Пример #1
void CuLayoutEditDlg::ResizeControls()
	CEdit*   edit  = (CEdit*)  GetDlgItem (IDC_RCT_EDIT1);
	CButton* button= (CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_BUTTON_ASSIST);
	if (!(edit&&button))
	if (!IsWindow(edit->m_hWnd) || !IsWindow(button->m_hWnd))

	CRect R, rB (0,0,0,0), rE;
	GetClientRect (R);
	if (!m_bUseExpressDialog)
		button->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);

	if (m_bUseExpressDialog)
		button->GetWindowRect (rB);
		ScreenToClient (rB);
	rE.CopyRect (R);
	rE.right -= rB.right - rB.left;
	edit->MoveWindow (rE);
	R.left = rE.right;
	R.top    +=1;
	R.bottom -=1;
	if (m_bUseExpressDialog)
		button->MoveWindow (R);
		button->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
Пример #2
static void gen_mtvscr(DisasContext *ctx)
    TCGv_ptr p;
    if (unlikely(!ctx->altivec_enabled)) {
        gen_exception(ctx, POWERPC_EXCP_VPU);
    p = gen_avr_ptr(rB(ctx->opcode));
    gen_helper_mtvscr(cpu_env, p);
Пример #3
static void gen_vmrgow(DisasContext *ctx)
    int VT, VA, VB;
    if (unlikely(!ctx->altivec_enabled)) {
        gen_exception(ctx, POWERPC_EXCP_VPU);
    VT = rD(ctx->opcode);
    VA = rA(ctx->opcode);
    VB = rB(ctx->opcode);

    tcg_gen_deposit_i64(cpu_avrh[VT], cpu_avrh[VB], cpu_avrh[VA], 32, 32);
    tcg_gen_deposit_i64(cpu_avrl[VT], cpu_avrl[VB], cpu_avrl[VA], 32, 32);
Пример #4
static void gen_vpermr(DisasContext *ctx)
    TCGv_ptr ra, rb, rc, rd;
    if (unlikely(!ctx->altivec_enabled)) {
        gen_exception(ctx, POWERPC_EXCP_VPU);
    ra = gen_avr_ptr(rA(ctx->opcode));
    rb = gen_avr_ptr(rB(ctx->opcode));
    rc = gen_avr_ptr(rC(ctx->opcode));
    rd = gen_avr_ptr(rD(ctx->opcode));
    gen_helper_vpermr(cpu_env, rd, ra, rb, rc);
Пример #5
static void gen_vsldoi(DisasContext *ctx)
    TCGv_ptr ra, rb, rd;
    TCGv_i32 sh;
    if (unlikely(!ctx->altivec_enabled)) {
        gen_exception(ctx, POWERPC_EXCP_VPU);
    ra = gen_avr_ptr(rA(ctx->opcode));
    rb = gen_avr_ptr(rB(ctx->opcode));
    rd = gen_avr_ptr(rD(ctx->opcode));
    sh = tcg_const_i32(VSH(ctx->opcode));
    gen_helper_vsldoi (rd, ra, rb, sh);
Пример #6
static void gen_vmrgew(DisasContext *ctx)
    TCGv_i64 tmp;
    int VT, VA, VB;
    if (unlikely(!ctx->altivec_enabled)) {
        gen_exception(ctx, POWERPC_EXCP_VPU);
    VT = rD(ctx->opcode);
    VA = rA(ctx->opcode);
    VB = rB(ctx->opcode);
    tmp = tcg_temp_new_i64();
    tcg_gen_shri_i64(tmp, cpu_avrh[VB], 32);
    tcg_gen_deposit_i64(cpu_avrh[VT], cpu_avrh[VA], tmp, 0, 32);
    tcg_gen_shri_i64(tmp, cpu_avrl[VB], 32);
    tcg_gen_deposit_i64(cpu_avrl[VT], cpu_avrl[VA], tmp, 0, 32);
Пример #7
int runTests(Epetra_Map & map, Epetra_CrsMatrix & A, Epetra_Vector & x, Epetra_Vector & b, Epetra_Vector & xexact, bool verbose) {

  int ierr = 0;

