Пример #1
void Creature::process_effects()
    // id's and body_part's of all effects to be removed. If we ever get player or
    // monster specific removals these will need to be moved down to that level and then
    // passed in to this function.
    std::vector<std::string> rem_ids;
    std::vector<body_part> rem_bps;

    // Decay/removal of effects
    for( auto &elem : effects ) {
        for( auto &_it : elem.second ) {
            // Add any effects that others remove to the removal list
            for( const auto removed_effect : _it.second.get_removes_effects() ) {
                rem_ids.push_back( removed_effect );
            // Run decay effects, marking effects for removal as necessary.
            _it.second.decay( rem_ids, rem_bps, calendar::turn, is_player() );

    // Actually remove effects. This should be the last thing done in process_effects().
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rem_ids.size(); ++i) {
        remove_effect( rem_ids[i], rem_bps[i] );
Пример #2
void Creature::process_effects()
    // id's and body_part's of all effects to be removed. If we ever get player or
    // monster specific removals these will need to be moved down to that level and then
    // passed in to this function.
    std::vector<efftype_id> rem_ids;
    std::vector<body_part> rem_bps;

    // Decay/removal of effects
    for( auto &elem : *effects ) {
        for( auto &_it : elem.second ) {
            // Add any effects that others remove to the removal list
            for( const auto removed_effect : _it.second.get_removes_effects() ) {
                rem_ids.push_back( removed_effect );
            effect &e = _it.second;
            const int prev_int = e.get_intensity();
            // Run decay effects, marking effects for removal as necessary.
            e.decay( rem_ids, rem_bps, calendar::turn, is_player() );

            if( e.get_intensity() != prev_int && e.get_duration() > 0_turns ) {
                on_effect_int_change( e.get_id(), e.get_intensity(), e.get_bp() );

    // Actually remove effects. This should be the last thing done in process_effects().
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rem_ids.size(); ++i) {
        remove_effect( rem_ids[i], rem_bps[i] );
Пример #3
void Creature::process_effects()
    for( auto it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ++it ) {
        if( !it->second.is_permanent() ) {
            it->second.mod_duration( -1 );
            add_msg( m_debug, "Duration %d", it->second.get_duration() );
    for( auto it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ) {
        if( !it->second.is_permanent() && it->second.get_duration() <= 0 ) {
            const effect_type *type = it->second.get_effect_type();
            if(type->get_remove_message() != "") {
                add_msg( type->lose_game_message_type(), _(type->get_remove_message().c_str()) );
                pgettext("memorial_male", type->get_remove_memorial_log().c_str() ),
                pgettext("memorial_female", type->get_remove_memorial_log().c_str()) );
            const auto id = it->second.get_id();
            remove_effect( id );
        } else {
Пример #4
void check(object me, object target, int dodge_amount)
	object weapon;
	 if(!me) return;
    if(!target) return;
	 if (me->query_skill_mapped("force") != "dragonforce"
	         || !objectp(weapon=me->query_temp("weapon")) 
	         || (weapon->query("apply/skill_type") != "fork" 
	             && weapon->query("skill_type") != "fork" ) 
	         ||  me->query_skill_mapped("fork") != "fengbo-cha" )     
         else if(!present(target->query("id"), environment(me)) || !me->is_fighting(target) || !me->is_fighting())
	 else if(!me->query_temp("dhwl"))
	else {me->add_temp("dhwl",1);
	      if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==10)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你运气一周天,浑身充满强霸的力道。突然间脑际灵光一闪,气化为神,神化为虚只冲头顶。\n\n"NOR);     
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==9)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你突觉内力运转周身无法突破,不禁闭目沉思,然而就在闭上双目的一瞬间意识到眼不视而魂在肝的道理。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==8)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你心平气静,对外界的嘈杂亦不听不想;耳不闻而精在肾,沉身运气,内力更高了一层。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==7)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你屏住气息,运转内力于肺间。呼吸均匀悠长,以然达到了鼻不香而魄在肺的境界。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==6)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你想起龙神心法所言:舌不吟而神在心。连忙收声运气,但觉得心灵中一片空灵。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==5)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你将沉与丹田之力带行全身,身上啪啪连响,运转自如直冲任督,忍不住纵声长啸。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==4)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你默念龙神心法,四肢不动而意在脾,人虽未动,却只觉内力沉于丹田,力量倍增。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==3)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"你收敛心神,把脚底热气运至膝间跳环,但觉内力运转间身轻无比。\n\n"NOR);
	      else if (me->query_temp("dhwl")==2)
	            tell_object(me, MAG"\n你运起龙神心法,转瞬间突然周身骨骼格格做响,面上浮现出阵阵青气。\n\n"NOR);
	     // me->add_temp("apply/dodge",random(dodge_amount));
	      call_out("check", 1, me,target,dodge_amount);
Пример #5
int perform(object me, object target)
        int skill,skill_blade, skill_dodge, dodge_amount,attack_amount;
        int blade_skill,bingpo_skill;
        object weapon;

        skill = me->query_skill("ningxie-force",1);
        blade_skill= me->query_skill("blade",1);
        bingpo_skill= me->query_skill("bingpo-blade",1);
        if( skill > 250 ) skill=250;
        skill_dodge = me->query_skill("dodge");
        skill_blade = me->query_skill("force");
        if( !target ) target = offensive_target(me);

        if( !target
        ||      !target->is_character()
        ||      target->is_corpse()
        ||      target==me)
                return notify_fail("你要对谁施展「凝血」?\n");

               return notify_fail("「凝血」只能在战斗中使用!\n");
        if( skill < 100 )  return notify_fail("你的冰谷凝血功修为不够。\n");
        if( blade_skill < 100 )  return notify_fail("你的基本刀法未够纯熟。\n");
        if( bingpo_skill < 100 )  return notify_fail("你的冰魄寒刀未够纯熟。\n");
        if( me->query_temp("ningxie") ) 
          {remove_effect(me, target, dodge_amount, attack_amount);return 1;}
        if( (int)me->query("force") < skill )     
                return notify_fail("你的内力不够。\n");

