Пример #1
void LofarBeam::_setupConnections()
    // setup all the relationships between parameters
    connect( _array.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ), 
                      this, SLOT( refreshFilter() ) );
    connect( _array.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ), 
                      this, SLOT( refreshRCU() ) );
    connect( _array.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ), 
                      this, SLOT( refreshFrequency() ) );
    connect( _lofar->clockSpeeds().get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( clockUpdated() ) );
    connect( _frequency.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( frequencyUpdate() ) );
    connect( _bandwidth.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( bandwidthUpdate() ) );
    connect( _subbands.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( subbandUpdate() ) );
    connect( _directionType.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( updateDirection()) );
    connect( _directionX.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( updateDirection()) );
    connect( _directionY.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
                      this, SLOT( updateDirection()) );
    //connect( _filter.get(), SIGNAL( updatedSelection() ),
    //                  this, SLOT( frequencyUpdate() ) );
Пример #2
void CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::sourceRowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int /*start*/, int end)
    if (!parent.isValid())
        emit rowAdded(getRecordId(end).toUtf8().constData());
Пример #3
void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceRowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int /*start*/, int end)

    if (!parent.isValid())
        // We can't re-sort the model here, because the topic of the added row isn't set yet.
        // Store the row index for using in the first dataChanged() after this row insertion.
        mLastAddedSourceRow = end;
Пример #4
void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)

    if (mLastAddedSourceRow != -1 && 
        topLeft.row() <= mLastAddedSourceRow && bottomRight.row() >= mLastAddedSourceRow)
        // Now the topic of the last added row is set, 
        // so we can re-sort the model to ensure the corrent position of this row
        int column = sortColumn();
        Qt::SortOrder order = sortOrder();
        sort(mInfoColumnIndex); // Restore the correct position of an added row
        sort(column, order);    // Restore the original sort order
        emit rowAdded(getRecordId(mLastAddedSourceRow).toUtf8().constData());

        // Make sure that we perform a re-sorting only in the first dataChanged() after a row insertion
        mLastAddedSourceRow = -1;
Пример #5
void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &/*parent*/, int /*start*/, int /*end*/)
Пример #6
void CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex &/*topLeft*/, const QModelIndex &/*bottomRight*/)
Пример #7
void CSMWorld::IdTableProxyModel::sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &/*parent*/, int /*start*/, int /*end*/)
Пример #8
 * @details Constructs a LofarBeam object.
LofarBeam::LofarBeam( Lofar* lofar )
    : State(true), _lofar(lofar), _localUpdate(false)
    // construct parameters
    //_streams.reset(new MultiRangeParameter<unsigned int>(
   //                        "streams(beamlets)", 
    //                       "the output channels to map the subbands to. Max of 64 per beam is allowed") );
    //_streams.setRange( Range<unsigned int>(0,247) );

    _array.reset(new SelectionParameter<RCU::Array>(
                           "Antenna Array",
                           "Defines the Antenna array to use in this beam" ) );

    QList<QString> arrayDesc;  arrayDesc << "Low Band" 
                                         << "High Band";

    QList<RCU::Array> arrayValues;  arrayValues << RCU::LB << RCU::HB;
    _array->setAllowableValues( arrayDesc, arrayValues);

    _filter.reset( new SelectionParameter<RCU_Filter>(
                       "RCU Filter", 
                       "The filter to apply to the RCU chain") );

    _ids.reset( new MultiRangeParameter<unsigned int>(
                       "rcu id", 
                       "The ids of all rcu's to be included in the beam") );

    _frequency.reset( new SingleParameter<float>(
                       "The frequency range to observe" ) );

    _bandwidth.reset( new SingleParameter<float>(
                       "The width of the frequecy band to observe"
                       " relative to the start frequency" ) );

    _subbands.reset( new MultiRangeParameter<unsigned int>(
                       "The subband identifiers associated with the frequen") );

    _directionType.reset( new SelectionParameter<QString>( 
                       "direction", "The type "
                       "of direction input. "
                       "SKYSCAN will scan the sky with a L x M grid in "
                       "the (l,m) plane") );
    _directionType->setAllowableValues( _direction.types(), _direction.types() );

    _directionX.reset( new SingleParameter<float>("x", 
                   "The longitude in degrees for direction specification" ) );
    _directionX->setRange( Range<float>(-180,180) );
    _directionY.reset( new SingleParameter<float>("y", 
                   "The latitude in degrees for direction specification" ) );
    _directionY->setRange( Range<float>(-90.0,90.0) );

    // set default values (pre-connection)

    // set default values
    _ids->set( _lofar->rcuIds( _array->value()) );
    _subbands->set( _lofar->subbandRanges() );
    _subbands->setAllowableValues( _lofar->subbandRanges() );

    // set up the RCU group
    ParameterGroup g("RCU Selection");
    g.addParameter( _array );
    g.addParameter( _filter );
    g.addParameter( _ids );

    // set up the frequency group
    ParameterGroup f("Frequency");
    f.addParameter( _frequency );
    f.addParameter( _bandwidth );
    f.addParameter( _subbands );

    // set up the direction group
    ParameterGroup d("Direction");
    d.addParameter( _directionType );
    d.addParameter( _directionX );
    d.addParameter( _directionY );

    appendGroup( g );
    appendGroup( f );
    appendGroup( d );