static void display(void) { glClearColor(randf(), randf(), randf(), 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
glm::mat4 randMat() { float theta = randf(-PI / 2, PI / 2), phi = randf(0.0f, 2 * PI); glm::mat4 rotation = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0), phi, glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); rotation = glm::rotate(rotation, theta, glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); return rotation; }
void Server::broadcastFaultyData(const char* data, unsigned int size) { packetNumber++; // lose messages every so often if (randf() * 100 < m_packetlossPercentage) return; // delay messages every so often if (randf() * 100 < m_delayPercentage) { DelayedBroadcast* b = new DelayedBroadcast; b->stream.Write((RakNet::MessageID)GameMessages::ID_ENTITY_LIST); b->stream.Write(size); b->stream.Write(packetNumber); b->stream.Write(data, size); float delay = randf() * m_delayRange; b->delayMicroseconds = (double)(delay * 1000.0 * 1000.0); m_delayedMessages.push_back(b); } else { // just send the stream RakNet::BitStream stream; stream.Write((RakNet::MessageID)GameMessages::ID_ENTITY_LIST); stream.Write(size); stream.Write(packetNumber); stream.Write(data, size); sendBitStream(&stream); } }
void FlowShower::update() { scale += (scaleb - scale) * 0.1; if (game->isMiddleDown() && !painting) { viewX = pressViewX + (pressX - float(game->getMouseX()) / float(game->getResY())) / scale; viewY = pressViewY - (pressY - float(game->getMouseY()) / float(game->getResY())) / scale; } inkNew+=0.1f; while(inkNew>=1.0f) { inkNew-=1.0f; inkRed=inkRedNew; inkGreen=inkGreenNew; inkBlue=inkBlueNew; inkRedNew=randf(1.0f); inkGreenNew=randf(1.0f); inkBlueNew=randf(1.0f); } clock_t curentClock = clock(); /*if (lastClock != 0 || dt != 0) dt = float(curentClock - lastClock) / 1000.0f;*/ lastClock = curentClock; }
void Tile::Init(float roughness) { // Zufallsgenerator initialisieren srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); // x- und z-Koordinaten berechnen. // Das Wurzel-Tile ersteckt sich entlang der x- und z-Achse immer im Bereich // [-2.5, 2.5] int i = 0; for (int y = 0; y < size_; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < size_; ++x, ++i) { vertices_[i].x = x * 5.0f / (size_ - 1) - 2.5f; vertices_[i].z = y * 5.0f / (size_ - 1) - 2.5f; } } // Ecken mit Zufallshöhenwerten initialisieren int block_size = size_ - 1; vertices_[I(0, 0)].y = randf(); vertices_[I(0, block_size)].y = randf(); vertices_[I(block_size, 0)].y = randf(); vertices_[I(block_size, block_size)].y = randf(); // Verfeinerungsschritte durchführen bis sämtliche Werte berechnet sind while (block_size > 1) { Refine(block_size, roughness); block_size = block_size / 2; } }
static inline float RandFloat(const float min, const float max) { // we work with large floats here (1e22 etc.) we cannot blend them without overflows, so do it a bit differently if (rand() & 1) { return max * randf(); } return min * randf(); }
void metro(double *m, double *T) /*Metropolitan algorithm*/ { int i, x, y, xdown, xup, ydown, yup, sum; double deltaE; for (i = 0; i < LX*LY; i++) { x = randf()*LX; /* Choose a random coordinate in the lattice */ y = randf()*LY; xup = (x + 1)%LX; /*determine neighbor sites, with periodic BCs */ xdown = (x + LX - 1)%LX; yup = (y + 1)%LY; ydown = (y + LY - 1)%LY; /*compute the sum of the spins of sites neighboring coordinate*/ sum = spin[xdown][y] + spin[xup][y] + spin[x][yup] + spin[x][ydown]; /*compute change in energy if spin is flipped at coordinate*/ deltaE = 2.0*J*spin[x][y]*sum/(*T); if (randf() < exp(-deltaE)) /* decide if flip is accepted*/ { *m -= 2.0*spin[x][y]/(LX*LY); /*flip spin and compute m*/ spin[x][y] *= -1; } } }