        me->add("force", -skill);
        message_vision(HIW "$N把凝血神功在体内运转,然后徐徐注入"+weapon->name()+HIW"中。
$N手中"+weapon->name()+HIW"所到处带起了一阵轻烟,方圆几丈内的空气好象都凝聚起来!\n" NOR, me);
        me->set_temp("ningxie", 1);
        //要perform ningxie当然要有所代价
//        me->add_temp("apply/attack", -attack_amount);  
//        me->add_temp("apply/dodge",-dodge_amount);
        call_out("check", 1, me,target,dodge_amount,attack_amount);
        return 1;
Пример #6
void check(object me)
	object weapon;
if(!me) return;
if(!me->query_skill_mapped("force")) remove_effect(me);
	if(me->query_skill_mapped("sword") != "sanqing-jian"
	|| me->query_skill_mapped("force") != "zhenyuan-force" 
	|| me->query_skill_mapped("spells") != "taiyi" 
	|| !objectp(weapon=me->query_temp("weapon")) 
	|| (weapon->query("apply/skill_type") != "sword" 
	&&  weapon->query("skill_type") != "sword" )) 
	else if(me->query_temp("jianmang_time")<1)
	else {  me->add_temp("jianmang_time",-1);
		call_out("check", 1, me);
Пример #7
void check(object me,object target, int dodge_amount,int attack_amount)
        object weapon;
        if( !living(target) || !present(target->query("id"), environment(me)) ) 
                remove_effect(me, target, dodge_amount, attack_amount);

        else if(!present(target->query("id"), environment(me)) 
                || !me->is_fighting(target) || !me->is_fighting() ) 
                remove_effect(me, target, dodge_amount, attack_amount);
        else if (me->query_skill_mapped("force") != "ningxie-force"
                 || !objectp(weapon=me->query_temp("weapon")) 
                 || (weapon->query("apply/skill_type") != "blade" 
                     && weapon->query("skill_type") != "blade" ) 
                 ||  me->query_skill_mapped("blade") != "bingpo-blade" )     
             remove_effect(me, target, dodge_amount, attack_amount);
        else call_out("check", 1, me,target,dodge_amount,attack_amount);
Пример #8
int perform(object me, object target)
        int skill_sanqing, skill_sword, skill_force,skill_spells,attack_amount;
        object weapon=me->query_temp("weapon");
        if( skill_force > 250 ) skill_force=250;
	skill_sanqing = me->query_skill("sanqing-jian"); 
        if( me->query_temp("jianmang") )  {remove_effect(me); return 1;}
        if( time()-(int)me->query_temp("jianmang_end") < 10 )
                   return notify_fail("你现在真气不纯。\n");
        if (skill_force < 100) return notify_fail("你的镇元神功修为不够,产生不了剑芒。\n");

        if (skill_spells < 100) return notify_fail("你的太乙仙法修为不够,产生不了剑芒。\n");
        if (me->query_skill_mapped("force")!="zhenyuan-force")
            return notify_fail("「剑芒」必须配合镇元神功才能使用。\n");
        if (me->query_skill_mapped("spells")!="taiyi")
            return notify_fail("「剑芒」必须配合太乙仙法才能使用。\n");
        if((int)me->query_skill("sanqing-jian", 1) < 160)
                return notify_fail("你的三清剑法级别还不够,怎能生成剑芒!\n");

            if( (int)me->query("force") < 150 )      
            return notify_fail("你的内力不够。\n");
        me->add("force", -skill_force);
        message_vision(HIY"$N催动真气,同时念动真言,将镇元神功和太乙法力缓缓注入"+weapon->name()+HIY",渐渐长出五寸剑芒,烁烁生辉。\n" NOR, me);
	me->set_temp("jianmang", 1);
        call_out("check", 1, me);
         return 1;
Пример #9
void checking(object me, object weapon, int sword, int force)
	if( !me ) return;

	if( !living(me) || me->is_ghost() )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
	else if( !me->is_fighting() && !me->is_busy() )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
		message_vision(HIG "\n$N伸指在剑脊上轻轻一弹,只听得"
			+ weapon->name() + HIG"振起嗡嗡之响,剑身不停抖动。\n"+NOR
			CYN+"$N顺势挽起一个剑花,将剑势收回。\n"NOR, me);
	else if( environment(weapon) != me || weapon != me->query_temp("weapon") )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
		message_vision(HIR "\n$N放弃手中"+ weapon->name() +HIR",将剑势收回!\n"NOR, me);
	else if( (int)me->query("neili") < (int)me->query("max_neili") / 5 ||
		(int)me->query("jingli") < (int)me->query("max_jingli") / 4 )
	        remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
        	tell_object(me, HIR "\n你微觉内息不畅,不得不将内力收回!\n" NOR);
		message("vision", CYN+"\n"+ me->name() + weapon->name() +CYN
			"圈转,收回剑势。招数已不如之前闪烁无常,变幻不定!\n"NOR, environment(me), me);
	else if( me->query_skill_mapped("sword") != "wudang-jian" && !me->is_busy() )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
		message_vision(CYN "\n$N圈转" + weapon->name()+ CYN
			",突然变招,使出与"+ HIW +"「绕指柔剑」"+ NOR + CYN"不同的剑法!\n"NOR, me);
	else if( me->query_temp("wudang/raozhi") <= 50 )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, sword, force);
		message_vision(HIC "\n$N" + weapon->name()+ HIC
			"圈转,已堪堪将一路"+ HIW +"「绕指柔剑」"+ HIC +"尽数使出!\n"NOR, me);

	call_out("checking", 1, me, weapon, sword, force);
Пример #10
void checking(object me, object weapon,int speed, int damage)
	if( !living(me) || me->is_ghost() )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		return ;
	if( !me->is_fighting() )
		message_vision("\n$N见战局已毕,便即收起了剑指相配的功法。\n", me);
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		return ;

	else if( environment(weapon) != me || weapon != me->query_temp("weapon") )
		message_vision("\n$N手中兵器已失,当下收回了剑指相配的攻势。\n"NOR, me);
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		return ;
	else if( me->query_skill_mapped("sword") != "yuxiao-jian"
	 || me->query_skill_mapped("finger") != "tanzhi-shentong"
	 || me->query_skill_prepared("finger") != "tanzhi-shentong" )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		message_vision(HIG"\n$N一挥"+weapon->name()+HIG",骤然变换招数,不再是玉箫剑法与弹指神通的搭配进击!\n"NOR, me);
		return ;
	else if(  (int)me->query("neili") < 500 ||(int)me->query("jingli") < 500 )
		tell_object(me, HIR "\n你惊觉内息渐弱,再如此快攻恐怕後继乏力,当下不动声色,暗暗收了左手「弹指神通」攻势。\n" NOR);
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		return ;
	else if( me->query_temp("th_jianzhi") <= 20 )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, speed, damage);
		message_vision(HIG"\n$N一挥"+weapon->name()+HIG",左手食中二指捏起剑诀,心无旁骛地使动「玉箫剑法」!\n"NOR, me);

