BOOL transport_disconnect(rdpTransport* transport) { BOOL status = TRUE; if (!transport) return FALSE; if (transport->tls) { tls_free(transport->tls); transport->tls = NULL; } else { if (transport->frontBio) BIO_free_all(transport->frontBio); } if (transport->tsg) { tsg_free(transport->tsg); transport->tsg = NULL; } if (transport->rdg) { rdg_free(transport->rdg); transport->rdg = NULL; } transport->frontBio = NULL; transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_TCP; return status; }
BOOL transport_connect(rdpTransport* transport, const char* hostname, UINT16 port, int timeout) { int sockfd; BOOL status = FALSE; rdpSettings* settings = transport->settings; rdpContext* context = transport->context; transport->async = settings->AsyncTransport; if (transport->GatewayEnabled) { if (!status && settings->GatewayHttpTransport) { transport->rdg = rdg_new(transport); if (!transport->rdg) return FALSE; status = rdg_connect(transport->rdg, hostname, port, timeout); if (status) { transport->frontBio = transport->rdg->frontBio; BIO_set_nonblock(transport->frontBio, 0); transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_TSG; status = TRUE; } else { rdg_free(transport->rdg); transport->rdg = NULL; } } if (!status && settings->GatewayRpcTransport) { transport->tsg = tsg_new(transport); if (!transport->tsg) return FALSE; status = tsg_connect(transport->tsg, hostname, port, timeout); if (status) { transport->frontBio = transport->tsg->bio; transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_TSG; status = TRUE; } else { tsg_free(transport->tsg); transport->tsg = NULL; } } } else { sockfd = freerdp_tcp_connect(context, settings, hostname, port, timeout); if (sockfd < 1) return FALSE; if (!transport_attach(transport, sockfd)) return FALSE; status = TRUE; } if (status) { if (transport->async) { if (!(transport->stopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create transport stop event"); return FALSE; } if (!(transport->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) transport_client_thread, transport, 0, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create transport client thread"); CloseHandle(transport->stopEvent); transport->stopEvent = NULL; return FALSE; } } } return status; }
rdpRdg* rdg_new(rdpTransport* transport) { rdpRdg* rdg; RPC_CSTR stringUuid; char bracedUuid[40]; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; assert(transport != NULL); rdg = (rdpRdg*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRdg)); if (rdg) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; rdg->context = transport->context; rdg->settings = rdg->context->settings; rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE; if (rdg->settings->GatewayAccessToken) rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA; UuidCreate(&rdg->guid); rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&rdg->guid, &stringUuid); if (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) goto rdg_alloc_error; sprintf_s(bracedUuid, sizeof(bracedUuid), "{%s}", stringUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&stringUuid); rdg->tlsOut = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsOut) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->tlsIn = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsIn) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->http = http_context_new(); if (!rdg->http) goto rdg_alloc_error; http_context_set_uri(rdg->http, "/remoteDesktopGateway/"); http_context_set_accept(rdg->http, "*/*"); http_context_set_cache_control(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_pragma(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_connection(rdg->http, "Keep-Alive"); http_context_set_user_agent(rdg->http, "MS-RDGateway/1.0"); http_context_set_host(rdg->http, rdg->settings->GatewayHostname); http_context_set_rdg_connection_id(rdg->http, bracedUuid); if (!rdg->http->URI || !rdg->http->Accept || !rdg->http->CacheControl || !rdg->http->Pragma || !rdg->http->Connection || !rdg->http->UserAgent || !rdg->http->Host || !rdg->http->RdgConnectionId) { goto rdg_alloc_error; } if (rdg->extAuth != HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE) { switch (rdg->extAuth) { case HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA: http_context_set_rdg_auth_scheme(rdg->http, "PAA"); if (!rdg->http->RdgAuthScheme) goto rdg_alloc_error; break; default: WLog_DBG(TAG, "RDG extended authentication method %d not supported", rdg->extAuth); } } rdg->frontBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_rdg()); if (!rdg->frontBio) goto rdg_alloc_error; BIO_set_data(rdg->frontBio, rdg); InitializeCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); } return rdg; rdg_alloc_error: rdg_free(rdg); return NULL; }
rdpRdg* rdg_new(rdpTransport* transport) { rdpRdg* rdg; RPC_CSTR stringUuid; char bracedUuid[40]; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; assert(transport != NULL); rdg = (rdpRdg*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRdg)); if (rdg) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; rdg->context = transport->context; rdg->settings = rdg->context->settings; UuidCreate(&rdg->guid); rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&rdg->guid, &stringUuid); if (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) goto rdg_alloc_error; sprintf_s(bracedUuid, sizeof(bracedUuid), "{%s}", stringUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&stringUuid); rdg->tlsOut = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsOut) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->tlsIn = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsIn) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->http = http_context_new(); if (!rdg->http) goto rdg_alloc_error; http_context_set_uri(rdg->http, "/remoteDesktopGateway/"); http_context_set_accept(rdg->http, "*/*"); http_context_set_cache_control(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_pragma(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_connection(rdg->http, "Keep-Alive"); http_context_set_user_agent(rdg->http, "MS-RDGateway/1.0"); http_context_set_host(rdg->http, rdg->settings->GatewayHostname); http_context_set_rdg_connection_id(rdg->http, bracedUuid); if (!rdg->http->URI || !rdg->http->Accept || !rdg->http->CacheControl || !rdg->http->Pragma || !rdg->http->Connection || !rdg->http->UserAgent || !rdg->http->Host || !rdg->http->RdgConnectionId) { goto rdg_alloc_error; } rdg->frontBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_rdg()); if (!rdg->frontBio) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->frontBio->ptr = rdg; rdg->readEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!rdg->readEvent) goto rdg_alloc_error; InitializeCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); } return rdg; rdg_alloc_error: rdg_free(rdg); return NULL; }
BOOL transport_connect(rdpTransport* transport, const char* hostname, UINT16 port, int timeout) { int sockfd; BOOL status = FALSE; rdpSettings* settings = transport->settings; rdpContext* context = transport->context; BOOL rpcFallback = !settings->GatewayHttpTransport; if (transport->GatewayEnabled) { if (!status && settings->GatewayHttpTransport) { transport->rdg = rdg_new(transport); if (!transport->rdg) return FALSE; status = rdg_connect(transport->rdg, timeout, &rpcFallback); if (status) { transport->frontBio = transport->rdg->frontBio; BIO_set_nonblock(transport->frontBio, 0); transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_TSG; status = TRUE; } else { rdg_free(transport->rdg); transport->rdg = NULL; } } if (!status && settings->GatewayRpcTransport && rpcFallback) { transport->tsg = tsg_new(transport); if (!transport->tsg) return FALSE; status = tsg_connect(transport->tsg, hostname, port, timeout); if (status) { transport->frontBio = tsg_get_bio(transport->tsg); transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_TSG; status = TRUE; } else { tsg_free(transport->tsg); transport->tsg = NULL; } } } else { UINT16 peerPort; const char* proxyHostname, *proxyUsername, *proxyPassword; BOOL isProxyConnection = proxy_prepare(settings, &proxyHostname, &peerPort, &proxyUsername, &proxyPassword); if (isProxyConnection) sockfd = freerdp_tcp_connect(context, settings, proxyHostname, peerPort, timeout); else sockfd = freerdp_tcp_connect(context, settings, hostname, port, timeout); if (sockfd < 0) return FALSE; if (!transport_attach(transport, sockfd)) return FALSE; if (isProxyConnection) { if (!proxy_connect(settings, transport->frontBio, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, hostname, port)) return FALSE; } status = TRUE; } return status; }