Пример #1
int RandomTrees::test(const char* sample_filename, const char* model_filename, double &test_error)
	CvMat* data = 0;
	CvMat* responses = 0;

	int ok = read_num_class_data( sample_filename, this->number_of_features_, &data, &responses );
	int nsamples_all = 0;
	int i = 0;

	if( !ok )
		printf( "Could not read the sample file %s\n", sample_filename );
		return -1;

	printf( "The sample file %s is loaded.\n", sample_filename );
	nsamples_all = data->rows;

	// compute prediction error on train and test data
	for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
		CvMat sample;
		cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );


	cvReleaseMat( &data );
	cvReleaseMat( &responses );

	return 0;
static int build_nbayes_classifier( char* data_filename, CvNormalBayesClassifier **nbayes){
    const int var_count = 51;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 51, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0;
    int i, j;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok ){
        printf( "No se pudo leer la información de entrenamiento %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "La base de datos %s está siendo cargada...\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;

    printf( "Entrenando el clasificador...\n");
	// 1. unroll the responses
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, nsamples_all);
    // 2. train classifier
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( nsamples_all, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
	*nbayes = new CvNormalBayesClassifier(&train_data, train_resp);

		std::cout << "Train_data = "<< std::endl << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Train_resp = "<< std::endl << " "  << train_resp << std::endl << std::endl;
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );
    return 0;
int build_rtrees_classifier( char* data_filename,
    char* filename_to_save, char* filename_to_load )
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat* var_type = 0;
    CvMat* sample_idx = 0;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int i = 0;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvRTrees forest;
    CvMat* var_importance = 0;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.8);

    // Create or load Random Trees classifier
    if( filename_to_load )
        // load classifier from the specified file
        forest.load( filename_to_load );
        ntrain_samples = 0;
        if( forest.get_tree_count() == 0 )
            printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", filename_to_load );
            return -1;
        printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
        // create classifier by using <data> and <responses>
        printf( "Training the classifier ...\n");

        // 1. create type mask
        var_type = cvCreateMat( data->cols + 1, 1, CV_8U );
        cvSet( var_type, cvScalarAll(CV_VAR_ORDERED) );
        cvSetReal1D( var_type, data->cols, CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL );

        // 2. create sample_idx
        sample_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, nsamples_all, CV_8UC1 );
            CvMat mat;
            cvGetCols( sample_idx, &mat, 0, ntrain_samples );
            cvSet( &mat, cvRealScalar(1) );

            cvGetCols( sample_idx, &mat, ntrain_samples, nsamples_all );
            cvSetZero( &mat );

        // 3. train classifier
        forest.train( data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, responses, 0, sample_idx, var_type, 0,
        printf( "\n");

    // compute prediction error on train and test data
    for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
        double r;
        CvMat sample;
        cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );

        r = forest.predict( &sample );
        r = fabs((double)r - responses->data.fl[i]) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

        if( i < ntrain_samples )
            train_hr += r;
            test_hr += r;

    test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples);
    train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;
    printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.1f%%, test = %.1f%%\n",
            train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

    printf( "Number of trees: %d\n", forest.get_tree_count() );

    // Print variable importance
    var_importance = (CvMat*)forest.get_var_importance();
    if( var_importance )
        double rt_imp_sum = cvSum( var_importance ).val[0];
        printf("var#\timportance (in %%):\n");
        for( i = 0; i < var_importance->cols; i++ )
            printf( "%-2d\t%-4.1f\n", i,

    //Print some proximitites
    printf( "Proximities between some samples corresponding to the letter 'T':\n" );
        CvMat sample1, sample2;
        const int pairs[][2] = {{0,103}, {0,106}, {106,103}, {-1,-1}};

        for( i = 0; pairs[i][0] >= 0; i++ )
            cvGetRow( data, &sample1, pairs[i][0] );
            cvGetRow( data, &sample2, pairs[i][1] );
            printf( "proximity(%d,%d) = %.1f%%\n", pairs[i][0], pairs[i][1],
                forest.get_proximity( &sample1, &sample2 )*100. );