		else call_out("checking", 1, me, weapon,speed,damage);
Пример #11
void checking(object me, object target, object weapon, int dodge, int damage, int parry)
        if (!living(me) || me->is_ghost())
                remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                return ;
        if (me->query_temp("jiutian")) {
                if( !me->is_fighting() )
                        message_vision(HIY"\n$N向后一跳,收起了步伐。\n"NOR, me);
                        remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                        tell_object(me, HIM"\n你身形一止,速度慢了下来。\n\n"NOR);
                else if (environment(weapon)!= me || weapon!=me->query_temp("weapon"))
                        message_vision(HIY"\n$N脚步一顿,停止了舞蹈。\n"NOR, me);
                        remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                        tell_object(me, HIM"\n你感觉到气血不顺,速度渐渐慢了下来。\n\n"NOR);
                else if (weapon->query("weapon_prop") == 0)
                        message_vision(HIY"\n$N手中的"NOR+weapon->name()+NOR HIY"已毁,不得不停下脚步。\n"NOR, me);
                        remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                else if (me->query_skill_mapped("force") != "kurong-changong")
                        remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                        tell_object(me, HIY"\n你感到内息不畅,不得不停下脚步。\n\n" NOR);
                if (random(5) == 1)
                me->add_temp("jiutian", -1);
                call_out("checking", 1, me, target, weapon, dodge,damage, parry);
        else {
                remove_effect(me, target, dodge, damage, parry);
                tell_object(me, HIM"\n你感觉到气血不顺,速度渐渐慢了下来。\n\n"NOR);
Пример #12
bool monster::move_effects()
    bool u_see_me = g->u.sees(*this);
    if (has_effect("tied")) {
        return false;
    if (has_effect("downed")) {
        if (u_see_me) {
            add_msg(_("The %s climbs to it's feet!"), name().c_str());
        return false;
    if (has_effect("webbed")) {
        if (x_in_y(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides, 6 * get_effect_int("webbed"))) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %s breaks free of the webs!"), name().c_str());
        return false;
    if (has_effect("lightsnare")) {
        if(x_in_y(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides, 12)) {
            g->m.spawn_item(posx(), posy(), "string_36");
            g->m.spawn_item(posx(), posy(), "snare_trigger");
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %s escapes the light snare!"), name().c_str());
        return false;
    if (has_effect("heavysnare")) {
        if (type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides >= 7) {
            if(x_in_y(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides, 32)) {
                g->m.spawn_item(posx(), posy(), "rope_6");
                g->m.spawn_item(posx(), posy(), "snare_trigger");
                if (u_see_me) {
                    add_msg(_("The %s escapes the heavy snare!"), name().c_str());
        return false;
    if (has_effect("beartrap")) {
        if (type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides >= 18) {
            if(x_in_y(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides, 200)) {
                g->m.spawn_item(posx(), posy(), "beartrap");
                if (u_see_me) {
                    add_msg(_("The %s escapes the bear trap!"), name().c_str());
        return false;
    if (has_effect("crushed")) {
        // Strength helps in getting free, but dex also helps you worm your way out of the rubble
        if(x_in_y(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides, 100)) {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %s frees itself from the rubble!"), name().c_str());
        return false;

    // If we ever get more effects that force movement on success this will need to be reworked to
    // only trigger success effects if /all/ rolls succeed
    if (has_effect("in_pit")) {
        if (rng(0, 40) > type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides) {
            return false;
        } else {
            if (u_see_me) {
                add_msg(_("The %s escapes the pit!"), name().c_str());
    return Creature::move_effects();
Пример #13
void Ability_Active::remove_ability(Unit & target)
	for(auto iter = effects.begin(); iter != effects.end(); ++iter)
		iter->remove_effect(*ability_caster, target);
Пример #14
bool Character::move_effects(bool attacking)
    if (has_effect("downed")) {
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_dex() + int(get_str() / 2)) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You struggle to stand."));
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You stand up."),
                                    _("<npcname> stands up."));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("webbed")) {
        if (x_in_y(get_str(), 6 * get_effect_int("webbed"))) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the webs!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the webs!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You try to free yourself from the webs, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("lightsnare")) {
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 12) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 8)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the light snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the light snare!"));
            item string("string_36", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), string);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the light snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("heavysnare")) {
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 32) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 16)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the heavy snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the heavy snare!"));
            item rope("rope_6", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), rope);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the heavy snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("beartrap")) {
        /* Real bear traps can't be removed without the proper tools or immense strength; eventually this should
           allow normal players two options: removal of the limb or removal of the trap from the ground
           (at which point the player could later remove it from the leg with the right tools).
           As such we are currently making it a bit easier for players and NPC's to get out of bear traps.
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the bear trap!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the bear trap!"));
            item beartrap("beartrap", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), beartrap);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the bear trap, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("crushed")) {
        // Strength helps in getting free, but dex also helps you worm your way out of the rubble
        if(x_in_y(get_str() + get_dex() / 4, 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the rubble!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the rubble!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the rubble, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    // Below this point are things that allow for movement if they succeed

    // Currently we only have one thing that forces movement if you succeed, should we get more
    // than this will need to be reworked to only have success effects if /all/ checks succeed
    if (has_effect("in_pit")) {
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_str() + int(get_dex() / 2)) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to escape the pit, but slip back in."));
            return false;
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You escape the pit!"),
                                    _("<npcname> escapes the pit!"));
    if (has_effect("grabbed")){
        int zed_number = 0;
        for( auto &&dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1, 0 ) ){
            if (g->mon_at(dest) != -1){
                zed_number ++;
        if (attacking == true || zed_number == 0){
            return true;
        if (get_dex() > get_str() ? rng(0, get_dex()) : rng( 0, get_str()) < rng( get_effect_int("grabbed") , 8) ){
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_bad, _("You try break out of the grab, but fail!"),
                                            _("<npcname> tries to break out of the grab, but fails!"));
            return false;
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You break out of the grab!"),
                                            _("<npcname> breaks out of the grab!"));
    return Creature::move_effects(attacking);
Пример #15
 void remove_intercept() { remove_effect(ContextualEffect()); }
Пример #16
int monster::move_to(int x, int y, bool force)
    // Make sure that we can move there, unless force is true.
    if(!force) if(!g->is_empty(x, y) || !can_move_to(x, y)) {
        return 0;

    if (!plans.empty()) {

    if (!force) {
        moves -= calc_movecost(posx(), posy(), x, y);