void generateRandomPyrFrustums( int n, float minFOV, float maxFOV, float minNear, float maxNear, float minFar, float maxFar, float minAspectRatio, float maxAspectRatio, float minPosX, float maxPosX, float minPosY, float maxPosY, float minPosZ, float maxPosZ, float minRotX, float maxRotX, float minRotY, float maxRotY, float minRotZ, float maxRotZ, std::vector<glPyramidalFrustum>& list ) { for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { float FOV = minFOV + randf()*( maxFOV - minFOV ); float Near = minNear + randf()*( maxNear - minNear ); float Far = minFar + randf()*( maxFar - minFar ); float AspectRatio = minAspectRatio + randf()*( maxAspectRatio - minAspectRatio ); float PosX = minPosX + randf()*( maxPosX - minPosX ); float PosY = minPosY + randf()*( maxPosY - minPosY ); float PosZ = minPosZ + randf()*( maxPosZ - minPosZ ); float RotX = minRotX + randf()*( maxRotX - minRotX ); float RotY = minRotY + randf()*( maxRotY - minRotY ); float RotZ = minRotZ + randf()*( maxRotZ - minRotZ ); glPyramidalFrustum f(FOV, Near, Far, AspectRatio, glVector4f(PosX, PosY, PosZ, 0), RotX, RotY, RotZ ); list.push_back( f ); } }
void cart_rnd_star(int id) { float x = randf(2.0)-1.0; float y = randf(2.0)-1.0; stars[id][0] = sqrtf(x*x+y*y); stars[id][1] = atan2(y,x); }
PowerUp::PowerUp(float x, float y, int type) : SPIN_SPEED(0.002f) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->type = type; dx = randf(0.5f, 1.2f); dy = randf(0.5f, 1.2f); radius = 16; isDestructable = false; hp = 1; da = (rand() % 2) ? -SPIN_SPEED : SPIN_SPEED; ResourceManager& rm = ResourceManager::getInstance(); switch (type) { case POWERUP_LIFE: bitmap = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP *)rm.getData(RES_LIFEPOWERUP); break; default: type = POWERUP_WEAPON; bitmap = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP *)rm.getData(RES_WEAPONPOWERUP); break; } }
//get trigger position/volume relative to sound rects for single grain voice void GrainClusterVis::getTriggerPos(unsigned int idx, double * playPos, double * playVol,float theDur) { bool trigger = false; SoundRect * theRect = NULL; if (idx < myGrainsV->size()){ GrainVis * theGrain = myGrainsV->at(idx); //TODO: motion models //updateGrainPosition(idx,gcX + randf()*50.0 + randf()*(-50.0),gcY + randf()*50.0 + randf()*(-50.0)); updateGrainPosition(idx,gcX + (randf()*xRandExtent - randf()*xRandExtent),gcY + (randf()*yRandExtent - randf()*yRandExtent)); for (int i = 0; i < theLandscape->size(); i++) { theRect = theLandscape->at(i); bool tempTrig = false; tempTrig = theRect->getNormedPosition(playPos,playVol,theGrain->getX(),theGrain->getY(),i); if (tempTrig == true) trigger = true; // cout << "playvol: " << *playPos << ", playpos: " << *playVol << endl; } if (trigger == true){ theGrain->trigger(theDur); } } }
void setup(){ map.init( 16, 14, 0.2 ); printf( " %f \n", map.invStep ); /* Point2D* p = new Point2D( { 10.8, 13.9 } ); printf( " p: %f %f \n",p->x,p->y ); int ix,iy; map.boxIndex( p, ix, iy ); printf( " ix,iy: %i %i \n",ix,iy ); */ for (int i=0; i<1000; i++){ Point2D* p = new Point2D( { randf(0,2), randf(0,2) } ); map.insert( p ); //printf( " i:i0,ii,i0s[ii] %i: %i %i %i \n", i, i0, ii, map.i0s[ii] ); }; map.makeStatic(); }
TestApp::TestApp( int& id, int WIDTH_, int HEIGHT_ ) : AppSDL2OGL( id, WIDTH_, HEIGHT_ ) { //int power = 8; int nside = 5; //int power = 11; int nside = 20; int power = 16; int nside = 300; //int power = 20; int nside = 400; //int power = 24; int nside = 1500; npoints = 4*nside*nside; points = new Vec2d[npoints]; map.init( 0.5f, power ); printf( "map: %i %i %i %i \n", map.power, map.mask, map.capacity, map.filled ); int i = 0; for( int iy=-nside+1; iy<nside; iy++ ){ for( int ix=-nside+1; ix<nside; ix++ ){ i++; points[ i ].set( ( ix + randf() ) * map.step, ( iy + randf() ) * map.step ); //map.insertNoTest( &(points[i]), points[i].x, points[i].y ); map.insertIfNew( &(points[i]), points[i].x, points[i].y ); //printf( " insering (%i,%i) %i (%3.3f,%3.3f) \n", ix, iy, i, points[i].x, points[i].y ); }; }; printf( "map: %i %i %i %i \n", map.power, map.mask, map.capacity, map.filled ); hist.init( 20, 0, 20 ); for( int i=0; i<map.capacity; i++ ){ hist.insert( map.fields[i].n + 0.5 ); } printf( "now comes printHistogram( hist );\n" ); printHistogram( hist ); }
