Пример #1
void alert_check(void)
// Check the alert registers for min/max overflows and set the status register accordingly
    uint16_t voltage;
    uint16_t current;
    uint16_t temperature;
    uint16_t max_voltage;
    uint16_t min_voltage;
    uint16_t max_current;
    uint16_t max_temperature;

    // Get the current voltage and power
    voltage     = registers_read_word(REG_VOLTAGE_HI,REG_VOLTAGE_LO);
    current     = registers_read_word(REG_POWER_HI,REG_POWER_LO);
    temperature = registers_read_word(REG_TEMPERATURE_HI,REG_TEMPERATURE_LO);

    // Get the set limits for voltage and power

    max_temperature = banks_read_word(ALERT_CONFIG_BANK, ALERT_TEMP_MAX_LIMIT_HI, ALERT_TEMP_MAX_LIMIT_LO);


    // Check the voltage is not below or above the set voltage. Ignore if 0
    // NOTE: This would be a good place to alter the pwm of the motor to output the same voltage
    if (voltage > max_voltage && max_voltage >0)
    else if (voltage < min_voltage && min_voltage >0)

    // Check the curent is not over the maximum set current. Ignore if 0
    // NOTE: This would be a good place to throttle the current if we want to
    if (current > max_current && max_current >0)
        throttle = current - max_current ;

    // Check the curent is not over the maximum set current. Ignore if 0
    // NOTE: This would be a good place to throttle the current if we want to
    if (temperature > max_temperature && max_temperature >0)
        // Turn off pwm?

    if(throttle >0) throttle--;
Пример #2
uint8_t motion_append(void)
// Append a new curve keypoint from data stored in the curve registers.  The keypoint
// is offset from the previous curve by the specified delta.  An error is returned if
// there is no more room to store the new keypoint in the buffer or if the delta is
// less than one (a zero delta is not allowed).
    int16_t position;
    int16_t in_velocity;
    int16_t out_velocity;
    uint8_t next;
    uint16_t delta;

    // Get the next index in the buffer.
    next = (motion_head + 1) & MOTION_BUFFER_MASK;

    // Return error if we have looped the head to the tail and the buffer is filled.
    if (next == motion_tail) return 0;

    // Get the position, velocity and time delta values from the registers.
    position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO);
    in_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_HI, REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_LO);
    out_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_OUT_VELOCITY_HI, REG_CURVE_OUT_VELOCITY_LO);
    delta = (uint16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO);

    // Keypoint delta must be greater than zero.
    if (delta < 1) return 0;

    // Fill in the next keypoint.
    keys[next].delta = delta;
    keys[next].position = int_to_float(position);
    keys[next].in_velocity = fixed_to_float(in_velocity);
    keys[next].out_velocity = fixed_to_float(out_velocity);

    // Is this keypoint being added to an empty buffer?
    if (motion_tail == motion_head)
        // Initialize a new hermite curve that gets us from the current position to the new position.
        // We use a velocity of zero at each end to smoothly transition from one to the other.
        curve_init(0, delta, curve_get_p1(), keys[next].position, 0.0, 0.0);

    // Increase the duration of the buffer.
    motion_duration += delta;

    // Set the new head index.
    motion_head = next;

    // Reset the motion registers and update the buffer status.

    return 1;
Пример #3
void pwm_init(void)
// Initialize the PWM module for controlling a DC motor.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

    // Set EN_A (PD2) and EN_B (PD3) to low.
    PORTD &= ~((1<<PD2) | (1<<PD3));

    // Set SMPLn_B (PD4) and SMPLn_A (PD7) to high.
    PORTD |= ((1<<PD4) | (1<<PD7));

    // Enable PD2, PD3, PD4 and PD7 as outputs.
    DDRD |= ((1<<DDD2) | (1<<DDD3) | (1<<DDD4) | (1<<DDD7));

    // Set PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) are low.
    PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

    // Enable PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B as outputs.
    DDRB |= ((1<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB2));

    // Reset the timer1 configuration.
    TCNT1 = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 1,2,...X
    TCCR1A = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
    TCCR1B = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
    TCCR1C = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
    TIMSK1 = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Mask

