Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    /* Constants.
       If no command line argument is provided that specifies a raster map for
       these values, then use the constant value for the entire mapset.
    float ManningsN         = 0.05;
    float streamTopWidth    = 1.0;
    float streamBottomWidth = 1.0;
    float streamDepth       = 1.0;

    /* local variable declarations */
    bool done = false;
    bool printed;
    char *pEnd;
    char *endPtr;
    double demValue;
    double distance;
    float inVal;
    int basinMaskValue;
    int	i;
    int j;
    int k;
    int index;
    int maxr, maxc;
    int row, col;
    int streamCnt = 0;
    int streamId;
    struct Cell_head basin_header;
    struct Cell_head dem_header;
    struct Cell_head hill_header;
    struct Cell_head ManningsN_header;
    struct Cell_head patch_header;
    struct Cell_head stream_header;
    struct Cell_head streamTopWidth_header;
    struct Cell_head streamBottomWidth_header;
    struct Cell_head streamDepth_header;
    struct Cell_head zone_header;

    streamEntry *nStreamPtr = NULL;
    streamEntry *streamEntryPtr = NULL;

    /* filenames for each image and file */
    char  name[MAXS], name2[MAXS];
    char* rnhill;
    char* rnzone;
    char* rnpatch;
    char* rndem;
    char* rnstream;
    char* rnbasin;
    char* rnManningsN;
    char* rnStreamTopWidth;
    char* rnStreamBottomWidth;
    char* rnStreamDepth;
    char* tmpStr;

    /* set pointers for images */

    double *dem;
    int    *patch;
    int    *hill;
    int    *zone;
    int	   *stream;
    int	   *basin;
    int    iPass;
    int    maxPasses;
    float  *slope;
    float  *ManningsN_map = NULL;
    float  *streamDepth_map = NULL;
    float  *streamTopWidth_map = NULL;
    float  *streamBottomWidth_map = NULL;

    // GRASS init

    // GRASS module header
    struct GModule* module;
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = "RHESSys";
    module->description = "Creates a stream table file for input into RHESSys";

    // GRASS arguments
    struct Option* output_name_opt = G_define_option();
    output_name_opt->key = "output";
    output_name_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    output_name_opt->required = YES;
    output_name_opt->description = "Output name";

    struct Option* stream_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    stream_raster_opt->key = "stream";
    stream_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stream_raster_opt->required = YES;
    stream_raster_opt->description = "stream";

    struct Option* dem_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    dem_raster_opt->key = "dem";
    dem_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    dem_raster_opt->required = YES;
    dem_raster_opt->description = "dem";

    struct Option* patch_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    patch_raster_opt->key = "patch";
    patch_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    patch_raster_opt->required = YES;
    patch_raster_opt->description = "patch";

    struct Option* zone_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    zone_raster_opt->key = "zone";
    zone_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    zone_raster_opt->required = YES;
    zone_raster_opt->description = "zone";

    struct Option* hill_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    hill_raster_opt->key = "hill";
    hill_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    hill_raster_opt->required = YES;
    hill_raster_opt->description = "hill";

    struct Option* basin_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    basin_raster_opt->key = "basin";
    basin_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    basin_raster_opt->required = NO;
    basin_raster_opt->description = "basin";

    struct Option* ManningsN_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    ManningsN_raster_opt->key = "ManningsN";
    ManningsN_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    ManningsN_raster_opt->required = NO;
    ManningsN_raster_opt->description = "ManningsN";

    struct Option* streamTopWidth_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    streamTopWidth_raster_opt->key = "streamTopWidth";
    streamTopWidth_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    streamTopWidth_raster_opt->required = NO;
    streamTopWidth_raster_opt->description = "streamTopWidth";

    struct Option* streamBottomWidth_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    streamBottomWidth_raster_opt->key = "streamBottomWidth";
    streamBottomWidth_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    streamBottomWidth_raster_opt->required = NO;
    streamBottomWidth_raster_opt->description = "streamBottomWidth";

    struct Option* streamDepth_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    streamDepth_raster_opt->key = "streamDepth";
    streamDepth_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    streamDepth_raster_opt->required = NO;
    streamDepth_raster_opt->description = "streamDepth";

    /* Max passes to make through the list of streams in order to determine downstream reaches. */
    struct Option* maxPasses_opt = G_define_option();
    maxPasses_opt->key = "maxPasses";
    maxPasses_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    maxPasses_opt->required = NO;
    maxPasses_opt->description = "maxPasses";

    /* Note that coor->answer is not given a default value. */
    struct Flag* verbose_flag  = G_define_flag();
    verbose_flag ->key = 'v';
    verbose_flag ->description = "print verbose information";

    struct Flag* debug_flag  = G_define_flag();
    debug_flag ->key = 'd';
    debug_flag ->description = "print debug info";

    // Parse GRASS arguments
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    // Get values from GRASS arguments
    // Name for output files
    rndem    = dem_raster_opt->answer;
    rnpatch  = patch_raster_opt->answer;
    rnzone   = zone_raster_opt->answer;
    rnhill   = hill_raster_opt->answer;
    rnstream = stream_raster_opt->answer;
    rnbasin  = basin_raster_opt->answer;