void random_points(point ps[], int count, double min, double max, bool integer) { std::set<std::pair<int, int>> points_set; if (integer) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { bool unique = true; int x, y; do { x = (int)round(min + (max - min) * randf()); y = (int)round(min + (max - min) * randf()); if (points_set.find(std::make_pair(x, y)) != points_set.end()) unique = false; } while (!unique); ps[i] = point(x, y); points_set.insert(std::make_pair(x, y)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) ps[i] = point(min + (max - min) * randf(), min + (max - min) * randf()); } }
Path SplineGenerator::makeBezier(int points, int nodes, int seed) { srand(seed); Path path; int minDist = 0.35355; std::cout << "MinDist: " << minDist << std::endl; Vector2d start(randf(),0); Vector2d end(randf(),1); for (int node=0 ; node < nodes ; ++node) { Vector2d p0 = start; Vector2d p1(randf(), randf()); // Vector2d p1(rand()%w,rand()%h); Vector2d p2(randf(), randf()); Vector2d p3(randf(), randf()); while(p3.getDistance(p1)<minDist) { p3.x = randf(); p3.y = randf(); } int pointsPerNode = points / nodes; for (int x=0; x<pointsPerNode;++x) { float t = x/float(pointsPerNode); Vector2d res= calculateBezierPoint(t,p0,p1,p2,p3); path.push_back(res); } start = p3; } //do last link // Vector2d p0 = start; // Vector2d p1(rand()%w,rand()%h); // Vector2d p2(rand()%w,rand()%h); // Vector2d p3 = end; // for (int x=0; x<steps;++x) // { // float t = x/float(steps); // Vector2d res= calculateBezierPoint(t,p0,p1,p2,p3); // if (x!=0) // { // out << t << "\t" << res.x <<"\t" << res.y << std::endl; // } // else // { // out << t << "\t" << res.x <<"\t" << res.y << "\t" << start.x << "\t" << start.y << std::endl; // } // } //end test for bezier curving return path; }
static void startup_scene() { // generate random starfield for ( int i=0; i < NUM_STARS; ++i ) { star[i] = vec( randf(), randf(), randf() ).unit() * 2.0f; } }
void shake(void) { shakeUpdateCount = SHAKE_TIME; bgx = randf(0.0f, 8.0f); bgy = randf(0.0f, 8.0f); if (rand() % 2) bgx = -bgx; if (rand() % 2) bgy = -bgy; }
glm::vec3 spawn() { glm::vec3 cand; do { cand = glm::vec3(randf(-10.0f, 10.0f), 2.0f, randf(-10.0f, 10.0f)); } while (glm::length(circleCollision(cand, MINE_RADIUS, 4, true, true)) > 0.0f); return cand; }
void collision(vector2f & vel,double&omega,double theta) { double alpha=randf(); double beta=randf()*M_PI; double; omega+=12*(alpha-0.5)*v*beta/1000; vel+=v*cos(beta)/1000000*vector2f(cos(theta),sin(theta)); }
Gene Gene::createRandomSynapseGene(int nNeurons) { GeneSynapse g; g.from.set(randi(nNeurons-1));; g.weight.set(randf()*0.2f); g.priority.set(randf()*10); return g; }
void matrices2quats( int n ){ glBegin ( GL_POINTS ); for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ){ Mat3f M; M.fromRand( {randf(),randf(),randf()} ); Quat4f q; q.fromMatrix(M); glVertex3f( (float)q.x, (float)q.y, (float)q.z ); } glEnd(); }
/// Returns a random vector within a cube /// \return Random vector distributed within a cube Vector3 ParticleUtil::getRandVecSolidCube() { float x = 2.0f * (randf() - 0.5f), y = 2.0f * (randf() - 0.5f), z = 2.0f * (randf() - 0.5f); return Vector3(x, y, z); }
void MathInterface::functionRnd(void) { float high = cb->popValue().toFloat(); float low = cb->popValue().toFloat(); if (high < low) { cb->pushValue(randf() * low); return; } cb->pushValue(low + (randf() * (high - low))); }
