Пример #1
bool DcModel::solveWithoutCuts (OsiCuts & cuts, int numberTries,
			 DcTreeNode * node, int & numberOldActiveCuts,
			 int & numberNewCuts, int & maximumWhich,
			 int *& whichGenerator, const bool cutDuringRampup,
			 int & found ) {
  found = -10;
  bool feasible;
  feasible = resolve();
  if(!feasible) {
    return false;  // If lost feasibility, bail out right now
  // check integer feasibility of solution
  found = -1;
  // If found a solution, Record it before we free the vector
  int numberIntegerInfeasibilities = 0;
  bool integerFeasible = feasibleSolution(numberIntegerInfeasibilities);
  bool better;
  double currentObjValue = getCurrentObjValue();
  double cutoff = getCutoff();
  if (integerFeasible) {
    if (currentObjValue < cutoff) {
      better = setBestSolution(DC_BRANCH, currentObjValue, currentSolution());
  double minimumDrop = minimumDrop_;
  if (numberTries < 0) {
    numberTries = -numberTries;
    minimumDrop = -1.0;
  return feasible;
Пример #2
// inner part of dive
CbcHeuristicDive::solution(double & solutionValue, int & numberNodes,
			   int & numberCuts, OsiRowCut ** cuts,
			   CbcSubProblem ** & nodes,
			   double * newSolution)
    int nRoundInfeasible = 0;
    int nRoundFeasible = 0;
    int reasonToStop = 0;
    double time1 = CoinCpuTime();
    int numberSimplexIterations = 0;
    int maxSimplexIterations = (model_->getNodeCount()) ? maxSimplexIterations_
                               : maxSimplexIterationsAtRoot_;
    // but can't be exactly coin_int_max
    maxSimplexIterations = CoinMin(maxSimplexIterations,COIN_INT_MAX>>3);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = cloneBut(6); // was model_->solver()->clone();
# ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP
    OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver
    = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver);
    if (clpSolver) {
      ClpSimplex * clpSimplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr();
      int oneSolveIts = clpSimplex->maximumIterations();
      oneSolveIts = CoinMin(1000+2*(clpSimplex->numberRows()+clpSimplex->numberColumns()),oneSolveIts);
      if (!nodes) {
        // say give up easily
        clpSimplex->setMoreSpecialOptions(clpSimplex->moreSpecialOptions() | 64);
      } else {
	// get ray
	int specialOptions = clpSimplex->specialOptions();
	specialOptions &= ~0x3100000;
	specialOptions |= 32;
        clpSolver->setSpecialOptions(clpSolver->specialOptions() | 1048576);
	if ((model_->moreSpecialOptions()&16777216)!=0) {
	  // cutoff is constraint
	  clpSolver->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, COIN_DBL_MAX);
# endif
    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
    const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower();
    const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper();
    const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
    const double * objective = solver->getObjCoefficients();
    double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcIntegerTolerance);
    double primalTolerance;
    solver->getDblParam(OsiPrimalTolerance, primalTolerance);

    int numberRows = matrix_.getNumRows();
    assert (numberRows <= solver->getNumRows());
    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();
    double direction = solver->getObjSense(); // 1 for min, -1 for max
    double newSolutionValue = direction * solver->getObjValue();
    int returnCode = 0;
    // Column copy
    const double * element = matrix_.getElements();
    const int * row = matrix_.getIndices();
    const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix_.getVectorStarts();
    const int * columnLength = matrix_.getVectorLengths();
    // Row copy
    const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow_.getElements();
    const int * column = matrixByRow_.getIndices();
    const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = matrixByRow_.getVectorStarts();
    const int * rowLength = matrixByRow_.getVectorLengths();

    // Get solution array for heuristic solution
    int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
    memcpy(newSolution, solution, numberColumns*sizeof(double));

    // vectors to store the latest variables fixed at their bounds
    int* columnFixed = new int [numberIntegers];
    double* originalBound = new double [numberIntegers+2*numberColumns];
    double * lowerBefore = originalBound+numberIntegers;
    double * upperBefore = lowerBefore+numberColumns;
    double * lastDjs=newSolution+numberColumns;
    bool * fixedAtLowerBound = new bool [numberIntegers];
    PseudoReducedCost * candidate = new PseudoReducedCost [numberIntegers];
    double * random = new double [numberIntegers];

    int maxNumberAtBoundToFix = static_cast<int> (floor(percentageToFix_ * numberIntegers));
    assert (!maxNumberAtBoundToFix||!nodes);

