Пример #1
BOOL ReceiveMessageFromNet( SOCK ss, NetMessage *msg, int timeOutMs, BOOL block, const char *caller )
{ BOOL ret = FALSE;
	if( msg && ss != NULLSOCKET ){
	  CritSectEx::Scope scope(ReceiveMutex);
		ret = BasicReceiveNetMessage( ss, msg, sizeof(NetMessage), timeOutMs, block );
		if( ret ){
			if( msg->size != sizeof(NetMessage) || msg->protocol != NETMESSAGE_PROTOCOL ){
							"ReceiveMessageFromNet: ignoring NetMessage with size %hu!=%hu and/or protocol %hu!=%hu",
							msg->size, sizeof(NetMessage), msg->protocol, NETMESSAGE_PROTOCOL );
				ret = FALSE;
			msg->recdTime = HRTime_Time();
			if( msg->sentTime >= 0.0 ){
				cumSendRcvDelay += msg->recdTime - msg->sentTime;
				sendRcvDelays += 1;
			if( errSock ){
				NetMessageToLogMsg( caller, "Receive error)", msg );
				errSock = 0;
	return ret;
void CDirectSerial::CheckErrors() {
	DWORD errors=0;
	// check for errors
	if (ClearCommError (hCom, &errors, NULL))
		if (errors & (CE_BREAK | CE_FRAME | CE_RXPARITY)) {
			Bit8u errreg = 0;
			if (errors & CE_BREAK) errreg |= LSR_RX_BREAK_MASK;
			if (errors & CE_FRAME) errreg |= LSR_FRAMING_ERROR_MASK;
			if (errors & CE_RXPARITY) errreg |= LSR_PARITY_ERROR_MASK;
			receiveError (errreg);
Пример #3
 * @short KLAid constructor
 * @author Rene Schmidt <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 0.1
KLAid::KLAid(QWidget * parent) : KMainWindow(0, "KLAid")

  // Create DOM parser and connect signals;
  _dom = new DomParser;
  QObject::connect(_dom, SIGNAL(error(uint)), parent, SLOT(receiveError(uint)));
  // Create timer and connect slot
  _timer = new QTimer();
  QObject::connect(_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popMark()));

void CDirectSerial::RXBufferEmpty () {
	ULONG dwRead;
	Bit8u chRead;
	USHORT errors = 0;
	ULONG ulParmLen = sizeof(errors);

	if (lastChance > 0) {
		receiveByte (ChanceChar);
		lastChance = 0;
	} else {
		// update RX
		if (DosRead (hCom, &chRead, 1, &dwRead) != NO_ERROR) {
			if (dwRead != 0) {
				//LOG_MSG("UART 0x%x: RX 0x%x", base,chRead);
				receiveByte (chRead);
	// check for errors
	Bit8u errreg = 0;
	APIRET rc = DosDevIOCtl(hCom, IOCTL_ASYNC, ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR, 0, 0, 0, &errors, ulParmLen, &ulParmLen);
	if (rc != NO_ERROR && errors)
		if (errors & 8) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: framing error.", base);
		if (errors & 4) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: parity error.", base);
	errors = 0;
	rc = DosDevIOCtl(hCom, IOCTL_ASYNC, ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT, 0, 0, 0, &errors, ulParmLen, &ulParmLen);
	if (rc != NO_ERROR && errors)
		if (errors & 6) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: break received.", base);
			errreg |= LSR_RX_BREAK_MASK;
	if (errreg != 0)
		receiveError (errreg);

Пример #5
void ClientInvade::receiveOrder(QJsonObject json) {
	if( !isOrderValid(json) ) {

	QString method = json["method"].toString();
	QJsonObject parameters = json["parameters"].toObject();

	qDebug() << "<" << method << parameters;

	if( method == "refresh" ) {
	} else if( method == "error" ) {
	} else if( method == "requestNewGame" ) {
const txXPathNode*
txExecutionState::retrieveDocument(const nsAString& aUri)
    NS_ASSERTION(aUri.FindChar(PRUnichar('#')) == kNotFound,
                 "Remove the fragment.");

    if (mDisableLoads) {
        return nsnull;

    PR_LOG(txLog::xslt, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
           ("Retrieve Document %s", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(aUri).get()));