    // Set timer top value.
    ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);  //Input Capture Register1

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;  //Output Compare Register1 A
    OCR1B = 0;  //Output Compare Register1 B

    // Configure timer 1 for PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct operation, but leave outputs disabled.
    TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A1) | (0<<COM1A0) |                    // Disable OC1A output.
             (0<<COM1B1) | (0<<COM1B0) |                    // Disable OC1B output.
             (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);                       // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
    TCCR1B = (0<<ICNC1) | (0<<ICES1) |                      // Input on ICP1 disabled.
             (1<<WGM13) | (0<<WGM12) |                      // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
             (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10);             // No prescaling.

    // Update the pwm values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, 0);
Пример #4
void pwm_init(void)
// Initialize the PWM module for controlling a DC motor.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

    TCCR1A = 0;

    // Set PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B to low.
    PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

    // Enable PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B as outputs.
    DDRB |= ((1<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB2));

    // Reset the timer1 configuration.
    TCNT1 = 0;
    TCCR1A = 0;
    TCCR1B = 0;
    TCCR1C = 0;
    TIMSK1 = 0;

    // Set timer top value.
    ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Configure timer 1 for PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct operation, but leave outputs disabled.
    TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A1) | (0<<COM1A0) |                    // Disable OC1A output.
             (0<<COM1B1) | (0<<COM1B0) |                    // Disable OC1B output.
             (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);                       // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
    TCCR1B = (0<<ICNC1) | (0<<ICES1) |                      // Input on ICP1 disabled.
             (1<<WGM13) | (0<<WGM12) |                      // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
             (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10);             // No prescaling.

    // Update the pwm values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, 0);
Пример #5
int16_t regulator_position_to_pwm(int16_t current_position)
// This function takes the current servo position as input and outputs a pwm
// value for the servo motors.  The current position value must be within the
// range 0 and 1023. The output will be within the range of -255 and 255 with
// values less than zero indicating clockwise rotation and values more than
// zero indicating counter-clockwise rotation.
    int16_t k1;
    int16_t k2;
    int16_t output;
    int16_t command_position;
    int16_t current_velocity;
    int16_t current_error;

    // Get the command position to where the servo is moving to from the registers.
    command_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    // Get estimated velocity
    current_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_VELOCITY_HI, REG_VELOCITY_LO);

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Update the system registers with an adjusted reverse sense
        // position. With reverse sense, the position value to grows from
        // a low value to high value in the clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) (MAX_POSITION - current_position));

        // Adjust command position for the reverse sense.
        command_position = MAX_POSITION - command_position;
        // No. Update the system registers with a non-reverse sense position.
        // Normal position value grows from a low value to high value in the
        // counter-clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) current_position);
    // Get the control parameters.
    k1 = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    k2 = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO);

    // Determine the current error.
    current_error = command_position - current_position;

	// The following operations are fixed point operations. To add/substract
	// two fixed point values they must have the same fractional precision
    // (the same number of bits behind the decimal).  When two fixed point
    // values are multiplied the fractional precision of the result is the sum
    // of the fractional precision of the the the factors (the sum of the bits
    // behind the decimal of each factor).  To reach the best possible precision
    // the fixed point bit is chosen for each variable separately according to 
    // its maximum and dimension.  A shift factor is then applied after
    // multiplication in the fixed_multiply() function to adjust the fractional
    // precision of the product for addition or subtraction.

    // Used fixed point bits, counted from the lowest bit:
    // Control Param. k1:  fp_k1     =  5
    // Control Param. k2:  fp_k2     =  5
    // Position state z1:  fp_z1     =  5 
    // Velocity state z2:  fp_z2     = 11
	// Real Position  x1:  fp_x1     =  0
	// PWM output:         fp_output =  0

	// output = k1 * x1 + k2 * x2
    output  = fixed_multiply(k1, current_error, 5);         // fp: 5 + 0  -> 0 : rshift = 5
    output += fixed_multiply(k2, -current_velocity, 16);    // fp: 5 + 11 -> 0 : rshift = 16

