int receive_message(int fd, struct metadata_update *msg, int tmo) { __u32 magic; __s32 len; int rv; rv = recv_buf(fd, &magic, 4, tmo); if (rv < 0 || magic != start_magic) return -1; rv = recv_buf(fd, &len, 4, tmo); if (rv < 0 || len > MSG_MAX_LEN) return -1; if (len > 0) { msg->buf = malloc(len); if (msg->buf == NULL) return -1; rv = recv_buf(fd, msg->buf, len, tmo); if (rv < 0) { free(msg->buf); return -1; } } else msg->buf = NULL; rv = recv_buf(fd, &magic, 4, tmo); if (rv < 0 || magic != end_magic) { free(msg->buf); return -1; } msg->len = len; return 0; }
void child_main(int fd_client) { int recv_len; recv_buf(fd_client,(char*)&recv_len,4);//length char filename[128]=""; recv_buf(fd_client,filename,recv_len); printf("file :%s\n",filename); int fpsend = open(filename,O_RDONLY); if(fpsend == -1) { char nofile[128]="no file\n"; int lenit = strlen(nofile); send(fd_client,(char*)&lenit,4,0); send_buf(fd_client,nofile,lenit); return; } char msg[1024]; int sendlen; while(memset(msg,0,1023),sendlen = read(fpsend,msg,1024)!=0) { send(fd_client,(char *)&sendlen,4,0); send_buf(fd_client,msg,sendlen); } //send 0 to client? }
ssize_t mtcp_recv_message(mtcp_state *pmts, void *buf, size_t len) { int blocking; ssize_t result; blocking = mtcp_get_block_state(pmts); if (blocking < 0) { return blocking; } // make sure we know how long the message is if (!pmts->msglen) { // try to recv the 32-bit length field result = recv_buf(pmts->sock, pmts->lenbuf, &pmts->lenbufpos, 4, blocking); if (result <= 0) { return result; } pmts->msglen = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)pmts->lenbuf); } if (pmts->msglen > len || pmts->msglen <= 0) { errno = EMSGSIZE; return -1; } // try to recv the message itself result = recv_buf(pmts->sock, buf, &pmts->bufpos, pmts->msglen, blocking); return result; }
//do_gets void do_gets(int fd_client, int role) { if(role == 3){ return ; } else{ struct stat mystat; int send_len; char file_name[256] = "0"; memset(&file_name, 0 , 256); recv_buf(fd_client, (char*)&send_len, 4); recv_buf(fd_client, file_name, send_len); file_name[strlen(file_name) - 1] = '\0'; lstat(file_name, &mystat); if(S_ISDIR(mystat.st_mode)){ send(fd_client, "dir", 8, 0); downDir(fd_client, file_name); } else{ downFile(fd_client, file_name); } printf("send complient!\n"); } }
uint8_t SPI_SRAM_23K256_Init(struct ftdi_context *ftdi) { char buf[16]; // 23K256 Write Status to Disable HOLD // enable Chip Select signal buf[0] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[1] = 0x00; // 0x00 = 0b00000000 ==> CS=Low buf[2] = 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output // MPSSE command to clock data out on +ve edge, in on -ve edge buf[3] = 0x34; buf[4] = 0x01; // sending two bytes, command and data buf[5] = 0x00; buf[6] = 0x01; // Write Status byte to buf[7] = 0x01; // 0x01 ==> Byte Mode with Hold Pin Disabled // disable Chip Select signal buf[8] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[9] = 0x08; // 0x08 = 0b00001000 ==> CS=High buf[10]= 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output send_buf(ftdi, buf, 11); recv_buf(ftdi, buf, 1); // only one byte is read back sleep(0.1); // 23K256 Read STATUS // enable Chip Select signal buf[0] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[1] = 0x00; // 0x08 = 0b00000000 ==> CS=Low buf[2] = 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output // MPSSE command to clock data out on +ve edge, in on -ve edge buf[3] = 0x34; buf[4] = 0x01; // sending two bytes, command and data buf[5] = 0x00; buf[6] = 0x05; // read Status byte buf[7] = 0xFF; // force clocking in order to read byte by sending a byte // disable Chip Select signal buf[8] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[9] = 0x08; // 0x08 = 0b00001000 ==> CS=High buf[10]= 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output send_buf(ftdi, buf, 11); recv_buf(ftdi, buf, 3); if (DEBUG_LEVEL) { printf("Status Byte = 0x%02X\n\n", (uint8_t)buf[2]); } return (uint8_t)buf[2]; }
