(c)]); double fdn_i = 0.5*(f[i1(c)] +f[i3(c)]); fN[r0(c)] = fup_r; fN[i0(c)] = fup_i; fN[r1(c)] = fdn_r; fN[i1(c)] = fdn_i; fN[r2(c)] = fup_r; fN[i2(c)] = fup_i; fN[r3(c)] = fdn_r; fN[i3(c)] = fdn_i; fup_r -= f[r2(c)]; //0.5*(f[r0(c)] -f[r2(c)]) fup_i -= f[i2(c)]; //0.5*(f[i0(c)] -f[i2(c)]) fdn_r -= f[r3(c)]; //0.5*(f[r1(c)] -f[r3(c)]) fdn_i -= f[i3(c)]; //0.5*(f[i1(c)] -f[i3(c)]) f1[r0(c)] = fup_r; f1[i0(c)] = fup_i; f1[r1(c)] = fdn_r; f1[i1(c)] = fdn_i; f1[r2(c)] =-fup_r; f1[i2(c)] =-fup_i; f1[r3(c)] =-fdn_r; f1[i3(c)] =-fdn_i; } }
int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { K flip,result,columnNames,columnData; int row,col,nCols,nRows; int handle=khpu("localhost",1234,"user:password"); if(handle<0) exit(1); result = k(handle,"`asc",(K)0); std::string str = "([]a:til 10;b:reverse til 10;c:10#01010101010b;d:`a)"; result = k(handle,str.c_str(),(K)0); if(!result) printf("Network Error\n"),perror("Network"),exit(1); if(result->t==-128) printf("Server Error %s\n",result->s),kclose(handle),exit(1); // kclose(handle); if(result->t!=99&&result->t!=98) { printf("type %d\n",result->t); r0(result); exit(1); } flip = ktd(result); // if keyed table, unkey it. ktd decrements ref count of arg. // table (flip) is column names!list of columns (data) columnNames = kK(flip->k)[0]; columnData = kK(flip->k)[1]; nCols = columnNames->n; nRows = kK(columnData)[0]->n; for(row=0;row<nRows;row++) { if(0==row) { for(col=0;col<nCols;col++) { if(col>0)printf(","); printf("%s",kS(columnNames)[col]); } printf("\n"); } for(col=0;col<nCols;col++) { K obj=kK(columnData)[col]; if(col>0)printf(","); switch(obj->t) { case(1):{printf("%d",kG(obj)[row]);}break; case(4):{printf("%d",kG(obj)[row]);}break; case(5):{printf("%d",kH(obj)[row]);}break; case(6):{printf("%d",kI(obj)[row]);}break; case(7):{printf("%lld",kJ(obj)[row]);}break; case(8):{printf("%f",kE(obj)[row]);}break; case(9):{printf("%f",kF(obj)[row]);}break; case(11):{printf("%s",kS(obj)[row]);}break; default:{printf("unknown type");}break; } } printf("\n"); } r0(flip); return 0; }
void DiracWilsonLike::gamma5core(double* w,const double* f)const{ for(int c=0; c<N; ++c){ w[r0(c)] = f[r2(c)]; w[i0(c)] = f[i2(c)]; w[r1(c)] = f[r3(c)]; w[i1(c)] = f[i3(c)]; w[r2(c)] = f[r0(c)]; w[i2(c)] = f[i0(c)]; w[r3(c)] = f[r1(c)]; w[i3(c)] = f[i1(c)]; } }
void GammaMatrix::isigma24core(double* w,const double* f)const{ for(int c=0; c<Ncol_; ++c){ w[r0(c)] = f[r3(c)]; w[i0(c)] = f[i3(c)]; w[r1(c)] =-f[r2(c)]; w[i1(c)] =-f[i2(c)]; w[r2(c)] = f[r1(c)]; w[i2(c)] = f[i1(c)]; w[r3(c)] =-f[r0(c)]; w[i3(c)] =-f[i0(c)]; } }
static void kbic_read_block( PIA *pi, char * buf, int count ) { int k, a, b; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(0x98); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) { w2(1); w0(8); a = r1(); w0(0x28); b = r1(); buf[2*k] = j44(a,b); w2(5); b = r1(); w0(8); a = r1(); buf[2*k+1] = j44(a,b); w2(4); } break; case 1: w0(0xb8); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); for (k=0;k<count/4;k++) { w0(0xb8); w2(4); w2(5); w0(8); buf[4*k] = j53(r12w()); w0(0xb8); buf[4*k+1] = j53(r12w()); w2(4); w2(5); buf[4*k+3] = j53(r12w()); w0(8); buf[4*k+2] = j53(r12w()); } w2(4); break; case 2: w0(0x88); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) { w2(0xa0); w2(0xa1); buf[2*k] = r0(); w2(0xa5); buf[2*k+1] = r0(); } w2(4); break; case 3: w0(0xa0); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w3(0); for (k=0;k<count;k++) buf[k] = r4(); w2(4); w2(0); w2(4); break; case 4: w0(0xa0); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w3(0); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) ((u16 *)buf)[k] = r4w(); w2(4); w2(0); w2(4); break; case 5: w0(0xa0); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w3(0); for (k=0;k<count/4;k++) ((u32 *)buf)[k] = r4l(); w2(4); w2(0); w2(4); break; } }
