void KeePass2Writer::writeDatabase(QIODevice* device, Database* db) { m_error = false; m_errorStr.clear(); QByteArray masterSeed = randomGen()->randomArray(32); QByteArray encryptionIV = randomGen()->randomArray(16); QByteArray protectedStreamKey = randomGen()->randomArray(32); QByteArray startBytes = randomGen()->randomArray(32); QByteArray endOfHeader = "\r\n\r\n"; CryptoHash hash(CryptoHash::Sha256); hash.addData(masterSeed); Q_ASSERT(!db->transformedMasterKey().isEmpty()); hash.addData(db->transformedMasterKey()); QByteArray finalKey = hash.result(); QBuffer header; header.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); m_device = &header; CHECK_RETURN(writeData(Endian::int32ToBytes(KeePass2::SIGNATURE_1, KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeData(Endian::int32ToBytes(KeePass2::SIGNATURE_2, KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeData(Endian::int32ToBytes(KeePass2::FILE_VERSION, KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::CipherID, db->cipher().toByteArray())); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::CompressionFlags, Endian::int32ToBytes(db->compressionAlgo(), KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::MasterSeed, masterSeed)); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::TransformSeed, db->transformSeed())); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::TransformRounds, Endian::int64ToBytes(db->transformRounds(), KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::EncryptionIV, encryptionIV)); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::ProtectedStreamKey, protectedStreamKey)); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::StreamStartBytes, startBytes)); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::InnerRandomStreamID, Endian::int32ToBytes(KeePass2::Salsa20, KeePass2::BYTEORDER))); CHECK_RETURN(writeHeaderField(KeePass2::EndOfHeader, endOfHeader)); header.close(); m_device = device; QByteArray headerHash = CryptoHash::hash(header.data(), CryptoHash::Sha256); CHECK_RETURN(writeData(header.data())); SymmetricCipherStream cipherStream(device, SymmetricCipher::Aes256, SymmetricCipher::Cbc, SymmetricCipher::Encrypt, finalKey, encryptionIV); cipherStream.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); m_device = &cipherStream; CHECK_RETURN(writeData(startBytes)); HashedBlockStream hashedStream(&cipherStream); hashedStream.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QScopedPointer<QtIOCompressor> ioCompressor; if (db->compressionAlgo() == Database::CompressionNone) { m_device = &hashedStream; } else { ioCompressor.reset(new QtIOCompressor(&hashedStream)); ioCompressor->setStreamFormat(QtIOCompressor::GzipFormat); ioCompressor->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); m_device = ioCompressor.data(); } KeePass2RandomStream randomStream(protectedStreamKey); KeePass2XmlWriter xmlWriter; xmlWriter.writeDatabase(m_device, db, &randomStream, headerHash); }
void TestRandom::testUInt() { QByteArray nextBytes; nextBytes = Endian::int32ToBytes(42, QSysInfo::ByteOrder); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUInt(100), 42U); nextBytes = Endian::int32ToBytes(117, QSysInfo::ByteOrder); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUInt(100), 17U); nextBytes = Endian::int32ToBytes(1001, QSysInfo::ByteOrder); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUInt(1), 0U); nextBytes.clear(); nextBytes.append(Endian::int32ToBytes(QUINT32_MAX, QSysInfo::ByteOrder)); nextBytes.append(Endian::int32ToBytes(QUINT32_MAX - 70000U, QSysInfo::ByteOrder)); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUInt(100000U), (QUINT32_MAX - 70000U) % 100000U); nextBytes.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { nextBytes.append(Endian::int32ToBytes((QUINT32_MAX / 2U) + 1U + i, QSysInfo::ByteOrder)); } nextBytes.append(Endian::int32ToBytes(QUINT32_MAX / 2U, QSysInfo::ByteOrder)); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUInt((QUINT32_MAX / 2U) + 1U), QUINT32_MAX / 2U); }
void WorldErosion::run(){ std::shared_ptr<Random> randomGen(new Random()); //TileMap *testErode = worldMap->getTileMap(randomGen->rand_crypt(serverConfig->worldX)-1, randomGen->rand_crypt(serverConfig->worldY)-1, randomGen->rand_crypt(serverConfig->worldZ)-1); /* fileLogger->WorldLog("WorldMap Erosion Started"); for(int x = 0; x < worldMap->getX(); x++){ for(int y = 0; y < worldMap->getY(); y++){ for(int z = 0; z < worldMap->getZ(); z++){ TileMap *testErode = worldMap->getTileMap(x, y, z); if(testErode == nullptr) break; TileMapErode(testErode); } } } fileLogger->WorldLog("WorldMap Erosion Completed"); */ // Bresenham3D(5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, worldMap.get(), " "); //TileNoiseHeightmap(worldMap->getTileMap(0, 0, 0), 16, 0.50, 256, 2); //TileMapErode(worldMap->getTileMap(0, 0, 0), 30); WorldMapHeightMap(worldMap.get(), 32, 0.50, 128, 2); }
void TestRandom::testUIntRange() { QByteArray nextBytes; nextBytes = Endian::int32ToBytes(42, QSysInfo::ByteOrder); m_backend->setNextBytes(nextBytes); QCOMPARE(randomGen()->randomUIntRange(100, 200), 142U); }
void place_rwalk_node(NodePtr node) { node->X_pos = (double) ((int) (randomGen(omg_param_list.min_X, omg_param_list.max_X)*100))/ 100; node->mob->X_from = node->X_pos; node->mob->X_to = node->X_pos; node->Y_pos = (double) ((int) (randomGen(omg_param_list.min_Y,omg_param_list.max_Y)*100))/ 100; node->mob->Y_from = node->Y_pos; node->mob->Y_to = node->Y_pos; node->mob->speed = 0.0; node->mob->journey_time = 0.0; LOG_D(OMG, " INITIALIZE RWALK NODE\n "); LOG_I(OMG, "Initial position of node ID: %d type: %d (X = %.2f, Y = %.2f) speed = 0.0\n", node->ID, node->type, node->X_pos, node->Y_pos); Node_Vector[RWALK] = (Node_list) add_entry(node, Node_Vector[RWALK]); Node_Vector_len[RWALK]++; //Initial_Node_Vector_len[RWALK]++; }