void SPI_SRAM_23K256_Write_Byte(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, uint16_t address, uint8_t data) { char buf[16]; uint8_t bytesToTransfer = 4; // enable Chip Select signal buf[0] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[1] = 0x00; // 0x00 = 0b00000000 ==> CS=Low buf[2] = 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output // MPSSE command to clock data out on +ve edge, in on -ve edge buf[3] = 0x34; buf[4] = (bytesToTransfer - 1); // will be transferring 4 bytes so length=3 buf[5] = 0x00; buf[6] = 0x02; // write buf[7] = (uint8_t)(address >> 8); // address high byte buf[8] = (uint8_t)(address); // address low byte buf[9] = data; // force clocking in order to read byte by sending a byte // disable Chip Select signal buf[10]= SET_BITS_LOW; buf[11]= 0x08; // 0x08 = 0b00001000 ==> CS=High buf[12]= 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output send_buf(ftdi, buf, 13); recv_buf(ftdi, buf, bytesToTransfer); // same as number that will be transferred if (DEBUG_LEVEL) { printf("Byte written to address 0x%04X = 0x%02X\n\n", address, data); } }
STATE filename(char *fname, int32_t buf_size) { uint8_t packet[MAX_LEN]; uint8_t buf[MAX_LEN]; uint8_t flag = 0; int32_t seq_num = 0; int32_t fname_len = strlen(fname) + 1; int32_t recv_check = 0; memcpy(buf, &buf_size, 4); memcpy(&buf[4], fname, fname_len); send_buf(buf, fname_len + 4, &server, FNAME, 0, packet); if (select_call(server.sk_num, 1, 0, NOT_NULL) == 1) { recv_check = recv_buf(packet, 1000, server.sk_num, &server, &flag, &seq_num); /* check for bit flip ... if so, send the file name again */ if (recv_check == CRC_ERROR) return FILENAME; if (flag == FNAME_BAD) { printf("File %s already exists and is write-protected\n", fname); return DONE; } return FILE_OK; } return FILENAME; }
STATE wait_on_ack() { static int32_t send_count = 0; uint32_t crc_check = 0; uint8_t buf[MAX_LEN]; int32_t len = 1000; uint8_t flag = 0; int32_t seq_num = 0; send_count++; if (send_count > 5) { printf("Sent data 5 times, no ACK, client session terminated\n"); return(DONE); } if (select_call(server.sk_num, 1, 0, NOT_NULL) != 1) { return (TIMEOUT_ON_ACK); } crc_check = recv_buf(buf, len, server.sk_num, &server, &flag, &seq_num); if (crc_check == CRC_ERROR) return WAIT_ON_ACK; if (flag != ACK) { printf("In wait_on_ack but its not an ACK flag (this should never happen) is: %d\n", flag); exit(-1); } /* ack is good so reset count and then go send some more data */ send_count = 0; return SEND_DATA; }
void bitonic_split(_Iterator begin, _Iterator end, _Compare comp, const mxx::comm& comm, int partner, int dir) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type T; size_t np = std::distance(begin, end); //std::cout << "[Rank " << comm.rank() << "]: split with partner= " << partner << ", dir=" << dir << std::endl; std::vector<T> recv_buf(np); std::vector<T> merge_buf(np); // send/recv mxx::datatype dt = mxx::get_datatype<T>(); MPI_Sendrecv(&*begin, np, dt.type(), partner, 0, &recv_buf[0], np, dt.type(), partner, 0, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // merge in `dir` direction into merge buffer if ((dir == asc && partner > comm.rank()) || (dir == desc && partner < comm.rank())) { // forward merge and keep the `np` smaller elements _Iterator l = begin; typename std::vector<T>::iterator r = recv_buf.begin(); typename std::vector<T>::iterator o = merge_buf.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < np; ++i) { if (comp(*l, *r)) { *o = *l; ++o; ++l; } else { *o = *r; ++o; ++r; } } } else { // backward merge and keep the `np` larger elements _Iterator l = begin+np-1; typename std::vector<T>::iterator r = recv_buf.begin()+np-1; typename std::vector<T>::iterator o = merge_buf.begin()+np-1; for (size_t i = 0; i < np; ++i) { if (comp(*l, *r)) { *o = *r; --o; --r; } else { *o = *l; --o; --l; } } } // copy results into local buffer std::copy(merge_buf.begin(), merge_buf.end(), begin); }
STATE recv_eof(Window *window, int output_fd) { uint8_t flag = 0; int32_t data_len = 0; uint8_t data_buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; uint32_t seq_num = nextOpenSequenceNumber(window); send_ack(seq_num); // Drain the packet queue while (select_call(server.socket_num, 1, 0, NOT_NULL) == 1) { data_len = recv_buf(data_buf, MAX_PACKET_LEN, server.socket_num, &server, &flag, &seq_num); return STATE_EOF; } printf("File Transfer Complete\n"); return STATE_DONE; }