    // Check for output saturation.
    if (output > MAX_OUTPUT) output = MAX_OUTPUT;
    if (output < MIN_OUTPUT) output = MIN_OUTPUT;

    return output;
Пример #6
void pwm_update(uint16_t position, int16_t pwm)
// Update the PWM signal being sent to the motor.  The PWM value should be
// a signed integer in the range of -255 to -1 for clockwise movement,
// 1 to 255 for counter-clockwise movement or zero to stop all movement.
// This function provides a sanity check against the servo position and
// will prevent the servo from being driven past a minimum and maximum
// position.
    uint8_t pwm_width;
    uint16_t min_position;
    uint16_t max_position;

    // Quick check to see if the frequency divider changed.  If so we need to
    // configure a new top value for timer/counter1.  This value should only
    // change infrequently so we aren't too elegant in how we handle updating
    // the value.  However, we need to be careful that we don't configure the
    // top to a value lower than the counter and compare values.
    if (registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO) != pwm_div)
        // Hold EN_A (PD2) and EN_B (PD3) low.
        PORTD &= ~((1<<PD2) | (1<<PD3));

        // Give the H-bridge time to respond to the above, failure to do so or to wait long
        // enough will result in brownouts as the power is "crowbarred" to varying extents.
        // The delay required is also dependant on factors which may affect the speed with
        // which the MOSFETs can respond, such as the impedance of the motor, the supply
        // voltage, etc.
        // Experiments (with an "MG995") have shown that 5microseconds should be sufficient
        // for most purposes.

        // Disable OC1A and OC1B outputs.
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1A0));
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1B1) | (1<<COM1B0));

        // Make sure that PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) are held low.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

        // Reset the A and B direction flags.
        pwm_a = 0;
        pwm_b = 0;

        // Update the pwm frequency divider value.
        pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

        // Update the timer top value.
        ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);

        // Reset the counter and compare values to prevent problems with the new top value.
        TCNT1 = 0;
        OCR1A = 0;
        OCR1B = 0;

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Swap the minimum and maximum position.

        // Get the minimum and maximum seek position.
        min_position = registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);
        max_position = registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);

        // Make sure these values are sane 10-bit values.
        if (min_position > MAX_POSITION) min_position = MAX_POSITION;
        if (max_position > MAX_POSITION) max_position = MAX_POSITION;

        // Adjust the values because of the reverse sense.
        min_position = MAX_POSITION - min_position;
        max_position = MAX_POSITION - max_position;
        // No. Use the minimum and maximum position as is.

        // Get the minimum and maximum seek position.
        min_position = registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
        max_position = registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);

        // Make sure these values are sane 10-bit values.
        if (min_position > MAX_POSITION) min_position = MAX_POSITION;
        if (max_position > MAX_POSITION) max_position = MAX_POSITION;

    // Disable clockwise movements when position is below the minimum position.
    if ((position < min_position) && (pwm < 0)) pwm = 0;

    // Disable counter-clockwise movements when position is above the maximum position.
    if ((position > max_position) && (pwm > 0)) pwm = 0;

    // Determine if PWM is disabled in the registers.
    if (!(registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO) & (1<<FLAGS_LO_PWM_ENABLED))) pwm = 0;

    // Determine direction of servo movement or stop.
    if (pwm < 0)
        // Less than zero. Turn clockwise.

        // Get the PWM width from the PWM value.
        pwm_width = (uint8_t) -pwm;

        // Turn clockwise.
    else if (pwm > 0)
        // More than zero. Turn counter-clockwise.

        // Get the PWM width from the PWM value.
        pwm_width = (uint8_t) pwm;

        // Turn counter-clockwise.

