void benchmark() { srand(time(NULL)); char key[9], value[13]; int i; printf("> Benchmarking dispertion with %d buckets and %d entry\n", DISPERS_BENCH_BUCKET, DISPERS_BENCH_ENTRY); hashtable defaultTable = init_hashtable(DISPERS_BENCH_BUCKET); hashtable idxTable = init_hashtable(DISPERS_BENCH_BUCKET); set_hfunc(&idxTable, &idx_hashfunction); for (i=0; i < DISPERS_BENCH_ENTRY; i++) { randomString(key, 9); randomString(value, 13); /* printf("%s:%s\n", key, value); */ put(&defaultTable, key, value); put(&idxTable, key, value); } /* printf(":: Default hash function\n"); displayHashTable(defaultTable); displayStats(get_stats(defaultTable)); printf(":: Idx hash function\n"); displayHashTable(defaultTable); displayStats(get_stats(idxTable)); */ }
Student * createStudent() { Student* student = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student)); student->name = randomString(); student->age = rand() % 20 + 1; student->address = randomString(); student->id = rand() % 10000 + 1; return student; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int handle; int handle2; *argv++; char *file_name = *argv++; char *copy_name = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(file_name + 5))); strcat(copy_name,file_name); strcat(copy_name,"_copy"); printf("\n copy name: %s \n",copy_name); if((handle = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT |O_APPEND | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)) < 0) print_error(errno, "can not open/create file"); if((handle2 = open(copy_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT |O_APPEND | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)) < 0) print_error(errno, "can not open/create copy file"); int size = atoi(*argv++); int records_number = atoi(*argv); int i; for(i = 0; i < records_number; i++) { if(write(handle,randomString(size-1), size) != size) print_error(errno, "blad zapisu"); } int n; char buf[size]; lseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET); while( (n = read(handle, buf, size)) > 0) if(write(handle2, buf, n) !=n) print_error(errno, "blad kopiowania"); if(n<0) print_error(errno, "blad czytania"); return 0; }
PostFileData::PostFileData(const QUrl &url) : d(new PostFileDataPrivate) { d->url = url; qsrand(QTime::currentTime().secsTo(QTime(0, 0, 0))); d->boundary = "----------" + randomString(42 + 13).toLatin1(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N = (argc < 2) ? 20 : atoi(argv[1]); if (N < 20) N = 20; Queue q; q = newQueue(); int i; char x[50]; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (random()%10 > 5) { if (!emptyQueue(q)) { char *str = leaveQueue(q); printf("Remove %s\n",str); free(str); } } else { randomString(x); enterQueue(q,x); printf("Insert %s\n",x); } showQueue(q); } disposeQueue(q); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N = (argc < 2) ? 20 : atoi(argv[1]); if (N < 20) N = 20; Stack s = newStack(); int i; char x[50]; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (random()%10 > 5) { if (!emptyStack(s)) { char *str = popFrom(s); printf("Remove %s\n",str); free(str); } } else { randomString(x); pushOnto(s,x); printf("Insert %s\n",x); } showStack(s); } disposeStack(s); return 0; }
void LetterHunter::resetTextObject(TextObject* textObject) { // Set text position float windowWidth = (float)getwindowWidth(); D2D1_RECT_F textBoundRect = textObject->getBoundaryRect(); float maxRight = windowWidth - (textBoundRect.right -textBoundRect.left); float positionX = randomFloat(0, maxRight); D2D1_POINT_2F position = {positionX, 0}; // Set text velocity float velocityX = 0; float velocityY = randomFloat(0.1f, 0.5f); D2D_VECTOR_2F velocity = textObject->getVelocity(); // Create text string const int strLength = 3; wchar_t* strBuffer = new wchar_t[strLength + 1]; // one more space for '\0' randomString(strBuffer, strLength); // Create text color D2D1_COLOR_F fillColor = randomColor(); textObject->setFillColor(fillColor); // Reset text object textObject->reset(strBuffer, position, velocity, fillColor); SAFE_DELETE(strBuffer); }