void RDMACMSocket::setup_verbs_buf() { this->verbs_buf = Buffer::allocate(PACKET_SIZE * PACKET_WINDOW_SIZE * 2); this->verbs_mr = rdma_reg_msgs(this->client_id, this->verbs_buf.addr, this->verbs_buf.size); if (this->verbs_mr == NULL) { this->; rdma_destroy_ep(this->client_id); perror("rdma_reg_msgs"); exit(1); } char* send_buf_begin = this->verbs_buf.addr + PACKET_SIZE * PACKET_WINDOW_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < PACKET_WINDOW_SIZE; ++i) { Buffer recv_buf(this->verbs_buf.addr + i * PACKET_SIZE, PACKET_SIZE); post_recv(recv_buf); Buffer send_buf(send_buf_begin + i * PACKET_SIZE, PACKET_SIZE); send_bufs.push_back(send_buf); } }
STATE filename(char *fname, int32_t buf_size, int32_t window_size) { uint8_t buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; uint8_t flag = 0; uint32_t seq_num = 0; int32_t fname_len = strlen(fname) + 1; int32_t recv_check = 0; buf_size = htonl(buf_size); memcpy(buf, &buf_size, 4); window_size = htonl(window_size); memcpy(&buf[4], &window_size, 4); memcpy(&buf[8], fname, fname_len); send_buf(buf, fname_len + 8, &server, FLAG_FILENAME_REQ, 0); if (select_call(server.socket_num, 1, 0, NOT_NULL) == 1) { recv_check = recv_buf(buf, MAX_PACKET_LEN, server.socket_num, &server, &flag, &seq_num); if (recv_check == CRC_ERROR) { return STATE_FILENAME; } switch (flag) { case FLAG_FILENAME_RESP_OK: return STATE_FILE_OK; break; case FLAG_FILENAME_RESP_BAD: printf("File (%s) not found on server\n", fname); exit(1); break; default: break; } } return STATE_FILENAME; }
void tweet_server(void *q) { char *request, *reply, *format, *query; th_args_dt *args = (th_args_dt *)q; tweet_req_dt *tweet_req = (tweet_req_dt *)malloc(sizeof(tweet_req_dt)); tweet_resp_dt *result; /*receive buffer*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&args->th_mutex); request = recv_buf(args->sock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&args->th_mutex); printf("Request received: %s\n",request); char *dup = (char *)malloc(strlen(request)); strcpy(dup,request); char *tmp; tmp = strtok(dup," "); tweet_req->command = tmp; tmp = strtok(NULL," "); tweet_req->handler = atoi(tmp); tmp = strtok(NULL,"\r\n\r\n"); tweet_req->datalength = atoi(tmp); tmp = strtok(NULL,"\0"); tmp = tmp+3*sizeof(char); tweet_req->data = tmp; //printf("Command:%sHandler:%dDatalength:%ldData:%s\n",tweet_req->command, tweet_req->handler, tweet_req->datalength, tweet_req->data); /*LOGIN and SIGNUP request handling*/ if (tweet_req->handler <= 0) {//if the user is asking for login request char *tmp1, *username, *password; tmp1 = strtok(tweet_req->data," "); username = tmp1; tmp1 = strtok(NULL,"\0"); password = tmp1; printf("Received username: %s & password: %s\n",username,password); if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"LOGIN") == 0) { printf("Login Requested. Authenticating '%s'...\n",username); pthread_mutex_lock(&args->th_mutex); result = login(args->conn,username,password); pthread_mutex_unlock(&args->th_mutex); //printf("%s %d %ld %s\n", result->command,result->st_code, result->dlength,result->data); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"SIGNUP") == 0) { printf("Signup Requested. Creating user account for '%s'...\n",username); pthread_mutex_lock(&args->th_mutex); result = signup(args->conn,username,password); pthread_mutex_unlock(&args->th_mutex); //printf("%s %d %ld %s\n", result->command,result->st_code, result->dlength,result->data); } } /*other Request Handling*/ else { if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"LOGOUT") == 0) { printf("LOGOUT Requested. Closing session..."); pthread_mutex_lock(&args->th_mutex); result = logout(args->conn,tweet_req->handler); pthread_mutex_unlock(&args->th_mutex); //printf("%s %d %ld %s\n", result->command,result->st_code, result->dlength,result->data); } else { if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"FOLLOW") == 