    //Check for moving into/out of water
    bool was_water = g->m.is_divable(posx(), posy());
    bool will_be_water = !has_flag( MF_FLIES ) && can_submerge() && g->m.is_divable(x, y);

    if(was_water && !will_be_water && g->u.sees(x, y)) {
        //Use more dramatic messages for swimming monsters
        add_msg(m_warning, _("A %s %s from the %s!"), name().c_str(),
                   has_flag(MF_SWIMS) || has_flag(MF_AQUATIC) ? _("leaps") : _("emerges"),
                   g->m.tername(posx(), posy()).c_str());
    } else if(!was_water && will_be_water && g->u.sees(x, y)) {
        add_msg(m_warning, _("A %s %s into the %s!"), name().c_str(),
                   has_flag(MF_SWIMS) || has_flag(MF_AQUATIC) ? _("dives") : _("sinks"),
                   g->m.tername(x, y).c_str());

    setpos(x, y);
    footsteps(x, y);
    underwater = will_be_water;
    if(is_hallucination()) {
        //Hallucinations don't do any of the stuff after this point
        return 1;
    if (type->size != MS_TINY && g->m.has_flag("SHARP", posx(), posy()) && !one_in(4)) {
        apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 2, 3 ) );
    if (type->size != MS_TINY && g->m.has_flag("ROUGH", posx(), posy()) && one_in(6)) {
        apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 1, 2 ) );
    if (g->m.has_flag("UNSTABLE", x, y)) {
        add_effect("bouldering", 1, num_bp, true);
    } else if (has_effect("bouldering")) {
    if (!digging() && !has_flag(MF_FLIES) &&
          g->m.tr_at(posx(), posy()) != tr_null) { // Monster stepped on a trap!
        trap* tr = traplist[g->m.tr_at(posx(), posy())];
        if (dice(3, type->sk_dodge + 1) < dice(3, tr->get_avoidance())) {
            tr->trigger(this, posx(), posy());
    if( !will_be_water && ( has_flag(MF_DIGS) || has_flag(MF_CAN_DIG) ) ) {
        underwater = g->m.has_flag("DIGGABLE", posx(), posy() );
    // Diggers turn the dirt into dirtmound
    if (digging()){
        int factor = 0;
        switch (type->size) {
        case MS_TINY:
            factor = 100;
        case MS_SMALL:
            factor = 30;
        case MS_MEDIUM:
            factor = 6;
        case MS_LARGE:
            factor = 3;
        case MS_HUGE:
            factor = 1;
        if (has_flag(MF_VERMIN)) {
            factor *= 100;
        if (one_in(factor)) {
            g->m.ter_set(posx(), posy(), t_dirtmound);
    // Acid trail monsters leave... a trail of acid
    if (has_flag(MF_ACIDTRAIL)){
        g->m.add_field(posx(), posy(), fd_acid, 3);

    if (has_flag(MF_SLUDGETRAIL)) {
        for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
            for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
                const int fstr = 3 - (abs(dx) + abs(dy));
                if (fstr >= 2) {
                    g->m.add_field(posx() + dx, posy() + dy, fd_sludge, fstr);
    if (has_flag(MF_LEAKSGAS)){
        if (one_in(6)){
        g->m.add_field(posx() + rng(-1,1), posy() + rng(-1, 1), fd_toxic_gas, 3);

    return 1;
Пример #17
 void remove_intercept() { remove_effect(Effect()); }
Пример #18
// Why put this in a Big Switch?  Why not let bionics have pointers to
// functions, much like monsters and items?
// Well, because like diseases, which are also in a Big Switch, bionics don't
// share functions....
void player::activate_bionic(int b)
    bionic bio = my_bionics[b];
    int power_cost = bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
    if ((weapon.type->id == "bio_claws_weapon" && bio.id == "bio_claws_weapon") ||
        (weapon.type->id == "bio_blade_weapon" && bio.id == "bio_blade_weapon")) {
        power_cost = 0;
    if (power_level < power_cost) {
        if (my_bionics[b].powered) {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("Your %s powers down."), bionics[bio.id]->name.c_str());
            my_bionics[b].powered = false;
        } else {
            add_msg(m_info, _("You cannot power your %s"), bionics[bio.id]->name.c_str());

    if (my_bionics[b].powered && my_bionics[b].charge > 0) {
        // Already-on units just lose a bit of charge
    } else {
        // Not-on units, or those with zero charge, have to pay the power cost
        if (bionics[bio.id]->charge_time > 0) {
            my_bionics[b].powered = true;
            my_bionics[b].charge = bionics[bio.id]->charge_time - 1;
        power_level -= power_cost;

    std::vector<point> traj;
    std::vector<std::string> good;
    std::vector<std::string> bad;
    int dirx, diry;
    item tmp_item;

