void CXTPCoreTreeControl::OnPaint()
	CPaintDC dcPaint(this); // device context for painting
	CRect rcPaint(dcPaint.m_ps.rcPaint);

	CXTPBufferDC dc(dcPaint);

	OnDraw(&dc, rcPaint);
Пример #2
HBRUSH CXTPSkinObjectFrame::GetClientBrush(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
	if (m_dwDialogTexture != ETDT_ENABLETAB)
		GrayCtlColor(hDC, hWnd, nCtlColor, GetMetrics()->m_brushDialog, GetColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
		return GetMetrics()->m_brushDialog;

	if (GetMetrics()->m_brushTabControl == NULL)
		CWindowDC dcWindow(this);

		CXTPSkinManagerClass* pClass = GetSkinManager()->GetSkinClass(this, _T("TAB"));

		CString strImageFile = pClass->GetThemeString(TABP_BODY, 0, TMT_STOCKIMAGEFILE);
		if (strImageFile.IsEmpty())
			return GetMetrics()->m_brushDialog;

		CXTPSkinImage* pImage = pClass->GetImages()->LoadFile(m_pManager->GetResourceFile(), strImageFile);

		if (!pImage)
			return GetMetrics()->m_brushDialog;

		CRect rc(0, 0, pImage->GetWidth(), pImage->GetHeight());

		CBitmap bmp;
		bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dcWindow, rc.Width(), rc.Height());

		CXTPCompatibleDC dc(&dcWindow, bmp);

		pImage->DrawImage(&dc, rc, rc, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), COLORREF_NULL, ST_TRUESIZE, FALSE);

		GetMetrics()->m_brushTabControl = ::CreatePatternBrush(bmp);

	if (hWnd != m_hWnd)
		CXTPWindowRect rcPaint(hWnd);
		CXTPWindowRect rcBrush(m_hWnd);
		::SetBrushOrgEx(hDC, rcBrush.left - rcPaint.left, rcBrush.top - rcPaint.top, NULL);

		::SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
		::SetTextColor(hDC, GetColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));

	return GetMetrics()->m_brushTabControl;

Пример #3
BOOL CUIDesignerView::SaveSkinImage(LPCTSTR pstrPathName)
	CImage image;
	CWindowUI* pForm = m_LayoutManager.GetForm();

	CSize szForm = pForm->GetInitSize();
	CRect rcPaint(0,0,szForm.cx,szForm.cy);
	image.Create(szForm.cx, szForm.cy, 32);
	pForm->DoPaint(image.GetDC(), rcPaint);
	BOOL bRet = image.Save(pstrPathName, Gdiplus::ImageFormatJPEG);

	return bRet;
Пример #4
HBRUSH CXTPPropertyPage::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
	if ((nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_BTN || nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_DLG ||
		nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_STATIC ) && m_pSheet)
		HBRUSH hBrush = m_pSheet->GetNavigator()->GetPageBrush(pDC, this);
		if (hBrush)
			CXTPWindowRect rcPaint(pWnd);
			CXTPWindowRect rcBrush(m_hWnd);
			::SetBrushOrgEx(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rcBrush.left - rcPaint.left, rcBrush.top - rcPaint.top, NULL);

			::SetBkMode(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), TRANSPARENT);
			::SetTextColor(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
			return hBrush;

	return CPropertyPage::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
Пример #5
void CTextCtrl::OnPaint()
	CRect rcClient;
	GetClientRect( &rcClient );

	CQuickLock pLock( m_pSection );
	CPaintDC dc( this );

	CFont* pOldFont = (CFont*)dc.SelectObject( &m_pFont );

	if ( ! m_nHeight )
		CSize size = dc.GetTextExtent( _T("X") );
		m_nHeight = size.cy += LINE_GAP;

	const int nWidth = rcClient.right - OFFSET;

	BOOL bBottom	= ( m_nPosition >= m_nTotal );
	BOOL bModified	= m_bProcess;

	if ( m_bProcess ) m_nTotal = 0;

	for ( int nLine = 0 ; nLine < m_pLines.GetSize() ; nLine++ )
		CTextLine* pLine = m_pLines.GetAt( nLine );

		if ( m_bProcess || ! pLine->m_nLine )
			m_nTotal += pLine->Process( &dc, nWidth );
			bModified = TRUE;

	if ( bBottom ) m_nPosition = m_nTotal;
	if ( bModified ) UpdateScroll( TRUE );
	m_bProcess = FALSE;

