Пример #1
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
  int ret;
  arg_t args;
  read_args(argc, argv, &args);

  printf("args width:%i height:%i rounds:%i hotspots:%s selection:%s\n",
      argc >= 6 ? args.selection_filename : "empty");

  hotspot_vector_t hotspots;
  hotspot_vector_t coordinates;

  if (ret = read_hotspots(args.hotspot_filename, &hotspots))
    printf("could not read hotspots from: %s (%d)", args.hotspot_filename, ret);
    return -1;

  field_t field;
  init_field(args, &field);

  int current_round = 0;
  set_hotspots(&field, current_round, &hotspots);
  while (current_round++ < args.n_rounds)

    // double buffering
    volatile field_value_t * temp = field.old_values;
    field.old_values = field.new_values;
    field.new_values = temp;

    set_hotspots(&field, current_round, &hotspots);
  if (argc >= 6) {
    if (ret = read_coordinates(args.selection_filename, &coordinates))
      printf("could not read coordinates from: %s (%d)", args.selection_filename, ret);
      return -1;
    print_coordinate_values(&field, &coordinates);}
   return 0;
Пример #2
void energy_cal( )
	double         *px_coo   = NULL ;
	//   double         *px_coo_pdb   = NULL ;
	int number_maxcyc = 0;
	//   int i;
	px_coo = read_coordinates(&number_at); 
	energy_calcul (px_coo, energy, number_at ); 
	printf ("\nTotal energy of molecule = %f \n", energy[0]);
	printf ("Bond energy of molecule = %f \n", energy[5]);
	printf ("Angle energy of molecule = %f \n", energy[6]);
Пример #3
 * This method does (as its name suggests) the following:
 *  Initialize all the necessary structures so that an energy calculatio is possible
 *  and then launch this calculation.
 * @param nameOfPDBFile Name of the file for which the energy will be displayed
void DisplayEnergyForThisPDBFile( char* nameOfPDBFile )
	FILE *fp;
	char* nameCopy = strdup( nameOfPDBFile );
	proteinFileNameNoExt = strtok( nameCopy,"." );

	PrintInfo(("\n\n Loading force fields: "));
	PrintInfo(("WARNING !! The energy calculation does NOT work with ligands !!! "));
	load_force_fields( );

	PrintInfo(("\n\n Loading PDB: "));
	if ((fp = fopen(nameOfPDBFile, "r")) == NULL)
		PrintError(("\n Cannot open the given file ! \n", file_delH));

	objProt = AMBER_loadPdb ( fp );

	PrintInfo(("\n\n saving PARM: "));
	AMBER_saveParm( (UNIT) objProt);

	PrintInfo(("\n\n Energy Init: "));
  	energy_init ( );
  	px_coo = read_coordinates(&number_at);

	set_number_maxcyc( 0 );
	energy_calcul (px_coo, energy, number_at );


	PrintInfo(("\n\nFile: %s\nEnergy: %f \n", nameOfPDBFile, energy[0]));

Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 

  static int ct_AN,h_AN,Gh_AN,i,j,TNO1,TNO2;  
  static int spin,Rn,num0,num1,num2,num3;

  int II,JJ ;   // dummy variables for loop
  int Anum;     // temporary variable
  int Number_Choo ;  // the number of Choosen atom
  int TNumOrbs,TNumOrbs3;
  int SPI,SPJ;
  int optEV ;  // variable to be used for option of eigenvector-printing
  int gcube_on;
  int *MP ;  // array which specify a head position of a full matrix
  double ***SmallHks, ***O_SmallHks ;  
  double **SmallOLP, **O_SmallOLP ;  

  /* variable & arrays for PART-2; same with that of Cluster_DFT.c */

  static int l,n,n2,n1,i1,j0,j1,k1,l1;
  static int P_min,num_eigen ;
  static double **ko, *M1;
  static double **B, ***C, **D;
  static double sum,sum1,Tsum;                                                       // v
  static double coef[6];
  static double **LDOS;


  printf("Number of choosen atoms?\n");

  if (Number_Choo<=0){
    printf("Invalid number\n");