    if(bio.id == "bio_painkiller") {
        pkill += 6;
        pain -= 2;
        if (pkill > pain) {
            pkill = pain;
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_nanobots") {
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_night") {
        if (calendar::turn % 5) {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("Artificial night generator active!"));
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_resonator") {
        g->sound(posx, posy, 30, _("VRRRRMP!"));
        for (int i = posx - 1; i <= posx + 1; i++) {
            for (int j = posy - 1; j <= posy + 1; j++) {
                g->m.bash( i, j, 40 );
                g->m.bash( i, j, 40 ); // Multibash effect, so that doors &c will fall
                g->m.bash( i, j, 40 );
                if (g->m.is_destructable(i, j) && rng(1, 10) >= 4) {
                    g->m.ter_set(i, j, t_rubble);
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_time_freeze") {
        moves += power_level;
        power_level = 0;
        add_msg(m_good, _("Your speed suddenly increases!"));
        if (one_in(3)) {
            add_msg(m_bad, _("Your muscles tear with the strain."));
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_arm_l, rng( 5, 10 ) );
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_arm_r, rng( 5, 10 ) );
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_leg_l, rng( 7, 12 ) );
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_leg_r, rng( 7, 12 ) );
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 5, 15 ) );
        if (one_in(5)) {
            add_disease("teleglow", rng(50, 400));
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_teleport") {
        add_disease("teleglow", 300);
    // TODO: More stuff here (and bio_blood_filter)
    else if(bio.id == "bio_blood_anal") {
        WINDOW *w = newwin(20, 40, 3 + ((TERMY > 25) ? (TERMY - 25) / 2 : 0),
                           10 + ((TERMX > 80) ? (TERMX - 80) / 2 : 0));
        if (has_disease("fungus")) {
            bad.push_back(_("Fungal Parasite"));
        if (has_disease("dermatik")) {
            bad.push_back(_("Insect Parasite"));
        if (has_effect("stung")) {
        if (has_effect("poison")) {
        if (radiation > 0) {
        if (has_disease("pkill1")) {
            good.push_back(_("Minor Painkiller"));
        if (has_disease("pkill2")) {
            good.push_back(_("Moderate Painkiller"));
        if (has_disease("pkill3")) {
            good.push_back(_("Heavy Painkiller"));
        if (has_disease("pkill_l")) {
            good.push_back(_("Slow-Release Painkiller"));
        if (has_disease("drunk")) {
        if (has_disease("cig")) {
        if (has_disease("meth")) {
        if (has_disease("high")) {
            good.push_back(_("Intoxicant: Other"));
        if (has_disease("weed_high")) {
            good.push_back(_("THC Intoxication"));
        if (has_disease("hallu") || has_disease("visuals")) {
            bad.push_back(_("Magic Mushroom"));
        if (has_disease("iodine")) {
        if (has_disease("datura")) {
            good.push_back(_("Anticholinergic Tropane Alkaloids"));
        if (has_disease("took_xanax")) {
        if (has_disease("took_prozac")) {
        if (has_disease("took_flumed")) {
        if (has_disease("adrenaline")) {
            good.push_back(_("Adrenaline Spike"));
        if (has_disease("tapeworm")) {  // This little guy is immune to the blood filter though, as he lives in your bowels.
            good.push_back(_("Intestinal Parasite"));
        if (has_disease("bloodworms")) {
            good.push_back(_("Hemolytic Parasites"));
        if (has_disease("brainworm")) {  // This little guy is immune to the blood filter too, as he lives in your brain.
            good.push_back(_("Intracranial Parasite"));
        if (has_disease("paincysts")) {  // These little guys are immune to the blood filter too, as they live in your muscles.
            good.push_back(_("Intramuscular Parasites"));
        if (has_disease("tetanus")) {  // Tetanus infection.
            good.push_back(_("Clostridium Tetani Infection"));
        if (good.empty() && bad.empty()) {
            mvwprintz(w, 1, 1, c_white, _("No effects."));
        } else {
            for (unsigned line = 1; line < 39 && line <= good.size() + bad.size(); line++) {
                if (line <= bad.size()) {
                    mvwprintz(w, line, 1, c_red, "%s", bad[line - 1].c_str());
                } else {
                    mvwprintz(w, line, 1, c_green, "%s", good[line - 1 - bad.size()].c_str());
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_blood_filter") {
        add_msg(m_neutral, _("You activate your blood filtration system."));
        pkill = 0;
        stim = 0;
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_evap") {
        item water = item("water_clean", 0);
        int humidity = g->weatherGen.get_weather(pos(), calendar::turn).humidity;
        int water_charges = (humidity * 3.0) / 100.0 + 0.5;
        // At 50% relative humidity or more, the player will draw 2 units of water
        // At 16% relative humidity or less, the player will draw 0 units of water
        water.charges = water_charges;
        if (water_charges == 0) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("There was not enough moisture in the air from which to draw water!"));
        if (g->handle_liquid(water, true, false)) {
            moves -= 100;
        } else if (query_yn(_("Drink from your hands?"))) {
            moves -= 350;
        } else if (water.charges == water_charges && water_charges != 0) {
            power_level += bionics["bio_evap"]->power_cost;
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_lighter") {
        if(!choose_adjacent(_("Start a fire where?"), dirx, diry) ||
           (!g->m.add_field(dirx, diry, fd_fire, 1))) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't light a fire there."));
            power_level += bionics["bio_lighter"]->power_cost;

    if(bio.id == "bio_leukocyte") {
        add_msg(m_neutral, _("You activate your leukocyte breeder system."));
        g->u.set_healthy(std::min(100, g->u.get_healthy() + 2));
    if(bio.id == "bio_geiger") {
        add_msg(m_info, _("Your radiation level: %d"), radiation);
    if(bio.id == "bio_radscrubber") {
        add_msg(m_neutral, _("You activate your radiation scrubber system."));
        if (radiation > 4) {
            radiation -= 5;
        } else {
            radiation = 0;
    if(bio.id == "bio_adrenaline") {
        add_msg(m_neutral, _("You activate your adrenaline pump."));
        if (has_disease("adrenaline")) {
            add_disease("adrenaline", 50);
        } else {
            add_disease("adrenaline", 200);
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_claws") {
        if (weapon.type->id == "bio_claws_weapon") {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("You withdraw your claws."));
            weapon = ret_null;
        } else if (weapon.has_flag ("NO_UNWIELD")) {
            add_msg(m_info, _("Deactivate your %s first!"),
            power_level += bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
        } else if(weapon.type->id != "null") {
            add_msg(m_warning, _("Your claws extend, forcing you to drop your %s."),
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx, posy, weapon);
            weapon = item("bio_claws_weapon", 0);
            weapon.invlet = '#';
        } else {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("Your claws extend!"));
            weapon = item("bio_claws_weapon", 0);
            weapon.invlet = '#';
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_blade") {
        if (weapon.type->id == "bio_blade_weapon") {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("You retract your blade."));
            weapon = ret_null;
        } else if (weapon.has_flag ("NO_UNWIELD")) {
            add_msg(m_info, _("Deactivate your %s first!"),
            power_level += bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
        } else if(weapon.type->id != "null") {
            add_msg(m_warning, _("Your blade extends, forcing you to drop your %s."),
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx, posy, weapon);
            weapon = item("bio_blade_weapon", 0);
            weapon.invlet = '#';
        } else {
            add_msg(m_neutral, _("You extend your blade!"));
            weapon = item("bio_blade_weapon", 0);
            weapon.invlet = '#';
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_blaster") {
        tmp_item = weapon;
        weapon = item("bio_blaster_gun", 0);
        if(weapon.charges == 1) { // not fired
            power_level += bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
        weapon = tmp_item;
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_laser") {
        tmp_item = weapon;
        weapon = item("bio_laser_gun", 0);
        if(weapon.charges == 1) { // not fired
            power_level += bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
        weapon = tmp_item;
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_chain_lightning") {
        tmp_item = weapon;
        weapon = item("bio_lightning", 0);
        if(weapon.charges == 1) { // not fired
            power_level += bionics[bio.id]->power_cost;
        weapon = tmp_item;
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_emp") {
        if(choose_adjacent(_("Create an EMP where?"), dirx, diry)) {
            g->emp_blast(dirx, diry);
        } else {
            power_level += bionics["bio_emp"]->power_cost;
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_hydraulics") {
        add_msg(m_good, _("Your muscles hiss as hydraulic strength fills them!"));
        // Sound of hissing hydraulic muscle! (not quite as loud as a car horn)
        g->sound(posx, posy, 19, _("HISISSS!"));
    } else if (bio.id == "bio_water_extractor") {
        bool extracted = false;
        for (std::vector<item>::iterator it = g->m.i_at(posx, posy).begin();
             it != g->m.i_at(posx, posy).end(); ++it) {
            if (it->type->id == "corpse" ) {
                int avail = 0;
                if ( it->item_vars.find("remaining_water") != it->item_vars.end() ) {
                    avail = atoi ( it->item_vars["remaining_water"].c_str() );
                } else {
                    avail = it->volume() / 2;
                if(avail > 0 && query_yn(_("Extract water from the %s"), it->tname().c_str())) {
                    item water = item("water_clean", 0);
                    if (g->handle_liquid(water, true, true)) {
                        moves -= 100;
                    } else if (query_yn(_("Drink directly from the condenser?"))) {
                        moves -= 350;
                    extracted = true;
                    it->item_vars["remaining_water"] = string_format("%d", avail);
        if (!extracted) {
            power_level += bionics["bio_water_extractor"]->power_cost;
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_magnet") {
        for (int i = posx - 10; i <= posx + 10; i++) {
            for (int j = posy - 10; j <= posy + 10; j++) {
                if (g->m.i_at(i, j).size() > 0) {
                    int t; //not sure why map:sees really needs this, but w/e
                    if (g->m.sees(i, j, posx, posy, -1, t)) {
                        traj = line_to(i, j, posx, posy, t);
                    } else {
                        traj = line_to(i, j, posx, posy, 0);
                traj.insert(traj.begin(), point(i, j));
                for (unsigned k = 0; k < g->m.i_at(i, j).size(); k++) {
                    if (g->m.i_at(i, j)[k].made_of("iron") || g->m.i_at(i, j)[k].made_of("steel")) {
                        tmp_item = g->m.i_at(i, j)[k];
                        g->m.i_rem(i, j, k);
                        std::vector<point>::iterator it;
                        for (it = traj.begin(); it != traj.end(); ++it) {
                            int index = g->mon_at(it->x, it->y);
                            if (index != -1) {
                                g->zombie(index).apply_damage( this, bp_torso, tmp_item.weight() / 225 );
                                g->m.add_item_or_charges(it->x, it->y, tmp_item);
                            } else if (it != traj.begin() && g->m.move_cost(it->x, it->y) == 0) {
                                g->m.bash( it->x, it->y, tmp_item.weight() / 225 );
                                if (g->m.move_cost(it->x, it->y) == 0) {
                                    g->m.add_item_or_charges((it - 1)->x, (it - 1)->y, tmp_item);
                        if (it == traj.end()) {
                            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx, posy, tmp_item);
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_lockpick") {
        if(!choose_adjacent(_("Activate your bio lockpick where?"), dirx, diry)) {
            power_level += bionics["bio_lockpick"]->power_cost;
        ter_id type = g->m.ter(dirx, diry);
        if (type  == t_door_locked || type == t_door_locked_alarm || type == t_door_locked_interior ) {
            moves -= 40;
            std::string door_name = rm_prefix(_("<door_name>door"));
            add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("With a satisfying click, the lock on the %s opens."),
            g->m.ter_set(dirx, diry, t_door_c);
            // Locked metal doors are the Lab and Bunker entries.  Those need to stay locked.
        } else if(type == t_door_bar_locked) {
            moves -= 40;
            std::string door_name = rm_prefix(_("<door_name>door"));
            add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("The %s swings open..."),
                              door_name.c_str()); //Could better copy the messages from lockpick....
            g->m.ter_set(dirx, diry, t_door_bar_o);
        } else if(type == t_chaingate_l) {
            moves -= 40;
            std::string gate_name = rm_prefix (_("<door_name>gate"));
            add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("With a satisfying click, the lock on the %s opens."),
            g->m.ter_set(dirx, diry, t_chaingate_c);
        } else if(type == t_door_c) {
            add_msg(m_info, _("That door isn't locked."));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("You can't unlock that %s."),
                              g->m.tername(dirx, diry).c_str());
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_flashbang") {
        add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("You activate your integrated flashbang generator!"));
        g->flashbang(posx, posy, true);
    } else if(bio.id == "bio_shockwave") {
        g->shockwave(posx, posy, 3, 4, 2, 8, true);
        add_msg_if_player(m_neutral, _("You unleash a powerful shockwave!"));
Пример #19
void checking(object me, string prepare)
	object weapon = me->query_temp("weapon");
	string tjjzhao, tjqzhao1, tjqzhao2, tjqzhao3;

