 *                        buildProbeRspTemplate							*
DESCRIPTION: This function build a probe response template to set to the HAL 
				when joining an IBSS network.
				performs the following:
				-	Build a template & set the template len, the template type is set in the site mgr
				-	The template is built based on the chosen site attributes

			NOTE: This function is used to build beacon template too.
			The site manager set the template type (after thos function returns) to beacon or probe response accordingly.
INPUT:      pSiteMgr	-	Handle to site manager	
			pTemplate	-	Pointer to the template structure		



TI_STATUS buildProbeRspTemplate(siteMgr_t *pSiteMgr, TSetTemplate *pTemplate)
	paramInfo_t			param;
	TI_UINT8			*pBuf;
	probeRspTemplate_t	*pBuffer = (probeRspTemplate_t	*)pTemplate->ptr;
	siteEntry_t			*pPrimarySite = pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->pPrimarySite;
	TI_INT32			i, j;
	TI_UINT32			size;
	dot11_RATES_t		*pDot11Rates;
	dot11_ERP_t         *pdot11Erp;
	TI_UINT32			len = 0, ofdmIndex = 0;
	TI_BOOL				extRates = TI_FALSE;
	TI_BOOL             useProtection,NonErpPresent,barkerPreambleType;
	TCountry			*pCountry = NULL;
	TI_UINT32			supportedRateMask,basicRateMask;
	TI_UINT16			headerFC = DOT11_FC_PROBE_RESP;

	os_memoryZero(pSiteMgr->hOs, pBuffer, sizeof(probeRspTemplate_t));

	 * Build WLAN Header:
	 * ==================

	/* Set destination address */
	for (i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
		pBuffer->hdr.DA[i] = 0xFF;

	/* Set BSSID address */
	MAC_COPY (pBuffer->hdr.BSSID, pPrimarySite->bssid);  

	/* Build Source address */
	param.paramType = CTRL_DATA_MAC_ADDRESS;
	ctrlData_getParam(pSiteMgr->hCtrlData, &param);
	MAC_COPY (pBuffer->hdr.SA, param.content.ctrlDataDeviceMacAddress);  
    COPY_WLAN_WORD(&pBuffer->hdr.fc, &headerFC);

	size = sizeof(dot11_mgmtHeader_t);
	pBuf = (TI_UINT8 *)pBuffer->timeStamp;
	* Fixed Fields
	/* we skip the timestamp field */
	size += TIME_STAMP_LEN;

	/* Beacon interval */
    COPY_WLAN_WORD(pBuf, &pPrimarySite->beaconInterval);
	size += FIX_FIELD_LEN;

	/* capabilities */
    COPY_WLAN_WORD(pBuf, &pPrimarySite->capabilities);
	size += FIX_FIELD_LEN;

	 * Build Informataion Elements:
	 * ============================

	/* SSID IE */
    /* It looks like it never happens. Anyway decided to check */
    if ( pPrimarySite->ssid.len > MAX_SSID_LEN )
        TRACE2( pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR,
               "buildProbeRspTemplate. pPrimarySite->ssid.len=%d exceeds the limit %d\n",
               pPrimarySite->ssid.len, MAX_SSID_LEN);
        return TI_NOK;
	((dot11_SSID_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[0] = DOT11_SSID_ELE_ID;
	((dot11_SSID_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[1] = pPrimarySite->ssid.len;
	os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, pBuf + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t), (void *)pPrimarySite->ssid.str, pPrimarySite->ssid.len);
	size += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + pPrimarySite->ssid.len;
	pBuf += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + pPrimarySite->ssid.len;

	/* Rates IE */

	pDot11Rates = (dot11_RATES_t *) pBuf;

	if (pPrimarySite->channel == SPECIAL_BG_CHANNEL) 
		supportedRateMask = rate_GetDrvBitmapForDefaultSupporteSet ();
		basicRateMask	  = rate_GetDrvBitmapForDefaultBasicSet ();
		supportedRateMask = pSiteMgr->pDesiredParams->siteMgrMatchedSuppRateMask;
		basicRateMask     = pSiteMgr->pDesiredParams->siteMgrMatchedBasicRateMask;
	rate_DrvBitmapToNetStr (supportedRateMask, basicRateMask, ratesBuf, &len, &ofdmIndex);

    if(pSiteMgr->siteMgrOperationalMode != DOT11_G_MODE ||
       pSiteMgr->pDesiredParams->siteMgrUseDraftNum == DRAFT_5_AND_EARLIER ||
	   ofdmIndex == len)
		pDot11Rates->hdr[0] = DOT11_SUPPORTED_RATES_ELE_ID;
		pDot11Rates->hdr[1] = len;
		os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, (void *)pDot11Rates->rates, ratesBuf, pDot11Rates->hdr[1]);
		size += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);
		pBuf += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);		
		pDot11Rates->hdr[0] = DOT11_SUPPORTED_RATES_ELE_ID;
		pDot11Rates->hdr[1] = ofdmIndex;
		os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, (void *)pDot11Rates->rates, ratesBuf, pDot11Rates->hdr[1]);
		size += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);
		pBuf += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);
		extRates = TI_TRUE;

	/* DS IE */
	((dot11_DS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[0] = DOT11_DS_PARAMS_ELE_ID;
	((dot11_DS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[1] = DOT11_DS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;
	((dot11_DS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->currChannel = pPrimarySite->channel;
	size += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + DOT11_DS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;
	pBuf += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + DOT11_DS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;

	/* IBSS IE */
	((dot11_IBSS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[0] = DOT11_IBSS_PARAMS_ELE_ID;
	((dot11_IBSS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->hdr[1] = DOT11_IBSS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;
	COPY_WLAN_WORD(&((dot11_IBSS_PARAMS_t *)(pBuf))->atimWindow, &pPrimarySite->atimWindow);
	size += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + DOT11_IBSS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;
	pBuf += sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t) + DOT11_IBSS_PARAMS_ELE_LEN;

	/* Country IE */

	if(	param.content.regulatoryDomainEnabled == TI_TRUE )
        /* get country IE */
        param.paramType = REGULATORY_DOMAIN_COUNTRY_PARAM;
		regulatoryDomain_getParam(pSiteMgr->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);
		pCountry = param.content.pCountry;

        /* Check if a country IE was found */
		if(pCountry != NULL)
			*pBuf = DOT11_COUNTRY_ELE_ID;
			*pBuf = (TI_UINT8)(pCountry->len);
			/* Note: The country structure is not byte-aligned so it is copied as follows to ensure
			           that there are no gaps in the output structure (pBuf). */

			os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, pBuf , &pCountry->countryIE.CountryString, DOT11_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN);

			/* Loop on all tripletChannels. Each item has three fields ('i' counts rows and 'j' counts bytes). */
			for (i = 0, j = 0;  j < (pCountry->len - DOT11_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN);  i++, j+=3)
				*(pBuf + j    ) = pCountry->countryIE.tripletChannels[i].firstChannelNumber;
				*(pBuf + j + 1) = pCountry->countryIE.tripletChannels[i].maxTxPowerLevel;
				*(pBuf + j + 2) = pCountry->countryIE.tripletChannels[i].numberOfChannels;

			pBuf += (pCountry->len - DOT11_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN);
			size += (pCountry->len - DOT11_COUNTRY_STRING_LEN);
	/*ERP IE*/
	if (useProtection || NonErpPresent || barkerPreambleType)
		pdot11Erp = (dot11_ERP_t *) pBuf;
		pdot11Erp->hdr[0] = DOT11_ERP_IE_ID;
		pdot11Erp->hdr[1] = 1;
		pdot11Erp->ctrl = 0;
		if (NonErpPresent)
			pdot11Erp->ctrl |= ERP_IE_NON_ERP_PRESENT_MASK;
		if (useProtection)
			pdot11Erp->ctrl |= ERP_IE_USE_PROTECTION_MASK;
		if (barkerPreambleType)
		size += pdot11Erp->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);
		pBuf += pdot11Erp->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);

