/*void follow_wall() { set_speed(0); while (true) { take_picture(); bool seen_wall = false; for (int i = -100; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = -50; j <= 50; j++) { int pixel = get_pixel(IMAGE_SIZE_X / 2 + i, IMAGE_SIZE_Y / 2 + j, COLOR_WHITE); if (pixel >= WHITE_THRESHOLD) { seen_wall = true; goto found_wall; } }} found_wall: if (seen_wall) { set_speed(20);//20 turn(75);//-80 } else { set_speed(30);//30 turn(-75);//80 } } halt(); } */ void follow_wall(){ set_speed(50); turn(0); while(true){ frontVal = read_analog(FRONT_PIN); leftVal = read_analog(LEFT_PIN); rightVal = read_analog(RIGHT_PIN); while(leftVal < (rightVal+40) && leftVal > (rightVal-40)){ set_speed(50); } while(leftVal > (rightVal+40)){ set_speed(40); turn(10); Sleep(0, 500); } while(leftVal < (rightVal+40)){ set_speed(40); turn(-10); Sleep(0, 500); } if(frontVal > 550){ if(rightVal < 300){ turn(1 * SHARP_TURN); Sleep(0, TURN_WAIT); } if(leftVal < 300){ turn(-1 * SHARP_TURN); Sleep(0, TURN_WAIT); } } } }
void maze(){ // maze code int prev_error = 0; int total_error = 0; while(true){ int ir_sensor_left = read_analog(2); int ir_sensor_right = read_analog(1); int ir_sensor_forward = read_analog(0); printf("Left:%d\n", ir_sensor_left); printf("Right:%d\n", ir_sensor_right); printf("Ford:%d\n", ir_sensor_forward); int error_signal = ir_sensor_right - ir_sensor_left; total_error += error_signal; // see PID control https://github.com/kaiwhata/ENGR101-2016/wiki/PID-(Proportional-Integral-Derivative)-Control double proportional_signal = error_signal*MAZE_KP; double derivative_signal = (error_signal-prev_error/0.1)*MAZE_KD; double integral_signal = total_error*MAZE_KI; prev_error = error_signal; int total_signal = proportional_signal + derivative_signal + integral_signal; // robot will always turn right if(ir_sensor_right < 130){ printf("hi\n"); set_motor(1, MOTOR_SPEED); set_motor(2, -MOTOR_SPEED); Sleep(0, 800000); set_motor(1, MOTOR_SPEED); set_motor(2, 0); Sleep(1,500000); ir_sensor_right = read_analog(2); /*if(ir_sensor_right < 130){ set_motor(1, MOTOR_SPEED); set_motor(2, -MOTOR_SPEED); Sleep(0, 500000); set_motor(1, MOTOR_SPEED); set_motor(2, 0); Sleep(1,0); }*/ } else if(ir_sensor_forward > 300){ // spins robot around set_motor(1, -MOTOR_SPEED); set_motor(2, -MOTOR_SPEED); } else { // goes straight forward set_motor(1, MOTOR_SPEED - total_signal); set_motor(2, -MOTOR_SPEED - total_signal); } Sleep(0,SLEEP_TIME); } return; }
int main(){ init(1); int x; connect_to_server("", 1024); //Opening the gate code send_to_server("Please"); char message[24]; receive_from_server(message); printf("%s", message); send_to_server(message); for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { select_IO(x,0); write_digital(x,1); } while(1){ take_picture(); int sum = 0; float kp = 0.5; int w; int s; int proportional_signal=0; for(int x = 0; x < 320; x++){ w = get_pixel(x,120,3); if(w>127){s=1;} else{s=0;}; sum = sum + (x-160)*s;} proportional_signal = sum * kp; if (sum < 0){ set_motor(1, proportional_signal); set_motor(2, -1*proportional_signal); } else if (sum > 0){ set_motor(1, -1*proportional_signal); set_motor(2, proportional_signal); } else{ set_motor(1, proportional_signal); set_motor(2, proportional_signal); } update_screen(); for (x = 0 ; x < 8; x++) { int adc_reading = read_analog(x); printf("ai=%d av=%d\n",x,adc_reading); } } set_motor(1,0); set_motor(2,0); return 0; }
int main(){ //This sets up the RPi hardware and ensures //everything is working correctly init(0); //We declare an integer variable to store the ADC data int adc_readingfront; int adc_readingfrontleft; int adc_readingbackleft; while(true){ adc_readingfront = read_analog(0); adc_readingfrontleft = read_analog(1); adc_readingbackleft = read_analog(2); printf("Front: %d\n",adc_readingfront); printf("Front Left: %d\n",adc_readingfrontleft); printf("Back Left: %d\n\n",adc_readingbackleft); } }
void dump_sensors(uint16_t digital, uint8_t analog) { uint8_t pin; uint8_t value; while(1) { if (USART_RXBufferData_Available(&BT_data) && '*' == USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(&BT_data)) return; bt_putchar(':'); for (pin=0; pin<10; pin++) if (digital & (1<<pin)) bt_putchar(read_input('0'+pin)+48); for (pin=0; pin<6; pin++) if (analog & (1<<pin)) { value = read_analog(pgm_read_byte_near(muxPosPins+pin), 0); put_hex_nibble(value>>4); put_hex_nibble(value&0xF); } _delay_ms(5); }
int main() { init_timer_0(); init_pin_interrupt(PCINT0); init_adc(); util_init(); // Outputs DDRB |= (1 << PB1); DDRB |= (1 << PB3); DDRB |= (1 << PB4); PORTB &= ~(1 << PB3); // Set LED low PORTB &= ~(1 << PB1); // Set Servo pin low // Inputs DDRB &= ~(1 << PB0); /* Set PB0 as input */ PORTB |= (1 << PB0); /* Activate PULL UP resistor */ // Toggle LED PORTB ^= (1 << PB3); _delay_ms(1000); PORTB ^= (1 << PB3); // Enable global interrupts sei(); while(1) { reading = read_analog(); reading_map = map(reading, 0, 255, 410, 1580, 1) / 1000.0 / 0.01; } }
void main() { struct rx_stat rxstat; int32 rx_id; int in_data[8]; int rx_len; int out_data[8]; int16 tmp; int32 tx_id; int1 tx_rtr=0; int1 tx_ext=0; int tx_len=8; int tx_pri=3; // bitmap, expanded to 8 bit (needed?) int8 sequence[MAX_CHANNELS]; int32 val; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) sequence[i] = MAX_CHANNELS; // resource initialization. setup_adc_ports(AN0); setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL); setup_spi(FALSE); setup_wdt(WDT_OFF); setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL); setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); //setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_1); //set_timer1(16000); setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); setup_timer_3(T3_DISABLED|T3_DIV_BY_1); _board_ID = read_eeprom(0); can_init(); adc_init(); enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER1); enable_interrupts(GLOBAL); while(TRUE) { if (can_kbhit() || _wait) // wait for a message on the CAN bus { // handles timer message if (_wait) { _wait = 0; for (i = 0; i <= MAX_CHANNELS-3; i+=3) { if (sequence[i] < MAX_CHANNELS) tmp = read_analog(i); else tmp = 0; out_data[1] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[2] = (int8)(tmp>>8); if (sequence[i+1] < MAX_CHANNELS) tmp = read_analog(i+1); else tmp = 0; out_data[3] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[4] = (int8)(tmp>>8); if (sequence[i+2] < MAX_CHANNELS) tmp = read_analog(i+2); else tmp = 0; out_data[5] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[6] = (int8)(tmp>>8); while (!can_tbe()) ; tx_id = ID_BASE; tx_id |= ((_board_ID) << 4); //tx_id |= ((0 & 0x00f0) >> 4); out_data[0] = 0x30+i; tx_len = 7; can_putd(tx_id, out_data, tx_len, tx_pri, tx_ext, tx_rtr); } // last message. if (sequence[30] < MAX_CHANNELS) tmp = read_analog(30); else tmp = 0; out_data[1] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[2] = (int8)(tmp>>8); if (sequence[31] < MAX_CHANNELS) tmp = read_analog(31); else tmp = 0; out_data[3] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[4] = (int8)(tmp>>8); while (!can_tbe()) ; tx_id = ID_BASE; tx_id |= ((_board_ID) << 4); //tx_id |= ((0 & 0x00f0) >> 4); out_data[0] = 0x30+30; tx_len = 5; can_putd(tx_id, out_data, tx_len, tx_pri, tx_ext, tx_rtr); } if (can_getd(rx_id, &in_data[0], rx_len, rxstat)) { // handles message for the analog channel if ((rx_len == 1) && ((rx_id & 0x700) == 0x200) && (in_data[0] < MAX_CHANNELS)) { tmp = read_analog(in_data[0]); out_data[1] = (int8)(tmp); out_data[2] = (int8)(tmp>>8); while (!can_tbe()) ; tx_id = ID_BASE; tx_id |= ((_board_ID) << 4); tx_id |= ((rx_id & 0x00f0) >> 4); out_data[0] = in_data[0]; tx_len = 3; // replies to message. can_putd(tx_id, out_data, tx_len, tx_pri, tx_ext, tx_rtr); } // handles message to prepare a sequence (32). else if ((rx_len == 5) && ((rx_id & 0x700) == 0x200) && (in_data[0] == MAX_CHANNELS)) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) sequence[i] = MAX_CHANNELS; // perhaps this is not needed. while (!can_tbe()) ; tx_id = ID_BASE; tx_id |= ((_board_ID) << 4); tx_id |= ((rx_id & 0x00f0) >> 4); out_data[0] = in_data[0]; tx_len = 1; setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // replies to message. can_putd(tx_id, out_data, tx_len, tx_pri, tx_ext, tx_rtr); } // handles message to prepare a broadcast sequence (33). else if ((rx_len == 5) && ((rx_id & 0x700) == 0x200) && (in_data[0] == MAX_CHANNELS+1)) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { val = *((int32 *)(&in_data[1])); if (val & 0x00000001) { sequence[MAX_CHANNELS-1-i] = MAX_CHANNELS-1-i; } else { sequence[MAX_CHANNELS-1-i] = MAX_CHANNELS; } val >>= 1; } // perhaps this is not needed. // LATER: check the driver. while (!can_tbe()) ; tx_id = ID_BASE; tx_id |= ((_board_ID) << 4); tx_id |= ((rx_id & 0x00f0) >> 4); out_data[0] = in_data[0]; tx_len = 1; val = *((int32 *)(&in_data[1])); if (val == 0) { setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); } else { setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_8); set_timer1(65536-5000); } // replies to message. can_putd(tx_id, out_data, tx_len, tx_pri, tx_ext, tx_rtr); } // handles CAN bus messages for the downloader else if ((rx_len == 1) && (((rx_id>>8) & 0x7)==7))
int main(){ //VARIABLE INITIALIZATION //Networking char message[24]; //Line Following char c; float kp = 0.80; float ki = 0.02; float kd = 0.04; int i; int leftCheck; int frontCheck; int rightCheck; bool left, front, right; int whiteTotal, prevWhiteLocation, whiteLocation; double whiteRatio; double prevRatio; double derivWhite; double integWhite; //Maze int leftSensor, rightSensor; int whiteWall; bool noLeftWall, noRightWall, noWallAhead; int THRESHOLD = 250; //Sensor Threshold int totalWidth; //Primary Initialization init(1); //Networking Section //Send Signal to open gate connect_to_server("", 1024); send_to_server("please"); receive_from_server(message); send_to_server(message); //Line Following Section //Loop runs until both sensors sense walls (start of maze) while((read_analog(0) < THRESHOLD) || (read_analog(1) < THRESHOLD)){ //Set variables left = false; front = false; right = false; whiteTotal = 0; leftCheck = 0; frontCheck = 0; rightCheck = 0; //Take readings take_picture(); for(i = 0; i < 240; i++){ c = get_pixel(40, i, 3); if(c > 120){ whiteTotal++; whiteLocation = whiteLocation + (i-120); } } for(i = 60; i < 70; i++){ c = get_pixel(i, 60, 3); if(c > 120){ leftCheck++; } } for(i = 60; i < 70; i++){ c = get_pixel(i, 180, 3); if(c > 120){ rightCheck++; } } for(i = 30; i < 210; i++){ c = get_pixel(160, i, 3); if(c > 120){ frontCheck++; } } if(leftCheck > 5){ left = true; } if(frontCheck > 10){ front = true; } if(rightCheck > 5){ right = true; } if(left){ set_motor(1, 50); set_motor(2, 0); Sleep(0, 500000); //Left Sleep } else if(front && right){ set_motor(1, 50); set_motor(2, -50); Sleep(0, 500000); //Front Sleep } else if(right){ set_motor(1, 0); set_motor(2, -50); Sleep(0, 500000); //Right Sleep } else if(whiteTotal < 1){ set_motor(1, -50); set_motor(2, 50); Sleep(0, 100000); //Turn around Sleep } else{ derivWhite = ((double)whiteLocation - (double)prevWhiteLocation)/0.01; integWhite = integWhite + ((double)whiteLocation * 0.01); whiteLocation = whiteLocation/whiteTotal; // set_motor(1, ((int) ((-(whiteLocation*40/120)*kp+kd*derivWhite)+40))); // set_motor(2, -((int) (((whiteLocation*40/120)*kp+kd*derivWhite)+40))); set_motor(1, ((int)(-( ( (whiteLocation*1/3)*kp) + (derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40)))); set_motor(2, -((int) (((whiteLocation*40/120)*kp)+(derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40))); prevWhiteLocation = whiteLocation; Sleep(0,1000); } } while(true){ } return 0; }