int main() { LinearGenerator linearGen(0,20,2); RandomGenerator randomGen(10); FibonacciGenerator fibGen(10); // MOCK 1 std::vector<double> myVector; myVector.push_back(15); myVector.push_back(20); myVector.push_back(35); myVector.push_back(40); myVector.push_back(50); MockGenerator mockGen(myVector); // MOCK 2 std::vector<double> myVector2; myVector2.push_back(1); myVector2.push_back(10); myVector2.push_back(50); MockGenerator mockGen2(myVector2); LinearInterpolationCalculator linInterCalc; NearestRankCalculator nearestRankCalc; DistributionTester mock0(&mockGen, &nearestRankCalc); DistributionTester mock1(&mockGen, &linInterCalc); DistributionTester mock2(&mockGen2, &linInterCalc); DistributionTester d1(&linearGen, &linInterCalc); DistributionTester d2(&linearGen, &nearestRankCalc); DistributionTester d3(&randomGen, &linInterCalc); DistributionTester d4(&randomGen, &nearestRankCalc); DistributionTester d5(&fibGen, &linInterCalc); DistributionTester d6(&fibGen, &nearestRankCalc); std::cout << "d1: " << d1.getPercentile(50) << std::endl; std::cout << "d2: " << d2.getPercentile(50) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock0: " << mock0.getPercentile(30) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock0: " << mock0.getPercentile(40) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock0: " << mock0.getPercentile(50) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock0: " << mock0.getPercentile(100) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock1: " << mock1.getPercentile(10) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock1: " << mock1.getPercentile(30) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock1: " << mock1.getPercentile(40) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock1: " << mock1.getPercentile(90) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(10) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(20) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(30) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(40) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(50) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(60) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(70) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(80) << std::endl; std::cout << "mock2: " << mock2.getPercentile(90) << std::endl; }
void Ts2::Link::EndPoint::prepareNegotiation(Link::Protocol::LcpNegotiateSessionData& data) { memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.signMode = getSigningCapability(); data.encMode = getEncryptionCapability(); data.keyMaterialSize = ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(data.keyMaterial); randomGen(data.iv, CSL_AES_IVSIZE_BYTES, 0); if(!isServer) { MutexAutoLock lock(&mutex); u8 keyMaterial[LCP_NEGOTIATE_SESSION_KEY_MATERIAL_SIZE]; randomGen(keyMaterial, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(keyMaterial), 0); const KeysInKeyMaterial *keys = (KeysInKeyMaterial*)keyMaterial; signKey.assign((const char*)keys->sign, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(keys->sign)); encKey.assign((const char*)keys->enc, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(keys->enc)); // Encrypt it encrypt_data(data.keyMaterial, keyMaterial, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(keyMaterial), data.iv, *sessionKey); } else { randomGen(data.keyMaterial, ARRAY_SIZE_IN_BYTES(data.keyMaterial), 0); } }
std::vector<int> IStrategy::initPermutation(unsigned N) { std::vector<int> result; int current = 0; std::generate_n( std::back_inserter(result), N, [&]()->int{ return current++; } ); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 randomGen(rd()); std::shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(), randomGen); return result; }
void main() { matchString myStr = "123445"; const unsigned colores = 6, posiciones = 6; match aciertos; cout << "Cadena inicial 123445\n"; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 40; i ++ ) { string checkStr; randomGen( checkStr, posiciones, colores ); aciertos = myStr.check(checkStr); cout << "Cadena 123445\nCadena " << checkStr << " Plenos " << aciertos.full << " Parciales " << aciertos.color << endl; } return 0; }
Pair sleep_rwalk_node(NodePtr node, double cur_time){ node->mobile = 0; node->mob->speed = 0.0; node->mob->X_from = node->mob->X_to; node->mob->Y_from = node->mob->Y_to; node->X_pos = node->mob->X_to; node->Y_pos = node->mob->Y_to; Pair pair = malloc(sizeof(Pair)) ; node->mob->sleep_duration = (double) ((int) (randomGen(omg_param_list.min_sleep, omg_param_list.max_sleep)*100))/ 100; LOG_D(OMG, "node: %d \tsleep duration : %.2f\n",node->ID, node->mob->sleep_duration); node->mob->start_journey = cur_time; pair->a = node->mob->start_journey + node->mob->sleep_duration; //when to wake up LOG_D(OMG, "to wake up at time: cur_time + sleep_duration : %.2f\n", pair->a); pair->b = node; return pair; }
int main() { Tree *tree = createTree(); Hashtable *table5, *table50, *table500; FILE *fp50, *fp500, *fp5mil; clock_t tstart, tend; time_t t; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); double favg; int data = 0, i = 0, search, value, found; int array50k[50000], *array500k, *array5mil; array500k = malloc(500001 * sizeof(int)); array5mil = malloc(5000001 * sizeof(int)); if(tree == NULL) printf("Memory allocation failed..."); fp50 = fopen("50tus.txt", "r"); fp500 = fopen("500tus.txt", "r"); fp5mil = fopen("5mil.txt", "r"); if(fp50 == NULL || fp500 == NULL|| fp5mil == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error\n"); return 1; } system("color 3"); table5 = create_table(50000000); table50 = create_table(500000); table500 = create_table(5000000); /*50k*/ printf("\n50k insert, balance and search!\n"); printf("Insert: 50k "); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) { fscanf(fp50,"%d\n", &data); insert(tree, data); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); tree_to_arr(tree); printf("Searching 100x in 50k "); tstart = clock(); // start find_tree(tree); tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); clear_tree(tree); /*500k*/ printf("\n500k insert, balance and search!\n"); printf("Insert: 500k "); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i < 500000; ++i) { fscanf(fp500,"%d\n", &data); insert(tree, data); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); tree_to_arr(tree); printf("Searching 100x in 500k "); tstart = clock(); // start find_tree(tree); tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); clear_tree(tree); /*5mille*/ printf("\n5 million insert, balance and search!\n"); printf("Insert: 5 million "); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i < 5000000; ++i) { fscanf(fp5mil,"%d\n", &data); insert(tree, data); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); tree_to_arr(tree); printf("Searching 100x in 5 million "); tstart = clock(); // start find_tree(tree); tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); clear_tree(tree); /*50k sekvens*/ printf("\nSekvential insert 50k!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<50000; i++) { fscanf(fp50, "%d\n", &array50k[i]); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 50k, 100x!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvential_search(array50k, search, 50000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 50k, 100x(o)!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvent_search(array50k, search, 50000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); /*500k sekvens*/ printf("\nSekvential insert 500k!