    // count how many fractional variables
    int numberFractionalVariables = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        random[i] = randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble() + 0.3;
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        double value = newSolution[iColumn];
        if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {

    const double* reducedCost = NULL;
    // See if not NLP
    if (model_->solverCharacteristics()->reducedCostsAccurate())
        reducedCost = solver->getReducedCost();

    int iteration = 0;
    while (numberFractionalVariables) {

        // initialize any data

        // select a fractional variable to bound
        int bestColumn = -1;
        int bestRound; // -1 rounds down, +1 rounds up
        bool canRound = selectVariableToBranch(solver, newSolution,
                                               bestColumn, bestRound);
        // if the solution is not trivially roundable, we don't try to round;
        // if the solution is trivially roundable, we try to round. However,
        // if the rounded solution is worse than the current incumbent,
        // then we don't round and proceed normally. In this case, the
        // bestColumn will be a trivially roundable variable
        if (canRound) {
            // check if by rounding all fractional variables
            // we get a solution with an objective value
            // better than the current best integer solution
            double delta = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
                int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
                double value = newSolution[iColumn];
                if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {
                    assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0);
                    double obj = objective[iColumn];
                    if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) {
                        if (direction * obj >= 0.0)
                            delta += (floor(value) - value) * obj;
                            delta += (ceil(value) - value) * obj;
                    } else if (downLocks_[i] == 0)
                        delta += (floor(value) - value) * obj;
                        delta += (ceil(value) - value) * obj;
            if (direction*(solver->getObjValue() + delta) < solutionValue) {
		if (!nodes||bestColumn<0) {
		  // Round all the fractional variables
		  for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
                    int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
                    double value = newSolution[iColumn];
                    if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {
		      assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0);
		      if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) {
			if (direction * objective[iColumn] >= 0.0)
			  newSolution[iColumn] = floor(value);
			  newSolution[iColumn] = ceil(value);
		      } else if (downLocks_[i] == 0)
			newSolution[iColumn] = floor(value);
			newSolution[iColumn] = ceil(value);
		} else {
		  // can't round if going to use in branching
		  int i;
		  for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
		    int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
		    double value = newSolution[bestColumn];
		    if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {
		      if (iColumn==bestColumn) {
			assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0);
			double obj = objective[bestColumn];
			if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) {
			  if (direction * obj >= 0.0)
			} else if (downLocks_[i] == 0)

        // do reduced cost fixing
        int numberFixed = reducedCostFix(solver);
        std::cout << "numberReducedCostFixed = " << numberFixed << std::endl;

        int numberAtBoundFixed = 0;
        // fix binary variables based on pseudo reduced cost
        if (binVarIndex_.size()) {
            int cnt = 0;
            int n = static_cast<int>(binVarIndex_.size());
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                int iColumn1 = binVarIndex_[j];
                double value = newSolution[iColumn1];
                if (fabs(value) <= integerTolerance &&
                        lower[iColumn1] != upper[iColumn1]) {
                    double maxPseudoReducedCost = 0.0;
                    std::cout << "iColumn1 = " << iColumn1 << ", value = " << value << std::endl;
                    int iRow = vbRowIndex_[j];
                    double chosenValue = 0.0;
                    for (int k = rowStart[iRow]; k < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; k++) {
                        int iColumn2 = column[k];
                        std::cout << "iColumn2 = " << iColumn2 << std::endl;
                        if (iColumn1 != iColumn2) {
                            double pseudoReducedCost = fabs(reducedCost[iColumn2] *
                            int k2;
                            for (k2 = rowStart[iRow]; k2 < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; k2++) {
                                if (column[k2] == iColumn1)
                            std::cout << "reducedCost[" << iColumn2 << "] = "
                                      << reducedCost[iColumn2]
                                      << ", elementByRow[" << iColumn2 << "] = " << elementByRow[k]
                                      << ", elementByRow[" << iColumn1 << "] = " << elementByRow[k2]
                                      << ", pseudoRedCost = " << pseudoReducedCost
                                      << std::endl;
                            if (pseudoReducedCost > maxPseudoReducedCost)
                                maxPseudoReducedCost = pseudoReducedCost;
                        } else {
                            // save value
                            chosenValue = fabs(elementByRow[k]);
                    assert (chosenValue);
                    maxPseudoReducedCost /= chosenValue;
                    std::cout << ", maxPseudoRedCost = " << maxPseudoReducedCost << std::endl;
                    candidate[cnt].var = iColumn1;
                    candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost = maxPseudoReducedCost;
            std::cout << "candidates for rounding = " << cnt << std::endl;
            std::sort(candidate, candidate + cnt, compareBinaryVars);
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
                int iColumn = candidate[i].var;
                if (numberAtBoundFixed < maxNumberAtBoundToFix) {
                    columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn;
                    originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = upper[iColumn];
                    fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = true;
                    solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]);
                    if (numberAtBoundFixed == maxNumberAtBoundToFix)

