static rd_t* get_rd(plotradec_t* args, rd_t* myrd) { rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; rd_t* rd = NULL; if (args->fn) { // Open rdlist. rdls = rdlist_open(args->fn); if (!rdls) { ERROR("Failed to open rdlist from file \"%s\"", args->fn); return NULL; } if (args->racol) rdlist_set_raname(rdls, args->racol); if (args->deccol) rdlist_set_decname(rdls, args->deccol); // Find number of entries in rdlist. rd = rdlist_read_field_num(rdls, args->ext, NULL); //freerd = rd; rdlist_close(rdls); if (!rd) { ERROR("Failed to read FITS extension %i from file %s.\n", args->ext, args->fn); return NULL; } } else { assert(dl_size(args->radecvals)); rd_from_dl(myrd, args->radecvals); rd = myrd; } return rd; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; char* xylsfn = NULL; char* wcsfn = NULL; char* rdlsfn = NULL; xylist_t* xyls = NULL; rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; sip_t sip; int i, j; int W, H; //double xyzcenter[3]; //double fieldrad2; double pixeljitter = 1.0; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; double wcsscale; char* bgfn = NULL; //double nsigma = 3.0; fits_use_error_system(); while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'I': bgfn = optarg; break; case 'j': pixeljitter = atof(optarg); break; case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case 'r': rdlsfn = optarg; break; case 'x': xylsfn = optarg; break; case 'w': wcsfn = optarg; break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; } } if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!xylsfn || !wcsfn || !rdlsfn) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } log_init(loglvl); // read WCS. logmsg("Trying to parse SIP header from %s...\n", wcsfn); if (!sip_read_header_file(wcsfn, &sip)) { logmsg("Failed to parse SIP header from %s.\n", wcsfn); } // image W, H W = sip.wcstan.imagew; H = sip.wcstan.imageh; if ((W == 0.0) || (H == 0.0)) { logmsg("WCS file %s didn't contain IMAGEW and IMAGEH headers.\n", wcsfn); // FIXME - use bounds of xylist? exit(-1); } wcsscale = sip_pixel_scale(&sip); logmsg("WCS scale: %g arcsec/pixel\n", wcsscale); // read XYLS. xyls = xylist_open(xylsfn); if (!xyls) { logmsg("Failed to read an xylist from file %s.\n", xylsfn); exit(-1); } // read RDLS. rdls = rdlist_open(rdlsfn); if (!rdls) { logmsg("Failed to read an rdlist from file %s.\n", rdlsfn); exit(-1); } // Find field center and radius. /* sip_pixelxy2xyzarr(&sip, W/2, H/2, xyzcenter); fieldrad2 = arcsec2distsq(sip_pixel_scale(&sip) * hypot(W/2, H/2)); */ { // (x,y) positions of field stars. double* fieldpix; int Nfield; double* indexpix; starxy_t* xy; rd_t* rd; int Nindex; xy = xylist_read_field(xyls, NULL); if (!xy) { logmsg("Failed to read xyls entries.\n"); exit(-1); } Nfield = starxy_n(xy); fieldpix = starxy_to_xy_array(xy, NULL); logmsg("Found %i field objects\n", Nfield); // Project RDLS into pixel space. rd = rdlist_read_field(rdls, NULL); if (!rd) { logmsg("Failed to read rdls entries.\n"); exit(-1); } Nindex = rd_n(rd); logmsg("Found %i indx objects\n", Nindex); indexpix = malloc(2 * Nindex * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { anbool ok; double ra = rd_getra(rd, i); double dec = rd_getdec(rd, i); ok = sip_radec2pixelxy(&sip, ra, dec, indexpix + i*2, indexpix + i*2 + 1); assert(ok); } logmsg("CRPIX is (%g,%g)\n", sip.wcstan.crpix[0], sip.wcstan.crpix[1]); /* // ?? // Look for index-field pairs that are (a) close together; and (b) close to CRPIX. // Split the image into 3x3, 5x5 or so, and in each, look for a // (small) rotation and log(scale), then (bigger) shift, using histogram // cross-correlation. // Are the rotations and scales really going to be big enough that this // is required, or can we get away with doing shift first, then fine-tuning // rotation and scale? { // NxN blocks int NB = 3; int b; // HACK - use histogram2d machinery to split image into