Пример #1
 * Gets the dir name of a file path, analogous to dirname(1)
inline std::string dirName(std::string path)
    path.erase(std::find(path.rbegin(), path.rend(), '/').base(), path.end());

    if (path.empty()) {
        return ".";

    return path;
Пример #2
/* ****************************************************************************
* servicePathSplit - 
int servicePathSplit(ConnectionInfo* ciP)
  int servicePaths = stringSplit(ciP->servicePath, ',', ciP->servicePathV);

  if (servicePaths == 0)
    /* In this case the result is a 0 length vector */
    return 0;

  if (servicePaths > 10)
    OrionError e(SccBadRequest, "too many service paths - a maximum of ten service paths is allowed");
    ciP->answer = e.render(ciP->outFormat, "");
    return -1;

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    ciP->servicePathV[ix] = std::string(wsStrip((char*) ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));    
    ciP->servicePathV[ix] = removeTrailingSlash(ciP->servicePathV[ix]);

    LM_T(LmtServicePath, ("Service Path %d: '%s'", ix, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    int s;

    if ((s = servicePathCheck(ciP, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str())) != 0)
      return s;

  return 0;
static bool getPathsForPathCompletion(generic_string input, generic_string &rawPath_out, generic_string &pathToMatch_out)
    generic_string rawPath;
    if(! getRawPath(input, rawPath))
        return false;
    else if(isFile(rawPath) || isFile(removeTrailingSlash(rawPath)))
        return false;
    else if(isDirectory(rawPath))
        rawPath_out = rawPath;
        pathToMatch_out = rawPath;
        return true;
        size_t last_occurrence = rawPath.rfind(L"\\");
        if(last_occurrence == std::string::npos) // No match.
            return false;
            rawPath_out = rawPath;
            pathToMatch_out = rawPath.substr(0, last_occurrence);
            return true;
Пример #4
DiscData DiscName::split(const QString & disc_url, bool * ok)
    qDebug("DiscName::split: disc_url: '%s'", disc_url.toUtf8().constData());

    QRegExp rx1("^(dvd|dvdnav|vcd|cdda)://(\\d+)/(.*)");
    QRegExp rx2("^(dvd|dvdnav|vcd|cdda)://(\\d+)");
    QRegExp rx3("^(dvd|dvdnav|vcd|cdda):///(.*)");
    QRegExp rx4("^(dvd|dvdnav|vcd|cdda):(.*)");

    DiscData d;

    bool success = false;

    if (rx1.indexIn(disc_url) != -1)
        d.protocol = rx1.cap(1);
        d.title = rx1.cap(2).toInt();
        d.device = rx1.cap(3);
        success = true;
    else if (rx2.indexIn(disc_url) != -1)
        d.protocol = rx2.cap(1);
        d.title = rx2.cap(2).toInt();
        d.device = "";
        success = true;
    else if (rx3.indexIn(disc_url) != -1)
        d.protocol = rx3.cap(1);
        d.title = 0;
        d.device = rx3.cap(2);
        success = true;
    else if (rx4.indexIn(disc_url) != -1)
        d.protocol = rx4.cap(1);
        d.title = 0;
        d.device ="";
        success = true;

    if (!d.device.isEmpty()) d.device = removeTrailingSlash(d.device);

    if (success)
        qDebug("DiscName::split: protocol: '%s'", d.protocol.toUtf8().constData());
        qDebug("DiscName::split: title: '%d'", d.title);
        qDebug("DiscName::split: device: '%s'", d.device.toUtf8().constData());
        qWarning("DiscName::split: no match in regular expression");

    if (ok != 0) (*ok) = success;

    return d;
Пример #5
QString DiscName::join(const DiscData & d) {
	QString s = d.protocol + "://";
	if (d.title > 0) s += QString::number(d.title);
	if (!d.device.isEmpty()) s+= "/" + removeTrailingSlash(d.device);