void MultiFight3DWorld::fireProjectile( Warrior3D * w ) { Projectile3D * p = new Projectile3D(); p->vel.set_mul( w->gun_rot, 10.0 ); p->vel.add( w->vel ); p->vel.add( { randf(-0.1,0.1), randf(-0.1,0.1), randf(-0.1,0.1) } ); p->pos.set( w->pos ); p->pos.add_mul( w->gun_rot, 5.0 ); projectiles.push_back( p ); };
void Tile::Refine(int block_size, float roughness) { int block_size_h = block_size/2; float offset_factor = roughness * block_size / size_; for (int y = block_size_h; y < size_; y += block_size) { for (int x = block_size_h; x < size_; x += block_size) { // Lookup der umliegenden Höhenwerte (-); o ist Position (x, y) // - - // o // - - float nw = vertices_[I(x - block_size_h, y - block_size_h)].y; float ne = vertices_[I(x + block_size_h, y - block_size_h)].y; float sw = vertices_[I(x - block_size_h, y + block_size_h)].y; float se = vertices_[I(x + block_size_h, y + block_size_h)].y; // Berechnung der neuen Höhenwerte (+) // - + - // + + // - - float center = (nw + ne + sw + se) / 4 + offset_factor * randf(); vertices_[I(x, y)].y = center; float n = nw + ne + center; if (y > block_size_h) { n += vertices_[I(x, y - block_size)].y; n /= 4; } else { n /= 3; } vertices_[I(x, y - block_size_h)].y = n + offset_factor * randf(); float w = nw + sw + center; if (x > block_size_h) { w += vertices_[I(x - block_size, y)].y; w /= 4; } else { w /= 3; } vertices_[I(x - block_size_h, y)].y = w + offset_factor * randf(); // Edge cases: Berechnung neuer Höhenwerte am rechten bzw. unteren Rand // - - // + // - + - if (x == size_ - 1 - block_size_h) { vertices_[I(x + block_size_h, y)].y = (ne + se + center) / 3 + offset_factor * randf(); } if (y == size_ - 1 - block_size_h) { vertices_[I(x, y + block_size_h)].y = (sw + se + center) / 3 + offset_factor * randf(); } } } }
void params_test() { float bestScore = MAX_FLOAT; float bestC1 = 0.0f; float bestC2 = 0.0f; float bestOMEGA = 0.0f; int bestREHOPE = 0; int bestIndex = -1; const int CHECKS = 20; const int MEAN = 20; // i sprawdzen losowych wartosci for(int i=0; i<CHECKS; i++) { std::cout << "Check " << i + 1 << " of " << CHECKS << std::endl; float C1 = randf(-1.9f, 1.9f); float C2 = randf(-1.9f, 1.9f); float OMEGA = randf(-1.9f, 1.9f); int REHOPE = ((rand() % 50) + 1) * 10; float avScore = 0.0f; float avScoreSA = 0.0f; float avScoreRS = 0.0f; // usrednienie dla j grafow for(int j=0; j<MEAN; j++) { Graph g(20, 1.0f, 10.0f); PSO::TspSwarm swarm(&g, g.V(), C1, C2, OMEGA, REHOPE); SA::SimulatedAnnealing sa(&g); RS::RandomSearch rnd(&g); swarm.compute(false); sa.compute(false); rnd.compute(false); avScore += swarm.getBestCost(); avScoreSA += sa.getBestCost(); avScoreRS += rnd.getBestCost(); } avScore /= static_cast<float>(MEAN); avScoreSA /= static_cast<float>(MEAN); avScoreRS /= static_cast<float>(MEAN); std::cout << "Average score (" << MEAN << " checks): " << avScore << " (SA: " << avScoreSA << ", RS: " << avScoreRS << ")" << std::endl; if(avScore - avScoreSA < bestScore) { bestIndex = i + 1; bestScore = avScore - avScoreSA; bestC1 = C1; bestC2 = C2; bestOMEGA = OMEGA; bestREHOPE = REHOPE; } } std::cout << "Best index: " << bestIndex << std::endl; std::cout << "Best C1: " << bestC1 << std::endl; std::cout << "Best C2: " << bestC2 << std::endl; std::cout << "Best OMEGA: " << bestOMEGA << std::endl; std::cout << "Best REHOPE: " << bestREHOPE << std::endl; same_graphs_test(bestC1, bestC2, bestOMEGA, bestREHOPE); }
