Пример #1
 * This is the recursive ray tracer - you need to implement this!
 * You should decide what arguments to use.
RGB_float recursive_ray_trace(Point &pos, Vector &ray, int num, bool inside=false) {
	IntersectionInfo end;
	const Object *s = getClosestObject(pos, ray, end);
	if (s == nullptr) {
		return background_clr;

	Vector norm = s->getNormal(end);
	if (inside) {
		norm *= -1;
	RGB_float color = phong(end.pos, ray, norm, s);
	if (num <= step_max) {
		Vector h;
		RGB_float ref({0,0,0});
		RGB_float ract({0,0,0});
		if (!inside && reflect_on) {
			h = vec_reflect(ray, norm);
			ref = recursive_ray_trace(end.pos, h, num + 1);
		if (stochdiff_on) {
			RGB_float diff = {0,0,0};
			std::default_random_engine generator;
			std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(-10,10);
			for (int i = 0; i < STOCH_RAYS; ++i) {
				h = vec_reflect(ray, norm);
				h = RotateX(distribution(generator)) *
					RotateY(distribution(generator)) *
					RotateZ(distribution(generator)) * h;
				diff += recursive_ray_trace(end.pos, h,  num+1);
			diff /= 6;
			color += (diff*s->reflectance);

		if (refract_on) {
			if (inside) {
				h = vec_refract(ray, norm, 1.5, 1);
			} else {
				h = vec_refract(ray, norm, 1, 1.5);
			ract = recursive_ray_trace(end.pos, h, num + 1, !inside);
		float reflectWeight = s->reflectance;
		float refractWeight = 0;
		if (refract_on && s->transparency > 0) {
			refractWeight = s->transparency;
			reflectWeight = (1-refractWeight)*s->reflectance;
		color += (ref * reflectWeight + ract * refractWeight);
	return color;
Пример #2
 * This function traverses all the pixels and cast rays. It calls the
 * recursive ray tracer and assign return color to frame
 * You should not need to change it except for the call to the recursive
 * ray tracer. Feel free to change other parts of the function however,
 * if you must.
void ray_trace() {
	int i, j;
	float x_start = -0.5 * image_width;
	float y_start = -0.5 * image_height;
	RGB_float ret_color;
	Point cur_pixel_pos;

	Vector ray;

	// ray is cast through center of pixel
	cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start + 0.5 * x_grid_size;
	cur_pixel_pos.y = y_start + 0.5 * y_grid_size;
	cur_pixel_pos.z = image_plane;

	for (i=0; i<win_height; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<win_width; j++) {

			ray = get_vec(eye_pos, cur_pixel_pos);
			ret_color = recursive_ray_trace(ray, eye_pos, 0);
			if(supersampling_on) //supersampling
				ret_color = supersample(cur_pixel_pos, ray, ret_color);
			frame[i][j][0] = GLfloat(ret_color.r);
			frame[i][j][1] = GLfloat(ret_color.g);
			frame[i][j][2] = GLfloat(ret_color.b);

			cur_pixel_pos.x += x_grid_size;
	cur_pixel_pos.y += y_grid_size;
	cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start;
Пример #3
 * This function traverses all the pixels and cast rays. It calls the
 * recursive ray tracer and assign return color to frame
 * You should not need to change it except for the call to the recursive
 * ray tracer. Feel free to change other parts of the function however,
 * if you must.
 RGB_float supersample(Point cur_pixel_pos, Vector ray, RGB_float initial_color)
	RGB_float ret_color = initial_color;
	Vector ss_ray;
	RGB_float ss_color = {0,0,0};
	Point ss_pixel_pos;

	//first ray through center of pixel
	//ss_color = recursive_ray_trace(ray, eye_pos, 0);

	//set pixel to be supersampled to be the current pixel
	ss_pixel_pos = cur_pixel_pos;