	qDebug("DiscName::join: result: '%s'", s.toUtf8().constData());
	return s;
Пример #6
 /** \brief Find the parent directory of a path
   * \param[in] path path
   * \return parent directory
 std::string getParentDir (const std::string &path)
   std::string parentDir = boost::filesystem::path(removeTrailingSlash(path)).parent_path().string();
   if (parentDir == "")
     parentDir = "./";
   return parentDir;
Пример #7
/* ****************************************************************************
* servicePathSplit - 
int servicePathSplit(ConnectionInfo* ciP)
#if 0
  // Special case: empty service-path 
  // FIXME P4: We're not sure what this 'fix' really fixes.
  //           Must implement a functest to reproduce this situation.
  //           And, if that is not possible, just remove the whole thing
  if ((ciP->httpHeaders.servicePathReceived == true) && (ciP->servicePath == ""))
    OrionError e(SccBadRequest, "empty service path");
    ciP->answer = e.render(ciP, "");
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "empty service path");
    return -1;

  int servicePaths = stringSplit(ciP->servicePath, ',', ciP->servicePathV);

  if (servicePaths == 0)
    /* In this case the result is a vector with an empty string */
    return 0;

    OrionError e(SccBadRequest, "too many service paths - a maximum of ten service paths is allowed");
    ciP->answer = e.render(ciP, "");
    return -1;

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    std::string stripped = std::string(wsStrip((char*) ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));

    ciP->servicePathV[ix] = removeTrailingSlash(stripped);

    // This was previously a LM_T trace, but we have "promoted" it to INFO due to it is needed to check logs in a .test case (case 0392 service_path_http_header.test)
    LM_I(("Service Path %d: '%s'", ix, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    int s;

    if ((s = servicePathCheck(ciP, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str())) != 0)
      return s;

  return 0;
Пример #8
/* ****************************************************************************
* servicePathSplit - 
int servicePathSplit(ConnectionInfo* ciP)
#if 0
  // Special case: empty service-path 
  // FIXME P4: We're not sure what this 'fix' really fixes.
  //           Must implement a functest to reproduce this situation.
  //           And, if that is not possible, just remove the whole thing
  if ((ciP->httpHeaders.servicePathReceived == true) && (ciP->servicePath == ""))
    OrionError e(SccBadRequest, "empty service path");
    ciP->answer = e.render(ciP->outFormat, "");
    LM_W(("Bad Input (empty service path)"));
    return -1;

  int servicePaths = stringSplit(ciP->servicePath, ',', ciP->servicePathV);

  if (servicePaths == 0)
    /* In this case the result is a 0 length vector */
    return 0;

  if (servicePaths > 10)
    OrionError e(SccBadRequest, "too many service paths - a maximum of ten service paths is allowed");
    ciP->answer = e.render(ciP->outFormat, "");
    return -1;

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    ciP->servicePathV[ix] = std::string(wsStrip((char*) ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));    
    ciP->servicePathV[ix] = removeTrailingSlash(ciP->servicePathV[ix]);

    LM_T(LmtServicePath, ("Service Path %d: '%s'", ix, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str()));

  for (int ix = 0; ix < servicePaths; ++ix)
    int s;

    if ((s = servicePathCheck(ciP, ciP->servicePathV[ix].c_str())) != 0)
      return s;

  return 0;
Пример #9
void SocketApi::slotNewConnection()
    QIODevice* socket = _localServer.nextPendingConnection();

    if( ! socket ) {
    DEBUG << "New connection" << socket;
    connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadSocket()));
    connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onLostConnection()));


    foreach( Folder *f, FolderMan::instance()->map() ) {
        if (f->canSync()) {
            QString message = buildRegisterPathMessage(removeTrailingSlash(f->path()));
            sendMessage(socket, message);            
Пример #10
void Ntop::setWorkingDir(char *dir) {
  snprintf(working_dir, sizeof(working_dir), "%s", dir);
Пример #11
void SyscallPolicy::addDefaultWebProcessPolicy(const WebProcessCreationParameters& parameters)
    // Directories settings coming from the UIProcess.
    if (!parameters.applicationCacheDirectory.isEmpty())
        addDirectoryPermission(removeTrailingSlash(parameters.applicationCacheDirectory), ReadAndWrite);
    if (!parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory.isEmpty())
        addDirectoryPermission(removeTrailingSlash(parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory), ReadAndWrite);
    if (!parameters.diskCacheDirectory.isEmpty())
        addDirectoryPermission(removeTrailingSlash(parameters.diskCacheDirectory), ReadAndWrite);
    if (!parameters.cookieStorageDirectory.isEmpty())
        addDirectoryPermission(removeTrailingSlash(parameters.cookieStorageDirectory), ReadAndWrite);
    if (!parameters.cookiePersistentStoragePath.isEmpty())
        addDirectoryPermission(removeTrailingSlash(parameters.cookiePersistentStoragePath), ReadAndWrite);