    // For the arguments streamTopWidth, streamBottomWidth, streamDepth, ManningsN,
    // either a constant value or a map name can be specified. If a constant value (a float)
    // is specified, then this value will be used for every cell in the map. If a mapname is
    // specified, then values from the map will be used.

    rnManningsN = ManningsN_raster_opt->answer;
    rnStreamTopWidth = streamTopWidth_raster_opt->answer;
    rnStreamBottomWidth = streamBottomWidth_raster_opt->answer;
    rnStreamDepth = streamDepth_raster_opt->answer;
    tmpStr = maxPasses_opt->answer;
    debug = debug_flag->answer;
    verbose = verbose_flag->answer;

    if (tmpStr == NULL) {
    	maxPasses = 1;
    } else {
    	maxPasses = atoi(tmpStr);
    if (maxPasses == 0)
        maxPasses = 1;
       printf("Max passes: %d\n", maxPasses);
        printf("Max passes: %d\n", maxPasses);

    if (verbose)
        printf("Max passes: %d\n", maxPasses);

    if (rnbasin != NULL) {
        basin = (int*)raster2array(rnbasin, &basin_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    /* ManningsN can be specified on the command line as either a raster map name or a
       constant value.

    if (rnManningsN != NULL) {
        inVal = strtof(rnManningsN, &pEnd);
        if (pEnd != rnManningsN) {
            ManningsN = inVal;
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using constant value from command line for ManningsN: %7.3f\n", ManningsN);
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using map for ManningsN: %s\n", rnManningsN);
            ManningsN_map = (float*)raster2array(rnManningsN, &ManningsN_header, NULL, NULL, FCELL_TYPE);

    if (rnStreamTopWidth != NULL) {
        inVal = strtof(rnStreamTopWidth, &pEnd);
        if (pEnd != rnStreamTopWidth) {
            streamTopWidth = inVal;
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using constant value from command line for stream top width: %7.3f\n", streamTopWidth);
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using map for top width: %s\n", rnStreamTopWidth);
            streamTopWidth_map = (float*)raster2array(rnStreamTopWidth, &streamTopWidth_header, NULL, NULL, FCELL_TYPE);

    if (rnStreamBottomWidth != NULL) {
        inVal = strtof(rnStreamBottomWidth, &pEnd);
        if (pEnd != rnStreamBottomWidth) {
            streamBottomWidth = inVal;
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using constant value from command line for stream bottom width: %7.3f\n", streamBottomWidth);
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using map for bottom width: %s\n", rnStreamBottomWidth);
            streamBottomWidth_map = (float*)raster2array(rnStreamBottomWidth, &streamBottomWidth_header, NULL, NULL, FCELL_TYPE);

    if (rnStreamDepth != NULL) {
        inVal = strtof(rnStreamDepth, &pEnd);
        if (pEnd != rnStreamDepth) {
            streamDepth = inVal;
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using constant value from command line for stream depth: %7.3f\n", streamDepth);
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                printf("Using map for stream depth: %s\n", rnStreamDepth);
            streamDepth_map = (float*)raster2array(rnStreamDepth, &streamDepth_header, NULL, NULL, FCELL_TYPE);

    //printf("Reading input data for %s...\n\n", rndem);

    dem = (double*)raster2array(rndem, &dem_header, NULL, NULL, DCELL_TYPE);
    hill = (int*)raster2array(rnhill, &hill_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);
    patch = (int*)raster2array(rnpatch, &patch_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);
    stream = (int*)raster2array(rnstream, &stream_header, &maxr, &maxc, CELL_TYPE);
    zone = (int*)raster2array(rnzone, &zone_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    //cellResolution = (dem_header.ew_res + dem_header.ns_res)/2.0;
    cellResolution = dem_header.ew_res;
    if (verbose)
        printf("DEM raster cell resolution: %7.2f\n", cellResolution);

    if (verbose) {
        printf("maxr: %d\n", maxr);
        printf("maxc: %d\n", maxc);
        printf("Cataloging streams...\n");

    streamEntry *newStreamPtr = NULL;

    /* Loop though the stream raster map and collect info on each stream reach that is found.
       Only include stream reaches that are within the basin boundaries.

    for (row = 0; row < maxr; ++row) {
        for (col = 0; col < maxc; ++col) {
            index = col + row*maxc;

            /* If a basin name was provided on the command line, only process cells within the basin. */
            if (rnbasin != NULL) {
                basinMaskValue = basin[index];
                if ((basinMaskValue == -2147483648) || (basinMaskValue == 0))

            //streamId = ((int*)stream)[index];
            streamId = stream[index];
            if (streamId != -2147483648) {
                //printf("streamid: %i\n", streamId);
                newStreamPtr = findStreamEntry(streamId, &streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);
                newStreamPtr->pixelCount = newStreamPtr->pixelCount + 1;

                addBasinDivision(newStreamPtr, index, zone, hill, patch);

                // Adding .5 to col, row causes position of center of cell to be returned.
                //xPos = G_col_to_easting((double) col + .5, &stream_header);
                //yPos = G_row_to_northing((double) row + .5, &stream_header);
                //printf("streamId: %d, xPos: %7.2f, yPos: %7.2f\n", streamId, xPos, yPos);

                demValue = dem[index];
                //printf("height: %6.2f\n", demValue);