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<500000; i++) { fscanf(fp500, "%d\n", &array500k[i]); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 500k, 100x!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvential_search(array500k, search, 500000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 500k, 100x(o)!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvent_search(array500k, search, 500000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); /*5mille seq*/ printf("\nSekvential insert 5 million!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<5000000; i++) { fscanf(fp5mil, "%d\n", &array5mil[i]); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 5 million, 100x!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvential_search(array5mil, search, 5000000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); printf("Sekvential search 5 million, 100x(o)!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<100; i++) { search = randomGen(); sekvent_search(array5mil, search, 5000000); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); /*Hash 500k*/ printf("\nHash insert 50k!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<50000; i++){ fscanf(fp500, "%d\n", &value); insert_hash(table50, value); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); /*Hash 500k*/ printf("\nHash insert 500k!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<500000; i++){ fscanf(fp500, "%d\n", &value); insert_hash(table500, value); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); /*Hash 5 mille*/ printf("\nHash insert 5 million!\n"); tstart = clock(); // start for(i = 0; i<5000000; i++){ fscanf(fp5mil, "%d\n", &value); insert_hash(table5, value); } tend = clock(); // end favg = ((double)(tend - tstart))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Avg. execution time: %g sec\n",favg); destroy_table(table5); destroy_table(table50); destroy_table(table500); destroyTree(tree); return 0; }
void main() { srand(time(0)); int* random = randomGen(20, 13000); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { random[i] = abs(random[i]) % 4; } Giraffe Giraffe_array[] = { Giraffe("Edik", 18, 234, 200), Giraffe("Masha", 35, 170, 500), Giraffe("Vasya", 18, 234, 201), Giraffe("Kesha", 18, 240, 195) }; Array_List<Giraffe>* giraffe_array_list = new Array_List<Giraffe>(4); for (int i = 0; i < giraffe_array_list->get_capacity(); i++){ giraffe_array_list->set(i, Giraffe_array[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { giraffe_array_list->add(Giraffe_array[random[i]]); } Hash_Table<Giraffe, int> g_table; for (int i = 0; i < giraffe_array_list->get_size(); i++) { Giraffe* animal = new Giraffe(giraffe_array_list->get(i)); int* counter = new int(0); if (g_table.contains(animal)) { try { *counter = *(g_table.get_value(animal)); (*counter)++; } catch (Key_Doesnt_Exist_Exception e) { printf("Bizzare error appeared, we can't help it\n"); return; } } else { *counter = 1; } Pair<Giraffe, int> p = { animal, counter }; g_table.put(p); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { giraffe_array_list->get(i).print(); printf("%d\n\n", *(g_table.get_value(&(giraffe_array_list->get(i))))); } Hash_Table<std::string, int> table; std::ifstream File("input.txt"); while (!File.eof()) { std::string* word = new std::string(); int* counter = new int(0); File >> *word; if (table.contains(word)) { try { *counter = *(table.get_value(word)); (*counter)++; } catch (Key_Doesnt_Exist_Exception e) { printf("Bizzare error appeared, we can't help it\n"); return; } } else { *counter = 1; } Pair<std::string, int> p = { word, counter }; table.put(p); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int max = table.get(i).get_size(); for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) { std::cout << *(table.get(i).get(j).key); printf(" %d\t", *(table.get(i).get(j).value)); } printf("\n\n"); } }
//michael wander code //code taken and adapted from http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/understanding-steering-behaviors-wander--gamedev-1624 //written by Michael Kong void Tank::wander(const float& deltaTime){ float circleDistance = 200.f; Ogre::Vector3 circleCenter; float radius = 20.f; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 random(rd()); Ogre::Quaternion tankOrientation = mTankBodyNode->getOrientation(); Ogre::Vector3 currentDirection = tankOrientation * Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_X; currentDirection.normalise(); circleCenter = currentDirection * circleDistance; Ogre::Vector3 displacement = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z * radius; float length = displacement.length(); displacement.x = cos(wanderAngle) * length; displacement.z = sin(wanderAngle) * length; displacement.y = 13; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> randomGen; wanderAngle += randomGen(random) * ANGLE_CHANGE - ANGLE_CHANGE * 0.5f; Ogre::Vector3 steering = circleCenter + displacement; steering.normalise(); steering *= ms; circleCenter.y = 13.f; mTankBodyNode->lookAt(displacement, Ogre::Node::TransformSpace::TS_WORLD); mTankBodyNode->translate(steering * deltaTime); /* Ogre::Vector3 rayDest; rayDest = mTankBodyNode->getOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3(1,0,0); bool check = false; Ogre::Ray shootToCheckWall = Ogre::Ray(mTankBodyNode->getPosition(), rayDest); Ogre::RaySceneQuery* mRaySceneQuery = mSceneMgr->createRayQuery(shootToCheckWall, Ogre::SceneManager::ENTITY_TYPE_MASK); mRaySceneQuery->setSortByDistance(true); // Ray-cast and get first hit Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult &result = mRaySceneQuery->execute(); Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult::iterator itr = result.begin(); bool hit = false; for (itr = result.begin(); itr != result.end(); itr++) { std::string x = itr->movable->getName(); printf("Check %s \n", x.c_str()); if (x[0] == 'C' && itr->distance < 10) { printf("Too close to %s: %f \n", x.c_str(), (float)itr->distance); hit = true; } } if(hit == true) { mTankBodyNode->yaw(Ogre::Degree(180)); mTankBodyNode->translate((mTankBodyNode->getPosition() * Ogre::Vector3(-1,0,0)) * deltaTime ); } else if (hit == false) { check = true; } */ }