    // try to get already loaded document
    txLoadedDocumentEntry *entry = mLoadedDocuments.PutEntry(aUri);
    if (!entry) {
        return nsnull;

    if (!entry->mDocument) {
        // open URI
        nsAutoString errMsg;
        // XXX we should get the loader from the actual node
        // triggering the load, but this will do for the time being
        nsresult rv;
        rv = txParseDocumentFromURI(aUri, *mLoadedDocuments.mSourceDocument,

        if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !entry->mDocument) {
            receiveError(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Couldn't load document '") +
                         aUri + NS_LITERAL_STRING("': ") + errMsg, rv);

            return nsnull;

    return entry->mDocument;
Пример #7
const txXPathNode*
txExecutionState::retrieveDocument(const nsAString& aUri)
                 "Remove the fragment.");

    if (mDisableLoads) {
        return nullptr;

    MOZ_LOG(txLog::xslt, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("Retrieve Document %s", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(aUri).get()));

    // try to get already loaded document
    txLoadedDocumentEntry *entry = mLoadedDocuments.PutEntry(aUri);
    if (!entry) {
        return nullptr;

    if (!entry->mDocument && !entry->LoadingFailed()) {
        // open URI
        nsAutoString errMsg;
        // XXX we should get the loader from the actual node
        // triggering the load, but this will do for the time being
        entry->mLoadResult =
            txParseDocumentFromURI(aUri, *mLoadedDocuments.mSourceDocument,
                                   errMsg, getter_Transfers(entry->mDocument));

        if (entry->LoadingFailed()) {
            receiveError(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Couldn't load document '") +
                         aUri + NS_LITERAL_STRING("': ") + errMsg,

    return entry->mDocument;
Пример #8
void ChatService::listen(){
    connect(mUdpService, SIGNAL(receiveError(QString)), this, SIGNAL(receiveError(QString)));
    connect(mUdpService, SIGNAL(receiveSuccess(QHostAddress,quint16,ChatMessage)), this, SIGNAL(receiveSuccess(QHostAddress,quint16,ChatMessage)));
    connect(mUdpService, SIGNAL(sendError(QUuid,QString)), this, SIGNAL(sendError(QUuid,QString)));
    connect(mUdpService, SIGNAL(sendSuccess(QUuid)), this, SIGNAL(sendSuccess(QUuid)));
Пример #9
// コンストラクタ
Terminal::Terminal(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_ds(this){
	// 変数初期化
	// GUIを作成

	// GUI各部の制御クラスを作成
	m_console = new TerminalConsole(m_ui.ConsoleInput, m_ui.ConsoleOutput, m_ui.ConsoleClear);
	m_info = new TerminalInfo(m_ui.StatusBar, m_ui.InfoIconDevice, m_ui.InfoLabelName, m_ui.InfoLabelVersion,
		m_ui.InfoButtonReboot, m_ui.InfoButtonConnect, m_ui.InfoButtonDisconnect);
	m_access = new TerminalAccess(m_ui.ProcessorInput, m_ui.ProcessorOpen, m_ui.ProcessorWrite, m_ui.ProcessorRead,
		m_ui.BitstreamInput, m_ui.BitstreamOpen, m_ui.BitstreamSend, m_ui.BitstreamWrite,
		m_ui.CoprocessorInput, m_ui.CoprocessorOpen, m_ui.CoprocessorSend, m_ui.CoprocessorWrite);
	m_controller = new TerminalController(this, m_ui.ControllerShow);
	m_logger = new TerminalLogger(m_ui.LoggerCheckUse, m_ui.LoggerGraph, m_ui.LoggerButtonAdd, m_ui.LoggerButtonRemove, m_ui.LoggerList, m_ui.LoggerSaveList,
		m_ui.LoggerLabel, m_ui.LoggerStart, m_ui.LoggerStop, m_ui.LoggerSave);
	m_pipe = new TerminalPipe(m_ui.PipeTable);
	m_file = new TerminalFile(m_ui.FileTree, m_ui.FileProgress);

	// ファイラータブのツールボックスにアイコンを設定
	QFileIconProvider icon_provider;
	m_ui.FilerToolBox->setItemIcon(0, icon_provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::Network));
	m_ui.FilerToolBox->setItemIcon(1, icon_provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::Drive));