        // fix other integer variables that are at their bounds
        int cnt = 0;
#ifdef GAP
        double gap = 1.0e30;
        if (reducedCost && true) {
#ifndef JJF_ONE
            cnt = fixOtherVariables(solver, solution, candidate, random);
#ifdef GAP
            double cutoff = model_->getCutoff() ;
            if (cutoff < 1.0e20 && false) {
                double direction = solver->getObjSense() ;
                gap = cutoff - solver->getObjValue() * direction ;
                gap *= 0.1; // Fix more if plausible
                double tolerance;
                solver->getDblParam(OsiDualTolerance, tolerance) ;
                if (gap <= 0.0)
                    gap = tolerance;
                gap += 100.0 * tolerance;
            int nOverGap = 0;
            int numberFree = 0;
            int numberFixed = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
                int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
                if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) {
                    double value = newSolution[iColumn];
                    if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance) {
                        candidate[cnt].var = iColumn;
                        candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost =
                            fabs(reducedCost[iColumn] * random[i]);
#ifdef GAP
                        if (fabs(reducedCost[iColumn]) > gap)
                } else {
#ifdef GAP
            int nLeft = maxNumberAtBoundToFix - numberAtBoundFixed;
            printf("cutoff %g obj %g nover %d - %d free, %d fixed\n",
                   cutoff, solver->getObjValue(), nOverGap, numberFree, numberFixed);
            if (nOverGap > nLeft && true) {
                nOverGap = CoinMin(nOverGap, nLeft + maxNumberAtBoundToFix / 2);
                maxNumberAtBoundToFix += nOverGap - nLeft;
            printf("cutoff %g obj %g - %d free, %d fixed\n",
                   model_->getCutoff(), solver->getObjValue(), numberFree, numberFixed);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
                int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
                if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) {
                    double value = newSolution[iColumn];
                    if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance) {
                        candidate[cnt].var = iColumn;
                        candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost = numberIntegers - i;
        std::sort(candidate, candidate + cnt, compareBinaryVars);
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
            int iColumn = candidate[i].var;
            if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) {
                double value = newSolution[iColumn];
                if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance &&
                        numberAtBoundFixed < maxNumberAtBoundToFix) {
                    // fix the variable at one of its bounds
                    if (fabs(lower[iColumn] - value) <= integerTolerance) {
                        columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn;
                        originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = upper[iColumn];
                        fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = true;
                        solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]);
                    } else if (fabs(upper[iColumn] - value) <= integerTolerance) {
                        columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn;
                        originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = lower[iColumn];
                        fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = false;
                        solver->setColLower(iColumn, upper[iColumn]);
                    if (numberAtBoundFixed == maxNumberAtBoundToFix)
        std::cout << "numberAtBoundFixed = " << numberAtBoundFixed << std::endl;

        double originalBoundBestColumn;
        double bestColumnValue;
	int whichWay;
        if (bestColumn >= 0) {
	    bestColumnValue = newSolution[bestColumn];
            if (bestRound < 0) {
                originalBoundBestColumn = upper[bestColumn];
                solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, floor(bestColumnValue));
            } else {
                originalBoundBestColumn = lower[bestColumn];
                solver->setColLower(bestColumn, ceil(bestColumnValue));
        } else {
        int originalBestRound = bestRound;
        int saveModelOptions = model_->specialOptions();
        while (1) {

            model_->setSpecialOptions(saveModelOptions | 2048);
            if (!solver->isAbandoned()&&!solver->isIterationLimitReached()) {
                numberSimplexIterations += solver->getIterationCount();
            } else {
                numberSimplexIterations = maxSimplexIterations + 1;
		reasonToStop += 100;