Pair move_rwalk_node(NodePtr node, double cur_time) { Pair pair = malloc(sizeof(Pair)); LOG_D(OMG, "MOVE RWALK NODE ID: %d\n",node->ID); node->X_pos = node->mob->X_to; node->Y_pos = node->mob->Y_to; node->mob->X_from = node->X_pos; node->mob->Y_from = node->Y_pos; node->mobile = 1; double speed_next = randomGen(omg_param_list.min_speed, omg_param_list.max_speed); node->mob->speed = speed_next; LOG_D(OMG, "speed_next: %f\n", speed_next); //m/s double azimuth_next = randomGen(omg_param_list.min_azimuth, omg_param_list.max_azimuth); node->mob->azimuth = azimuth_next; LOG_D(OMG, "azimuth_next: %f\n", node->mob->azimuth); double journeyTime_next = randomGen(omg_param_list.min_journey_time, omg_param_list.max_journey_time); node->mob->journey_time = journeyTime_next; LOG_D(OMG, "journey_time_next: %f\n", node->mob->journey_time); double distance = node->mob->speed * node->mob->journey_time; LOG_D(OMG, "distance = speed * journey_time: %f\n", distance); double dX = distance * cos(node->mob->azimuth*M_PI/180); LOG_D(OMG, "dX = distance * cos(azimuth): %f\n", dX); double dY = distance * sin(node->mob->azimuth*M_PI/180); LOG_D(OMG, "dY = distance * sin(azimuth): %f\n", dY); LOG_D(OMG, "from: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", node->X_pos, node->Y_pos); double X_next = (double) ((int)((node->X_pos + dX) *100))/ 100; double Y_next = (double) ((int)((node->X_pos + dY) *100))/ 100; LOG_D(OMG, "theoritical_destination: (%f, %f)\n", X_next, Y_next); /*if (X_next<param_list.min_X){ // first method node->mob->X_to = param_list.min_X; } else if (X_next>param_list.max_X){ node->mob->X_to = param_list.max_X; } else { node->mob->X_to = X_next; } if (Y_next<param_list.min_Y){ node->mob->Y_to = param_list.min_Y; } else if (Y_next>param_list.max_Y){ node->mob->Y_to = param_list.max_Y; } else { node->mob->Y_to = Y_next; }*/ if (X_next < omg_param_list.min_X){ while (X_next < omg_param_list.min_X){ X_next = X_next + omg_param_list.max_X; } node->mob->X_to = X_next; } else if (X_next > omg_param_list.max_X){ while (X_next > omg_param_list.max_X){ X_next = X_next - omg_param_list.max_X; } node->mob->X_to = X_next; } else { node->mob->X_to = X_next; } if (Y_next < omg_param_list.min_Y){ while (Y_next < omg_param_list.min_Y){ Y_next = Y_next + omg_param_list.max_Y; } node->mob->Y_to = Y_next; } else if (Y_next > omg_param_list.max_Y){ while (Y_next > omg_param_list.max_Y){ Y_next = Y_next - omg_param_list.max_Y; } node->mob->Y_to = Y_next; } else { node->mob->Y_to = Y_next; } LOG_I(OMG, "destination: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", node->mob->X_to, node->mob->Y_to); node->mob->start_journey = cur_time; LOG_D(OMG, "start_journey %.2f\n", node->mob->start_journey ); pair->a = (double) ((int) ( (node->mob->start_journey + journeyTime_next) *100))/ 100 ; LOG_D(OMG, "pair->a= start journey + journeyTime_next next %.2f\n", pair->a); pair->b = node; return pair; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { Interface_init(); s_t* st2=(s_t*)(Instance[1].gm->mem_ref.pointer); st2->port=38800; char c; s32 i, j; int new_omg_model; // goto ocg in oai_emulation.info. // pointers signal buffers (s = transmit, r,r0 = receive) double **s_re[NINST], **s_im[NINST], **r_re[NINST], **r_im[NINST], **r_re0, **r_im0; double **r_re0_d[8][3], **r_im0_d[8][3], **r_re0_u[3][8],**r_im0_u[3][8]; // double **s_re, **s_im, **r_re, **r_im, **r_re0, **r_im0; double forgetting_factor=0; int map1,map2; double **ShaF= NULL; // Framing variables s32 slot, last_slot, next_slot; // variables/flags which are set by user on command-line double snr_dB, sinr_dB; u8 set_snr=0,set_sinr=0; u8 cooperation_flag; // for cooperative communication u8 target_dl_mcs = 4; u8 target_ul_mcs = 2; u8 rate_adaptation_flag; u8 abstraction_flag = 0, ethernet_flag = 0; u16 Nid_cell = 0; s32 UE_id, eNB_id, ret; // time calibration for soft realtime mode struct timespec time_spec; unsigned long time_last, time_now; int td, td_avg, sleep_time_us; char *g_log_level = "trace"; // by default global log level is set to trace lte_subframe_t direction; #ifdef XFORMS FD_phy_procedures_sim *form[NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX][NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX]; char title[255]; #endif LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; FILE *UE_stats[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX], *eNB_stats; char UE_stats_filename[255]; int len; #ifdef ICIC remove ("dci.txt"); #endif //time_t t0,t1; clock_t start, stop; // Added for PHY abstraction Node_list ue_node_list = NULL; Node_list enb_node_list = NULL; //default parameters target_dl_mcs = 0; rate_adaptation_flag = 0; oai_emulation.info.n_frames = 0xffff;//1024; //100; oai_emulation.info.n_frames_flag = 0;//fixme snr_dB = 30; cooperation_flag = 0; // default value 0 for no cooperation, 1 for Delay diversity, 2 for Distributed Alamouti init_oai_emulation(); // to initialize everything !!! // get command-line options while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "haePToFt:C:N:k:x:m:rn:s:S:f:z:u:b:c:M:p:g:l:d:U:B:R:E:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'F': // set FDD oai_emulation.info.frame_type = 0; break; case 'C': oai_emulation.info.tdd_config = atoi (optarg); if (oai_emulation.info.tdd_config > 6) { msg ("Illegal tdd_config %d (should be 0-6)\n", oai_emulation.info.tdd_config); exit (-1); } break; case 'R': oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL = atoi (optarg); if ((oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 6) && (oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 15) && (oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 25) && (oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 50) && (oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 75) && (oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL != 100)) { msg ("Illegal N_RB_DL %d (should be one of 6,15,25,50,75,100)\n", oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL); exit (-1); } case 'N': Nid_cell = atoi (optarg); if (Nid_cell > 503) { msg ("Illegal Nid_cell %d (should be 0 ... 503)\n", Nid_cell); exit(-1); } break; case 'h': help (); exit (1); case 'x': oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode = atoi (optarg); if ((oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode != 1) && (oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode != 2) && (oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode != 5) && (oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode != 6)) { msg("Unsupported transmission mode %d\n",oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode); exit(-1); } break; case 'm': target_dl_mcs = atoi (optarg); break; case 'r': rate_adaptation_flag = 1; break; case 'n': oai_emulation.info.n_frames = atoi (optarg); //n_frames = (n_frames >1024) ? 