blocks. histogram2d* blockhist = histogram2d_new_nbins(0, W, NB, 0, H, NB); int* fieldi = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(int)); int* indexi = malloc(Nindex * sizeof(int)); // rotation bins int NR = 100; // scale bins (ie, log(radius) bins) double minrad = 1.0; double maxrad = 200.0; int NS = 100; histogram2d* rsfield = histogram2d_new_nbins(-M_PI, M_PI, NR, log(minrad), log(maxrad), NS); histogram2d* rsindex = histogram2d_new_nbins(-M_PI, M_PI, NR, log(minrad), log(maxrad), NS); histogram2d_set_y_edges(rsfield, HIST2D_DISCARD); histogram2d_set_y_edges(rsindex, HIST2D_DISCARD); for (b=0; b<(NB*NB); b++) { int bin; int NF, NI; double dx, dy; NF = NI = 0; for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { bin = histogram2d_add(blockhist, fieldpix[2*i], fieldpix[2*i+1]); if (bin != b) continue; fieldi[NF] = i; NF++; } for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { bin = histogram2d_add(blockhist, indexpix[2*i], indexpix[2*i+1]); if (bin != b) continue; indexi[NI] = i; NI++; } logmsg("bin %i has %i field and %i index stars.\n", b, NF, NI); logmsg("histogramming field rotation/scale\n"); for (i=0; i<NF; i++) { for (j=0; j<i; j++) { dx = fieldpix[2*fieldi[i]] - fieldpix[2*fieldi[j]]; dy = fieldpix[2*fieldi[i]+1] - fieldpix[2*fieldi[j]+1]; histogram2d_add(rsfield, atan2(dy, dx), log(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy))); } } logmsg("histogramming index rotation/scale\n"); for (i=0; i<NI; i++) { for (j=0; j<i; j++) { dx = indexpix[2*indexi[i]] - fieldpix[2*indexi[j]]; dy = indexpix[2*indexi[i]+1] - fieldpix[2*indexi[j]+1]; histogram2d_add(rsindex, atan2(dy, dx), log(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy))); } } } histogram2d_free(rsfield); histogram2d_free(rsindex); free(fieldi); free(indexi); histogram2d_free(blockhist); } */ { double* fieldsigma2s = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(double)); int besti; int* theta; double logodds; double Q2, R2; double qc[2]; double gamma; // HACK -- quad radius-squared Q2 = square(100.0); qc[0] = sip.wcstan.crpix[0]; qc[1] = sip.wcstan.crpix[1]; // HACK -- variance growth rate wrt radius. gamma = 1.0; for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { R2 = distsq(qc, fieldpix + 2*i, 2); fieldsigma2s[i] = square(pixeljitter) * (1.0 + gamma * R2/Q2); } logodds = verify_star_lists(indexpix, Nindex, fieldpix, fieldsigma2s, Nfield, W*H, 0.25, log(1e-100), log(1e100), &besti, NULL, &theta, NULL, NULL); logmsg("Logodds: %g\n", logodds); if (bgfn) { plot_args_t pargs; plotimage_t* img; cairo_t* cairo; char outfn[32]; j = 0; plotstuff_init(&pargs); pargs.outformat = PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_PNG; sprintf(outfn, "tweak-%03i.png", j); pargs.outfn = outfn; img = plotstuff_get_config(&pargs, "image"); //img->format = PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_JPG; // guess plot_image_set_filename(img, bgfn); plot_image_setsize(&pargs, img); plotstuff_run_command(&pargs, "image"); cairo = pargs.cairo; // red circles around every field star. cairo_set_color(cairo, "red"); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_CIRCLE, fieldpix[2*i+0], fieldpix[2*i+1], 2.0 * sqrt(fieldsigma2s[i])); cairo_stroke(cairo); } // green crosshairs at every index star. cairo_set_color(cairo, "green"); for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_XCROSSHAIR, indexpix[2*i+0], indexpix[2*i+1], 3); cairo_stroke(cairo); } // thick white circles for corresponding field stars. cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 2); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { if (theta[i] < 0) continue; cairo_set_color(cairo, "white"); cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_CIRCLE, fieldpix[2*i+0], fieldpix[2*i+1], 2.0 * sqrt(fieldsigma2s[i])); cairo_stroke(cairo); // thick cyan crosshairs for corresponding index stars. cairo_set_color(cairo, "cyan"); cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_XCROSSHAIR, indexpix[2*theta[i]+0], indexpix[2*theta[i]+1], 3); cairo_stroke(cairo); } plotstuff_output(&pargs); } free(theta); free(fieldsigma2s); } free(fieldpix); free(indexpix); } if (xylist_close(xyls)) { logmsg("Failed to close XYLS file.