	//supersample the 4 pixels with respect to x_grid_size and y_grid_size
	for(float dx = -x_grid_size/2; dx <= x_grid_size/2; dx+=x_grid_size){
		for(float dy = -y_grid_size/2; dy <= y_grid_size/2; dy+=y_grid_size){
			ss_pixel_pos.x = cur_pixel_pos.x + dx;
			ss_pixel_pos.y = cur_pixel_pos.y + dy;
			ss_ray = get_vec(eye_pos, ss_pixel_pos);
			ret_color = recursive_ray_trace(ss_ray, eye_pos, 0);
			ss_color = clr_add(ss_color, ret_color); //accumulate the colors from all ss rays
	ret_color = clr_scale(ss_color, 0.2);
	return ret_color;
Пример #4
void rayThread(int i, int j, Point cur_pixel_pos, Vector ray, float x_grid_size, float y_grid_size) {
	RGB_float ret_color;
	RGB_float colors[5];
	colors[0] = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

	if (antialias_on) {
		cur_pixel_pos.x += x_grid_size / 2;
		cur_pixel_pos.y += y_grid_size / 2;
		colors[1] = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

		cur_pixel_pos.y -= y_grid_size;
		colors[2] = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

		cur_pixel_pos.x -= x_grid_size;
		colors[3] = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

		cur_pixel_pos.y += y_grid_size;
		colors[4] = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

		ret_color = {0,0,0};
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
			ret_color += colors[i];
		ret_color /= 5;
	} else {
		ret_color = colors[0];

	frame[i][j][0] = ret_color.r;
	frame[i][j][1] = ret_color.g;
	frame[i][j][2] = ret_color.b;
Пример #5
RGB_float recursive_ray_trace(Vector ray, Point p, int step) {

	RGB_float color = background_clr;
	RGB_float reflected_color = {0,0,0};
	RGB_float refracted_color = {0,0,0};
	Spheres *closest_sph;
	Point *hit = new Point;
	closest_sph = intersect_scene(p, ray, scene, hit);

	//get the point color here
	//intersects a sphere
	Point *plane_hit = new Point;
	color = background_clr;
	if(chessboard_on && intersect_plane(p, ray, N_plane, p0, plane_hit))
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, eye_pos);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, p);
		color = colorPlane(*plane_hit);
		Vector shadow_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, light1);
		Spheres *sph = NULL;
		if(inShadow(*plane_hit, shadow_vec, scene, sph) && shadow_on)
			color = clr_scale(color, .5);


	if(closest_sph != NULL)
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*hit, eye_pos);
		Vector surf_norm = sphere_normal(*hit, closest_sph);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*hit, p);

		color = phong(*hit, eye_vec, surf_norm, closest_sph);

		if(step < step_max && reflection_on)
			Vector reflect_vec = vec_minus(vec_scale(surf_norm, vec_dot(surf_norm, light_vec)*2), light_vec);
			step += 1;

			reflected_color = recursive_ray_trace(reflect_vec, *hit, step);
			reflected_color = clr_scale(reflected_color, closest_sph->reflectance);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);


		if(step < step_max && refraction_on)
			Vector refracted_ray = getRefractedRay(1.51, closest_sph, surf_norm, light_vec);
			step += 1;
			refracted_ray.x = hit->x + refracted_ray.x;
			refracted_ray.y = hit->x + refracted_ray.y;
			refracted_ray.z = hit->x + refracted_ray.z;
			refracted_color = recursive_ray_trace(refracted_ray, *hit, step);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);

		return color;

		return color;

Пример #6
 * This function traverses all the pixels and cast rays. It calls the
 * recursive ray tracer and assign return color to frame
void ray_trace() {
    int i, j;
    float x_grid_size = image_width / float(win_width);
    float y_grid_size = image_height / float(win_height);
    float x_start = -0.5 * image_width;
    float y_start = -0.5 * image_height;
    glm::vec3 ret_color;
    glm::vec3 cur_pixel_pos;