        // Stop all PWM activity to the motor.
Пример #7
void pwm_update(uint16_t position, int16_t pwm)
// Update the PWM signal being sent to the motor.  The PWM value should be
// a signed integer in the range of -255 to -1 for clockwise movement,
// 1 to 255 for counter-clockwise movement or zero to stop all movement.
// This function provides a sanity check against the servo position and
// will prevent the servo from being driven past a minimum and maximum
// position.
    uint8_t pwm_width;
    uint16_t min_position;
    uint16_t max_position;

    // Quick check to see if the frequency divider changed.  If so we need to 
    // configure a new top value for timer/counter1.  This value should only 
    // change infrequently so we aren't too elegant in how we handle updating
    // the value.  However, we need to be careful that we don't configure the
    // top to a value lower than the counter and compare values.
    if (registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO) != pwm_div)
        // Disable OC1A and OC1B outputs.
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1A0));
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1B1) | (1<<COM1B0));

        // Clear PB1 and PB2.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));


        // Reset the A and B direction flags.
        pwm_a = 0;
        pwm_b = 0;

        // Update the pwm frequency divider value.
        pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

        // Update the timer top value.
        ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);

        // Reset the counter and compare values to prevent problems with the new top value.
        TCNT1 = 0;
        OCR1A = 0;
        OCR1B = 0;

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Swap the minimum and maximum position.

        // Get the minimum and maximum seek position.
        min_position = registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);
        max_position = registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);

        // Make sure these values are sane 10-bit values.
        if (min_position > 0x3ff) min_position = 0x3ff;
        if (max_position > 0x3ff) max_position = 0x3ff;

        // Adjust the values because of the reverse sense.
        min_position = 0x3ff - min_position;
        max_position = 0x3ff - max_position;
        // No. Use the minimum and maximum position as is.

        // Get the minimum and maximum seek position.
        min_position = registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
        max_position = registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);

        // Make sure these values are sane 10-bit values.
        if (min_position > 0x3ff) min_position = 0x3ff;
        if (max_position > 0x3ff) max_position = 0x3ff;

    // Disable clockwise movements when position is below the minimum position.
    if ((position < min_position) && (pwm < 0)) pwm = 0;

    // Disable counter-clockwise movements when position is above the maximum position.
    if ((position > max_position) && (pwm > 0)) pwm = 0;

    // Determine if PWM is disabled in the registers.
    if (!(registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO) & (1<<FLAGS_LO_PWM_ENABLED))) pwm = 0;

    // Determine direction of servo movement or stop.
    if (pwm < 0)
        // Less than zero. Turn clockwise.

        // Get the PWM width from the PWM value.
        pwm_width = (uint8_t) -pwm;

        // Turn clockwise.
    else if (pwm > 0)
        // More than zero. Turn counter-clockwise.

        // Get the PWM width from the PWM value.
        pwm_width = (uint8_t) pwm;

        // Turn counter-clockwise.

        // Stop all PWM activity to the motor.
Пример #8
int16_t ipd_position_to_pwm(int16_t current_position)
// This function takes the current servo position as input and outputs a pwm
// value for the servo motors.  The current position value must be within the
// range 0 and 1023. The output will be within the range of -255 and 255 with
// values less than zero indicating clockwise rotation and values more than
// zero indicating counter-clockwise rotation.
// The feedback approach implemented here was first published in Richard Phelan's
// Automatic Control Systems, Cornell University Press, 1977 (ISBN 0-8014-1033-9)
// The theory of operation of this function will be filled in later, but the
// diagram below should gives a general picture of how it is intended to work.
//                           +<------- bounds checking -------+
//                           |                                |
//             |¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |
//  command -->|  -  |-->|integral|-->|  -  |-->|  motor  |-->+-> actuator
//             |_____|   |________|   |_____|   |_________|   |
//                |                      |                    |
//                |                      +<-- Kv * velocity --+
//                |                      |                    |
//                |                      +<-- Kp * position --+
//                |                                           |
//                +<-------------Ki * position ---------------+
    int16_t deadband;
    int16_t command_position;
    int16_t maximum_position;
    int16_t minimum_position;
    int16_t current_velocity;
    int16_t command_error;
    int16_t output;
    int16_t position_output;
    int16_t velocity_output;
    int16_t integral_output;
    uint16_t position_gain;
    uint16_t velocity_gain;
    uint16_t integral_gain;

    // Determine the velocity as the difference between the current and previous position.
    current_velocity = current_position - previous_position;

    // Update the previous position.
    previous_position = current_position;

    // Get the command position to where the servo is moving to from the registers.
    command_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    minimum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
    maximum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);