int main(void) { uint8_t sensor; // Stores analog readings for transmission int i; // multipurpose counter char choice = 0; // Holds the top-level menu character // int red = 0; // For the red LED intensity // int green = 0; // For the green LED intensity // int blue = 0; // For the blue LED intensity uint8_t exit = 0; // Flag that gets set if we need to go back to idle mode. unsigned int temph=0; // Temporary variable (typically stores high byte of a 16-bit int ) unsigned int templ=0; // Temporary variable (typically stores low byte of a 16-bit int) uint8_t location = 0; // Holds the EEPROM location of a stored IR signal // unsigned int frequency = 0; // For PWM control - PWM frequency, also used to set buzzer frequency // int amplitude; int channel; unsigned int duty; // For PWM control - PWM duty cycle int baud; // Baud rate selection for auxiliary UART char scale; // For auxiliary UART long int time_out=0; // Counter which counts to a preset level corresponding to roughly 1 minute // Initialize system // Turn off JTAG to save a bit of battery life CCP = CCP_IOREG_gc; MCU.MCUCR = 1; init_clock(); init_led(); init_adc(); init_ir(); init_BT(); init_dac(); init_buzzer(); initAccel(); init_aux_uart(131, -3); // Set the auxiliary uart to 115200 8n1 EEPROM_DisableMapping(); // Enable global interrupts sei(); // Do the following indefinitely while(1) { // Turn off LED set_led(0,0,0); // Reset flags (in case this isn't the first time through the loop) exit = 0; choice = 0; time_out = 0; stop_ir_timer(); // Sing a BL song in idle mode so you can be found. Stop as soon as you get a * while(choice != 42) { bt_putchar('B'); bt_putchar('L'); if (USART_RXBufferData_Available(&BT_data)) { choice = USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(&BT_data); if (choice == 128) { // Something is trying to connect directly to an iRobot set_aux_baud_rate( ROOMBA_UART_SETTINGS ); // depends on model aux_putchar( 128); // pass through to iRobot serial_bridge(); // currently never returns } else if (choice == 0) { // Something may be trying to connect directly to a MindFlex headset set_aux_baud_rate( 135, -2); // 57600 aux_putchar( 0); // pass through to headset serial_bridge(); // currently never returns; } else { bt_putchar(choice); } } if (choice != 42) _delay_ms(500); } // Active part of the program - listens for commands and responds as necessary while(exit == 0) { // Checks if we haven't heard anything for a long time, in which case we exit loop and go back to idle mode time_out++; // Corresponds to roughly 60 seconds if(time_out > 33840000) { exit = 1; } // Check for a command character if (USART_RXBufferData_Available(&BT_data)) { choice = USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(&BT_data); } else { choice = 0; } // If it exists, act on command if(choice != 0) { // Reset the time out time_out = 0; // Return the command so the host knows we got it bt_putchar(choice); // Giant switch statement to decide what to do with the command switch(choice) { // Return the currect accelerometer data - X, Y, Z, and status (contains tapped and shaken bits) case 'A': updateAccel(); bt_putchar(_acc.x); bt_putchar(_acc.y); bt_putchar(_acc.z); bt_putchar(_acc.status); break; // Set the buzzer case 'B': // frequency_divider(2) if (get_arguments(2)) { set_buzzer(GET_16BIT_ARGUMENT(0)); } break; // Turn off the buzzer case 'b': turn_off_buzzer(); break; // Returns the value of the light sensor case 'L': sensor = read_analog(LIGHT, 0); bt_putchar(sensor); break; // Returns the Xmegas internal temperature read - this is undocumented because the value returned is very erratic case 'T': sensor = read_internal_temperature(); bt_putchar(sensor); break; // Returns the battery voltage case 'V': sensor = read_analog(BATT_VOLT, 0); bt_putchar(sensor); break; // Differential ADC mode case 'D': // active(1) numgainstages(1) if (get_arguments(2)) { if (arguments[0] == '0') { adcResolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_8BIT_gc; adcConvMode = ADC_ConvMode_Unsigned; adcGain = ADC_DRIVER_CH_GAIN_NONE; adcInputMode = ADC_CH_INPUTMODE_SINGLEENDED_gc; init_adc(); } else if (arguments[0] == '1') { adcResolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT_gc; adcConvMode = ADC_ConvMode_Signed; if (arguments[1] >= '1' && arguments[1] <= '6') { // number of gain stages adcGain = (arguments[1] - '0') << ADC_CH_GAINFAC_gp; adcInputMode = ADC_CH_INPUTMODE_DIFFWGAIN_gc; init_adc(); } else if (arguments[1] == '0') { adcGain = ADC_DRIVER_CH_GAIN_NONE; adcInputMode = ADC_CH_INPUTMODE_DIFF_gc; init_adc(); } else { err(); } } else { err(); } } break; // Returns the readings on all six ADC ports case 'X': for (i=0; i<6; i++) { sensor = read_analog(pgm_read_byte_near(muxPosPins+i), 0); bt_putchar(sensor); } break; // Returns differential measurement on pair of ADC ports // Assumes we are in differential mode case 'x': if (get_arguments(2)) { i = read_differential(arguments[0], arguments[1]); bt_putchar(0xFF&(i >> 8)); bt_putchar(0xFF&i); } break; case 'e': // this is a bit of testing code, which will eventually be changed // do not rely on it if (get_arguments(2)) { char a1 = arguments[0]; char a2 = arguments[1]; while(1) { _delay_ms(2); i = read_differential(a1, a2); itoa((i<<4)>>4, (char*)arguments, 10); for (i=0; arguments[i]; i++) bt_putchar(arguments[i]); bt_putchar('\r'); bt_putchar('\n'); } } break; // Sets the full-color LED case 'O': // red(1) green(1) blue(1); if (get_arguments(3)) { set_led(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } break; // Switches serial between irDA and standard serial // Currently, this works over the same port numbers as // standard serial, instead of using the IR receiver // and IR LED. This may change when I get the IR receiver // and LED working reliably. case 'J': temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(/*temph == 256 || */ temph < '0' || temph > '1') { err(); break; } set_irda_mode(temph - '0'); break; // Sets up the IR transmitter with signal characteristics case 'I': init_ir(); temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set the frequency of the IR carrier robotData.frequency = ((temph)<<8) + templ; set_ir_carrier(robotData.frequency); templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } else { // Set the length of the start up pulses robotData.startUpPulseLength = templ; } if(robotData.startUpPulseLength > 16) { err(); break; } // Read in the start up pulse timing data for(i=0; i < robotData.startUpPulseLength; i++) { temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } robotData.startUpPulse[i] = ((temph)<<8) + templ; } if(temph == 256 || templ == 256) { break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set the bit encoding to one of four pre-determined settings (see protocol instructions for more information) robotData.bitEncoding = templ; templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set the number of bits (and bytes) contained in an