bool CDNAStatement::replaceBranch(unsigned int branchNum, const CDNAStatement& S){
	if(removeBranch(branchNum)) {
		addBranch(branchNum, S);    
		return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
void Lightning::refresh()
	if (head == NULL) {
	//TODO: Finish this
Пример #3
void BaseTreeView::reload(BaseTreeBranch *btb)
  // remember the old status
  QStringList folderToOpen;
  KURL url = btb->rootUrl();
  // remove and open again
  btb = dynamic_cast<BaseTreeBranch *>(newBranch(url));
  if (btb) {
    btb->folderToOpen = folderToOpen;
Пример #4
void Lightning::removeBranch(LightningNode *root)
	LightningNode *tmp = NULL;
	while(root != NULL) {
		for (int i = 0; i < root->numBranches; i++) {
			if (root->branches[i] != NULL) {
		/*if (root->branches != NULL) {
			delete root->branches;
		tmp = root;
		root = root->next;
		delete tmp;
Пример #5
void K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches( K3bDevice::DeviceManager* dm )
  kdDebug() << "(K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches)" << endl;

  // remove all previous added device branches
  for( QMap<KFileTreeBranch*, K3bDevice::Device*>::Iterator it = d->branchDeviceMap.begin();
       it != d->branchDeviceMap.end(); ++it ) {
    removeBranch( it.key() );

  // clear the maps

  for( QPtrListIterator<K3bDevice::Device> it( dm->allDevices() ); *it; ++it )
    addDeviceBranch( *it );

  if( dm != d->deviceManager ) {
    if( d->deviceManager )
      d->deviceManager->disconnect( this );
    d->deviceManager = dm;

    // make sure we get changes to the config
    connect( dm, SIGNAL(changed(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)),
	     this, SLOT(addCdDeviceBranches(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)) );

    if( K3bAppDeviceManager* appDevM = dynamic_cast<K3bAppDeviceManager*>( dm ) )
      connect( appDevM, SIGNAL(currentDeviceChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)),
	       this, SLOT(setCurrentDevice(K3bDevice::Device*)) );

  K3bDevice::Device* currentDevice = k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->currentDevice();
  if ( !currentDevice && !k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->allDevices().isEmpty() ) {
      k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->allDevices().getFirst() );

  d->currentDeviceBranch = d->deviceBranchDict[currentDevice];
  if( d->currentDeviceBranch ) {
    d->currentDeviceBranch->setCurrent( true );

  kdDebug() << "(K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches) done" << endl;
Пример #6
 * Traverse CFG in reverse topological order (already given in bblist)
 * to collect cost, eliminating infeasible paths.
int traverse( int pid, block **bblist, int num_bb, int *in_degree, uint *cost )
  DSTART( "traverse" );

  int  i, j, k, id, pt;
  char direction, extend;

  path   *pu, *pv;
  block  *bu, *bv;
  branch *bru;

  for( i = 0; i < num_bb; i++ ) {
    bu  = bblist[i];
    bru = branchlist[pid][bu->bbid];

    // printf( "Node %d cost %d: \n", bu->bbid, cost[bu->bbid] ); fflush( stdout );
    // printBlock( bu );

    if( !bu->num_outgoing ) {  // bu is a sink
      // cost(bu) = { sum(bu) | sum(bu) is the sum of costs of each instruction in bu };

      MALLOC( pu, path*, sizeof(path), "path" );
      pu->cost       = cost[bu->bbid];
      pu->bb_len     = 1;
      MALLOC( pu->bb_seq, int*, sizeof(int), "path bb_seq" );
      pu->bb_seq[0]  = bu->bbid;
      pu->branch_len = 0;
      pu->branch_eff = NULL;
      pu->branch_dir = NULL;

      REALLOC( pathlist[bu->bbid], path**, num_paths[bu->bbid] * sizeof(path*), "pathlist elm" );
      pathlist[bu->bbid][ num_paths[bu->bbid]-1 ] = pu;

    // Step 1: Compute the WCET paths of each branch
    for( j = 0; j < bu->num_outgoing; j++ ) {

      id = getblock( bu->outgoing[j], bblist, 0, i-1 );
      if( id == -1 )
        prerr( "Block %d-%d not found.\n", pid, bu->outgoing[j] );
      bv = bblist[id];
      // printf( "out: " ); printBlock( bv );

      for( pt = 0; pt < num_paths[bv->bbid]; pt++ ) {
	pv = pathlist[bv->bbid][pt];

	// branches with potential conflict
	if( bru != NULL ) {

	  direction = detectDirection( bru, bv );
	  // printf( "%d:%d->%d: dirn = %d\n", pid, bu->bbid, bv->bbid, direction );

	   * temporary disable conflict detection 
	  // test BB conflicts
	  if( BBconflictInPath( bru, direction, bv, pv, bblist, num_bb ))

	 * temporary disable conflict detection 
	// test BA conflicts
	if( BAconflictInPath( bu, bv, pv, bblist, num_bb ))

	// else, include this path for bu

	MALLOC( pu, path*, sizeof(path), "path" );
	pu->bb_len = pv->bb_len + 1;

	pu->cost = pv->cost + cost[bu->bbid];

	// extra cost if bu-->bv is a region transition
  //int rid;
	//if( regionmode ) {

	//  if( bu->callpid != -1 )
	//    rid = procs[bu->callpid]->bblist[ procs[bu->callpid]->num_bb - 1 ]->regid;