/* ** do one send/receive operation on the specified socket */ int process(int sock) { int size; int sent, received; char tdag[1024]; size_t dlen; char buf1[XIA_MAXBUF], buf2[XIA_MAXBUF]; if (pktSize == 0) size = (rand() % XIA_MAXBUF) + 1; else size = pktSize; randomString(buf1, size); if ((sent = Xsendto(sock, buf1, size, 0, sdag, strlen(sdag)+1)) < 0) { die(-4, "Send error %d on socket %d\n", errno, sock); } say("Xsock %4d sent %d bytes\n", sock, sent); memset(buf2, sizeof(buf2), 0); dlen = sizeof(tdag); if ((received = Xrecvfrom(sock, buf2, sizeof(buf2), 0, tdag, &dlen)) < 0) die(-5, "Receive error %d on socket %d\n", errno, sock); say("Xsock %4d received %d bytes\n", sock, received); if (sent != received || strcmp(buf1, buf2) != 0) { warn("Xsock %4d received data different from sent data! (bytes sent/recv'd: %d/%d)\n", sock, sent, received); } return 0; }
bool atomicallyWriteFileToDisk(folly::StringPiece contents, const std::string& absFilename) { boost::filesystem::path tempFilePath; auto tempFileGuard = folly::makeGuard([&tempFilePath]() { if (!tempFilePath.empty()) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::remove(tempFilePath.c_str(), ec); } }); try { const boost::filesystem::path filePath(absFilename); auto fileDir = filePath.parent_path(); if (fileDir.empty()) { return false; } auto tempFileName = filePath.filename().string() + ".temp-" + randomString(/* minLen */ 10, /* maxLen */ 10); tempFilePath = fileDir / tempFileName; boost::filesystem::create_directories(fileDir); if (!writeStringToFile(contents, tempFilePath.string())) { return false; } boost::filesystem::rename(tempFilePath, filePath); return true; } catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { return false; } catch (const boost::system::system_error& e) { return false; } }
ProfileCreationWizard::ProfileCreationWizard(ModuleManager *parent, const QString &id, const QString &password, bool singleProfile) { m_manager = parent; m_singleProfile = singleProfile; QDir tmpDir = QDir::temp(); QString path; do { path = "qutim-" + randomString(6) + "-profile"; } while (tmpDir.exists(path)); if (!tmpDir.mkpath(path) || !tmpDir.cd(path)) { qFatal("Can't access or create directory: \"%s\"", qPrintable(tmpDir.absoluteFilePath(path))); } QVector<QDir> &systemDirs = *system_info_dirs(); systemDirs[SystemInfo::ConfigDir] = tmpDir.absoluteFilePath("config"); systemDirs[SystemInfo::HistoryDir] = tmpDir.absoluteFilePath("history"); systemDirs[SystemInfo::ShareDir] = tmpDir.absoluteFilePath("share"); for (int i = SystemInfo::ConfigDir; i <= SystemInfo::ShareDir; i++) tmpDir.mkdir(systemDirs[i].dirName()); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << SystemInfo::getPath(SystemInfo::ConfigDir); setProperty("singleProfile",singleProfile); setProperty("password",password); addPage(new ProfileCreationPage(this)); QString realId; QString realName; if (id.isEmpty()) { #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) QT_TRY { struct passwd *userInfo = getpwuid(getuid()); QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); realId = codec->toUnicode(userInfo->pw_name); realName = codec->toUnicode(userInfo->pw_gecos).section(',', 0, 0); } QT_CATCH(...) { } #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) // TCHAR wTId[UNLEN + 1]; // DWORD wSId = sizeof(wTId); // if (GetUserName(wTId, &wSId)) // #if defined(UNICODE) // realid= QString::fromUtf16((ushort*)wTId); // #else // realId = QString::fromLocal8Bit(wTId); // #endif // TCHAR wTName[1024]; // DWORD wSName = 1024; // if (GetUserNameEx(NameDisplay, wTName, &wSName)) // #if defined( UNICODE ) // realName = QString::fromUtf16((ushort*)wTName); // #else // realName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(wTName); // #endif #endif if (realName.isEmpty()) realName = realId; } else {