0) { printf("FOLLOW requested"); format = "INSERT INTO follow_tb VALUES((SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid= %d),(SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_name='%s'))"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler,tweet_req->data); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"UNFOLLOW") == 0) { printf("UNFOLLOW requested"); format = "DELETE FROM follow_tb WHERE follower= (SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d) AND following=(SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_name=('%s'))"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler,tweet_req->data); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"FOLLOWERS") == 0) { printf("FOLLOWERS requested"); format = "SELECT user_name FROM users LEFT JOIN follow_tb ON users.user_id=follow_tb.follower WHERE follow_tb.following=(SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=(%d))"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"FOLLOWING") == 0) { printf("FOLLOWING requested"); format = "SELECT user_name FROM users LEFT JOIN follow_tb ON users.user_id=follow_tb.following WHERE follow_tb.follower=(SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=(%d))"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"TWEET") == 0) { printf("TWEET requested"); format = "INSERT INTO tweets(tweet_text,user_id) VALUES ('%s',(SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d))"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->data,tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"UNTWEET") == 0) { printf("UNTWEET requested"); format = "DELETE FROM tweets WHERE tweet_id=%d AND user_id=(SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d)"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,atoi(tweet_req->data),tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"ALLTWEETS") == 0) { printf("ALLTWEETS requested"); format = "SELECT tweet_text,tweet_id FROM tweets LEFT JOIN follow_tb ON tweets.user_id = follow_tb.following \ WHERE follow_tb.follower= (SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d) \ UNION SELECT tweet_text,tweet_id FROM tweets WHERE user_id=(SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d)"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler,tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"MYTWEETS") == 0) { printf("MYTWEETS requested"); format = "SELECT tweet_text,tweet_id FROM tweets WHERE user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM session WHERE ssid=%d) ORDER BY time_created DESC"; query = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+sizeof(tweet_req->handler)+strlen(tweet_req->data)); bzero(query, sizeof(query)); sprintf(query,format,tweet_req->handler); //result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); } pthread_mutex_lock(&args->th_mutex); printf("Query:%s\n",query); result = process_query(args->conn, tweet_req->command, query); pthread_mutex_unlock(&args->th_mutex); free(query); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const struct t_pid *ppid = pidtab; int offset = 0, size = 0; char action; info("rkflashtool v%d.%d\n", RKFLASHTOOL_VERSION_MAJOR, RKFLASHTOOL_VERSION_MINOR); NEXT; if (!argc) usage(); action = **argv; NEXT; switch(action) { case 'b': case 'l': if (argc) usage(); break; case 'e': case 'r': case 'w': case 'm': case 'i': if (argc != 2) usage(); offset = strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 0); size = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); break; case 'p': if (argc) usage(); offset = 0; size = 1024; break; default: usage(); } /* Initialize libusb */ if (libusb_init(&c)) fatal("cannot init libusb\n"); libusb_set_debug(c, 3); /* Detect connected RockChip device */ while ( !h && ppid->pid) { h = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(c, 0x2207, ppid->pid); if (h) { info("Detected %s...