1024: n_frames; // adjust the n_frames if higher that 1024 oai_emulation.info.n_frames_flag = 1; break; case 's': snr_dB = atoi (optarg); set_snr = 1; oai_emulation.info.ocm_enabled=0; break; case 'S': sinr_dB = atoi (optarg); set_sinr = 1; oai_emulation.info.ocm_enabled=0; break; case 'k': //ricean_factor = atof (optarg); printf("[SIM] Option k is no longer supported on the command line. Please specify your channel model in the xml template\n"); exit(-1); break; case 't': //Td = atof (optarg); printf("[SIM] Option t is no longer supported on the command line. Please specify your channel model in the xml template\n"); exit(-1); break; case 'f': forgetting_factor = atof (optarg); break; case 'z': cooperation_flag = atoi (optarg); break; case 'u': oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local = atoi (optarg); break; case 'b': oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local = atoi (optarg); break; case 'a': abstraction_flag = 1; break; case 'p': oai_emulation.info.nb_master = atoi (optarg); break; case 'M': abstraction_flag = 1; ethernet_flag = 1; oai_emulation.info.ethernet_id = atoi (optarg); oai_emulation.info.master_id = oai_emulation.info.ethernet_id; oai_emulation.info.ethernet_flag = 1; break; case 'e': oai_emulation.info.extended_prefix_flag = 1; break; case 'l': g_log_level = optarg; break; case 'c': strcpy(oai_emulation.info.local_server, optarg); oai_emulation.info.ocg_enabled=1; break; case 'g': oai_emulation.info.multicast_group = atoi (optarg); break; case 'B': oai_emulation.info.omg_model_enb = atoi (optarg); break; case 'U': oai_emulation.info.omg_model_ue = atoi (optarg); break; case 'T': oai_emulation.info.otg_enabled = 1; break; case 'P': oai_emulation.info.opt_enabled = 1; break; case 'E': oai_emulation.info.seed = atoi (optarg); break; default: help (); exit (-1); break; } } // configure oaisim with OCG oaisim_config(g_log_level); // config OMG and OCG, OPT, OTG, OLG if (oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local > NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX ) { printf ("Enter fewer than %d UEs for the moment or change the NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX\n", NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX); exit (-1); } if (oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local > NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX) { printf ("Enter fewer than %d eNBs for the moment or change the NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX\n", NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX); exit (-1); } // fix ethernet and abstraction with RRC_CELLULAR Flag #ifdef RRC_CELLULAR abstraction_flag = 1; ethernet_flag = 0; #endif if (set_sinr == 0) sinr_dB = snr_dB - 20; // setup ntedevice interface (netlink socket) #ifndef CYGWIN ret = netlink_init (); #endif if (ethernet_flag == 1) { oai_emulation.info.master[oai_emulation.info.master_id].nb_ue = oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local; oai_emulation.info.master[oai_emulation.info.master_id].nb_enb = oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local; if (!oai_emulation.info.master_id) oai_emulation.info.is_primary_master = 1; j = 1; for (i = 0; i < oai_emulation.info.nb_master; i++) { if (i != oai_emulation.info.master_id) oai_emulation.info.master_list = oai_emulation.info.master_list + j; LOG_I (EMU, "Index of master id i=%d MASTER_LIST %d\n", i, oai_emulation.info.master_list); j *= 2; } LOG_I (EMU, " Total number of master %d my master id %d\n", oai_emulation.info.nb_master, oai_emulation.info.master_id); #ifdef LINUX init_bypass (); #endif while (emu_tx_status != SYNCED_TRANSPORT) { LOG_I (EMU, " Waiting for EMU Transport to be synced\n"); emu_transport_sync (); //emulation_tx_rx(); } } // ethernet flag NB_UE_INST = oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_remote; NB_eNB_INST = oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_remote; #ifndef NAS_NETLINK for (UE_id=0;UE_id<NB_UE_INST;UE_id++) { sprintf(UE_stats_filename,"UE_stats%d.txt",UE_id); UE_stats[UE_id] = fopen (UE_stats_filename, "w"); } eNB_stats = fopen ("eNB_stats.txt", "w"); printf ("UE_stats=%p, eNB_stats=%p\n", UE_stats, eNB_stats); #endif LOG_I(EMU, "total number of UE %d (local %d, remote %d) \n", NB_UE_INST,oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local,oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_remote); LOG_I(EMU, "Total number of eNB %d (local %d, remote %d) \n", NB_eNB_INST,oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local,oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_remote); printf("Running with frame_type %d, Nid_cell %d, N_RB_DL %d, EP %d, mode %d, target dl_mcs %d, rate adaptation %d, nframes %d, abstraction %d\n", 1+oai_emulation.info.frame_type, Nid_cell, oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL, oai_emulation.info.extended_prefix_flag, oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode,target_dl_mcs,rate_adaptation_flag,oai_emulation.info.n_frames,abstraction_flag); // init_lte_vars (&frame_parms, oai_emulation.info.frame_type, oai_emulation.info.tdd_config, oai_emulation.info.extended_prefix_flag,oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL, Nid_cell, cooperation_flag, oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode, abstraction_flag); init_frame_params (&frame_parms, oai_emulation.info.frame_type, oai_emulation.info.tdd_config, oai_emulation.info.extended_prefix_flag,oai_emulation.info.N_RB_DL, Nid_cell, cooperation_flag, oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode, abstraction_flag); printf ("Nid_cell %d\n", frame_parms->Nid_cell); /* Added for PHY abstraction */ if (abstraction_flag) get_beta_map(); for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { enb_data[eNB_id] = (node_desc_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_desc_t)); init_enb(enb_data[eNB_id],oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.eNB_antenna); } for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) { ue_data[UE_id] = (node_desc_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_desc_t)); init_ue(ue_data[UE_id],oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.UE_antenna); } // init SF map here!!! map1 =(int)oai_emulation.topology_config.area.x_km; map2 =(int)oai_emulation.topology_config.area.y_km; //ShaF = createMat(map1,map2); -> memory is allocated within init_SF ShaF = init_SF(map1,map2,DECOR_DIST,SF_VAR); // size of area to generate shadow fading map printf("Simulation area x=%f, y=%f\n", oai_emulation.topology_config.area.x_km, oai_emulation.topology_config.area.y_km); if (abstraction_flag == 0){ int ci; int ji=0; for(ci=0;ci<NB_eNB_INST;ci++) { init_channel_mmap_channel(10+ji,frame_parms, &(s_re[ci]), &(s_im[ci]), &(r_re[ci]), &(r_im[ci]), &(r_re0), &(r_im0)); ji++; //printf("ci %d\n",ci); } ji=0; for(ci=NB_eNB_INST;ci<(NB_eNB_INST+NB_UE_INST);ci++) { init_channel_mmap_channel(20+ji,frame_parms, &(s_re[ci]), &(s_im[ci]), &(r_re[ci]), &(r_im[ci]), &(r_re0), &(r_im0)); ji++; //printf("ci %d\n",ci); } } for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) { init_rre(frame_parms,&(r_re0_u[eNB_id][UE_id]),&(r_im0_u[eNB_id][UE_id])); init_rre(frame_parms,&(r_re0_d[UE_id][eNB_id]),&(r_im0_d[UE_id][eNB_id])); } } // printf("r_re0 %lf , r_im0 %lf\n",r_re0_u[0][0][0][0],r_im0_u[0][0][0][0]); // // r_im0_u[0][0][0][0]=100; // // printf("r_re0 %lf , r_im0 %lf\n",r_re0_u[0][0][0][0],r_im0_u[0][0][0][0]); // // // clean_param((r_re0_u[0][0]),(r_im0_u[0][0]),frame_parms); // // printf("r_re0 %lf , r_im0 %lf\n",r_re0_u[0][0][0][0],r_im0_u[0][0][0][0]); for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) { #ifdef DEBUG_SIM printf ("[SIM] Initializing channel from eNB %d to UE %d\n", eNB_id, UE_id); #endif eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id] = new_channel_desc_scm(2, 2, map_str_to_int(small_scale_names, oai_emulation.environment_system_config.fading.small_scale.selected_option), oai_emulation.environment_system_config.system_bandwidth_MB, forgetting_factor, 0, 0); UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id] = new_channel_desc_scm(2, 2, map_str_to_int(small_scale_names, oai_emulation.environment_system_config.fading.small_scale.selected_option), oai_emulation.environment_system_config.system_bandwidth_MB, forgetting_factor, 0, 0); } } randominit (0); set_taus_seed (0); number_of_cards = 1; openair_daq_vars.rx_rf_mode = 1; openair_daq_vars.tdd = 1; openair_daq_vars.rx_gain_mode = DAQ_AGC_ON; openair_daq_vars.dlsch_transmission_mode = oai_emulation.info.transmission_mode; openair_daq_vars.target_ue_dl_mcs = target_dl_mcs; openair_daq_vars.target_ue_ul_mcs = target_ul_mcs; openair_daq_vars.dlsch_rate_adaptation = rate_adaptation_flag; openair_daq_vars.ue_ul_nb_rb = 2; #ifdef XFORMS fl_initialize (&argc, argv, NULL, 0, 0); for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { form[eNB_id][UE_id] = create_form_phy_procedures_sim (); sprintf (title, "LTE SIM UE %d eNB %d", UE_id, eNB_id); fl_show_form (form[eNB_id][UE_id]->phy_procedures_sim, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_FULLBORDER, title); } #endif // time calibration for OAI clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_spec); time_now = (unsigned long) time_spec.tv_nsec; td_avg = 0; sleep_time_us = SLEEP_STEP_US; td_avg = TARGET_SF_TIME_NS; // s_t* st2=(s_t*)(Instance[1].gm->mem_ref.pointer); st2->Exec_FLAG=0; int count; IntInitAll(); Soc_t* this = (Soc_t*)(obj_inst[0].ptr->mem_ref.pointer); fd_set read_ibits; fd_set write_ibits; int n; struct timeval tvp ; tvp.tv_sec=10; tvp.tv_usec=0; FD_ZERO(&read_ibits); FD_SET(this->m_io_sync.io_sync_entries->fd_read, &read_ibits); ch_thread *e2u_t[NB_eNB_INST][NB_UE_INST]; ch_thread *u2e_t[NB_UE_INST][NB_eNB_INST]; for(eNB_id=0;eNB_id<NB_eNB_INST;eNB_id++){ for(UE_id=0;UE_id<NB_UE_INST;UE_id++){ e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]=(ch_thread*)calloc(1,sizeof(ch_thread)); }} for(UE_id=0;UE_id<NB_UE_INST;UE_id++){ for(eNB_id=0;eNB_id<NB_eNB_INST;eNB_id++){ u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]=(ch_thread*)calloc(1,sizeof(ch_thread)); }} pthread_t thread,thread2; pthread_t cthr_u[NB_eNB_INST][NB_UE_INST]; pthread_t cthr_d[NB_UE_INST][NB_eNB_INST]; for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->eNB_id=eNB_id; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->UE_id=UE_id; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_re0=r_re0_d[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_im0=r_im0_d[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_re=r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_im=r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->s_im=s_im[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->s_re=s_re[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->eNB2UE=eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->UE2eNB=UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->enb_data=enb_data[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->ue_data=ue_data[UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->next_slot=&next_slot; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->abstraction_flag=&abstraction_flag; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->frame_parms=frame_parms; pthread_create (&cthr_d[UE_id][eNB_id], NULL, do_DL_sig_channel_T,(void*)(u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id])); } } int sock; int port=(35000+(10+eNB_id)+(20+UE_id)); port=35010; sock = openairInetCreateSocket(SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP,"",port); // int n; // fd_set read_ibits; // fd_set write_ibits; // struct timeval tvp = { 0, 0 }; FD_ZERO(&read_ibits); FD_SET(sock,&read_ibits); n = openairSelect(sock+1, &read_ibits, NULL, NULL, NULL); printf("Waiting is over\n"); FD_ISSET(sock, &read_ibits); for (mac_xface->frame=0; mac_xface->frame<oai_emulation.info.n_frames; mac_xface->frame++) { int dir_flag=0; printf("=============== Frame Number %d ============= \n ",mac_xface->frame); /* // Handling the cooperation Flag if (cooperation_flag == 2) { if ((PHY_vars_eNB_g[0]->eNB_UE_stats[0].mode == PUSCH) && (PHY_vars_eNB_g[0]->eNB_UE_stats[1].mode == PUSCH)) PHY_vars_eNB_g[0]->cooperation_flag = 2; } */ // for dubugging the frame counter update_nodes(oai_emulation.info.time); enb_node_list = get_current_positions(oai_emulation.info.omg_model_enb, eNB, oai_emulation.info.time); ue_node_list = get_current_positions(oai_emulation.info.omg_model_ue, UE, oai_emulation.info.time); // update the position of all the nodes (eNB/CH, and UE/MR) every frame if (((int)oai_emulation.info.time % 10) == 0 ) { display_node_list(enb_node_list); display_node_list(ue_node_list); if (oai_emulation.info.omg_model_ue >= MAX_NUM_MOB_TYPES){ // mix mobility model for(UE_id=oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local);UE_id++){ new_omg_model = randomGen(STATIC, MAX_NUM_MOB_TYPES); LOG_D(OMG, "[UE] Node of ID %d is changing mobility generator ->%d \n", UE_id, new_omg_model); // reset the mobility model for a specific node set_new_mob_type (UE_id, UE, new_omg_model, oai_emulation.info.time); } } if (oai_emulation.info.omg_model_enb >= MAX_NUM_MOB_TYPES) { // mix mobility model for (eNB_id = oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local; eNB_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local); eNB_id++) { new_omg_model = randomGen (STATIC, MAX_NUM_MOB_TYPES); LOG_D (OMG, "[eNB] Node of ID %d is changing mobility generator ->%d \n", UE_id, new_omg_model); // reset the mobility model for a specific node set_new_mob_type (eNB_id, eNB, new_omg_model, oai_emulation.info.time); } } } #ifdef DEBUG_OMG if ((((int) oai_emulation.info.time) % 100) == 0) { for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++) { get_node_position (UE, UE_id); } } #endif if (oai_emulation.info.n_frames_flag == 0){ // if n_frames not set by the user then let the emulation run to infinity mac_xface->frame %=(oai_emulation.info.n_frames-1); // set the emulation time based on 1ms subframe number oai_emulation.info.time += 0.01; // emu time in s } else { // user set the number of frames for the emulation // let the time go faster to see the effect of mobility oai_emulation.info.time += 0.1; } /* check if the openair channel model is activated used for PHY abstraction */ /* if ((oai_emulation.info.ocm_enabled == 1)&& (ethernet_flag == 0 )) { extract_position(enb_node_list, enb_data, NB_eNB_INST); extract_position(ue_node_list, ue_data, NB_UE_INST); for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) { calc_path_loss (enb_data[eNB_id], ue_data[UE_id], eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id], oai_emulation.environment_system_config,ShaF[(int)ue_data[UE_id]->x][(int)ue_data[UE_id]->y]); UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]->path_loss_dB = eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]->path_loss_dB; printf("[CHANNEL_SIM] Pathloss bw enB %d at (%f,%f) and UE%d at (%f,%f) is %f (ShaF %f)\n", eNB_id,enb_data[eNB_id]->x,enb_data[eNB_id]->y,UE_id,ue_data[UE_id]->x,ue_data[UE_id]->y, eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]->path_loss_dB, ShaF[(int)ue_data[UE_id]->x][(int)ue_data[UE_id]->y]); } } } */ // else { for (eNB_id = 0; eNB_id < NB_eNB_INST; eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = 0; UE_id < NB_UE_INST; UE_id++) { eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]->path_loss_dB = -105 + snr_dB; //UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]->path_loss_dB = -105 + snr_dB; if (eNB_id == (UE_id % NB_eNB_INST)) UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]->path_loss_dB = -105 + snr_dB - 10; else UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]->path_loss_dB = -105 + sinr_dB - 10; #ifdef DEBUG_SIM printf("[SIM] Path loss from eNB %d to UE %d => %f dB\n",eNB_id,UE_id,eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]->path_loss_dB); printf("[SIM] Path loss from UE %d to eNB %d => %f dB\n",UE_id,eNB_id,UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]->path_loss_dB); #endif } } // } else st2->EResp_FLAG=0; for (slot=0 ; slot<20 ; slot++) { printf("=============== Frame Number %d , Slot %d ============= \n ",mac_xface->frame,slot); last_slot = (slot - 1)%20; if (last_slot <0) last_slot+=20; next_slot = (slot + 1)%20; direction = subframe_select(frame_parms,next_slot>>1); if (direction == SF_DL) { dir_flag=1; } else if (direction == SF_UL) { dir_flag=2; } else {//it must be a special subframe if (next_slot%2==0) {//DL part dir_flag=1; } else {// UL part dir_flag=2; } } int count=0; if(dir_flag==1) { st2->EResp_FLAG=0; count=0; for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { send_exec_msg(next_slot,last_slot,mac_xface->frame,mac_xface->frame,slot,0,38810+eNB_id); printf("Waiting for Exec Msg Complete \n"); // n = openairIoSyncCreateThread_2(&this->m_io_sync); } // for loop while(count<NB_eNB_INST){ n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); count++; } for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { //trigger message send_exec_msg(0,0,0,0,0,0,(35000+(10+eNB_id)+(20+UE_id))); } } usleep(5); // while(st2->EResp_FLAG<NB_eNB_INST) // { /* for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->eNB_id=eNB_id; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->UE_id=UE_id; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_re0=r_re0_d[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_im0=r_im0_d[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_re=r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->r_im=r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->s_im=s_im[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->s_re=s_re[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->eNB2UE=eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->UE2eNB=UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->enb_data=enb_data[eNB_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->ue_data=ue_data[UE_id]; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->next_slot=&next_slot; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->abstraction_flag=&abstraction_flag; u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id]->frame_parms=frame_parms; // pthread_create (&thread[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL, do_DL_sig_channel_T,(void*)cthread); pthread_create (&cthr_d[UE_id][eNB_id], NULL, do_DL_sig_channel_T,(void*)(u2e_t[UE_id][eNB_id])); // pthread_join(cthr_d[UE_id][eNB_id], NULL); // pthread_join(cthr_d[UE_id][eNB_id], NULL); // pthread_join(thread[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL); // do_DL_sig_channel(eNB_id,UE_id,r_re0,r_im0,r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],s_re[eNB_id],s_im[eNB_id],eNB2UE,enb_data, ue_data,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); // do_DL_sig_channel(eNB_id,UE_id,r_re0_d[UE_id][eNB_id],r_im0_d[UE_id][eNB_id],r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],s_re[eNB_id],s_im[eNB_id],eNB2UE,enb_data, ue_data,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); } } */ // //for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ //for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { //pthread_join(cthr_d[UE_id][eNB_id], NULL); //} //} for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ clean_param(r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],frame_parms); for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { channel_add(r_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],r_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],r_re0_d[UE_id][eNB_id],r_im0_d[UE_id][eNB_id],frame_parms); } } // if(UE_id==NB_UE_INST) // pthread_join(thread, NULL); //} for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { // pthread_join(thread, NULL); //pthread_join(thread[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL); } } // } st2->EResp_FLAG=0; count=0; for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++) if (mac_xface->frame >= (UE_id * 10)) { // activate UE only after 10*UE_id frames so that different UEs turn on separately send_exec_msg(next_slot,last_slot,mac_xface->frame,mac_xface->frame,slot,0,38820+UE_id); printf("Waiting for Exec Msg Complete \n"); //n = openairIoSyncCreateThread_2(&this->m_io_sync); // n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); } else{ st2->EResp_FLAG=st2->EResp_FLAG+1; count++; } while(count<NB_UE_INST){ n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); count++; } //while(st2->EResp_FLAG<NB_UE_INST) // { // n = select(this->m_io_sync.hfd, &read_ibits, NULL, NULL,NULL); // FD_ISSET(this->m_io_sync.io_sync_entries->fd_read, &read_ibits); // printf(".."); // } } else if(dir_flag==2) { st2->EResp_FLAG=0; count=0; for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++) if (mac_xface->frame >= (UE_id * 10)) { // activate UE only after 10*UE_id frames so that different UEs turn on separately send_exec_msg(next_slot,last_slot,mac_xface->frame,mac_xface->frame,slot,0,38820+UE_id); // printf("Waiting for Exec Msg Complete \n"); // n = openairIoSyncCreateThread_2(&this->m_io_sync); // n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); } else{ st2->EResp_FLAG=st2->EResp_FLAG+1; count++; } while(count<NB_UE_INST){ n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); count++; } //while(st2->EResp_FLAG<NB_UE_INST) // { // n = select(this->m_io_sync.hfd, &read_ibits, NULL, NULL,NULL); // FD_ISSET(this->m_io_sync.io_sync_entries->fd_read, &read_ibits); // printf(".."); // } // do_UL_sig_channel2(1,0,r_re0,r_im0,r_re,r_im,s_re,s_im,UE2eNB,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); // do_UL_sig_channel(r_re0,r_im0,r_re,r_im,s_re,s_im,UE2eNB,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->eNB_id=eNB_id; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->UE_id=UE_id; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->r_re=r_re[eNB_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->r_im=r_im[eNB_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->r_re0=r_re0_u[eNB_id][UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->r_im0=r_im0_u[eNB_id][UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->s_im=s_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->s_re=s_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->eNB2UE=eNB2UE[eNB_id][UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->UE2eNB=UE2eNB[UE_id][eNB_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->enb_data=enb_data[eNB_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->ue_data=ue_data[UE_id]; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->next_slot=&next_slot; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->abstraction_flag=&abstraction_flag; e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]->frame_parms=frame_parms; pthread_create (&cthr_u[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL, do_UL_sig_channel_T,(void*)e2u_t[eNB_id][UE_id]); // pthread_create (&thread[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL, do_UL_sig_channel_T,(void*)cthread); // do_UL_sig_channel(eNB_id,UE_id,r_re0,r_im0,r_re[eNB_id],r_im[eNB_id],s_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],s_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],UE2eNB,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); // do_UL_sig_channel(eNB_id,UE_id,r_re0_u[eNB_id][UE_id],r_im0_u[eNB_id][UE_id],r_re[eNB_id],r_im[eNB_id],s_re[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],s_im[NB_eNB_INST+UE_id],UE2eNB,next_slot,abstraction_flag,frame_parms); } } for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ // pthread_join(thread[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL); pthread_join(cthr_u[eNB_id][UE_id], NULL); } } for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { clean_param(r_re[eNB_id],r_im[eNB_id],frame_parms); for (UE_id = oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; UE_id < (oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local + oai_emulation.info.nb_ue_local); UE_id++){ channel_add(r_re[eNB_id],r_im[eNB_id],r_re0_u[eNB_id][UE_id],r_im0_u[eNB_id][UE_id],frame_parms); } } // } st2->EResp_FLAG=0; count=0; for (eNB_id=oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local;eNB_id<(oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local+oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local);eNB_id++) { send_exec_msg(next_slot,last_slot,mac_xface->frame,mac_xface->frame,slot,0,38810+eNB_id); // n = openairIoSyncCreateThread_2(&this->m_io_sync); // n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); // printf("Waiting for Exec Msg Complete \n"); } // for loop while(count<NB_eNB_INST){ n=trig_wait((void*)&this->m_io_sync); count++; } // while(st2->EResp_FLAG<NB_eNB_INST) // { // n = select(this->m_io_sync.hfd, &read_ibits, NULL, NULL,NULL); // FD_ISSET(this->m_io_sync.io_sync_entries->fd_read, &read_ibits); // // printf(".."); // } } if ((last_slot == 1) && (mac_xface->frame == 0) && (abstraction_flag == 0) && (oai_emulation.info.n_frames == 1)) { // write_output ("dlchan0.m", "dlch0", // &(PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_ue_common_vars.dl_ch_estimates[0][0][0]), // (6 * (PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)), 1, 1); // write_output ("dlchan1.m", "dlch1", // &(PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_ue_common_vars.dl_ch_estimates[1][0][0]), // (6 * (PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)), 1, 1); // write_output ("dlchan2.m", "dlch2", // &(PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_ue_common_vars.dl_ch_estimates[2][0][0]), // (6 * (PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)), 1, 1); // write_output ("pbch_rxF_comp0.m", "pbch_comp0", // PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_ue_pbch_vars[0]->rxdataF_comp[0], 6 * 12 * 4, 1, 1); // write_output ("pbch_rxF_llr.m", "pbch_llr", // PHY_vars_UE_g[0]->lte_ue_pbch_vars[0]->llr, (frame_parms->Ncp == 0) ? 1920 : 1728, 1, 4); } /* if ((last_slot==1) && (mac_xface->frame==1)) { write_output("dlsch_rxF_comp0.m","dlsch0_rxF_comp0",PHY_vars_UE->lte_ue_dlsch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp[0],300*(-(PHY_vars_UE->lte_frame_parms.Ncp*2)+14),1,1); write_output("pdcch_rxF_comp0.m","pdcch0_rxF_comp0",PHY_vars_UE->lte_ue_pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp[0],4*300,1,1); } */ if (next_slot %2 == 0){ clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_spec); time_last = time_now; time_now = (unsigned long) time_spec.tv_nsec; td = (int) (time_now - time_last); if (td>0) { td_avg = (int)(((K*(long)td) + (((1<<3)-K)*((long)td_avg)))>>3); // in us LOG_I(EMU,"sleep frame %d, average time difference %ldns, CURRENT TIME DIFF %dus, avgerage difference from the target %dus\n", mac_xface->frame, td_avg, td/1000,(td_avg-TARGET_SF_TIME_NS)/1000); } if (td_avg<(TARGET_SF_TIME_NS - SF_DEVIATION_OFFSET_NS)){ sleep_time_us += SLEEP_STEP_US; } else if (td_avg > (TARGET_SF_TIME_NS + SF_DEVIATION_OFFSET_NS)) { sleep_time_us-= SLEEP_STEP_US; } }// end if next_slot%2 } //end of slot
const std::string UUID::getUUID() { return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(randomGen()); }
Uuid Uuid::random() { return Uuid(randomGen()->randomArray(Length)); }