	//  if( bu->callpid == -1 || rid == -1 ) {
	//    if( bu->regid != -1 && bv->regid != -1 && bu->regid != bv->regid ) {
	//      printf( "region transition %d-%d(%d) --> %d-%d(%d) cost: %u\n",
	//	      bu->pid, bu->bbid, bu->regid, bv->pid, bv->bbid, bv->regid, regioncost[bv->regid] );
	//      fflush( stdout );
	//      pu->cost += regioncost[bv->regid];
	//    }
	//  }
	//  // region transition due to procedure call at end of bu
	//  else {
	//    if( rid != -1 && bv->regid != -1 && rid != bv->regid ) {
	//      printf( "region transition %d-%d(%d) procedure return %d(%d) --> %d-%d(%d) cost: %u\n",
	//	      bu->pid, bu->bbid, bu->regid, bu->callpid, rid,
	//	      bv->pid, bv->bbid, bv->regid, regioncost[bv->regid] ); fflush( stdout );
	//      pu->cost += regioncost[bv->regid];
	//    }
	//  }

	//} // end if( regionmode )

	extend = 0;
	if( bru != NULL && hasIncomingConflict( bru, direction, bblist, i+1, num_bb ))
	  extend = 1;

	pu->branch_len = pv->branch_len;
	if( extend )
	MALLOC( pu->bb_seq, int*, pu->bb_len * sizeof(int), "path bb_seq" );
	MALLOC( pu->branch_eff, branch**, pu->branch_len * sizeof(branch*), "path branch_eff" );
	MALLOC( pu->branch_dir, char*, pu->branch_len * sizeof(char), "path branch_dir" );

	copySeq( pu, pv );
	pu->bb_seq[ pu->bb_len - 1 ] = bu->bbid;

	if( extend )
	  sortedInsertBranch( pu, bru, direction );

	REALLOC( pathlist[bu->bbid], path**, num_paths[bu->bbid] * sizeof(path*), "pathlist elm" );
	pathlist[bu->bbid][ num_paths[bu->bbid]-1 ] = pu;

      } // end for paths of bv

    } // end for bu's children

    if( num_paths[bu->bbid] <= 0 )
      prerr( "\nNo feasible path at %d-%d!\n\n", pid, bu->bbid );

    // Step 2: Consolidate

    // if( edges e1, ..., en in subgraph(bu) are not conflicting with some predecessors )
    //   combine the two paths in cost(bu) if they only differ in term ei
    // Note that for each node bu, we keep a list of nodes conflicting with bu and can reach bu.
    // Step 2.1 Update incoming conflicts list: clear bu since it is already visited
    for( j = 0; j < procs[pid]->num_bb; j++ ) {
      bru = branchlist[pid][j];
      if( bru != NULL && bru->in_conflict[bu->bbid] )
    // Step 2.2 Merge paths
    for( pt = 0; pt < num_paths[bu->bbid]; pt++ ) {
      pu = pathlist[bu->bbid][pt];

      // check each branch in this path for expired conflicts
      k = 0;
      while( k < pu->branch_len ) {

	// remove if no more incoming conflict, or cancelled by assignment in bu
	if( !pu->branch_eff[k]->num_active_incfs
	    || assignsTo( bu, pu->branch_eff[k]->deri_tree ))
	  removeBranch( pu, k );
    } // end for paths

    // printf( "Consolidation: Decision cancelled over\n" ); fflush( stdout );	
    if( num_paths[bu->bbid] > 1 ) {

      // sort by increasing cost, then decreasing number of branches
      sortPath( pathlist[bu->bbid], num_paths[bu->bbid] );

      for( pt = 0; pt < num_paths[bu->bbid] - 1; pt++ ) {
	pu = pathlist[bu->bbid][pt];

	for( k = pt + 1; k < num_paths[bu->bbid]; k++ ) {
	  pv = pathlist[bu->bbid][k];

	  // remove pu if its conflict list is a superset of pv's
	  // (i.e. pu has less cost yet more conflicts than pv, thus cannot be wcet path)
	  if( subsetConflict( pv, pu )) {
	    pu->bb_len = -1;
      // remove the marked paths (id: the index to overwrite)
      id = -1;
      for( pt = 0; pt < num_paths[bu->bbid]; pt++ ) {
	pu = pathlist[bu->bbid][pt];

	if( pu->bb_len == -1 ) {
	  freePath( bu->bbid, pt );
	  if( id == -1 )
	    id = pt;
	else {
	  if( id > -1 )
	    pathlist[bu->bbid][id++] = pu;
      if( id > -1 )
	num_paths[bu->bbid] = id;

    // stats
    if( num_paths[bu->bbid] > max_paths )
      max_paths = num_paths[bu->bbid];
    // free paths in nodes which are dead (i.e. already processed)
    for( j = 0; j < bu->num_outgoing; j++ )
      in_degree[ bu->outgoing[j] ]--;

    // note that the node in top topo order is excluded
    for( j = 0; j < num_bb - 1; j++ ) {
      id = bblist[j]->bbid;
      if( in_degree[id] == 0 && pathFreed[id] == 0 ) {
	freePathsInNode( id );
	pathFreed[id] = 1;

    DOUT( "Paths at %d-%d: %d\n", pid, bu->bbid, num_paths[bu->bbid] );
        for( pt = 0; pt < num_paths[bu->bbid]; pt++ )
          printPath( pathlist[bu->bbid][pt] );