     PART-1 :  Constructing the selected-full Hamiltonian & Overlap matrix

    allocation of arrays:

    int Choo_atom[Number_Choo]; 
    int MP[Number_Choo]; 
    double **SmallHks ;  
    double **SmallOLP ;  

  Choo_atom = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*Number_Choo); 
  MP = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*Number_Choo); 

  /* read Choo_atom */

  printf("Specify choosen atoms\n");
  for (i=0; i<Number_Choo; i++){

   make an array MP which specify the starting
   position of atom II in the martix such as
   a full but small Hamiltonian

  Anum = 1;
  for (i=0; i<Number_Choo; i++){
    MP[i] = Anum;
    ct_AN = Choo_atom[i];
    Anum = Anum + Total_NumOrbs[ct_AN];    
  TNumOrbs = Anum - 1;
  TNumOrbs3 = TNumOrbs + 3;  

  for (i=0; i<Number_Choo; i++){
    ct_AN = Choo_atom[i];
    printf("i=%i ct_AN=%i Total_NumOrbs=%i MP=%i\n",

    allocation of arrays:

    double **SmallHks ;  
    double **SmallOLP ;  

  SmallHks = (double***)malloc(sizeof(double**)*(SpinP_switch+1)); 
  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    SmallHks[spin] = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
    for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
      SmallHks[spin][i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  SmallOLP = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
  for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
    SmallOLP[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  O_SmallHks = (double***)malloc(sizeof(double**)*(SpinP_switch+1)); 
  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    O_SmallHks[spin] = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
    for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
      O_SmallHks[spin][i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  O_SmallOLP = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
  for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
    O_SmallOLP[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  // sorting ?

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    //    printf("Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian spin=%i\n",spin);              // v

    for (II=0; II<Number_Choo; II++){
      SPI = MP[II];  
      for (JJ=0; JJ<Number_Choo; JJ++){
        SPJ = MP[JJ];  
	ct_AN = Choo_atom[II] ;
	TNO1 = Total_NumOrbs[ct_AN];
	for (h_AN=0; h_AN<=FNAN[ct_AN]; h_AN++){
	  Gh_AN = natn[ct_AN][h_AN];
	  if (Gh_AN == Choo_atom[JJ]){
	    Rn = ncn[ct_AN][h_AN];
	    TNO2 = Total_NumOrbs[Gh_AN];

	    for (i=0; i<TNO1; i++){
	      for (j=0; j<TNO2; j++){
		SmallHks[spin][i+SPI][j+SPJ] = Hks[spin][ct_AN][h_AN][i][j]; 
		SmallOLP[i+SPI][j+SPJ] = OLP[ct_AN][h_AN][i][j]; 

	    printf("glbal index=%i  local index=%i (grobal=%i, Rn=%i)\n",
	    for (i=0; i<TNO1; i++){
	      for (j=0; j<TNO2; j++){
		printf("%10.7f ",Hks[spin][ct_AN][h_AN][i][j]); 


  /* store original selected Hks and S */

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("spin=%i Full Hamiltonian matrix of selected atoms\n",spin);
    for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
      for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){
        printf("%7.3f ",SmallHks[spin][i][j]);
        // store original information
	O_SmallHks[spin][i][j] = SmallHks[spin][i][j]; 

  for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
    for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){
      printf("%7.3f ",SmallOLP[i][j]);
      O_SmallOLP[i][j] = SmallOLP[i][j];   // store original information

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("spin=%i Full Hamiltonian matrix of selected atoms\n",spin);
    for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
      for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){
        printf("%7.3f ",SmallHks[spin][i][j]);

  printf("Full overlap matrix of selected atoms\n");
  for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
    for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){
      printf("%7.3f ",SmallOLP[i][j]);


     PART-2 :  Starting the part that diagonalize the selected-full 

                                                Hamiltonian & Overlap matrix


   allocation of arrays:

   double ko[SpinP_switch+1][TNumOrbs3];
   double M1[TNumOrbs3];
   double B[TNumOrbs3][TNumOrbs3];


  ko = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*(SpinP_switch+1));
  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    ko[spin] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 
  M1 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  B = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
  for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
    B[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  C = (double***)malloc(sizeof(double**)*(SpinP_switch+1)); 
  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    C[spin] = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
    for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
      C[spin][i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  D = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*TNumOrbs3); 
  for (i=0; i<TNumOrbs3; i++){
    D[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

   diagonalize the overlap matrix

   SmallOLP -> OLP matrix
   after call Eigen_lapack
   SmallOLP -> eigenvectors of OLP matrix

  for (l=1; l<=TNumOrbs; l++){
    M1[l] = 1.0/sqrt(ko[0][l]);

    for (l=1; l<=TNumOrbs; l++){
    printf("%i %15.12f\n",l,M1[l]);

