Пример #1
static void drawModels(float zScale)
    const int translationScale = 9;
    int x, y;


    //glScalex(1 << 16, 1 << 16, (GLfixed)(zScale * 65536));

    for (y = -5; y <= 5; ++y)
        for (x = -5; x <= 5; ++x)
            float buildingScale;
            GLfixed fixedScale;

            int curShape = randomUInt() % SUPERSHAPE_COUNT;
            buildingScale = sSuperShapeParams[curShape][SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 1];
            fixedScale = (GLfixed)(buildingScale * 65536);

#if 0
            glTranslatex((x * translationScale) * 65536,
                         (y * translationScale) * 65536,
            glRotatex((GLfixed)((randomUInt() % 360) << 16), 0, 0, 1 << 16);
            glScalex(fixedScale, fixedScale, fixedScale);


    for (x = -2; x <= 2; ++x)
        const int shipScale100 = translationScale * 500;
        const int offs100 = x * shipScale100 + (sTick % shipScale100);
        float offs = offs100 * 0.01f;
        GLfixed fixedOffs = (GLfixed)(offs * 65536);
#if 0
        glTranslatex(fixedOffs, -4 * 65536, 2 << 16);
        drawGLObject(sSuperShapeObjects[SUPERSHAPE_COUNT - 1]);
        glTranslatex(-4 * 65536, fixedOffs, 4 << 16);
        glRotatex(90 << 16, 0, 0, 1 << 16);
        drawGLObject(sSuperShapeObjects[SUPERSHAPE_COUNT - 1]);
Пример #2
static void drawModels(float zScale)
    const int translationScale = 9;
    int x, y;


    glScalef(1.f, 1.f, zScale);

    for (y = -5; y <= 5; ++y)
        for (x = -5; x <= 5; ++x)
            float buildingScale;

            int curShape = randomUInt() % SUPERSHAPE_COUNT;
            buildingScale = sSuperShapeParams[curShape][SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 1];

            glTranslatef(x * translationScale, y * translationScale, 0);
              int rv = randomUInt() % 360;
              // printf("rv=%d\n", rv);
              glRotatef(rv, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            // glRotatef(randomUInt() % 360, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            glScalef(buildingScale, buildingScale, buildingScale);


    for (x = -2; x <= 2; ++x)
        const int shipScale100 = translationScale * 500;
        const int offs100 = x * shipScale100 + (sTick % shipScale100);
        float offs = offs100 * 0.01f;
        // GLfixed fixedOffs = (GLfixed)(offs * 65536);
        // glTranslatex(fixedOffs, -4 * 65536, 2 << 16);
        glTranslatef(offs, -4.f, 2.f);
        drawGLObject(sSuperShapeObjects[SUPERSHAPE_COUNT - 1]);
        // glTranslatex(-4 * 65536, fixedOffs, 4 << 16);
        glTranslatef(-4.f, offs, 4.f);
        // glRotatex(90 << 16, 0, 0, 1 << 16);
        glRotatef(90.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
        drawGLObject(sSuperShapeObjects[SUPERSHAPE_COUNT - 1]);
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
   int i, j;

   /* mmx test */
      UChar* regL = malloc(8);
      UChar* regR = malloc(8);
      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            regL[j] = (UChar)randomUInt();
            printf("%02x", regL[j]);
         printf(" ");
         for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            regR[j] = (UChar)randomUInt();
            printf("%02x", regR[j]);
         printf(" ");
         maskmovq_mmx( regR, regL );

   /* sse test */
      UChar* regL = malloc(16);
      UChar* regR = malloc(16);
      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            regL[j] = (UChar)randomUInt();
            printf("%02x", regL[j]);
         printf(" ");
         for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            regR[j] = (UChar)randomUInt();
            printf("%02x", regR[j]);
         printf(" ");
         maskmovdqu_sse( regR, regL );

   return 0;
Пример #4
static GLOBJECT * createGroundPlane()
    const int scale = 4;
    const int yBegin = -15, yEnd = 15;    // ends are non-inclusive
    const int xBegin = -15, xEnd = 15;
    const long triangleCount = (yEnd - yBegin) * (xEnd - xBegin) * 2;
    const long vertices = triangleCount * 3;
    GLOBJECT *result;
    int x, y;
    long currentVertex, currentQuad;

    result = newGLObject(vertices, 2, 0);
    if (result == NULL)
        return NULL;

    currentQuad = 0;
    currentVertex = 0;

    for (y = yBegin; y < yEnd; ++y)
        for (x = xBegin; x < xEnd; ++x)
            GLubyte color;
            int i, a;
            color = (GLubyte)((randomUInt() & 0x5f) + 81);  // 101 1111
            for (i = currentVertex * 4; i < (currentVertex + 6) * 4; i += 4)
                result->colorArray[i] = color;
                result->colorArray[i + 1] = color;
                result->colorArray[i + 2] = color;
                result->colorArray[i + 3] = 0;