\n"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; char* xylsfn = NULL; char* wcsfn = NULL; char* rdlsfn = NULL; char* plotfn = NULL; xylist_t* xyls = NULL; rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; sip_t sip; int i; int W, H; double pixeljitter = 1.0; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; double wcsscale; fits_use_error_system(); while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': plotfn = optarg; break; case 'j': pixeljitter = atof(optarg); break; case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case 'r': rdlsfn = optarg; break; case 'x': xylsfn = optarg; break; case 'w': wcsfn = optarg; break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; } } if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!xylsfn || !wcsfn || !rdlsfn) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } log_init(loglvl); // read WCS. logmsg("Trying to parse SIP header from %s...\n", wcsfn); if (!sip_read_header_file(wcsfn, &sip)) { logmsg("Failed to parse SIP header from %s.\n", wcsfn); } // image W, H W = sip.wcstan.imagew; H = sip.wcstan.imageh; if ((W == 0.0) || (H == 0.0)) { logmsg("WCS file %s didn't contain IMAGEW and IMAGEH headers.\n", wcsfn); // FIXME - use bounds of xylist? exit(-1); } wcsscale = sip_pixel_scale(&sip); logmsg("WCS scale: %g arcsec/pixel\n", wcsscale); // read XYLS. xyls = xylist_open(xylsfn); if (!xyls) { logmsg("Failed to read an xylist from file %s.\n", xylsfn); exit(-1); } // read RDLS. rdls = rdlist_open(rdlsfn); if (!rdls) { logmsg("Failed to read an rdlist from file %s.\n", rdlsfn); exit(-1); } { // (x,y) positions of field stars. double* fieldpix; int Nfield; double* indexpix; starxy_t* xy; rd_t* rd; int Nindex; xy = xylist_read_field(xyls, NULL); if (!xy) { logmsg("Failed to read xyls entries.\n"); exit(-1); } Nfield = starxy_n(xy); fieldpix = starxy_to_xy_array(xy, NULL); logmsg("Found %i field objects\n", Nfield); // Project RDLS into pixel space. rd = rdlist_read_field(rdls, NULL); if (!rd) { logmsg("Failed to read rdls entries.\n"); exit(-1); } Nindex = rd_n(rd); logmsg("Found %i indx objects\n", Nindex); indexpix = malloc(2 * Nindex * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { anbool ok; double ra = rd_getra(rd, i); double dec = rd_getdec(rd, i); ok = sip_radec2pixelxy(&sip, ra, dec, indexpix + i*2, indexpix + i*2 + 1); assert(ok); } logmsg("CRPIX is (%g,%g)\n", sip.wcstan.crpix[0], sip.wcstan.crpix[1]); { double* fieldsigma2s = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(double)); int besti; int* theta; double logodds; double Q2, R2; double qc[2]; double gamma; // HACK -- quad radius-squared Q2 = square(100.0); qc[0] = sip.wcstan.crpix[0]; qc[1] = sip.wcstan.crpix[1]; // HACK -- variance growth rate wrt radius. gamma = 1.0; for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { R2 = distsq(qc, fieldpix + 2*i, 2); fieldsigma2s[i] = square(pixeljitter) * (1.0 + gamma * R2/Q2); } logodds = verify_star_lists(indexpix, Nindex, fieldpix, fieldsigma2s, Nfield, W*H, 0.25, log(1e-100), log(1e100), &besti, NULL, &theta, NULL); logmsg("Logodds: %g\n", logodds); if (TRUE) { for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { if (theta[i] < 0) continue; printf("%g %g %g %g\n", fieldpix[2*i+0], fieldpix[2*i+1], rd_getra(rd, theta[i]), rd_getdec(rd, theta[i])); } } if (plotfn) { plot_args_t pargs; plotimage_t* img; cairo_t* cairo; plotstuff_init(&pargs); pargs.outformat = PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_PNG; pargs.outfn = plotfn; img = plotstuff_get_config(&pargs, "image"); img->format = PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_JPG; plot_image_set_filename(img, "1.jpg"); plot_image_setsize(&pargs, img); plotstuff_run_command(&pargs, "image"); cairo = pargs.cairo; // red circles around every field star. cairo_set_color(cairo, "red"); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_CIRCLE, fieldpix[2*i+0], fieldpix[2*i+1], 2.0 * sqrt(fieldsigma2s[i])); cairo_stroke(cairo); } // green crosshairs at every index star. cairo_set_color(cairo, "green"); for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_XCROSSHAIR, indexpix[2*i+0], indexpix[2*i+1], 3); cairo_stroke(cairo); } // thick white circles for corresponding field stars. cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 2); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { if (theta[i] < 0) continue; cairo_set_color(cairo, "white"); cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_CIRCLE, fieldpix[2*i+0], fieldpix[2*i+1], 2.0 * sqrt(fieldsigma2s[i])); cairo_stroke(cairo); // thick cyan crosshairs for corresponding index stars. cairo_set_color(cairo, "cyan"); cairoutils_draw_marker(cairo, CAIROUTIL_MARKER_XCROSSHAIR, indexpix[2*theta[i]+0], indexpix[2*theta[i]+1], 3); cairo_stroke(cairo); } plotstuff_output(&pargs); } free(theta); free(fieldsigma2s); } free(fieldpix); free(indexpix); } if (xylist_close(xyls)) { logmsg("Failed to close XYLS file.\n"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { char* filename = NULL; int npoints; int i, j; int* healpixes; int argchar; char* progname = args[0]; il** lists; anbool quiet = FALSE; rdlist* rdls; int Nside = 1; int N; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'N': Nside = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'h': printHelp(progname); exit(0); case 'q': quiet = TRUE; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); default: exit(-1); } if (!filename) { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "Opening RDLS file %s...\n", filename); rdls = rdlist_open(filename); if (!rdls) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open RDLS file.\n"); exit(-1); } N = 12 * Nside * Nside; healpixes = malloc(N * sizeof(int)); lists = calloc(N, sizeof(il*)); /* for (i=0; i<N; i++) { lists[i] = il_new(256); } */ for (j=1; j<=rdls_n_fields(rdls); j++) { rd* points; points = rdlist_get_field(rdls, j); if (!points) { fprintf(stderr, "error reading field %i\n", j); break; } memset(healpixes, 0, N * sizeof(int)); npoints = rd_size(points); for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) { double ra, dec; int hp; ra = deg2rad(rd_refra (points, i)); dec = deg2rad(rd_refdec(points, i)); if (Nside > 1) hp = radectohealpix_nside(ra, dec, Nside); else hp = radectohealpix(ra, dec); if ((hp < 0) || (hp >= N)) { printf("hp=%i\n", hp); continue; } healpixes[hp] = 1; } if (!quiet) { printf("Field %i: healpixes ", j); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { if (healpixes[i]) printf("%i ", i); } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } for (i=0; i<N; i++) if (healpixes[i]) { if (!lists[i]) lists[i] = il_new(256); il_append(lists[i], j); } free_rd(points); } for (i=0; i<N; i++) { int N; if (!lists[i]) continue; printf("HP %i: ", i); N = il_size(lists[i]); for (j=0; j<N; j++) printf("%i ", il_get(lists[i], j)); il_free(lists[i]); printf("\n"); } free(lists); free(healpixes); rdlist_close(rdls); return 0; }