IR command robotData.numBits = templ; robotData.numBytes = (robotData.numBits-1)/8 + 1; temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set timing data for a high bit robotData.highBitTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } // Set timing data for a low bit robotData.lowBitTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set timing data for on or off robotData.offTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; break; // Transmit an IR signal according to the previously determined configuration case 'i': init_ir(); // Get the signal data as one or more bytes for(i = 0; i < robotData.numBytes; i++) { templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } robotData.irBytes[i] = templ; } if(templ == 256) { break; } temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Determine if the signal is repeated or not, and if so, with what frequency robotData.repeatTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; if(robotData.repeatTime != 0) { robotData.repeatFlag = 1; } else { robotData.repeatFlag = 0; } // Startup timer interrupts start_ir_timer(); break; // Turn off any repeating IR signal case '!': robotData.repeatFlag = 0; stop_ir_timer(); break; // Capture a signal from the IR receiver case 'R': init_ir_read(); while(ir_read_flag!=0); break; // Store the captured signal in an EEPROM location case 'S': location = bt_getchar_timeout_echo()-48; // Subtracting 48 converts from ASCII to numeric numbers if((location >= 0) && (location < 5) && (signal_count > 4)) { write_data_to_eeprom(location); } else { err(); } break; // Receive a raw IR signal over bluetooth and transmit it with the IR LED case 's': if(read_data_from_serial()) { temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } // Set if the signal should repeat and if so, with what frequency robotData.repeatTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; if(robotData.repeatTime != 0) { robotData.repeatFlag = 1; } else { robotData.repeatFlag = 0; } // Set frequency to 38KHz, since raw signals must have come from the receiver at some point robotData.frequency = 0x0349; robotData.startUpPulseLength = 0; robotData.bitEncoding = 0x04; start_ir_timer(); } else { err(); break; } break; // Get a stored signal from an EEPROM location and transmit it over the IR LED (and repeat as desired) case 'G': location = bt_getchar_timeout_echo()-48; if(location >= 0 && location < 5) { temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } robotData.repeatTime = ((temph)<<8) + templ; if(robotData.repeatTime != 0) { robotData.repeatFlag = 1; } else { robotData.repeatFlag = 0; } read_data_from_eeprom(location); robotData.frequency = 0x0349; robotData.startUpPulseLength = 0; robotData.bitEncoding = 0x04; start_ir_timer(); } else { err(); } break; // Get a stored signal from EEPROM and print it over bluetooth to the host case 'g': location = bt_getchar_timeout_echo()-48; if(location >= 0 && location < 5) { print_data_from_eeprom(location); } else { err(); } break; // Output on digital I/O case '>': // Set port temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } // Get value templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } set_output(temph, (templ-48)); break; // Input on digital I/O case '<': // Get port temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } // Get value (1 or 0) templ = read_input(temph)+48; bt_putchar(templ); break; // Configure PWM frequency case 'P': if (get_arguments(2)) pwm_frequency = GET_16BIT_ARGUMENT(0); break; // Set PWM duty cycle for a specific port case 'p': if (get_arguments(3)) { set_pwm(); duty = GET_16BIT_ARGUMENT(1); if (arguments[0] == '0') set_pwm0(duty); else if (arguments[1] == '1') set_pwm1(duty); // could add else err();, but original firmware doesn't do this } break; // Set DAC voltage on one of the two DAC ports case 'd': temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } if(temph == '0') { temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } else { set_dac0(temph); } } else if(temph == '1') { temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } else { set_dac1(temph); } } break; // Go back to idle mode so you can be found again. Should be sent at end of host program. case 'Q': exit = 1; break; // Human-readable uart speed setting case 'u': temph = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(temph == 256) { err(); break; } templ = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } baud = ((temph)<<8) + templ; switch(baud) { case ('1'<<8) + '2': // 1200 baud = 6663; scale = -2; break; case ('4'<<8) + '8': // 4800 baud = 3325; scale = -3; break; case ('9'<<8) + '6': // 9600 baud = 829; scale = -2; break; case ('1'<<8) + '9': // 19200 baud = 825; scale = -3; break; case ('3'<<8) + '8': // 38400 baud = 204; scale = -2; break; case ('5'<<8) + '7': // 57600 baud = 135; scale = -2; break; case ('1'<<8) + '1': // 115200 baud = 131; scale = -3; break; default: err(); goto BAUD_DONE; } set_aux_baud_rate(baud, scale); BAUD_DONE: break; // Configures the baud rate of the auxiliary UART case 'C': // baud(2) scale(1) // e.g., 9600 = C\x03\x3D\xFE if (! get_arguments(3)) break; bt_putchar(arguments[2]); // duplicate buggy behavior from official firmware; delete if unwanted set_aux_baud_rate( GET_16BIT_ARGUMENT(0), arguments[2]); break; // BT-serial high speed bridge mode case 'Z': serial_bridge(); break; case 'w': // channel(1) type(1) duty(1) amplitude(1) frequency(3) // w0s\x20\xFF\x02\x00\x00 if (!get_arguments(7)) break; if (arguments[0] < '0' || arguments[0] > '1' || arguments[2] > WAVEFORM_SIZE) { err(); break; } play_wave_dac(arguments[0]-'0', (char)arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], get_24bit_argument(4)); break; case 'W': // channel(1) frequency(3) length(1) data(length) if (!get_arguments(5)) break; if (arguments[0] < '0' || arguments[0] > '1' || arguments[4] > WAVEFORM_SIZE || arguments[4] == 0 ) { err(); break; } channel = arguments[0] - '0'; if (bt_to_buffer(waveform[channel], arguments[4])) { disable_waveform(channel); play_arb_wave(channel, waveform[channel], arguments[4], get_24bit_argument(1)); } break; case '@': channel = bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if (channel == '0') disable_waveform0(); else if (channel == '1') disable_waveform1(); else err(); break; case 'r': i = USART_RXBufferData_AvailableCount(&AUX_data); bt_putchar((uint8_t)(i+1)); while(i-- > 0) { bt_putchar(USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(&AUX_data)); } break; // Transmit a stream of characters from bluetooth to auxiliary serial case 't': temph= bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if (temph == 256) { err(); break; } for(; temph>0; temph--) { templ= bt_getchar_timeout_echo(); if(templ == 256) { err(); break; } else { aux_putchar( templ); } } break; default: break; } }
