int main (int argc, char **argv) { int index; int c; char *redis_hostname; char *redis_hostlist; int redis_port; int time_flag = 0; int dir_flag = 0; int force_flag = 0; int restart_flag = 0; int redis_hostname_flag = 0; benchmarking_flag = 0; sharded_flag = 0; int redis_port_flag = 0; process_objects_total[2] = 0; redis_time[2] = 0; stat_time[2] = 0; readdir_time[2] = 0; redis_command_ptr = &redis_command; /* Enable logging. */ PURGER_debug_stream = stdout; PURGER_debug_level = PURGER_LOG_DBG; int rank = CIRCLE_init(argc, argv); PURGER_global_rank = rank; opterr = 0; while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:h:p:ft:l:rs:b")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'b': benchmarking_flag = 1; break; case 'd': TOP_DIR = realpath(optarg, NULL); if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO,"Using %s as a root path.",TOP_DIR); dir_flag = 1; break; case 'l': PURGER_debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': redis_hostname = optarg; redis_hostname_flag = 1; break; case 'p': redis_port = atoi(optarg); redis_port_flag = 1; break; case 'r': if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN,"You have specified to use restart files."); restart_flag = 1; break; case 't': time_flag = 1; expire_threshold = (float)SECONDS_PER_DAY * atof(optarg); if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN,"Changed file expiration time to %.2f days, or %.2f seconds.",expire_threshold/(60.0*60.0*24),expire_threshold); break; case 's': sharded_flag = 1; redis_hostlist = optarg; break; case 'f': force_flag = 1; if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN,"Warning: You have chosen to force treewalk."); break; case '?': if (optopt == 'd' || optopt == 'h' || optopt == 'p' || optopt == 't' || optopt == 'l' || optopt == 's') { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); } else if (isprint (optopt)) { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); } else { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } if(restart_flag && dir_flag && !benchmarking_flag) { if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "You have told treewalk to use both checkpoint files and a directory. You cannot combine these options.\n" "If you use a directory, treewalk will start from scratch. If you use a checkpoint file, it will start from\n" "from the data in the checkpoint files.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(time_flag == 0 && !benchmarking_flag) { if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "A file timeout value was not specified. Files older than %.2f seconds (%.2f days) will be expired.",expire_threshold,expire_threshold/(60.0*60.0*24.0)); } if(dir_flag == 0 && !restart_flag && !benchmarking_flag) { print_usage(argv); if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_FATAL, "You must specify a starting directory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(redis_hostname_flag == 0 && !benchmarking_flag) { if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "A hostname for redis was not specified, defaulting to localhost."); redis_hostname = "localhost"; } if(redis_port_flag == 0 && !benchmarking_flag) { if(rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "A port number for redis was not specified, defaulting to 6379."); redis_port = 6379; } for (index = optind; index < argc; index++) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "Non-option argument %s", argv[index]); if (!benchmarking_flag && redis_init(redis_hostname,redis_port) < 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_FATAL, "Redis error: %s", REDIS->errstr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } time(&time_started); if(!benchmarking_flag && treewalk_check_state(rank,force_flag) < 0) exit(1); if(!benchmarking_flag && restart_flag) CIRCLE_read_restarts(); if(!benchmarking_flag && sharded_flag) { sharded_count = redis_shard_init(redis_hostlist,redis_port); redis_command_ptr = &redis_shard_command; } CIRCLE_cb_create(&add_objects); CIRCLE_cb_process(&process_objects); CIRCLE_begin(); CIRCLE_finalize(); char getCmd[256]; sprintf(getCmd,"set treewalk-rank-%d 0", rank); if(!benchmarking_flag && redis_blocking_command(getCmd,NULL,INT)<0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to %s",getCmd); exit(1); } time(&time_finished); char starttime_str[256]; char endtime_str[256]; struct tm * localstart = localtime( &time_started ); struct tm * localend = localtime ( &time_finished ); strftime(starttime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localstart); strftime(endtime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localend); sprintf(getCmd,"set treewalk_timestamp \"%s\"",endtime_str); if(!benchmarking_flag && redis_blocking_command(getCmd,NULL,INT) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to %s",getCmd); } if(rank == 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk run started at: %s", starttime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk run completed at: %s", endtime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk total time (seconds) for this run: %f",difftime(time_finished,time_started)); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "\nTotal time in process_objects: %lf\n\ \tRedis commands: %lf %lf\n\ \tStating: %lf %lf\n\ \tReaddir: %lf %lf\n\ \tHashing: %lf %lf\n", process_objects_total[1],redis_time[1],redis_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0,stat_time[1],stat_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0,readdir_time[1],readdir_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0 ,hash_time[1],hash_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0); }
/* * Main */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* Locals */ char starttime_str[256]; char endtime_str[256]; char getCmd[256]; treewalk_options_st opts; treewalk_init_opts(&opts); /* Globals */ treewalk_init_globals(); /* Set up signal handler */ treewalk_install_signal_handlers(); /* Enable logging. */ PURGER_debug_stream = stdout; PURGER_debug_level = PURGER_LOG_DBG; /* Init lib circle */ int rank = CIRCLE_init(argc, argv); if(rank < 0) exit(1); CIRCLE_enable_logging(CIRCLE_LOG_ERR); PURGER_global_rank = rank; opts.rank = rank; /* Process command line options */ treewalk_process_options(argc,argv,&opts); /* Init redis */ if (!benchmarking_flag && redis_init(opts.redis_hostname,opts.redis_port,opts.db_number) < 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_FATAL, "Redis error: %s", REDIS->errstr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Timing */ time(&time_started); /* Ensure it's OK to run at this time */ if(!benchmarking_flag && treewalk_check_state(opts.rank,opts.force_flag) < 0) exit(1); /* Read from restart files */ if(!benchmarking_flag && opts.restart_flag) CIRCLE_read_restarts(); /* Enable sharding */ if(!benchmarking_flag && sharded_flag) { sharded_count = redis_shard_init(opts.redis_hostlist,opts.redis_port,opts.db_number); redis_command_ptr = &redis_shard_command; } /* Parallel section */ CIRCLE_cb_create(&add_objects); CIRCLE_cb_process(&process_objects); CIRCLE_begin(); /* End parallel section (well, kind of) */ /* Set state */ sprintf(getCmd,"set treewalk-rank-%d 0", rank); if(!benchmarking_flag && redis_blocking_command(getCmd,NULL,INT)<0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to %s",getCmd); } time(&time_finished); struct tm * localstart = localtime( &time_started ); struct tm * localend = localtime ( &time_finished ); strftime(starttime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localstart); strftime(endtime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localend); sprintf(getCmd,"set treewalk_timestamp \"%s\"",endtime_str); if(!benchmarking_flag && redis_blocking_command(getCmd,NULL,INT) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to %s",getCmd); } LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO,"Files: %d\tDirs: %d\tTotal: %d\n",file_count,dir_count,file_count+dir_count); if(!benchmarking_flag && sharded_flag) redis_shard_finalize(); if(!benchmarking_flag) redis_finalize(); if(rank == 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk run started at: %s", starttime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk run completed at: %s", endtime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "treewalk total time (seconds) for this run: %f",difftime(time_finished,time_started)); } LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "\nTotal time in process_objects: %lf\n\ \tRedis commands: %lf %lf%%\n\ \tStating: %lf %lf%%\n\ \tReaddir: %lf %lf%%\n\ \tHashing: %lf %lf%%\n", process_objects_total[1],redis_time[1],redis_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0,stat_time[1],stat_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0,readdir_time[1],readdir_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0 ,hash_time[1],hash_time[1]/process_objects_total[1]*100.0); CIRCLE_finalize(); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int index; int c; char *redis_hostname; int redis_port; int redis_hostname_flag = 0; int redis_port_flag = 0; int sharded_flag = 0; int ldap_flag = 0; int force_flag = 0; int db_number = 0; sharded_count = 0; char * redis_host_list; redis_command_ptr = &non_sharded_redis_command; PURGER_debug_stream = stdout; PURGER_debug_level = PURGER_LOG_DBG; int PURGER_global_rank = CIRCLE_init(argc, argv); if(PURGER_global_rank < 0) exit(1); opterr = 0; CIRCLE_enable_logging(CIRCLE_LOG_ERR); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:p:l:fi:s:a:o:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'o': ldap_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': ldap_server = optarg; ldap_flag = 1; break; case 'h': redis_hostname = optarg; redis_hostname_flag = 1; break; case 'i': db_number = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': redis_port = atoi(optarg); redis_port_flag = 1; break; case 'f': force_flag = 1; if(PURGER_global_rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN,"Warning: You have chosen to force warnusers."); break; case 'l': PURGER_debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': redis_host_list = optarg; sharded_flag = 1; redis_command_ptr = &redis_blocking_shard_command; break; case '?': if (PURGER_global_rank == 0 && (optopt == 'h' || optopt == 'p' || optopt == 'l')) { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (isprint (optopt)) { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { print_usage(argv); fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } default: abort(); } } if(redis_hostname_flag == 0) { if(PURGER_global_rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "A hostname for redis was not specified, defaulting to localhost."); redis_hostname = "localhost"; } if(redis_port_flag == 0) { if(PURGER_global_rank == 0) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "A port number for redis was not specified, defaulting to 6379."); redis_port = 6379; } for (index = optind; index < argc; index++) LOG(PURGER_LOG_WARN, "Non-option argument %s", argv[index]); if(redis_init(redis_hostname, redis_port, db_number) < 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_ERR,"Unable to initialize redis."); exit(0); } if(sharded_flag) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO,"Sharding enabled."); sharded_count = redis_shard_init(redis_host_list, redis_port, db_number); } if(!ldap_flag) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_ERR,"You must specify an ldap server."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else ldap_init(ldap_server,ldap_port); mailinfo.from = "*****@*****.**"; mailinfo.fromreal = "*****@*****.**"; mailinfo.subject = "[PURGER NOTIFICATION]"; mailinfo.defaultto = "*****@*****.**"; mailinfo.server = ""; mailinfo.txt = "The following text file in the Turquiose network contains a list of \ your scratch files that have not been modified in the last 14+ days. \ Those files will be deleted in at least 6 days if not modified by then. \ This notification may not have up-to-the-minute information, but we \ will verify a file's actual age before purging it. For more information, \ please see our purge policy: \ If you have questions or concerns, please contact ICN Consultants \ at 505-665-4444 option 3."; time(&time_started); if(warnusers_check_state(PURGER_global_rank,force_flag) < 0) exit(1); CIRCLE_cb_create(&add_objects); CIRCLE_cb_process(&process_objects); CIRCLE_begin(); CIRCLE_finalize(); time(&time_finished); char starttime_str[256]; char endtime_str[256]; struct tm * localstart = localtime( &time_started ); struct tm * localend = localtime ( &time_finished ); strftime(starttime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localstart); strftime(endtime_str, 256, "%b-%d-%Y,%H:%M:%S",localend); char getCmd[256]; sprintf(getCmd,"set warnusers_timestamp \"%s\"",endtime_str); if(redis_blocking_command(getCmd,(void*)NULL,NIL)<0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_ERR,"Unable to %s",getCmd); } sprintf(getCmd,"set warnusers-rank-%d 0", PURGER_global_rank); if(redis_blocking_command(getCmd,(void*)NULL,NIL)<0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_ERR,"Unable to %s",getCmd); } redis_finalize(); if(sharded_flag) redis_shard_finalize(); if(PURGER_global_rank == 0) { LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "Warnusers run started at: %s", starttime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "Warnusers run completed at: %s", endtime_str); LOG(PURGER_LOG_INFO, "Warnusers total time (seconds) for this run: %f",difftime(time_finished,time_started)); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }