Пример #1
void WizNoteManager::downloadTemplatePurchaseRecord()
    WizExecuteOnThread(WIZ_THREAD_NETWORK, [=]() {
        QNetworkAccessManager manager;
        QString url = WizCommonApiEntry::asServerUrl() + "/a/templates/record?token=" + WizToken::token();
//        qDebug() << "get templates record from url : " << url;
        QByteArray ba;
            QNetworkReply* reply = manager.get(QNetworkRequest(url));
            WizAutoTimeOutEventLoop loop(reply);
            if (loop.error() != QNetworkReply::NoError || loop.result().isEmpty())

            ba = loop.result();
            QString jsonFile = Utils::WizPathResolve::wizTemplatePurchaseRecordFile();
            std::ofstream recordFile(jsonFile.toUtf8().constData(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
            recordFile << ba.constData();
Пример #2
bool ImportFile::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
    if (GetFocusWidget()->keyPressEvent(event))
        return true;

    bool handled = false;
    QStringList actions;
    handled = GetMythMainWindow()->TranslateKeyPress("Archive", event, actions);

    for (int i = 0; i < actions.size() && !handled; i++)
        QString action = actions[i];
        handled = true;

        if (action == "MENU")
        else if (action == "PLAY")
        else if (action == "RECORD")
        else if (action == "EDIT")
        else if (action == "INFO")
            handled = false;

    if (!handled && MythScreenType::keyPressEvent(event))
        handled = true;

    return handled;
Пример #3
void checkFileAreas(const std::string& datadir, bool verbose) {
  vector<directoryrec> directories;
    DataFile<directoryrec> file(datadir, DIRS_DAT);
    if (!file) {
      // TODO(rushfan): show error?
    if (!file.ReadVector(directories)) {
      // TODO(rushfan): show error?

  LOG(INFO) << "Checking " << directories.size() << " directories.";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < directories.size(); i++) {
    if (!(directories[i].mask & mask_cdrom) && !(directories[i].mask & mask_offline)) {
      File dir(directories[i].path);
      if (checkDirExists(dir, directories[i].name)) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Checking directory: " << directories[i].name;
        string filename = StrCat(directories[i].filename, ".dir");
        File recordFile(datadir, filename);
        if (recordFile.Exists()) {
          if (!recordFile.Open(File::modeReadWrite | File::modeBinary)) {
            LOG(INFO) << "Unable to open:" << recordFile.full_pathname();
          } else {
            unsigned int numFiles = recordFile.GetLength() / sizeof(uploadsrec);
            uploadsrec upload;
            recordFile.Read(&upload, sizeof(uploadsrec));
            if (upload.numbytes != numFiles) {
              LOG(INFO) << "Corrected # of files in: " << directories[i].name;
              upload.numbytes = numFiles;
              recordFile.Seek(0L, File::seekBegin);
              recordFile.Write(&upload, sizeof(uploadsrec));
            if (numFiles >= 1) {
              ext_desc_rec *extDesc = nullptr;
              unsigned int recNo = 0;
              string filenameExt = directories[i].filename;
              File extDescFile(datadir, filenameExt);
              if (extDescFile.Exists()) {
                if (extDescFile.Open(File::modeReadWrite | File::modeBinary)) {
                  extDesc = (ext_desc_rec *)malloc(numFiles * sizeof(ext_desc_rec));
                  size_t offs = 0;
                  while (offs < (unsigned long)extDescFile.GetLength() && recNo < numFiles) {
                    ext_desc_type ed;
                    extDescFile.Seek(offs, File::seekBegin);
                    if (extDescFile.Read(&ed, sizeof(ext_desc_type)) == sizeof(ext_desc_type)) {
                      strcpy(extDesc[recNo].name, ed.name);
                      extDesc[recNo].offset = offs;
                      offs += ed.len + sizeof(ext_desc_type);
              for (size_t fileNo = 1; fileNo < numFiles; fileNo++) {
                bool modified = false;
                recordFile.Seek(sizeof(uploadsrec) * fileNo, File::seekBegin);
                recordFile.Read(&upload, sizeof(uploadsrec));
                bool extDescFound = false;
                for (unsigned int desc = 0; desc < recNo; desc++) {
                  if (strcmp(upload.filename, extDesc[desc].name) == 0) {
                    extDescFound = true;
                if (extDescFound && ((upload.mask & mask_extended) == 0)) {
                  upload.mask |= mask_extended;
                  modified = true;
                  LOG(INFO) << "Fixed (added) extended description for: " << upload.filename;
                } else if (!extDescFound && (upload.mask & mask_extended)) {
                  upload.mask &= ~mask_extended;
                  modified = true;
                  LOG(INFO) << "Fixed (removed) extended description for: " << upload.filename;
                File file(directories[i].path, Unalign(upload.filename));
                if (strlen(upload.filename) > 0 && file.Exists()) {
                  if (file.Open(File::modeReadOnly | File::modeBinary)) {
                    if (verbose) {
                      LOG(INFO) << "Checking file: " << file.full_pathname();
                    if (upload.numbytes != (unsigned long)file.GetLength()) {
                      upload.numbytes = file.GetLength();
                      modified = true;
                      LOG(INFO) << "Fixed file size for: " << upload.filename;
                  } else {
                    LOG(INFO) << "Unable to open file '" << file.full_pathname()
                      << "', error:" << file.GetLastError();
								if (modified) {
									recordFile.Seek(sizeof(uploadsrec) * fileNo, File::seekBegin);
									recordFile.Write(&upload, sizeof(uploadsrec));
							if (extDesc != nullptr) {
                extDesc = nullptr;
				} else {
          LOG(INFO) << "Directory '" << directories[i].name
            << "' missing file: " << recordFile.full_pathname();
		} else if (directories[i].mask & mask_offline) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Skipping directory '" << directories[i].name << "' [OFFLINE]";
		} else if (directories[i].mask & mask_cdrom) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Skipping directory '" << directories[i].name << "' [CDROM]";
		} else {
      LOG(INFO) << "Skipping directory '" << directories[i].name << "' [UNKNOWN MASK]";
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;

    std::string description = std::string("Compute the clique scores for a Markov network from a csv file.  Example usage: ") + argv[0] + " iris.csv iris.css";
    po::options_description desc(description);