int main() { //Open gate: //connects to server //connect_to_server("", 1024); //sends a message to the connected server //send_to_server("Please"); //send_to_server("123456"); //receives message from the connected server //char message[24]; //receive_from_server(message); //this line looks buggy, is it right? //send_to_server(message); int i = 0; // Re-added this because didnt seem to complie without it int baseSpeed = 35; float kp = 0.03; //random constant float kd = 0; init(0); // connect camera to the screen open_screen_stream(); // set all didgital outputs to +5V for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // set all digital channels as outputs select_IO(i,0); write_digital(i,1); } while(1) { take_picture(); // take camera shot int white[320]; int value; // we made the array 320 because that is the width of pixels // draw some line for(int i = 0; i < 320; i++){ set_pixel(i, 55 ,255,0,0);//redline value = get_pixel(i,56,3); // give each pixel in the array the pixel value of its location based on ' i '. if(value > 100){ // change 70 to actual white line value later white[i] = 1; } else{ white[i] = 0; } //printf("%d\n",white[i]); // print array results } //process the data collected so far: //but first create an array counting from -170 to 170 int e=0; int sum = 0; for(int i=0;i<320;i++){ sum = sum + (i - 160)*white[i]; } int previous_error; //-We removed the initialisation of this to 0 because it would be set to 0 every time it looped. // think as it is now, the previous error will always be zero when the wile loop goes round. int current_error = 0; int derivative_signal; int error = 0; for(int i=0;i<320;i++){ // This looks very similar to what we already have above to to the proportional error error = (i - 160)*white[i]; // Maybe we can combine these in some way? current_error += error; } //Sleep(0,100000); // This could be a problem - removed because we already have a sleep command derivative_signal = (current_error-previous_error/0.1)*kd; //I think this si the equivalent of 'e = (sum/20)*kp;' below previous_error = current_error; printf("Derivative signal is: %d", derivative_signal ); e = sum*kp; int LM = baseSpeed+e+derivative_signal; int RM = baseSpeed+(-1*e)+(-1*derivative_signal); printf("%d\n",LM); set_motor(1, LM); set_motor(2, RM); // display picture update_screen(); Sleep(0,100000); for (i = 0 ; i < 8; i++) { int av = read_analog(i); // printf("ai=%d av=%d\n",i,av); } } // terminate hardware close_screen_stream(); set_motor(1,0); set_motor(2,0); return 0; }
int main(){ //VARIABLE INITIALIZATION //Networking char message[24]; //Line Following char c; float kp = 0.80; float ki = 0.0; float kd = 0.0; int i; int leftCheck; int frontCheck; int rightCheck; bool left, front, right; int whiteTotal, prevWhiteLocation, whiteLocation; //int motorOne, motorTwo; double whiteRatio; double prevRatio; double derivWhite; double integWhite; //Maze signed int leftSensor; signed int rightSensor; int whiteWall; bool noLeftWall, noRightWall, noWallAhead; int THRESHOLD = 250; int totalWidth; signed int leftMotor, rightMotor; //Primary Initialization init(1); //Networking Section // Send Signal to open gate connect_to_server("", 1024); send_to_server("Please"); receive_from_server(message); send_to_server(message); //Line Following Section set_motor(1, 43); set_motor(2, -40); Sleep (5,0); //Loop runs until both sensors sense walls (start of maze) while((read_analog(0) < THRESHOLD) || (read_analog(1) < THRESHOLD)){ //Set variables left = false; front = false; right = false; whiteTotal = 0; leftCheck = 0; frontCheck = 0; rightCheck = 0; //Take readings take_picture(); for(i = 0; i < 240; i++){ c = get_pixel(40, i, 3); if(c > 120){ whiteTotal++; whiteLocation = whiteLocation + (i-120); } } for(i = 60; i < 70; i++){ c = get_pixel(i, 10, 3); if(c > 120){ leftCheck++; } } for(i = 60; i < 70; i++){ c = get_pixel(i, 230, 3); if(c > 120){ rightCheck++; } } for(i = 30; i < 210; i++){ c = get_pixel(160, i, 3); if(c > 120){ frontCheck++; } } if(leftCheck > 3){ left = true; } if(frontCheck > 10){ front = true; } if(rightCheck > 5){ right = true; } if(left){ set_motor(1, 50); set_motor(2, 0); derivWhite = 0.0; integWhite = 0.0; Sleep(0, 500000); //Left Sleep } else if(front && right){ set_motor(1, 50); set_motor(2, -50); derivWhite = 0.0; integWhite = 0.0; Sleep(0, 500000); //Front Sleep } else if(right){ set_motor(1, 0); set_motor(2, -50); derivWhite = 0.0; integWhite = 0.0; Sleep(0, 500000); //Right Sleep } else if(whiteTotal < 1){ set_motor(1, -50); set_motor(2, -50); derivWhite = 0.0; integWhite = 0.0; Sleep(0, 300000); //Turn around Sleep } else{ derivWhite = ((double)whiteLocation - (double)prevWhiteLocation)/0.01; integWhite = integWhite + ((double)whiteLocation * 0.01); whiteLocation = whiteLocation/whiteTotal; set_motor(1, ((int) ((-(whiteLocation*40/120)*kp+kd*derivWhite)+40))); set_motor(2, -((int) (((whiteLocation*40/120)*kp+kd*derivWhite)+40))); // motorOne = (-( ( (whiteLocation*1/3)*kp) + (derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40)) // motorTwo = (((whiteLocation*1/3)*kp)+(derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40) // set_motor(1, motorOne); // set_motor(2, -motorTwo); //set_motor(1, ((int)(-( ( (whiteLocation*1/3)*kp) + (derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40)))); //set_motor(2, -((int) (((whiteLocation*1/3)*kp)+(derivWhite * kd) + (integWhite * ki) + 40))); prevWhiteLocation = whiteLocation; Sleep(0,1000); } } while(true){ whiteWall = 0; //returns true if there isnt a wall noLeftWall =false; noRightWall = false; noWallAhead = false; //get data from sensors leftSensor = read_analog(0); rightSensor = read_analog(1); //printf("left sensor: %d\nright sensor: %d\n", leftSensor, rightSensor); //get data from camera take_picture(); for(int i = 120; i<128; i++){ c = get_pixel(300,i, 3); if(c>120){ //change white threshold whiteWall++; } } printf("whiteWall: %d\n", whiteWall); if(whiteWall < 5){ //Change threshold if theres problems noWallAhead = true; //rename // printf("No wall ahead!!!!!!!!!