Пример #1
void cigar_reserve(cigar_t* cig, size_t size)
    if (size > cig->size) {
        cig->size = size;
        cig->ops  = realloc_or_die(cig->ops,  cig->size * sizeof(uint8_t));
        cig->lens = realloc_or_die(cig->lens, cig->size * sizeof(uint32_t));
Пример #2
void cigar_copy(cigar_t* dest, const cigar_t* src)
    if (dest->size < src->size) {
        dest->size = src->size;
        dest->ops  = realloc_or_die(dest->ops,  dest->size * sizeof(uint8_t));
        dest->lens = realloc_or_die(dest->lens, dest->size * sizeof(uint32_t));

    memcpy(dest->ops,  src->ops,  src->n * sizeof(uint8_t));
    memcpy(dest->lens, src->lens, src->n * sizeof(uint32_t));
    dest->n = src->n;
Пример #3
void str_reserve_extra(str_t* str, size_t size)
    if (str->n + size > str->size) {
        str->size = str->n + size;
        str->s = realloc_or_die(str->s, str->size * sizeof(char));
Пример #4
rb_ensure_space(resizable_buf b, int n) {
  if (b->size + n > b->allocated_size) {
    int new_size = b->allocated_size + max_i(rb_resize_step,b->size + n - b->allocated_size) ;
    b->data = (char*)realloc_or_die((void*)b->data,new_size) ;
    b->allocated_size = new_size ;
Пример #5
static void push_edge(edge_array_t* E, const edge_t* e)
    if (E->m >= E->size) {
        E->size *= 2;
        E->es = realloc_or_die(E->es, E->size * sizeof(edge_t));

    edgecpy(&E->es[E->m++], e);
Пример #6
Файл: util.c Проект: cifkao/bis
void buffer_put(symbol c, symbol_buffer *buf){
    buf->buffer = (symbol *)malloc_or_die(buf->size*sizeof(symbol));
    buf->size *= 2;
    buf->buffer =
      (symbol *)realloc_or_die(buf->buffer, buf->size*sizeof(symbol));

  buf->buffer[buf->dataLength++] = c; 
Пример #7
static uint32_t get_seq_idx(seqenc_t* E, const str_t* seqname)
    uint32_t n   = strmap_size(E->seq_index);
    uint32_t idx = strmap_get(E->seq_index, seqname);

    if (idx >= n) {
        E->d_ext_pos = realloc_or_die(E->d_ext_pos, (n + 1) * sizeof(cond_dist256_t));
        cond_dist256_init(&E->d_ext_pos[n], 9 * 256);

    return idx;
Пример #8
static void hattrie_iter_pushchar(hattrie_iter_t* i, size_t level, char c)
    if (i->keysize < level) {
        i->keysize *= 2;
        i->key = realloc_or_die(i->key, i->keysize * sizeof(char));

    if (level > 0) {
        i->key[level - 1] = c;

    i->level = level;
Пример #9
static void reserve_nmask(seqenc_t* E, size_t readlen)
    if (readlen > E->nmask_n) {
        E->d_nmask = realloc_or_die(E->d_nmask, readlen * sizeof(dist2_t));

        size_t i;
        for (i = E->nmask_n; i < readlen; ++i) {

        E->nmask_n = readlen;
Пример #10
const char* hattrie_iter_key(hattrie_iter_t* i, size_t* len)
    if (hattrie_iter_finished(i)) return NULL;

    size_t sublen;
    const char* subkey;

    if (i->has_nil_key) {
        subkey = NULL;
        sublen = 0;
    else subkey = ahtable_iter_key(i->i, &sublen);

    if (i->keysize < i->level + sublen + 1) {
        while (i->keysize < i->level + sublen + 1) i->keysize *= 2;
        i->key = realloc_or_die(i->key, i->keysize * sizeof(char));

    memcpy(i->key + i->level, subkey, sublen);
    i->key[i->level + sublen] = '\0';