	/* Extended supported rates IE */
		pDot11Rates = (dot11_RATES_t *) pBuf;
		pDot11Rates->hdr[0] = DOT11_EXT_SUPPORTED_RATES_ELE_ID;
		pDot11Rates->hdr[1] = len - ofdmIndex;
		os_memoryCopy(pSiteMgr->hOs, (void *)pDot11Rates->rates, &ratesBuf[ofdmIndex], pDot11Rates->hdr[1]);
		size += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);
		pBuf += pDot11Rates->hdr[1] + sizeof(dot11_eleHdr_t);	

    /* no need to insert RSN information elements */
	pTemplate->len = size;
TRACE1(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Probe response template len = %d\n",size);
	return TI_OK;
 * \fn     scanCncnOsSm_ActionStartAScan
 * \brief  Scan concentartor OS state machine start scan on A action function
 * Scan concentartor OS state machine start scan on A action function.
 * Starts a sacn on A using all allowed channels
 * \param  hScanCncn - handle to the scan concentartor object
 * \return None
void scanCncnOsSm_ActionStartAScan (TI_HANDLE hScanCncn)
    TScanCncn       *pScanCncn = (TScanCncn*)hScanCncn;
    paramInfo_t     tParam;
    TI_UINT32       uValidChannelsCount;
    TI_BOOL         bRegulatoryDomainEnabled;

    /* if the STA is not configured for G band or dual band, send a scan complete event to the SM */
    tParam.paramType = SITE_MGR_DESIRED_DOT11_MODE_PARAM;
    siteMgr_getParam (pScanCncn->hSiteManager, &tParam);
    if ((DOT11_A_MODE != tParam.content.siteMgrDot11Mode) && (DOT11_DUAL_MODE != tParam.content.siteMgrDot11Mode))
        TRACE0(pScanCncn->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "scanCncnOsSm_ActionStartAScan: STA does not work on 5.0 GHz, quitting\n");
        genSM_Event (pScanCncn->hOSScanSm, SCAN_CNCN_OS_SM_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE, hScanCncn);

    /* build scan command header */
    pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
    pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.Tid = 0;

    /* query the regulatory domain if 802.11d is in use */
    regulatoryDomain_getParam (pScanCncn->hRegulatoryDomain, &tParam );
    bRegulatoryDomainEnabled = tParam.content.regulatoryDomainEnabled;

    /* Get country code status */
    tParam.paramType          = REGULATORY_DOMAIN_IS_COUNTRY_FOUND;
    tParam.content.eRadioBand = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
    regulatoryDomain_getParam (pScanCncn->hRegulatoryDomain, &tParam);

    /* scan type is passive if 802.11d is enabled and country IE was not yet found, active otherwise */
    if (((TI_TRUE == bRegulatoryDomainEnabled) && (TI_FALSE == tParam.content.bIsCountryFound)) || SCAN_TYPE_TRIGGERED_PASSIVE == pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.scanType)
        pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.scanType = SCAN_TYPE_TRIGGERED_PASSIVE;
    /* All paramters in the func are hard coded, due to that we set to active if not passive */
        pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.scanType = SCAN_TYPE_TRIGGERED_ACTIVE;
        /* also set number and rate of probe requests */
        pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.probeReqNumber = SCAN_OID_DEFAULT_PROBE_REQUEST_NUMBER_A;
        pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.probeRequestRate = (ERateMask)SCAN_OID_DEFAULT_PROBE_REQUEST_RATE_A;
    /* add supported channels on G */
    if (SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_PASSIVE == pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.scanType )
        uValidChannelsCount = scanCncnOsSm_FillAllAvailableChannels (hScanCncn, RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ, 
                                       SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_PASSIVE, &(pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.channelEntry[0]),
                                       SCAN_OID_DEFAULT_EARLY_TERMINATION_COUNT_PASSIVE_A );
        uValidChannelsCount = scanCncnOsSm_FillAllAvailableChannels (hScanCncn, RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ,
                                       SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_ACTIVE, &(pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.channelEntry[0]),
                                       SCAN_OID_DEFAULT_EARLY_TERMINATION_COUNT_ACTIVE_A );
    pScanCncn->tOsScanParams.numOfChannels = uValidChannelsCount;

    /* check that some channels are available */
    if ( uValidChannelsCount > 0 )
        EScanCncnResultStatus   eResult;

       /* send command to scan concentrator APP SM */
        eResult = scanCncn_Start1ShotScan (hScanCncn, SCAN_SCC_APP_ONE_SHOT, &(pScanCncn->tOsScanParams));

        /* if scan failed, send scan complete event to the SM */
        if (SCAN_CRS_SCAN_RUNNING != eResult)
            TRACE0(pScanCncn->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "scanCncnOsSm_ActionStartAScan: scan failed on 5.0 GHz, quitting\n");
            genSM_Event (pScanCncn->hOSScanSm, SCAN_CNCN_OS_SM_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE, hScanCncn);
        TRACE0(pScanCncn->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "scanCncnOsSm_ActionStartGScan: no valid cahnnels on 5.0 GHz, quitting\n");
        /* no channels to scan, send a scan complete event */
        genSM_Event (pScanCncn->hOSScanSm, SCAN_CNCN_OS_SM_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE, hScanCncn);
 * \fn     scanCncnOsSm_FillAllAvailableChannels
 * \brief  Fills a chhanel array with valid channels (and their params) according to band and scan type
 * Fills a chhanel array with valid channels (and their params) according to band and scan type
 * \param  hScanCncn - handle to the scan concentrator object
 * \param  eBand - band to extract channels for
 * \param  eScanType - scan type tp ectract channels for
 * \param  pChannelArray - where to store allowed channels information
 * \param  uMaxDwellTime - maximum dwell time value to be used for each channel
 * \param  uMinDwellTime - minimum dwell time value to be used for each channel
 * \param  eETCondition - early termination condition value to be used for each channel
 * \param  uETFrameNumber - early termination frame number value to be used for each channel
 * \return Number of allowed channels (that were placed in the given channels array)
TI_UINT32 scanCncnOsSm_FillAllAvailableChannels (TI_HANDLE hScanCncn, ERadioBand eBand, EScanType eScanType,
                                                 TScanChannelEntry *pChannelArray, TI_UINT32 uMaxDwellTime,
                                                 TI_UINT32 uMinChannelTime, EScanEtCondition eETCondition,
                                                 TI_UINT8 uETFrameNumber)
    TScanCncn       *pScanCncn = (TScanCncn*)hScanCncn;
    TI_UINT32       i, j, uAllowedChannelsCount, uValidChannelsCnt = 0;
    paramInfo_t     tParam;
    /* get the numnber of supported channels for this band */
    tParam.content.siteMgrRadioBand = eBand;
    regulatoryDomain_getParam (pScanCncn->hRegulatoryDomain, &tParam);
    uAllowedChannelsCount = tParam.content.supportedChannels.sizeOfList;

    /* for the time being don't scan more channels than fit in one command */

    /* Copy allowed channels to reuse param var */
    os_memoryCopy (pScanCncn->hOS, uTempChannelList,
            tParam.content.supportedChannels.listOfChannels, uAllowedChannelsCount );

    /* preapre the param var to request channel allowance for the requested scan type */
    tParam.content.channelCapabilityReq.band = eBand;

    /* add default values to channels allowed for the requested scan type and band */
    for (i = 0; i < uAllowedChannelsCount; i++)
        /* get specific channel allowance for scan type */
        if ((eScanType == SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_PASSIVE) ||
            (eScanType == SCAN_TYPE_TRIGGERED_PASSIVE) ||
            (eScanType == SCAN_TYPE_SPS))
            tParam.content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = PASSIVE_SCANNING;
            tParam.content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING;
        tParam.content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = uTempChannelList[ i ];

        regulatoryDomain_getParam( pScanCncn->hRegulatoryDomain, &tParam );
        if (TI_TRUE == tParam.content.channelCapabilityRet.channelValidity)
            /* add the channel ID */
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.channel = uTempChannelList[ i ];

            /* add other default parameters */
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.minChannelDwellTime = uMinChannelTime;
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.maxChannelDwellTime = uMaxDwellTime;
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.earlyTerminationEvent = eETCondition;
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.ETMaxNumOfAPframes = uETFrameNumber;
            pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.txPowerDbm  = 