\n\n\n"); } if(leftSensor<THRESHOLD){ noLeftWall = true; } if(rightSensor<THRESHOLD){ noRightWall = true; } if(noRightWall){ set_motor(1, 32); set_motor(2, -30); Sleep(0, 300000); set_motor(1, 37);//right motor set_motor(2, -67);//left motor//CHANGE THRESHOLD Sleep(0,900000);//CHANGE THRESHOLD printf("turning right\n"); } else if(noWallAhead){ //stay in the center of the maze rightMotor = (leftSensor/10*1.1); //change threshold leftMotor = -(rightSensor/10); set_motor(1, rightMotor); set_motor(2,leftMotor); Sleep(0,1); //rotate back to centre leftMotor = -(leftSensor/10); //change threshold rightMotor = (rightSensor/10*1.1); set_motor(1, rightMotor); set_motor(2, leftMotor); printf("forwarsdgsdjksdgr\n"); Sleep(0, 1); } else if(noLeftWall){ set_motor(1, 40); set_motor(2,-42); Sleep(0,450000); set_motor(1, 66);//right motor set_motor(2, -32);//left motor //Change thresholds Sleep(0,900000); printf("left left left left\n"); } // else //pop a u turn /* { printf("pop a u turn\n"); set_motor(1, -50); set_motor(2, -60); //bigger so the back doesn't hit the wall Sleep(0,100000); //Change thresholds }*/ } return 0; }
int main() { init(0); signal(SIGINT, terminate); signal(SIGTERM, terminate); if (gate_test == 1) { //connects to server with the ip address connect_to_server("", 1024); //sends a message to the connected server send_to_server("Please"); // "Please is the 'codeword', may change //receives message from the connected server char message[24]; receive_from_server(message); send_to_server(message); // send password back to server to open up gate. } Sleep(1, 000000); speed = 90; v_left = speed - Tcorrection; // speed of left motor v_right = speed + Tcorrection; // speed of right motor // Method for completing quadrant 1 while (method == 1) { Dconstant = 340; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); prev_ms = (now.tv_sec * 1000 + (now.tv_nsec + 500000) / 1000000); //convert to milliseconds take_picture(); n_whites_mid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NTP; i++) { int x = dx * i + (dx / 2); midPic[i] = get_pixel(x, 1, 3); if (midPic[i] > THRESHOLD) { // 1 = white midPic[i] = 1; n_whites_mid++; } else { // 0 = black midPic[i] = 0; } } // reset variables error_mid = 0.0; for (int l = 0; l < NTP; l++) { error_mid = error_mid + (zeroCentre[l] * midPic[l]); } if (n_whites_mid != 0 && n_whites_mid != NTP) { GeneralPID(); } else if (n_whites_mid == NTP) { method = 2; } else if (n_whites_mid == 0) { // if loses line, swings quickly to direction of last error of line seen if (Perror_mid > 0) { // hard left v_left = -15; v_right = 40; } else if (Perror_mid < 0) { // hard right v_left = 40; v_right = -15; } } Perror_mid = error_mid; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); now_ms = (now.tv_sec * 1000 + (now.tv_nsec + 500000) / 1000000); //convert to milliseconds delta_ms = now_ms - prev_ms; set_motor(1, v_left); set_motor(2, v_right); } // method for completing quadrant 3 while (method == 2) { speed = 65; Pconstant = 0.6; Dconstant = 375; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); prev_ms = (now.tv_sec * 1000 + (now.tv_nsec + 500000) / 1000000); //convert to milliseconds take_picture(); n_whites_mid = 0; n_whites_left = 0; n_whites_right = 0; sensor_right = read_analog(2); for (int i = 0; i < NTP; i++) { int x = dx * i + (dx / 2); int y = dy * i + (dy / 2); midPic[i] = get_pixel(x, 1, 3); leftPic[i] = get_pixel(1, y, 3); rightPic[i] = get_pixel(319, y, 3); if (midPic[i] > THRESHOLD) { // 1 = white midPic[i] = 1; n_whites_mid++; } else { // 0 = black midPic[i] = 0; } if (leftPic[i] > THRESHOLD) { // 1 = white leftPic[i] = 1; n_whites_left++; } else { // 0 = black leftPic[i] = 0; } if (rightPic[i] > THRESHOLD) { // 1 = white rightPic[i] = 1; n_whites_right++; } else { // 0 = black rightPic[i] = 0; } if (sensor_right > 300) { method = 3; } } // reset variables error_mid = 0.0; for (int l = 0; l < NTP; l++) { error_mid = error_mid + zeroCentre[l] * midPic[l]; } // t junction if (midPic[16] == 0 && n_whites_left != 0 && n_whites_right != 0) { v_left = speed; v_right = speed; set_motor(2, v_right); set_motor(1, v_left); Sleep(0, 200000); while (midPic[16] == 0) { Quad3Process(); // calls method to take image and process values v_left = speed; v_right = -0.7 * speed; set_motor(2, v_right); set_motor(1, v_left); } } // left turn else if (midPic[16] == 0 && n_whites_left != 0 && n_whites_right < 5) { v_left = speed; v_right = speed; set_motor(2, v_right); set_motor(1, v_left); Sleep(0, 200000); while (midPic[16] == 0) { Quad3Process(); v_left = speed; v_right = -0.7 * speed; set_motor(2, v_right); set_motor(1, v_left); } } //right turn else if (midPic[16] == 0 && n_whites_left < 5 && n_whites_right != 0) { v_left = speed; v_right = speed; set_motor(2, v_right); set_motor(1, v_left); Sleep(0, 200000); while (midPic[16] == 0) { Quad3Process(); v_left = speed; v_right = -0.7 * speed; set_motor(1, v_right); set_motor(2, v_left); } } // dead end - should do 180 else if (n_whites_mid == 0 && n_whites_left == 0 && n_whites_right == 0) { while (midPic[16] == 0) { Quad3Process(); v_left = -speed; v_right = speed; set_motor(1, v_right); set_motor(2, v_left); } } // pid else if (n_whites_mid != 0 && n_whites_mid != NTP) { GeneralPID(); } else if (n_whites_mid == 0) { v_left = 45; v_right = 45; } Perror_mid = error_mid; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); now_ms = (now.tv_sec * 1000 + (now.tv_nsec + 500000) / 1000000); //convert to milliseconds delta_ms = now_ms - prev_ms; set_motor(1, v_left); set_motor(2, v_right); } while (method == 3) { Pconstant = 0.6; int error; Perror_mid = error; speed = 40; Dconstant = 0.35; // Loop here: sensor_left = read_analog(0); sensor_mid = read_analog(1); sensor_right = read_analog(2); error = sensor_right - sensor_left; proportional = error * Pconstant; proportional = ((proportional / 770) * 100); derivative = ((error - Perror_mid) / 0.1) * Dconstant; if (sensor_mid > 470) { set_motor(1, -speed); set_motor(2, speed); Sleep(0, 350000); } set_motor(2, speed - proportional); set_motor(1, speed + proportional); } }