/** * Makes a boundary for Mime emails **/ dstrbuf * mimeMakeBoundary(void) { dstrbuf *buf=DSB_NEW; dstrbuf *rstr=randomString(15); dsbPrintf(buf, "=-%s", rstr->str); return buf; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // the seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random integers // to be returned by rand() srand(time(NULL)); char *p; p = randomString(10); printf("%s\n", p); free(p); p = randomString(11); printf("%s\n", p); free(p); p = randomString(12); printf("%s\n", p); free(p); }
/** * Generates a tricky name which is unique within ADS. */ std::string ScopedWorkspace::generateUniqueName() { std::string newName; do { // __ makes it hidden in the MantidPlot newName = "__ScopedWorkspace_" + randomString(NAME_LENGTH); } while( AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(newName) ); return newName; }
static bool createNewApplication(const QString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { qCritical("invalid argument"); return false; } QDir dir("."); if (dir.exists(name)) { qCritical("directory already exists"); return false; } if (!dir.mkdir(name)) { qCritical("failed to create a directory %s", qPrintable(name)); return false; } printf(" created %s\n", qPrintable(name)); // Creates sub-directories for (QStringListIterator i(*subDirs()); i.hasNext(); ) { const QString &str = i.next(); QString d = name + SEP + str; if (!mkpath(dir, d)) { return false; } } // Copies files copy(dataDirPath + "app.pro", name + SEP + name + ".pro"); for (QStringListIterator it(*filePaths()); it.hasNext(); ) { const QString &path = it.next(); QString filename = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); QString dst = name + SEP + path; copy(dataDirPath + filename, dst); // Replaces a string in application.ini file if (filename == "application.ini") { replaceString(dst, "$SessionSecret$", randomString(30)); } } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Add dummy model files ProjectFileGenerator progen(name + SEP + D_MODELS + "models.pro"); QStringList dummy = { "_dummymodel.h", "_dummymodel.cpp" }; progen.add(dummy); #endif return true; }
int main() { printf("Type numbers of values to insert: "); int nr_of_values; scanf("%d", &nr_of_values); srand(time(NULL)); createHashTable(); int max = 0; printf("Would you like random string length ? (Y/N)\n"); char key; do { key = getch(); } while ((toupper(key) != 'Y') && (toupper(key) != 'N')); int length = -1; if (toupper(key) == 'N') { printf("Type the length of the strings: "); scanf("%d", &length); } for (int i=0; i<nr_of_values; i++) { char* string = randomString(length); int val = insertValue(string); if (max < val) { max = val; } } printf("The max number of collisions: %d\n", max); printf("Save the hash table file ? (Y/N)\n"); do { key = getch(); } while ((toupper(key) != 'Y') && (toupper(key) != 'N')); if (toupper(key) == 'Y') { char* buffer = (char*) calloc(1024, sizeof(char)); printf("Type the name of the file (without extension): "); scanf("%s", buffer); strcat(buffer, ".txt"); printHashTable(buffer); } return 0; }
QByteArray TSessionManager::generateId() { QByteArray id; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { id = randomString(); if (findSession(id).isEmpty()) break; } if (i == 3) throw RuntimeException("Unable to generate a unique session ID", __FILE__, __LINE__); return id; }
void Page::setSession(const String & key, const String & value, int live) { String sid = _cookie[SESSION_COOKIE_NAME]; if(sid.empty()) { sid = randomString(); // 保存标识到浏览器 setCookie(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, sid, live); } // 保存会话值到服务器 if(!_session) _session = new Config(SESSION_FILE_TAG + sid); _session->set(key, value); }