  // Create MultiVectors and put x, b, xexact in both columns of X, B, and Xexact, respectively.
  Epetra_MultiVector X( map, 2, false );
  Epetra_MultiVector B( map, 2, false );
  Epetra_MultiVector Xexact( map, 2, false );

  for (int i=0; i<X.NumVectors(); ++i) {
    *X(i) = x;
    *B(i) = b;
    *Xexact(i) = xexact;
  double residual;
  std::vector<double> residualmv(2);
  residual = A.NormInf(); double rAInf = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Inf Norm of A                                                     = " << residual << std::endl;
  residual = A.NormOne(); double rAOne = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "One Norm of A                                                     = " << residual << std::endl;
  xexact.Norm2(&residual); double rxx = residual;	
  Xexact.Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rXX( residualmv );	
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of xexact                                                    = " << residual << std::endl;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of Xexact                                                    = (" << residualmv[0] << ", " <<residualmv[1] <<")"<< std::endl;
  Epetra_Vector tmp1(map);
  Epetra_MultiVector tmp1mv(map,2,false);
  A.Multiply(false, xexact, tmp1);
  A.Multiply(false, Xexact, tmp1mv);
  tmp1.Norm2(&residual); double rAx = residual;
  tmp1mv.Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rAX( residualmv );
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of Ax                                                        = " << residual << std::endl;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of AX                                                        = (" << residualmv[0] << ", " << residualmv[1] <<")"<< std::endl;
  b.Norm2(&residual); double rb = residual;
  B.Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rB( residualmv );
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of b (should equal norm of Ax)                               = " << residual << std::endl;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of B (should equal norm of AX)                               = (" << residualmv[0] << ", " << residualmv[1] <<")"<< std::endl;
  tmp1.Update(1.0, b, -1.0);
  tmp1mv.Update(1.0, B, -1.0);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of difference between compute Ax and Ax from file            = " << residual << std::endl;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of difference between compute AX and AX from file            = (" << residualmv[0] << ", " << residualmv[1] <<")"<< std::endl;

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::BlockMapToMatrixMarketFile("Test_map.mm", map, "Official EpetraExt test map", 
						       "This is the official EpetraExt test map generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatrixMarketFile("Test_A.mm", A, "Official EpetraExt test matrix", 
							"This is the official EpetraExt test matrix generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::VectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_x.mm", x, "Official EpetraExt test initial guess", 
						     "This is the official EpetraExt test initial guess generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_mvX.mm", X, "Official EpetraExt test initial guess", 
					      	          "This is the official EpetraExt test initial guess generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::VectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_xexact.mm", xexact, "Official EpetraExt test exact solution", 
						     "This is the official EpetraExt test exact solution generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_mvXexact.mm", Xexact, "Official EpetraExt test exact solution", 
						          "This is the official EpetraExt test exact solution generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::VectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_b.mm", b, "Official EpetraExt test right hand side", 
						     "This is the official EpetraExt test right hand side generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_mvB.mm", B, "Official EpetraExt test right hand side", 
						          "This is the official EpetraExt test right hand side generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatlabFile("Test_mvB.mat", B));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile("Test_A.dat", A));

  Epetra_Map * map1;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * A1; 
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * A2; 
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * A3; 
  Epetra_Vector * x1; 
  Epetra_Vector * b1;
  Epetra_Vector * xexact1;
  Epetra_MultiVector * X1; 
  Epetra_MultiVector * B1;
  Epetra_MultiVector * Xexact1;

  EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMap("Test_map.mm", map.Comm(), map1);

  if (map.SameAs(*map1)) {
    if (verbose) std::cout << "Maps are equal.  In/Out works." << std::endl;
  else {
    if (verbose) std::cout << "Maps are not equal.  In/Out fails." << std::endl;
    ierr += 1;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix("Test_A.mm", *map1, A1));
  // If map is zero-based, then we can compare to the convenient reading versions
  if (map1->IndexBase()==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix("Test_A.mm", map1->Comm(), A2));
  if (map1->IndexBase()==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatlabFileToCrsMatrix("Test_A.dat", map1->Comm(), A3));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToVector("Test_x.mm", *map1, x1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToVector("Test_xexact.mm", *map1, xexact1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToVector("Test_b.mm", *map1, b1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMultiVector("Test_mvX.mm", *map1, X1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMultiVector("Test_mvXexact.mm", *map1, Xexact1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMultiVector("Test_mvB.mm", *map1, B1));

  residual = A1->NormInf(); double rA1Inf = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Inf Norm of A1                                                    = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rA1Inf,rAInf,"Inf Norm of A", verbose);

  residual = A1->NormOne(); double rA1One = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "One Norm of A1                                                    = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rA1One,rAOne,"One Norm of A", verbose);

  xexact1->Norm2(&residual); double rxx1 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of xexact1                                                   = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rxx1,rxx,"Norm of xexact", verbose);

  Xexact1->Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rXX1(residualmv);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of Xexact1                                                   = (" << residualmv[0] <<", " <<residualmv[1]<<")"<< std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rXX1[0],rXX[0],"Norm of Xexact", verbose);
  ierr += checkValues(rXX1[1],rXX[1],"Norm of Xexact", verbose);

  Epetra_Vector tmp11(*map1);
  A1->Multiply(false, *xexact1, tmp11);

  Epetra_MultiVector tmp11mv(*map1,2,false);
  A1->Multiply(false, *Xexact1, tmp11mv);

  tmp11.Norm2(&residual); double rAx1 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A1*x1                                                     = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rAx1,rAx,"Norm of A1*x", verbose);

  tmp11mv.Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rAX1(residualmv);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A1*X1                                                     = (" << residualmv[0] <<", "<<residualmv[1]<<")"<< std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rAX1[0],rAX[0],"Norm of A1*X", verbose);
  ierr += checkValues(rAX1[1],rAX[1],"Norm of A1*X", verbose);

  if (map1->IndexBase()==0) {
    Epetra_Vector tmp12(*map1);
    A2->Multiply(false, *xexact1, tmp12);
    tmp12.Norm2(&residual); double rAx2 = residual;
    if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A2*x1                                                     = " << residual << std::endl;
    ierr += checkValues(rAx2,rAx,"Norm of A2*x", verbose);

    Epetra_Vector tmp13(*map1);
    A3->Multiply(false, *xexact1, tmp13);
    tmp13.Norm2(&residual); double rAx3 = residual;
    if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A3*x1                                                     = " << residual << std::endl;
    ierr += checkValues(rAx3,rAx,"Norm of A3*x", verbose);
  b1->Norm2(&residual); double rb1 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of b1 (should equal norm of Ax)                              = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rb1,rb,"Norm of b", verbose);

  B1->Norm2(&residualmv[0]); std::vector<double> rB1(residualmv);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of B1 (should equal norm of AX)                              = (" << residualmv[0] <<", "<<residualmv[1]<<")"<< std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rB1[0],rB[0],"Norm of B", verbose);
  ierr += checkValues(rB1[1],rB[1],"Norm of B", verbose);

  tmp11.Update(1.0, *b1, -1.0);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of difference between computed A1x1 and A1x1 from file        = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(residual,0.0,"Norm of difference between computed A1x1 and A1x1 from file", verbose);

  tmp11mv.Update(1.0, *B1, -1.0);
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of difference between computed A1X1 and A1X1 from file        = (" << residualmv[0] << ", "<<residualmv[1]<<")"<< std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(residualmv[0],0.0,"Norm of difference between computed A1X1 and A1X1 from file", verbose);
  ierr += checkValues(residualmv[1],0.0,"Norm of difference between computed A1X1 and A1X1 from file", verbose);

  if (map1->IndexBase()==0) {delete A2; delete A3;}
  delete A1;
  delete x1;
  delete b1;
  delete xexact1;
  delete X1;
  delete B1;
  delete Xexact1;
  delete map1;