    // Set the deadband value and divide by two for calculations below.
    deadband = 2;

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Update the system registers with an adjusted reverse sense
        // position. With reverse sense, the position value to grows from
        // a low value to high value in the clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) (MAX_POSITION - current_position));

        // Adjust command position for the reverse sense.
        command_position = MAX_POSITION - command_position;
        minimum_position = MAX_POSITION - minimum_position;
        maximum_position = MAX_POSITION - maximum_position;
        // No. Update the system registers with a non-reverse sense position.
        // Normal position value grows from a low value to high value in the
        // counter-clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) current_position);

    // Sanity check the command position. We do this because this value is
    // passed from the outside to the servo and it could be an invalid value.
    if (command_position < minimum_position) command_position = minimum_position;
    if (command_position > maximum_position) command_position = maximum_position;

    // The command error is the difference between the command position and current position.
    command_error = command_position - current_position;

    // Adjust proportional error due to deadband.  The potentiometer readings are a 
    // bit noisy and there is typically one or two units of difference from reading 
    // to reading when the servo is holding position.  Adding deadband decreases some 
    // of the twitchiness in the servo caused by this noise.
    if (command_error > deadband)
        // Factor out deadband from the command error.
        command_error -= deadband;
    else if (command_error < -deadband)
        // Factor out deadband from the command error.
        command_error += deadband;
        // Adjust to command error to zero within deadband.
        command_error = 0;

    // Get the positional, velocity and integral gains from the registers.
    position_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    velocity_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO);
    integral_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_IGAIN_HI, REG_PID_IGAIN_LO);

    // Add the command error scaled by the position gain to the integral accumulator.
    // The integral accumulator maintains a sum of total error over each iteration.
    integral_accumulator_update(command_error, integral_gain);

    // Get the integral output. There is no gain applied to the integral output.
    integral_output = integral_accumulator_get();

    // Determine the position output component.  We multiply the position gain
    // by the current position of the servo to create the position output.
    position_output = fixed_multiply(current_position, position_gain);

    // Determine the velocity output component.  We multiply the velocity gain
    // by the current velocity of the servo to create the velocity output.
    velocity_output = fixed_multiply(current_velocity, velocity_gain);

    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_18, REG_RESERVED_19, (uint16_t) position_output);
    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_1A, REG_RESERVED_1B, (uint16_t) velocity_output);
    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_1C, REG_RESERVED_1D, (uint16_t) integral_output);

    // The integral output drives the output and the position and velocity outputs
    // function as a frictional component to counter the integral output.
    output = integral_output - position_output - velocity_output;

    // Is the output saturated? If so we need limit the output and clip
    // the integral accumulator just at the saturation level.
    if (output < MIN_OUTPUT)
        // Calculate a new integral accumulator based on the output range.  This value
        // is calculated to keep the integral output just on the verge of saturation.
        integral_accumulator_reset(position_output + velocity_output + MIN_OUTPUT);

        // Limit the output.
        output = MIN_OUTPUT;
    else if (output > MAX_OUTPUT)
        // Calculate a new integral accumulator based on the output range.  This value
        // is calculated to keep the integral output just on the verge of saturation.
        integral_accumulator_reset(position_output + velocity_output + MAX_OUTPUT);

        // Limit the output.
        output = MAX_OUTPUT;

    // Return the output.
    return output;
Пример #9
void step_update(uint16_t position, int16_t step_in)
//  Update the timer delay that trigers a step.  The delay time is determined by the step value, which represents a value of the maximum delay.
//  The farther the step value is from zero, the longer the delay.
    uint16_t min_position;
    uint16_t max_position;
    uint8_t step_mode;
    static uint8_t prev_step_mode;
    static uint16_t prev_pwm_div;
    static int16_t prev_seek_position;
    static uint8_t step_accel_idx = 0;
    uint16_t duty_cycle;
    uint16_t pwm_div_hi;
    uint16_t pwm_div_lo;