    // ray is cast through center of pixel
    cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start + 0.5 * x_grid_size;
    cur_pixel_pos.y = y_start + 0.5 * y_grid_size;
    cur_pixel_pos.z = image_plane;

    float antiAlias[5][2] = {
        {-0.25, +0.25},
        {+0.25, +0.25},
        {-0.25, -0.25},
        {+0.25, -0.25}

    for (i=0; i<win_height; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<win_width; j++) {
            ret_color = glm::vec3(0,0,0);

                for(int k=0;k<5;k++){
                    glm::vec3 pixel_pos = cur_pixel_pos + glm::vec3(antiAlias[k][0] * x_grid_size,antiAlias[k][1] * y_grid_size,0);
                    glm::vec3 ray = glm::normalize(pixel_pos - eye_pos);
                    ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos,ray,0,0);

                ret_color /= 5;
                //ray = get_vec(eye_pos, cur_pixel_pos);
                glm::vec3 ray = cur_pixel_pos - eye_pos;

                ray = glm::normalize(ray);

                // You need to change this!!!
                ret_color = recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos,ray,0,0);
                //else ret_color = background_clr; // just background for now

                // Parallel rays can be cast instead using below
                // ray.x = ray.y = 0;
                // ray.z = -1.0;
                // ret_color = recursive_ray_trace(cur_pixel_pos, ray, 1);

                // Checkboard for testing
                // glm::vec3 clr = glm::vec3(float(i/32), 0, float(j/32));
                //ret_color = clr;

            frame[i][j] = ret_color;

            cur_pixel_pos.x += x_grid_size;

        cur_pixel_pos.y += y_grid_size;
        cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start;
Пример #7
 * This is the recursive ray tracer 
glm::vec3 recursive_ray_trace(glm::vec3 eye, glm::vec3 ray,int ignore, int step) {
    Object* S = NULL;
    glm::vec3 hit;

    S = intersectScene(eye, ray, &hit, ignore);
    //printf("%d : after intersect scene (type: '%c')\n", step, S==NULL?'N':S->type);

    glm::vec3 color;

    if(S == NULL) 
        color = background_clr; 
    else {
        //color = glm::vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
        glm::vec3 viewDir = glm::normalize(eye - hit);
        glm::vec3 surf_norm = S->GetNormal(hit);

        //printf("  after get normal\n");
        color = phong(hit,viewDir, surf_norm, S );

        //printf("  after phong\n");

        if(reflect_on && step < step_max){
            //printf("  enter reflect\n");
            glm::vec3 reflectDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
            glm::vec3 color_rf = recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflectDir, S->index, step+1);

            color += color_rf * S->reflectance ;
            //printf("  exit reflect\n");

        if(refract_on && step < step_max && S->refract ){
            if(S->type == 'S'){
                glm::vec3 outRay, outPoint;
                if(S->Refract(ray, hit, &outRay, &outPoint)){
                    glm::vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(outPoint, outRay, S->index, step+2);
                    color += color_rfr * S->refractance;
                glm::vec3 outRay;
                if(S->GetRefractRay(ray, hit, &outRay)){
                    glm::vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(hit,outRay, S->index, step+1);
                    color += color_rfr * S->refractance;

        if(difref_on && step < 2){
            for(int i=0;i<DIFFUSE_RAYS;i++){
                glm::vec3 difrefDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
                glm::vec3 axis = glm::cross(viewDir, surf_norm);
                float angle1 = random(-5.0f,0.0f);
                difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle1), axis);
                float angle2 = random(-5.0f,5.0f);
                difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle2), surf_norm);
                difrefDir = glm::normalize(difrefDir);

                glm::vec3 color_difref = recursive_ray_trace(hit, difrefDir, S->index, step+1);

                color += color_difref * float(0.1);


    return color;
 * This function traverses all the pixels and cast rays. It calls the
 * recursive ray tracer and assign return color to frame
 * You should not need to change it except for the call to the recursive
 * ray tracer. Feel free to change other parts of the function however,
 * if you must.
void ray_trace() {
  printf("entering the ray tracer\n");
  int i, j;
  float x_grid_size = image_width / float(win_width);
  float y_grid_size = image_height / float(win_height);
  float x_start = -0.5 * image_width;
  float y_start = -0.5 * image_height;
  vec3 ret_color;
  vec3 cur_pixel_pos;
  vec3 ray;