                // Set max height if this DEM value is higher than current max.
                if (demValue > newStreamPtr->maxElevation) {
                    newStreamPtr->maxElevation = demValue;

                // Set min height if this DEM value is lower than current min.
                if (demValue < newStreamPtr->minElevation) {
                    newStreamPtr->minElevation = demValue;

                if (ManningsN_map != NULL) {
                    newStreamPtr->ManningsN += ManningsN_map[index];

                if (streamTopWidth_map != NULL) {
                    newStreamPtr->streamTopWidth += streamTopWidth_map[index];

                if (streamBottomWidth_map != NULL) {
                    newStreamPtr->streamBottomWidth += streamBottomWidth_map[index];

                if (streamDepth_map != NULL) {
                    newStreamPtr->streamDepth += streamDepth_map[index];

    if (verbose)
        printf("Searching for stream intersections...\n");

    streamEntry *currentStreamPtr;
    streamEntry *adjacentStreamPtr;
    int nRow, nCol;
    int patchCnt = 0;
    bool relaxedRules;

    /* Loop though the raster map, and look for stream intersections, on this pass determining only
       the downstream intersections from the current raster cell.
    for (row = 0; row < maxr; ++row) {
        for (col = 0; col < maxc; ++col) {
            index = col + row*maxc;

            /* If a basin name was provided on the command line, only process cells within the basin. */
            if (rnbasin != NULL) {
                basinMaskValue = basin[index];
                if ((basinMaskValue == -2147483648) || (basinMaskValue == 0))

            streamId = ((int*)stream)[index];
            patchCnt += 1;
            if (streamId != -2147483648) {
                currentStreamPtr = findStreamEntry(streamId, &streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);
                if (debug)
                    printf("Checking intersections for stream %d, min elev: %f, max elev: %f\n", streamId, currentStreamPtr->minElevation, currentStreamPtr->maxElevation);

                /* Check adjacent cells (8) of current raster cell and check for stream intersections, i.e.

                        A  A  A
                        A  C  A
                        A  A  A

                   where 'C' is the current raster cell and 'A' is an adjacent cell.

                /* We are searching for an intersection of the current raster cell with a downstream reach, and may find one before
                   all eight adjacent pixels are checked. We are going to check all eight however, because there may be multiple
                   intersecting downstream reaches, and we will select the lowest one.

                relaxedRules = false;
                /* Check upper left adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check upper center adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col,     maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check upper right adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check center right adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row,     col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check lower right adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check lower center adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col,     maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check lower left adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

                /* Check center left adjacent cell */
                checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row,     col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

    /* Loop through streams, assign stream wide values */
    for (i = 0; i < streamCnt ; i++) {
        currentStreamPtr = streamEntryPtr + i;
        if (debug)
            printf("high: %f, low: %f\n", currentStreamPtr->maxElevation, currentStreamPtr->minElevation);


        //distance = G_distance(currentStreamPtr->headXpos, currentStreamPtr->headYpos, currentStreamPtr->outletXpos, currentStreamPtr->outletYpos);

        // If the stream only contains one or two pixels, distance will be calculated to be 0.0.
        // If this is the case, then artificially set distance to the cell resolution, the width of one pixel.
        if (distance == 0.0 && currentStreamPtr->pixelCount == 2)
            distance = cellResolution;
            distance = currentStreamPtr->pixelCount * cellResolution;

        // As of 6/4 we are calculating slope simply as ((max. elev. - min. elevation) / number of pixels in the stream reach).
        if (currentStreamPtr->maxElevation == currentStreamPtr->minElevation) {
            currentStreamPtr->slope = 0;
        } else {
            // Calculate slope: m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
            currentStreamPtr->slope = (currentStreamPtr->maxElevation - currentStreamPtr->minElevation) / distance;

        /* Calculate mean ManningsN */
        if (ManningsN_map != NULL) {
            currentStreamPtr->ManningsN = currentStreamPtr->ManningsN / currentStreamPtr->pixelCount;
        } else {
            currentStreamPtr->ManningsN = ManningsN;

        /* Calculate mean stream top width */
        if (streamTopWidth_map != NULL) {
            currentStreamPtr->streamTopWidth = currentStreamPtr->streamTopWidth / currentStreamPtr->pixelCount;
        } else {
            currentStreamPtr->streamTopWidth = streamTopWidth;

        /* Calculate mean stream bottom width */
        if (streamBottomWidth_map != NULL) {
            currentStreamPtr->streamBottomWidth = currentStreamPtr->streamBottomWidth / currentStreamPtr->pixelCount;
        } else {
            currentStreamPtr->streamBottomWidth = streamBottomWidth;

        /* Calculate mean stream depth */
        if (streamDepth_map  != NULL) {
            currentStreamPtr->streamDepth = currentStreamPtr->streamDepth / currentStreamPtr->pixelCount;
        } else {
            currentStreamPtr->streamDepth = streamDepth;

    relaxedRules = true;
    for (iPass = 1; iPass <= maxPasses; iPass++) {
        if (debug)
            printf("pass: %d\n", iPass);
        int noDownstreamReach = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < streamCnt ; i++) {
            currentStreamPtr = streamEntryPtr + i;
            if (currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.streamId == -1)