	// 非同期操作用のスレッドを作成
	m_thread = new QThread(this);
	m_async = new TerminalAsync(&m_ds);
	// シグナルを接続
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableConsole(bool)), m_console, SLOT(enable(bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableInfo(bool, bool)), m_info, SLOT(enable(bool, bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableAccess(char, bool, bool, bool, bool)), m_access, SLOT(enable(char, bool, bool, bool, bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableFileTree(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)), m_file, SLOT(enable(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableController(bool, bool, bool)), m_controller, SLOT(enable(bool, bool, bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(enableLogger(bool, bool, bool)), m_logger, SLOT(enable(bool, bool, bool)));

	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(showWarningConst(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)), this, SLOT(showWarningConst(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(sendProgress(int)), m_info, SLOT(setProgress(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(setExclusiveState(bool)), &m_ds, SLOT(setExclusiveState(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_console, SIGNAL(send(const QString &)), this, SLOT(transmitDebug(const QString &)));
	connect(m_info, SIGNAL(changeConnection(const std::wstring *, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(changeConnection(const std::wstring *, bool, bool)));
	connect(m_info, SIGNAL(rebootRequest(const wchar_t *)), &m_ds, SLOT(changeBootMode(const wchar_t *)));
	connect(m_access, SIGNAL(operation(char, std::wstring *)), m_async, SLOT(onAccessOperation(char, std::wstring *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	//connect(m_controller, SIGNAL(operation(const Controller_t &)), &m_ds, SLOT(setController(const Controller_t &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(updateRequest(const std::wstring &)), m_ds.m_dsDir, SLOT(updateRequest(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(moveRequest(const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &)), m_ds.m_dsDir, SLOT(moveRequest(const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(copyRequest(const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &)), m_ds.m_dsDir, SLOT(copyRequest(const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(deleteRequest(const std::wstring &)), m_ds.m_dsDir, SLOT(deleteRequest(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(mkdirRequest(const std::wstring &)), m_ds.m_dsDir, SLOT(mkdirRequest(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(transfarToDevice(std::wstring *, std::wstring *)), m_async, SLOT(transfarToDevice(std::wstring *, std::wstring *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_file, SIGNAL(transfarFromDevice(std::wstring *, std::wstring *)), m_async, SLOT(transfarFromDevice(std::wstring *, std::wstring *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_logger, SIGNAL(sendLoggingList(char *, unsigned int)), m_async, SLOT(setLoggingList(char *, unsigned int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(sendLog(unsigned short *, unsigned int)), m_logger, SLOT(receiveLog(unsigned short *, unsigned int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(sendLoggingError()), m_logger, SLOT(receiveError()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_controller, SIGNAL(setControllerState(ControllerState_t *)), m_async, SLOT(setControllerState(ControllerState_t *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(m_async, SIGNAL(requestControllerState()), m_controller, SLOT(requestControllerState()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(setDebugText(QString &)), m_info, SLOT(setDebugText(QString &)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(sendProgress(int)), m_info, SLOT(setProgress(int)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(setLogInfo(const std::wstring &)), m_logger, SLOT(setLogInfo(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(changeConnection(const std::wstring *, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(changeConnection(const std::wstring *, bool, bool)));
	connect(&m_ds, SIGNAL(updateWidgetsInfo()), this, SLOT(updateWidgetsInfo()));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsPipe, SIGNAL(clearPipe()), m_pipe, SLOT(clearPipe()));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsPipe, SIGNAL(addPipe(const wchar_t *, int, int, const wchar_t *)), m_pipe, SLOT(addPipe(const wchar_t *, int, int, const wchar_t *)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(initTree(const std::wstring &)), m_file, SLOT(initTree(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(addDrive(char, const std::wstring &, bool, unsigned long long)), m_file, SLOT(addDrive(char, const std::wstring &, bool, unsigned long long)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(changeDriveStatus(char, unsigned long long)), m_file, SLOT(changeDriveStatus(char, unsigned long long)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(moveToItem(const std::wstring &)), m_file, SLOT(moveToItem(const std::wstring &)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(addItem(const std::wstring &, unsigned long long, bool, unsigned int)), m_file, SLOT(addItem(const std::wstring &, unsigned long long, bool, unsigned int)));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsDir, SIGNAL(moveUp()), m_file, SLOT(moveUp()));
	connect(m_ds.m_dsFile, SIGNAL(changeFile(std::wstring *, unsigned long long)), m_file, SLOT(changeFile(std::wstring *, unsigned long long)), Qt::QueuedConnection);



	// タイマーを作成
	QTimer *interval = new QTimer(this);
    connect(interval, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onInterval()));
	connect(interval, SIGNAL(timeout()), m_logger, SLOT(update()));

	// ウィジェットを初期状態に
	m_info->enable(false, false);
	m_access->enable('P', false);
	m_access->enable('B', false);
	m_access->enable('C', false);

	// 前回の設定の読み込み
	int maximized = 0;
	clINI setting;
	if (setting.Open(g_ApplicationDir.c_str(), L"setting.ini") == true){
		// パスの読み込み
		wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH];
		setting.Read(L"Path", L"Processor", buf);
		m_access->setPath('P', buf);
		setting.Read(L"Path", L"Bitstream", buf);
		m_access->setPath('B', buf);
		setting.Read(L"Path", L"Coprocessor", buf);
		m_access->setPath('C', buf);

		// 設定の読み込み
		int baudrate = m_info->getBaudrate();
		setting.Read(L"Setting", L"Baudrate", baudrate);

		// ウィンドウ座標・サイズの読み込み
		int pos_x, pos_y, size_w, size_h;
		setting.Read(L"Window", L"Maximize", maximized);
		setting.Read(L"Window", L"PosX", pos_x);
		setting.Read(L"Window", L"PosY", pos_y);
		setting.Read(L"Window", L"SizeW", size_w);
		setting.Read(L"Window", L"SizeH", size_h);
		pos_x -= 500000;
		pos_y -= 500000;
		size_w -= 500000;
		size_h -= 500000;
		if ((abs(pos_x) <= 32767) && (abs(pos_y) <= 32767)) this->move(pos_x, pos_y);
		if ((abs(size_w) <= 32767) && (abs(size_h) <= 32767)) this->resize(size_w, size_h);

	// 非同期操作用スレッドを開始

	// タイマーの精度を高める

	// ウィンドウを表示
	if (maximized == 0){
void CDirectSerial::Timer2(void) {
	ULONG dwRead = 0;
	USHORT errors = 0;
	Bit8u chRead = 0;
	ULONG ulParmLen = sizeof(errors);

	if (lastChance == 0) {		// lastChance = 0
		if (CanReceiveByte ()) {
			if (DosRead (hCom, &chRead, 1, &dwRead)) {
				if (dwRead)
					receiveByte (chRead);
		} else {
			if (DosRead (hCom, &chRead, 1, &dwRead)) {
				if (dwRead) {
					ChanceChar = chRead;
	} else if (lastChance > 10) {
		receiveByte (0);						// this causes RX Overrun now
		lastChance = 0;
		// empty serial buffer
		dwRead = 1;
		while (dwRead > 0) {				// throw away bytes in buffer
			DosRead (hCom, &chRead, 1, &dwRead);
	} else {			// lastChance>0    // already one waiting
		if (CanReceiveByte ()) {		// chance used
			receiveByte (ChanceChar);
			lastChance = 0;
		} else

	// check for errors
	Bit8u errreg = 0;
	APIRET rc = DosDevIOCtl(hCom, IOCTL_ASYNC, ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR, 0, 0, 0, &errors, ulParmLen, &ulParmLen);
	if (rc != NO_ERROR && errors)
		if (errors & 8) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: framing error.", base);
		if (errors & 4) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: parity error.", base);
	errors = 0;
	rc = DosDevIOCtl(hCom, IOCTL_ASYNC, ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT, 0, 0, 0, &errors, ulParmLen, &ulParmLen);
	if (rc != NO_ERROR && errors)
		if (errors & 6) {
			LOG_MSG ("Serial port at 0x%x: line error: break received.", base);
			errreg |= LSR_RX_BREAK_MASK;
	if (errreg != 0)
		receiveError (errreg);
	// update Modem input line states
	updateMSR ();
Пример #11
    QObject::connect(&socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveData()));
    QObject::connect(&socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(receiveError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));