int wcs_rd2xy(const char* wcsfn, int wcsext, const char* rdlsfn, const char* xylsfn, const char* racol, const char* deccol, anbool forcetan, anbool forcewcslib, il* fields) { xylist_t* xyls = NULL; rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; anwcs_t* wcs = NULL; int i; anbool alloced_fields = FALSE; int rtn = -1; // read WCS. if (forcewcslib) { wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(wcsfn, wcsext); } else if (forcetan) { wcs = anwcs_open_tan(wcsfn, wcsext); } else { wcs = anwcs_open(wcsfn, wcsext); } if (!wcs) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file \"%s\", extension %i", wcsfn, wcsext); return -1; } // read RDLS. rdls = rdlist_open(rdlsfn); if (!rdls) { ERROR("Failed to read an RA,Dec list from file %s", rdlsfn); goto bailout; } if (racol) rdlist_set_raname(rdls, racol); if (deccol) rdlist_set_decname(rdls, deccol); // write XYLS. xyls = xylist_open_for_writing(xylsfn); if (!xyls) { ERROR("Failed to open file %s to write XYLS", xylsfn); goto bailout; } if (xylist_write_primary_header(xyls)) { ERROR("Failed to write header to XYLS file %s", xylsfn); goto bailout; } if (!fields) { alloced_fields = TRUE; fields = il_new(16); } if (!il_size(fields)) { // add all fields. int NF = rdlist_n_fields(rdls); for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) il_append(fields, i); } for (i=0; i<il_size(fields); i++) { int fieldnum = il_get(fields, i); int j; starxy_t xy; rd_t rd; if (!rdlist_read_field_num(rdls, fieldnum, &rd)) { ERROR("Failed to read rdls file \"%s\" field %i", rdlsfn, fieldnum); goto bailout; } starxy_alloc_data(&xy, rd_n(&rd), FALSE, FALSE); if (xylist_write_header(xyls)) { ERROR("Failed to write xyls field header"); goto bailout; } for (j=0; j<rd_n(&rd); j++) { double x, y, ra, dec; ra = rd_getra (&rd, j); dec = rd_getdec(&rd, j); if (anwcs_radec2pixelxy(wcs, ra, dec, &x, &y)) { ERROR("Point RA,Dec = (%g,%g) projects to the opposite side of the sphere", ra, dec); starxy_set(&xy, j, NAN, NAN); continue; } starxy_set(&xy, j, x, y); } if (xylist_write_field(xyls, &xy)) { ERROR("Failed to write xyls field"); goto bailout; } if (xylist_fix_header(xyls)) { ERROR("Failed to fix xyls field header"); goto bailout; } xylist_next_field(xyls); starxy_free_data(&xy); rd_free_data(&rd); } if (xylist_fix_primary_header(xyls) || xylist_close(xyls)) { ERROR("Failed to fix header of XYLS file"); goto bailout; } xyls = NULL; if (rdlist_close(rdls)) { ERROR("Failed to close RDLS file"); goto bailout; } rdls = NULL; rtn = 0; bailout: if (alloced_fields) il_free(fields); if (rdls) rdlist_close(rdls); if (xyls) xylist_close(xyls); if (wcs) anwcs_free(wcs); return rtn; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; char* xylsfn = NULL; char* rdlsfn = NULL; char* corrfn = NULL; char* outfn = NULL; char* xcol = NULL; char* ycol = NULL; char* rcol = NULL; char* dcol = NULL; xylist_t* xyls = NULL; rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; rd_t rd; starxy_t xy; int fieldnum = 1; int N; double* fieldxy = NULL; double* xyz = NULL; sip_t wcs; int rtn = -1; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; int siporder = 0; int W=0, H=0; anbool crpix_center = FALSE; int i; int doshift = 1; fits_use_error_system(); while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case 'W': W = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': H = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': crpix_center = TRUE; break; case 's': siporder = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': corrfn = optarg; break; case 'r': rdlsfn = optarg; break; case 'R': rcol = optarg; break; case 'D': dcol = optarg; break; case 'x': xylsfn = optarg; break; case 'X': xcol = optarg; break; case 'Y': ycol = optarg; break; case 'o': outfn = optarg; break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; } } if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (! ((xylsfn && rdlsfn) || corrfn) || !outfn) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } log_init(loglvl); if (corrfn) { xylsfn = corrfn; rdlsfn = corrfn; if (!xcol) xcol = "FIELD_X"; if (!ycol) ycol = "FIELD_Y"; if (!rcol) rcol = "INDEX_RA"; if (!dcol) dcol = "INDEX_DEC"; } // read XYLS. xyls = xylist_open(xylsfn); if (!xyls) { ERROR("Failed to read an xylist from file %s", xylsfn); goto bailout; } xylist_set_include_flux(xyls, FALSE); xylist_set_include_background(xyls, FALSE); if (xcol) xylist_set_xname(xyls, xcol); if (ycol) xylist_set_yname(xyls, ycol); // read