int main(int argc, char** argv){ int sockListen, errorIndicator; int maxClientFd; int i, j; struct sockaddr_in myaddr; struct sockaddr addrBind; struct in_addr inAddr; fd_set fdSetRead, fdSetWrite; struct timeval timeout = { 60, 0 }; int h; int port; if (argc < 4 || argc > 5){ printf(ILLEGAL_ARGS); exit(1); } for (j = 1; j < 4; j++){ sscanf(argv[j], "%d", &h); game.heaps[j - 1] = h; } if (argc == 5) sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &port); else port = DEFAULT_PORT; game.valid = 1; = -1; //game.numOfPlayers = p; game.msg = 0; //game.moveCount = 0; // Set listner. accepting only in main loop sockListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); checkForNegativeValue(sockListen, "socket", sockListen); addrBind.sa_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_port = htons(port); inAddr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); myaddr.sin_addr = inAddr; errorIndicator = myBind(sockListen, &myaddr, sizeof(addrBind)); checkForNegativeValue(errorIndicator, "bind", sockListen); errorIndicator = listen(sockListen, 2); checkForNegativeValue(errorIndicator, "listen", sockListen); while (1){ // clear set and add listner maxClientFd = sockListen; FD_ZERO(&fdSetRead); FD_ZERO(&fdSetWrite); FD_SET(sockListen, &fdSetRead); // add all clients to fdSetRead for (i = 0; i < conPlayers; i++){ FD_SET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetRead); if (strlen(ClientsQueue[i].writeBuf) > 0){ FD_SET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetWrite); } if (ClientsQueue[i].fd > maxClientFd) maxClientFd = ClientsQueue[i].fd; } // TODO: need to add timeout select(maxClientFd + 1, &fdSetRead, &fdSetWrite, NULL, &timeout); if (FD_ISSET(sockListen, &fdSetRead)){ int fdCurr = accept(sockListen, (struct sockaddr*)NULL, NULL); checkForNegativeValue(fdCurr, "accept", fdCurr); if (fdCurr >= 0){ if ((conPlayers) == 2) SendCantConnectToClient(fdCurr); else addClientToQueue(fdCurr); } } // Service all the sockets with input pending. for (i = 0; i < conPlayers; ++i){ if (FD_ISSET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetRead)){ errorIndicator = receiveFromClient(i); if (errorIndicator < 0){ close(ClientsQueue[i].fd); notifyOnDisconnectionToPlayer(i); } else if (errorIndicator == 1){ handleReadBuf(i); } } if (FD_ISSET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetWrite)){ errorIndicator = sendToClient(i); if (errorIndicator < 0){ close(ClientsQueue[i].fd); notifyOnDisconnectionToPlayer(i); } } } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ int sockListen, errorIndicator; int maxClientFd; int i; struct sockaddr_in myaddr; struct sockaddr addrBind; struct in_addr inAddr; /*struct socklen_t *addrlen;*/ /*char buf[MSG_SIZE];*/ fd_set fdSetRead, fdSetWrite; int M, port, p; /*struct clientMsg clientMove;*/ /*Region input Check*/ if(argc<=3 || argc>=6){ //printf("Illegal arguments\n"); exit(1); } sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&p); /*//printf("argv[1] %s\n", argv[2]);*/ sscanf(argv[2],"%d",&M); if( strcmp(argv[3],"0") ==0 ){ game.isMisere =0; } else if(strcmp(argv[3],"1") ==0 ){ game.isMisere=1; } else{ //printf("Illegal arguments. Misere should be 0/1\n"); exit(1); } if(argc==5){ sscanf(argv[4],"%d",&port); } else{ port =6325; } game.heapA = M; game.heapB = M; game.heapC = M; game.heapD = M; game.valid=1; = -1; game.numOfPlayers = p; game.msg = 0; game.moveCount = 0; /*//printf("Set all arguments, start server\n");*/ // Set listner. accepting only in main loop sockListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); checkForNegativeValue(sockListen, "socket", sockListen); /*//printf("Succesfully got a socket number: %d\n", sockListen);*/ addrBind.sa_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_port = htons(port); inAddr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY ); myaddr.sin_addr = inAddr; errorIndicator=myBind(sockListen, &myaddr, sizeof(addrBind)); checkForNegativeValue(errorIndicator, "bind", sockListen); /*//printf("Succesfully binded %d\n", sock);*/ errorIndicator=listen(sockListen, 9); checkForNegativeValue(errorIndicator, "listen", sockListen); /*//printf("Succesfully started listening: %d\n", sock);*/ while(1){ // clear set and add listner maxClientFd = sockListen; FD_ZERO(&fdSetRead); FD_ZERO(&fdSetWrite); FD_SET(sockListen, &fdSetRead); //printf("listening socket is:%d\n",sockListen); // add all clients to fdSetRead //printf("clients to add. players:%d, viewers:%d\n",conPlayers,conViewers); for(i=0 ; i< conViewers + conPlayers ; i++){ //printf("Adding fd:%d to read\n",ClientsQueue[i].fd); FD_SET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetRead); if(strlen(ClientsQueue[i].writeBuf) > 0){ //printf("Adding fd:%d to write\n",ClientsQueue[i].fd); FD_SET(ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetWrite); } else{ //printf("ClientsQueue[i].writeBuf = %s\n",ClientsQueue[i].writeBuf); } if(ClientsQueue[i].fd > maxClientFd) { maxClientFd = ClientsQueue[i].fd; } } // TODO: need to add timeout //printf("Select...\n"); select(maxClientFd+1, &fdSetRead, &fdSetWrite, NULL, NULL); //printf("Exit select...fdReady = %d\n",fdready); // //printf("%s...\n",strerror(errno)); if (FD_ISSET (sockListen, &fdSetRead)) { //printf("Reading from sock listen\n"); int fdCurr = accept(sockListen, (struct sockaddr*)NULL, NULL ); checkForNegativeValue(fdCurr, "accept", fdCurr); if(fdCurr >= 0){ //printf("Got a valid FD after accept, fd:%d\n",fdCurr); if( (conViewers + conPlayers) == 9){ // too much connected clients. sending "can't connect" to client SendCantConnectToClient(fdCurr); } else if(conPlayers == p){ // max amount of players. new client is a viewer //printf("new client is a viewer: fd:%d\n",fdCurr); addClientToQueue(fdCurr, 0); } else{ // new client is a player //printf("new client is a player: fd:%d\n",fdCurr); addClientToQueue(fdCurr, 1); } } } /* Service all the sockets with input pending. */ for (i = 0; i < conPlayers+conViewers; ++i){ //printf("checking: i=%d, fd=%d\n", i, ClientsQueue[i].fd); if (FD_ISSET (ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetRead)){ //printf("sock %d is ready for read\n", ClientsQueue[i].fd); errorIndicator = receiveFromClient(i); if(errorIndicator < 0){ close(ClientsQueue[i].fd); delClientFromQueue(ClientsQueue[i].fd); } else if(errorIndicator == 1){ //printf("handling received data\n"); handleReadBuf(i); } } if (FD_ISSET (ClientsQueue[i].fd, &fdSetWrite)){ //printf("sock %d is ready for write\n", ClientsQueue[i].fd); errorIndicator = sendToClient(i); if(errorIndicator < 0){ close(ClientsQueue[i].fd); delClientFromQueue(ClientsQueue[i].fd); } } } } }