  // ray is cast through center of pixel
  cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start + 0.5 * x_grid_size;
  cur_pixel_pos.y = y_start + 0.5 * y_grid_size;
  cur_pixel_pos.z = image_plane;
  //printf("window height:%d\n",win_height);
  //printf("window width:%d\n",win_width);

  for (i=0; i<win_height; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<win_width; j++) {
      //printf("cur_pixel_pos:%f %f %f\n",cur_pixel_pos.x, cur_pixel_pos.y, cur_pixel_pos.z);
      ret_color = vec3(0,0,0);
      ray = cur_pixel_pos - eye_pos;
      ray = normalize(ray);
      // You need to change this!!!
      ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos, ray, 0, false);

      if(antialias_on) {
	      vec3 pixel;
	      pixel.z = cur_pixel_pos.z;

	      // pixel 1
	      pixel.x = cur_pixel_pos.x - 0.25*x_grid_size;
	      pixel.y = cur_pixel_pos.y + 0.25*y_grid_size;
	      ray = normalize(pixel - eye_pos);
	      ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos, ray, 0, false);

	      // pixel 2
	      pixel.x = cur_pixel_pos.x - 0.25*x_grid_size;
	      pixel.y = cur_pixel_pos.y - 0.25*y_grid_size;
	      ray = normalize(pixel - eye_pos);
	      ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos, ray, 0, false);

	      // pixel 3
	      pixel.x = cur_pixel_pos.x + 0.25*x_grid_size;
	      pixel.y = cur_pixel_pos.y + 0.25*y_grid_size;
	      ray = normalize(pixel - eye_pos);
	      ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos, ray, 0, false);

	      // pixel 4
	      pixel.x = cur_pixel_pos.x + 0.25*x_grid_size;
	      pixel.y = cur_pixel_pos.y - 0.25*y_grid_size;
	      ray = normalize(pixel - eye_pos);
	      ret_color += recursive_ray_trace(eye_pos, ray, 0, false);

	      ret_color = 0.2*ret_color;

      frame[i][j][0] = GLfloat(ret_color.x);
      frame[i][j][1] = GLfloat(ret_color.y);
      frame[i][j][2] = GLfloat(ret_color.z);

      cur_pixel_pos.x += x_grid_size;

    cur_pixel_pos.y += y_grid_size;
    cur_pixel_pos.x = x_start;
 * This is the recursive ray tracer - you need to implement this!
 * You should decide what arguments to use.
vec3 recursive_ray_trace(vec3 eye, vec3 ray, int num, bool inobj) {
// do your thing here
	if(num>step_max) return null_clr;
	vec3 hit;
	int isplane;
	void *sph = intersect_scene(eye, ray, scene, &hit, &isplane);

	vec3 color = null_clr;
	if(sph==NULL) { 
		return background_clr;

	vec3 lightvec = light1 - hit;
	vec3 lightvec_normal = normalize(lightvec);
	vec3 lighthit;
	int lightisplane;
	void * light_sph = intersect_scene(hit, lightvec_normal, scene, &lighthit, &lightisplane);
	vec3 surf_normal = isplane?vec3(0,1,0):sphere_normal(hit, (Spheres*)sph);

	if(light_sph==NULL) {
		color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
	else {
		if(!shadow_on) {
			color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
		else {
			color += get_shadow(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);