    Calculations of eigenvalues for up and down spins

  n = TNumOrbs;

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        sum = 0.0;
        for (l=1; l<=n; l++){
	  sum = sum + SmallHks[spin][i1][l]*SmallOLP[l][j1]*M1[j1]; 
        C[spin][i1][j1] = sum;

    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        sum = 0.0;
        for (l=1; l<=n; l++){
	  sum = sum + M1[i1]*SmallOLP[l][i1]*C[spin][l][j1];
	  //sum = sum + M1[i1]*SmallOLP[l][i1]*C[spin][l][j1];
        B[i1][j1] = sum;

    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        D[i1][j1] = B[i1][j1];    


        Transformation to the original eigen vectors.
                          NOTE 244P

    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        C[spin][i1][j1] = 0.0;

    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        sum = 0.0;
        for (l=P_min; l<=n; l++){
          sum = sum + SmallOLP[i1][l]*M1[l]*D[l][j1];       
        C[spin][i1][j1] = sum;

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("\nspin=%i \n",spin);                                       // v  
    for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
      printf("%ith eigenvalue of HC=eSC: %15.12f\n",i,ko[spin][i]);

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("C spin=%i\n",spin);
    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
        printf("%7.4f ",C[spin][i1][j1]);

                Part for Checking 'HC=eSC'

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("spin=%i \n", spin);
    for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
      for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
	sum = 0.0;
	sum1= 0.0;
	for (l=1; l<=n; l++){
          sum = sum + O_SmallHks[spin][i1][l]*C[spin][l][j1];
	  sum1 = sum1 + O_SmallOLP[i1][l]*C[spin][l][j1];    // *ko[spin][j1];
	sum1 = ko[spin][j1] * sum1 ;    // ko[spin][i1]??
        Tsum = Tsum + fabs(sum-sum1);
      printf("Check ko=%i |HC-eSC|=%15.12f\n",j1,Tsum);

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("spin=%i \n", spin);
    for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++){
      for (j1=1; j1<=n; j1++){
	sum = 0.0;
	sum1= 0.0;
	for (l=1; l<=n; l++){
	sum = sum + O_SmallHks[spin][i1][l]*C[spin][l][j1];
	sum1 = sum1 + O_SmallOLP[i1][l]*C[spin][l][j1];    // *ko[spin][j1];
	sum1 = ko[spin][j1] * sum1 ;    // ko[spin][i1]??
	printf("l.h.s - r.h.s = %10.7f\n", sum-sum1 );

              printing out the eigenvectors

  printf("\nDo you want eigenvectors also? (yes:1 / no:0)");
  if (optEV == 1){
    num0 = 7; 
    for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
      printf("\nspin=%i \n",spin);                                       // v  

      num1 = TNumOrbs/num0;
      num2 = TNumOrbs%num0;

      for (i1=0; i1<=num1; i1++){
        j0 = i1*num0;
        for (i=-2; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
          for (j=0; j<=num0; j++){
            j1 = j0 + j;
            if (j1<=TNumOrbs){
              if (i==-2){
                if (j==0)
                  printf("    ");
                  printf("%7d     ",j1);
              else if (i==-1){
                if (j==0)
                  printf("     ");
                  printf("%10.7f  ",ko[spin][j1]);
              else if (i==0){ 
                if (j==0)
                  printf("    ");
                 printf("        ");
              else {
                if (j==0)
                  printf("%4d ",i);
                  printf("%10.7f  ",C[spin][i][j1]);


  printf("\nDo you want eigenvectors also? (yes:1 / no:0)");
  if (optEV == 1){
    for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
      printf("\nspin=%i \n",spin);                                       // v  
      for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
	printf("%ith eigenvector: ",i);
	for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){