    // The root policy will block access to any directory or
    // file unless white listed bellow or by platform.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/"), NotAllowed);

    // Shared libraries, plugins and fonts.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/lib"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/lib32"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/lib64"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/usr/lib"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/usr/lib32"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/usr/lib64"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/usr/share"), Read);

    // Support for alternative install prefixes, e.g. /usr/local.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral(DATADIR), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral(LIBDIR), Read);

    // Plugin search path
    for (String& path : pluginsDirectories())
        addDirectoryPermission(path, Read);

    // SSL Certificates.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/ssl/certs"), Read);

    // Fontconfig cache.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/fonts"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/var/cache/fontconfig"), Read);

    // Audio devices, random number generators, etc.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/dev"), ReadAndWrite);

    // Temporary files and process self information.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/tmp"), ReadAndWrite);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/proc/") + String::number(getpid()), ReadAndWrite);

    // In some distros /dev/shm is a symbolic link to /run/shm, and in
    // this case, the canonical path resolver will follow the link. If
    // inside /dev, the policy is already set.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/run/shm"), ReadAndWrite);

    // Needed by glibc for networking and locale.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/gai.conf"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/host.conf"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/hosts"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/localtime"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/nsswitch.conf"), Read);

    // Needed for DNS resoltion. In some distros, the resolv.conf inside
    // /etc is just a symbolic link.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/resolv.conf"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"), Read);

    // Needed to convert uid and gid into names.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/group"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/passwd"), Read);

    // Needed by the loader.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/ld.so.cache"), Read);

    // Needed by various, including toolkits, for optimizations based
    // on the current amount of free system memory.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/proc/cpuinfo"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/proc/filesystems"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/proc/meminfo"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/proc/stat"), Read);

    // Needed by D-Bus.
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"), Read);

    // Needed by at-spi2.
    // FIXME This is too permissive: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=143004
    addDirectoryPermission("/run/user/" + String::number(getuid()), ReadAndWrite);

    // Needed by WebKit's memory pressure handler
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.pressure_level"), Read);
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/cgroup.event_control"), Read);

    char* homeDir = getenv("HOME");
    if (homeDir) {
        // X11 connection token.
        addFilePermission(String::fromUTF8(homeDir) + "/.Xauthority", Read);

    // MIME type resolution.
    char* dataHomeDir = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME");
    if (dataHomeDir)
        addDirectoryPermission(String::fromUTF8(dataHomeDir) + "/mime", Read);
    else if (homeDir)
        addDirectoryPermission(String::fromUTF8(homeDir) + "/.local/share/mime", Read);

    // Needed on most non-Debian distros by libxshmfence <= 1.1, or newer
    // libxshmfence with older kernels (linux <= 3.16), for DRI3 shared memory.
    // FIXME Try removing this permission when we can rely on a newer libxshmfence.
    // See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=415681
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/var/tmp"), ReadAndWrite);

    // Optional Mesa DRI configuration file
    addFilePermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/drirc"), Read);
    if (homeDir)
        addFilePermission(String::fromUTF8(homeDir) + "/.drirc", Read);

    // Mesa uses udev.
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/etc/udev"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/run/udev"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/sys/bus"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/sys/class"), Read);
    addDirectoryPermission(ASCIILiteral("/sys/devices"), Read);

    // Needed by NVIDIA proprietary graphics driver
    if (homeDir)
        addDirectoryPermission(String::fromUTF8(homeDir) + "/.nv", ReadAndWrite);

    // Developers using build-webkit expect some libraries to be loaded
    // from the build root directory and they also need access to layout test
    // files.
    char* sourceDir = canonicalize_file_name(SOURCE_DIR);
    if (sourceDir) {
        addDirectoryPermission(String::fromUTF8(sourceDir), SyscallPolicy::ReadAndWrite);