    // Save Random Trees classifier to file if needed
    if( filename_to_save )
        forest.save( filename_to_save );

    cvReleaseMat( &sample_idx );
    cvReleaseMat( &var_type );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
int build_svm_classifier( char* data_filename )
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int var_count;
    CvSVM svm;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;
    ////////// SVM parameters ///////////////////////////////
    CvSVMParams param;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.1);
    var_count = data->cols;

    // train classifier
    printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n");
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
    svm.train(&train_data, train_resp, 0, 0, param);

    // classification
    std::vector<float> _sample(var_count * (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples));
    CvMat sample = cvMat( nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, 16, CV_32FC1, &_sample[0] );
    std::vector<float> true_results(nsamples_all - ntrain_samples);
    for (int j = ntrain_samples; j < nsamples_all; j++)
        float *s = data->data.fl + j * var_count;
        for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++)
            sample.data.fl[(j - ntrain_samples) * var_count + i] = s[i];
        true_results[j - ntrain_samples] = responses->data.fl[j];
    CvMat *result = cvCreateMat(1, nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, CV_32FC1);
    printf("Classification (may take a few minutes)...\n");
    svm.predict(&sample, result);

    int true_resp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all - ntrain_samples; i++)
        if (result->data.fl[i] == true_results[i])
    printf("true_resp = %f%%\n", (float)true_resp / (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples) * 100);
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &result );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
int build_nbayes_classifier( char* data_filename )
    const int var_count = 16;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    //int i, j;
    //double /*train_hr = 0, */test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.5);

    // 1. unroll the responses
    printf( "Unrolling the responses...\n");
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );

    // 2. train classifier
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
    CvNormalBayesClassifier nbayes(&train_data, train_resp);

    float* _sample = new float[var_count * (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples)];
    CvMat sample = cvMat( nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, 16, CV_32FC1, _sample );
    float* true_results = new float[nsamples_all - ntrain_samples];
    for (int j = ntrain_samples; j < nsamples_all; j++)
        float *s = data->data.fl + j * var_count;

        for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++)
            sample.data.fl[(j - ntrain_samples) * var_count + i] = s[i];
        true_results[j - ntrain_samples] = responses->data.fl[j];
    CvMat *result = cvCreateMat(1, nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, CV_32FC1);
    nbayes.predict(&sample, result);
    int true_resp = 0;
    //int accuracy = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all - ntrain_samples; i++)
        if (result->data.fl[i] == true_results[i])

    printf("true_resp = %f%%\n", (float)true_resp / (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples) * 100);

    delete[] true_results;
    delete[] _sample;
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &result );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
int build_mlp_classifier( char* data_filename,
    char* filename_to_save, char* filename_to_load )
    const int class_count = 26;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat* mlp_response = 0;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int i, j;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.8);

    // Create or load MLP classifier
    if( filename_to_load )
        // load classifier from the specified file
        mlp.load( filename_to_load );
        ntrain_samples = 0;
        if( !mlp.get_layer_count() )
            printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", filename_to_load );
            return -1;
        printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // MLP does not support categorical variables by explicitly.
        // So, instead of the output class label, we will use
        // a binary vector of <class_count> components for training and,
        // therefore, MLP will give us a vector of "probabilities" at the
        // prediction stage
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, class_count, CV_32F );

        // 1. unroll the responses
        printf( "Unrolling the responses...\n");
        for( i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++ )
            int cls_label = cvRound(responses->data.fl[i]) - 'A';
            float* bit_vec = (float*)(new_responses->data.ptr + i*new_responses->step);
            for( j = 0; j < class_count; j++ )
                bit_vec[j] = 0.f;
            bit_vec[cls_label] = 1.f;
        cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );

        // 2. train classifier
        int layer_sz[] = { data->cols, 100, 100, class_count };
        CvMat layer_sizes =
            cvMat( 1, (int)(sizeof(layer_sz)/sizeof(layer_sz[0])), CV_32S, layer_sz );
        mlp.create( &layer_sizes );
        printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n");
        mlp.train( &train_data, new_responses, 0, 0,
#if 1
        cvReleaseMat( &new_responses );

    mlp_response = cvCreateMat( 1, class_count, CV_32F );

    // compute prediction error on train and test data
    for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
        int best_class;
        CvMat sample;
        cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );
        CvPoint max_loc = {0,0};
        mlp.predict( &sample, mlp_response );
        cvMinMaxLoc( mlp_response, 0, 0, 0, &max_loc, 0 );
        best_class = max_loc.x + 'A';

        int r = fabs((double)best_class - responses->data.fl[i]) < FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

        if( i < ntrain_samples )
            train_hr += r;
            test_hr += r;

    test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples);
    train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;
    printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.1f%%, test = %.1f%%\n",
            train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

    // Save classifier to file if needed
    if( filename_to_save )
        mlp.save( filename_to_save );

    cvReleaseMat( &mlp_response );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
int build_boost_classifier( char* data_filename,
    char* filename_to_save, char* filename_to_load )
    const int class_count = 26;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat* var_type = 0;
    CvMat* temp_sample = 0;
    CvMat* weak_responses = 0;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int var_count;
    int i, j, k;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvBoost boost;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.5);
    var_count = data->cols;

    // Create or load Boosted Tree classifier
    if( filename_to_load )
        // load classifier from the specified file
        boost.load( filename_to_load );
        ntrain_samples = 0;
        if( !boost.get_weak_predictors() )
            printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", filename_to_load );
            return -1;
        printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // As currently boosted tree classifier in MLL can only be trained
        // for 2-class problems, we transform the training database by
        // "unrolling" each training sample as many times as the number of
        // classes (26) that we have.
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        CvMat* new_data = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples*class_count, var_count + 1, CV_32F );
        CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples*class_count, 1, CV_32S );

        // 1. unroll the database type mask
        printf( "Unrolling the database...\n");
        for( i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++ )
            float* data_row = (float*)(data->data.ptr + data->step*i);
            for( j = 0; j < class_count; j++ )
                float* new_data_row = (float*)(new_data->data.ptr +
                for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
                    new_data_row[k] = data_row[k];
                new_data_row[var_count] = (float)j;
                new_responses->data.i[i*class_count + j] = responses->data.fl[i] == j+'A';

        // 2. create type mask
        var_type = cvCreateMat( var_count + 2, 1, CV_8U );
        cvSet( var_type, cvScalarAll(CV_VAR_ORDERED) );
        // the last indicator variable, as well
        // as the new (binary) response are categorical
        cvSetReal1D( var_type, var_count, CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL );
        cvSetReal1D( var_type, var_count+1, CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL );

        // 3. train classifier
        printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n");
        boost.train( new_data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, new_responses, 0, 0, var_type, 0,
            CvBoostParams(CvBoost::REAL, 100, 0.95, 5, false, 0 ));
        cvReleaseMat( &new_data );
        cvReleaseMat( &new_responses );

    temp_sample = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count + 1, CV_32F );
    weak_responses = cvCreateMat( 1, boost.get_weak_predictors()->total, CV_32F ); 

    // compute prediction error on train and test data
    for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
        int best_class = 0;
        double max_sum = -DBL_MAX;
        double r;
        CvMat sample;
        cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );
        for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
            temp_sample->data.fl[k] = sample.data.fl[k];

        for( j = 0; j < class_count; j++ )
            temp_sample->data.fl[var_count] = (float)j;
            boost.predict( temp_sample, 0, weak_responses );
            double sum = cvSum( weak_responses ).val[0];
            if( max_sum < sum )
                max_sum = sum;
                best_class = j + 'A';

        r = fabs(best_class - responses->data.fl[i]) < FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

        if( i < ntrain_samples )
            train_hr += r;
            test_hr += r;

    test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples);
    train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;
    printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.1f%%, test = %.1f%%\n",
            train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

    printf( "Number of trees: %d\n", boost.get_weak_predictors()->total );

    // Save classifier to file if needed
    if( filename_to_save )
        boost.save( filename_to_save );

    cvReleaseMat( &temp_sample );
    cvReleaseMat( &weak_responses );
    cvReleaseMat( &var_type );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
Пример #8
int RandomTrees::train(const char* samples_filename, const char* model_filename, const double ratio, double &train_error, double &test_error)
	CvMat* data = 0;
	CvMat* responses = 0;
	CvMat* var_type = 0;
	CvMat* sample_idx = 0;

	this->tree_parameters_.nactive_vars = (int)sqrt(this->number_of_features_);

	int ok = read_num_class_data( samples_filename, this->number_of_features_, &data, &responses );
	int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
	int i = 0;
	double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
	CvRTrees forest;
	CvMat* var_importance = 0;

	if( !ok )
		cout << "Could not read the sample in" << samples_filename << endl;;
		return -1;

	cout << "The sample file " << samples_filename << " is loaded." << endl;
	nsamples_all = data->rows;
	ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all * ratio);