       making Gaussian cube data of MO(d-orbitals) 

  printf("\nDo you want Gcube of MO (d-orbitals)? (yes:1 / no:0)");
  if (gcube_on == 1){

    printf("\nWhich eigenstate? (yes:1 / no:0)");
    printf("\n up or down? (up:0 / down:0)");

    coef[1] = C[spin][10][num_eigen];
    coef[2] = C[spin][11][num_eigen];
    coef[3] = C[spin][12][num_eigen];
    coef[4] = C[spin][13][num_eigen];
    coef[5] = C[spin][14][num_eigen];

               calculate PDOS of Mn atom

  LDOS = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*30); 
  for (i=0; i<30; i++){
    LDOS[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*TNumOrbs3); 

  for (spin=0; spin<=SpinP_switch; spin++){
    printf("\nPDOS spin=%i\n",spin);
    for (i1=10; i1<=14; i1++){
      for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
        LDOS[i1][i] = 0.0;
        for (j=1; j<=TNumOrbs; j++){
          LDOS[i1][i] += C[spin][i1][i]*C[spin][j][i]*O_SmallOLP[j][i1]; 

    for (i=1; i<=TNumOrbs; i++){
      sum = 0.0; 
      for (i1=10; i1<=14; i1++) sum = sum + LDOS[i1][i];
      printf("%15.12f %15.12f\n",(ko[spin][i]+0.15)*27.2113845,sum);
}  // the end of 'main' 
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i, nbMinimizationCycles = DEFAULT_MINIMIZATION_CYCLES;
	FILE *fout;
	if ( argc <= 2 )
		printf("Usage: ambmov -ip <pdbfile for protein> -il <pdbfile for ligand> -o <out pdbfile>\n");
		printf("  Optional parameters:                                                            \n");
		printf("              -n <nb minimization cycles (10)>                                    \n");
		printf("              -prep   : use \"prep\" intermediary file instead of \"mol2\"        \n");
		printf("                                                                                  \n");
		printf("  Ambmov can also be used for computing the energy of a given PDB file:     \n");
		printf("        ambmov -energy <pdbFile>                                              \n\n");

	//First parse the parameters. Look for the 3 needed files
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 2) 
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-energy") == 0)
			//Store the name of the PDBfile in some variable
			strcpy(ipfilename, argv[i + 1]);
			//Let the user know what we are doing:
			PrintInfo(("Received -energy parameter. The program will exit after having displayed the energy !"));
			//Do the actual thing
			DisplayEnergyForThisPDBFile( ipfilename );
			//And then keep our promise and exit
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ip") == 0)
			strcpy(ipfilename, argv[i + 1]);
			//Remove the hydrogens from the initial PDB
			removeH (ipfilename);
			//Compute the name of the pdb without the hydrogens
			proteinFileNameNoExt = strtok( ipfilename,"." );
			fPDBwithoutH = fopen(file_delH, "r");
			//And verify that the pdb file without hydrogens does exist
			if ((fPDBwithoutH = fopen(file_delH, "r")) == NULL) 
				PrintError(("\n Cannot open pdb withot Hs file %s, exit \n", file_delH));
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-il") == 0)
			/* FRAG or FRA in the place of residue label in ligand pdb file
				and UNIT FRA in prep file
				to restrain all atoms of ligand in the initial positions */
			strcpy(ilfilename, argv[i + 1]);
			if ((fLigand = fopen(ilfilename, "r")) == NULL) 
				PrintError(("\n Cannot open ligand pdb file %s, exit \n", ilfilename));
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0)
			strcpy(ofilename, argv[i + 1]);
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0)
			//Try to read the nb of minimization cycles from the given argument
			if (sscanf( argv[i + 1], "%d", &nbMinimizationCycles) != 1)
			{	//If the reading fails, set the default nb
				nbMinimizationCycles = DEFAULT_MINIMIZATION_CYCLES;
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-prep") == 0)
			useMol2InsteadOfPrep = 0;
	}	//for (i=1; ...
	//Now that we have finished reading all the parameters, 
	// we have also opened the input files (protein and ligand)
	PrintInfo(("\n\n Loading force fields: "));
	load_force_fields( );