            if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	        if (nodes) {
		  if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) {
		    if (maxSimplexIterationsAtRoot_!=COIN_INT_MAX) {
		      // stop now
		      printf("stopping on first infeasibility\n");
		    } else if (cuts) {
		      // can do conflict cut
		      printf("could do intermediate conflict cut\n");
		      bool localCut;
		      OsiRowCut * cut = model_->conflictCut(solver,localCut);
		      if (cut) {
			if (!localCut) {
			} else {
			  delete cut;
		  } else {
		    reasonToStop += 10;
                if (numberAtBoundFixed > 0) {
                    // Remove the bound fix for variables that were at bounds
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberAtBoundFixed; i++) {
                        int iColFixed = columnFixed[i];
                        if (fixedAtLowerBound[i])
                            solver->setColUpper(iColFixed, originalBound[i]);
                            solver->setColLower(iColFixed, originalBound[i]);
                    numberAtBoundFixed = 0;
                } else if (bestRound == originalBestRound) {
                    bestRound *= (-1);
		    whichWay |=2;
                    if (bestRound < 0) {
                        solver->setColLower(bestColumn, originalBoundBestColumn);
                        solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, floor(bestColumnValue));
                    } else {
                        solver->setColLower(bestColumn, ceil(bestColumnValue));
                        solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, originalBoundBestColumn);
                } else
            } else

        if (!solver->isProvenOptimal() ||
                direction*solver->getObjValue() >= solutionValue) {
            reasonToStop += 1;
        } else if (iteration > maxIterations_) {
            reasonToStop += 2;
        } else if (CoinCpuTime() - time1 > maxTime_) {
            reasonToStop += 3;
        } else if (numberSimplexIterations > maxSimplexIterations) {
            reasonToStop += 4;
            // also switch off
            printf("switching off diving as too many iterations %d, %d allowed\n",
                   numberSimplexIterations, maxSimplexIterations);
            when_ = 0;
        } else if (solver->getIterationCount() > 1000 && iteration > 3 && !nodes) {
            reasonToStop += 5;
            // also switch off
            printf("switching off diving one iteration took %d iterations (total %d)\n",
                   solver->getIterationCount(), numberSimplexIterations);
            when_ = 0;

        memcpy(newSolution, solution, numberColumns*sizeof(double));
        numberFractionalVariables = 0;
	double sumFractionalVariables=0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
            int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
            double value = newSolution[iColumn];
	    double away = fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value);
            if (away > integerTolerance) {
		sumFractionalVariables += away;
	if (nodes) {
	  // save information
	  ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr();
	  CbcSubProblem * sub =
	    new CbcSubProblem(clpSolver,lowerBefore,upperBefore,
	  // other stuff
	  sub->objectiveValue_ = simplex->objectiveValue();
	  sub->sumInfeasibilities_ = sumFractionalVariables;
	  sub->numberInfeasibilities_ = numberFractionalVariables;
	  printf("DiveNode %d column %d way %d bvalue %g obj %g\n",
	  if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	if (!numberFractionalVariables||reasonToStop)
    if (nodes) {
      printf("Exiting dive for reason %d\n",reasonToStop);
      if (reasonToStop>1) {
	printf("problems in diving\n");
	int whichWay=nodes[numberNodes-1]->problemStatus_;
	CbcSubProblem * sub;
	if ((whichWay&2)==0) {
	  // leave both ways
	  sub = new CbcSubProblem(*nodes[numberNodes-1]);
	} else {
	  sub = nodes[numberNodes-1];
	if ((whichWay&1)==0)
      if (!numberNodes) {
	// was good at start! - create fake
	ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr();
	CbcSubProblem * sub =
	  new CbcSubProblem(clpSolver,lowerBefore,upperBefore,
	// other stuff
	sub->objectiveValue_ = simplex->objectiveValue();
	sub->sumInfeasibilities_ = 0.0;
	sub->numberInfeasibilities_ = 0;
	printf("DiveNode %d column %d way %d bvalue %g obj %g\n",
	assert (solver->isProvenOptimal());
      nodes[numberNodes-1]->problemStatus_ |= 256*reasonToStop;
      // use djs as well
      if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()&&cuts) {
	// can do conflict cut and re-order
	printf("could do final conflict cut\n");
	bool localCut;
	OsiRowCut * cut = model_->conflictCut(solver,localCut);
	if (cut) {
	  printf("cut - need to use conflict and previous djs\n");
	  if (!localCut) {
	  } else {
	    delete cut;
	} else {
	  printf("bad conflict - just use previous djs\n");
    // re-compute new solution value
    double objOffset = 0.0;
    solver->getDblParam(OsiObjOffset, objOffset);
    newSolutionValue = -objOffset;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < numberColumns ; i++ )
      newSolutionValue += objective[i] * newSolution[i];
    newSolutionValue *= direction;
    //printf("new solution value %g %g\n",newSolutionValue,solutionValue);
    if (newSolutionValue < solutionValue && !reasonToStop) {
      double * rowActivity = new double[numberRows];
      memset(rowActivity, 0, numberRows*sizeof(double));
      // paranoid check
      memset(rowActivity, 0, numberRows*sizeof(double));
      for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
	int j;
	double value = newSolution[i];
	if (value) {
	  for (j = columnStart[i];
	       j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) {
	    int iRow = row[j];
	    rowActivity[iRow] += value * element[j];
      // check was approximately feasible
      bool feasible = true;
      for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
	if (rowActivity[i] < rowLower[i]) {
	  if (rowActivity[i] < rowLower[i] - 1000.0*primalTolerance)
	    feasible = false;
	} else if (rowActivity[i] > rowUpper[i]) {
	  if (rowActivity[i] > rowUpper[i] + 1000.0*primalTolerance)
	    feasible = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
	int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
	double value = newSolution[iColumn];
	if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {
	  feasible = false;
      if (feasible) {
	// new solution
	solutionValue = newSolutionValue;
	//printf("** Solution of %g found by CbcHeuristicDive\n",newSolutionValue);
	//if (cuts)
	//clpSolver->getModelPtr()->writeMps("good8.mps", 2);
	returnCode = 1;
      } else {
	// Can easily happen
	//printf("Debug CbcHeuristicDive giving bad solution\n");
      delete [] rowActivity;