            /* Fill broadcast BSSID */
            for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                pChannelArray[ uValidChannelsCnt ].normalChannelEntry.bssId[ j ] = 0xff;

    /* return the number of channels that are actually allowed for the requested scan type on the requested band */
    return uValidChannelsCnt;
Пример #4
 * \fn     sme_updateScanCycles
 * \brief  Updates the scan intervals and cycle number according to 802.11d status, country availability and WSC PB mode
 * Updates the scan intervals and cycle number according to 802.11d status, country availability and WSC PB mode.
 * Possible scenarios - D disabled - WSC PB off - scan forever with supplied intervals
 *                    - D enabled - country unknown - WSC PB off - scan forever with supplied intervals
 *                    - D disabled - WSC PB on - scan for two minutes with zero intervals
 *                    - D enabled - country unknown - WSC PB on - scan for two minutes with zero intervals
 *                    - D enabled - country known - WSC PB off - scan until country expiry with supplied intervals
 *                    - D enabled - country known - WSC PB on - scan for the minimu of two minutes and country expiry with zero intervals
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \param  bDEnabled - TRUE if 802.11d is enabled
 * \param  bCountryValid - TRUE if a country IE is valid for a band on which we scan
 * \param  bConstantScan - TRUE if WSC PB mode is on
 * \return None
 * \sa     sme_CalculateCyclesNumber, sme_StartScan
void sme_updateScanCycles (TI_HANDLE hSme,
                           TI_BOOL bDEnabled,
                           TI_BOOL bCountryValid,
                           TI_BOOL bConstantScan)
	TSme            *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
	TI_UINT32       uIndex, uScanPeriodMs, uScanDurationMs;
	paramInfo_t     *pParam;

	/* 802.11d is disabled, or no country is valid */
	if ((TI_FALSE == bDEnabled) || (TI_FALSE == bCountryValid)) {
		/* WSC PB mode is disabled */
		if (TI_FALSE == bConstantScan) {
			 * copy intervals
			 * In order to avoid tight loop of scan-select or scan-select-connecting operation,
			 * the prepare scan function takes into account the value of the scan_count when setting the 16 periods in the scan command
			os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ 0 ]),
			               &(pSme->tInitParams.uScanIntervals[ pSme->uScanCount ]), sizeof (TI_UINT32) * (PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - pSme->uScanCount));

			for (uIndex = (PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - pSme->uScanCount); uIndex < PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM; uIndex++) {
				pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ uIndex ] = pSme->tInitParams.uScanIntervals[ PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - 1 ];

			/* scan for default number (until a result is found) */
			pSme->tScanParams.uCycleNum = pSme->tInitParams.uCycleNum;
		/* WSC PB mode is enabled */
		else {

			/* nullify all intervals */
			os_memoryZero (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ 0 ]),
			               sizeof (TI_UINT32) * PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM);

			/* calculate the duration of one scan cycle */
			uScanDurationMs = 0;
			for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < pSme->tScanParams.uChannelNum; uIndex++) {
				uScanDurationMs += pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uMaxDwellTimeMs;

			/* set the number of cycles - 2 minutes divided by one cycle duration */
			pSme->tScanParams.uCycleNum = (120000 / uScanDurationMs) + 1;
	/* 802.11d is enabled, and country is valid on at least one band */
	else {
		pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pSme->hOS, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
		if (!pParam) {

		/* get country expiry time */
		regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain, pParam);

		/* WSC PB mode is disabled */
		if (TI_FALSE == bConstantScan) {
			 * copy intervals
			 * In order to avoid tight loop of scan-select or scan-select-connecting operation,
			 * the prepare scan function takes into account the value of the scan_count when setting the 16 periods in the scan command
			os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ 0 ]),
			               &(pSme->tInitParams.uScanIntervals[ pSme->uScanCount ]), sizeof (TI_UINT32) * (PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - pSme->uScanCount));

			for (uIndex = (PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - pSme->uScanCount); uIndex < PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM; uIndex++) {
				pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ uIndex ] = pSme->tInitParams.uScanIntervals[ PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM - 1 ];

			/* set cycle number according to country expiry time */
			sme_CalculateCyclesNumber (hSme, pParam->content.uTimeToCountryExpiryMs);
		/* WSC PB mode is enabled */
		else {
			/* turn off WSC PB mode (for next scan) */
			pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE;

			/* set scan period to minimum of WSC PB duration (2 minutes) and country expiry time */
			uScanPeriodMs = TI_MIN (120000, pParam->content.uTimeToCountryExpiryMs);

			/* nullify all intervals */
			os_memoryZero (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.uCycleIntervalMsec[ 0 ]),
			               sizeof (TI_UINT32) * PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM);

			/* calculate the duration of one scan cycle */
			uScanDurationMs = 0;
			for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < pSme->tScanParams.uChannelNum; uIndex++) {
				uScanDurationMs += pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uMaxDwellTimeMs;

			if (uScanDurationMs != 0) {
				/* set the number of cycles - scan period divided by one cycle duration */
				pSme->tScanParams.uCycleNum = (uScanPeriodMs / uScanDurationMs) + 1;
			} else {
				pSme->tScanParams.uCycleNum = pSme->tInitParams.uCycleNum;
		os_memoryFree(pSme->hOS, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t));

	/* in case independent mode and to avoid supplicant send disconnect event after 60s */
	if (pSme->eBssType != BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE) {
		pSme->tScanParams.uCycleNum = 1;
 * Called when the SCR callbacks with a RUN response or if the SCR
 * returned a RUN response when we requested it.
 * @date 05-Jan-2006
static TI_STATUS measurementMgrSM_acStartMeasurement(void * pData)
	measurementMgr_t * pMeasurementMgr = (measurementMgr_t *) pData;

	/* Cryptic: the first struct is the requestHandler request while */
	/* the second one is the measurementSRV request */
	MeasurementRequest_t * pRequestArr[MAX_NUM_REQ];
	TMeasurementRequest request;

	paramInfo_t	*pParam;
	TI_UINT8 numOfRequestsInParallel;
	TI_UINT8 requestIndex;
	TI_UINT32 timePassed;
	TI_BOOL requestedBeaconMeasurement= TI_FALSE;
	TI_STATUS status;

	TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Starting Measurement operation\n");

	pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pMeasurementMgr->hOs, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
	if (!pParam) {
		return TI_NOK;

	request.channel = pMeasurementMgr->measuredChannelID;
	request.startTime = 0;	/* ignored by MeasurementSRV for now - for .11k */
	request.numberOfTypes = 0;

	TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Measured Channel = %d\n", pMeasurementMgr->measuredChannelID);

	pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = pMeasurementMgr->measuredChannelID;
	pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING;

	if (pMeasurementMgr->measuredChannelID <= MAX_CHANNEL_IN_BAND_2_4) {
		request.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ;
		pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ;
	} else {
		request.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
		pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;

	regulatoryDomain_getParam(pMeasurementMgr->hRegulatoryDomain, pParam);

	request.txPowerDbm = pParam->content.channelCapabilityRet.maxTxPowerDbm;

	os_memoryFree(pMeasurementMgr->hOs, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t));

	TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Querying Request Handler for the next request in the queue\n");

	/* Getting the next request/requests from the request handler */
	status = requestHandler_getNextReq(pMeasurementMgr->hRequestH, TI_TRUE, pRequestArr,

	if (status != TI_OK) {
		TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, ": Failed getting next request from Request Handler\n");

		return measurementMgrSM_event((TI_UINT8 *) &(pMeasurementMgr->currentState),
		                              MEASUREMENTMGR_EVENT_COMPLETE, pMeasurementMgr);

	/* Save the number of requests in parallel so that once the */
	/* measurement operation ends we can get rid of this amount of requests */
	/* from the requestHandler */
	pMeasurementMgr->currentNumOfRequestsInParallel = numOfRequestsInParallel;

	for (requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < numOfRequestsInParallel; requestIndex++) {
		if (pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type == MSR_TYPE_BEACON_MEASUREMENT) {
			requestedBeaconMeasurement = TI_TRUE;

			if (pRequestArr[requestIndex]->ScanMode == MSR_SCAN_MODE_BEACON_TABLE) {
				TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Beacon Table request encountered, building report now\n");

