Пример #1
void StyleHelper::drawPixmapWithScreenScaleFactor(QPainter* p, const QRect& rcOrign, const QPixmap& pix)
    if (pix.isNull())

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    float factor = qt_mac_get_scalefactor(0);
    QRect rcTarget(rcOrign);
    rcTarget.setWidth(rcTarget.width() * factor);
    rcTarget.setHeight(rcTarget.height() * factor);
    QTransform transRect;
    transRect.scale(factor, factor);
    QPoint leftTop = transRect.map(rcOrign.topLeft());
    float rFactor = 1 / factor;
    QTransform transPainter;
    transPainter.scale(rFactor, rFactor);    
    p->drawPixmap(rcTarget, pix);
    p->drawPixmap(rcOrign, pix);
CRect CNCaptureView::_GetPhotoRect( CRect rcClient, LPSIZE lpSize)
	CRect rcTarget( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	if (m_pCalcRect)
		rcTarget = m_pCalcRect->GetPhotoRect(rcClient, lpSize, 1.0f, FALSE, FALSE);
	//CPoint ptOriginalLogical(0,0);
	//CPoint ptOriginalDevice(0,0);

	//FTLTRACE(TEXT("rcClient=[%d,%d]x[%d,%d], lpSize={%d,%d}, rcTarget=[%d,%d]x[%d,%d],{%d,%d}, DocToClient(0,0)=[%d,%d], ClientToDoc(0,0)=[%d,%d]\n"), 
	//	rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, lpSize->cx, lpSize->cy,
	//	rcTarget.left, rcTarget.top, rcTarget.right, rcTarget.bottom,
	//	rcTarget.Width(), rcTarget.Height(),
	//	ptOriginalLogical.x, ptOriginalLogical.y, ptOriginalDevice.x, ptOriginalDevice.y);

	return 	rcTarget;
Пример #3
/*virtual*/ void CWndSpecAnnotations::OnPaint()
	// when the waveform cover whole range 0..255, the amplitude is 128,
	// we need only half of the amplitude range to show
	float fMax = Settings.Runtime.m_fCH1Res * 4.0f;
	char* strMax = CUtils::FormatVoltage(fMax, 5);

	CRect rcTarget( 40, 40, 300, 222 );

	if ( MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumMiniFD.IsVisible() )
		rcTarget = MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumMiniFD.m_rcClient;
	if ( MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumGraph.IsVisible() )
		rcTarget = MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumGraph.m_rcClient;
	if ( MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumMiniSG.IsVisible() )
		rcTarget = MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumMiniSG.m_rcClient;

	char* strUnits = NULL;
	int x = 2;

	if ( !MainWnd.m_wndSpectrumMiniSG.IsVisible() )
		strUnits = strstr( strMax, " " );
		if ( strUnits )
			*strUnits = 0;
		BIOS::LCD::Bar(x, rcTarget.top, rcTarget.left-1, rcTarget.top+16, RGB565(000000));
		x += BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.top, RGB565(b0b0b0), RGB565(000000), strMax);
		x += 4;
		x += BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.top, RGB565(808080), RGB565(000000), strUnits);

	float fTime = Settings.Runtime.m_fTimeRes;
	if ( fTime == 0 )
	// calculate time corresponding to single sample
	fTime /= 30.0f; //CGraphWnd::BlkX
	// calculate sampling frequency;
	float fSample = 1.0f / fTime;
	// nyquist
	fSample *= 0.5f;
	char* strFreq = CUtils::FormatFrequency(fSample);
	BIOS::LCD::Bar(rcTarget.left, rcTarget.bottom+2, rcTarget.right, rcTarget.bottom+18, RGB565(000000));

	x = rcTarget.right - strlen(strFreq)*8;
	strUnits = strstr( strFreq, " " );
	if ( strUnits )
		*strUnits = 0;
	BIOS::LCD::Print(x-5*8, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(808080), RGB565(000000), "SPAN ");
	x += BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(b0b0b0), RGB565(000000), strFreq);
	BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(b0b0b0), RGB565(000000), " ");
	x += 4;
	x += BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(808080), RGB565(000000), strUnits);

	fSample *= 0.2f; // 1/5 for single div
	strFreq = CUtils::FormatFrequency(fSample);
	x = rcTarget.left;
	x += BIOS::LCD::Print(x, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(808080), RGB565(000000), strFreq);
	x += BIOS::LCD::Draw(x, rcTarget.bottom + 2, RGB565(808080), RGB565(000000), CShapes::per_div);
HRESULT CCUILayoutHorizontal::Layout(IUIFrame* pHostFrame)
	DEBUG_ASSERT(pHostFrame) ;