int main (){ init_hardware(); // init(0); int brightnessArray[WIDTH]; int threshold = 120; int generatedArray[WIDTH]; int errorArray[WIDTH]; int lagErrorArray[WIDTH]; int baseSpeed = 35; int leftSpeed=baseSpeed; int rightSpeed=baseSpeed; bool check=true; int countrev=0; int previousError = 0; int derivative = 0.0; double kd = 0.00000005; bool checkintersection=false; int intcount=0; int sumError=0; int incount=0; bool right90=true; bool left90=true; int stuckCount = 0; //network bool gate = true; char ip[14] = ""; char message[7]; int ir_sensor = read_analog(0); //connect_to_server(ip,1024); double k=0.0008; // constant // an array starting from -160 to 160 int number = -160; for(int y=0; y<WIDTH+1; y++){ generatedArray[y] = number; number++; } int counter = 0; int zeroCount = 0; while(true){ take_picture(); ir_sensor=read_analog(0); //display_picture(0.5,0); //open_screen_stream(); //update_screen(); previousError = sumError; sumError=0; for(int i=0; i<WIDTH; i++){ char colour = get_pixel(i, HEIGHT/2, 3); if(colour > threshold){ brightnessArray[i] = 1; } else { brightnessArray[i] = 0; } errorArray[i] = brightnessArray[i] * generatedArray[i]; sumError += errorArray[i]; } derivative = ((sumError-previousError)/0.000025);//.000025 printf("Sum error: %d\n",sumError); printf("Previous error: %d\n",previousError); //90 DEGREE TURNS //Right and left 90 Degree turn //int nine=0; /* int turnCounter = 0; if(sumError>10000){ //sum should be large as the right hand side(0-160) will be white right90=true; }else{ right90=false; } if(sumError<-10000){ //sum should be very small as the left hand side(0 to -160) will be white left90=true; }else{ left90=false; } if(right90){ while(turnCounter<25){ set_motor(0,baseSpeed); set_motor(1,-baseSpeed); turnCounter++; } } if(left90){ while(sumError<25){ set_motor(0,-baseSpeed); set_motor(1,baseSpeed); turnCounter++; } } turnCounter=0; */ // calculate speed for left and right motors k has to be small like 0.1 //INTERSECTION CODE //for(int in=0;in<WIDTh;in++){ //if((birghtnessArray[h])==1){ //Goes through array and because the camera should read all white the sum should have very few 0's //checkintersection=true; //if it counts 4 blacks then its not an intersection //} //else if{intcount<4){ //checkintersection=true; //incount++ //} //else if(intcount==4){ //checkintersection=false; //break; //} //} //if(checkintersection){ //set_motor(0,45) //set_motor(1,45) //} //}//~~~~~unsure what this is for/what it closes off for(int h=0;h<WIDTH;h++){ if((brightnessArray[h])==0){ check=false; }else if(countrev<4){ check=false;//this used to be true, changed it to false in case of the last error vlaue. countrev++; }else if (countrev==4){ check=true; break; }/* if ((brightnessArray[h])==1){ checkintersection=true; }else if(intcount<4){ checkintersection=true; incount++; }else if(intcount==4){ checkintersection=false; break; }*/ //continue; } /*for(int i=0; i<WIDTH;i++){ if(brightnessArray[i]==1){ checkintersection=true; }else if(intcount<1){ checkintersection = true; incount++; }else if(intcount==1){ checkintersection=false; break; } }*/ if(check==true){ // && checkintersection==false){ // printf("Kd*d: %i\n",(kd*derivative)); leftSpeed = baseSpeed + (int)(((k*sumError)-(kd*derivative))); // sumError should be 0 for the robot to go in a straight line rightSpeed = baseSpeed - (int)(((k*sumError)+(kd*derivative))); printf("K*sum: %d\n",(k*sumError)); printf("Derivative: %d\n",derivative); /* if(leftSpeed<baseSpeed){ leftSpeed = 0 } else if(rightSpeed<baseSpeed){ rightSpeed = 0; } */ if(leftSpeed > 255){ leftSpeed = 255; } else if(leftSpeed < -255){ leftSpeed = -255; } if(rightSpeed > 255){ rightSpeed = 255; } else if(leftSpeed < -255){ rightSpeed = -255; }/* if(sumError>6000 || sumError<-6000){ set_motor(1, baseSpeed); set_motor(2, baseSpeed); }*/ if(sumError==0 && previousError<0){ leftSpeed = 0; rightSpeed = baseSpeed; } else if(sumError==0 && previousError>0){ leftSpeed = baseSpeed; rightSpeed = 0; }/*else if(sumError==0 && previousError==0){ set_motor(1, baseSpeed); set_motor(2,-baseSpeed); }*/ else { set_motor(1, leftSpeed); // Motor 1 is left motor//left set_motor(2, rightSpeed);//right } printf("Left Speed = %d, Right Speed =%d\n", leftSpeed, rightSpeed); printf("Sum error: %d\n",sumError); Sleep(0, 25000); // sleeps for 50 ms counter++; if(counter==1000){ set_motor(1, leftSpeed); // Motor 1 is left motor set_motor(2, rightSpeed); } } else if(check==false){// && checkintersection==false) { //int countback=0; //while(countback<4){ set_motor(1,-baseSpeed); set_motor(2,-baseSpeed); //Sleep(0,5000000); //countback++; //} }/* else if(check==true){ set_motor(1,baseSpeed); set_motor(2,baseSpeed); Sleep(3,0); set_motor(1,0); set_motor(2, baseSpeed); }*/ if(gate==true && ir_sensor>200){ // printf("%d", ir_sensor); set_motor(1, 0); set_motor(2, 0); connect_to_server(ip, 1024); //if(ir_sensor > 1){ send_to_server("Please"); receive_from_server(message); send_to_server(message); //gate = true; //} gate=false; Sleep(2,0); //might be buggy and need to double check //printf("%s", message); } } return 0; }
void testSensors(){ //int select_IO(0, 1); int analog_sensor_reading = read_analog(0); printf("%d\n",analog_sensor_reading); Sleep(0,500000); }