	tjjzhao = SKILL_D("taiji-jian")->query_skill_name(random(140));
	tjqzhao1 = SKILL_D("taiji-quan")->query_skill_name(random(150));
	tjqzhao2 = SKILL_D("taiji-quan")->query_skill_name(random(150));
	tjqzhao3 = SKILL_D("taiji-quan")->query_skill_name(random(150));

	if( me->query_temp("taiji") < 1 )
		tell_object(me, "\n你大周天搬运完毕,将内力合于丹田,入窍归元。\n");
	else if( !living(me) || me->is_ghost() )
	else if( prepare == "tjq" && objectp(weapon) )
	else if( prepare == "tjj" && (!objectp(weapon) ||
		weapon->query("skill_type") != "sword") )
		if( me->query_temp("taiji_fight") )
			message_combatd(CYN"\n$N手中无剑,剑意顿失!\n"NOR, me);
	else if( me->query_skill_mapped("force") != "taiji-shengong")
		tell_object(me, HIR"\n你忽觉胸口一阵烦恶,原来所用内功与太极心法相逆!\n" NOR);
		me->receive_damage("qi", 1000, "内功走火入魔死了");
	else if( !me->is_busy() )
		if( me->query_temp("taiji_fight") && !me->is_fighting() )
			if( prepare == "tjj" )
				message_combatd("\n$N使到" + tjjzhao + ",双手同时画圆,复成第五十四式「持剑归原」。\n"NOR, me);
				message_combatd("\n$N使到上步"+ tjqzhao1 + ",上步" + tjqzhao2 + "," + tjqzhao3 + "而合太极,神定气闲的站在当地。\n"NOR, me);
		else if( prepare == "tjj" &&
			(me->query_skill_mapped("sword") != "taiji-jian" ||
			me->query_skill_mapped("parry") != "taiji-jian") )
			if( me->query_temp("taiji_fight") )
				message_combatd(CYN"\n$N圈转" + weapon->name() + CYN",突然变招,使出与太极剑意不同的剑法!\n"NOR, me);
		else if( prepare == "tjq" &&
			(me->query_skill_prepared("unarmed") != "taiji-quan" ||
			me->query_skill_mapped("unarmed") != "taiji-quan" ||
			me->query_skill_mapped("parry") != "taiji-quan") )
			if( me->query_temp("taiji_fight") )
				message_combatd(CYN"\n$N双手一错,突然使出与太极拳旨相反的招数!\n"NOR, me);

	if( !me->query_temp("taiji_fight") ) me->add_temp("taiji", -1);
	call_out("checking", 1, me, prepare);
Пример #20
int Lua_Effect_Delete(lua_State* L)
	remove_effect(Lua_Effect::Index(L, 1));
	return 0;
Пример #21
int sanhui(object me, object target)
        int enfor, skill, amount;

        if ( !living(me) || me->is_ghost() || environment(me) != environment(target) )
        else if ( !living(target) || !me->is_fighting(target) )
        else if ( (int)me->query("neili", 1) < 500 )
                tell_object(me, HIR"你待要再发一掌,却发现自己的内力不够了!\n"NOR);     
                skill = me->query_skill("force");
                enfor = me->query("jiali");