void GammaMatrix::projMcore(double* w,const double* f)const{ for(int c=0; c<Ncol_; ++c){ double fup_r = 0.5*(f[r0(c)] -f[r2(c)]); double fup_i = 0.5*(f[i0(c)] -f[i2(c)]); double fdn_r = 0.5*(f[r1(c)] -f[r3(c)]); double fdn_i = 0.5*(f[i1(c)] -f[i3(c)]); w[r0(c)] = fup_r; w[i0(c)] = fup_i; w[r1(c)] = fdn_r; w[i1(c)] = fdn_i; w[r2(c)] =-fup_r; w[i2(c)] =-fup_i; w[r3(c)] =-fdn_r; w[i3(c)] =-fdn_i; } }
void DiracWilsonLike::projMcore(double* w,const double* f)const{ for(int c=0; c<N; ++c){ double fup_r = 0.5*(f[r0(c)] -f[r2(c)]); double fup_i = 0.5*(f[i0(c)] -f[i2(c)]); double fdn_r = 0.5*(f[r1(c)] -f[r3(c)]); double fdn_i = 0.5*(f[i1(c)] -f[i3(c)]); w[r0(c)] = fup_r; w[i0(c)] = fup_i; w[r1(c)] = fdn_r; w[i1(c)] = fdn_i; w[r2(c)] =-fup_r; w[i2(c)] =-fup_i; w[r3(c)] =-fdn_r; w[i3(c)] =-fdn_i; } }
static void on26_read_block( PIA *pi, char * buf, int count ) { int k, a, b; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(1); P1; w0(1); P2; w0(2); P1; w0(0x18); P2; w0(0); P1; udelay(10); for (k=0;k<count;k++) { w2(6); a = r1(); w2(4); b = r1(); buf[k] = j44(a,b); } w0(2); P1; w0(8); P2; break; case 1: w0(1); P1; w0(1); P2; w0(2); P1; w0(0x19); P2; w0(0); P1; udelay(10); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) { w2(0x26); buf[2*k] = r0(); w2(0x24); buf[2*k+1] = r0(); } w0(2); P1; w0(9); P2; break; case 2: w3(1); w3(1); w2(5); w4(1); w2(4); w3(0); w3(0); w2(0x24); udelay(10); for (k=0;k<count;k++) buf[k] = r4(); w2(4); break; case 3: w3(1); w3(1); w2(5); w4(1); w2(4); w3(0); w3(0); w2(0x24); udelay(10); for (k=0;k<count/2;k++) ((u16 *)buf)[k] = r4w(); w2(4); break; case 4: w3(1); w3(1); w2(5); w4(1); w2(4); w3(0); w3(0); w2(0x24); udelay(10); for (k=0;k<count/4;k++) ((u32 *)buf)[k] = r4l(); w2(4); break; } }
static int epat_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b, r; r = regr + cont_map[cont]; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(r); w2(1); w2(3); a = r1(); w2(4); b = r1(); return j44(a,b); case 1: w0(0x40+r); w2(1); w2(4); a = r1(); b = r2(); w0(0xff); return j53(a,b); case 2: w0(0x20+r); w2(1); w2(0x25); a = r0(); w2(4); return a; case 3: case 4: case 5: w3(r); w2(0x24); a = r4(); w2(4); return a; } return -1; /* never gets here */ }
static void epat_connect ( PIA *pi ) { pi->saved_r0 = r0(); pi->saved_r2 = r2(); /* Initialize the chip */ CPP(0); if (epatc8) { CPP(0x40);CPP(0xe0); w0(0);w2(1);w2(4); WR(0x8,0x12);WR(0xc,0x14);WR(0x12,0x10); WR(0xe,0xf);WR(0xf,4); /* WR(0xe,0xa);WR(0xf,4); */ WR(0xe,0xd);WR(0xf,0); /* CPP(0x30); */ } /* Connect to the chip */ CPP(0xe0); w0(0);w2(1);w2(4); /* Idle into SPP */ if (pi->mode >= 3) { w0(0);w2(1);w2(4);w2(0xc); /* Request EPP */ w0(0x40);w2(6);w2(7);w2(4);w2(0xc);w2(4); } if (!epatc8) { WR(8,0x10); WR(0xc,0x14); WR(0xa,0x38); WR(0x12,0x10); } }
static void epat_connect ( PIA *pi ) { pi->saved_r0 = r0(); pi->saved_r2 = r2(); #ifdef CONFIG_PARIDE_EPATC8 /* Initialize the chip */ CPP(0);CPP(0x40);CPP(0xe0); w0(0);w2(1);w2(4); WR(0x8,0x12);WR(0xc,0x14);WR(0x12,0x10); WR(0xe,0xf);WR(0xf,4); /* WR(0xe,0xa);WR(0xf,4); */ WR(0xe,0xd);WR(0xf,0); /* CPP(0x30); */ /* Connect to the chip */ CPP(0xe0); w0(0);w2(1);w2(4); /* Idle into SPP */ if (pi->mode >= 3) { w0(0);w2(1);w2(4);w2(0xc); /* Request EPP */ w0(0x40);w2(6);w2(7);w2(4);w2(0xc);w2(4); } #else CPP(0); CPP(0xe0); w0(0); w2(1); w2(4); if (pi->mode >= 3) { w0(0); w2(1); w2(4); w2(0xc); w0(0x40); w2(6); w2(7); w2(4); w2(0xc); w2(4); } WR(8,0x10); WR(0xc,0x14); WR(0xa,0x38); WR(0x12,0x10); #endif }