RDLS. rdls = rdlist_open(rdlsfn); if (!rdls) { ERROR("Failed to read an RA,Dec list from file %s", rdlsfn); goto bailout; } if (rcol) rdlist_set_raname(rdls, rcol); if (dcol) rdlist_set_decname(rdls, dcol); if (!xylist_read_field_num(xyls, fieldnum, &xy)) { ERROR("Failed to read xyls file %s, field %i", xylsfn, fieldnum); goto bailout; } if (!rdlist_read_field_num(rdls, fieldnum, &rd)) { ERROR("Failed to read rdls field %i", fieldnum); goto bailout; } N = starxy_n(&xy); if (rd_n(&rd) != N) { ERROR("X,Y list and RA,Dec list must have the same number of entries, " "but found %i vs %i", N, rd_n(&rd)); goto bailout; } logverb("Read %i points from %s and %s\n", N, rdlsfn, xylsfn); xyz = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * N); if (!xyz) { ERROR("Failed to allocate %i xyz coords", N); goto bailout; } radecdeg2xyzarrmany(rd.ra, rd.dec, xyz, N); fieldxy = starxy_to_xy_array(&xy, NULL); if (!fieldxy) { ERROR("Failed to allocate %i xy coords", N); goto bailout; } logverb("Fitting WCS\n"); if (siporder == 0) { if (fit_tan_wcs(xyz, fieldxy, N, &(wcs.wcstan), NULL)) { ERROR("Failed to fit for TAN WCS"); goto bailout; } } else { if (W == 0) { for (i=0; i<N; i++) { W = MAX(W, (int)ceil(fieldxy[2*i + 0])); } } if (H == 0) { for (i=0; i<N; i++) { H = MAX(H, (int)ceil(fieldxy[2*i + 1])); } } logverb("Image size = %i x %i pix\n", W, H); fit_sip_wcs_2(xyz, fieldxy, NULL, N, siporder, siporder+1, W, H, crpix_center, NULL, doshift, &wcs); } if (siporder <= 1) { if (tan_write_to_file(&(wcs.wcstan), outfn)) { ERROR("Failed to write TAN WCS header to file \"%s\"", outfn); goto bailout; } } else { if (sip_write_to_file(&wcs, outfn)) { ERROR("Failed to write SIP WCS header to file \"%s\"", outfn); goto bailout; } } logverb("Wrote WCS to %s\n", outfn); starxy_free_data(&xy); rd_free_data(&rd); rtn = 0; bailout: if (rdls) rdlist_close(rdls); if (xyls) xylist_close(xyls); if (fieldxy) free(fieldxy); if (xyz) free(xyz); return rtn; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argchar; char* progname = argv[0]; char** inputfiles = NULL; int ninputfiles = 0; char* rdlsfname = NULL; rdlist_t* rdls = NULL; int i; int correct, incorrect; int firstfield = 1; int lastfield = -1; int nfields; int Ncenter = 0; char* fpsolved = NULL; char* tpsolved = NULL; int nfields_total; int firstfileid = 0; int lastfileid = 0; int fileid; matchfile** matchfiles; int* mfcursors; char* truematchfn = NULL; char* falsematchfn = NULL; matchfile* truematch = NULL; matchfile* falsematch = NULL; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (argchar) { case 'h': printHelp(progname); return (HELP_ERR); case 'm': truematchfn = optarg; break; case 'M': falsematchfn = optarg; break; case 'A': firstfield = atoi(optarg); break; case 'B': lastfield = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': Ncenter = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': rdlsfname = optarg; break; case 'T': tpsolved = optarg; break; case 'F': fpsolved = optarg; break; case 'i': firstfileid = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': lastfileid = atoi(optarg); break; default: return (OPT_ERR); } } if (optind < argc) { ninputfiles = argc - optind; inputfiles = argv + optind; } else { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } if (!rdlsfname) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify an RDLS file!\n"); printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } if (truematchfn) { truematch = matchfile_open_for_writing(truematchfn); if (!truematch) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file %s for writing matches.\n", truematchfn); exit(-1); } if (matchfile_write_headers(truematch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write header for %s\n", truematchfn); exit(-1); } } if (falsematchfn) { falsematch = matchfile_open_for_writing(falsematchfn); if (!falsematch) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file %s for writing matches.