    std::cout << "nRoundInfeasible = " << nRoundInfeasible
              << ", nRoundFeasible = " << nRoundFeasible
              << ", returnCode = " << returnCode
              << ", reasonToStop = " << reasonToStop
              << ", simplexIts = " << numberSimplexIterations
              << ", iterations = " << iteration << std::endl;

    delete [] columnFixed;
    delete [] originalBound;
    delete [] fixedAtLowerBound;
    delete [] candidate;
    delete [] random;
    delete [] downArray_;
    downArray_ = NULL;
    delete [] upArray_;
    upArray_ = NULL;
    delete solver;
    return returnCode;
Пример #3
//  Parameters:
//  cuts:	 (o) all cuts generated in this round of cut generation
//  numberTries: (i) the maximum number of iterations for this round of cut
//                   generation; no a priori limit if 0
//  whichGenerator: (i/o) whichGenerator[i] is loaded with the index of the
//                        generator that produced cuts[i]; reallocated as
//                        required
//  numberOldActiveCuts: (o) the number of active cuts at this node from
//                           previous rounds of cut generation
//  numberNewCuts:       (o) the number of cuts produced in this round of cut
//                           generation
//  maximumWhich:      (i/o) capacity of whichGenerator; may be updated if
//                           whichGenerator grows.
//  cutDuringRampup:    (i) Whether generating cuts during rampup
//  found: (o)  great than 0 means that heuristics found solutions;
//              otherwise not.
DcModel::solveWithCuts(OsiCuts & cuts, int numberTries,
			DcTreeNode * node, int & numberOldActiveCuts,
			int & numberNewCuts, int & maximumWhich,
			int *& whichGenerator, const bool cutDuringRampup,
			int & found)
    found = -10;
    bool feasible;
    int lastNumberCuts = 0;
    double lastObjective = -1.0e100 ;
    int violated = 0;
    int numberRowsAtStart = solver_->getNumRows();
    int numberColumns = solver_->getNumCols();

    numberOldActiveCuts = numberRowsAtStart - numberRowsAtContinuous_;
    numberNewCuts = 0;

    feasible = resolve();
    if(!feasible) {
	return false;  // If lost feasibility, bail out right now

    const double *lower = solver_->getColLower();
    const double *upper = solver_->getColUpper();
    const double *solution = solver_->getColSolution();

    double minimumDrop = minimumDrop_;
    if (numberTries < 0) {
	numberTries = -numberTries;
	minimumDrop = -1.0;