    *len = i->level + sublen;
    return i->key;
Пример #11
/* Push a fastq entry to back of the array. Return false if there was not enough
 * space. */
bool seq_array_push(seq_array_t* a, const seq_t* seq)
    size_t size_needed = (seq->id1.n + 1) + (seq->seq.n + 1) +
                         (seq->id2.n + 1) + (seq->qual.n + 1);

    if (size_needed > a->data_size - a->data_used) return false;

    if (a->n == a->size) {
        a->size *= 2;
        a->seqs = realloc_or_die(a->seqs, a->size * sizeof(seq_t));

    memcpy(&a->data[a->data_used], seq->id1.s, seq->id1.n + 1);
    a->seqs[a->n].id1.s = &a->data[a->data_used];
    a->seqs[a->n].id1.n = seq->id1.n + 1;
    a->data_used += seq->id1.n + 1;

    memcpy(&a->data[a->data_used], seq->seq.s, seq->seq.n + 1);
    a->seqs[a->n].seq.s = &a->data[a->data_used];
    a->seqs[a->n].seq.n = seq->seq.n + 1;
    a->data_used += seq->seq.n + 1;

    memcpy(&a->data[a->data_used], seq->id2.s, seq->id2.n + 1);
    a->seqs[a->n].id2.s = &a->data[a->data_used];
    a->seqs[a->n].id2.n = seq->id2.n + 1;
    a->data_used += seq->id2.n + 1;

    memcpy(&a->data[a->data_used], seq->qual.s, seq->qual.n + 1);
    a->seqs[a->n].qual.s = &a->data[a->data_used];
    a->seqs[a->n].qual.n = seq->qual.n + 1;
    a->data_used += seq->qual.n + 1;


    return true;
Пример #12
/* malloc a buffer or die - via realloc_or_die() */
void *malloc_or_die(size_t size) {
    return realloc_or_die(NULL, size);
Пример #13
static void str_expand(str_t* s)
    s->size *= 2;
    realloc_or_die(s->s, s->size);
    memset(s->s + s->size / 2, '\0', s->size);
Пример #14
segtable* add_segment
   (segtable*	st,
	unspos		pos1,
	unspos		pos2,
	unspos		length,
	score		s,
	int			id)
	u32			newSize;
	size_t		bytesNeeded;
	segment*	seg, *parent;
	segment		tempSeg;
	int			ix, pIx;
	int			tied, stopped;

//	fprintf (stderr, "add " unsposSlashSFmt " " unsposFmt " " scoreFmtSimple "; id %d\n",
//	               pos1+1, "+",
//	               pos2+1, ((id & rcf_rev) != 0)? "-" : "+",
//	               length, s, id);

	// add the segment to the table, enlarging the table if needed, but
	// discarding the segment if it is low-scoring and the table has met its
	// coverage limit

	// if the table is already full and this segment scores less than the
	// lowest score in the table, discard it

	if ((st->len > 0)
	 && (st->coverageLimit != 0)
	 && (st->coverage >= st->coverageLimit)
	 && (s < st->lowScore))
		return st;

	// if there's no room for the new segment, re-allocate

	if (st->len >= st->size)
		newSize     = st->size + 100 + (st->size / 3);
		bytesNeeded = segtable_bytes (newSize);
		if (bytesNeeded > mallocLimit) goto overflow;
		st = (segtable*) realloc_or_die ("add_segment", st, bytesNeeded);
		st->size = newSize;

	// add the segment, by appending it at the end

	seg = &st->seg[st->len++];
	seg->pos1     = pos1;
	seg->pos2     = pos2;
	seg->length   = length;
	seg->s        = s;
	seg->id       = id;
	seg->filter   = false;
	seg->scoreCov = (possum) length;

	st->coverage += length;
	if ((st->len == 1) || (s < st->lowScore)) st->lowScore = s;

	// handle the transition between the two table states
	//	below-the-coverage-limit:  table is kept as a simple list
	//	met-the-coverage-limit:    table is kept as a proper min-heap