	if(reflect_on) {
		vec3 reflect_vector = 2*dot(-1*ray, surf_normal)*surf_normal + ray;
		reflect_vector = normalize(reflect_vector);
		if(isplane) {
			color += ((struct plane*)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector,num+1, inobj);
		else if(!isplane)
			color += ((Spheres *)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector, num+1, inobj);
	if(refract_on) {
		vec3 outlightvector; 
		if(refraction(hit, -1*ray, sph, isplane, inobj, &outlightvector)) {
			if(!isplane) {
//				printf("refraction point\n");
				Spheres * refractsph = (Spheres *)sph;
				color += refractsph->refr*recursive_ray_trace(hit, outlightvector, num+1, !inobj);
	if(diffuse_reflection_on && num<2) {
		int i;
		for (i=0;i<DIFFUSE_REFLECTION;i++) {
			float xtheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ytheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ztheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			vec3 dfray;
			dfray = rotateX(xtheta*M_PI,surf_normal);
			dfray = rotateY(ytheta*M_PI,dfray);
			dfray = rotateZ(ztheta*M_PI,dfray);
			color += (0.1/DIFFUSE_REFLECTION)*recursive_ray_trace(hit, dfray, num+1, inobj);

	return color;

Пример #10
 * Phong illumination ray
vec3 phong(vec3 hit, vec3 viewDir, vec3 surf_norm, vec3 ray, Object *obj, int step) {
    // globle ambient
    vec3 mat_ambient = obj->GetAmbient(hit);
    vec3 ambient = light1_ambient * mat_ambient ;

    // decay
    float dist = glm::length(light1 - hit);
    float decay = 1 / ( decay_a + decay_b * dist + decay_c * dist * dist );

    // diffuse
    vec3 lightDir = glm::normalize(light1 - hit);
    surf_norm = glm::normalize(surf_norm);
    vec3 mat_diffuse = obj->GetDiffuse(hit);
    vec3 diffuse = decay * (light1_diffuse * mat_diffuse ) * max(glm::dot(surf_norm, lightDir),0) ;

    // specular
    vec3 reflectDir = 2 * glm::dot(surf_norm,lightDir) * surf_norm - lightDir ;
    reflectDir = glm::normalize(reflectDir);
    viewDir = glm::normalize(viewDir);
    float reflectTerm = max(glm::dot(reflectDir, viewDir),0);
    vec3 specular = decay * ( light1_specular * obj->mat_specular) *
        (float) pow( reflectTerm, obj->mat_shineness) ;

    //shadow test
    vec3 temp;
    bool shadow = false;
    if( shadow_on &&  intersectScene(hit, lightDir, &temp, obj->index) != NULL )
            shadow = true;

    // calc color
    vec3 color = global_ambient * mat_ambient +  ambient;

        color += diffuse + specular;

    //specular reflect ray
    if(reflect_on && step < step_max){
        vec3 reflectDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
        vec3 color_rf = recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflectDir, obj->index, step+1);

        color += color_rf * obj->reflectance ;

    //diffuse reflect ray
    if(difref_on && step < 2){
        for(int i=0;i < DIFFUSE_RAYS;i++){
            vec3 difrefDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
            vec3 axis = glm::cross(viewDir, surf_norm);

            float angle1 = random(-5.0f,0.0f);
            difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle1), axis);

            float angle2 = random(-5.0f,5.0f);
            difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle2), surf_norm);
            difrefDir = glm::normalize(difrefDir);

            vec3 color_difref = recursive_ray_trace(hit, difrefDir, obj->index, step+1);

            color += color_difref * float(0.5 / DIFFUSE_RAYS);

    if(refract_on && step < step_max && obj->refract ){
        vec3 outRay, outPoint;
        if(obj->Refract(ray, hit, &outRay, &outPoint)){

            vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(outPoint, outRay, obj->index, step+1);
            color += color_rfr * obj->refractance;
	return color;