\n", falsematchfn); exit(-1); } if (matchfile_write_headers(falsematch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write header for %s\n", falsematchfn); exit(-1); } } matchfiles = malloc(ninputfiles * sizeof(matchfile*)); mfcursors = calloc(ninputfiles, sizeof(int)); for (i=0; i<ninputfiles; i++) { char* fname = inputfiles[i]; printf("Opening matchfile %s...\n", fname); matchfiles[i] = matchfile_open(fname); if (!matchfiles[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open matchfile %s.\n", fname); exit(-1); } } correct = incorrect = 0; nfields_total = 0; for (i=0; i<ninputfiles; i++) { matchfile* mf; MatchObj* mo; mf = matchfiles[i]; for (fileid=firstfileid; fileid<=lastfileid; fileid++) { char fn[1024]; int nread = 0; sprintf(fn, rdlsfname, fileid); //printf("Reading rdls file \"%s\"...\n", fn); fflush(stdout); rdls = rdlist_open(fn); if (!rdls) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read rdls file.\n"); exit(-1); } nfields = rdlist_n_fields(rdls); //printf("Read %i fields from rdls file.\n", nfields); if ((lastfield != -1) && (nfields > lastfield)) { nfields = lastfield + 1; } else { lastfield = nfields; } for (; mfcursors[i]<matchfile_count(mf); mfcursors[i]++) { int filenum; int fieldnum; double rac, decc; double r2; double arc; int nrd; rd_t* rd; int k; anbool err = FALSE; mo = matchfile_read_match(mf); filenum = mo->fieldfile; if (filenum < fileid) continue; if (filenum > fileid) { matchfile_pushback_match(mf); break; } fieldnum = mo->fieldnum; if (fieldnum < firstfield) continue; if (fieldnum > lastfield) continue; nread++; rd = rdlist_read_field_num(rdls, fieldnum, NULL); if (!rd) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read RDLS entries for field %i.\n", fieldnum); exit(-1); } nrd = rd_n(rd); if (Ncenter) nrd = MIN(nrd, Ncenter); r2 = square(mo->radius); arc = deg2arcmin(mo->radius_deg); xyzarr2radec(mo->center, &rac, &decc); for (k=0; k<nrd; k++) { double xyz[3]; double ra, dec; ra = rd_getra (rd, k); dec = rd_getdec(rd, k); radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, xyz); if (distsq_exceeds(xyz, mo->center, 3, r2 * 1.2)) { printf("\nError: Field %i: match says center (%g, %g), scale %g arcmin, but\n", fieldnum, rac, decc, arc); printf("rdls %i is (%g, %g).\n", k, ra, dec); printf("Logprob %g (%g).\n", mo->logodds, exp(mo->logodds)); err = TRUE; break; } } rd_free(rd); if (err) { incorrect++; if (falsematch) { if (matchfile_write_match(falsematch, mo)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write match to %s\n", falsematchfn); exit(-1); } } } else { printf("Field %5i: correct hit: (%8.3f, %8.3f), scale %6.3f arcmin, logodds %g (%g)\n", fieldnum, rac, decc, arc, mo->logodds, exp(mo->logodds)); correct++; if (truematch) { if (matchfile_write_match(truematch, mo)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write match to %s\n", truematchfn); exit(-1); } } } fflush(stdout); if (tpsolved && !err) solvedfile_set(tpsolved, nfields_total); if (fpsolved && err) solvedfile_set(fpsolved, nfields_total); nfields_total++; } rdlist_close(rdls); printf("Read %i from %s for fileid %i\n", nread, inputfiles[i], fileid); } } printf("\n"); printf("Read a total of %i correct and %i incorrect matches.\n", correct, incorrect); for (i=0; i<ninputfiles; i++) { matchfile_close(matchfiles[i]); } free(matchfiles); free(mfcursors); if (tpsolved) solvedfile_setsize(tpsolved, nfields_total); if (fpsolved) solvedfile_setsize(fpsolved, nfields_total); if (truematch) { if (matchfile_fix_headers(truematch) || matchfile_close(truematch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fix header for %s\n", truematchfn); exit(-1); } } if (falsematch) { if (matchfile_fix_headers(falsematch) || matchfile_close(falsematch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fix header for %s\n", falsematchfn); exit(-1); } } return 0; }