\n", ppid->name); break; } ppid++; } if (!h) fatal("cannot open device\n"); /* Connect to device */ if (libusb_kernel_driver_active(h, 0) == 1) { info("kernel driver active\n"); if (!libusb_detach_kernel_driver(h, 0)) info("driver detached\n"); } if (libusb_claim_interface(h, 0) < 0) fatal("cannot claim interface\n"); info("interface claimed\n"); /* Initialize bootloader interface */ send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_TESTUNITREADY, 0, 0); recv_res(); usleep(20*1000); /* Check and execute command */ switch(action) { case 'b': /* Reboot device */ info("rebooting device...\n"); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_RESETDEVICE, 0, 0); recv_res(); break; case 'r': /* Read FLASH */ while (size > 0) { info("reading flash memory at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_READLBA, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); recv_buf(RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(); if (write(1, buf, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE) <= 0) fatal("Write error! Disk full?\n"); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } break; case 'w': /* Write FLASH */ while (size > 0) { info("writing flash memory at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); if (read(0, buf, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE) <= 0) fatal("premature end-of-file reached.\n"); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_WRITELBA, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); send_buf(RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } break; case 'p': /* Retreive parameters */ { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)buf+1; info("reading parameters at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_READLBA, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); recv_buf(RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(); size = *p; info("size: 0x%08x\n", size); if (write(1, &buf[8], size) <= 0) fatal("Write error! Disk full?\n"); } break; case 'l': /* Retreive flashinfo */ { info("reading parameters at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_READFLASHINFO, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); recv_buf(RKFT_FLASHINFO_SIZE); recv_res(); if (write(1, buf, RKFT_FLASHINFO_SIZE) <= 0) fatal("Write error! Disk full?\n"); } break; case 'm': /* Read RAM */ while (size > 0) { int sizeRead = size > RKFT_MEM_INCR ? RKFT_MEM_INCR : size; info("reading memory at offset 0x%08x size %x\n", offset, sizeRead); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_READSDRAM, offset-0x60000000, sizeRead); recv_buf(sizeRead); recv_res(); if (write(1, buf, sizeRead) <= 0) fatal("Write error! Disk full?\n"); offset += sizeRead; size -= sizeRead; } break; case 'i': /* Read IDB */ while (size > 0) { int sizeRead = size > RKFT_IDB_INCR ? RKFT_IDB_INCR : size; info("reading IDB flash memory at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_READSECTOR, offset, sizeRead); recv_buf(RKFT_IDB_BLOCKSIZE * sizeRead); recv_res(); if (write(1, buf, RKFT_IDB_BLOCKSIZE * sizeRead) <= 0) fatal("Write error! Disk full?\n"); offset += sizeRead; size -= sizeRead; } break; case 'e': /* Erase flash */ memset(buf, 0xff, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); while (size > 0) { info("erasing flash memory at offset 0x%08x\n", offset); send_cmd(RKFT_CMD_WRITELBA, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); send_buf(RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } break; default: break; } /* Disconnect and close all interfaces */ libusb_release_interface(h, 0); libusb_close(h); libusb_exit(c); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { libusb_context *c; libusb_device_handle *h; int offset = 0, size = 0; char action; NEXT; if (!argc) usage(); action = **argv; NEXT; switch(action) { case 'b': if (argc) usage(); break; case 'e': case 'r': case 'w': if (argc!=2) usage(); offset = strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 0); size = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); break; case 'v': case 'V': printf("rkflashtool version %d.%d\n", RKFLASHTOOL_VER_MAJOR, RKFLASHTOOL_VER_MINOR); exit(0); break; default: usage(); } if (libusb_init(&c)) fatal("cannot init libusb\n"); libusb_set_debug(c, 3); if (!(h = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(c, 0x2207, 0x290a))) if (!