string ClientInfo::clean(string str) { replace_all(str, "=", ""); replace_all(str, "+", "-"); replace_all(str, "/", "_"); return str; }
string XmlNode::unquote(const string& a) { return replace_all( replace_all( replace_all(a, "<", "<"), ">", ">"), "&", "&"); }
string parser::fix_corrupted_data(const string &in) { string out = in; replace_all(out, "mimetype:", "\"mimetype\":"); replace_all(out, "compressed:", "\"compressed\":"); replace_all(out, "encoding:", "\"encoding\":"); replace_all(out, "data:", "\"data\":"); return out; }
// ensures all the delims are constant std::string convertPathToDelims(const char* file) { if (!file) return std::string(); std::string delim; delim += _DirDelim; return replace_all(replace_all(file,"/",delim),"\\",delim); }
void lcl_fred_replace_stuff(SCP_string &text) { if (!Fred_running) return; replace_all(text, "\"", "$quote"); replace_all(text, ";", "$semicolon"); replace_all(text, "/", "$slash"); replace_all(text, "\\", "$backslash"); }
std::string GumboInterface::substitute_xml_entities_into_attributes(char quote, const std::string &text) { std::string result = substitute_xml_entities_into_text(text); if (quote == '"') { replace_all(result,"\"","""); } else if (quote == '\'') { replace_all(result,"'","'"); } return result; }
static inline void migrate_init() { char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; struct timeval t1, t2, dt; gettimeofday_safe(&t1); eprintf("migrate to IP: #%s#\n", migrate_ip); init_sockaddr(&migrate_addr, migrate_ip, MANAGER_PORT); strcpy(buffer, "establish"); send_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, buffer, strlen(buffer)); printf("sent establish\n"); send_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, out_invite.buffer, out_invite.size); printf("sent INIT\n"); send_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, out_ack.buffer, out_ack.size); printf("sent ACK\n"); send_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, out_op_ok.buffer, out_op_ok.size); printf("sent OPTIONS OK\n"); recv_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, buffer); printf("\nreceived:\n%s\n", buffer); gettimeofday_safe(&t2); time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt); printf("time 1: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec); init_sockaddr(&migrate_addr, remote_ip, MANAGER_PORT); strcpy(buffer, "redirect: "); strcat(buffer, migrate_ip); gettimeofday_safe(&t1); send_msg(manager_socket, &migrate_addr, buffer, strlen(buffer)); gettimeofday_safe(&t2); time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt); printf("time 2: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec); gettimeofday_safe(&t1); get_data(out_ack.buffer, &ack_data); memset(buffer, 0, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); strcpy(buffer, bye); replace_all(buffer, "local_ip", local_ip); replace_all(buffer, "remote_ip", remote_ip); replace_all(buffer, "from_tag", ack_data.to_tag); replace_all(buffer, "to_tag", ack_data.from_tag); replace_all(buffer, "call_id", ack_data.call_id); send_msg(proxy_to_linphone_socket, &proxy_to_linphone_addr, buffer, strlen(buffer)); gettimeofday_safe(&t2); time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt); printf("time 3: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec); }
void TextIOHandler::show_message(MessageType type, String const& message) { flush(); stream = stderr; if (type == MESSAGE_WARNING) { *this << YELLOW << _("WARNING: ") << NORMAL << replace_all(message,_("\n"),_("\n ")) << ENDL; } else { *this << RED << _("ERROR: ") << NORMAL << replace_all(message,_("\n"),_("\n ")) << ENDL; } flush(); stream = stdout; if (raw_mode) raw_mode_status = max(raw_mode_status, type == MESSAGE_WARNING ? 1 : 2); }