            // Axis bits for quad triangles:
            // x: 011100 (0x1c), y: 110001 (0x31)  (clockwise)
            // x: 001110 (0x0e), y: 100011 (0x23)  (counter-clockwise)
            for (a = 0; a < 6; ++a)
                const int xm = x + ((0x1c >> a) & 1);
                const int ym = y + ((0x31 >> a) & 1);
                const float m = (float)(cos(xm * 2) * sin(ym * 4) * 0.75f);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 2] =
                    FIXED(xm * scale + m);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 2 + 1] =
                    FIXED(ym * scale + m);
    return result;
Пример #5
// Creates and returns a supershape object.
// Based on Paul Bourke's POV-Ray implementation.
// http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/povray/supershape/
static GLOBJECT * createSuperShape(const float *params)
    const int resol1 = (int)params[SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 3];
    const int resol2 = (int)params[SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 2];
    // latitude 0 to pi/2 for no mirrored bottom
    // (latitudeBegin==0 for -pi/2 to pi/2 originally)
    const int latitudeBegin = resol2 / 4;
    const int latitudeEnd = resol2 / 2;    // non-inclusive
    const int longitudeCount = resol1;
    const int latitudeCount = latitudeEnd - latitudeBegin;
    const long triangleCount = longitudeCount * latitudeCount * 2;
    const long vertices = triangleCount * 3;
    GLOBJECT *result;
    float baseColor[3];
    int a, longitude, latitude;
    long currentVertex, currentQuad;

    result = newGLObject(vertices, 3, 1);
    if (result == NULL)
        return NULL;

    for (a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
        baseColor[a] = ((randomUInt() % 155) + 100) / 255.f;

    currentQuad = 0;
    currentVertex = 0;

    // longitude -pi to pi
    for (longitude = 0; longitude < longitudeCount; ++longitude)

        // latitude 0 to pi/2
        for (latitude = latitudeBegin; latitude < latitudeEnd; ++latitude)
            float t1 = -PI + longitude * 2 * PI / resol1;
            float t2 = -PI + (longitude + 1) * 2 * PI / resol1;
            float p1 = -PI / 2 + latitude * 2 * PI / resol2;
            float p2 = -PI / 2 + (latitude + 1) * 2 * PI / resol2;
            float r0, r1, r2, r3;

            r0 = ssFunc(t1, params);
            r1 = ssFunc(p1, &params[6]);
            r2 = ssFunc(t2, params);
            r3 = ssFunc(p2, &params[6]);

            if (r0 != 0 && r1 != 0 && r2 != 0 && r3 != 0)
                VECTOR3 pa, pb, pc, pd;
                VECTOR3 v1, v2, n;
                float ca;
                int i;
                //float lenSq, invLenSq;

                superShapeMap(&pa, r0, r1, t1, p1);
                superShapeMap(&pb, r2, r1, t2, p1);
                superShapeMap(&pc, r2, r3, t2, p2);
                superShapeMap(&pd, r0, r3, t1, p2);

                // kludge to set lower edge of the object to fixed level
                if (latitude == latitudeBegin + 1)
                    pa.z = pb.z = 0;

                vector3Sub(&v1, &pb, &pa);
                vector3Sub(&v2, &pd, &pa);

                // Calculate normal with cross product.
                /*   i    j    k      i    j
                 * v1.x v1.y v1.z | v1.x v1.y
                 * v2.x v2.y v2.z | v2.x v2.y

                n.x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
                n.y = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z;
                n.z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;