    // Is it time to scan the cuts in order to remove redundant cuts? If so,
    // set up to do it.
# define SCANCUTS 100
    int *countColumnCuts = NULL;
    int *countRowCuts = NULL;
    bool fullScan = false;
    if ((numberNodes_ % SCANCUTS) == 0) {
	fullScan = true;
	countColumnCuts = new int[numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_];
	countRowCuts = new int[numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_];
	memset(countColumnCuts, 0,
	       (numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_) * sizeof(int));
	memset(countRowCuts, 0,
	       (numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_) * sizeof(int));

    double direction = solver_->getObjSense();
    double startObjective = solver_->getObjValue() * direction;

    int numberPasses = 0;
    double primalTolerance = 1.0e-7;

    // Start cut generation loop
//     do {
// 	numberPasses++;
// 	numberTries--;
// 	OsiCuts theseCuts;

// 	// First check if there are cuts violated in global cut pool
// 	if (numberPasses == 1 && howOftenGlobalScan_ > 0 &&
// 	    (numberNodes_ % howOftenGlobalScan_) == 0) {
// 	    int numberCuts = globalCuts_.sizeColCuts();
// 	    int i;
// 	    for ( i = 0; i < numberCuts; ++i) {
// 		const OsiColCut *thisCut = globalCuts_.colCutPtr(i);
// 		if (thisCut->violated(solution) > primalTolerance) {
// 		    printf("Global cut added - violation %g\n",
// 			   thisCut->violated(solution));
// 		    theseCuts.insert(*thisCut);
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	    numberCuts = globalCuts_.sizeRowCuts();
// 	    for ( i = 0; i < numberCuts; ++i) {
// 		const OsiRowCut * thisCut = globalCuts_.rowCutPtr(i);
// 		if (thisCut->violated(solution) > primalTolerance) {
// 		    printf("Global cut added - violation %g\n",
// 			   thisCut->violated(solution));
// 		    theseCuts.insert(*thisCut);
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	}

// 	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 	// Generate new cuts (global and/or local) and/or apply heuristics
// 	// NOTE: Make sure CglProbing is added FIRST
// 	double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
// 	double heuristicValue = getCutoff();

// #if defined(DC_DEBUG_MORE)
// 	    std::cout << "numberCutGenerators_ = " << numberCutGenerators_
// 		      << "numberHeuristics_ = " << numberHeuristics_
// 		      << std::endl;
// #endif
// 	for (int i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_; ++i) {
// 	    int numberRowCutsBefore = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
// 	    int numberColumnCutsBefore = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
// 	    if (i < numberCutGenerators_) {
// 		if (cutDuringRampup) {
// 		    bool mustResolve =
// 			generator_[i]->generateCuts(theseCuts, fullScan);
// 		    if (mustResolve) {
// 			feasible = resolve();
// 			if (!feasible)
// 			    break;
// 		    }
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	    else {
// 		double saveValue = heuristicValue;
// 		int ifSol = heuristic_[i-numberCutGenerators_]->
// 		    solution(heuristicValue, newSolution);
// 		    //    solution(heuristicValue, newSolution, theseCuts);

// 		if (ifSol > 0) {
// 		    found = i;
// 		}
// 		else if (ifSol < 0) {
// 		    heuristicValue = saveValue;
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	    int numberRowCutsAfter = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
// 	    int numberColumnCutsAfter = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
// 	    int numberBefore =
// 		numberRowCutsBefore + numberColumnCutsBefore + lastNumberCuts;
// 	    int numberAfter =
// 		numberRowCutsAfter + numberColumnCutsAfter + lastNumberCuts;
// 	    if (numberAfter > maximumWhich) {
// 		maximumWhich = std::max(maximumWhich * 2 + 100, numberAfter);
// 		int * temp = new int[2 * maximumWhich];
// 		memcpy(temp, whichGenerator, numberBefore * sizeof(int));
// 		delete [] whichGenerator;
// 		whichGenerator = temp;
// 	    }
// 	    int j;
// 	    if (fullScan) {
// 		countRowCuts[i] += numberRowCutsAfter -
// 		    numberRowCutsBefore;
// 		countColumnCuts[i] += numberColumnCutsAfter -
// 		    numberColumnCutsBefore;
// 	    }
// 	    for (j = numberRowCutsBefore; j < numberRowCutsAfter; ++j) {
// 		whichGenerator[numberBefore++] = i;
// 		const OsiRowCut * thisCut = theseCuts.rowCutPtr(j);
// 		if (thisCut->globallyValid()) {
// 		    globalCuts_.insert(*thisCut);
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	    for (j = numberColumnCutsBefore; j < numberColumnCutsAfter; ++j) {
// 		whichGenerator[numberBefore++] = i;
// 		const OsiColCut * thisCut = theseCuts.colCutPtr(j);
// 		if (thisCut->globallyValid()) {
// 		    globalCuts_.insert(*thisCut);
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	}

