Пример #1
static void
cleanupStringP(char **loc)
{ char *s;

  if ( (s=*loc) )
  { *loc = NULL;
Пример #2
int replace_string(char source[], char find[], char replace[]) {
    int found;
    int f_length;

    for (f_length = 0; find[f_length] != '\0'; ++f_length) {

    found = find_string(source, find);
    if (found != -1) {
        remove_string(source, found, f_length);
        insert_string(source, replace, found);
    return found;
Пример #3
static void
cleanupOptListP(opt_list **listp)
{ opt_list *l, *n;

  if ( (l=*listp) )
  { *listp = NULL;

    for(; l; l=n)
    { n = l->next;

      freeHeap(l, sizeof(*l));
Пример #4
Файл: main.c Проект: gnuvse/sls
int main() {
	char str[] = "chatterbox";
	char substr[SIZE];

	printf("position = %i\n", find_string(str, "ter"));

	remove_string(str, 2, 4);

	printf("%s\n", str);

	sub_string(str, 2, 29, substr);

	printf("%s\n", substr);

	return 0;
Пример #5
void getenc(encoding ev, int width[256])
{  int i, SCMseen, Ccnt, wx, cc;
   FILE *afm;
   char *name, ns;
   for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { ev[i] = NULL; width[i] = -1000; }
   if (encfile) {
      enc = fopen(encfile, "r");
      if (enc == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", encfile);
      if (nextsymbol() != '/') fatal("missing '/encoding' in %s\n", encfile);
      if (nextsymbol() != '[') fatal("missing '[' in %s\n", encfile);
      i = 0;
      while (i < 256 && (ns = nextsymbol()) == '/') {
         name = string(pline);
         if (strcmp(name, ".notdef") == 0) { 
            i++; remove_string();
         addcc(name, i++);
      if (i != 256) fatal("missing %d symbols in %s\n", 256-i, encfile);
      if (nextsymbol() != ']') fatal("missing ']' in %s\n", encfile);
   afm = fopen(afmfile, "r");
   if (afm == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", afmfile);
   SCMseen = 0; Ccnt = 0;
   while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm))
      if (strncmp(line, "StartCharMetrics", 16) == 0)
      { SCMseen = 1; break; }
   if (SCMseen == 0) fatal("%s: no valid AFM file\n", afmfile);
   while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) {
      if (strncmp(line, "EndCharMetrics", 14) == 0) break;
      if (strncmp(line, "C ", 2) != 0) 
         fatal("%s: unexpected line\n", afmfile);

      /* Gracefully terminate when the AFM file is not valid.  Every line */
      /* in the AFM file should specify a "C"haracter, a "WX"idth, and    */
      /* a "N"ame. (ndw)
      pline = value_after(line, "C"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no char):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      cc = decimal(pline);
      pline = value_after(pline, "WX"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no width):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      wx = decimal(pline);
      pline = value_after(pline, "N"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no name):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      name = string(pline);
      if (encfile) {
         if ((i = getcc(name)) == -1) {
         do { /* allow more occurences per name */
            ev[i] = name; width[i] = wx;
            i = getcc(name);
         while (i >= 0);
      else if (cc >= 0 && cc <= 255) { /* ndw: 10/13/92 */
	 ev[cc] = name; width[cc] = wx;
      else if (cc > 255)
	 printf("Char code %d ignored (out of range).\n", cc);
   if (Ccnt == 0) fatal("%s: no characters selected\n", afmfile);   
Пример #6
/* Play at (i, j) for color. No legality check is done here. We need
 * to properly update the board array, the next_stone array, and the
 * ko point.
static void
play_move(int i, int j, int color)
  int pos = POS(i, j);
  int captured_stones = 0;
  int k;

  /* Reset the ko point. */
  ko_i = -1;
  ko_j = -1;

  /* Nothing more happens if the move was a pass. */
  if (pass_move(i, j))

  /* If the move is a suicide we only need to remove the adjacent
   * friendly stones.
  if (suicide(i, j, color)) {
    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
      int ai = i + deltai[k];
      int aj = j + deltaj[k];
      if (on_board(ai, aj)
	  && get_board(ai, aj) == color)
	remove_string(ai, aj);

  /* Not suicide. Remove captured opponent strings. */
  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
    int ai = i + deltai[k];
    int aj = j + deltaj[k];
    if (on_board(ai, aj)
	&& get_board(ai, aj) == OTHER_COLOR(color)
	&& !has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j))
      captured_stones += remove_string(ai, aj);