void test() { //std::cin >> sample >> text; std::string text = randomString(100, 3); std::string sample = randomString(100, 3); std::string answer = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < sample.length(); ++j) { std::string temp = ""; size_t k = 0; while (i + k < text.length() && j + k < sample.length() && text[i + k] == sample[j + k]) { temp += text[i + k]; ++k; } if (temp.length() > answer.length()) { answer = temp; } } } std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, int> hashAns = findLCS(sample, text); int firstStart = hashAns.first.first; int secondStart = hashAns.first.second; int leng = hashAns.second; std::string ansFirst = sample.substr(firstStart, leng); std::string ansSecond = text.substr(secondStart, leng); if (ansFirst != ansSecond || ansFirst.size() != answer.size()) { std::cout << "FAILED" << std::endl; std::cout << sample << std::endl; std::cout << text << std::endl; std::cout << "found: " << ansFirst << " and " << ansSecond << std::endl; std::cout << "expected: " << answer << std::endl; exit(1); } else { std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; } }
std::string GUIDGenerator::getGUID() { std::string guid = ""; if (_withDate) { guid += currentDateTime(); guid += GUID_SEPARATOR; } guid += nextNumber(); guid += GUID_SEPARATOR; guid += randomString(_lengthOfRandomPart); return guid; }
//generate n = config->n_keys keys struct key_list* generateKeys(struct config* config) { struct key_list* keyList = malloc(sizeof(struct key_list)); keyList->n_keys = config->n_keys; keyList->keys = malloc(sizeof(char*) * keyList->n_keys); for(int i = 0; i < keyList->n_keys; i++ ){ int keySize = randomFunction() % MAX_KEY_SIZE; while(keySize <= 1){ keySize = randomFunction() % MAX_KEY_SIZE; } keyList->keys[i] = randomString(keySize); //printf("i: %d key: %s\n", i, keyList->keys[i]); } return keyList; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N = (argc < 2) ? 20 : atoi(argv[1]); if (N < 20) N = 20; Set s; s = newSet(); int i; char x[50]; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { randomString(x); insertInto(s,x); printf("Insert %s\n",x); showSet(s); } disposeSet(s); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N = (argc < 2) ? 10 : atoi(argv[1]); if (N < 20) N = 20; int i, a, b; char x[10][20]; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) randomString(x[i]); Graph g; g = newGraph(10); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { a = random()%10; b = random()%10; addEdge(g, x[a], x[b]); printf("Added %s -> %s\n", x[a], x[b]); showGraph(g,0); } return 0; }
void run(int){ LineReader reader(conn); LineWriter writer(conn); while (true) { std::string line = randomString(); writer.writeLine(line); std::string recd = reader.readLine(); if (recd != line){ tlog("<ERROR> ["<<clientId<<"]\n\tSent: "<<line<< "\n\tRecd: "<<recd); return; }else{ tlog("<OK> ["<<clientId<<"]\n\tSent: "<<line<< "\n\tRecd: "<<recd); } ThreadBase::sleep(200 + rand()%100); } }
void XmppReg::slotRegister() { /* <iq type='get' id='reg1'> <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'/> </iq> */ printf("[XMPPREG] slotRegister\n"); QString type = "get"; id = randomString(6); Stanza stanza(Stanza::IQ, type, id, QString()); QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement c = doc.createElement("query"); c.setAttribute("xmlns", "jabber:iq:register"); stanza.node().firstChild().appendChild(c); x->write(stanza); }
String Page::saveUploadFile(const String &key) { if(_form->uploadStatus(key) != Success) return ""; String filename = Page::_upload_dir + randomString(); String postfix = _form->uploadPostfix(key); if(!postfix.empty()) filename += "." + postfix; if(rename(_form->uploadFile(key).data(), (_document_root + filename).data()) == 0) { _form->fileSaved(key); return filename; } else { CPP_ERROR("Move file failed"); return ""; } }