// 	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 	// If found a solution, Record it before we free the vector
// 	if (found >= 0) {
// 	    bool better =
// 		setBestSolution(DC_ROUNDING, heuristicValue, newSolution);
// 	    //    if (!better){
// 	    //	found = -1;
// 	    //}
// 	    //std::cout << "better = "  << better
// 	    //	      << "; found = " << found << std::endl;
// 	}
// 	if(newSolution != 0) delete [] newSolution;

// 	int numberColumnCuts = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
// 	int numberRowCuts = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
// 	violated = numberRowCuts + numberColumnCuts;

// 	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 	// Apply column cuts
// 	if (numberColumnCuts) {
// 	    double integerTolerance = getDblParam(DcIntegerTolerance);
// 	    for (int i = 0; i < numberColumnCuts; ++i) {
// 		const OsiColCut * thisCut = theseCuts.colCutPtr(i);
// 		const CoinPackedVector & lbs = thisCut->lbs();
// 		const CoinPackedVector & ubs = thisCut->ubs();
// 		int j;
// 		int n;
// 		const int * which;
// 		const double * values;
// 		n = lbs.getNumElements();
// 		which = lbs.getIndices();
// 		values = lbs.getElements();
// 		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j){
// 		    int iColumn = which[j];
// 		    double value = solution[iColumn];
// 		    solver_->setColLower(iColumn, values[j]);
// 		    if (value < values[j] - integerTolerance)
// 			violated = -1;   // violated, TODO: when happen?
// 		    if (values[j] > upper[iColumn] + integerTolerance) {
// 			violated = -2;   // infeasible
// 			break;
// 		    }
// 		}
// 		n = ubs.getNumElements();
// 		which = ubs.getIndices();
// 		values = ubs.getElements();
// 		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
// 		    int iColumn = which[j];
// 		    double value = solution[iColumn];
// 		    solver_->setColUpper(iColumn, values[j]);
// 		    if (value > values[j] + integerTolerance)
// 			violated = -1;
// 		    if (values[j] < lower[iColumn] - integerTolerance) {
// 			violated = -2;   // infeasible
// 			break;
// 		    }
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	}

// 	if (violated == -2) {
// 	    feasible = false ;
// 	    break ;    // break the cut generation loop
// 	}

// 	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 	// Now apply the row (constraint) cuts.
// 	int numberRowsNow = solver_->getNumRows();
// 	assert(numberRowsNow == numberRowsAtStart + lastNumberCuts);
// 	int numberToAdd = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
// 	numberNewCuts = lastNumberCuts + numberToAdd;

// 	// Get a basis by asking the solver for warm start information.
// 	// Resize it (retaining the basis) so it can accommodate the cuts.
// 	delete basis_;
// 	basis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>(solver_->getWarmStart());
// 	assert(basis_ != NULL); // make sure not volume
// 	basis_->resize(numberRowsAtStart + numberNewCuts, numberColumns);

// 	//  Now actually add the row cuts and reoptimise.
// 	if (numberRowCuts > 0 || numberColumnCuts > 0) {
// 	    if (numberToAdd > 0) {
// 		int i;
// 		OsiRowCut * addCuts = new OsiRowCut [numberToAdd];
// 		for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
// 		    addCuts[i] = theseCuts.rowCut(i);
// 		}
// 		solver_->applyRowCuts(numberToAdd, addCuts);
// 		// AJK this caused a memory fault on Win32
// 		delete [] addCuts;
// 		for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
// 		    cuts.insert(theseCuts.rowCut(i));
// 		}
// 		for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
// 		    basis_->setArtifStatus(numberRowsNow + i,
// 					   CoinWarmStartBasis::basic);
// 		}
// 		if (solver_->setWarmStart(basis_) == false) {
// 		    throw CoinError("Fail setWarmStart() after cut install.",
// 				    "solveWithCuts", "SbbModel");
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	    feasible = resolve() ;
// 	}
// 	else {
// 	    numberTries = 0;
// 	}

