Пример #1
static int check_bytes(const ut8 *buf, ut64 length) {
	if (buf && length >= 4) {
		ut32 cls = r_mem_get_num (buf, 4);
		ut32 cls2 = r_mem_get_num (buf + 4, 4);
		if (cls + 4 == length && !cls2) {
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
static int size(RBinFile *arch) {
	ut64 text, data, syms, spsz;
	int big_endian;
	if (!arch->o->info)
		arch->o->info = info (arch);
	big_endian = arch->o->info->big_endian;
	// TODO: reuse section list
	text = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+4, 4, big_endian);
	data = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+8, 4, big_endian);
	syms = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+16, 4, big_endian);
	spsz = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+24, 4, big_endian);
	return text+data+syms+spsz+(6*4);
Пример #3
static ut64 size(RBinFile *bf) {
	ut64 text, data, syms, spsz;
	int big_endian;
	if (!bf->o->info) {
		bf->o->info = info (bf);
	if (!bf->o->info) {
		return 0;
	big_endian = bf->o->info->big_endian;
	// TODO: reuse section list
	text = r_mem_get_num (bf->buf->buf + 4, 4, big_endian);
	data = r_mem_get_num (bf->buf->buf + 8, 4, big_endian);
	syms = r_mem_get_num (bf->buf->buf + 16, 4, big_endian);
	spsz = r_mem_get_num (bf->buf->buf + 24, 4, big_endian);
	return text + data + syms + spsz + (6 * 4);
Пример #4
static ut64 is_pointer(RIOBind *iob, const ut8 *buf, int endian, int size) {
	ut8 buf2[32];
	int ret;
	ut64 n = r_mem_get_num (buf, size, endian);
	if (!n) return 1; // null pointer
	ret = iob->read_at (iob->io, n, buf2, size);
	if (ret != size) return 0;
	return is_invalid (buf2, size)? 0: n;
Пример #5
static RList* sections(RBinFile *arch) {
	RList *ret = NULL;
	RBinSection *ptr = NULL;
	ut64 textsize, datasize, symssize, spszsize, pcszsize;
	ut64 entry0 = findEntry (arch->buf, 0);
	ut64 entry1 = findEntry (arch->buf, 1);
	ut64 entry2 = findEntry (arch->buf, 2);

	if (!(ret = r_list_newf (free))) {
		return NULL;
	// add text segment
	textsize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf + 4, 4);
	if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection))) {
		return ret;
	if (!entry1) {
		entry1 = arch->buf->length;
	strncpy (ptr->name, "init", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
	ptr->size = entry1-entry0;
	ptr->vsize = entry1-entry0;
	ptr->paddr = entry0 + 4;
	ptr->vaddr = entry0;
	r_list_append (ret, ptr);

	if (entry1) {
		if (entry2) {
			if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
				return ret;
			strncpy (ptr->name, "fini", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
			ptr->size = entry2-entry1;
			ptr->vsize = entry2-entry1;
			ptr->paddr = entry1 + 4;
			ptr->vaddr = entry1;
			r_list_append (ret, ptr);
		} else {
			entry2 = entry1;
	if (entry2) {
		if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
			return ret;
		strncpy (ptr->name, "text", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
		ptr->size = arch->buf->length - entry2;
		ptr->vsize = arch->buf->length - entry2;
		ptr->paddr = entry2 + 4;
		ptr->vaddr = entry2;
		r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	return ret;
Пример #6
static ut64 is_pointer(RIOBind *iob, const ut8 *buf, int endian, int size) {
	ut8 buf2[32];
	int ret;
	if (size > sizeof (buf2))
		size = sizeof (buf2);
	ut64 n = r_mem_get_num (buf, size, endian);
	if (!n) return 1; // null pointer

	// optimization to ignore very low and very high pointers
	// this makes disasm 5x faster, but can result in some false positives
	if (n<0x1000) return 0; // probably wrong
	if (n>0xffffffffffff) return 0; // probably wrong

	ret = iob->read_at (iob->io, n, buf2, size);
	if (ret != size) return 0;
	return is_invalid (buf2, size)? 0: n;
Пример #7
static ut64 is_pointer(RIOBind *iob, const ut8 *buf, int endian, int size) {
	ut64 n;
	ut8 buf2[32];
	int ret;
	if (size > sizeof (buf2))
		size = sizeof (buf2);
	n = r_mem_get_num (buf, size, endian);
	if (!n) return 1; // null pointer