				/* building Report for beacon table request */
				pMeasurementMgr->buildReport(pMeasurementMgr, *pRequestArr[requestIndex], NULL);


		/* save the request so we can reference it when results arrive */
		pMeasurementMgr->currentRequest[request.numberOfTypes] = pRequestArr[requestIndex];

		/* add the measurement type to the request's list */
		request.msrTypes[request.numberOfTypes].duration = pRequestArr[requestIndex]->DurationTime;
		request.msrTypes[request.numberOfTypes].scanMode = pRequestArr[requestIndex]->ScanMode;
		request.msrTypes[request.numberOfTypes].msrType = pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type;

		TRACE3(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ":\n\nMeasurement Request #%d Details: Type = %d, Duration = %d\n\n",						request.numberOfTypes+1,						request.msrTypes[request.numberOfTypes].msrType,						request.msrTypes[request.numberOfTypes].duration);


	if (requestedBeaconMeasurement == TI_TRUE) {
		/* build a probe request template and send it to the HAL */
		TSetTemplate templateStruct;
		probeReqTemplate_t probeReqTemplate;
		TSsid broadcastSSID;

		templateStruct.ptr = (TI_UINT8 *) &probeReqTemplate;
		templateStruct.type = PROBE_REQUEST_TEMPLATE;
		templateStruct.eBand = request.band;
		templateStruct.uRateMask = RATE_MASK_UNSPECIFIED;
		broadcastSSID.len = 0;

		TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Sending probe request template...\n");

		buildProbeReqTemplate( pMeasurementMgr->hSiteMgr, &templateStruct, &broadcastSSID, request.band );
		{	/* Insert Radio Mngt Capability IE according XCC4*/
			TI_UINT32				len = 0;
			measurementMgr_radioMngtCapabilityBuild (pMeasurementMgr,
			        templateStruct.ptr + templateStruct.len,
			templateStruct.len += len;

		TWD_CmdTemplate (pMeasurementMgr->hTWD, &templateStruct, NULL, NULL);

	/* Check if the maximum time to wait for the measurement request to */
	/* finish has already passed */
	timePassed = os_timeStampMs(pMeasurementMgr->hOs) - pMeasurementMgr->currentRequestStartTime;
	if (timePassed > MSR_START_MAX_DELAY) {
		TRACE2(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Maximum delay to perform measurement operation has passed (%d / %d)\n",						MSR_START_MAX_DELAY, (os_timeStampMs(pMeasurementMgr->hOs) - pMeasurementMgr->currentRequestStartTime));

		pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport(pMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr, numOfRequestsInParallel, MSR_REJECT_MAX_DELAY_PASSED);

		return measurementMgrSM_event((TI_UINT8 *) &(pMeasurementMgr->currentState),
		                              MEASUREMENTMGR_EVENT_COMPLETE, pMeasurementMgr);

	/* Yalla, start measuring */
	TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Finished preparing request. Handing over to MeasurementSRV...\n");

	TWD_StartMeasurement (pMeasurementMgr->hTWD,
	                      MSR_START_MAX_DELAY - timePassed,
	                      NULL, NULL,

	return TI_OK;
Пример #6
 * \fn     smeSm_PreConnect
 * \brief  Initiates the connection process
 * Initiates the connection process - for automatic mode, start scan, for manual mode - triggers connection
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return None
 * \sa     smeSm_Connect, smeSm_ConnectSuccess
void smeSm_PreConnect (TI_HANDLE hSme)
	TSme *pSme = (TSme *)hSme;
	paramInfo_t	*pParam;

	/* set the connection mode with which this connection attempt is starting */
	pSme->eLastConnectMode = pSme->eConnectMode;

	/* mark that no authentication/assocaition was yet sent */
	pSme->bAuthSent = TI_FALSE;

	/* try to find a connection candidate (manual mode have already performed scann */
	pSme->pCandidate = sme_Select (hSme);
	if (NULL != pSme->pCandidate) {
		/* candidate is available - attempt connection */
		sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme);
	/* no candidate */
	else {
		if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode) {
			/* automatic mode - start scanning */
			if (TI_OK != sme_StartScan (hSme)) {
				pSme->bRadioOn = TI_FALSE;
				sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);

			/* update scan count counter */
			if (pSme->uScanCount < PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM) {

		} else {	/* Manual mode */
			/* for IBSS or any, if no entries where found, add the self site */
			if (pSme->eBssType == BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE) {
				/* makr whether we need to stop the attempt connection in manual mode */
				pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE;

				/* manual mode and no connection candidate is available - connection failed */
				sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);

			else {	/* IBSS */
				TI_UINT8    uDesiredChannel;
				TI_BOOL     channelValidity;
				pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE;

				pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pSme->hOS, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
				if (!pParam) {

				siteMgr_getParam(pSme->hSiteMgr, pParam);
				uDesiredChannel = pParam->content.siteMgrDesiredChannel;

				if (uDesiredChannel >= SITE_MGR_CHANNEL_A_MIN) {
					pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
				} else {
					pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ;

				update the regulatory domain with the selected band
				/* Check if the selected channel is valid according to regDomain */
				pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING;
				pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = uDesiredChannel;

				regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain, pParam);
				channelValidity = pParam->content.channelCapabilityRet.channelValidity;
				os_memoryFree(pSme->hOS, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
				if (!channelValidity) {

					sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


				pSme->pCandidate = (TSiteEntry *)addSelfSite(pSme->hSiteMgr);

				if (pSme->pCandidate == NULL) {

					sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


				/* a connection candidate is available, send a connect event */
				sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme);
Пример #7
 * \fn     sme_StartScan
 * \brief  Set scan parameters and calls scan concnetartor to start the scan operation.
 * Set scan parameters and calls scan concnetartor to start the scan operation.
 * Scan parameters are set according to scan target - find country IE, find desired SSID, or both
 * (one on each band). To find country IE we use passive scan forever, to find the desired SSID we
 * use active scan until the current country IE expires. In addition, we take into account the WSC PB
 * mode - scan constantly for two minutes (but under the country validity and expiry constraints)
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return TI_OK if scan started successfully, TI_NOK otherwise
 * \sa     smeSm_PreConnect
TI_STATUS sme_StartScan (TI_HANDLE hSme)
	TSme            *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
	paramInfo_t     *pParam;
	TI_BOOL         bDEnabled, bCountryValid;
	TI_BOOL         bBandChannelExist[ RADIO_BAND_NUM_OF_BANDS ];
	TI_BOOL         bBandCountryFound[ RADIO_BAND_NUM_OF_BANDS ];
	TI_STATUS       tStatus;
	TI_UINT32       uIndex;

	/* get 802.11d enable state */
	pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pSme->hOS, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
	if (!pParam) {
		return TI_NOK;

	regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain, pParam);
	bDEnabled = pParam->content.regulatoryDomainEnabled;

	/* get country validity for all bands */
	for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < RADIO_BAND_NUM_OF_BANDS; uIndex++) {
		pParam->content.eRadioBand = (ERadioBand)uIndex;
		regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain, pParam);
		bBandCountryFound[ uIndex ] = pParam->content.bIsCountryFound;
		/* also nullify the channel exist indication for this band */
		bBandChannelExist[ uIndex ] = TI_FALSE;
	os_memoryFree(pSme->hOS, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t));

	/* First fill the channels */
	for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < pSme->tInitParams.uChannelNum; uIndex++) {
		/* for each channel, if country is found, set active scan */
		pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].eBand = pSme->tInitParams.tChannelList[ uIndex ].eBand;
		pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uChannel = pSme->tInitParams.tChannelList[ uIndex ].uChannel;
		pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uMaxDwellTimeMs = pSme->tInitParams.uMaxScanDuration;
		pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uMinDwellTimeMs = pSme->tInitParams.uMinScanDuration;
		pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uTxPowerLevelDbm = DEF_TX_POWER;

		/* if 802.11d is disabled, or country is available for this band */
		if ((TI_FALSE == bDEnabled) ||
		        (TI_TRUE == bBandCountryFound[ pSme->tInitParams.tChannelList[ uIndex ].eBand ])) {
			/* set active scan */
			pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].eScanType = SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_ACTIVE;
		/* 802.11d is enabled and no country available */
		else {
			/* set passive scan */
			pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].eScanType = SCAN_TYPE_NORMAL_PASSIVE;