	// if this segment leaves us below the limit, we're done

	if ((st->coverageLimit == 0)
	 || (st->coverage < st->coverageLimit))
		return st;

	// if this is the first time we've reached the limit, sort the segments to
	// create a proper min-heap, and add the tied-score information
	// nota bene:  if we reach here, st->coverageLimit > 0 and
	//             st->coverage >= st->coverageLimit

	if (st->coverage - length < st->coverageLimit)
		sort_segments (st, qSegmentsByIncreasingScore);
		record_tie_scores (st);
		#ifdef debugBinaryHeap
		fprintf       (stderr, "\nafter sort:\n");
		dump_segments (stderr, st, NULL, NULL);
		validate_heap (st, "after sort");
		#endif // debugBinaryHeap
		goto prune;

	// maintain the min-heap property

	#ifdef debugBinaryHeap
	//fprintf       (stderr, "\nbefore percolation:\n");
	//dump_segments (stderr, st, NULL, NULL);
	#endif // debugBinaryHeap

	// the rest of the list is a proper min-heap, so percolate the new segment
	// up the tree, while maintaining the tied-score information
	// nota bene:  if we reach here, length >= 2

	tied = false;
	for (ix=st->len-1 ; ix>0 ; )
		pIx    = (ix-1) / 2;
		seg    = &st->seg[ix];
		parent = &st->seg[pIx];

		if (seg->s >= parent->s)
			{ tied = (seg->s == parent->s);  break; }

		// swap this segment with its parent, and adjust old parent's tied-score
		// subheap

		tempSeg = *seg;  *seg = *parent;  *parent = tempSeg;
		record_tie_score (st, ix);

		ix = pIx;

	record_tie_score (st, ix);

	// if the new segment tied an existing score, we must continue to percolate
	// the tied-score info up the tree

	if (tied)
		stopped = false;
		for (ix=(ix-1)/2 ; ix>0 ; ix=(ix-1)/2)
			if (!record_tie_score (st, ix))
				{ stopped = true;  break; }
		if (!stopped) record_tie_score (st, 0);

	#ifdef debugBinaryHeap
	fprintf       (stderr, "\nafter percolation:\n");
	dump_segments (stderr, st, NULL, NULL);
	validate_heap (st, "after percolation");
	#endif // debugBinaryHeap

	// remove low-scoring segments


	// if removing the minimum scoring subheap would bring us below the
	// limit, no pruning is necessary

	if (st->coverage - st->seg[0].scoreCov < st->coverageLimit)
		return st;

	// otherwise, we must remove subheaps as long as doing so leaves us at or
	// above the limit

	while (st->coverage - st->seg[0].scoreCov >= st->coverageLimit)
		s = st->seg[0].s;
		while (st->seg[0].s == s)
			remove_root (st);
			#ifdef debugBinaryHeap
			fprintf       (stderr, "\nafter a pruning:\n");
			dump_segments (stderr, st, NULL, NULL);
			validate_heap (st, "after pruning");
			#endif // debugBinaryHeap

	st->lowScore = st->seg[0].s;

	#ifdef debugBinaryHeap
	fprintf       (stderr, "\nafter pruning:\n");
	dump_segments (stderr, st, NULL, NULL);
	validate_heap (st, "after pruning");
	#endif // debugBinaryHeap

	return st;

// failure exits

#define suggestions " consider using lastz_m40,"                              \
                    " or setting max_malloc_index for a special build,"       \
                    " or raising scoring threshold (--hspthresh or --exact)," \
                    " or break your target sequence into smaller pieces"

	suicidef ("in add_segment()\n"
	          "table size (%s for %s segments) exceeds allocation limit of %s;\n"
	return NULL; // (doesn't get here)
Пример #15
/* malloc a buffer or die - via realloc_or_die() */
void *mallocz_or_die(size_t size) {
    void *ptr= realloc_or_die(NULL, size);
    memset(ptr, 0, size);
    return ptr;
Пример #16
void *tcp_server(void *arg) {
    sock_t *s = (sock_t *) arg;
    int i,fd,try_to_read,received;
    struct tcp_client *clients,*client;
    struct pollfd *pfds = NULL;
    volatile nfds_t nfds;