(h = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(c, 0x2207, 0x281a))) if (!(h = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(c, 0x2207, 0x300a))) if (!(h = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(c, 0x2207, 0x310b))) fatal("cannot open device\n"); if (libusb_kernel_driver_active(h, 0) == 1) { info("kernel driver active\n"); if (!libusb_detach_kernel_driver(h, 0)) info("driver detached\n"); } if (libusb_claim_interface(h, 0)<0) fatal("cannot claim interface\n"); info("interface claimed\n"); send_cmd(h, 2, 0x80, 0x00060000, 0x00000000, 0x00); /* INIT */ recv_res(h, 1); usleep(20*1000); switch(action) { case 'b': info("rebooting device...\n"); send_cmd(h, 2, 0x00, 0x0006ff00, 0x00000000, 0x00); recv_res(h, 1); break; case 'r': while (size>0) { if (offset % RKFT_DISPLAY == 0) info("reading flash memory at offset 0x%08x\r", offset); send_cmd(h, 2, 0x80, 0x000a1400, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); recv_buf(h, 1, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(h, 1); /* check for write() errors to catch disk-full, no-perms, etc. */ if (write(1, buf, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE) < 0) fatal("error writing buffer to stdout: %s\n", strerror(errno)); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case 'w': while (size>0) { if (offset % RKFT_DISPLAY == 0) info("writing flash memory at offset 0x%08x\r", offset); memset(buf, 0, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); /* we ignore here read() errors and pad up to given size */ if (read(0, buf, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE) < 0) {}; send_cmd(h, 2, 0x80, 0x000a1500, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); send_buf(h, 2, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(h, 1); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case 'e': memset(buf, RKFT_FILLBYTE, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); while (size>0) { if (offset % RKFT_DISPLAY == 0) info("erasing flash memory at offset 0x%08x\r", offset); send_cmd(h, 2, 0x80, 0x000a1500, offset, RKFT_OFF_INCR); send_buf(h, 2, RKFT_BLOCKSIZE); recv_res(h, 1); offset += RKFT_OFF_INCR; size -= RKFT_OFF_INCR; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; default: break; } libusb_release_interface(h, 0); libusb_close(h); libusb_exit(c); return 0; }
/* ************************************************************************** * Specialized Allreduce for doubles. ************************************************************************** */ int SAMRAI_MPI::AllReduce( float* x, int count, Op op, int* ranks_of_extrema) const { #ifndef HAVE_MPI NULL_USE(x); NULL_USE(count); NULL_USE(op); NULL_USE(ranks_of_extrema); #endif if ((op == MPI_MINLOC || op == MPI_MAXLOC) && ranks_of_extrema == 0) { TBOX_ERROR("SAMRAI_MPI::AllReduce: If you specify reduce\n" << "operation MPI_MINLOC or MPI_MAXLOC, you must\n" << "provide space for the ranks in the 'ranks_of_extrema'\n" << "argument."); } if (!s_mpi_is_initialized) { TBOX_ERROR("SAMRAI_MPI::AllReduce is a no-op without run-time MPI!"); } int rval = MPI_SUCCESS; /* * Get ranks of extrema if user operation specified it or user * specified min/max operation and provides space for rank. */ bool get_ranks_of_extrema = op == MPI_MINLOC ? true : op == MPI_MAXLOC ? true : ranks_of_extrema != 0 && (op == MPI_MIN || op == MPI_MAX); if (!get_ranks_of_extrema) { std::vector<float> recv_buf(count); rval = Allreduce(x, &recv_buf[0], count, MPI_FLOAT, op); for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c) { x[c] = recv_buf[c]; } } else { Op locop = op == MPI_MIN ? MPI_MINLOC : op == MPI_MAX ? MPI_MAXLOC : op; FloatIntStruct* send_buf = new FloatIntStruct[count]; FloatIntStruct* recv_buf = new FloatIntStruct[count]; for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c) { send_buf[c].f = x[c]; send_buf[c].i = d_rank; } rval = Allreduce(send_buf, recv_buf, count, MPI_FLOAT_INT, locop); for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c) { x[c] = recv_buf[c].f; ranks_of_extrema[c] = recv_buf[c].i; } delete[] send_buf; delete[] recv_buf; } return rval; }