        // There should always be at least one stream that is the outlet to the basin.
        if (noDownstreamReach == 1)

        if (debug)
            printf("%d streams have no outlet.\n", noDownstreamReach);

        for (row = 0; row < maxr; ++row) {
            for (col = 0; col < maxc; ++col) {
                index = col + row*maxc;

                /* If a basin name was provided on the command line, only process cells within the basin. */
                if (rnbasin != NULL) {
                    basinMaskValue = basin[index];
                    if (basinMaskValue == -2147483648)

                streamId = stream[index];

                if (streamId != -2147483648) {
                    currentStreamPtr = findStreamEntry(streamId, &streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);
                    if (currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.streamId == -1) {
                        if (debug)
                            printf("Rechecking stream %d, min elev: %f, max elev: %f\n", streamId, currentStreamPtr->minElevation, currentStreamPtr->maxElevation);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col,     maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row + 1, col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row,     col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col + 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col,     maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row - 1, col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);
                        checkStreamIntxns(currentStreamPtr, streamId, row,     col - 1, maxc, streamEntryPtr, streamCnt, stream, relaxedRules);

    int noDownstreamReach = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < streamCnt ; i++) {
        currentStreamPtr = streamEntryPtr + i;
        if (currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.streamId == -1)

    if (verbose)
        printf("Final count of stream reaches without an outlet: %d\n", noDownstreamReach);

    /* Now that all possible downstream reaches have been defined, we must make another pass through the stream array in
       order to determine all the upstream reaches, simply by check where the downstream reaches have been assigned
       and reverse mapping upstream reaches accordingly. Remember that we have only assigned one downstream reach to each
       reach, bu may assign multiple upstream reaches to each reach.

    streamEntry *downstreamPtr = NULL;
    int downstreamId;

    //printf("Assigning upstream reaches\n");
    for (i = 0; i < streamCnt ; i++) {
        currentStreamPtr = streamEntryPtr + i;
        streamId = currentStreamPtr->streamId;
        row = currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.row;
        col = currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.col;

        // Print stream info for debugging purposes
        //printf("%d, %7.2f, %7.2f\n", streamId, currentStreamPtr->minElevation, currentStreamPtr->maxElevation);

        downstreamId = currentStreamPtr->downstreamReach.streamId;
        /* There still may be reaches that are not connected to any other stream. */
        if (downstreamId == -1)

        /* Find the the stream reach entry that is downstream from the current stream. */
        downstreamPtr = findStreamEntry(downstreamId, &streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);

        /* Now add the current stream as an upstream entry to the downstream reaches' entry */
        //printf("Checking stream %d for downstreamId %d\n", streamId, downstreamId);
        addUpstreamIntxn(downstreamPtr, currentStreamPtr, row, col);

    /* Loop through all streams and print info out to a file */
    FILE *streamOutFile = fopen(output_name_opt->answer, "w");
    if (verbose)
        printf("Writing out file %s\n", output_name_opt->answer);

    fprintf(streamOutFile, "%i\n", streamCnt);
    //fprintf(streamOutFile, "%i\n", patchCnt);
    streamEntry *highestStreamPtr;

    /* The streams are printed out highest elevation to lowest. */
    while (done != true) {

        highestStreamPtr = findHighestStream(&streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);

        if (highestStreamPtr == NULL) {

        // Print stream info to output file specified on the command line.
        printed = printStream(highestStreamPtr, streamOutFile, &streamEntryPtr, &streamCnt);

        if (printed != true) {


    if (verbose)
        printf("Program %s Done\n", argv[0]);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    /* end cst.c */
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    /* local variable declarations */
    //int           i,
    int surface_num_stream = 0;
    int subsurface_num_stream = 0;
    int surface_num_patches = 0;
    int subsurface_num_patches = 0;
    FILE *out1, *out2;
    int basinid, tmp, maxr, maxc;
    double cell, width;
    int pst_flag;
    int f_flag; /**< boolean value determining whether route_roads_to_patches should be called */
    int fl_flag;
    int fh_flag;
    int vflag;
    int s_flag;
    int r_flag;
    int slp_flag; /**< Slope flag, values defined in main.h */
    int sc_flag; /**< Stream connectivity flag, values defined in main.h */
    //int           st_flag,
    int sewer_flag; /**< Sewer flag, boolean indicating whether sewer map is present */
    int singleFlowtable_flag; /**< boolean indicating if a single flow table is to produce or
    							   if separate surface and sub-surface tables are to be produced */
    int roofs_flag; /**< Roofs flag, was a roofs raster specified at the command line? */
    int d_flag, dbg_flag;
    double scale_trans, scale_dem;
    char input_prefix[MAXS];
    char output_suffix[MAXS];