	PrintInfo(("\n\n Loading PDB: "));
	objProt = AMBER_loadPdb ( fPDBwithoutH );
	PrintInfo(("\n\n finished loading PDB: "));

	if (fLigand != NULL )
		load_ligand_pdb (fLigand);
		ProtLig = AMBER_Combine (objProt, objLig);
		keepLigandFixedDuringMinimization = 1;	//We have a ligand, so keep it fixed
		PrintInfo(("\n\n saving PARM for the Protein Ligand combination: "));
		AMBER_saveParm( (UNIT) ProtLig); 
		PrintInfo(("\n\n saving PARM: "));
	    	AMBER_saveParm( (UNIT) objProt); 
	PrintInfo(("\n\n Energy _ init: "));
  	energy_init ( ); 
	PrintInfo(("\n\n Reading coordinates: "));
  	px_coo = read_coordinates(&number_at);


	set_number_maxcyc( nbMinimizationCycles );

	energy_calcul (px_coo, energy, number_at ); 

	save_pdb_min ( );

	// save total energy in file
	fout = fopen("totE.ambmovout", "w");
	fprintf(fout, "%f",energy[0]);


	// printf ("total energy of molecule %f n", energy);

	PrintInfo(("\n\n Finished ... \n")); 

 return 0;
Пример #6
PROT load_pdb_binary_no_param(FILE *fp) {
    PROT  prot; memset(&prot, 0, sizeof(PROT));
    ATOM  atom;
    int nb_atoms;
    int nb_residues;
    int nb_conformers;
    int i,j,k;
    int i_atom;
    //start reading binary PDB file
    //printf("%i RESIDUES to read in from binary PDB File. Please wait...\n",nb_residues);
    int count = 0;
    int *iatm;
    int k_RES;
    int original_index;
    for(count=0; count<nb_residues; count++) {
	    fread(&nb_conformers,sizeof(int),1,fp);/*read in the number of conformers for this residue*/
	    //fread(&original_index, sizeof(int),1,fp);
	    //printf("Number of conformers for res#%i:%i\n",count,nb_conformers);
	    if(nb_conformers<=2) {
		fread(&nb_atoms,sizeof(int),1,fp);/*read in the number of atoms for the backbone conformer*/
		//printf("Nb of atoms:%i\n",nb_atoms);
		for(i=0; i<nb_atoms; i++) {
        		atom = read_full_header(fp);
			k_RES = check_param(atom,&prot);
		if(nb_conformers==2) {
			fread(&nb_atoms,sizeof(int),1,fp);/*read in the number of atoms for the 1st conformer*/
			//printf("Nb of atoms:%i\n",nb_atoms);
   		        for(i=0; i<nb_atoms; i++) {
                        	atom = read_full_header(fp);
				k_RES = check_param(atom,&prot);
	    else {
            	fread(&nb_atoms,sizeof(int),1,fp);/*read in the number of atoms for the backbone conformer*/
		for(i=0; i<nb_atoms; i++) {
                        atom = read_full_header(fp);
			k_RES = check_param(atom,&prot);
		fread(&nb_atoms,sizeof(int),1,fp);/*read in the number of atoms for the 1st conformer*/
		iatm = malloc(sizeof(int)*nb_atoms);//required to keep track of the indices the atoms of the conformer belong to
                for(i=0; i<nb_atoms; i++) {
                        atom = read_full_header(fp);
			iatm[i] = iatom(atom.confName, atom.name);
			k_RES = check_param(atom,&prot);

                for(j=2; j<nb_conformers; j++) {
			read_coordinates(fp,iatm,k_RES,nb_atoms,&prot);/*FIXED to handle different residue locations than 'count', by using the k_RES variable*/
	    //prot.res[k_RES].original_index = original_index;

    //FIX SERIAL numbering of all atoms, starting from the 1st atom of the 1st conformer...
    int serial=1;
    for(i=0; i<prot.n_res; i++) {
    	for(j=0; j<prot.res[i].n_conf; j++) {
		for(k=0; k<prot.res[i].conf[j].n_atom; k++) {
			prot.res[i].conf[j].atom[k].serial = serial;
    return prot;