// Helper function to keep code base small void smatrixf_mul_bench(struct rusage * _start, struct rusage * _finish, unsigned long int * _num_iterations, unsigned int _n) { // normalize number of iterations // time ~ _n ^ 3 *_num_iterations /= _n * _n * _n; if (*_num_iterations < 1) *_num_iterations = 1; unsigned long int i; // generate random matrices smatrixf a = smatrixf_create(_n, _n); smatrixf b = smatrixf_create(_n, _n); smatrixf c = smatrixf_create(_n, _n); // number of random non-zero entries unsigned int nnz = _n / 20 < 4 ? 4 : _n / 20; // initialize _a for (i=0; i<nnz; i++) { unsigned int row = rand() % _n; unsigned int col = rand() % _n; float value = randf(); smatrixf_set(a, row, col, value); } // initialize _b for (i=0; i<nnz; i++) { unsigned int row = rand() % _n; unsigned int col = rand() % _n; float value = randf(); smatrixf_set(b, row, col, value); } // initialize c with first multiplication smatrixf_mul(a,b,c); // start trials getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _start); for (i=0; i<(*_num_iterations); i++) { smatrixf_mul(a,b,c); smatrixf_mul(a,b,c); smatrixf_mul(a,b,c); smatrixf_mul(a,b,c); } getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _finish); *_num_iterations *= 4; // free smatrix objects smatrixf_destroy(a); smatrixf_destroy(b); smatrixf_destroy(c); }
//call after type or subtype changes static bool update_mech(struct Mech &m) { class MechAttribute* ma = get_mech_attributes(m.type); m.render_type = ma->render_type; float size = get_mech_size(m.type); m.rotation = 0.0f; m.offset = 0; m.offset_x = 0.0f; m.offset_y = 0.0f; switch (ma->class_type) { case MECH_CRYSTAL: //do something //m.render_type = ma->render_type; m.rotation = 0.25f*(rand()%4) + 0.25f*randf()/3; //m.rotation = 0.0f; m.offset = rand()%255; //m.subtype = rand()%6; m.offset_x = (randf()-0.5f)* (1.0f-size); m.offset_y = (randf()-0.5f)* (1.0f-size); m.offset_x = 0.0f; m.offset_y = 0.0f; break; case MECH_CROP: case MECH_MYCELIUM: break; case MECH_SIGN: break; case MECH_WALL_OBJECT: m.rotation = 0.0f; m.offset = 0; m.offset_x = 0.0f; m.offset_y = 0.0f; break; case MECH_WIRE: case MECH_SWITCH: case NULL_MECH_CLASS: GS_ASSERT(false); return false; } = get_mech_center(m); return true; }
void SimulationManager::createMarkerParticles() { ASSERT(SIMULATION->markerParticles.size() == 0, "No particles have been created already"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MARKER_PARTICLES; ++i) { MarkerParticle* markerParticle = new MarkerParticle(); markerParticle->position = glm::vec3(randf() * g_initialCubeSize, 2.0f + randf() * g_initialCubeSize, randf() * g_initialCubeSize); SIMULATION->markerParticles.push_back(markerParticle); } this->initShaderAttributeVectors(); }
int Test(std::vector<int>& testMap, CRectangleOptimizer& ro) { //! clear testMap testMap.resize(size * size, 0); //! create random rectangles ro.clear(); for (int i=0; i<count_rects; ++i) { SRectangle r(0,0,0,0); r.x1 = randf() * (size-1); r.z1 = randf() * (size-1); r.x2 = randf() * (size-1); r.z2 = randf() * (size-1); if (r.x1 > r.x2) std::swap(r.x1, r.x2); if (r.z1 > r.z2) std::swap(r.z1, r.z2); ro.push_back(r); } //! fill testMap with original areas for (CRectangleOptimizer::iterator it = ro.begin(); it != ro.end(); ++it) { const SRectangle& rect = *it; for (int z=rect.z1; z<rect.z2; ++z) { //FIXME <= for (int x=rect.x1; x<rect.x2; ++x) { //FIXME <= testMap[z * size + x] = 1; } } } //! optimize ro.Optimize(); //! fill testMap with optimized for (CRectangleOptimizer::iterator it = ro.begin(); it != ro.end(); ++it) { const SRectangle& rect = *it; for (int z=rect.z1; z<rect.z2; ++z) { //FIXME <= for (int x=rect.x1; x<rect.x2; ++x) { //FIXME <= testMap[z * size + x] -= 1; } } } //! check if we have overlapping or missing areas int sum = 0; for (int y=0; y<size; ++y) { for (int x=0; x<size; ++x) { sum += testMap[y * size + x]; } } //! sum should be zero //! in case of <0: the optimized rectangles still overlap //! in case of >0: the optimized rectangles don't cover the same area as the unoptimized did return sum; }