spawn_kitten(KittenManager * litter, gboolean ** seen_grid)
	GArray * available;
	EntitySet * others;
	Level world;

	unsigned int ri;

	unsigned int * pending;
	unsigned int * chosen;

	others = litter->child->others;
	world = litter->child->world;

	available = available_squares(world, others);

	chosen = NULL;

	while (chosen == NULL)
		ri = random_uint(available->len);
		pending = g_array_index(available, unsigned int *, ri);
		if (!seen_grid[pending[0]][pending[1]])
			chosen = pending;

	clone_kitten(litter, (float) chosen[0], (float) chosen[1]);

Пример #2
// quick sort: requires n>1
static void qsort_map_array(map_elem_t *a, uint32_t n) {
  uint32_t i, j;
  map_elem_t x, y;

  // x = random pivot
  i = random_uint(n);
  x = a[i];

  // swap a[i] and a[0]
  a[i] = a[0];
  a[0] = x;

  i = 0;
  j = n;

  do { j--; } while (a[j].index > x.index);
  do { i++; } while (i <= j && a[i].index < x.index);

  while (i < j) {
    // swap a[i] and a[j]
    y = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = y;

    do { j--; } while (a[j].index > x.index);
    do { i++; } while (a[i].index < x.index);

  // swap a[0] = x and a[j]
  a[0] = a[j];
  a[j] = x;

  // recursive sort
  sort_map_array(a, j);
  j ++;
  sort_map_array(a + j, n - j);
Пример #3
static void qsort_composite_array(composite_t **a, uint32_t n) {
  uint32_t i, j;
  composite_t *x, *y;

  // x = random pivot
  i = random_uint(n);
  x = a[i];

  // swap x and a[0]
  a[i] = a[0];
  a[0] = x;

  i = 0;
  j = n;

  do { j--; } while (a[j]->id > x->id);
  do { i++; } while (i <= j && a[i]->id < x->id);

  while (i < j) {
    y = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = y;

    do { j--; } while (a[j]->id > x->id);
    do { i++; } while (a[i]->id < x->id);

  // pivot goes into a[j]
  a[0] = a[j];
  a[j] = x;

  // sort a[0...j-1] and a[j+1 .. n-1]
  sort_composite_array(a, j);
  sort_composite_array(a + j, n - j);
Пример #4
 * Quick sort:
 * - preconditions: high - low > 1
 * - a[high] exists and is at least as large as all elements in a[low ... high-1].
 * - sorting cannot cause memory leaks so we don't use the assignment or swap functions
 *   from rationals.h
static void quick_sort_monarray2(monomial_t *a, void *data, var_cmp_fun_t cmp,
                                 uint32_t low, uint32_t high) {
  uint32_t i, j, p;
  monomial_t pivot, aux;

  assert(high - low > 1);

  // random pivot
  i = low + random_uint(high - low);
  assert(low <= i && i < high);
  pivot = a[i];
  p = pivot.var;

  // swap pivot and a[low]
  a[i] = a[low];
  a[low] = pivot;

  i = low;
  j = high;
  for (;;) {
    do { j--; } while (cmp(data, p, a[j].var));
    do { i++; } while (cmp(data, a[i].var, p));
    if (i >= j) break;
    // swap a[i] and a[j]
    aux = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = aux;

  // swap a[j] and a[low] = pivot
  a[low] = a[j];
  a[j] = pivot;

  if (j > low + 1) quick_sort_monarray2(a, data, cmp, low, j);
  j ++;
  if (high > j + 1) quick_sort_monarray2(a, data, cmp, j, high);
Пример #5
 * Quick sort array a[low .. high-1]
 * - high - low must be larger than 1
 * - a[high] must exist and have a larger index that all monomials in a[low ... high-1]
 * - sorting cannot cause memory leaks so we don't use the assignment or swap functions
 *   from rationals.h.
static void quick_sort_monarray(monomial_t *a, uint32_t low, uint32_t high) {
  uint32_t i, j, p;
  monomial_t pivot, aux;

  assert(high - low > 1);

  // random pivot
  i =  low + random_uint(high - low);
  assert(low <= i && i < high);
  pivot = a[i];
  p = pivot.var;

