 *  recogaCreateFromPixaa()
 *      Input:  paa (of labelled, 1 bpp images)
 *              scalew  (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
 *              scaleh  (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
 *              templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
 *              threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
 *              maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
 *      Return: recoga, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is a convenience function for training from labelled data.
 *      (2) Each pixa in the paa is a set of labelled data that is used
 *          to train a recognizer (e.g., for a set of characters in a font).
 *          Each image DC in the pixa is put into a class in its
 *          recognizer, defined by its character label.  All examples in
 *          the same class should be similar.
 *      (3) The pixaa can be written by recogaWritePixaa(), and must contain
 *          the unscaled bitmaps used for training.
recogaCreateFromPixaa(PIXAA       *paa,
                      l_int32      scalew,
                      l_int32      scaleh,
                      l_int32      templ_type,
                      l_int32      threshold,
                      l_int32      maxyshift)
l_int32    n, i, full;
L_RECOG   *recog;
L_RECOGA  *recoga;
PIXA      *pixa;


    if (!paa)
        return (L_RECOGA *)ERROR_PTR("paa not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixaaVerifyDepth(paa, NULL) != 1)
        return (L_RECOGA *)ERROR_PTR("all pix not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    pixaaIsFull(paa, &full);
    if (!full)
        return (L_RECOGA *)ERROR_PTR("all pix not present", procName, NULL);

    n = pixaaGetCount(paa, NULL);
    recoga = recogaCreate(n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(paa, i, L_CLONE);
        recog = recogCreateFromPixa(pixa, scalew, scaleh, templ_type,
                                    threshold, maxyshift);
        recogaAddRecog(recoga, recog);

    return recoga;
Пример #2
 * \brief   recogCreateFromRecog()
 * \param[in]    recs source recog with arbitrary input parameters
 * \param[in]    scalew  scale all widths to this; use 0 otherwise
 * \param[in]    scaleh  scale all heights to this; use 0 otherwise
 * \param[in]    linew   width of normalized strokes; use 0 to skip
 * \param[in]    threshold for binarization; typically ~128
 * \param[in]    maxyshift from nominal centroid alignment; default is 1
 * \return  recd, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This is a convenience function that generates a recog using
 *          the unscaled training data in an existing recog.
 *      (2) It is recommended to use %maxyshift = 1 (the default value)
 *      (3) See recogCreate() for use of %scalew, %scaleh and %linew.
 * </pre>
recogCreateFromRecog(L_RECOG     *recs,
                     l_int32      scalew,
                     l_int32      scaleh,
                     l_int32      linew,
                     l_int32      threshold,
                     l_int32      maxyshift)
L_RECOG  *recd;
PIXA     *pixa;


    if (!recs)
        return (L_RECOG *)ERROR_PTR("recs not defined", procName, NULL);

    pixa = recogExtractPixa(recs);
    recd = recogCreateFromPixa(pixa, scalew, scaleh, linew, threshold,
    return recd;
 *  recogCreateFromRecog()
 *      Input:  recs (source recog with arbitrary input parameters)
 *              scalew  (scale all widths to this; use 0 for no scaling)
 *              scaleh  (scale all heights to this; use 0 for no scaling)
 *              templ_type (L_USE_AVERAGE or L_USE_ALL)
 *              threshold (for binarization; typically ~128)
 *              maxyshift (from nominal centroid alignment; typically 0 or 1)
 *      Return: recd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is a convenience function that generates a recog using
 *          the unscaled training data in an existing recog.
recogCreateFromRecog(L_RECOG     *recs,
                     l_int32      scalew,
                     l_int32      scaleh,
                     l_int32      templ_type,
                     l_int32      threshold,
                     l_int32      maxyshift)
L_RECOG  *recd;
PIXA     *pixa;


    if (!recs)
        return (L_RECOG *)ERROR_PTR("recs not defined", procName, NULL);

    pixa = pixaaFlattenToPixa(recs->pixaa_u, NULL, L_CLONE);
    recd = recogCreateFromPixa(pixa, scalew, scaleh, templ_type, threshold,
    return recd;
Пример #4
l_int32 main(int    argc,
             char **argv)
char      *boxatxt;
l_int32    i;
BOXA      *boxa1, *boxa2, *boxa3;
BOXAA     *baa, *baa1;
NUMAA     *naa1;
PIX       *pixdb, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;
PIXA      *pixa1, *pixa2, *pixa3, *pixat;
L_RECOG   *recog;
L_RECOGA  *recoga;
SARRAY    *sa1;

    /* ----- Example identifying samples using training data ----- */
#if 1
        /* Read the training data */
    pixat = pixaRead("recog/sets/train06.pa");
    recog = recogCreateFromPixa(pixat, 0, 0, L_USE_ALL, 128, 1);
    recoga = recogaCreateFromRecog(recog);

        /* Read the data from all samples */
    pix1 = pixRead("recog/sets/samples06.png");
    boxatxt = pixGetText(pix1);
    boxa1 = boxaReadMem((l_uint8 *)boxatxt, strlen(boxatxt));
    pixa1 = pixaCreateFromBoxa(pix1, boxa1, NULL);
    pixDestroy(&pix1);  /* destroys boxa1 */

        /* Identify components in the sample data */
    pixa2 = pixaCreate(0);
    pixa3 = pixaCreate(0);
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
/*        if (i != 4) continue; */  /* dots form separate boxa */
/*        if (i != 8) continue; */  /* broken 2 in '24' */
        pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa1, i, L_CLONE);

            /* Show the 2d box data in the sample */
        boxa2 = pixConnComp(pix1, NULL, 8);
        baa = boxaSort2d(boxa2, NULL, 6, 6, 5);
        pix2 = boxaaDisplay(baa, 3, 1, 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0, 0);
        pixaAddPix(pixa3, pix2, L_INSERT);

            /* Get the numbers in the sample */
        recogaIdentifyMultiple(recoga, pix1, 0, 5, 3, &boxa3, NULL, &pixdb, 0);
        sa1 = recogaExtractNumbers(recoga, boxa3, 0.7, -1, &baa1, &naa1);
        sarrayWriteStream(stderr, sa1);
        boxaaWriteStream(stderr, baa1);
        numaaWriteStream(stderr, naa1);
        pixaAddPix(pixa2, pixdb, L_INSERT);
/*        pixaWrite("/tmp/pixa.pa", pixa2); */

    pix3 = pixaDisplayLinearly(pixa2, L_VERT, 1.0, 0, 20, 1, NULL);
    pixWrite("/tmp/pix3.png", pix3, IFF_PNG);
    pix4 = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa3, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2);
    pixDisplay(pix4, 500, 0);
    pixWrite("/tmp/pix4.png", pix4, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;