	CSize szContainer(0, 0) ;
	pHostFrame->GetSize(&szContainer) ;
	CRect rcPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
	pHostFrame->GetPadding(&rcPadding) ;
	CRect rcExtPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
	CComQIPtr<IUIFrameInternal> pFrameInternal = pHostFrame ;
	if (pFrameInternal)
		pFrameInternal->GetExtPadding(&rcExtPadding) ;

	CRect rcContainer(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
	rcContainer.left    = rcPadding.left + rcExtPadding.left ;
	rcContainer.top     = rcPadding.top + rcExtPadding.top ;
	rcContainer.right   = szContainer.cx - rcPadding.right - rcExtPadding.right ;
	rcContainer.bottom  = szContainer.cy - rcPadding.bottom - rcExtPadding.bottom ;

	INT nCurrentLayout = 0, nUsedSpace = 0 ;
	if (LAYOUT::ORIENTATION_NEAR == this->m_nOrientation)
		nCurrentLayout = rcPadding.left + rcExtPadding.left ;
	else if (LAYOUT::ORIENTATION_FAR == this->m_nOrientation)
		nCurrentLayout = szContainer.cx - rcPadding.right - rcExtPadding.right ;

	LONG lChildrenCount = 0 ;
	pHostFrame->GetChildrenCount(&lChildrenCount) ;
	for (INT i = 0; i < lChildrenCount; ++i)
		CComPtr<IUIElement> pElement ;
		pHostFrame->GetChildByIndex(i, &pElement) ;
		CComQIPtr<IUIFrame> pFrameChild = pElement ;
		CComQIPtr<IUIFrameInternal> pFrameInternal = pElement ;
		IF_CONTINUE(NULL == pFrameChild || NULL == pFrameInternal) ;

		BOOL bHidden = FALSE ;
		pFrameChild->GetHidden(&bHidden) ;
		IF_CONTINUE(bHidden) ;

		BOOL bFloat = FALSE ;
		pFrameChild->GetFloat(&bFloat) ;
		IF_CONTINUE(bFloat) ;

		CRect rcChildMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
		pFrameChild->GetMargin(&rcChildMargin) ;

		BOOL bChildHeightAsParent = FALSE ;
		pFrameChild->GetHeightAsParent(&bChildHeightAsParent) ;
		if (bChildHeightAsParent)
			CSize szEstimateSize(0, 0) ;
			szEstimateSize.cx   = -1 ;
			szEstimateSize.cy   = rcContainer.Height() - rcChildMargin.top - rcChildMargin.bottom ;
			pFrameInternal->SetEstimateSize(szEstimateSize) ;

		BOOL bChildWidthAsParent = FALSE ;
		pFrameChild->GetWidthAsParent(&bChildWidthAsParent) ;
		if (i == this->m_nFillItem -1  || -1 * lChildrenCount + i == this->m_nFillItem)
			INT nFillSize = this->CalcFillSize(pHostFrame, rcContainer, nUsedSpace, i) ;
			CSize szEstimateSize(0, 0) ;
			szEstimateSize.cx   = nFillSize - rcChildMargin.left - rcChildMargin.right ;
			szEstimateSize.cy   = -1 ;
			pFrameInternal->SetEstimateSize(szEstimateSize) ;
		else if (bChildWidthAsParent)
			pFrameInternal->SetEstimateSize(CSize(0, -1)) ;

		CRect rcTarget(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
		CSize szChildChild(0, 0) ;
		pFrameChild->GetSize(&szChildChild) ;

		nUsedSpace += szChildChild.cx + rcChildMargin.left + rcChildMargin.right ;

		pFrameChild->GetDrift(&nDrift) ;