  // move pivot into a[low]
  a[i] = a[low];
  a[low] = pivot;

  i = low;
  j = high;
  for (;;) {
    do { j--; } while (p < a[j].var);
    do { i++; } while (p > a[i].var);
    if (i >= j) break;

    // swap a[i] and a[j]
    aux = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = aux;

  // swap a[j] and a[low] = pivot
  a[low] = a[j];
  a[j] = pivot;

  if (j > low + 1) quick_sort_monarray(a, low, j);
  j ++;
  if (high > j + 1) quick_sort_monarray(a, j, high);
Пример #6
static sexp sexp_random_uint_stub (sexp ctx, sexp self, sexp_sint_t n, sexp arg0) {
  sexp res;
  if (! sexp_exact_integerp(arg0))
    return sexp_type_exception(ctx, self, SEXP_FIXNUM, arg0);
  res = sexp_make_unsigned_integer(ctx, random_uint(sexp_uint_value(arg0)));
  return res;
Пример #7
void test_seeding(unsigned int num)
    struct random *p1, *p2;
    unsigned int seed[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int err;
    p1 = random_new();
    p2 = random_new();
    err = random_set_seed(p1, seed, ARRAY_SIZE(seed));
    assert(err == 0);
    err = random_set_seed(p2, seed, ARRAY_SIZE(seed));
    assert(err == 0);
        assert(random_uint(p1) == random_uint(p2));
Пример #8
// quick sort: requires n > 1
static void qsort_ptr_array2(void **a, uint32_t n, void *data, ptr_cmp_fun_t cmp) {
    uint32_t i, j;
    void *x, *y;

    // x = random pivot
    i = random_uint(n);
    x = a[i];

    // swap x and a[0]
    a[i] = a[0];
    a[0] = x;

    i = 0;
    j = n;

    do {
    while (cmp(data, x, a[j]));              // do { j--; } while (x < a[j]);
    do {
    while (i <= j && cmp(data, a[i], x));    // do { i++; } while (a[i] < x);

    while (i < j) {
        y = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = y;

        do {
        while (cmp(data, x, a[j]));    // do { j--; } while (x < a[j]);
        do {
        while (cmp(data, a[i], x));    // do { j++; } while (a[i] < x);

    // the pivot goes into a[j]
    a[0] = a[j];
    a[j] = x;

    // sort a[0...j-1] and a[j+1 .. n-1]
    sort_ptr_array2(a, j, data, cmp);
    sort_ptr_array2(a + j, n - j, data, cmp);
Пример #9
void test_randomness(void)
    struct random *rand;
    unsigned int n, i, num;
    rand = random_new();
    num = 100;
    for(i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        n = random_uint(rand);
        fprintf(stdout, "%-10u\t", n);
        if((i % 3) == 0)
            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
Пример #10
static void qsort_varexp_array(varexp_t *a, uint32_t n) {
  uint32_t i, j;
  int32_t pivot;
  varexp_t aux;

  // random pivot
  i = random_uint(n);
  aux = a[i];
  pivot = a[i].var;

  // swap with a[0];
  a[i] = a[0];
  a[0] = aux;

  i = 0;
  j = n;

  // test i <= j in second loop is required for termination
  // if all elements are smaller than the pivot.
  do { j--; } while (a[j].var > pivot);
  do { i++; } while (i <= j && a[i].var < pivot);

  while (i < j) {
    aux = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = aux;

    do { j--; } while (a[j].var > pivot);
    do { i++; } while (a[i].var < pivot);

  // swap pivot = a[0] and a[j]
  aux = a[0]; a[0] = a[j]; a[j] = aux;

  // sort a[0 ... j-1] and a[j+1 ... n-1]
  sort_varexp_array(a, j);
  j ++;
  sort_varexp_array(a + j, n - j);
Пример #11
static void qsort_terms(uint32_t n, term_t *a) {
  uint32_t i, j, r;
  term_t x, y;

  //  assert(n > 1);
  //  if (n <= 1) return;

  // random pivot
  i = random_uint(n);
  x = a[i];
  r = bool_rank(x);