	CRect rcLine( rcClient );
	rcLine.bottom += ( m_nTotal - m_nPosition ) * m_nHeight;
	rcLine.top = rcLine.bottom - m_nHeight;		// Note: Consider multi-line wrap and gap elsewhere

	dc.SetBkMode( OPAQUE );

	for ( INT_PTR nLine = m_pLines.GetSize() - 1 ; nLine >= 0 && rcLine.bottom > 0 ; nLine-- )
		CTextLine* pLine = m_pLines.GetAt( nLine );
		if ( pLine->m_bSelected && Images.m_bmSelected.m_hObject )	// Skinned
			CRect rcPaint( rcLine );
			rcPaint.bottom++;	// Set wider for highlight
			if ( pLine->m_nLine > 1 )
				rcPaint.top -= ( pLine->m_nLine - 1 ) * m_nHeight;
			dc.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
			CoolInterface.DrawWatermark( &dc, &rcPaint, &Images.m_bmSelected, FALSE ); 	// No overdraw
			WORD nType = pLine->m_nType & MSG_SEVERITY_MASK;
			dc.SetTextColor( nType > 2 ? Colors.m_crHighlight : m_crText[ nType ] );
			pLine->Paint( &dc, &rcLine, TRUE );
			dc.SetBkMode( OPAQUE );
		else // Default
			dc.SetTextColor( pLine->m_bSelected ?
				Colors.m_crHiText : m_crText[ pLine->m_nType & MSG_SEVERITY_MASK ] );
			dc.SetBkColor( pLine->m_bSelected ?
				Colors.m_crHighlight : Colors.m_crWindow );	 // ToDo: Fix m_crBackground[ ( pLine->m_nType & MSG_FACILITY_MASK ) >> 8 ]
			pLine->Paint( &dc, &rcLine );

	if ( rcLine.bottom > 0 )
		rcLine.top = 0;
		dc.FillSolidRect( &rcLine, Colors.m_crWindow ); 	// m_crBackground[ 0 ]

	dc.SelectObject( pOldFont );
LONG FAR PASCAL SubClassFunc( HWND hwnd, WORD msg, WORD wParam, LONG lParam )
	switch( msg )
		case WM_CREATE:
				Property *pProp = new Property;
				pProp->m_defaults.m_rcMargins.Set( 2, 2, 5, 5 );
				SetProp( hwnd, g_pcszProperty, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( pProp ) );

		case WM_DESTROY:
				Property *pProp = reinterpret_cast<Property *>( RemoveProp( hwnd, g_pcszProperty ) );
				delete pProp;

				WINDOWPOS &pos = *(WINDOWPOS *)lParam;
				Property *pProp = reinterpret_cast<Property *>( GetProp( hwnd, g_pcszProperty ) );
				if( !(pos.flags & SWP_NOSIZE) && !( pos.flags & SWP_NOMOVE ) && pProp )
					CWindowText text( hwnd );
					if( text.GetLength() )
						HFONT hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage( hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 );
						pProp->m_defaults.SetFont( hFont );
						pProp->m_sectHTML.SetHTML( text, text.GetLength(), NULL );
					return 0;

			static bool bDealingWithIt = false;
			Property *pProp = reinterpret_cast<Property *>( GetProp( hwnd, g_pcszProperty ) );
			if( pProp && !bDealingWithIt )
				bDealingWithIt = true;

				CRect rcTip( 0, 0, 300, 5 );
				CDrawContext dc;
				pProp->m_sectHTML.OnLayout( rcTip, dc );
				const CSize size( pProp->m_sectHTML.GetSize() );
				rcTip.SetSize( size );
				pProp->m_sectHTML.bottom = size.cy;
				pProp->m_sectHTML.right = size.cx;

				CPoint ptCursor;
				GetCursorPos( ptCursor );
				ptCursor.x += g_knTipClearanceX;
				ptCursor.y += g_knTipClearanceY;
				rcTip.Offset( ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y );

				CRect rcDesktop;
				GetDisplayWorkArea( hwnd, rcDesktop );
				if( rcTip.right >= rcDesktop.right )
					rcTip.Offset( -(rcTip.right - rcDesktop.right) - g_knTipClearanceX, 0 );

				if( rcTip.bottom >= rcDesktop.bottom )
					rcTip.Offset( 0, -rcTip.Height() - g_knTipClearanceY );
				SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, rcTip.left, rcTip.top, rcTip.Width(), rcTip.Height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | SWP_NOZORDER );
				bDealingWithIt = false;
			return 0;

		case WM_PAINT:
			Property *pProp = reinterpret_cast<Property *>( GetProp( hwnd, g_pcszProperty ) );
			if( pProp )
				BeginPaint( hwnd, &ps );

				CRect rcPaint( ps.rcPaint );
				if( rcPaint.IsEmpty() )
					GetClientRect( hwnd, &rcPaint );
				//	Scoped to allow the draw context to go out of scope before EndPaint is called.
					CDrawContext dc( &rcPaint, ps.hdc );
					SelectPalette( ps.hdc, GetCurrentWindowsPalette(), TRUE );
					RealizePalette( ps.hdc );
					pProp->m_sectHTML.OnDraw( dc );
				EndPaint( hwnd, &ps );
				return 0;

	return CallWindowProc( g_lpfnOldWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);