		if (LAYOUT::ORIENTATION_NEAR == this->m_nOrientation)
			if (DRIFT::DRIFT_NEAR == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top    = rcContainer.top + rcChildMargin.top ;
			else if (DRIFT::DRIFT_FAR == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top	= rcContainer.bottom - rcChildMargin.bottom - szChildChild.cy ;
			else if (DRIFT::DRIFT_MIDDLE == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top	= (rcContainer.Height() - szChildChild.cy)/2 + rcContainer.top ;
			rcTarget.left   = nCurrentLayout + rcChildMargin.left ;
			rcTarget.right  = rcTarget.left + szChildChild.cx ;
			rcTarget.bottom = rcTarget.top + szChildChild.cy ;
			nCurrentLayout += szChildChild.cx + rcChildMargin.left + rcChildMargin.right ;
		else if (LAYOUT::ORIENTATION_FAR == this->m_nOrientation)
			if (DRIFT::DRIFT_NEAR == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top    = rcContainer.top + rcChildMargin.top ;
			else if (DRIFT::DRIFT_FAR == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top	= rcContainer.bottom - rcChildMargin.bottom - szChildChild.cy ;
			else if (DRIFT::DRIFT_MIDDLE == nDrift)
				rcTarget.top	= (rcContainer.Height() - szChildChild.cy)/2 + rcContainer.top ;
			rcTarget.right  = nCurrentLayout - rcChildMargin.right ;
			rcTarget.left   = rcTarget.right - szChildChild.cx ;
			rcTarget.bottom = rcTarget.top + szChildChild.cy ;
			nCurrentLayout -= szChildChild.cx + rcChildMargin.left + rcChildMargin.right ;
		pFrameInternal->SetLayoutRect(rcTarget) ;
	return S_OK ;
Пример #5
BOOL CXTextGdiPlus::RefreashBufferDC(HDC hDCSrc)

	m_dcBuffer = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDCSrc);
	m_hBufferOldBmp = ::SelectObject(m_dcBuffer, (HGDIOBJ)Util::CreateDIBSection32(m_rcDst.Width(), m_rcDst.Height()));

	Gdiplus::Graphics graph(m_dcBuffer);

	Gdiplus::FontFamily fontFamily(XLibST2W(m_strFontName));  
	Gdiplus::Font font(&fontFamily, m_nSize, m_FontStyle, Gdiplus::UnitPixel);  
	Gdiplus::StringFormat stringformat;
	stringformat.SetLineAlignment(m_AlignmentV == Gdiplus::StringAlignmentCenter ?
		Gdiplus::StringAlignmentNear : m_AlignmentV);
	Gdiplus::SolidBrush brush(Gdiplus::Color(m_cAlpha, m_ColorR, m_ColorG, m_ColorB));

	Gdiplus::RectF rfTargetRect(0, 0, m_rcDst.Width(), m_rcDst.Height());
	CStringW strTextToDraw(XLibST2W(m_strText));

	// When centering texts vertically, gdi+ will put the texts a litter higher, 
	// so we'll handle vertically centering ourselves. 
	if (m_AlignmentV == Gdiplus::StringAlignmentCenter)
		Gdiplus::RectF rfBoundRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
		graph.MeasureString(strTextToDraw, -1, &font, rfTargetRect, &stringformat, &rfBoundRect);
		UINT nBufferWidth = rfTargetRect.Width, nBufferHeight = ceil(rfBoundRect.Height);

		UINT32 *pBufferBmp = NULL;
		HDC dcBuffer = ::CreateCompatibleDC(m_dcBuffer);
		HGDIOBJ hOldBmp = ::SelectObject(dcBuffer, (HGDIOBJ)Util::CreateDIBSection32(nBufferWidth, nBufferHeight, (BYTE **)&pBufferBmp));

		Gdiplus::Graphics graBuffer(dcBuffer);

		graBuffer.DrawString(strTextToDraw, -1, &font, rfTargetRect, &stringformat, &brush);

		CRect rcStrictBound(0, 0, nBufferWidth, nBufferHeight);
		BOOL bTopFound = FALSE, bBottomFound = FALSE;
		for (UINT line = 0; line < nBufferHeight; line++)
			for (UINT col = 0; col < nBufferWidth; col++)
				// bottom bits. 
				if (!bBottomFound && *(pBufferBmp + line * nBufferWidth + col) != 0)
					bBottomFound = TRUE;
					rcStrictBound.bottom -= line;

				// top bits. 
				if (!bTopFound && *(pBufferBmp + (nBufferHeight - line - 1) * nBufferWidth + col) != 0)
					bTopFound = TRUE;
					rcStrictBound.top += line;

				if (bBottomFound && bTopFound) break;

			if (bBottomFound && bTopFound) break;

		CRect rcTarget(0, (m_rcDst.Height() - rcStrictBound.Height()) / 2, 0, 0);
		rcTarget.right = rcTarget.left + rcStrictBound.Width();
		rcTarget.bottom = rcTarget.top + rcStrictBound.Height();

		Util::BitBlt(dcBuffer, rcStrictBound, m_dcBuffer, rcTarget);

		::DeleteObject(::SelectObject(dcBuffer, hOldBmp));
		graph.DrawString(strTextToDraw, -1, &font, rfTargetRect, &stringformat, &brush);
	return TRUE;