  // swap with a[0]
  a[i] = a[0];
  a[0] = x;

  i = 0;
  j = n;

  do { j--; } while (bool_rank(a[j]) > r);
  do { i++; } while (i <= j && bool_rank(a[i]) < r);

  while (i < j) {
    y = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = y;

    do { j--; } while (bool_rank(a[j]) > r);
    do { i++; } while (bool_rank(a[i]) < r);

  // place pivot
  a[0] = a[j];
  a[j] = x;

  sort_terms(j, a); // a[0 ... j-1]
  j ++;
  sort_terms(n - j, a + j); // a[j+1 .. n-1]
Пример #12
void test_duplicates(unsigned int num)
    const struct map_config map_conf = {
        .size           = MAP_DEFAULT_SIZE,
        .lower_bound    = MAP_DEFAULT_LOWER_BOUND,
        .upper_bound    = MAP_DEFAULT_UPPER_BOUND,
        .static_size    = false,
        .key_compare    = &compare_int,
        .key_hash       = &hash_uint,
        .data_delete    = NULL,
    struct map *m;
    struct random *random;
    unsigned int i, n, dups1, dups2;;
    int err;
    m = map_new(&map_conf);
    random = random_new();
    dups1 = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        n = random_uint(random);
        if(map_contains(m, (void *)(long) n)) {
            dups1 += 1;
        } else {
            err = map_insert(m, (void *)(long) n, (void *)(long) n);
            if(err < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: "
                        "Map unable to insert %u in %uth iteration: %s\n",
                        n, i, strerror(-err));
    dups2 = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        n = rand();
        if(map_contains(m, (void *)(long) n)) {
            dups2 += 1;
        } else {
            err = map_insert(m, (void *)(long) n, (void *)(long) n);
            if(err < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: "
                "Map unable to insert %u in %uth iteration: %s\n",
                n, i, strerror(-err));
            "random: After %u iterations there are %u (%lf %%) duplicates\n"
            "rand(): After %u iterations there are %u (%lf %%) duplicates\n", 
            num, dups1, (double) dups1 / num, num, dups2, (double) dups2 / num);

void test_range(unsigned int num)
    struct random *rand;
    unsigned int i, n;
    rand = random_new();
    for(i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        n = random_uint_range(rand, 0, 100);
        assert(n <= 100);
        n = random_uint_range(rand, 1000, 10000);
        assert(n >= 1000 && n <= 10000);
        n = random_uint_range(rand, 99999, 123456);
        assert(n >= 99999 && n <= 123456);
        n = random_uint_range(rand, (unsigned int) 1e6 + 1, (unsigned int) 1e8);
        assert(n >= (unsigned int) 1e6 + 1 && n <= (unsigned int) 1e8);
        n = random_uint_range(rand, 0, 0);
        assert(n == 0);
        n = random_uint_range(rand, 100, 100);
        assert(n == 100);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned int num;
    if(argc == 2)
        num = atoi(argv[1]);
        num = 0;
    if(num) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Tests finished\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #13
/** Train the unsupervised SOM network.
 * The network is initialized with random (non-graduate) values. It is then
 * trained with the image pixels (RGB). Once the network is done training the
 * centroids of the resulting clusters is returned.
 * @note The length of the clusters depends on the parameter 'n'. The greatest
 *  n, the more colors in the clusters, the less posterized the image.
 * @param[out] res       The resulting R, G and B clusters centroids.
 * @param[in]  imgPixels The original image pixels.
 * @param[in]  nbPixels  The number of pixels of th image (height * width).
 * @param[in]  nbNeurons The posterization leveldefined by its number of 
 *                       neurons.
 * @param[in]  noEpoch   Number of training passes (a too small number of epochs
 *  won't be enough for the network to correctly know the image but a too high
 *  value will force the network to modify the wieghts so much that the image
 *  can actually looks "ugly").
 * @param[in]  thresh    The threshold value. The SOM delta parameter and the
 *  training rate are dicreasing from one epoch to the next. The treshold value
 *  set a stop condifition in case the value has fallen under this minimum 
 *  value.
 * @return SOM_OK if everything goes right or SOM_NO_MEMORY if a memory 
 *  allocation (malloc) fail.
int som_train(float **res, float **imgPixels, unsigned int nbPixels,
              int nbNeurons, int noEpoch, float thresh){
    int mapWidth =              // Map width. This can be calculated from its
        (int)sqrt(nbNeurons);   // number of neurons as the map is square.
    int mapHeight =             // Map height. This can be calculated from its
        (int)sqrt(nbNeurons);   // number of neurons as the map is square.
    float delta = INT_MAX;      // Start with an almost impossible value
    int it = 0;                 // Count the network iterations
    unsigned int pick;          // The choosen input pixel
    float rad;                  // Neighbooring radius (keep dicreasing)
    float eta;                  // Learning rate (keep dicreasing)
    float pickRGB[3] = {0};     // Contains the choosen input RGB vector
    size_t choosen;             // Best Matching Unit (BMU)
    int choosen_x;              // BMU abscissa
    int choosen_y;              // BMU ordinate
    float *neigh =              // Neighbooring mask
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(neigh == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(neigh, 0, nbNeurons);

