Пример #1
void read_file(char *name)
	FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb");
	if (!f) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot open file\n");

	unsigned int count;
	fread(&count, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

	unsigned int *buf = alloca(count * sizeof(unsigned int));
	if (!buf) {

	read_elements(f, buf, count);
Пример #2
int read_ele_file(const char *ele_filename, triangulateio *input, int firstnode){
  int error_value = 0;
  FILE *ele_file;

  ele_file = fopen(ele_filename, "r");
  if (ele_file == (FILE *) NULL) {
    printf("  Error:  Cannot access file %s.\n", ele_filename);
    return FILE_ERR;

  error_value = read_elements_header(ele_file, input);
  if (error_value != SUCCESS)
    return error_value;


  error_value = read_elements(ele_file, input, firstnode);
  if (error_value != SUCCESS)
    return error_value;

  return SUCCESS;
Пример #3
int32_t psi_demonstrator(int32_t argc, char** argv) {
	double epsilon=1.2;
	uint64_t bytes_sent=0, bytes_received=0, mbfac;
	uint32_t nelements=0, elebytelen=16, symsecbits=128, intersect_size = 0, i, j, ntasks=1,
			pnelements, *elebytelens, *res_bytelens, nclients = 2;
	uint16_t port=7766;
	uint8_t **elements, **intersection;
	bool detailed_timings=false;
	string address="";
	timeval t_start, t_end;
	vector<CSocket> sockfd(ntasks);
	string filename;
	role_type role = (role_type) 0;
	psi_prot protocol;


	read_psi_demo_options(&argc, &argv, &role, &protocol, &filename, &address, &nelements, &detailed_timings);

	if(role == FOLLOWER) {
		if(protocol == TTP) {
			listen(address.c_str(), port, sockfd.data(), nclients);
			listen(address.c_str(), port, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	} else {
		for(i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
			connect(address.c_str(), port, sockfd[i]);

	gettimeofday(&t_start, NULL);

	//read in files and get elements and byte-length from there
	read_elements(&elements, &elebytelens, &nelements, filename);
	if(detailed_timings) {
		gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL);

	if(protocol != TTP)
		pnelements = exchange_information(nelements, elebytelen, symsecbits, ntasks, protocol, sockfd[0]);
	//cout << "Performing private set-intersection between " << nelements << " and " << pnelements << " element sets" << endl;

	if(detailed_timings) {
		cout << "Time for reading elements:\t" << fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getMillies(t_start, t_end)/1000 << " s" << endl;

	crypto crypto(symsecbits);//, (uint8_t*) const_seed);

	switch(protocol) {
	case NAIVE:
		intersect_size = naivepsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case TTP:
		intersect_size = ttppsi(role, nelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case DH_ECC:
		intersect_size = dhpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens, &crypto,
				sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case OT_PSI:
		intersect_size = otpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks, epsilon, detailed_timings);
		intersect_size = otpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks, epsilon, detailed_timings);

	gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL);

	if(role == LEADER) {
		cout << "Computation finished. Found " << intersect_size << " intersecting elements:" << endl;
		if(!detailed_timings) {
			for(i = 0; i < intersect_size; i++) {
				//cout << i << ": \t";
				for(j = 0; j < res_bytelens[i]; j++) {
					cout << intersection[i][j];
				cout << endl;

		for(i = 0; i < intersect_size; i++) {
		if(intersect_size > 0)

	for(i = 0; i < sockfd.size(); i++) {
		bytes_sent += sockfd[i].get_bytes_sent();
		bytes_received += sockfd[i].get_bytes_received();

	if(detailed_timings) {
		cout << "Required time:\t" << fixed << std::setprecision(1) << getMillies(t_start, t_end)/1000 << " s" << endl;
		cout << "Data sent:\t" <<	((double)bytes_sent)/mbfac << " MB" << endl;
		cout << "Data received:\t" << ((double)bytes_received)/mbfac << " MB" << endl;

	for(i = 0; i < nelements; i++)
	return 1;
Пример #4
ErrorCode ReadTemplate::load_file(const char* filename,
                                  const EntityHandle *file_set,
                                  const FileOptions& opts,
                                  const ReaderIface::SubsetList* subset_list,
                                  const Tag* /*file_id_tag*/)
  if (subset_list) {
    // See src/moab/ReaderIface.hpp, definition of SubsetList struct; this basically specifies
    // an integer tag and tag values for sets to read on this proc, or a part number and total # parts
    // for reading a trivial partition of entities

  // Save filename to member variable so we don't need to pass as an argument
  // to called functions
  fileName = filename;

  // Process options; see src/FileOptions.hpp for API for FileOptions class, and doc/metadata_info.doc for
  // a description of various options used by some of the readers in MOAB
  ErrorCode result = process_options(opts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": problem reading options");

  // Open file; filePtr is member of ReadTemplate, change to whatever mechanism is used to identify file
  FILE* filePtr = fopen(fileName, "r");
  if (!filePtr) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, fileName << ": fopen returned error");

  // Read number of verts, elements, sets
  long num_verts = 0, num_elems = 0, num_sets = 0;

  // read_ents keeps a running set of entities read from this file, including vertices, elements, and sets;
  // these will get added to file_set (if input) at the end of the read
  Range read_ents;

  // start_vertex is passed back so we know how to convert indices from the file into vertex handles; most
  // of the time this is done by adding start_vertex to the (0-based) index; if the index is 1-based, you also
  // need to subtract one; see read_elements for details
  EntityHandle start_vertex;
  result = read_vertices(num_verts, start_vertex, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Create/read elements; this template assumes that all elements are the same type, so can be read in a single
  // call to read_elements, and kept track of with a single start_elem handle. If there are more entity types,
  // might have to keep these start handles in an array/vector. start_elem is only really needed if you're reading
  // sets later, and need to convert some file-based index to an entity handle
  EntityHandle start_elem;
  result = read_elements(num_elems, start_vertex, start_elem, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Read/create entity sets; typically these sets have some tag identifying what they're for, see doc/metadata_info.doc
  // for examples of different kinds of sets and how they're marked
  result = create_sets(num_sets, start_vertex, num_verts, start_elem, num_elems, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Finally, add all read_ents into the file set, if one was input
  if (file_set && *file_set) {
    result = mbImpl->add_entities(*file_set, read_ents);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      return result;


  return result;