Пример #1
int main(void) {
	int len = 50, array[len], backup[len];	
	random_int_array(array, len, 100);
	for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { backup[i] = array[i]; }
	int_array_output(array, len);
	// insert_sort(array, len);
	shell_sort(array, len);
	int_array_output(array, len);
	int idx = binary_search(array, len, 10);
	printf("%d \n", idx);
	if(in_array(array, backup, len) == false) {
		printf("Fail in test \n");
	if(assert_int_array_increasing(array, len) == false) {
		printf("Fail in test \n");
	int a = 2, b = 3;
	printf("(%d + %d) / 2 = %d \n", a, b, (int)floor((a + b) / 2.0));
	return 0;
Пример #2
Файл: test.c Проект: mzhaolz/hpc
Point run(void* arri_1, void* arri_2, size_t num, size_t size, int (*compar) (const void*, const void*))
	clock_t start;
	//assert(are_equal(arri_1, arri_2, num, size, compar));
	clock_t difference;	clock_t difference_std;
	start = clock();
	qsort(arri_2, num, size, compar);	
	difference_std = clock() - start;
	//assert(!is_ordered(arri_2, num, size, compar));
	//time the standard library
	start = clock();
	my_qsort(arri_1, num, size, compar);
	difference = clock() - start;	
	//we're just testing for speed now
	//print_int_array(arri_1, num);
	//print_int_array(arri_2, num);
	assert(are_equal(arri_1, arri_2, num, size, compar));
	free(arri_1); free(arri_2);
	Point p = { .x = difference * 1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, .y = difference_std * 1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC};
	return p;

Point test_int_array(size_t num, size_t size) 
	void* compar = &compar_int;
	int* arri_1 = random_int_array(num);
	int* arri_2 = (int*) duplicate_array(arri_1, num, size);
	return run(arri_1, arri_2, num, size, compar);
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int elements = ArraySz;
	if(argc > 1) elements = atoi(argv[1]);
	struct timespec start, stop;

    int numtask=0;        // no of tasks
    int work[ArraySz/2]; // max size

    // Created random array
	int *a = random_int_array(elements, elements/2, 13);

    printf("\nArray before Sorting:\n");
    // Print array
	print_array(a, elements);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

//	quicksort(a, 0, elements-1);

    // create threads
    pthread_t * threads;
    struct pthread_args * t_arg;

    threads = malloc(NUMTHREADS * sizeof(*threads));
    t_arg= malloc(NUMTHREADS * sizeof(*t_arg));

    for( int i=0; i < NUMTHREADS; i++ )
        t_arg[i].numtask = &numtask;
        t_arg[i].work = work;
        t_arg[i].a = a;
        t_arg[i].id = i;
        pthread_create( threads+i, NULL, &doWork, t_arg+i );
        pthread_join( threads[i], NULL );


	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);

    // print workarray
    for( int i=0; i< ArraySz/2; i++)
        printf("\nwork[%d]=%d\t", i,work[i]);
        printf("work[%d]=%d", i,work[i]);

    printf("\nArray after Sorting:\n");
	print_array(a, elements);

	printf("\nTime = %lf\n", time_diff(&start, &stop, NULL));

    return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int elements = ELEMS;
	int num_threads = NTHREADS;
	int dump_array = 0;
	int c;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:e:d:")) != -1)
		switch (c)
		case 't':
			if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &num_threads) != 1)
				goto error;

		case 'e':
			if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &elements) != 1)
				goto error;

		case 'd':
			if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &dump_array) != 1)
				goto error;

		case '?':
			error: printf(
			    "-t \t number of threads used in computation\n"
			    "-e \t number of elements to be sorted using quicksort\n"
			    "-d \t dump array option (0 or 1)\n"
			    "%s -t 4 -e 10000000 -d 1\n", argv[0]);

	struct timespec start, stop;
	int *a = random_int_array(elements, elements/2, 13);

	if (dump_array == 1) print_array(a, elements);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

	quicksort(a, 0, elements-1, num_threads);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);

	if (dump_array == 1) print_array(a, elements);

	printf("\nTime: %lf seconds\n", time_diff(&start, &stop, NULL));

	return 0;
Пример #5
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int *numbers = random_int_array(10);


	gsort(numbers, bubble_sort, int_natural_order);


	gsort(numbers, bubble_sort, int_reverse_order);

	return 0;
Пример #6
void main(int argc, char **argv)
	int elements = 27;
	if(argc > 1) elements = atoi(argv[1]);
	struct timespec start, stop;
	int *a = random_int_array(elements, elements/2, 13);

	print_array(a, elements);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

	quicksort(a, 0, elements-1);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);

	print_array(a, elements);

	printf("\nTime = %lf\n", time_diff(&start, &stop, NULL));
Пример #7
Файл: test.c Проект: mzhaolz/hpc
void basic_test(size_t times, size_t size, size_t increment) 
	int i, j;
	double int_time = 0, double_time = 0, float_time = 0, long_time = 0, point_time = 0;
	double int_time_single, double_time_single, long_time_single, point_time_single, float_time_single;
	for (j = 0; j < size; j += increment)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for (i = 0; i < times; ++i)
			int_time_single = test_array(random_int_array(j), j, sizeof(int), *compar_int);
			double_time_single = test_array(random_double_array(j), j, sizeof(double), *compar_double);
			float_time_single = test_array(random_float_array(j), j, sizeof(float), *compar_float);
			long_time_single = test_array(random_long_array(j), j, sizeof(long), *compar_long);
			point_time_single = test_array(random_point_array(j), j, sizeof(Point), *compar_point);

			#pragma omp atomic
			int_time += int_time_single;
			#pragma omp atomic
			double_time += double_time_single;
			#pragma omp atomic
			long_time += long_time_single;
			#pragma omp atomic
			float_time += float_time_single;
			#pragma omp atomic
			point_time += point_time_single;
		printf("(int) array_size: %d, sort_time (ms): %f\n", j, int_time/times);
		printf("(double) array_size: %d, sort_time (ms): %f\n", j, double_time/times);
		printf("(float) array_size: %d, sort_time (ms): %f\n", j, float_time/times);
		printf("(long) array_size: %d, sort_time (ms): %f\n", j, long_time/times);
		printf("(point) array_size: %d, sort_time (ms): %f\n", j, point_time/times);
		int_time = double_time = float_time = long_time = point_time = 0;