			 * in order to fined country set uMaxDwellTimeMs ( that at passive scan set the passiveScanDuration )
			 * to significant value
			pSme->tScanParams.tChannels[ uIndex ].uMaxDwellTimeMs = SCAN_CNCN_REGULATORY_DOMAIN_PASSIVE_DWELL_TIME_DEF;
		/* mark that a channel exists for this band */
		bBandChannelExist[ pSme->tInitParams.tChannelList[ uIndex ].eBand ] = TI_TRUE;
	/* set number of channels */
	pSme->tScanParams.uChannelNum = pSme->tInitParams.uChannelNum;

	/* now, fill global parameters */
	pSme->tScanParams.uProbeRequestNum = pSme->tInitParams.uProbeReqNum;
	pSme->tScanParams.iRssiThreshold = pSme->tInitParams.iRssiThreshold;
	pSme->tScanParams.iSnrThreshold = pSme->tInitParams.iSnrThreshold;
	pSme->tScanParams.bTerminateOnReport = TI_TRUE;
	pSme->tScanParams.uFrameCountReportThreshold = 1;

	 * if for at least one band country is known and scan is performed on this band - means we need to
	 * take into consideration country expiry, plus we are scanning for the desired SSID
	bCountryValid = ((TI_TRUE == bBandChannelExist[ RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ ]) && (TI_TRUE == bBandCountryFound[ RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ ])) ||
	                ((TI_TRUE == bBandChannelExist[ RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ ]) && (TI_TRUE == bBandCountryFound[ RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ ]));

	/* set SSID(s) and BSS type according to 802.11d status, and country availability */
	/* if 802.11d is disabled */
	if (TI_FALSE == bDEnabled) {
		pSme->tScanParams.eBssType = pSme->eBssType;
		/* set the deisred SSID, or any SSID if this is the desired SSID */
		if (SSID_TYPE_ANY == pSme->eSsidType) {
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 0;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = 1;
		} else {
			pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 0 ].eVisability = SCAN_SSID_VISABILITY_HIDDEN;
			os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 0 ].tSsid), &(pSme->tSsid), sizeof (TSsid));
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 1;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = 1;

			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = (TI_UINT8)TI_FALSE;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 2;
			pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 1 ].tSsid.len = 0;
			pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 1 ].eVisability =  SCAN_SSID_VISABILITY_PUBLIC;

	/* Country code exists and scan is performed on this band - take country expiry timr into account */
	else if (TI_TRUE == bCountryValid) {

		/* we already know that at least on one band we know the country IE, so we scan for our SSID */
		pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 0 ].eVisability = SCAN_SSID_VISABILITY_HIDDEN;
		os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 0 ].tSsid), &(pSme->tSsid), sizeof (TSsid));
		 * if, in addition, we scan the other band to find its country, and the desired SSDI is not any SSID,
		 * add an empty SSID
		if ((SSID_TYPE_ANY != pSme->eSsidType) &&
		        (((TI_TRUE == bBandChannelExist[ RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ ]) && (TI_FALSE == bBandCountryFound[ RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ ])) ||
		         ((TI_TRUE == bBandChannelExist[ RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ ]) && (TI_FALSE == bBandCountryFound[ RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ ])))) {
			pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 1 ].eVisability = SCAN_SSID_VISABILITY_PUBLIC;
			pSme->tScanParams.tDesiredSsid[ 1 ].tSsid.len = 0;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 2;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = 1;
			 * since we are also looking for an AP with country IE (not include in IBSS), we need to make sure
			 * the desired BSS type include infrastructure BSSes.
			if (BSS_INDEPENDENT == pSme->eBssType) {
				/* the desired is only IBSS - scan for any */
				pSme->tScanParams.eBssType = BSS_ANY;
			} else {
				/* the desired is either infrastructure or any - use it */
				pSme->tScanParams.eBssType = pSme->eBssType;
		} else {
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 1;
			pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = 1;
			/* only looking for the desired SSID - set the desired BSS type */
			pSme->tScanParams.eBssType = pSme->eBssType;
	/* no scanned band has a counrty code - meaning all scan is passive (to find country) */
	else {
		pSme->tScanParams.eBssType = BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE; /* only an AP would transmit a country IE */
		pSme->tScanParams.uSsidNum = 0;
		pSme->tScanParams.uSsidListFilterEnabled = 1;

	/* update scan cycle number and scan intervals according to 802.11d status and country availability  */
	sme_updateScanCycles (hSme, bDEnabled, bCountryValid, pSme->bConstantScan);

	/* Finally(!!!), start the scan */
	tStatus = scanCncn_StartPeriodicScan (pSme->hScanCncn, SCAN_SCC_DRIVER, &(pSme->tScanParams));
	if (SCAN_CRS_SCAN_RUNNING != tStatus) {
		return TI_NOK;

	return TI_OK;
 * Checks whether the given measurement request is valid.
 * @param hMeasurementMgr A handle to the Measurement Manager module.
 * @param pRequestArr The measurement request.
 * @param numOfRequest Number of type requests
 * @return True iff the request is valid
 * @date 01-Jan-2006
static TI_BOOL  measurementMgr_isRequestValid(TI_HANDLE hMeasurementMgr, MeasurementRequest_t *pRequestArr[],
                           TI_UINT8 numOfRequest)
    measurementMgr_t * pMeasurementMgr = (measurementMgr_t *) hMeasurementMgr;
    TI_UINT8 requestIndex;
    paramInfo_t param;

    /* Checking validity of the measured channel number */
    param.content.channel = pRequestArr[0]->channelNumber;
    regulatoryDomain_getParam(pMeasurementMgr->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);
    if ( !param.content.bIsChannelSupprted  )
        TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Request rejected due to invalid channel\n");

        if (pMeasurementMgr->currentFrameType == MSR_FRAME_TYPE_UNICAST)
            pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport(pMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr, numOfRequest, 

        return TI_FALSE;
        TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Request channel is Valid\n");
    TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Starting to check each request:\n");

    /* Check Validity of each request */
    for (requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < numOfRequest; requestIndex++)
        TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Checking request #%d:\n", requestIndex+1);

        /* Checking validity of the Request Type */
        if (pMeasurementMgr->isTypeValid(hMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type, 
                pRequestArr[requestIndex]->ScanMode) == TI_FALSE)
            TRACE2(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Request rejected due to invalid measurement type of request #%d (type = %d)\n", requestIndex+1, pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type);
            if(pMeasurementMgr->currentFrameType == MSR_FRAME_TYPE_UNICAST)
                pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport(pMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr, numOfRequest, 

            return TI_FALSE;
            TRACE2(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Measurement type of request #%d is supported (type = %d)\n", requestIndex+1, pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type);

        /* For measurement types different than Beacon Table */
        if ((pRequestArr[requestIndex]->Type != MSR_TYPE_BEACON_MEASUREMENT) || 
            (pRequestArr[requestIndex]->ScanMode != MSR_SCAN_MODE_BEACON_TABLE))
            /* Checking Measurement request's duration only when request is on a non-serving channel */
            if (pMeasurementMgr->servingChannelID != pRequestArr[requestIndex]->channelNumber)
                TI_UINT8 dtimPeriod;
                TI_UINT32 beaconInterval;
                TI_UINT32 dtimDuration;

                /* Checking duration doesn't exceed given max duration */
                if (pRequestArr[requestIndex]->DurationTime > pMeasurementMgr->maxDurationOnNonServingChannel)
                    TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Request #%d rejected because duration exceeds maximum duration\n", requestIndex+1);

                    TRACE2(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Duration = %d, MaxDurationOnNonServingChannel = %d\n", pRequestArr[requestIndex]->DurationTime, pMeasurementMgr->maxDurationOnNonServingChannel);
                    if (pMeasurementMgr->currentFrameType == MSR_FRAME_TYPE_UNICAST)
                        pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport(pMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr, numOfRequest, 
                    return TI_FALSE;
                    TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": Duration of request #%d doesn't exceed max duration\n", requestIndex+1);