    nfds = 1;
    pfds = mallocz_or_die(nfds * sizeof(struct pollfd));
    pfds->fd = s->socket;
    pfds->events = POLLIN;
    clients = NULL;
    RELAY_ATOMIC_AND( RECEIVED_STATS.active_connections, 0);
    int rc;
    for (;;) {
        rc = poll(pfds,nfds,CONFIG.polling_interval_ms);
        if (rc == -1) {
            if (rc == EINTR)
            goto out;
        for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
            if (!pfds[i].revents)
            if (pfds[i].fd == s->socket) {
                fd = accept(s->socket, NULL, NULL);
                if (fd == -1) {
                    goto out;
                RELAY_ATOMIC_INCREMENT( RECEIVED_STATS.active_connections, 1 );
                pfds = realloc_or_die(pfds, (nfds + 1) * sizeof(*pfds));
                clients = realloc_or_die(clients,(nfds + 1) * sizeof(*clients));

                clients[nfds].pos = 0;
                clients[nfds].buf = mallocz_or_die(ASYNC_BUFFER_SIZE);
//                WARN("[%d] CREATE %p fd: %d",i,clients[nfds].buf,fd);
                pfds[nfds].fd  = fd;
                pfds[nfds].events = POLLIN;
                pfds[nfds].revents = 0;
            } else {
                client = &clients[i];
                try_to_read = ASYNC_BUFFER_SIZE - client->pos; // try to read as much as possible
                if (try_to_read <= 0) {
                    WARN("disconnecting, try to read: %d, pos: %d", try_to_read, client->pos);
                    goto disconnect;
                received = recv(pfds[i].fd, client->buf + client->pos, try_to_read,0);
                if (received <= 0) {
                    if (received == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK))

//                    WARN("[%d] DESTROY %p %d %d fd: %d vs %d",i,client->buf,client->x,i,pfds[i].fd,client->fd);

                    // shft left
                    memcpy(pfds + i,pfds + i + 1, (nfds - i - 1) * sizeof(struct pollfd));
                    memcpy(clients + i,clients + i + 1, (nfds - i - 1) * sizeof(struct tcp_client));

                    pfds = realloc_or_die(pfds, nfds * sizeof(struct pollfd));
                    clients = realloc_or_die(clients, nfds * sizeof(struct tcp_client));
                    RELAY_ATOMIC_DECREMENT( RECEIVED_STATS.active_connections, 1 );
                client->pos += received;


                if (client->pos < EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE)

                if (EXPECTED(client) > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
                    WARN("received frame (%d) > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE(%d)",EXPECTED(client),MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    goto disconnect;
                if (client->pos >= EXPECTED(client) + EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE) {

                    client->pos -= EXPECTED(client) + EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE;
                    if (client->pos < 0) {
                        WARN("BAD PACKET wrong 'next' position(< 0) pos: %d expected packet size:%d header_size: %d",
                             client->pos, EXPECTED(client),EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE);
                        goto disconnect;
                    if (client->pos > 0) {
                        // [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ D ]
                        //                                                                     ^ pos(12)
                        // after we remove the first packet + header it becomes:
                        // [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ D ]
                        //                           ^ pos (5)
                        // and then we copy from header + data, to position 0, 5 bytes
                        // [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] [ D ]
                        //                           ^ pos (5)
                                client->buf + EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE + EXPECTED(client),
                        if (client->pos >= EXPECTED_HEADER_SIZE)
                            goto try_to_consume_one_more;
    for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
        if (pfds[i].fd != s->socket)
        shutdown(pfds[i].fd, SHUT_RDWR);
Пример #17
static void fastq_expand_str(str_t* s)
    s->size *= 2;
    realloc_or_die(s->s, s->size);