bool Account::createAccount(const std::string& accountName, const int& accountNum, const std::string& pin, const std::string& bankSalt) { if(accountName == "") { return false; } this->accountName = accountName; if(accountNum <= 0) { return false; } this->accountNum = accountNum; this->salt = makeHash(randomString(128)); std::string card = makeHash(to_string(this->accountNum) + salt); this->card = card; std::ofstream outfile; std::string cardFile = "cards/" + this->accountName + ".card"; std::ofstream file_out(cardFile.c_str()); // write values to cards if(file_out.is_open()) { file_out << card; } file_out.close(); //If oin sucessfully set then the account can be unlocked for use. if(setPIN(pin, bankSalt)) { islocked = false; } else { islocked = true; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { CSCGlobal::gAgentName = "sccrashd_app"; CSCGlobal::gAgentVersion = SC_AGENT_VER_NUM; CConfig::load(); if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp("-v", argv[1]) == 0)) { printf("%s %s\r\n", argv[0], SC_VER_STR); exit(0); } if (argc == 12) { std::string dateTime = argv[1]; SC_TEST_TYPE testType = static_cast<SC_TEST_TYPE>(atoi(argv[2])); int serverId = atoi(argv[3]); unsigned int shardNumber= atoi(argv[4]); int pageTestId = atoi(argv[5]); scriptid_t scriptTestId= atol(argv[6]); std::string agentVersion(argv[7]); std::string randomString(argv[8]); long long randomInt = atoll(argv[9]); long long runId = atoll(argv[10]); int backingOff = atoi(argv[11]); runSccrashdApp(dateTime, testType, serverId, shardNumber, pageTestId, scriptTestId, agentVersion, randomString, randomInt, runId, backingOff); } else { Usage(); } // log startup to syslog //logToSyslog(WTTT_IDENT, SC_SYSLOG_TEXT); // log to syslog //logToSyslog(WTTT_IDENT, SC_SYSLOG_EXIT_TEXT); return 0; }
bool BankSession::sendP(long int &csock, void* packet, std::string command) { if(!this->key) { return false; } bankNonce = makeHash(randomString(128)); command = command + "," + atmNonce + "," + bankNonce; if(command.size() >= 460) { return false; } buildPacket((char*)packet, command); if(!encryptPacket((char*)packet,this->key)) { return false; } return sendPacket(csock, packet); }
void TestGetSetCompareProperty(CuTest* tc) { TextProperty* pro; char* data; int repeat; // test null pro = createTextProperty(); setTextProperty(pro, NULL); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, getTextProperty(pro)); // test empty pro = createTextProperty(); setTextProperty(pro, ""); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "", getTextProperty(pro)); // test lots of random variations for (repeat=0; repeat<NUM_FAST_TESTS; repeat++) { data = randomString(); pro = createTextProperty(); setTextProperty(pro, data); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, data, getTextProperty(pro)); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, strcmp(getTextProperty(pro), data)); deleteTextProperty(pro); } }
void LetterHunter::initializeText() { ID2D1Factory* D2DFactory = d2d_->getD2DFactory(); ID2D1HwndRenderTarget* renderTarget = d2d_->getD2DHwndRenderTarget(); IDWriteFactory* DWriteFactory = d2d_->getDWriteFactory(); for(int i = 0; i < TEXTCOUNT; ++i) { // Geneate a random string const int strLength = 1; wchar_t* strBuffer = new wchar_t[strLength + 1]; randomString(strBuffer, strLength); TextObject* textObj = new TextObject( D2DFactory, renderTarget, DWriteFactory, strBuffer, 100 ); SAFE_DELETE(strBuffer); // Generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 100 float a[10] = {0}; float velocityY = randomFloat(10.0f, 50.0f); D2D_VECTOR_2F velocity = {0, velocityY}; // Set text position float windowWidth = (float)getwindowWidth(); D2D1_RECT_F textBoundRect = textObj->getBoundaryRect(); float maxRight = windowWidth - (textBoundRect.right -textBoundRect.left); float positionX = randomFloat(0, maxRight); D2D1_POINT_2F position = {positionX, 0}; textObj->setPosition(position); // Set text velocity textObj->setVelocity(velocity); D2D1_COLOR_F fillColor = randomColor(); textObj->setFillColor(fillColor); textBuffer_.push_back(textObj); } }