                /* Checking DTIM */

                /* Getting the DTIM count */
                param.paramType = SITE_MGR_DTIM_PERIOD_PARAM;
                siteMgr_getParam(pMeasurementMgr->hSiteMgr, &param);
                dtimPeriod = param.content.siteMgrDtimPeriod;

                /* Getting the beacon Interval */
                param.paramType = SITE_MGR_BEACON_INTERVAL_PARAM;
                siteMgr_getParam(pMeasurementMgr->hSiteMgr, &param);
                beaconInterval = param.content.beaconInterval;

                dtimDuration = beaconInterval * MEASUREMENT_BEACON_INTERVAL_IN_MICRO_SEC/MEASUREMENT_MSEC_IN_MICRO*dtimPeriod;
                if (pRequestArr[requestIndex]->DurationTime > dtimDuration)
                    TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_WARNING, ": Request rejected due to DTIM overlap of request #%d\n", requestIndex+1);
                    TRACE2(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_WARNING, ": Duration = %d, DTIM Duration = %d\n", pRequestArr[requestIndex]->DurationTime, dtimDuration);
                    if (pMeasurementMgr->currentFrameType == MSR_FRAME_TYPE_UNICAST)
                        pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport(pMeasurementMgr, pRequestArr, numOfRequest, 

                    return TI_FALSE;
                    TRACE1(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, ": DTIM of request #%d doesn't overlap\n", requestIndex+1);

    return TI_TRUE;
Пример #9
 * \fn     sme_ScanResultCB
 * \brief  Callback function from scan concentrator for results and scan complete indications
 * Callback function from scan concentrator for results and scan complete indications
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \param  eStatus - the reason for calling the CB  
 * \param  pFrameInfo - frame information (if the CB is called due to received frame)
 * \param  uSPSStatus - SPS attened channels (if the CB is called to inidcate an SPS scan complete)
 * \return None
void sme_ScanResultCB (TI_HANDLE hSme, EScanCncnResultStatus eStatus,
                       TScanFrameInfo* pFrameInfo, TI_UINT16 uSPSStatus)
    TSme                *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;
    paramInfo_t	        param;

    switch (eStatus)
    /* a frame was received - update the scan result table */

        TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received frame from BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]);

         * in auto mode in order to find country IE only !!!
         * filter frames according to desired SSID, in case we are also trying to find 
         * country IE in passive scan, to avoid a table overflow (in manual mode, the SME table must be equal to the app
         * table, the app is responsible to decide which SSIDs to use for scan)
        if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode)
            if (SSID_TYPE_SPECIFIC == pSme->eSsidType)
                if ((pSme->tSsid.len == pFrameInfo->parsedIEs->content.iePacket.pSsid->hdr[ 1 ]) &&
                    (0 == os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]),
                                            &(pFrameInfo->parsedIEs->content.iePacket.pSsid->serviceSetId[ 0 ]),

                    if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo))
                        TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update specific enrty for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]);

                if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo))
                    TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update enrty for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x because table is full\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]);
        /* manual mode */
            if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo))
                TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update application scan enrty for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]);

    /* scan was completed successfully */
    /* an error occured, try selecting a site anyway */
        TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received scan complete indication with status %d\n", eStatus);

        /* stablizie the scan result table - delete its contenst if no results were recived during last scan */
        scanResultTable_SetStableState (pSme->hScanResultTable);

        if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode)
           /* try to select a site */
           pSme->pCandidate = sme_Select (hSme);

           /* if no matching site was found */
           if (NULL == pSme->pCandidate)
               /* for IBSS or any, if no entries where found, add the self site */
               if (pSme->eBssType == BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE)
                   TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: No candidate available, sending connect failure\n");

                   genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);

                   TI_UINT8     uDesiredChannel;

                   param.paramType = SITE_MGR_DESIRED_CHANNEL_PARAM;
                   siteMgr_getParam(pSme->hSiteMgr, &param);
                   uDesiredChannel = param.content.siteMgrDesiredChannel;

                   if (uDesiredChannel >= SITE_MGR_CHANNEL_A_MIN)
                       param.content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
                       param.content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ;

                   update the regulatory domain with the selected band
                   /* Check if the selected channel is valid according to regDomain */
                   param.paramType = REGULATORY_DOMAIN_GET_SCAN_CAPABILITIES;
                   param.content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING;
                   param.content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = uDesiredChannel;

                   regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain,&param);
                   if (!param.content.channelCapabilityRet.channelValidity)
                       TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE  - No channel !!!\n\n");

                       genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


                   pSme->pCandidate = (TSiteEntry *)addSelfSite(pSme->hSiteMgr);

                   if (pSme->pCandidate == NULL)
                       TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE  - could not open self site !!!\n\n");

                       genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


#ifdef REPORT_LOG    
                   TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5]);
                   WLAN_OS_REPORT (("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5]));

           /* a connection candidate is available, send a connect event */
           genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme);

     * scan was stopped according to SME request (should happen when moving to disconnecting from scanning), send a 
     * connect failure event to move out of disconnecting
        TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received scan stopped indication\n");
        genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);

        TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: received unrecognized status %d\n", eStatus);
Пример #10
void switchChannel_recvCmd(TI_HANDLE hSwitchChannel, dot11_CHANNEL_SWITCH_t *channelSwitch, TI_UINT8 channel)

	switchChannel_t             *pSwitchChannel = (switchChannel_t *)hSwitchChannel;
	paramInfo_t                 param;

	if (pSwitchChannel==NULL) {

	regulatoryDomain_getParam(pSwitchChannel->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);

	if (!pSwitchChannel->dot11SpectrumManagementRequired ||
	        (channel < param.content.DFS_ChannelRange.minDFS_channelNum) ||
	        (channel > param.content.DFS_ChannelRange.maxDFS_channelNum)) {   /* Do not parse Switch Channel IE, when SpectrumManagement is disabled,
            or the channel is non-DFS channel */
#ifdef TI_DBG
	/* for debug purposes only */
	if (pSwitchChannel->ignoreCancelSwitchChannelCmd != 0) {

	if (channelSwitch == NULL) {  /* No SC IE, update regDomain */
		param.content.channel = channel;
		regulatoryDomain_setParam(pSwitchChannel->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);
	} else {  /* SC IE exists */

		/* Checking channel number validity */
		param.content.channel = channelSwitch->channelNumber;
		if ( ( !param.content.bIsChannelSupprted )   ||
		        (channelSwitch->channelSwitchCount == 0) ||
		        (channelSwitch->channelSwitchMode == SC_SWITCH_CHANNEL_MODE_TX_SUS)) {   /* Trigger Roaming, if TX mode is disabled, the new channel number is invalid,
                or the TBTT count is 0 */

			if (channelSwitch->channelSwitchMode == SC_SWITCH_CHANNEL_MODE_TX_SUS) {
				param.content.channelValidity.channelNum = channel;
				param.content.channelValidity.channelValidity = TI_FALSE;
				regulatoryDomain_setParam(pSwitchChannel->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);

			if (TI_TRUE == pSwitchChannel->switchChannelStarted) {
				apConn_reportRoamingEvent(pSwitchChannel->hApConn, ROAMING_TRIGGER_SWITCH_CHANNEL, NULL);

		} else {  /* Invoke Switch Channel command */
			/* update the new SCC params */
			pSwitchChannel->curChannelSwitchCmdParams.channelNumber = channelSwitch->channelNumber;
			pSwitchChannel->curChannelSwitchCmdParams.channelSwitchCount = channelSwitch->channelSwitchCount;
			pSwitchChannel->curChannelSwitchCmdParams.channelSwitchMode = channelSwitch->channelSwitchMode;
			switchChannel_smEvent((TI_UINT8*)&pSwitchChannel->currentState, SC_EVENT_SC_CMD, pSwitchChannel);