// 	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 	if (feasible) {
// 	    int cutIterations = solver_->getIterationCount();
// 	    //takeOffCuts(cuts, whichGenerator,
// 	    // numberOldActiveCuts, numberNewCuts, true);
// 	    if (solver_->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
// 		feasible = false;
// #ifdef DC_DEBUG
// 		double z = solver_->getObjValue();
// 		double cut = getCutoff();
// 		//	printf("Lost feasibility by %g in takeOffCuts; z = %g, cutoff = %g\n",
// 		//   z - cut, z, cut);
// #endif
// 	    }
// 	    if (feasible) {
// 		numberRowsAtStart = numberOldActiveCuts +
// 		    numberRowsAtContinuous_;
// 		lastNumberCuts = numberNewCuts;
// 		if ((direction * solver_->getObjValue() <
// 		    lastObjective + minimumDrop) &&  (numberPasses >= 3)) {
// 		    numberTries = 0;
// 		}
// 		if (numberRowCuts+numberColumnCuts == 0 || cutIterations == 0)
// 		{ break; }
// 		if (numberTries > 0) {
// 		    reducedCostFix();
// 		    lastObjective = direction * solver_->getObjValue();
// 		    lower = solver_->getColLower();
// 		    upper = solver_->getColUpper();
// 		    solution = solver_->getColSolution();
// 		}
// 	    }
// 	}

// 	// We've lost feasibility
// 	if (!feasible) {
// 	    numberTries = 0;
// 	}
//     } while (numberTries);

    // Adjust the frequency of use for any of the cut generator
    double thisObjective = solver_->getObjValue() * direction;
    if (feasible && fullScan && numberCutGenerators_) {
	double totalCuts = 0.0;
	int i;
	for (int i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_; ++i)
	totalCuts += countRowCuts[i] + 5.0 * countColumnCuts[i];
	// Root node or every so often - see what to turn off
	if (!numberNodes_)
	    handler_->message(DC_ROOT, messages_)
		<< numberNewCuts
		<< startObjective << thisObjective
		<< numberPasses
		<< CoinMessageEol;
	int * count = new int[numberCutGenerators_];
	memset(count, 0, numberCutGenerators_ * sizeof(int));
	for (i = 0; i < numberNewCuts; ++i)
	double small = (0.5 * totalCuts) / ((double) numberCutGenerators_);
	for (i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_; ++i) {
	    int howOften = generator_[i]->howOften();
	    if (howOften < -99)
	    if (howOften < 0 || howOften >= 1000000) {
		// If small number switch mostly off
		double thisCuts = countRowCuts[i] + 5.0 * countColumnCuts[i];
		if (!thisCuts || howOften == -99) {
		    if (howOften == -99)
			howOften = -100;
			howOften = 1000000 + SCANCUTS; // wait until next time
		else if (thisCuts < small) {
		    int k = (int) sqrt(small / thisCuts);
		    howOften = k + 1000000;
		else {
		    howOften = 1 + 1000000;
	    int newFrequency = generator_[i]->howOften() % 1000000;
	    // if (handler_->logLevel() > 1 || !numberNodes_)
	    if (!numberNodes_)
		handler_->message(DC_GENERATOR, messages_)
		    << i
		    << generator_[i]->cutGeneratorName()
		    << countRowCuts[i]
		    << countRowCuts[i] //<<count[i]
		    << countColumnCuts[i]
		    << newFrequency
		    << CoinMessageEol;
	delete [] count;

    delete [] countRowCuts;
    delete [] countColumnCuts;

    if (feasible) {
	delete basis_;
	basis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>(solver_->getWarmStart());
	printf("solveWithCuts: Number of rows at end (only active cuts) %d\n",
    if (numberNodes_ % 1000 == 0) {
	messageHandler()->message(DC_CUTS, messages_)
	    << numberNodes_
	    << numberNewCuts
	    << startObjective
	    << thisObjective
	    << numberPasses
	    << CoinMessageEol;

    //takeOffCuts(cuts, whichGenerator, numberOldActiveCuts,
    //		numberNewCuts, true);

    return feasible;