	// create classifier by using <data> and <responses>
	cout << "Training the classifier ..." << endl;

	// 1. create type mask
	var_type = cvCreateMat( data->cols + 1, 1, CV_8U );
	cvSet( var_type, cvScalarAll(CV_VAR_ORDERED) );
	cvSetReal1D( var_type, data->cols, CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL );

	// 2. create sample_idx
	sample_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, nsamples_all, CV_8UC1 );
		CvMat mat;
		cvGetCols( sample_idx, &mat, 0, ntrain_samples );
		cvSet( &mat, cvRealScalar(1) );

		cvGetCols( sample_idx, &mat, ntrain_samples, nsamples_all );
		cvSetZero( &mat );

	// 3. train classifier
	forest.train( data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, responses, 0, sample_idx, var_type, 0, this->tree_parameters_);
	cout << endl;

	// compute prediction error on train and test data
	for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
		double r;
		CvMat sample;
		cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );

		r = forest.predict( &sample );
		r = fabs((double)r - responses->data.fl[i]) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

		if( i < ntrain_samples )
			train_hr += r;
			test_hr += r;

	test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples);
	train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;

	train_error = 1 - train_hr;
	test_error = 1 - test_hr;

	cout << "Recognition rate: train = " << train_hr*100 << ", test = " << test_hr*100 << endl;
	cout << "Number of trees: " << forest.get_tree_count() << endl;

	// Print variable importance
	var_importance = (CvMat*)forest.get_var_importance();
	if( var_importance )
		double rt_imp_sum = cvSum( var_importance ).val[0];
		printf("var#\timportance (in %%):\n");
		for( i = 0; i < var_importance->cols; i++ )
			printf( "%-2d\t%-4.1f\n", i,100.f*var_importance->data.fl[i]/rt_imp_sum);

	// Save Random Trees classifier to file if needed
	if( model_filename )
		forest.save( model_filename );

	//cvReleaseMat( &var_importance );		//causes a segmentation fault
	cvReleaseMat( &sample_idx );
	cvReleaseMat( &var_type );
	cvReleaseMat( &data );
	cvReleaseMat( &responses );

	return 0;
Пример #9
int AdaBoost::train(const char* samples_filename, const char* model_filename, const double ratio, double &train_error, double &test_error)
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat* var_type = 0;
    CvMat* temp_sample = 0;
    CvMat* weak_responses = 0;

	int ok = read_num_class_data( samples_filename, this->number_of_features_, &data, &responses );
	int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
	int var_count = 0;
	int i=0, j=0, k=0;
	double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
	CvBoost boost;

	if( !ok )
		cout << "Could not read the sample in" << samples_filename << endl;;
		return -1;

	cout << "The sample file " << samples_filename << " is loaded." << endl;
	nsamples_all = data->rows;
	ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all * ratio);
	var_count = data->cols;

	// create classifier by using <data> and <responses>
	cout << "Training the classifier ..." << endl;

   // create classifiers
	CvMat* new_data = cvCreateMat(ntrain_samples * this->number_of_classes_, var_count + 1 , CV_32F );//+1
	CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples * this->number_of_classes_, 1, CV_32S );

	// unroll the database type mask
	printf( "Unrolling the samples ...\n");

	for( i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++ )
		float* data_row = (float*)(data->data.ptr + data->step*i);

		for( j = 0; j < this->number_of_classes_; j++ )
			float* new_data_row = (float*)(new_data->data.ptr + new_data->step*(i * this->number_of_classes_ + j));

			for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
				new_data_row[k] = data_row[k];

			new_data_row[var_count] = (float)j;
			new_responses->data.i[i * this->number_of_classes_ + j] = responses->data.fl[i] == j + FIRST_LABEL;

	// create type mask
	var_type = cvCreateMat( var_count + 2, 1, CV_8U );
	cvSet( var_type, cvScalarAll(CV_VAR_ORDERED));

	// the last indicator variable, as well
	// as the new (binary) response are categorical
	cvSetReal1D( var_type, var_count+1, CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL ); //CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL

	// train classifier
	//printf( "training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...");
	boost.train( new_data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, new_responses, 0, 0, var_type, 0, this->boost_parameters_);

	cvReleaseMat( &new_data );
	cvReleaseMat( &new_responses );

	temp_sample = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count + 1, CV_32F );
	weak_responses = cvCreateMat( 1, boost.get_weak_predictors()->total, CV_32F );

	// compute prediction error on train and test data
	for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
		int best_class = 0;
		double max_sum = -DBL_MAX;
		double r;
		CvMat sample;
		cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );

		for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
			temp_sample->data.fl[k] = sample.data.fl[k];

		for( j = 0; j < this->number_of_classes_; j++ )
			temp_sample->data.fl[var_count] = (float)j;

			boost.predict( temp_sample, 0, weak_responses );
			double sum = cvSum( weak_responses ).val[0];

			if( max_sum < sum )
				max_sum = sum;
				best_class = j + FIRST_LABEL;

		r = fabs(best_class - responses->data.fl[i]) < FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

		if( i < ntrain_samples )
			train_hr += r;
			test_hr += r;

	train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;
	test_hr /= ((double)nsamples_all - (double)ntrain_samples);

	cout << "Recognition rate: train = " << train_hr * 100 << ", test = " << test_hr * 100 << endl;

	// fill result-parameters
	train_error = 1 - train_hr;
	test_error = 1 - test_hr;

	// Save classifier to file if needed
	if( model_filename )
		boost.save( model_filename );

	cvReleaseMat( &temp_sample );
	cvReleaseMat( &weak_responses );
	cvReleaseMat( &var_type );
	cvReleaseMat( &data );
	cvReleaseMat( &responses );

	return 0;
Пример #10
int AdaBoost::test(const char* sample_filename, const char* model_filename, double &test_error)
	CvMat* data = 0;
	CvMat* responses = 0;
	CvMat* var_type = 0;
	CvMat* temp_sample = 0;
	CvMat* weak_responses = 0;

	int ok = 0;
	int nsamples_all = 0;
	int var_count;
	int i, j, k;
	double test_hr = 0;
	CvBoost boost;

	ok = read_num_class_data( sample_filename, this->number_of_features_, &data, &responses );

	if( !ok )
		printf( "Could not read the test-file %s\n", sample_filename );
		return -1;

	printf( "The test-file %s is loaded.\n", sample_filename );

	nsamples_all = data->rows;
	var_count = data->cols;

	cout << "no. of test samples: " << nsamples_all << std::endl;
	cout << "no. of features: " <<  var_count << std::endl;
	cout << "no. of classifiers: " <<  this->number_of_classes_ << std::endl;

	// load classifier from the specified file
	boost.load( model_filename );

	if( !boost.get_weak_predictors() )
		printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", model_filename );
		return -1;

	//printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", filename_to_load );

	temp_sample = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count + 1, CV_32F );
	weak_responses = cvCreateMat( 1, boost.get_weak_predictors()->total, CV_32F );

	// compute prediction error on test data
	for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
		int best_class = 0;
		double max_sum = -DBL_MAX;
		double r;
		CvMat sample;
		cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );

		for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
			temp_sample->data.fl[k] = sample.data.fl[k];

		for( j = 0; j < this->number_of_classes_; j++ )
			temp_sample->data.fl[var_count] = (float)j;

			boost.predict( temp_sample, 0, weak_responses );
			double sum = cvSum( weak_responses ).val[0];

			if( max_sum < sum )
				max_sum = sum;
				best_class = j + FIRST_LABEL;

		r = fabs(best_class - responses->data.fl[i]) < FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

		test_hr += r;

	test_hr /= (double) nsamples_all;

	test_error = 1 - test_hr;

	cvReleaseMat( &temp_sample );
	cvReleaseMat( &weak_responses );
	cvReleaseMat( &var_type );
	cvReleaseMat( &data );
	cvReleaseMat( &responses );

	return 0;