void session(void *q) { int sock = (int)q; char *request, *reply, *format; char *tmp1, *data1, *data2; // th_args_dt *args = (th_args_dt *)q; pthread_t tid; pthread_attr_t tattr; tweet_req_dt *tweet_req = (tweet_req_dt *)malloc(sizeof(tweet_req_dt)); tweet_resp_dt *result= (tweet_resp_dt *)malloc(sizeof(tweet_resp_dt)); /*receive buffer*/ request = recv_buf(sock); //printf("Request received: %s\n",request); char *tmp; tmp = strtok(request," "); tweet_req->command = tmp; if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"CLIENT") == 0) { printf("CLIENT Requested the server address...\n"); char ipaddr[15]; int port; pthread_mutex_lock(&primary_server->th_mutex); if (primary_server->is_alive == 1) { strcpy(ipaddr,primary_server->ipaddr); port = primary_server->port; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); strcpy(ipaddr,secondary_server->ipaddr); port = secondary_server->port; pthread_mutex_unlock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&primary_server->th_mutex); if (primary_server->is_alive == 1) { result->st_code = 200; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); result->st_code = 400; pthread_mutex_unlock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); strcpy(result->command,tmp); result->dlength = (strlen(ipaddr) + 3); format = "%s %d %ld\r\n\r\n%s %d\0"; reply = (char *)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(result->command)+sizeof(result->st_code)+sizeof(result->dlength)+strlen(ipaddr)+sizeof(port)); sprintf(reply,format,result->command,result->st_code, result->dlength,ipaddr,port); printf("\nData Sent:%s\n",reply); send_buf(sock,reply); free(reply); free(request); free(result); free(tweet_req); close(sock); pthread_exit(0); } else if (strcmp(tweet_req->command,"SERVER") == 0) { int count; tmp = strtok(NULL,"\0"); int server_id = atoi(tmp); printf("Keep Alive message received from SERVER%d\n",server_id); time_t ltime; ltime=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */ printf("Message Timestamp: %s\n",asctime(localtime(<ime))); if (server_id == 1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&primary_server->th_mutex); primary_server->count++; count = primary_server->count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); } else if(server_id == 2) { pthread_mutex_lock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); secondary_server->count++; count = secondary_server->count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); } /* if (server_id == 1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&primary_server->th_mutex); printf("TIMER START: Server:>%d< & Count:>%d< & Primary Count:>%d<\n",server_id,count,primary_server->count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); printf("TIMER START: Server:>%d< & Count:>%d< & Secondary Count:>%d<\n",server_id,count,secondary_server->count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); }*/ sleep(70); if (server_id == 1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&primary_server->th_mutex); //printf("TIMER END: Server:>%d< & Primary Count:>%d<\n",server_id,primary_server->count); if (count <= primary_server->count) { primary_server->is_alive = 1; printf("Server%d is ALIVE!!!\n\n",server_id); } else { primary_server->is_alive = 0; printf("Server%d is DOWN!!!\n\n",server_id); } primary_server->count--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); } else if (server_id == 2){ pthread_mutex_lock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); //printf("TIMER END: Server:>%d< & Secondary Count:>%d<\n",server_id,secondary_server->count); if (count <= secondary_server->count) { secondary_server->is_alive = 1; printf("Server%d is ALIVE!!!\n\n",server_id); } else { secondary_server->is_alive = 0; printf("Server%d is DOWN!!!\n\n",server_id); } secondary_server->count--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&secondary_server->th_mutex); } /*pthread_mutex_unlock(&primary_server->th_mutex); pthread_attr_init(&tattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (pthread_create(&tid,&tattr,(void*(*)(void *))timer,NULL) < 0) { printf("Error: Failed to start the timer thread.