    /* filenames for each image and file */
    char name[MAXS], name2[MAXS];
    char* rnflna;
    char* rnslope;
    char* fntemplate;
    char rnbasin[MAXS];
    char rnhill[MAXS];
    char rnzone[MAXS];
    char rnpatch[MAXS];
    char* rndem;
    char* rnroads;
    char* rnimpervious;
    char* rnstream;
    char* rnsewers;
    char* rnroofs;
    /* set pointers for images */
    double *dem;
    int *patch;
    float *slope;
    int *hill;
    int *zone;
    int *stream;
    int *roads;
    int *impervious;
    int *sewers;
    double *flna;
    double* roofs;

    bool success = true;
    //float          *ehr;
    //float          *whr;

    PatchTable_t *surfacePatchTable = NULL;
    PatchTable_t *subsurfacePatchTable = NULL;
    struct flow_struct* surface_flow_table = NULL;
    struct flow_struct* subsurface_flow_table = NULL;
    d_flag = FALSE; /**< debuf flag                                  */
    vflag = FALSE; /**< verbose flag                                         */
    fl_flag = FALSE; /**< roads to lowest flna                       */
    fh_flag = FALSE; /**< roads to highest flna              */
    s_flag = FALSE; /**< printing stats flag                         */
    r_flag = FALSE; /**< road stats flag                             */
    sc_flag = STREAM_CONNECTIVITY_RANDOM; /**< stream connectivity flag              */
    slp_flag = SLOPE_STANDARD; /**< slope use flag                   */
    //st_flag  = 0;         /**< scaling stream side patches         */
    sewer_flag = FALSE; /**< route through a sewer network (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) */
    roofs_flag = FALSE;
    singleFlowtable_flag = TRUE; /**< Generate a single combined surface and sub-surface
    								  flow table unless a surface feature dataset is provided
    								  e.g. roofs */
    dbg_flag = FALSE; /**< debugging flag, set to not remove temp files */
    scale_trans = 1.0;
    scale_dem = 1.0; /**< scaling for dem values        */
    pst_flag = FALSE; /**< print stream table flag            */
    cell = DEFAULT_CELL_RESOLUTION; /**< default resolution of DEM          */
    width = DEFAULT_ROAD_WIDTH; /**< default road width            */
    basinid = DEFAULT_BASIN_ID;

    // GRASS init

    // GRASS module header
    struct GModule* module;
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = "RHESSys";
    module->description = "Creates a flowpaths file for input into RHESSys";

    // GRASS arguments
    struct Flag* debug_flag = G_define_flag();
    debug_flag->key = 'g';
    debug_flag->description = "Enable printouts during compuation of flowpaths";

    struct Flag* lowest_flna_flag = G_define_flag();
    lowest_flna_flag->key = 'l';
    lowest_flna_flag->description = "Roads to lowest flna interval";

    struct Flag* highest_flna_flag = G_define_flag();
    highest_flna_flag->key = 'h';
    highest_flna_flag->description = "Roads to highest flna interval";

    struct Flag* drainage_stats_flag = G_define_flag();
    drainage_stats_flag->key = 'd';
    drainage_stats_flag->description = "Print drainage statistics";

    struct Flag* road_drainage_stats_flag = G_define_flag();
    road_drainage_stats_flag->key = 'r';
    road_drainage_stats_flag->description = "Road flag for drainage statistics";

    struct Option* stream_connectivity_opt = G_define_option();
    stream_connectivity_opt->key = "streamcon";
    stream_connectivity_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stream_connectivity_opt->required = NO;
    stream_connectivity_opt->description =
        "Stream connectivity type: [random(default), internal, none]";
    stream_connectivity_opt->multiple = NO;

    struct Option* scale_dem_opt = G_define_option();
    scale_dem_opt->key = "scaledem";
    scale_dem_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    scale_dem_opt->required = NO;
    scale_dem_opt->description = "DEM scaling factor";

    struct Option* cell_size = G_define_option();
    cell_size->key = "cellsize";
    cell_size->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    cell_size->required = YES;
    cell_size->description = "cell size [Default 10m]";

    struct Option* scale_stream_trans = G_define_option();
    scale_stream_trans->key = "scaletrans";
    scale_stream_trans->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    scale_stream_trans->required = NO;
    scale_stream_trans->description =
        "Scaleing factor for streamside transmissivity";

    struct Flag* use_sewer_flag = G_define_flag();
    use_sewer_flag->key = 's';
    use_sewer_flag->description = "Use a sewer image to route water from roads";

    struct Flag* print_stream_table_flag = G_define_flag();
    print_stream_table_flag->key = 'p';
    print_stream_table_flag->description = "Print stream table";

    struct Option* road_width_opt = G_define_option();
    road_width_opt->key = "roadwidth";
    road_width_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    road_width_opt->required = NO;
    road_width_opt->description = "Road width(m). [Default 5m]";

    struct Option* slope_use_opt = G_define_option();
    slope_use_opt->key = "slopeuse";
    slope_use_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    slope_use_opt->required = NO;
    slope_use_opt->description =
        "Change the use of slope in the compuation of gamma [standard(default), internal, max]";

    struct Option* basin_id_opt = G_define_option();
    basin_id_opt->key = "basinid";
    basin_id_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    basin_id_opt->required = NO;
    basin_id_opt->description = "Basin ID";

    struct Option* output_name_opt = G_define_option();
    output_name_opt->key = "output";
    output_name_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    output_name_opt->required = YES;
    output_name_opt->description = "Output name";