                // this one count how many strike u hit.
                me->set_temp("sanhui_busy", (int)me->query_temp("sanhui"));

                 * if 1 strike missed, do attack again. at most can have 3 strike.
                 * the enfor of each strike will add by, but the apply/attack will reduce.

                switch ( me->query_temp("sanhui") )
                        case 1:         // the first strike is same to leiting's,
                                        // but this will only add on apply/attack.
                                amount = skill/2;
                                me->set("jiali", (int)(enfor+enfor/3));
                        case 2:
                                amount = skill/3;
                                me->set("jiali", (int)(enfor+enfor/2));
                        case 3:
                                amount = skill/4;
                                me->set("jiali", enfor*2);

                me->add_temp("apply/attack", amount);
                me->add_temp("apply/damage", amount);
                me->add_temp("apply/strike", amount/3);


                me->add_temp("apply/attack", -amount);
                me->add_temp("apply/damage", -amount);
                me->add_temp("apply/strike", -amount/3);
                me->set("jiali", enfor);

                 * PS: in xianglong-zhang.c mixed hit_ob,
                 * if hit target, will delete_temp("sanhui"),
                 * so start remove_effect.

                if ( !me->query_temp("sanhui") || me->query_temp("sanhui") == 3 )
                        me->add_temp("sanhui", 1);
                        sanhui(me, target);

        return 1;
Пример #22
bool Character::move_effects(bool attacking)
    if (has_effect("downed")) {
        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to stand up when knocked down

        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to stand up when knocked down, slightly
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_dex() + get_str() / 2) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You struggle to stand."));
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You stand up."),
                                    _("<npcname> stands up."));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("webbed")) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape webs
        if (x_in_y(get_str(), 6 * get_effect_int("webbed"))) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the webs!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the webs!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You try to free yourself from the webs, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("lightsnare")) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape light snare

        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to escape light snare
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 12) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 8)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the light snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the light snare!"));
            item string("string_36", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), string);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the light snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("heavysnare")) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape heavy snare, slightly

        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to escape light snare
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 32) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 16)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the heavy snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the heavy snare!"));
            item rope("rope_6", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), rope);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the heavy snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("beartrap")) {
        /* Real bear traps can't be removed without the proper tools or immense strength; eventually this should
           allow normal players two options: removal of the limb or removal of the trap from the ground
           (at which point the player could later remove it from the leg with the right tools).
           As such we are currently making it a bit easier for players and NPC's to get out of bear traps.
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape bear trap
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the bear trap!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the bear trap!"));
            item beartrap("beartrap", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), beartrap);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the bear trap, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("crushed")) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape crushing rubble

        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to escape crushing rubble, slightly
        if(x_in_y(get_str() + get_dex() / 4, 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the rubble!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the rubble!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the rubble, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    // Below this point are things that allow for movement if they succeed

    // Currently we only have one thing that forces movement if you succeed, should we get more
    // than this will need to be reworked to only have success effects if /all/ checks succeed
    if (has_effect("in_pit")) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape pit

        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to escape pit, slightly
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_str() + get_dex() / 2) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to escape the pit, but slip back in."));
            return false;
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You escape the pit!"),
                                    _("<npcname> escapes the pit!"));
    if( has_effect( "grabbed" ) && !attacking ) {
        int zed_number = 0;
        for( auto &&dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1, 0 ) ){
            if( g->mon_at( dest ) != -1 &&
                ( g->zombie( g->mon_at( dest ) ).has_flag( MF_GRABS ) ||
                  g->zombie( g->mon_at( dest ) ).type->has_special_attack( "GRAB" ) ) ) {
                zed_number ++;
        if( zed_number == 0 ) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc( m_good, _( "You find yourself no longer grabbed." ),
                                   _( "<npcname> finds themselves no longer grabbed." ) );
            remove_effect( "grabbed" );
        ///\EFFECT_DEX increases chance to escape grab, if >STR

        ///\EFFECT_STR increases chance to escape grab, if >DEX
        } else if( rng( 0, std::max( get_dex(), get_str() ) ) < rng( get_effect_int( "grabbed" ), 8 ) ) {
            // Randomly compare higher of dex or str to grab intensity.
            add_msg_player_or_npc( m_bad, _( "You try break out of the grab, but fail!" ),
                                   _( "<npcname> tries to break out of the grab, but fails!" ) );
            return false;
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc( m_good, _( "You break out of the grab!" ),
                                   _( "<npcname> breaks out of the grab!" ) );
            remove_effect( "grabbed" );
    return Creature::move_effects( attacking );
Пример #23
bool Character::move_effects()
    if (has_effect("downed")) {
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_dex() + int(get_str() / 2)) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You struggle to stand."));
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You stand up."),
                                    _("<npcname> stands up."));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("webbed")) {
        if (x_in_y(get_str(), 6 * get_effect_int("webbed"))) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the webs!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the webs!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You try to free yourself from the webs, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("lightsnare")) {
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 12) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 8)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the light snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the light snare!"));
            item string("string_36", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), string);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the light snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("heavysnare")) {
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 32) || x_in_y(get_dex(), 16)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the heavy snare!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the heavy snare!"));
            item rope("rope_6", calendar::turn);
            item snare("snare_trigger", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), rope);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), snare);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the heavy snare, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("beartrap")) {
        /* Real bear traps can't be removed without the proper tools or immense strength; eventually this should
           allow normal players two options: removal of the limb or removal of the trap from the ground
           (at which point the player could later remove it from the leg with the right tools).
           As such we are currently making it a bit easier for players and NPC's to get out of bear traps.
        if(x_in_y(get_str(), 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the bear trap!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the bear trap!"));
            item beartrap("beartrap", calendar::turn);
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), beartrap);
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the bear trap, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("crushed")) {
        // Strength helps in getting free, but dex also helps you worm your way out of the rubble
        if(x_in_y(get_str() + get_dex() / 4, 100)) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You free yourself from the rubble!"),
                                    _("<npcname> frees themselves from the rubble!"));
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to free yourself from the rubble, but can't get loose!"));
        return false;
    if (has_effect("amigara")) {
        int curdist = 999, newdist = 999;
        for (int cx = 0; cx < SEEX * MAPSIZE; cx++) {
            for (int cy = 0; cy < SEEY * MAPSIZE; cy++) {
                if (g->m.ter(cx, cy) == t_fault) {
                    int dist = rl_dist(cx, cy, posx(), posy());
                    if (dist < curdist) {
                        curdist = dist;
                    dist = rl_dist(cx, cy, posx(), posy());
                    if (dist < newdist) {
                        newdist = dist;
        if (newdist > curdist) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You cannot pull yourself away from the faultline..."));
            return false;
    // Below this point are things that allow for movement if they succeed

