Пример #1
void constExons(struct txGraph *graph, FILE *f)
/* Write out constituitive exons. */
    /* Create a tree with all introns. */
    struct rbTree *tree = rangeTreeNew();
    struct txEdge *edge;
    for (edge = graph->edgeList; edge != NULL; edge = edge->next)
        if (edge->type == ggIntron)
            rangeTreeAdd(tree, graph->vertices[edge->startIx].position,

    /* Scan through all exons looking for ones that don't intersect
     * introns. */
    int eId = 0;
    for (edge = graph->edgeList; edge != NULL; edge = edge->next)
        if (edge->type == ggExon)
            struct txVertex *s = &graph->vertices[edge->startIx];
            struct txVertex *e = &graph->vertices[edge->endIx];
            if (s->type == ggHardStart && e->type == ggHardEnd)
                int start = s->position;
                int end = e->position;
                if (!rangeTreeOverlaps(tree, start, end))
                    char *refSource = refSourceAcc(graph, edge);
                    if (refSource != NULL && edge->evCount >= 10)
                        /* Do one more scan making sure that it doesn't
                         * intersect any exons except for us. */
                        boolean anyOtherExon = FALSE;
                        struct txEdge *ed;
                        for (ed = graph->edgeList; ed != NULL; ed = ed->next)
                            if (ed != edge)
                                int edStart = graph->vertices[ed->startIx].position;
                                int edEnd = graph->vertices[ed->endIx].position;
                                if (rangeIntersection(edStart, edEnd, start, end) > 0)
                                    anyOtherExon = TRUE;
                        if (!anyOtherExon)
                            fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\t0\t%s\n",
                                    graph->tName, start, end, refSource, ++eId, graph->strand);
Пример #2
static struct bed* subset_beds(char* sectionString, struct bed** pRegions, struct hash* chromHash)
/* in the situation where both a regions bed file is given AND the filename specifies subsections, */
/* intersect the two.  For simplictity sake,  */
    struct bed* fname_ranges = parseSectionString(sectionString, chromHash);
    struct bed* bed;
    struct bed* subset = NULL;
    struct bed* regions = *pRegions;
    slSort(&fname_ranges, bedCmp);
    bed = fname_ranges;
    while (bed != NULL) {
        /* each iteration of the loop should be a separate chrom */
        struct bed* region;
        struct rbTree* tree = rangeTreeNew();
        while ((bed != NULL) && (bed->next != NULL) && (sameString(bed->chrom, bed->next->chrom))) {
            rangeTreeAdd(tree, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
            bed = bed->next;
        rangeTreeAdd(tree, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
        /* now we're at a point that we're dealing only with one chromosome. */
        for (region = regions; region != NULL; region = region->next) {
            if (sameString(region->chrom, bed->chrom) && rangeTreeOverlaps(tree, region->chromStart, region->chromEnd)
                && rangeTreeFindEnclosing(tree, region->chromStart, region->chromEnd)) {
                struct bed* clone = cloneBed(region);
                slAddHead(&subset, clone);
            } else if (sameString(region->chrom, bed->chrom) && rangeTreeOverlaps(tree, region->chromStart, region->chromEnd))
                errAbort("range specified in file overlaps but is not contained by range specified on command-line");
        bed = bed->next;
    if (subset == NULL) {
        errAbort("no ranges specified in file were contained in ranges specified on command-line");
    return subset;
Пример #3
void refSeparateButJoined(struct txGraph *graph, FILE *f)
/* Flag graphs that have two non-overlapping refSeqs. */
    int sourceIx;
    boolean foundIt = FALSE;
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
    struct rbTreeNode **stack;
    lmAllocArray(lm, stack, 128);

    /* Loop through sources looking for reference type. */
    for (sourceIx=0; sourceIx<graph->sourceCount; ++sourceIx)
        struct txSource *source = &graph->sources[sourceIx];
        if (sameString(source->type, refType))
            /* Create a rangeTree including all exons of source. */
            struct rbTree *tree = rangeTreeNewDetailed(lm, stack);
            struct txEdge *edge;
            for (edge = graph->edgeList; edge != NULL; edge = edge->next)
                if (edge->type == ggExon && evOfSourceOnList(edge->evList, sourceIx))
                    rangeTreeAdd(tree, graph->vertices[edge->startIx].position,

            /* Go through remaining reference sources looking for no overlap. */
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<graph->sourceCount; ++i)
                if (i == sourceIx)
                struct txSource *s = &graph->sources[i];
                if (sameString(s->type, refType))
                    boolean gotOverlap = FALSE;
                    for (edge = graph->edgeList; edge != NULL; edge = edge->next)
                        if (edge->type == ggExon && evOfSourceOnList(edge->evList, i))
                            if (rangeTreeOverlaps(tree,
                                gotOverlap = TRUE;
                    if (!gotOverlap)
                        foundIt = TRUE;
        if (foundIt)
    if (foundIt)
        fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t0\t%s\n", graph->tName,
                graph->tStart, graph->tEnd, "refJoined", graph->strand);