    // Arguments that specify the names of required raster maps
    struct Option* stream_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    stream_raster_opt->key = "stream";
    stream_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stream_raster_opt->required = YES;
    stream_raster_opt->description = "stream";

    struct Option* road_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    road_raster_opt->key = "road";
    road_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    road_raster_opt->required = YES;
    road_raster_opt->description = "road";

    struct Option* impervious_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    impervious_raster_opt->key = "impervious";
    impervious_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    impervious_raster_opt->required = NO;
    impervious_raster_opt->description = "impervious";

    struct Option* dem_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    dem_raster_opt->key = "dem";
    dem_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    dem_raster_opt->required = YES;
    dem_raster_opt->description = "dem";

    struct Option* slope_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    slope_raster_opt->key = "slope";
    slope_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    slope_raster_opt->required = YES;
    slope_raster_opt->description = "slope";

    struct Option* template_opt = G_define_option();
    template_opt->key = "template";
    template_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    template_opt->required = YES;
    template_opt->description =
        "RHESSys template file from which to extract the basin, hill, zone, and patch GRASS rasters";

    struct Option* flna_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    flna_raster_opt->key = "flna";
    flna_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    flna_raster_opt->required = NO;
    flna_raster_opt->description = "FLNA map";

    struct Option* sewers_raster_opt = G_define_option();
    sewers_raster_opt->key = "sewer";
    sewers_raster_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    sewers_raster_opt->required = NO;
    sewers_raster_opt->description = "Sewer map";

    struct Option* roof_opt = G_define_option();
    roof_opt->key = "roof";
    roof_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    roof_opt->required = NO;
    roof_opt->description = "Roof map";
    // Parse GRASS arguments
    if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    // Get values from GRASS arguments
    dbg_flag = debug_flag->answer;
    fl_flag = lowest_flna_flag->answer;
    fh_flag = highest_flna_flag->answer;
    if (fl_flag || fh_flag) {
        f_flag = TRUE;
    } else {
        f_flag = FALSE;
    s_flag = drainage_stats_flag->answer;
    r_flag = road_drainage_stats_flag->answer;

    if (stream_connectivity_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default is 1, random connectivity. See sc_flag declaration for setting default.
        if (strcmp("random", stream_connectivity_opt->answer) == 0) {
            sc_flag = STREAM_CONNECTIVITY_RANDOM;
        } else if (strcmp("internal", stream_connectivity_opt->answer) == 0) {
        } else if (strcmp("none", stream_connectivity_opt->answer) == 0) {
            sc_flag = STREAM_CONNECTIVITY_NONE;
        } else {
            G_fatal_error("\"%s\" is not a valid argument to stream",

    if (scale_dem_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default is set at declaration, only modify if set
        if (sscanf(scale_dem_opt->answer, "%lf", &scale_dem) != 1) {
            G_fatal_error("Error setting the scale dem value");

    if (cell_size->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default is set at declaration, only modify if set
        if (sscanf(cell_size->answer, "%lf", &cell) != 1) {
            G_fatal_error("Error setting the cell size value");

    if (scale_stream_trans->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default is set at declaration, only modify if set
        if (sscanf(scale_stream_trans->answer, "%lf", &scale_trans) != 1) {
            G_fatal_error("Error setting the scale trans value");

    sewer_flag = use_sewer_flag->answer;
    pst_flag = print_stream_table_flag->answer;

    if (road_width_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default is set at declaration
        if (sscanf(road_width_opt->answer, "%lf", &width) != 1) {
            G_fatal_error("Error setting the road width value");

    if (slope_use_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        if (strcmp("standard", slope_use_opt->answer) == 0) {
            slp_flag = SLOPE_STANDARD;
        } else if (strcmp("internal", slope_use_opt->answer) == 0) {
            slp_flag = SLOPE_INTERNAL;
        } else if (strcmp("max", slope_use_opt->answer) == 0) {
            slp_flag = SLOPE_MAX;
        } else {
            G_fatal_error("\"%s\" is not a valid argument to slopeuse",

    if (basin_id_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        // Default set at declaration
        if (sscanf(basin_id_opt->answer, "%d", &basinid) != 1) {
            G_fatal_error("Error setting the basin ID value");

    // Name for output files, default to template file name
    // Input prefix is left over from pre-grass version.
    strcpy(input_prefix, output_name_opt->answer);
    strcpy(output_suffix, ".flow");

    if (flna_raster_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        rnflna = flna_raster_opt->answer;

    if (sewers_raster_opt->answer != NULL ) {
        rnsewers = sewers_raster_opt->answer;

    // Right now, the only trigger for generating separate surface and subsurface flow tables
    // is if the user provides a roof connectivity layer
    if ( roof_opt->answer != NULL ) {
    	if ( impervious_raster_opt->answer == NULL ) {
    		G_fatal_error("Impervious raster must be specified when roof connectivity raster is specified");
    	singleFlowtable_flag = FALSE;
    	roofs_flag = TRUE;