    // Currently we only have one thing that forces movement if you succeed, should we get more
    // than this will need to be reworked to only have success effects if /all/ checks succeed
    if (has_effect("in_pit")) {
        if (rng(0, 40) > get_str() + int(get_dex() / 2)) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You try to escape the pit, but slip back in."));
            return false;
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc(m_good, _("You escape the pit!"),
                                    _("<npcname> escapes the pit!"));
    return Creature::move_effects();
Пример #24
void checking(object me, object target, object weapon, int skill, int damage)
	object cloth = me->query_temp("armor/cloth");

	int xuli,jiali;
	jiali = me->query("jiali");
	if( !living(me) || me->is_ghost() )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, damage);
		return ;

	me->add_temp("songshan_xuli", skill/2 + random(skill) + jiali); 
	xuli = me->query_temp("songshan_xuli");

                if( wizardp(me) )

	if( !me->is_fighting() )
		message_vision("\n$N缓缓垂下了手臂,将附着於"+weapon->name()+"上的内力散去。\n", me);
		remove_effect(me, weapon, damage);
		return ;

	else if( environment(weapon) != me || weapon != me->query_temp("weapon") )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, damage);
		return ;
	else if( me->query_skill_mapped("sword") != "songshan-jian" )
		remove_effect(me, weapon, damage);
		return ;
	else if(  (int)me->query("neili") < skill ||(int)me->query("jingli") < skill )
	if (cloth->query("material") == "cloth")
        message_vision("$N剑上内力一松,右手衣袖垂了下来。\n", me,target);
		return ;

	else if(xuli > skill*5){
	me->add_temp("apply/attack", skill);
	COMBAT_D->do_attack(me, target, me->query_temp("weapon"));
	me->add_temp("apply/attack", -skill);

	me->set_temp("songshan_wait", 1); 
	call_out("checking2", skill/30 , me, weapon,damage);
	remove_effect(me, weapon, damage);

	return ;
		else call_out("checking", 1, me, target, weapon, skill, damage);
Пример #25
bool monster::move_to( const tripoint &p, bool force, const float stagger_adjustment )
    const bool digs = digging();
    const bool flies = has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    const bool on_ground = !digs && !flies;
    const bool climbs = has_flag( MF_CLIMBS ) && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, p );
    // Allows climbing monsters to move on terrain with movecost <= 0
    Creature *critter = g->critter_at( p, is_hallucination() );
    if( g->m.has_flag( "CLIMBABLE", p ) ) {
        if( g->m.impassable( p ) && critter == nullptr ) {
            if( flies ) {
                moves -= 100;
                force = true;
                if( g->u.sees( *this ) ) {
                    add_msg( _( "The %1$s flies over the %2$s." ), name().c_str(),
                             g->m.has_flag_furn( "CLIMBABLE", p ) ? g->m.furnname( p ).c_str() :
                             g->m.tername( p ).c_str() );
            } else if( has_flag( MF_CLIMBS ) ) {
                moves -= 150;
                force = true;
                if( g->u.sees( *this ) ) {
                    add_msg( _( "The %1$s climbs over the %2$s." ), name().c_str(),
                             g->m.has_flag_furn( "CLIMBABLE", p ) ? g->m.furnname( p ).c_str() :
                             g->m.tername( p ).c_str() );

    if( critter != nullptr && !force ) {
        return false;

    // Make sure that we can move there, unless force is true.
    if( !force && !can_move_to( p ) ) {
        return false;

    if( !force ) {
        // This adjustment is to make it so that monster movement speed relative to the player
        // is consistent even if the monster stumbles,
        // and the same regardless of the distance measurement mode.
        const int cost = stagger_adjustment *
                         ( float )( climbs ? calc_climb_cost( pos(), p ) :
                                    calc_movecost( pos(), p ) );

        if( cost > 0 ) {
            moves -= cost;
        } else {
            return false;

    //Check for moving into/out of water
    bool was_water = g->m.is_divable( pos() );
    bool will_be_water = on_ground && can_submerge() && g->m.is_divable( p );

    if( was_water && !will_be_water && g->u.sees( p ) ) {
        //Use more dramatic messages for swimming monsters
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "A %1$s %2$s from the %3$s!" ), name().c_str(),
                 has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ? _( "leaps" ) : _( "emerges" ),
                 g->m.tername( pos() ).c_str() );
    } else if( !was_water && will_be_water && g->u.sees( p ) ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "A %1$s %2$s into the %3$s!" ), name().c_str(),
                 has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ? _( "dives" ) : _( "sinks" ),
                 g->m.tername( p ).c_str() );

    setpos( p );
    footsteps( p );
    underwater = will_be_water;
    if( is_hallucination() ) {
        //Hallucinations don't do any of the stuff after this point
        return true;
    // TODO: Make tanks stop taking damage from rubble, because it's just silly
    if( type->size != MS_TINY && on_ground ) {
        if( g->m.has_flag( "SHARP", pos() ) && !one_in( 4 ) ) {
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 1, 10 ) );
        if( g->m.has_flag( "ROUGH", pos() ) && one_in( 6 ) ) {
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 1, 2 ) );


    if( g->m.has_flag( "UNSTABLE", p ) && on_ground ) {
        add_effect( effect_bouldering, 1, num_bp, true );
    } else if( has_effect( effect_bouldering ) ) {
        remove_effect( effect_bouldering );
    g->m.creature_on_trap( *this );
    if( !will_be_water && ( has_flag( MF_DIGS ) || has_flag( MF_CAN_DIG ) ) ) {
        underwater = g->m.has_flag( "DIGGABLE", pos() );
    // Diggers turn the dirt into dirtmound
    if( digging() ) {
        int factor = 0;
        switch( type->size ) {
            case MS_TINY:
                factor = 100;
            case MS_SMALL:
                factor = 30;
            case MS_MEDIUM:
                factor = 6;
            case MS_LARGE:
                factor = 3;
            case MS_HUGE:
                factor = 1;
        if( one_in( factor ) ) {
            g->m.ter_set( pos(), t_dirtmound );
    // Acid trail monsters leave... a trail of acid
    if( has_flag( MF_ACIDTRAIL ) ) {
        g->m.add_field( pos(), fd_acid, 3, 0 );

    if( has_flag( MF_SLUDGETRAIL ) ) {
        for( const tripoint &sludge_p : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
            const int fstr = 3 - ( abs( sludge_p.x - posx() ) + abs( sludge_p.y - posy() ) );
            if( fstr >= 2 ) {
                g->m.add_field( sludge_p, fd_sludge, fstr, 0 );

    return true;