            ("input", po::value<std::string > (&inputFile)->required(), "The input file. First positional argument.")
            ("output", po::value<std::string > (&outputFile)->required(), "The output file. Second positional argument.")
            ("delimiter,d", po::value<char> (&delimiter)->required()->default_value(','), "The delimiter of the input file.")
            ("constraints,c", po::value<std::string > (&constraintsFile), "The file specifying constraints on the scores. Constraints are currently unsupported.")
            ("rMin,m", po::value<int> (&rMin)->default_value(5), "The minimum number of records in the AD-tree nodes.")
            ("function,f", po::value<std::string > (&sf)->default_value("BDeu"), "The scoring function to use.")
            ("sfArgument,a", po::value<std::string> (&sfArgument)->default_value("1.0"), "The equivalent sample size, if BDeu is used.")
            ("maxClique,m", po::value<int> (&maxClique)->default_value(0), "The maximum number of variables in any clique (inclusive). A value less than 1 means no limit.")
            ("threads,t", po::value<int> (&threadCount)->default_value(1), "The number of separate threads to use for score calculations.  Multi-threading is currently unsupported.")
            ("time,r", po::value<int> (&runningTime)->default_value(-1), "The maximum amount of time to use. A value less than 1 means no limit.")
            ("hasHeader,s", "Add this flag if the first line of the input file gives the variable names.")
            ("help,h", "Show this help message.")

    po::positional_options_description positionalOptions;
    positionalOptions.add("input", 1);
    positionalOptions.add("output", 1);

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc)

    if (vm.count("help") || argc == 1) {
        std::cout << desc;
        return 0;


    hasHeader = vm.count("hasHeader");

    // no multithreading right now
    threadCount = 1;
    if (threadCount < 1) {
        threadCount = 1;

    printf("URLearning, Markov Network Score Calculator\n");
    printf("Input file: '%s'\n", inputFile.c_str());
    printf("Output file: '%s'\n", outputFile.c_str());
    printf("Delimiter: '%c'\n", delimiter);
    printf("Constraints file: '%s'\n", constraintsFile.c_str());
    printf("r_min: '%d'\n", rMin);
    printf("Scoring function: '%s'\n", sf.c_str());
    printf("Scoring function argument: '%s'\n", sfArgument.c_str());
    printf("Maximum clique size: '%d'\n", maxClique);
    printf("Threads: '%d'\n", threadCount);
    printf("Running time (per variable): '%d'\n", runningTime);
    printf("Has header: '%s'\n", (hasHeader ? "true" : "false"));

    printf("Parsing input file.\n");
    datastructures::RecordFile recordFile(inputFile, delimiter, hasHeader);

    printf("Initializing data specifications.\n");

    printf("Creating AD-tree.\n");
    scoring::ADTree *adTree = new scoring::ADTree(rMin);
    adTree->initialize(network, recordFile);

    if (maxClique > network.size() || maxClique < 1) {
        maxClique = network.size();

    scoring::Constraints *constraints = NULL;
    if (constraintsFile.length() > 0) {
        constraints = scoring::parseConstraints(constraintsFile, network);

    scoringFunction = scoring::createMarkovNetworkScoringFunction(sf, sfArgument, network, adTree, constraints);

    std::vector<boost::thread*> threads;
    for (int thread = 0; thread < threadCount; thread++) {
        boost::thread *workerThread = new boost::thread(scoringThread, thread);

    for (auto it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); it++) {

    // concatenate all of the files together
    std::ofstream out(outputFile, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);

    // first, the header information
    std::string header = "META css_version = 0.1\nMETA input_file=" + inputFile + "\nMETA num_records=" + TO_STRING(recordFile.size()) + "\n";
    header += "META clique_limit=" + TO_STRING(maxClique) + "\nMETA score_type=" + sf + "\nMETA score_argument=" + TO_STRING(sfArgument) + "\n\n";
    out.write(header.c_str(), header.size());
    // now, write all of the variable information
    for (int variable = 0; variable < network.size(); variable++) {

        datastructures::Variable *var = network.get(variable);
        std::string variableHeader = "VAR " + var->getName() + "\n";
        variableHeader += "META arity=" + TO_STRING(var->getCardinality()) + "\n";
        variableHeader += "META values=";
        for (int i = 0; i < var->getCardinality(); i++) {
            variableHeader += var->getValue(i).c_str();
            variableHeader += " ";
        variableHeader += "\n";
        out.write(variableHeader.c_str(), variableHeader.size());

    for (int thread = 0; thread < threadCount; thread++) {
        std::string threadFilename = outputFile + "." + TO_STRING(thread);
        std::ofstream threadFile(threadFilename, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);

        out << threadFile.rdbuf();

        // and remove the variable file