    // Need to implement verbose
    rndem = dem_raster_opt->answer;
    fntemplate = template_opt->answer;
    rnroads = road_raster_opt->answer;
    rnimpervious = impervious_raster_opt->answer;
    rnstream = stream_raster_opt->answer;
    rnslope = slope_raster_opt->answer;
    rnroofs = roof_opt->answer;

    // Read in the names of the basin, hill, zone, and patch maps from the
    // template file.
    FILE* template_fp = fopen(fntemplate, "r");
    if (template_fp == NULL ) {
        G_fatal_error("Can not open template file <%s>", fntemplate);

    char template_buffer[MAXS];
    char first[MAXS];
    char second[MAXS];

    printf("Reading template file %s\n", fntemplate);

    while (fgets(template_buffer, sizeof(template_buffer), template_fp)
           != NULL ) {
        sscanf(template_buffer, "%s %s", first, second);

        // Check if the token is anything we are looking for
        if (strcmp("_basin", first) == 0) {
            strcpy(rnbasin, second);
            printf("Basin: %s\n", rnbasin);
        } else if (strcmp("_hillslope", first) == 0) {
            strcpy(rnhill, second);
            printf("Hillslope: %s\n", rnhill);
        } else if (strcmp("_zone", first) == 0) {
            strcpy(rnzone, second);
            printf("Zone: %s\n", rnzone);
        } else if (strcmp("_patch", first) == 0) {
            strcpy(rnpatch, second);
            printf("Patch: %s\n", rnpatch);

    /* open some diagnostic output files */

    strcpy(name, input_prefix);
    strcat(name, ".build");
    if ((out1 = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL ) {
        printf("cannot open build file\n");

    strcpy(name2, input_prefix);
    strcat(name2, ".pit");
    if ((out2 = fopen(name2, "w")) == NULL ) {
        printf("cannot open pit file\n");

    /* allocate and input map images */
    // figure out what's happening with maxr, maxc, possible raster
    // size mismatch
    struct Cell_head dem_header;
    dem = (double*) raster2array(rndem, &dem_header, &maxr, &maxc, DCELL_TYPE);

    struct Cell_head patch_header;
    patch = (int*) raster2array(rnpatch, &patch_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    // Get cell size based off of that in the patchmap
    // Does not assume pixels are square, instead takes the root of their
    // square.
    /* cell = sqrt(patch_header.ew_res * patch_header.ns_res); */

    printf("\n cell resolution is %lf ", cell);

    struct Cell_head zone_header;
    zone = (int*) raster2array(rnzone, &zone_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    struct Cell_head hill_header;
    hill = (int*) raster2array(rnhill, &hill_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    struct Cell_head stream_header;
    stream = (int*) raster2array(rnstream, &stream_header, NULL, NULL,

        || (SLOPE_STANDARD != slp_flag)) {
        struct Cell_head slope_header;
        slope = (float*) raster2array(rnslope, &slope_header, NULL, NULL,

    struct Cell_head roads_header;
    roads = (int*) raster2array(rnroads, &roads_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);
    // Added to support roof raster map - hcj
    if (roofs_flag) {
    	int roofsRows, roofsCols;
    	struct Cell_head roofs_header;
    	roofs = (double*) raster2array(rnroofs, &roofs_header, NULL, NULL, DCELL_TYPE);

    	struct Cell_head impervious_header;
    	impervious = (int*) raster2array(rnimpervious, &impervious_header, NULL, NULL, CELL_TYPE);

    if (sewer_flag) {
        struct Cell_head sewers_header;
        sewers = (int*) raster2array(rnsewers, &sewers_header, NULL, NULL,

    if (f_flag) {
        struct Cell_head flna_header;
        flna = (double*) raster2array(rnflna, &flna_header, NULL, NULL,
    } else
        flna = NULL;

    /* allocate patch tables */
    // Use relatively large tables, some users may need to make the table larger
    // for very large numbers of patches (>100k) to improve performance (table size is currently static)
    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
    	surfacePatchTable = allocatePatchHashTable(PATCH_HASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE);
    subsurfacePatchTable = allocatePatchHashTable(PATCH_HASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE);

    /* allocate flow table */
    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		surface_flow_table = (struct flow_struct *) calloc((maxr * maxc),
														   sizeof(struct flow_struct));
    subsurface_flow_table = (struct flow_struct *) calloc((maxr * maxc),
                                                          sizeof(struct flow_struct));

    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		printf("\n Building surface flow table");
		surface_num_patches = build_flow_table(surface_flow_table, surfacePatchTable, dem, slope, hill, zone, patch,
											   stream, roads, sewers, roofs, flna, out1, maxr, maxc, f_flag, sc_flag,
											   sewer_flag, slp_flag, cell, scale_dem, true);

		printf("\n Building subsurface flow table");
    } else {
    	printf("\n Building flow table");
    subsurface_num_patches = build_flow_table(subsurface_flow_table, subsurfacePatchTable, dem, slope, hill, zone, patch,
                                              stream, roads, sewers, roofs, flna, out1, maxr, maxc, f_flag, sc_flag,
                                              sewer_flag, slp_flag, cell, scale_dem, false);