\n"); exit(0); }*/ pthread_exit(0); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ftdi_context ftdic; char buf[16]; int r,i; // Initialize FTDI Driver if (ftdi_init(&ftdic) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ftdi_init failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Initialize Channel A on Device with corresponding VID, PID ftdi_set_interface(&ftdic, INTERFACE_A); r = ftdi_usb_open(&ftdic, DEVICE_VID, DEVICE_PID); if (r < 0 && r != -5) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open ftdi device: %d (%s)\n", r, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit(-1); } printf("FTDI Open Succeeded on Channel A: %d\n",r); printf("Enabling MPSSE Mode on Channel A\n\n"); ftdi_set_bitmode(&ftdic, 0xFF, BITMODE_MPSSE); // Enable the Div-By-5 Clock Prescaler buf[0] = EN_DIV_5; send_buf(&ftdic, buf, 1); recv_buf(&ftdic, buf, 1); // Configure the clock divisor for SPI buf[0] = TCK_DIVISOR; buf[1] = 0x00; // set to 0x0000 for 6MHz SPI Clock buf[2] = 0x00; send_buf(&ftdic, buf, 3); // Configure and check Pin State buf[0] = SET_BITS_LOW; buf[1] = 0x08; // 0x08 = 0b00001000 ==> CS=High, Start SK low buf[2] = 0x0B; // 0x0B = 0b00001011 ==> SK,DO,CS=Output send_buf(&ftdic, buf, 3); buf[0] = GET_BITS_LOW; send_buf(&ftdic, buf, 1); recv_buf(&ftdic, buf, 1); printf("Current State of IO Pins = 0x%02X\n\n", (uint8_t)buf[0]); SPI_SRAM_23K256_Init(&ftdic); SPI_SRAM_23K256_Read_Byte(&ftdic, 0x5555); SPI_SRAM_23K256_Write_Byte(&ftdic, 0x5555, ((uint8_t)(&buf)) ); // a random value SPI_SRAM_23K256_Read_Byte(&ftdic, 0x5555); SPI_SRAM_23K256_Read_Byte(&ftdic, 0x5556); printf("\nDisabling and Exiting FTDI Communication\n"); ftdi_disable_bitbang(&ftdic); ftdi_usb_close(&ftdic); ftdi_deinit(&ftdic); }
STATE recv_data(Window *window) { uint32_t seq_num = 0; uint8_t flag = 0; int32_t data_len = 0; uint8_t data_buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; uint32_t window_index; uint32_t buffer_offset; uint32_t next_seq_num; uint32_t max_seq_num; static uint32_t expected_seq_number = 0; if (select_call(server.socket_num, 10, 0, NOT_NULL) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Shutting down: No response from server for 10 seconds.\n"); exit(1); } data_len = recv_buf(data_buf, MAX_PACKET_LEN, server.socket_num, &server, &flag, &seq_num); if (data_len == CRC_ERROR) { return STATE_RECV_DATA; } switch (flag) { case FLAG_DATA: case FLAG_DATA_RESENT: max_seq_num = maxSequenceNumber(window); next_seq_num = nextOpenSequenceNumber(window); // printf("PACKET: seq_num: %u max: %u next: %u exp: %u\n", seq_num, max_seq_num, next_seq_num, expected_seq_number); if (seq_num < next_seq_num) { if (seq_num < window->base_seq_num) { send_ack(window->base_seq_num-1); } else { if (windowIsFull(window)) { send_ack(max_seq_num); } else { send_srej(next_seq_num); } } break; } // See if the seq_num falls within this windows range if ((seq_num >= window->base_seq_num) && (seq_num < (window->base_seq_num + window->window_size))) { window_index = (seq_num-1) % window->window_size; // Save data if it isn't already in there if (window->registry[window_index] == 0) { buffer_offset = window_index * window->block_size; memcpy(&window->buffer[buffer_offset], data_buf, data_len); // Mark the window as received window->registry[window_index] = 1; max_seq_num = maxSequenceNumber(window); next_seq_num = nextOpenSequenceNumber(window); if (seq_num == max_seq_num) { window->buffer_size = buffer_offset + data_len; } } } if (seq_num > next_seq_num) { // the previous sequence number window_index = ((seq_num-1) % window->window_size); if (window->registry[window_index-1] == 0) { send_srej(window->base_seq_num+window_index-1); } } else { send_ack(next_seq_num-1); } expected_seq_number = next_seq_num; if (windowIsFull(window)) { // printf("Window Full\n"); return STATE_WINDOW_FULL; } break; case FLAG_END_OF_FILE: // printf("GOT EOF: seq_num: %u\n", seq_num);// !!! return STATE_EOF; break; default: break; } return STATE_RECV_DATA; }