Пример #1
StoreEntry *allocateEntry(JNIEnv *pEnv, Store *pStore, jstring pKey) {

    int32_t lError = 0;
    StoreEntry *lEntry = findEntry(pEnv, pStore, pKey, &lError);

    if (lEntry != NULL) {
        releaseEntryValue(pEnv, lEntry);
    } else if (!lError) {
        if (pStore->mLength >= STORE_MAX_CAPACITY) {
            return NULL;
        lEntry = pStore->mEntries + pStore->mLength;

        const char *lKeyTmp = (*pEnv)->GetStringUTFChars(pEnv, pKey, NULL);

        if (lKeyTmp == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        lEntry->mKey = (char *) malloc(strlen(lKeyTmp));
        strcpy(lEntry->mKey, lKeyTmp);
        (*pEnv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pEnv, pKey, lKeyTmp);

    return lEntry;
Пример #2
StoreEntry * allocateEntry(JNIEnv* pEnv, Store* pStore, jstring jstrKey) {
	// If entry already exists in the store, releases its content
	// and keep its key.
	int32_t lError = 0;
	StoreEntry* lEntry = findEntry(pEnv, pStore, jstrKey, &lError);
	if (NULL != lEntry) {
		releaseEntryValue(pEnv, lEntry);
	// If entry does not exist, create a new entry right after
	// already allocated entries.
	else if (!lError) {
		// Checks store can accept a new entry.
		if (pStore->mLength >= STORE_MAX_CAPACITY) {
			return NULL;

		lEntry = pStore->mEntries + pStore->mLength;

		// Copies the new key into its final C string buffer.
		const char* lKeyTmp = (*pEnv)->GetStringUTFChars(pEnv, jstrKey, NULL);

		if (NULL == lKeyTmp) {
			return NULL;

		lEntry->mKey = (char*) malloc(strlen(lKeyTmp));
		strcpy(lEntry->mKey, lKeyTmp);
		(*pEnv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pEnv, jstrKey, lKeyTmp);


	return lEntry;
Пример #3
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_congnt_ndkguide_Store_finalizeStore(
		JNIEnv* pEnv, jobject pThis) {
	stopWatcher(pEnv, &mStoreWatcher);
	StoreEntry* lEntry = mStore.mEntries;
	StoreEntry* lEntryEnd = lEntry + mStore.mLength;
	while (lEntry < lEntryEnd) {
		releaseEntryValue(pEnv, lEntry);
	mStore.mLength = 0;