int main(){ //This sets up the RPi hardware and ensures everything is working properly init(0); //connect_to_server("", 1024); //sends message //send_to_server("Please"); //receives message //char message[24]; //receive_from_server(message); //send_to_server(message); select_IO(2, 1); //right sensor select_IO(4, 1); //left sensor //right wheel set_motor(1, minSpeed); // left wheel set_motor(2, minSpeed); //infinite loop for testing purposes while(true){ //Take picture with camera take_picture(); prevError = error; error=0; errorR=0; errorL=0; sum=0; red=0; for (int i=0; i<160; i++){ w = get_pixel(i, 120, 3); r=get_pixel(i,120,0); if(r>210){ red++; } if(w > 120){ errorL++; } } for (int i=160; i<320; i++){ //this is calculating the sum for the whole width of pixels as opposed to just right, there is no range? // possibly the condition for the loop should be //for (int i=0; i<320 && i>160; i++){ w = get_pixel(i, 120, 3); r=get_pixel(i,120,0); if(r>210){ red++; } if(w > 120){ errorR++; } } error=errorR-errorL; //rests for 0.1 seconds Sleep(0,1000); sum=errorR+errorL; //when it reaches the secount quadrant if((sum)>310){ //this could be made true when doing the first set of curves, causing it to break into the First=0; //intersection code minSpeed=70; } int test=read_analog(2); int test1=read_analog(4); if(First==0&&test>400&&test1>400){ First=2; minSpeed = 60; } if(First==2){ prevError=0; break; } if((sum>10)&&First==1){ //Proportional Signal propSignal = (error)*Kp; propSignal=(propSignal/160)*200; //Integral Signal sumError += error; intSignal = (sumError)*Ki; //trial and error find an x value that works derSignal = ((error-prevError)/sleepTime)*Kd; //right wheel set_motor(1, minSpeed + (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); // left wheel set_motor(2, minSpeed - (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); }else if(First==1){ //Do we need this, this could be causing the initial spin //turns until line is found. set_motor(1, -50); set_motor(2, -60); //when it reaches the intersections }else if((error>-20)&&(error<20)&&First==0&&sum>3){ //Proportional Signal propSignal = (error)*Kp; propSignal=(propSignal/160)*200; //Integral Signal sumError += error; intSignal = (sumError)*Ki; //trial and error find an x value that works derSignal = ((error-prevError)/sleepTime)*Kd; //right wheel set_motor(1, minSpeed - (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); // left wheel set_motor(2, minSpeed + (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); }else if(((errorL)>errorR+1)&&First==0){ //turns90 left set_motor(2, 70); set_motor(1, -40); } else if(((errorL+1)<errorR)&&First==0){ //turns90 right set_motor(2, -40); set_motor(1, 70); }else if(First==0){ //finds the line again set_motor(1,-60); set_motor(2, 60); } } while(1){ double kp=0.6; double kd=0.01; int right=read_analog(2); int left=read_analog(4); error=right-left; propSignal=error*kp; propSignal=((propSignal/600)*100); derSignal=(((error-prevError)/sleepTime)*kd); prevError=error; if (front>300){ set_motor(1,-50); set_motor(2,70); }else{ set_motor(1, minSpeed - (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); // left wheel set_motor(2, minSpeed + (propSignal + intSignal + derSignal)); } } return 0; }
void main() { byte SERVO_0 = 0, SERVO_1 = 0; byte MOTOR_L = 0, MOTOR_R = 0, MOTOR_V = 0; short BUCKET_L = 0, BUCKET_R = 0, BUCKET_V = 0; byte T = 0; init(); while (1) { byte cmd = serial_rx(); byte power, s0, s1; switch (cmd) { case CMD_SET_MOTORS : MOTOR_L = serial_rx(); MOTOR_R = serial_rx(); MOTOR_V = serial_rx(); s0 = serial_rx(); s1 = serial_rx(); set_servo(1 << 0, SERVO_0); set_servo(1 << 1, SERVO_1); SERVO_0 = s0; SERVO_1 = s1; // read temperature data from RE2 (ANS7) serial_tx(read_analog(7)); break; } BUCKET_L += MOTOR_L - 127; BUCKET_R += MOTOR_R - 127; BUCKET_V += MOTOR_V - 127; power = 0; if (BUCKET_L >= 127) { BUCKET_L -= 127; power = power | (1 << 0); } else if (BUCKET_L < -127) { BUCKET_L += 127; power = power | (1 << 1); } if (BUCKET_R >= 127) { BUCKET_R -= 127; power = power | (1 << 2); } else if (BUCKET_R < -127) { BUCKET_R += 127; power = power | (1 << 3); } if (BUCKET_V >= 127) { BUCKET_V -= 127; power = power | (1 << 4); } else if (BUCKET_V < -127) { BUCKET_V += 127; power = power | (1 << 5); } PORTA = power; wait_msec(4); } }
int main() { init(0); //Networking Code connect_to_server("",1024); send_to_server("Please"); char message[24]; receive_from_server(message); send_to_server(message); //Signal Catcher code signal(2, signal_callback_handler); //Declaration of Constants for 2nd Quadrant double errorSum = 0; double errorSum2 = 0; double kp = 0.5; double kd = 5; double proportional_signal; open_screen_stream(); int quad_three = 0; printf("QUADRANT ONE AND TWO\n"); while(1) { quad_three = 0; take_picture(); //CODE FOR PROPORTIONAL for (int i=0; i < 320; i++){ if(get_pixel(i, 160, 3) > THRESH) { errorSum += (i-160); quad_three++; } } //CODE FOR FUTURE LINE ERROR for (int i=0; i < 320; i++){ if(get_pixel(i, 80, 3) > THRESH) { errorSum2 += (i-160); } } errorSum/=160; errorSum2/=160; //THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY DERIVATIVE SIGNAL - THIS CODE: //Looks to see if there any curves in the line and slows down based on how curvy the curve is int derivative_signal = abs(errorSum-errorSum2)*kd; if(derivative_signal > 33) { derivative_signal = 33; } proportional_signal = errorSum * kp; int leftSpeed = BASE_SPEED + proportional_signal - derivative_signal; int rightSpeed = BASE_SPEED - proportional_signal - derivative_signal; if (proportional_signal < - 0.5 && proportional_signal > -0.6 && quad_three != 320){ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { move(BASE_BACK_SPEED, BASE_BACK_SPEED); } } else { if(quad_three == 320)break; move(leftSpeed, rightSpeed); } } printf("THIRD QUADRANT\n"); move(50,50); Sleep(0,200000); while(1) { if (p(160,0.3,50,0) > 310 && p(40,0.3,50,0) < 80) { turn(1); break; } } int red = 0; int blue = 0; int green = 0; while(red < 200 || green > 100 || blue > 100) { take_picture(); red = get_pixel(120,160,0); green = get_pixel(120,160,1); blue = get_pixel(120,160,2); int p160 = p(160,0.7,40,0); int p80 = p(80,0.7,40,0); if (p160 > 310 && p80 < 80) { turn(1); } } move(70,70); Sleep(0,200000); int same_count = 0; double prev_signal = 0; int count = 0; int prevTotal = 0; while (1){ int left_signal = read_analog(1); int right_signal = read_analog(0); int base_speed = 45; double constant = 0.075; /*printf("Left %d\n",left_signal); printf("Right %d\n",right_signal);*/ double actual_signal = left_signal - right_signal; actual_signal *= constant; actual_signal += 4.8; printf("Actual %f\n",actual_signal); if (actual_signal > 20 || actual_signal < -20){ base_speed = 35; } else { base_speed = 45; } move(base_speed + actual_signal, (base_speed - actual_signal)*1.3); } }