Пример #1
double computeCoeffs(struct Complex** c, int nTerms, int mid, double stddev)
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < nTerms; i++)
		for (j = mid; j < nTerms; j++)
			c[i][j].real = randGauss(0, stddev);
			c[i][j].imag = randGauss(0, stddev);
			c[2*mid-i][2*mid-j].real = c[i][j].real;
			c[2*mid-i][2*mid-j].imag = -c[i][j].imag;
    c[mid][mid].real = randGauss(0, 2*stddev*stddev);
	c[mid][mid].imag = 0.0;
Пример #2
void NewDev2Population::updatePopulation()
    //normalize dapVals
    int tempI = 0;
    double tempD = 0;
    double tempD2 = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDSize ; ++i)
        tempD += mDAPValues[i];
    if(tempD == 0) tempD = 1;

    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDSize ; ++i)
        mDAPValues[i] = mDAPValues[i] / tempD; //scale values to sum to 1

    tempI = mSize - mDSize;//tempI = pool size
    mPoolIndices[0] = 0;
    for(int i = 1 ; i <= mDSize ; ++i)
        mPoolIndices[i] = mPoolIndices[i-1] + floor(mDAPValues[i-1] * tempI) + 1;
    mPoolIndices[mDSize] = mSize;

    double* tempPm = new double[mDim];
    double* tempMean = new double[mDim];
    double* tempVariance = new double[mDim];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDim ; ++i)
        tempMean[i] = 0;
        for(int j = 0 ; j < mDSize ; ++j)
            tempMean[i] += mDPositions[(j*mDim) + i];
        tempMean[i] /= mDSize;

    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDim ; ++i)
        tempVariance[i] = 0;
        for(int j = 0 ; j < mDSize ; ++j)
            tempVariance[i] += (mDPositions[(j*mDim) + i] - tempMean[i]) * (mDPositions[(j*mDim) + i] - tempMean[i]);
        tempVariance[i] = sqrt(tempVariance[i]) / mDSize;
        //tempVariance[i] /= mDSize;

    bool pointsEqual = false;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDSize ; ++i) //Generate points
        pointsEqual = (i==mBestPointIndex);
            for(int j = 0 ; j < mDim ; ++j)
                if(!(mDPositions[(i * mDim) + j] == mDPositions[( mBestPointIndex * mDim ) + j]))
                    pointsEqual = false;

        for(int j = 0 ; j < mDim ; ++j)
            tempPm[j] = (mDPositions[(i * mDim) + j] + mDPositions[( mBestPointIndex * mDim ) + j]) / 2;

            tempD = mDPositions[(i * mDim) + j] - mDPositions[( mBestPointIndex * mDim ) + j];

                tempD = tempVariance[j];

            for( int k = mPoolIndices[i] ; k < mPoolIndices[i + 1] ; ++k)
                 mPositions[(k * mDim) + j] = tempPm[j] + (randGauss() * tempD);

                if(mPositions[(k * mDim) + j] > mBounds[mDim + j])
                    mPositions[(k * mDim) + j] = mBounds[mDim + j];
                else if(mPositions[(k * mDim) + j] < mBounds[j])
                    mPositions[(k * mDim) + j] = mBounds[j];


    for(int i = 0 ; i < mSize ; ++i)// evaluate points
        mOptFunc->evaluate(&(mPositions[i * mDim]), mValues[i]);

    int bestInd;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < mDSize ; ++i) //update points
        bestInd = -1;

        mDAPValues[i] = 0;

        for( int k = mPoolIndices[i] ; k < mPoolIndices[i + 1] ; ++k)
            //mDAPValues[i] += mValues[k];
            if(mValues[k] < mDValues[i])
                if(mValues[k] < mDValues[mBestPointIndex])
                    mBestPointIndex = i;
                bestInd = k;
                mDValues[i] = mValues[k];
                mDAPValues[i] = mDValues[i];
        //mDAPValues[i] /= (double)(mPoolIndices[i + 1]-mPoolIndices[i]);

        if(bestInd != -1)
            for(int j = 0 ; j < mDim ; ++j)
                mDPositions[(i*mDim) + j] = mPositions[(bestInd * mDim) + j];



    delete[] tempPm;
    delete[] tempMean;
    delete[] tempVariance;