Пример #1
void quickSort(PointList *array,int start,int end)
    if(start < end)
        int p = randomPartition(array,start,end);
Пример #2
 * CensusData::quickSortHelp.
 * Private helper function that is called recursively in order
 * to run the quicksort algorithim.
 * @param int type, int p, int r.
 * type == 0 to sort by population, type == 1 to sort by name.
 * int p = starting index of vector.
 * int r = ending index of vector.
void CensusData::quickSortHelp(int type, int p, int r)
  int q;
  if(p < r)
    q = randomPartition(type, p, r);  //sort a randomized partition
    quickSortHelp(type, p, q - 1);    //quicksort the lower half of vector
    quickSortHelp(type, q + 1, r);    //quicksort the upper half of vector
    int kthSmallest(vector<int>& arr, int l, int r, int k)

        if (k > 0 && k <= r - l + 1)
            int pos = randomPartition(arr, l, r);
            if (pos-l == k-1)
                return arr[pos];
            else if(pos-l > k-1)
                return kthSmallest(arr, l, pos-1, k);
                return kthSmallest(arr, pos+1, r, k-pos+l-1);
        return INT_MAX;
Пример #4
__declspec(dllexport) void randomizedQuickSort(int qarr[], int low, int high)
		if (low < high)
			int pi = randomPartition(qarr, low, high);
			randomizedQuickSort(qarr, low, pi-1);
			randomizedQuickSort(qarr, pi + 1, high);
			throw "Some exception thrown";