    // Read the high and low values for the PWM frequencies. pwm_div_hi is the top frequency and
    // pwm_div_lo is the bottom frequency
    pwm_div_hi = (uint16_t)banks_read_byte(CONFIG_BANK, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI);
    pwm_div_lo = (uint16_t)banks_read_byte(CONFIG_BANK, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

    // Store these in the correct 16 bit size 
    pwm_div_hi = (uint8_t)pwm_div_hi << 8;
    pwm_div_lo = (uint8_t)pwm_div_lo << 8;

    // Set up for the configured step mode
    step_mode = banks_read_byte(CONFIG_BANK, REG_STEP_MODE);

    // Check to see if the step mode has changed in the registers on the fly
    if (prev_step_mode != step_mode)

    prev_step_mode = step_mode;

    min_position = banks_read_word(CONFIG_BANK, REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
    max_position = banks_read_word(CONFIG_BANK, REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);

    // Make sure these values are sane 10-bit values.
    if (min_position > 0x3ff) min_position = 0x3ff;
    if (max_position > 0x3ff) max_position = 0x3ff;

    // Disable clockwise movements when position is below the minimum position.
    if ((position < min_position) && (step_in < 0)) step_in = 0;

    // Disable counter-clockwise movements when position is above the maximum position.
    if ((position > max_position) && (step_in > 0)) step_in = 0;

    // Determine if Stepping is disabled in the registers.
    // TODO cheeck for braking and disable bridge
    if (!(registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO) & (1<<FLAGS_LO_PWM_ENABLED))) step_in = 0;

    // Determine and set the direction: Stop (0), Clockwise (1), Counter-Clockwise (2).
    if (step_in < -5)
        // Less than zero. Set the direction to clockwise.
        direction |=  R_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE;
        direction &=  ~R_CLOCKWISE;

        // Calculate our duty cycle value
        duty_cycle = PWM_OCRN_VALUE(pwm_div_hi, pwm_div_lo, -step_in);
    else if (step_in > 5)
        // More than zero. Set the direction to counter-clockwise.
        direction |= R_CLOCKWISE; //DIRECTION = 2
        direction &= ~R_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE;

        // Calculate our duty cycle value
        duty_cycle = PWM_OCRN_VALUE(pwm_div_hi, pwm_div_lo, step_in);
        // Stop all stepping output to the motor by setting motor outputs to low.

    // If acceleration mode is set, the current speed is divided to all incremental
    // speed. This function also waits for the R_ACCEL_CLEAR flag from the timer interrupt
    // before starting the next increment. It should take 10 pulses to get up to speed.
    if ((direction & R_ACCEL) && (direction & R_ACCEL_CLEAR))
        // Scale the current duty cycle by 64 and increment over a loop
        duty_cycle = (duty_cycle/64)*(step_accel_idx+1);
        if (step_accel_idx >= 64)
            step_accel_idx = 0;
            direction &= ~R_ACCEL;
        // clear the acceleration flag ready for next toggle
        direction &= ~R_ACCEL_CLEAR;

    // If the motor changes direction we need to wait a small amount of time to discharge,
    // and then start accelerating in the new direction.
    uint16_t seek_position = registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    if (seek_position != prev_seek_position)
        direction |= R_ACCEL;
        step_accel_idx = 0;
        OCR1A = 6500;  // Wait 1ms (at 20mhz)
        // A slower speed is a larger delay, so calculate the top pwm frequency, and take away the step delay.
        OCR1A =  65535 - pwm_div_lo - duty_cycle; //Update the CTC compare value with the modified value of step.

    prev_seek_position = seek_position;

    // Enable the timer mask
    TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
Пример #10
int main (void)
    // Configure pins to the default states.

    // Initialize the watchdog module.

    // First, initialize registers that control servo operation.

    // Initialize the PWM module.

    // Initialise the stepper motor
    // Initialize the ADC module.

    // Initialise the Heartbeart

    // Initialize the PID algorithm module.

    // Initialize curve motion module.

    // Initialize the power module.


    // Initialise the back emf module

    //initialise the alert registers

    // Initialize the TWI slave module.
    twi_slave_init(banks_read_byte(POS_PID_BANK, REG_TWI_ADDRESS));

    // Finally initialize the timer.

    // Enable interrupts.