  /* Put down the new stone. Initially build a single stone string by
   * setting next_stone[pos] pointing to itself.
  board[pos] = color;
  next_stone[pos] = pos;

  /* If we have friendly neighbor strings we need to link the strings
   * together.
  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
    int ai = i + deltai[k];
    int aj = j + deltaj[k];
    int pos2 = POS(ai, aj);
    /* Make sure that the stones are not already linked together. This
     * may happen if the same string neighbors the new stone in more
     * than one direction.
    if (on_board(ai, aj) && board[pos2] == color && !same_string(pos, pos2)) {
      /* The strings are linked together simply by swapping the the
       * next_stone pointers.
      int tmp = next_stone[pos2];
      next_stone[pos2] = next_stone[pos];
      next_stone[pos] = tmp;

  /* If we have captured exactly one stone and the new string is a
   * single stone it may have been a ko capture.
  if (captured_stones == 1 && next_stone[pos] == pos) {
    int ai, aj;
    /* Check whether the new string has exactly one liberty. If so it
     * would be an illegal ko capture to play there immediately. We
     * know that there must be a liberty immediately adjacent to the
     * new stone since we captured one stone.
    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
      ai = i + deltai[k];
      aj = j + deltaj[k];
      if (on_board(ai, aj) && get_board(ai, aj) == EMPTY)
    if (!has_additional_liberty(i, j, ai, aj)) {
      ko_i = ai;
      ko_j = aj;
Пример #7
void QTextDocumentPrivate::move(int pos, int to, int length, QTextUndoCommand::Operation op)
    Q_ASSERT(to <= fragments.length() && to <= pos);
    Q_ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos+length <= fragments.length());
    Q_ASSERT(blocks.length() == fragments.length());

    if (pos == to)

    const bool needsInsert = to != -1;

#if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG)
    const bool startAndEndInSameFrame = (frameAt(pos) == frameAt(pos + length - 1));

    const bool endIsEndOfChildFrame = (isAncestorFrame(frameAt(pos), frameAt(pos + length - 1))
                                       && text.at(find(pos + length - 1)->stringPosition) == QTextEndOfFrame);

    const bool startIsStartOfFrameAndEndIsEndOfFrameWithCommonParent
               = (text.at(find(pos)->stringPosition) == QTextBeginningOfFrame
                  && text.at(find(pos + length - 1)->stringPosition) == QTextEndOfFrame
                  && frameAt(pos)->parentFrame() == frameAt(pos + length - 1)->parentFrame());

    const bool isFirstTableCell = (qobject_cast<QTextTable *>(frameAt(pos + length - 1))
                                  && frameAt(pos + length - 1)->parentFrame() == frameAt(pos));

    Q_ASSERT(startAndEndInSameFrame || endIsEndOfChildFrame || startIsStartOfFrameAndEndIsEndOfFrameWithCommonParent || isFirstTableCell);



    uint dst = needsInsert ? fragments.findNode(to) : 0;
    uint dstKey = needsInsert ? fragments.position(dst) : 0;

    uint x = fragments.findNode(pos);
    uint end = fragments.findNode(pos+length);

    uint w = 0;
    while (x != end) {
        uint n = fragments.next(x);

        uint key = fragments.position(x);
        uint b = blocks.findNode(key+1);
        QTextBlockData *B = blocks.fragment(b);
        int blockRevision = B->revision;

        QTextFragmentData *X = fragments.fragment(x);
        QTextUndoCommand c = { QTextUndoCommand::Removed, true,
                               op, X->format, X->stringPosition, key, { X->size },
                               blockRevision };
        QTextUndoCommand cInsert = { QTextUndoCommand::Inserted, true,
                                     op, X->format, X->stringPosition, dstKey, { X->size },
                                     blockRevision };

        if (key+1 != blocks.position(b)) {
//	    qDebug("remove_string from %d length %d", key, X->size);
            Q_ASSERT(noBlockInString(text.mid(X->stringPosition, X->size)));
            w = remove_string(key, X->size, op);

            if (needsInsert) {
                insert_string(dstKey, X->stringPosition, X->size, X->format, op);
                dstKey += X->size;
        } else {
//	    qDebug("remove_block at %d", key);
            Q_ASSERT(X->size == 1 && isValidBlockSeparator(text.at(X->stringPosition)));
            b = blocks.previous(b);
            B = 0;
            c.command = blocks.size(b) == 1 ? QTextUndoCommand::BlockDeleted : QTextUndoCommand::BlockRemoved;
            w = remove_block(key, &c.blockFormat, QTextUndoCommand::BlockAdded, op);

            if (needsInsert) {
                insert_block(dstKey++, X->stringPosition, X->format, c.blockFormat, op, QTextUndoCommand::BlockRemoved);
                cInsert.command = blocks.size(b) == 1 ? QTextUndoCommand::BlockAdded : QTextUndoCommand::BlockInserted;
                cInsert.blockFormat = c.blockFormat;
        if (B)
            B->revision = undoState;
        x = n;

        if (needsInsert)
    if (w)