    // Do some verification for debugging purposes
    // success = verify_num_adjacent(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches);
    // Short circuit roof patches to the nearest road patches
    if (roofs_flag) {
    	printf("\n Route roofs to roads");
    	success = route_roofs_to_roads(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, surfacePatchTable, roofs, impervious, stream, patch, hill, zone, maxr, maxc);

    // Do some verification for debugging purposes
    // success = verify_num_adjacent(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches);
    // Normalize roof patches
    if (roofs_flag) {
    	printf("\n Normalizing roof patches");
    	success = normalize_roof_patches(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches);

    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		/* processes patches - computing means and neighbour slopes and gammas */
		printf("\n Computing surface gamma");
		surface_num_stream = compute_gamma(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, surfacePatchTable, out2, scale_trans, cell,
										   sc_flag, slp_flag, d_flag, true);

		printf("\n Computing subsurface gamma");
    } else {
    	printf("\n Computing gamma");
    subsurface_num_stream = compute_gamma(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, subsurfacePatchTable, out2, scale_trans, cell,
                                          sc_flag, slp_flag, d_flag, false);

    /* remove pits and re-order patches appropriately */
    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		printf("\n Removing surface pits");
		remove_pits(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, sc_flag, slp_flag, cell, out2);

		printf("\n Removing subsurface pits");
    } else {
    	printf("\n Removing pits");
    remove_pits(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, sc_flag, slp_flag, cell, out2);

    /* add roads */
    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		printf("\n Adding roads to surface");
		add_roads(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, out2, cell);

		printf("\n Adding roads to subsurface");
    } else {
    	printf("\n Adding roads");
    add_roads(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, out2, cell);

    /* find_receiving patch for flna options */
    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
    	if (f_flag) route_roads_to_patches(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, fl_flag);
    if (f_flag) route_roads_to_patches(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, fl_flag);

    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		printf("\n Computing surface upslope area");
		tmp = compute_upslope_area(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, out2, r_flag, cell);

		printf("\n Computing subsurface upslope area");
    } else {
    	printf("\n Computing upslope area");
    tmp = compute_upslope_area(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, out2, r_flag, cell);

    if (s_flag) {
        if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
        	printf("\n Printing surface drainage stats");
        	print_drain_stats(surface_num_patches, surface_flow_table);
        	tmp = compute_dist_from_road(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, out2, cell);
        	tmp = compute_drainage_density(surface_flow_table, surface_num_patches, cell);

        	printf("\n Printing subsurface drainage stats");
        } else {
        	printf("\n Printing drainage stats");
        print_drain_stats(subsurface_num_patches, subsurface_flow_table);
        tmp = compute_dist_from_road(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, out2, cell);
        tmp = compute_drainage_density(subsurface_flow_table, subsurface_num_patches, cell);

    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
		printf("\n Printing surface flowtable");
		strncpy(output_suffix, "_surface.flow", MAXS);
		print_flow_table(surface_num_patches, surface_flow_table, sc_flag, slp_flag, cell,
						 scale_trans, input_prefix, output_suffix, width);

		printf("\n Printing subsurface flowtable");
		strncpy(output_suffix, "_subsurface.flow", MAXS);
    } else {
    	printf("\n Printing flowtable");
    	strncpy(output_suffix, ".flow", MAXS);
    print_flow_table(subsurface_num_patches, subsurface_flow_table, sc_flag, slp_flag, cell,
                     scale_trans, input_prefix, output_suffix, width);

    /* Print stream table */
    if (pst_flag) {
    	if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {
			printf("\n Printing surface stream table");
			strncpy(output_suffix, "_surface.flow", MAXS);
			print_stream_table(surface_num_patches, surface_num_stream, surface_flow_table, sc_flag,
							   slp_flag, cell, scale_trans, input_prefix, output_suffix, width,

			printf("\n Printing subsurface stream table");
			strncpy(output_suffix, "_subsurface.flow", MAXS);
    	} else {
    		printf("\n Printing  stream table");
    		strncpy(output_suffix, ".flow", MAXS);
        print_stream_table(subsurface_num_patches, subsurface_num_stream, subsurface_flow_table, sc_flag,
                           slp_flag, cell, scale_trans, input_prefix, output_suffix, width,


    // Remove temporary files
    char buildfn[MAXS];
    char gammafn[MAXS];
    char pitfn[MAXS];
    strcpy(buildfn, input_prefix);
    strcpy(gammafn, input_prefix);
    strcpy(pitfn, input_prefix);
    strcat(buildfn, ".build");
    strcat(gammafn, ".gamma");
    strcat(pitfn, ".pit");

    if (!dbg_flag) { // Do not clean up temp files if debugging is enabled
        printf("\n Cleaning up temporary files");
        if (remove(buildfn) != 0)
            printf("\n Unable to remove .build temp file");
        if (remove(gammafn) != 0)
            printf("\n Unable to remove .gamma temp file");
        if (remove(pitfn) != 0)
            printf("\n Unable to remove .pit temp file");
        if (remove("RoofGeometries.txt") != 0) {
        	printf("\n Unable to remove RoofGeometry temp file");

    if (!singleFlowtable_flag) {

    printf("\n Finished Createflowpaths \n\n");
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
} /* end main.c */