    // Trigger the adc sampling hardware

    // Wait until initial position value is ready.
    while (!adc_position_value_is_ready());

    // Reset the curve motion with the current position of the servo.

    // Set the initial seek position and velocity.
    registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, adc_get_position_value());
    registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_HI, REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_LO, 0);

    // XXX Enable PWM and writing.  I do this for now to make development and
    // XXX tuning a bit easier.  Constantly manually setting these values to
    // XXX turn the servo on and write the gain values get's to be a pain.


    // This is the main processing loop for the servo.  It basically looks
    // for new position, power or TWI commands to be processed.
    for (;;)
        static uint8_t emf_motor_is_coasting = 0;

        // Is the system heartbeat ready?
        if (heartbeat_is_ready())
            static int16_t last_seek_position;
            static int16_t wait_seek_position;
            static int16_t new_seek_position;

            // Clear the heartbeat flag

            // Give pulse control a chance to update the seek position.

            // Give the motion curve a chance to update the seek position and velocity.

            // General call support
            // Check to see if we have the wait flag enabled. If so save the new position, and write in the
            // old position until we get the move command
            if (general_call_enabled()) 
                //we need to wait for the go command before moving
                if (general_call_wait())
                    // store the new position, but let the servo lock to the last seek position
                    wait_seek_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
                    if (wait_seek_position != last_seek_position) // do we have a new position?
                        new_seek_position = wait_seek_position;
                        registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, last_seek_position);
                last_seek_position = registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);

                //check to make sure that we can start the move.
                if (general_call_start() || 
                    ( registers_read_byte(REG_GENERAL_CALL_GROUP_START) == banks_read_byte(CONFIG_BANK, REG_GENERAL_CALL_GROUP)))
                    // write the new position with the previously saved position
                    registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, new_seek_position);  
                    general_call_start_wait_reset();  // reset the wait flag
                    general_call_start_reset();  // reset the start flag

            // Quick and dirty check to see if pwm is active. This is done to make sure the motor doesn't
            // whine in the audible range while idling.
            uint8_t pwm_a = registers_read_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA);
            uint8_t pwm_b = registers_read_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB);
            if (pwm_a || pwm_b)
                // Disable PWM
                emf_motor_is_coasting = 1;
                // reset the back EMF value to 0
                banks_write_word(INFORMATION_BANK, REG_BACKEMF_HI, REG_BACKEMF_LO, 0);
                emf_motor_is_coasting = 0;

            // Trigger the adc sampling hardware. This triggers the position and temperature sample

        // Wait for the samples to complete
        if (adc_temperature_value_is_ready())
            // Save temperature value to registers
            registers_write_word(REG_TEMPERATURE_HI, REG_TEMPERATURE_LO, (uint16_t)adc_get_temperature_value());
        if (adc_power_value_is_ready())

            // Get the new power value.
            uint16_t power = adc_get_power_value();

            // Update the power value for reporting.
        if (adc_position_value_is_ready())
            int16_t position;
            // Get the new position value from the ADC module.
            position = (int16_t) adc_get_position_value();
        if (position_value_is_ready())
            int16_t position;
            // Get the position value from an external module.
            position = (int16_t) get_position_value();
            int16_t pwm;
            if (emf_motor_is_coasting == 1)
                uint8_t pwm_a = registers_read_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA);
                uint8_t pwm_b = registers_read_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB);

                // Quick and dirty check to see if pwm is active
                if (pwm_a || pwm_b)
                    // Get the backemf sample.

                    // Turn the motor back on
		    emf_motor_is_coasting = 0;

            // Call the PID algorithm module to get a new PWM value.
            pwm = pid_position_to_pwm(position);

            // Update the alert status registers and do any throttling

            // Allow any alerts to modify the PWM value.
            pwm = alert_pwm_throttle(pwm);

            // Update the servo movement as indicated by the PWM value.
            // Sanity checks are performed against the position value.
            pwm_update(position, pwm);

            // Update the stepper motor as indicated by the PWM value.
            // Sanity checks are performed against the position value.
            step_update(position, pwm);
        // Was a command recieved?
        if (twi_data_in_receive_buffer())
            // Handle any TWI command.