    float *WR =                 // RED part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(WR == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(WR, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *WG =                 // GREEN part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(WG == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(WG, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *WB =                 // BLUE part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(WB == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(WB, 0, nbNeurons);

    float *deltaR =             // New RED part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(deltaR == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(deltaR, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *deltaG =             // New GREEN part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(deltaG == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(deltaG, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *deltaB =             // New BLUE part of the network weight vectors
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(deltaB == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(deltaB, 0, nbNeurons);

    float *absDeltaR =          // Absolute value of deltaR
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(absDeltaR == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(absDeltaR, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *absDeltaG =          // Absolute value of deltaG
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(absDeltaG == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(absDeltaG, 0, nbNeurons);
    float *absDeltaB =          // Absolute value of deltaB
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(absDeltaB == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(absDeltaB, 0, nbNeurons);

    float *dists =              // Vectors euclidian distances from input form
        malloc(sizeof(float) * nbNeurons);
	if(dists == NULL){
		return SOM_NO_MEMORY;
    memset(dists, 0, nbNeurons);

    /* Randomly initialize weight vectors */
    random_sample(WR, nbNeurons);
    random_sample(WG, nbNeurons);
    random_sample(WB, nbNeurons);

    while(it < noEpoch && delta >= thresh){
        /* Randomly choose an input form */
        pick = random_uint(nbPixels);
        pickRGB[0] = imgPixels[pick][0];
        pickRGB[1] = imgPixels[pick][1];
        pickRGB[2] = imgPixels[pick][2];

        /* Compute every vectors euclidian distance from the input form */
        euclidian(dists, nbNeurons, WR, WG, WB, pickRGB);
        /* Determine the BMU */
        choosen = arr_min_idx(dists, nbNeurons);
        choosen_x = (int)choosen % mapWidth;
        choosen_y = choosen / mapHeight;

        /* Compute the new neighbooring radius */
        rad = som_radius(it, noEpoch, mapWidth, mapHeight);
        /* Find the BMU neighboors */
        som_neighbourhood(neigh, choosen_x, choosen_y, rad, mapWidth, 

        /* Compute the new learning rate */
        eta = som_learning_rate(it, noEpoch);
        /* Compute new value of the network weight vectors */
        compute_delta(deltaR, eta, neigh, nbNeurons, pickRGB[0], WR);
        compute_delta(deltaG, eta, neigh, nbNeurons, pickRGB[1], WG);
        compute_delta(deltaB, eta, neigh, nbNeurons, pickRGB[2], WB);
        /* Update the network weight vectors values */
        arr_add(WR, deltaR, nbNeurons);
        arr_add(WG, deltaG, nbNeurons);
        arr_add(WB, deltaB, nbNeurons);

        arr_abs(absDeltaR, deltaR, nbNeurons);
        arr_abs(absDeltaG, deltaG, nbNeurons);
        arr_abs(absDeltaB, deltaB, nbNeurons);
        delta = arr_sum(absDeltaR, nbNeurons) +
                arr_sum(absDeltaG, nbNeurons) +
                arr_sum(absDeltaB, nbNeurons);

    res[0] = WR;
    res[1] = WG;
    res[2] = WB;


    return SOM_OK;
Пример #14
/* Block a random amount of time between min seconds and max seconds */
void sleep_within (int min, int max)
    unsigned int cut_time = random_uint(max - min) + min;