void ooSplitFins(char *finTrans, char *ooDir)
/* ooSplitFins - Create splitFin files (list of split finished clones). */
    struct hash *splitCloneHash = newHash(8);
    struct clone *cloneList, *clone;
    char fileName[512];
    int i;
    struct fileInfo *chromDir = NULL, *ctgDir = NULL, *chrom, *ctg;
    int splitCount = 0;

    /* Read in finished clones and put ones with more than
     * one fragment in hash. */
    cloneList = readTrans(finTrans);
    for (clone = cloneList; clone != NULL; clone = clone->next)
        if (slCount(clone->fragList) > 1)
            hashAdd(splitCloneHash, clone->name, clone);
    printf("Found %d split clones in %s\n", splitCount, finTrans);

    /* Scan over all contigs in ooDir. */
    chromDir = listDirX(ooDir, "*", FALSE);
    for (chrom = chromDir; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
        char *chromName = chrom->name;
        if (chrom->isDir && strlen(chromName) <= 2 && chromName[0] != '.')
            printf("Processing %s\n", chromName);
            sprintf(fileName, "%s/%s", ooDir, chromName);
            ctgDir = listDirX(fileName, "ctg*", TRUE);
            for (ctg = ctgDir; ctg != NULL; ctg = ctg->next)
                if (ctg->isDir)
                    writeRelevantSplits(ctg->name, splitCloneHash);
Пример #2
static void gsFillInSequence(char *gsDir, struct agpFrag *agpList, DNA *dna, int dnaSize)
/* Fill in DNA array with sequences from 'freeze' */
struct agpFrag *agp;
int subCount;
char *sub[64];
char transFile[512], faDir[512];
struct hash *cloneHash = newHash(15), *fragHash = newHash(17);
int i;
struct clone *clone;

/* Read in trans-files to hash */
subCount = chopString(subDirs, ",", sub, ArraySize(sub));
if (subCount >= ArraySize(sub))
    errAbort("Too many subDirs, limit 64.");
for (i=0; i<subCount; ++i)
    sprintf(faDir, "%s/%s/fa", gsDir, sub[i]);
    sprintf(transFile, "%s/%s/trans", gsDir, sub[i]);
    readTrans(transFile, faDir, cloneHash, fragHash);

/* Read sequences and copy them to output DNA array. */
printf("Reading source sequences from %s\n", gsDir);
for (agp = agpList; agp != NULL; agp = agp->next)
    DNA *dest;
    int size;
    if ((clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, agp->frag)) == NULL)
        errAbort("Couldn't find %s in %s", agp->frag, gsDir);
    if (clone->dna == NULL)
	getCloneDna(clone, fragHash);
    dest = dna + agp->chromStart;
    size = agp->chromEnd - agp->chromStart;
    memcpy(dest, clone->dna + agp->fragStart, size);
    if (agp->strand[0] == '-')
        reverseComplement(dest, size);