        // Update the bank register operations

        // This code is in place for having the servo drive itself between
        // two positions to aid in the servo tuning process.  This code
        // should normally be disabled in config.h.
        if (motion_time_left() == 0)
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO, 2000);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO, 0x0100);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO, 1000);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO, 0x0300);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO, 2000);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO, 0x0300);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO, 1000);
            registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO, 0x0100);
            // Get the timer.
            uint16_t timer = timer_get();

            // Reset the timer if greater than 800.
            if (timer > 800) timer_set(0);

            // Look for specific events.
            if (timer == 0)
                registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, 0x0100);
            else if (timer == 400)
                registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, 0x0300);

    return 0;
Пример #11
int16_t speed_position_to_pwm(int16_t current_position)
// This is a modified pi algorithm with feed forward by which the seek
// veolcity is assumed to be a moving target. The algorithm attempts to
// output a pwm value that will achieve a predicted velocity.
    // We declare these static to keep them off the stack.
    static int16_t p_component;
    static int16_t i_component;
    static int16_t seek_velocity;
    static int16_t current_velocity;
    static int32_t pwm_output;
    static uint16_t i_gain;
    static uint16_t p_gain;
    static int16_t anti_windup;
    static uint16_t feed_forward_gain;
    static int16_t max_speed;

    // Get the seek velocity.
    seek_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_HI, REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_LO);

    max_speed = (int16_t)banks_read_word(POS_PID_BANK, REG_MAX_SPEED_HI, REG_MAX_SPEED_LO);

    if (seek_velocity> max_speed) seek_velocity =  max_speed;
    if (seek_velocity<-max_speed) seek_velocity = -max_speed;

    // Get current velocity from measurement of back-emf
    current_velocity = banks_read_word(INFORMATION_BANK, REG_BACKEMF_HI, REG_BACKEMF_LO);
    // Determine rotation sense by last PWM value
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA)) current_velocity = - current_velocity;

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (banks_read_byte(POS_PID_BANK, REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        registers_write_word(REG_VELOCITY_HI, REG_VELOCITY_LO, (uint16_t) -current_velocity);
        // No. Update the position and velocity registers without change.
        registers_write_word(REG_VELOCITY_HI, REG_VELOCITY_LO, (uint16_t) current_velocity);

    // Get the proportional and integral gains.
    p_gain = banks_read_word(POS_PID_BANK, REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    i_gain = banks_read_word(POS_PID_BANK, REG_PID_IGAIN_HI, REG_PID_IGAIN_LO);
    feed_forward_gain = banks_read_word(POS_PID_BANK, REG_FEED_FORWARD_HI, REG_FEED_FORWARD_LO);
    anti_windup = (int16_t)banks_read_word(POS_PID_BANK, REG_ANTI_WINDUP_HI, REG_ANTI_WINDUP_LO);

    // The proportional component to the PID is the position error.
    p_component  = seek_velocity - current_velocity;
    // Increment the integral component of the PID
    i_component += (int32_t) p_component * (int32_t) i_gain;

    // Saturate the integrator for anti wind-up
    if (i_component >  anti_windup) i_component =  anti_windup;
    if (i_component < -anti_windup) i_component = -anti_windup;

    // Start with zero PWM output.
    pwm_output = 0;
    // Apply the feed forward component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += (int32_t) seek_velocity * (int32_t) feed_forward_gain;

    // Apply the proportional component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += (int32_t) p_component * (int32_t) p_gain;

    // Apply the integral component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += i_component;

    // Shift by 8 to account for the multiply by the 8:8 fixed point gain values.
    pwm_output >>= 8;

    // Check for output saturation.
    if (pwm_output > MAX_OUTPUT)
        // Can't go higher than the maximum output value.
        pwm_output = MAX_OUTPUT;
    else if (pwm_output < MIN_OUTPUT)
        // Can't go lower than the minimum output value.
        pwm_output = MIN_OUTPUT;

    // Return the PID output.
    return (int16_t) pwm_output;
    //return (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_HI, REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_LO);