static int comm_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int l, h, r; r = regr + cont_map[cont]; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(r); P1; w0(0); w2(6); l = r1(); w0(0x80); h = r1(); w2(4); return j44(l,h); case 1: w0(r+0x20); P1; w0(0); w2(0x26); h = r0(); w2(4); return h; case 2: case 3: case 4: w3(r+0x20); (void)r1(); w2(0x24); h = r4(); w2(4); return h; } return -1; }
static int kbic_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b, s; s = cont_map[cont]; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(regr|0x18|s); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w2(1); w0(8); a = r1(); w0(0x28); b = r1(); w2(4); return j44(a,b); case 1: w0(regr|0x38|s); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w2(5); w0(8); a = r12w(); w2(4); return j53(a); case 2: w0(regr|0x08|s); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w2(0xa5); w2(0xa1); a = r0(); w2(4); return a; case 3: case 4: case 5: w0(0x20|s); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w3(regr); a = r4(); b = r4(); w2(4); w2(0); w2(4); return a; } return -1; }
/* * Make the matrix orthonormal in place using an iterative method. * It is potentially slower if the matrix is far from orthonormal (i.e. if * the row basis vectors are close to colinear) but in the common case * of near-orthonormality it should be just as fast. * * The translation part is left intact. If the translation is represented as * a homogenous coordinate (i.e. a non-unity lower right corner), it is divided * out. */ bool GfMatrix4f::Orthonormalize(bool issueWarning) { // orthogonalize and normalize row vectors GfVec3d r0(_mtx[0][0],_mtx[0][1],_mtx[0][2]); GfVec3d r1(_mtx[1][0],_mtx[1][1],_mtx[1][2]); GfVec3d r2(_mtx[2][0],_mtx[2][1],_mtx[2][2]); bool result = GfVec3d::OrthogonalizeBasis(&r0, &r1, &r2, true); _mtx[0][0] = r0[0]; _mtx[0][1] = r0[1]; _mtx[0][2] = r0[2]; _mtx[1][0] = r1[0]; _mtx[1][1] = r1[1]; _mtx[1][2] = r1[2]; _mtx[2][0] = r2[0]; _mtx[2][1] = r2[1]; _mtx[2][2] = r2[2]; // divide out any homogeneous coordinate - unless it's zero if (_mtx[3][3] != 1.0 && !GfIsClose(_mtx[3][3], 0.0, GF_MIN_VECTOR_LENGTH)) { _mtx[3][0] /= _mtx[3][3]; _mtx[3][1] /= _mtx[3][3]; _mtx[3][2] /= _mtx[3][3]; _mtx[3][3] = 1.0; } if (!result && issueWarning) TF_WARN("OrthogonalizeBasis did not converge, matrix may not be " "orthonormal."); return result; }
void MSNewton::Fixed::submit_constraints(const NewtonJoint* joint, dgFloat32 timestep, int thread_index) { JointData* joint_data = (JointData*)NewtonJointGetUserData(joint); // Calculate position of pivot points and Jacobian direction vectors in global space. dMatrix matrix0, matrix1, matrix2; MSNewton::Joint::c_calculate_global_matrix(joint_data, matrix0, matrix1, matrix2); const dVector& p0 = matrix0.m_posit; const dVector& p1 = matrix1.m_posit; // Get a point along the pin axis at some reasonable large distance from the pivot. dVector q0(p0 + matrix0.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH)); dVector q1(p1 + matrix1.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH)); // Get the ankle point. dVector r0(p0 + matrix0.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH)); dVector r1(p1 + matrix1.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH)); // Restrict movement on the pivot point along all three orthonormal directions NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &p1[0], &matrix0.m_front[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &p1[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &p0[0], &p1[0], &matrix0.m_right[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); // Restrict rotation along all three orthonormal directions NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix0.m_front[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &r0[0], &r1[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]); if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE) NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP); else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST) NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint)); NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness); }
int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { sc_signal<bool> t_a0; sc_signal<bool> t_a1; sc_signal<bool> t_a2; sc_signal<bool> t_a3; sc_signal<bool> t_b0; sc_signal<bool> t_b1; sc_signal<bool> t_b2; sc_signal<bool> t_b3; sc_signal<bool> t_c0; sc_signal<bool> t_s0; sc_signal<bool> t_s1; sc_signal<bool> t_s2; sc_signal<bool> t_s3; sc_signal<bool> t_c4; ripple_adder r0("r0"); r0.a0(t_a0); r0.a1(t_a1); r0.a2(t_a2); r0.a3(t_a3); r0.b0(t_b0); r0.b1(t_b1); r0.b2(t_b2); r0.b3(t_b3); r0.c0(t_c0); r0.s0(t_s0); r0.s1(t_s1); r0.s2(t_s2); r0.s3(t_s3); r0.c4(t_c4); ripple_adder_driver d0("d0"); d0.d_a0(t_a0); d0.d_a1(t_a1); d0.d_a2(t_a2); d0.d_a3(t_a3); d0.d_b0(t_b0); d0.d_b1(t_b1); d0.d_b2(t_b2); d0.d_b3(t_b3); d0.d_c0(t_c0); ripple_adder_monitor m0("m0"); m0.m_a0(t_a0); m0.m_a1(t_a1); m0.m_a2(t_a2); m0.m_a3(t_a3); m0.m_b0(t_b0); m0.m_b1(t_b1); m0.m_b2(t_b2); m0.m_b3(t_b3); m0.m_c0(t_c0); m0.m_s0(t_s0); m0.m_s1(t_s1); m0.m_s2(t_s2); m0.m_s3(t_s3); m0.m_c4(t_c4); // simulate for max 1000 ns sc_start(1, SC_SEC); return 0; }
UIntT num_replications(RealT eps, RealT s0, RealT level=0.95, UIntT max_trials=::std::numeric_limits<UIntT>::max()) { UIntT r0(0); r0 = num_replications_initial<RealT,UIntT>(eps, s0, level); return num_replications(eps, r0, s0, level, max_trials); }
static int dstr_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b, r; r = regr + cont_map[cont]; w0(0x81); P1; if (pi->mode) { w0(0x11); } else { w0(1); } P2; w0(r); P1; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w2(6); a = r1(); w2(4); w2(6); b = r1(); w2(4); return j44(a,b); case 1: w0(0); w2(0x26); a = r0(); w2(4); return a; case 2: case 3: case 4: w2(0x24); a = r4(); w2(4); return a; } return -1; }
DEF_TEST(Data, reporter) { const char* str = "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."; const int N = 10; SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r0(SkData::NewEmpty()); SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r1(SkData::NewWithCopy(str, strlen(str))); SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r2(SkData::NewWithProc(new int[N], N*sizeof(int), delete_int_proc, gGlobal)); SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r3(SkData::NewSubset(r1, 7, 6)); assert_len(reporter, r0, 0); assert_len(reporter, r1, strlen(str)); assert_len(reporter, r2, N * sizeof(int)); assert_len(reporter, r3, 6); assert_data(reporter, r1, str, strlen(str)); assert_data(reporter, r3, "people", 6); SkData* tmp = SkData::NewSubset(r1, strlen(str), 10); assert_len(reporter, tmp, 0); tmp->unref(); tmp = SkData::NewSubset(r1, 0, 0); assert_len(reporter, tmp, 0); tmp->unref(); test_cstring(reporter); test_files(reporter); }