Пример #11
 * Configures the Measurement Manager module.
 * @param pStadHandles Handles to other modules the Measurement Manager needs.
 * @date 16-Dec-2005
void measurementMgr_init (TStadHandlesList *pStadHandles)
    measurementMgr_t *pMeasurementMgr = (measurementMgr_t *)(pStadHandles->hMeasurementMgr);
    paramInfo_t param;
    /* Init Handlers */
    pMeasurementMgr->hRegulatoryDomain  = pStadHandles->hRegulatoryDomain;
    pMeasurementMgr->hkkkMngr           = pStadHandles->hkkkMngr;
    pMeasurementMgr->hSiteMgr           = pStadHandles->hSiteMgr;
    pMeasurementMgr->hTWD               = pStadHandles->hTWD;
    pMeasurementMgr->hMlme              = pStadHandles->hMlme;
    pMeasurementMgr->hTrafficMonitor    = pStadHandles->hTrafficMon;
    pMeasurementMgr->hReport            = pStadHandles->hReport;
    pMeasurementMgr->hOs                = pStadHandles->hOs;
    pMeasurementMgr->hScr               = pStadHandles->hSCR;
    pMeasurementMgr->hApConn            = pStadHandles->hAPConnection;
    pMeasurementMgr->hTxCtrl            = pStadHandles->hTxCtrl;
    pMeasurementMgr->hTimer             = pStadHandles->hTimer;
    pMeasurementMgr->hSme               = pStadHandles->hSme;

    /* initialize variables to default values */
    pMeasurementMgr->Enabled = TI_TRUE;
    pMeasurementMgr->bSuspended = TI_FALSE;
    pMeasurementMgr->Connected = TI_FALSE;
    pMeasurementMgr->Capabilities = MEASUREMENT_CAPABILITIES_NONE;
    pMeasurementMgr->Mode = MSR_MODE_NONE;

    pMeasurementMgr->fDisabledCb = NULL;
	pMeasurementMgr->hDisabledCb = NULL;

    /* Getting management capability status */
    regulatoryDomain_getParam (pMeasurementMgr->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);
    if (param.content.spectrumManagementEnabled)
        pMeasurementMgr->Capabilities |= MEASUREMENT_CAPABILITIES_DOT11H;
    /* Init Functions */
    pMeasurementMgr->parserFrameReq = NULL;
    pMeasurementMgr->isTypeValid = NULL;
    pMeasurementMgr->buildReport = NULL;
    pMeasurementMgr->buildRejectReport = NULL;
    pMeasurementMgr->sendReportAndCleanObj = NULL;
    /* initialize variables */  
    pMeasurementMgr->currentState = MEASUREMENTMGR_STATE_IDLE;
    pMeasurementMgr->isModuleRegistered = TI_FALSE;
    pMeasurementMgr->currentFrameType = MSR_FRAME_TYPE_NO_ACTIVE;
    pMeasurementMgr->measuredChannelID = 0;
    pMeasurementMgr->currentNumOfRequestsInParallel = 0;
    pMeasurementMgr->bMeasurementScanExecuted = TI_FALSE;
    /* config sub modules */
    RequestHandler_config(pStadHandles->hMeasurementMgr, pMeasurementMgr->hRequestH, pStadHandles->hReport, pStadHandles->hOs);

    /* Register to the SCR module */
    scr_registerClientCB(pMeasurementMgr->hScr, SCR_CID_kkk_MEASURE, measurementMgr_scrResponseCB, (TI_HANDLE)pMeasurementMgr);

    measurementMgrSM_config ((TI_HANDLE)pMeasurementMgr);   

    TRACE0(pMeasurementMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INIT , ": Measurement Manager configured successfully\n");
Пример #12
 * \fn     smeSm_PreConnect
 * \brief  Initiates the connection process
 * Initiates the connection process - for automatic mode, start scan, for manual mode - triggers connection
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \return None
 * \sa     smeSm_Connect, smeSm_ConnectSuccess
void smeSm_PreConnect (TI_HANDLE hSme)
    TSme *pSme = (TSme *)hSme;
    paramInfo_t	*pParam;
TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_SM , "smeSm_PreConnect: !!!\n");
    /* set the connection mode with which this connection attempt is starting */
    pSme->eLastConnectMode = pSme->eConnectMode;
    /* mark that no authentication/assocaition was yet sent */
    pSme->bAuthSent = TI_FALSE;

    /* try to find a connection candidate (manual mode have already performed scann */
    pSme->pCandidate = sme_Select (hSme);
    if (NULL != pSme->pCandidate)
        /* candidate is available - attempt connection */
        sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme);
    /* no candidate */
        if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode)
            /* automatic mode - start scanning */
            if (TI_OK != sme_StartScan (hSme))
                TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "smeSm_PreConnect: unable to start scan, stopping the SME\n");
                pSme->bRadioOn = TI_FALSE;
                sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);

            /* update scan count counter */
            if(pSme->uScanCount < PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM)

        else		/* Manual mode */ 
			/* for IBSS or any, if no entries where found, add the self site */
			if (pSme->eBssType == BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE)
                /* makr whether we need to stop the attempt connection in manual mode */
                pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE;
                TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "smeSm_PreConnect: No candidate available, sending connect failure\n");
                /* manual mode and no connection candidate is available - connection failed */
TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_SM , "smeSm_PreConnect!!!\n");

			else		/* IBSS */
				TI_UINT8     uDesiredChannel;     
                TI_BOOL     channelValidity;
		        pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE;

                pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pSme->hOS, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
                if (!pParam)

				siteMgr_getParam(pSme->hSiteMgr, pParam);
				uDesiredChannel = pParam->content.siteMgrDesiredChannel;

				if (uDesiredChannel >= SITE_MGR_CHANNEL_A_MIN)
				   pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ;
				   pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ;

				update the regulatory domain with the selected band
				/* Check if the selected channel is valid according to regDomain */
				pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING;
				pParam->content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = uDesiredChannel;

				regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain,pParam);
                channelValidity = pParam->content.channelCapabilityRet.channelValidity;
                os_memoryFree(pSme->hOS, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t));
				if (!channelValidity)
				   TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE  - No channel !!!\n\n");

				   sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


				pSme->pCandidate = (TSiteEntry *)addSelfSite(pSme->hSiteMgr);

				if (pSme->pCandidate == NULL)
				   TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE  - could not open self site !!!\n\n");

				   sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme);


#ifdef REPORT_LOG    
				TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5]);
                WLAN_OS_REPORT (("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%	SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5]));
				/* a connection candidate is available, send a connect event */
				sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme);
Пример #13
 * \fn     mlme_assocCapBuild 
 * \brief  builds capabilties of assoc request 
 * builds capabilties of assoc request  according to the mlme params 
 * \param  pCtx - pointer to mlme_t
 * \param  cap - <output> pointer to the built capablities

 * \return TI_OK if auth send successfully
 *         TI_NOK otherwise
 * \sa     mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild 
TI_STATUS mlme_assocCapBuild(mlme_t *pCtx, TI_UINT16 *cap)
    paramInfo_t         param;
    TI_STATUS           status;
    EDot11Mode          mode;
    TI_UINT32           rateSuppMask, rateBasicMask;
    TI_UINT8            ratesBuf[DOT11_MAX_SUPPORTED_RATES];
    TI_UINT32           len = 0, ofdmIndex = 0;
    TI_BOOL             b11nEnable, bWmeEnable;
    ECipherSuite        rsnEncryption;

    *cap = 0;

    /* Bss type */
    status =  ctrlData_getParam(pCtx->hCtrlData, &param);
    if (status == TI_OK)
        if (param.content.ctrlDataCurrentBssType == BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_ESS;
        } else {
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_IBSS;
    } else {
        return TI_NOK;

    /* Privacy */
    param.paramType = RSN_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_PARAM;
    status =  rsn_getParam(pCtx->hRsn, &param);
    rsnEncryption = param.content.rsnEncryptionStatus;
    if (status == TI_OK)
        if (param.content.rsnEncryptionStatus != TWD_CIPHER_NONE)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_PRIVACY;
    } else {
        return TI_NOK;

    /* Preamble */
    status =  siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
    if (status == TI_OK)
        if (param.content.siteMgrCurrentPreambleType == PREAMBLE_SHORT)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_SHORT_PREAMBLE;
    } else {
        return TI_NOK;

    /* Pbcc */
    status =  siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
    if (status == TI_OK)
        if(param.content.siteMgrCurrentRateMask.supportedRateMask & DRV_RATE_MASK_22_PBCC)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_PBCC;
    } else {
        return TI_NOK;