    Q_ASSERT(blocks.length() == fragments.length());

Пример #8
unsigned ConfigElem::remove_unsigned( const char *propname )
    string temp = remove_string( propname );

    return strtoul( temp.c_str(), NULL, 0 ); // TODO check unsigned range
Пример #9
int ConfigElem::remove_int( const char *propname )
    string temp = remove_string( propname );

    return atoi( temp.c_str() );
Пример #10
void getenc(char **fontname, char **encname, encoding ev, int width[256])
{  int i, len, SCMseen, Ccnt, wx, cc;
   FILE *afm;
   char *name, ns;
   for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { ev[i] = NULL; width[i] = -1000; }
   if (encfile) {
      enc = fopen(encfile, "r");
      if (enc == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", encfile);
      if (nextsymbol() != '/') fatal("missing '/encoding' in %s\n", encfile);
      *encname = nextpsname();
      if (nextsymbol() != '[') fatal("missing '[' in %s\n", encfile);
      i = 0;
      while (i < 256 && (ns = nextsymbol()) == '/') {
         name = my_string(pline);
         if (strcmp(name, ".notdef") == 0) { 
            i++; remove_string();
         addcc(name, i++);
      if (i != 256) fatal("missing %d symbols in %s\n", 256-i, encfile);
      if (nextsymbol() != ']') fatal("missing ']' in %s\n", encfile);
   afm = fopen(afmfile, "r");
   if (afm == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", afmfile);
    * Scan header of AFM file and take the FontName and EncodingScheme
    * (used for identification purposes in the PK postamble)
    * Stop after reading `StartCharMetrics'.
   SCMseen = 0; Ccnt = 0;
   while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) {
      if (strncmp(line, "FontName", 8) == 0) { 
	 pline = value_after(line, "FontName"); 
	 len = strlen(pline);
	 if (*(pline+len-1) == '\n') {
	    *(pline+len-1) = '\0'; len--;
	 *fontname = malloc(len + 1);
	 if (*fontname == NULL) fatal("Out of memory\n");
         strcpy(*fontname, pline);
      else if (encname == NULL && strncmp(line, "EncodingScheme", 8) == 0) { 
	 pline = value_after(line, "EncodingScheme"); 
	 len = strlen(pline);
	 if (*(pline+len-1) == '\n') {
	    *(pline+len-1) = '\0'; len--;
	 *encname = malloc(len + 1);
	 if (*encname == NULL) fatal("Out of memory\n");
	 strcpy(*encname, pline);
      else if (strncmp(line, "StartCharMetrics", 16) == 0) {
         SCMseen = 1; break;
   if (SCMseen == 0) fatal("%s: no metrics info\n", afmfile);
   while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) {
      if (strncmp(line, "EndCharMetrics", 14) == 0) break;
      if (strncmp(line, "C ", 2) != 0) 
         fatal("%s: unexpected line\n", afmfile);

      /* Gracefully terminate when the AFM file is not valid.  Every line */
      /* in the AFM file should specify a "C"haracter, a "WX"idth, and    */
      /* a "N"ame. (ndw)
      pline = value_after(line, "C"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no char):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      cc = decimal(pline);
      pline = value_after(pline, "WX"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no width):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      wx = decimal(pline);
      pline = value_after(pline, "N"); 
      if (pline == NULL)
         fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no name):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line);
      name = my_string(pline);
      if (encfile) {
         if ((i = getcc(name)) == -1) {
         do { /* allow more occurences per name */
            ev[i] = name; width[i] = wx;
            i = getcc(name);
         while (i >= 0);
      else if (cc >= 0 && cc <= 255) { /* ndw: 10/13/92 */
	 ev[cc] = name; width[cc] = wx;
      else if (cc > 255)
	 msg("Char code %d ignored (out of range).\n", cc);
   if (Ccnt == 0) fatal("%s: no characters selected\n", afmfile);   