void vec4_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end() { if (c->control_data_header_size_bits > 0) { /* During shader execution, we only ever call emit_control_data_bits() * just prior to outputting a vertex. Therefore, the control data bits * corresponding to the most recently output vertex still need to be * emitted. */ current_annotation = "thread end: emit control data bits"; emit_control_data_bits(); } /* MRF 0 is reserved for the debugger, so start with message header * in MRF 1. */ int base_mrf = 1; current_annotation = "thread end"; dst_reg mrf_reg(MRF, base_mrf); src_reg r0(retype(brw_vec8_grf(0, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD)); vec4_instruction *inst = emit(MOV(mrf_reg, r0)); inst->force_writemask_all = true; emit(GS_OPCODE_SET_VERTEX_COUNT, mrf_reg, this->vertex_count); if (INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_SHADER_TIME) emit_shader_time_end(); inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_THREAD_END); inst->base_mrf = base_mrf; inst->mlen = 1; }
static void k971_connect ( PIA *pi ) { pi->saved_r0 = r0(); pi->saved_r2 = r2(); CCP(0x20); w2(4); }
static int epia_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b, r; regr += cont_map[cont]; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: r = regr^0x39; w0(r); w2(1); w2(3); w0(r); a = r1(); w2(1); b = r1(); w2(4); return j44(a,b); case 1: r = regr^0x31; w0(r); w2(1); w0(r&0x37); w2(3); w2(5); w0(r|0xf0); a = r1(); b = r2(); w2(4); return j53(a,b); case 2: r = regr^0x29; w0(r); w2(1); w2(0X21); w2(0x23); a = r0(); w2(4); return a; case 3: case 4: case 5: w3(regr); w2(0x24); a = r4(); w2(4); return a; } return -1; }
static int fit3_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b; if (cont) { if (regr != 6) return 0xff; regr = 7; } switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w2(0xc); w0(regr + 0x10); w2(0x8); w2(0xc); w2(0xd); a = r1(); w2(0xf); b = r1(); w2(0xc); return j44(a,b); case 1: w2(0xc); w0(regr + 0x90); w2(0x8); w2(0xc); w2(0xec); w2(0xee); w2(0xef); a = r0(); w2(0xc); return a; case 2: w2(0xc); w0(regr + 0x90); w2(0x8); w2(0xc); w2(0xec); a = r4(); b = r4(); w2(0xc); return a; } return -1; }
static int on26_read_regr( PIA *pi, int cont, int regr ) { int a, b, r; r = (regr<<2) + 1 + cont; switch (pi->mode) { case 0: w0(1); P1; w0(r); P2; w0(0); P1; w2(6); a = r1(); w2(4); w2(6); b = r1(); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); w2(6); w2(4); return j44(a,b); case 1: w0(1); P1; w0(r); P2; w0(0); P1; w2(0x26); a = r0(); w2(4); w2(0x26); w2(4); return a; case 2: case 3: case 4: w3(1); w3(1); w2(5); w4(r); w2(4); w3(0); w3(0); w2(0x24); a = r4(); w2(4); w2(0x24); r4(); w2(4); return a; } return -1; }
/* @param beta current estimates * @return t(beta) * matrixB * beta */ STK::Real FusedLassoPenalty::penaltyTerm(STK::VectorX const& beta) const { STK::Real pen = lambda1_ * beta.abs().sum(); STK::Range r0(beta.begin(), beta.size()-1), r1(beta.begin()+1, beta.size()-1); pen += lambda2_ * (beta.sub(r0) - beta.sub(r1)).abs().sum(); return pen; }
int main() { try { std::shared_ptr<gal::verb::VerbosityRegistry> vr( new gal::verb::VerbosityRegistry); vr->reg<gal::mng::managed_process>( "gal managed_process"); vr->reg<gal::mng::managed_object>( "gal managed_object"); vr->reg<gal::registry_base>( "gal registry_base"); vr->reg<gal::mng::registry_process>("gal registry_process"); vr->reg<gal::mng::registry_object>( "gal registry_object"); typedef gal::mng::registry_object R1; typedef std::shared_ptr<R1> S_R1; typedef gal::mng::registry_process R0; typedef std::shared_ptr<R0> S_R0; // process registry S_R0 r0(new R0); r0->VERB::init_verb(vr); r0->init(); // object registry S_R1 r1(new R1); r1->VERB::init_verb(vr); r0->reg(r1); r1->init(); typedef std::shared_ptr<foo> S_F; S_F f0(new foo); S_F f1(new foo); S_F f2(new foo); f0->init_verb(vr); f1->init_verb(vr); f2->init_verb(vr); r1->reg(f0); r1->reg(f1); r1->reg(f2); gal::object_index i0 = f0->get_index(); r1->get(i0); } catch(std::exception & e) { printf("%s\n", e.what()); } }