    /* Checking if the station supports Spectrum Management (802.11h) */
    status =  regulatoryDomain_getParam(pCtx->hRegulatoryDomain, &param);
    if (status == TI_OK )
        if( param.content.spectrumManagementEnabled)
            *cap |= DOT11_SPECTRUM_MANAGEMENT;
        return TI_NOK;

    /* slot time */
    status = siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
    if(status == TI_OK)
        mode = param.content.siteMgrDot11OperationalMode;
        return TI_NOK;

    if(mode == DOT11_G_MODE)
        /* new requirement: the short slot time should be set only
           if the AP's modulation is OFDM (highest rate) */

        /* get Rates */
        param.paramType = SITE_MGR_CURRENT_RATE_PAIR_PARAM;
        status =  siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
        if (status == TI_OK)
            rateBasicMask = param.content.siteMgrCurrentRateMask.basicRateMask;
            rateSuppMask  = param.content.siteMgrCurrentRateMask.supportedRateMask;
        } else {
            return TI_NOK;

        /* convert the bit map to the rates array */
        rate_DrvBitmapToNetStr (rateSuppMask, rateBasicMask, ratesBuf, &len, &ofdmIndex);

        if(ofdmIndex < len)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_SHORT_SLOT_TIME;

        status = siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
        if(param.content.siteMgrCurrentModulationType == DRV_MODULATION_OFDM)
            *cap |= DOT11_CAPS_SHORT_SLOT_TIME;

    /* if chiper = TKIP/WEP then 11n is not used */
    if (rsnEncryption != TWD_CIPHER_TKIP &&
        rsnEncryption != TWD_CIPHER_WEP &&
        rsnEncryption != TWD_CIPHER_WEP104)
		/* Primary Site support HT ? */
		siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);

		if (param.content.bPrimarySiteHtSupport == TI_TRUE)
			/* Immediate Block Ack subfield - (is WME on?) AND (is HT Enable?) */
			/* verify 11n_Enable and Chip type */
			StaCap_IsHtEnable (pCtx->hStaCap, &b11nEnable);
			/* verify that WME flag enable */
			qosMngr_GetWmeEnableFlag (pCtx->hQosMngr, &bWmeEnable);

			if ((b11nEnable != TI_FALSE) && (bWmeEnable != TI_FALSE))
				*cap |= DOT11_CAPS_IMMEDIATE_BA;

    return TI_OK;
Пример #14
 * \fn     mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild 
 * \brief  buils association request
 * The function builds the association request according to the given parames
 * \param  pCtx - pointer to mlme_t
 * \param  reqBuf - <output> pointer to built assoc request buffer
 * \param  reqLen - <output> length of built assoc request buffer
 * \return TI_OK if auth send successfully
 *         TI_NOK otherwise
 * \sa     mlme_sendAssocRequest 
TI_STATUS mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild(mlme_t *pCtx, TI_UINT8* reqBuf, TI_UINT32* reqLen)
    TI_STATUS       status;
    TI_UINT8        *pRequest;
    TI_UINT32       len;
    paramInfo_t     param;
    TTwdParamInfo   tTwdParam;
    TI_UINT16       capabilities;
	TI_BOOL spectrumManagementEnabled;
	ECipherSuite    eCipherSuite = TWD_CIPHER_NONE; /* To be used for checking whether

                                                       AP supports HT rates and TKIP */
    pRequest = reqBuf;
    *reqLen = 0;

    /* insert capabilities */
    status = mlme_assocCapBuild(pCtx, &capabilities);
    if (status == TI_OK)
         *(TI_UINT16*)pRequest = ENDIAN_HANDLE_WORD(capabilities);
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build assoc Capa\n");
        return TI_NOK;

    pRequest += sizeof(TI_UINT16);
    *reqLen += sizeof(TI_UINT16);

    /* insert listen interval */
    tTwdParam.paramType = TWD_LISTEN_INTERVAL_PARAM_ID;
    status =  TWD_GetParam (pCtx->hTWD, &tTwdParam);
    if (status == TI_OK)
        *(TI_UINT16*)pRequest = ENDIAN_HANDLE_WORD((TI_UINT16)tTwdParam.content.halCtrlListenInterval);
    } else {
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to get listen interval\n");
        return TI_NOK;

    pRequest += sizeof(TI_UINT16);
    *reqLen += sizeof(TI_UINT16);

	if (pCtx->reAssoc)
    {   /* Insert currentAPAddress element only in reassoc request*/
        param.paramType = SITE_MGR_PREV_SITE_BSSID_PARAM;
        status = siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);
        if (status == TI_OK)
            MAC_COPY (pRequest, param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID);
            TRACE6(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "ASSOC_SM: ASSOC_REQ - prev AP = %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n", param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[0], param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[1], param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[2], param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[3], param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[4], param.content.siteMgrDesiredBSSID[5]);

            pRequest += MAC_ADDR_LEN;
            *reqLen += MAC_ADDR_LEN;
            TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: ASSOC_REQ - No prev AP \n");
            return status;


    /* insert SSID element */
    status = mlme_assocSSIDBuild(pCtx, pRequest, &len);
    if (status != TI_OK)
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build SSID IE\n");
        return TI_NOK;

    pRequest += len;
    *reqLen += len;

    /* insert Rates element */
    status = mlme_assocRatesBuild(pCtx, pRequest, &len);
    if (status != TI_OK)
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build rates IE\n");
        return TI_NOK;
    pRequest += len;
    *reqLen += len;

	/* Checking if the station supports Spectrum Management (802.11h) */
    status = regulatoryDomain_getParam(pCtx->hRegulatoryDomain,&param);
	spectrumManagementEnabled = param.content.spectrumManagementEnabled;

	/* Checking the selected AP capablities */
    status =  siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr,&param);
    if (status == TI_OK &&
    		spectrumManagementEnabled &&
    		param.content.siteMgrSiteCapability & (DOT11_SPECTRUM_MANAGEMENT != 0))
         /* insert Power capability element */
         status = mlme_assocPowerCapabilityBuild(pCtx, pRequest, &len);
         if (status != TI_OK)
			 TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build Power IE\n");
             return TI_NOK;
         pRequest += len;
         *reqLen += len;

     /* Get Simple-Config state */
    param.paramType = SITE_MGR_SIMPLE_CONFIG_MODE;
    status = siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);

   if (param.content.siteMgrWSCMode.WSCMode == TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_OFF)
   /* insert RSN information elements */
    status = rsn_getInfoElement(pCtx->hRsn, pRequest, &len);

	if (status != TI_OK)
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build RSN IE\n");
		return TI_NOK;
	pRequest += len;
	*reqLen += len;

  /* Privacy - Used later on HT */

    param.paramType = RSN_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_PARAM;

    status          = rsn_getParam(pCtx->hRsn, &param);

    if(status == TI_OK)


        eCipherSuite = param.content.rsnEncryptionStatus;


    /* Primary Site support HT ? */
    siteMgr_getParam(pCtx->hSiteMgr, &param);

    /* Disallow TKIP with HT Rates: If this is the case - discard HT rates from Association Request */
    if((TI_TRUE == param.content.bPrimarySiteHtSupport) && 
              (eCipherSuite != TWD_CIPHER_TKIP) && 
              (eCipherSuite != TWD_CIPHER_WEP) && 
           (eCipherSuite != TWD_CIPHER_WEP104)      )

        status = StaCap_GetHtCapabilitiesIe (pCtx->hStaCap, pRequest, &len);
    	if (status != TI_OK)
    		return TI_NOK;
    	pRequest += len;
    	*reqLen += len;

	status = qosMngr_assocReqBuild(pCtx->hQosMngr,pRequest,&len);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build QoS IE\n");
		return TI_NOK;
	pRequest += len;
	*reqLen += len;

	status = apConn_getVendorSpecificIE(pCtx->hApConn, pRequest, &len);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		TRACE0(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build vendor IE\n");
		return TI_NOK;
	pRequest += len;
	*reqLen += len;

    if (*reqLen>=MAX_ASSOC_MSG_LENGTH)
		TRACE1(pCtx->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "mlme_assocRequestMsgBuild: failed to build, reqLen = %u\n", *reqLen);
        return TI_NOK;

    return TI_OK;