	// optimization to ignore very low and very high pointers
	// this makes disasm 5x faster, but can result in some false positives
	// we should compare with current offset, to avoid
	// short/long references. and discard invalid ones
	if (n<0x1000) return 0; // probably wrong
	if (n>0xffffffffffffLL) return 0; // probably wrong

	ret = iob->read_at (iob->io, n, buf2, size);
	if (ret != size) return 0;
	return is_invalid (buf2, size)? 0: n;
Пример #8
static ut64 is_pointer(RAnal *anal, const ut8 *buf, int size) {
	ut64 n;
	ut8 buf2[32];
	RIOBind *iob = &anal->iob;
	if (size > sizeof (buf2))
		size = sizeof (buf2);
	n = r_mem_get_num (buf, size);
	if (!n) return 1; // null pointer
	int r = iob->is_valid_offset (iob->io, n, 0);
	return r? n: 0LL;
	// optimization to ignore very low and very high pointers
	// this makes disasm 5x faster, but can result in some false positives
	// we should compare with current offset, to avoid
	// short/long references. and discard invalid ones
	if (n < 0x1000) return 0;	// probably wrong
	if (n > 0xffffffffffffLL) return 0; // probably wrong

	if (iob->read_at (iob->io, n, buf2, size) != size) return 0;
	return is_invalid (buf2, size)? 0: n;
Пример #9
static int is_number (const ut8 *buf, int endian, int size) {
	ut64 n = r_mem_get_num (buf, size, endian);
	return (n<UT32_MAX)? (int)n: 0;
Пример #10
static RList* sections(RBinFile *arch) {
	RList *ret = NULL;
	RBinSection *ptr = NULL;
	ut64 textsize, datasize, symssize, spszsize, pcszsize;
	int big_endian = arch->o->info->big_endian;

	if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
		return NULL;
	ret->free = free;

	// add text segment
	textsize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+4, 4, big_endian);
	if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
		return ret;
	strncpy (ptr->name, "text", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
	ptr->size = textsize;
	ptr->vsize = textsize + (textsize%4096);
	ptr->paddr = 8*4;
	ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr;
	ptr->srwx = 5; // r-x
	r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	// add data segment
	datasize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+8, 4, big_endian);
	if (datasize>0) {
		if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
			return ret;
		strncpy (ptr->name, "data", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
		ptr->size = datasize;
		ptr->vsize = datasize + (datasize%4096);
		ptr->paddr = textsize+(8*4);
		ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr;
		ptr->srwx = 6; // rw-
		r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	// ignore bss or what
	// add syms segment
	symssize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+16, 4, big_endian);
	if (symssize) {
		if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
			return ret;
		strncpy (ptr->name, "syms", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
		ptr->size = symssize;
		ptr->vsize = symssize + (symssize%4096);
		ptr->paddr = datasize+textsize+(8*4);
		ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr;
		ptr->srwx = 4; // r--
		r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	// add spsz segment
	spszsize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+24, 4, big_endian);
	if (spszsize) {
		if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
			return ret;
		strncpy (ptr->name, "spsz", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
		ptr->size = spszsize;
		ptr->vsize = spszsize + (spszsize%4096);
		ptr->paddr = symssize+datasize+textsize+(8*4);
		ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr;
		ptr->srwx = 4; // r--
		r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	// add pcsz segment
	pcszsize = r_mem_get_num (arch->buf->buf+24, 4, big_endian);
	if (pcszsize) {
		if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
			return ret;
		strncpy (ptr->name, "pcsz", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
		ptr->size = pcszsize;
		ptr->vsize = pcszsize + (pcszsize%4096);
		ptr->paddr = spszsize+symssize+datasize+textsize+(8*4);
		ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr;
		ptr->srwx = 4; // r--
		r_list_append (ret, ptr);
	return ret;