Пример #1
void cross()
	int i , j , k ;
	int mask1 , mask2;
	int a[SUM];
	for(i = 0 ; i < SUM ; i++)  a[i] = 0;
	k = 0;
	for(i = 0 ; i < SUM ; i++)
		if( a[i] == 0)
			for( ; ; )//随机找到一组未进行过交叉的染色体与a[i]交叉
   				j = randbit(i + 1 , SUM - 1);
				if( a[j] == 0)	break;
			if(randsign(crossp) == 1)		//按照crossp的概率对选择的染色体进行交叉操作 
				mask1 = createmask(randbit(0 , 14));		//由ranbit选择交叉位 
				mask2 = ~mask1;				//形成一个类似 111000 000111之类的二进制码编码 
				gen_new[k].info = (gen_group[i].info) & mask1 + (gen_group[j].info) & mask2;
				gen_new[k+1].info=(gen_group[i].info) & mask2 + (gen_group[j].info) & mask1;
				k = k + 2;
			else 		//不进行交叉 
			a[i] = a[j] = 1;
Пример #2
// 1>随机选择将要进行交叉的染色体对,保证种群中的每个染色体都有唯一一次交叉的机会
// 2>按crossp的概率对选择的染色体对进行交叉操作
// 3>未进行交叉的染色体直接复制作为子染色体
void cross() { // 将父种群按概率crossp做交叉操作
  int i, j, k;
  int mask1, mask2;
  int a[SUM];
  for (i = 0; i < SUM; i++) a[i] = 0;
  k = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < SUM; i++) {
    if (a[i] == 0) {
      for ( ; ; ) {   // 随机找到一组未进行过交叉的染色体与a[i]交叉
        j = randbit(i + 1, SUM - 1);
        if (a[j] == 0) break;
      if (randsign(crossp) == 1) {
        mask1 = createmask(randbit(0, 14));
        mask2 = -mask1;
        gen_new[k].info = (gen_group[i].info) & mask1 + (gen_group[j].info) & mask2;
        gen_new[k + 1].info = (gen_group[i].info) & mask2 + (gen_group[j].info) & mask1;
        k = k + 2;
      } else {
        gen_new[k].info = gen_group[i].info;
        gen_new[k + 1].info = gen_group[j].info;
        k = k + 2;
      a[i] = a[j] = 1;
Пример #3
static void testutil_newrand(const size_t bit_sz, const unsigned int seed) {
  // If we somehow managed to avoid freeing test_bitarray after a previous
  // test, go free it now.
  if (test_bitarray != NULL) {

  test_bitarray = bitarray_new(bit_sz);
  assert(test_bitarray != NULL);

  // Reseed the RNG with whatever we were passed; this ensures that we can
  // repeat the test deterministically by specifying the same seed.

  for (size_t i = 0; i < bit_sz; i++) {
    bitarray_set(test_bitarray, i, randbit());

  // If we were asked to be verbose, go ahead and show the bit array and
  // the random seed.
  if (test_verbose) {
    bitarray_fprint(stdout, test_bitarray);
    fprintf(stdout, " newrand sz=%zu, seed=%u\n",
            bit_sz, seed);
Пример #4
void mutation() {
  int i, j, m;
  int gentinfo;
  float x;
  float cmp;
  float gentsuitability;
  cmp = 1 - pow (1 - mp, 11); // 基因变异概率为mp时染色体中有基因发生变异的概率

  for (i = 0; i < SUM; i++) {
    if (randsign(cmp) == 1) {
      j = randbit(0, 14);
      m = 1 << j;
      gen_group[i].info = gen_group[i].info ^ m;
      x = convertionB2D(gen_group[i].info);
      x = x * (x * (x * (x * (x * (x - 10) - 26) + 344) + 193) - 1846) - 1680;
      gen_group[i].suitability = x;
  for (i = 0; i < SUM - 1; i++) {
    for (j = i + 1; j < SUM; j++) {
      if (gen_group[i].suitability > gen_group[j].suitability) {
        gentinfo = gen_group[i].info;
        gen_group[i].info = gen_group[j].info;
        gen_group[j].info = gentinfo;
        gentsuitability = gen_group[i].suitability;
        gen_group[i].suitability = gen_group[j].suitability;
        gen_group[j].suitability = gentsuitability;
Пример #5
/* Create a new bitarray in test_ba of the specified size and fill it with random data based on the
seed given. For a given seed number, the pseudorandom data will be the same (at least on the same
glibc implementation). */
static void testutil_newrand(size_t bit_sz, unsigned int seed) {
  size_t i;
  if (test_ba != NULL)
  test_ba = bitarray_new(bit_sz);
  assert(test_ba != NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < bit_sz; i++)
    bool temp = randbit() ;
    bitarray_set(test_ba, i, temp);
  if (test_verbose) {
    bitarray_fprint(stdout, test_ba);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    fprintf(stdout, " newrand sz=%llu, seed=%u\n", (unsigned long long) bit_sz, seed);
Пример #6
void mutation()
	int i , j , m;
	float x;
	float gmp;
	int gentinfo;
	float gentsuitability;
	gmp = 1 - pow(1 - mp , 11);//在基因变异概率为mp时整条染色体的变异概率
	for(i = 0 ; i < SUM ; i++)
		if(randsign(gmp) == 1)
			j = randbit(0 , 14);
			m = 1 << j;
			gen_group[i].info = gen_group[i].info^m;
			x = convertionB2D(gen_group[i].info);
			gen_group[i].suitability = x*(x*(x*(x*(x*(x-10)-26)+344)+193)-1846)-1680;
	for(i = 0 ; i < SUM - 1 ; i++)
		for(j = i + 1 ; j < SUM ; j++)
			if(gen_group[i].suitability > gen_group[j].suitability)
				gentinfo = gen_group[i].info;
				gen_group[i].info = gen_group[j].info;
				gen_group[j].info = gentinfo;
				gentsuitability = gen_group[i].suitability;
				gen_group[i].suitability = gen_group[j].suitability;
				gen_group[j].suitability = gentsuitability;