                /* Pre-normalization of the normals is disabled here because
                 * they will be normalized anyway later due to automatic
                 * normalization (GL_NORMALIZE). It is enabled because the
                 * objects are scaled with glScale.
                lenSq = n.x * n.x + n.y * n.y + n.z * n.z;
                invLenSq = (float)(1 / sqrt(lenSq));
                n.x *= invLenSq;
                n.y *= invLenSq;
                n.z *= invLenSq;

                ca = pa.z + 0.5f;

                for (i = currentVertex * 3;
                     i < (currentVertex + 6) * 3;
                     i += 3)
                    result->normalArray[i] = FIXED(n.x);
                    result->normalArray[i + 1] = FIXED(n.y);
                    result->normalArray[i + 2] = FIXED(n.z);
                for (i = currentVertex * 4;
                     i < (currentVertex + 6) * 4;
                     i += 4)
                    int a, color[3];
                    for (a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
                        color[a] = (int)(ca * baseColor[a] * 255);
                        if (color[a] > 255) color[a] = 255;
                    result->colorArray[i] = (GLubyte)color[0];
                    result->colorArray[i + 1] = (GLubyte)color[1];
                    result->colorArray[i + 2] = (GLubyte)color[2];
                    result->colorArray[i + 3] = 0;
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pa.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pa.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pa.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pb.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pb.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pb.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pd.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pd.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pd.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pb.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pb.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pb.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pc.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pc.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pc.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pd.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pd.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pd.z);
            } // r0 && r1 && r2 && r3
        } // latitude
    } // longitude

    // Set number of vertices in object to the actual amount created.
    result->count = currentVertex;

    return result;
Пример #6
static GLOBJECT * createSuperShape(const float *params)
    const int resol1 = (int)params[SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 3];
    const int resol2 = (int)params[SUPERSHAPE_PARAMS - 2];
    const int latitudeBegin = resol2 / 4;
    const int latitudeEnd = resol2 / 2;    
    const int longitudeCount = resol1;
    const int latitudeCount = latitudeEnd - latitudeBegin;
    const long triangleCount = longitudeCount * latitudeCount * 2;
    const long vertices = triangleCount * 3;
    GLOBJECT *result;
    float baseColor[3];
    int a, longitude, latitude;
    long currentVertex, currentQuad;

    result = newGLObject(vertices, 3, 1);
    if (result == NULL)
        return NULL;

    for (a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
        baseColor[a] = ((randomUInt() % 155) + 100) / 255.f;

    currentQuad = 0;
    currentVertex = 0;

    for (longitude = 0; longitude < longitudeCount; ++longitude)

        for (latitude = latitudeBegin; latitude < latitudeEnd; ++latitude)
            float t1 = -PI + longitude * 2 * PI / resol1;
            float t2 = -PI + (longitude + 1) * 2 * PI / resol1;
            float p1 = -PI / 2 + latitude * 2 * PI / resol2;
            float p2 = -PI / 2 + (latitude + 1) * 2 * PI / resol2;
            float r0, r1, r2, r3;

            r0 = ssFunc(t1, params);
            r1 = ssFunc(p1, &params[6]);
            r2 = ssFunc(t2, params);
            r3 = ssFunc(p2, &params[6]);

            if (r0 != 0 && r1 != 0 && r2 != 0 && r3 != 0)
                VECTOR3 pa, pb, pc, pd;
                VECTOR3 v1, v2, n;
                float ca;
                int i;                

                superShapeMap(&pa, r0, r1, t1, p1);
                superShapeMap(&pb, r2, r1, t2, p1);
                superShapeMap(&pc, r2, r3, t2, p2);
                superShapeMap(&pd, r0, r3, t1, p2);

                if (latitude == latitudeBegin + 1)
                    pa.z = pb.z = 0;

                vector3Sub(&v1, &pb, &pa);
                vector3Sub(&v2, &pd, &pa);


                n.x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
                n.y = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z;
                n.z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;


                ca = pa.z + 0.5f;

                for (i = currentVertex * 3;
                     i < (currentVertex + 6) * 3;
                     i += 3)
                    result->normalArray[i] = FIXED(n.x);
                    result->normalArray[i + 1] = FIXED(n.y);
                    result->normalArray[i + 2] = FIXED(n.z);
                for (i = currentVertex * 4;
                     i < (currentVertex + 6) * 4;
                     i += 4)
                    int a, color[3];
                    for (a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
                        color[a] = (int)(ca * baseColor[a] * 255);
                        if (color[a] > 255) color[a] = 255;
                    result->colorArray[i] = (GLubyte)color[0];
                    result->colorArray[i + 1] = (GLubyte)color[1];
                    result->colorArray[i + 2] = (GLubyte)color[2];
                    result->colorArray[i + 3] = 0;
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pa.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pa.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pa.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pb.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pb.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pb.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pd.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pd.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pd.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pb.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pb.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pb.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pc.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pc.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pc.z);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3] = FIXED(pd.x);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 1] = FIXED(pd.y);
                result->vertexArray[currentVertex * 3 + 2] = FIXED(pd.z);

    result->count = currentVertex;

    return result;