ACE_TString PrepareString(const ACE_TString& str) { ACE_TString newstr; if(str.length()>MAX_STRING_LENGTH) newstr = str.substr(0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); else newstr = str; replace_all(newstr, ACE_TEXT("\\"), ACE_TEXT("\\\\")); replace_all(newstr, ACE_TEXT("\""), ACE_TEXT("\\\"")); replace_all(newstr, ACE_TEXT("\r"), ACE_TEXT("\\r")); replace_all(newstr, ACE_TEXT("\n"), ACE_TEXT("\\n")); return newstr; }
int TokenServer::tokenToUser(ServerContext& ctxt, const string& token, string& user) { if (ctxt.user() != string(":root") && ctxt.user() != string(":admin") && ctxt.user() != string(":web")) { return -ENOENT; } token_map_t::iterator it = active_tokens.find(token); if (it != active_tokens.end()) { // cache for 60 seconds time_t when = get<0>(it->second); if (when < time(0) + 60) { user = get<1>(it->second); return 0; } active_tokens.erase(token); } string path = SEPSTR + token + "/:tokenuser"; SingleFile file(ctxt, *this, path.c_str()); user = file.get(); replace_all(user, "\n", ""); if (user.empty()) { return -ENOENT; } active_tokens[token] = make_pair(time(0), user); return 0; }
void lcl_replace_stuff(char *text, unsigned int max_len) { Assert(text); // Goober5000 if (Fred_running) return; if (!Player) return; int i; char replace[LCL_NUM_REPLACEMENTS][2][NAME_LENGTH]; // fill replacements array (this is if we want to add more in the future) strcpy(replace[0][0], "$callsign"); strcpy(replace[0][1], Player->callsign); strcpy(replace[1][0], "$rank"); strcpy(replace[1][1], Ranks[Player->stats.rank].name); strcpy(replace[2][0], "$quote"); strcpy(replace[2][1], "\""); strcpy(replace[3][0], "$semicolon"); strcpy(replace[3][1], ";"); // do all replacements for (i = 0; i < LCL_NUM_REPLACEMENTS; i++) { // replace all instances of that string replace_all(text, replace[i][0], replace[i][1], max_len); } }
map<int,var_val___>::iterator var___::huashen__(const string& s1,char use,size_t n){ string s=s1; replace_all(s,"\\","/"); /*int i; for(i=huashen_.size();--i>=0;){ if(huashen_[i].rfind__(s,n)) break; } return i<0 ? huashen_.end() : huashen_.find(i);*/ /*map<int,var_val___>::reverse_iterator mi; for(mi=huashen_.rbegin();mi!=huashen_.rend();mi--){ if(mi->second.rfind__(s,n)){ if(use=='x') --mi; return mi.base(); } } return huashen_.end();*/ map<int,var_val___>::iterator mi1=huashen_.end(); for(map<int,var_val___>::iterator mi=huashen_.begin();mi!=huashen_.end();mi++){ if(mi->second.rfind__(s,n)) mi1=mi; } return mi1; }
int TokenServer::checkToken(const char *path, file_stat_t& fs) { const char *bname = base_name(path); if (Config::instance()->enable_token_server() && strncmp(bname, ".token-", 7) == 0) { string b64; sha2_loop(Config::instance()->token_group(), 5, b64); replace_all(b64, "=", ""); b64 = "/.token-" + b64std2inet(b64); if (b64 == bname) { fs.fs_ino = 1; fs.fs_size = 0; fs.fs_blocks = 1024; fs.fs_atime = fs.fs_mtime = fs.fs_ctime = time(0); fs.fs_mode = S_IFREG | 0000; fs.fs_nlink = 0; fs.fs_uid = 65534; fs.fs_gid = 65534; fs.fs_blksize = 4096; return 0; } } return -ENOENT; }
int CMyString::Replace(const wchar_t * lpszOld, const wchar_t * lpszNew) { CMyString strOld(lpszOld); CMyString strNew(lpszNew); return replace_all(*this, strOld, strNew); }
string Bubble::drawTextLine(int x0, int y0, string text, int maxwidth, float rel_height, bool centered) const { string prefix = "", oldprefix = ""; int height, width = 0; while (width < maxwidth && oldprefix != text) { oldprefix = prefix; // Find the next word boundary size_t len = prefix.length(); size_t word_idx = text.find(" ", len+1); if (word_idx != string::npos) { prefix = text.substr(0, word_idx); } else { prefix = text; } imlib_get_text_size(prefix.c_str(), &width, &height); } imlib_get_text_size(oldprefix.c_str(), &width, &height); int xpos = x0 + 2; if (centered) xpos += (maxwidth-width)/2; int ypos = y0 - height/2 - static_cast<int>(round(1.1*rel_height*(height/2.0))); imlib_text_draw(xpos, ypos, replace_all(oldprefix, "~", " ").c_str()); //imlib_image_draw_line(x0, y0, x0+maxwidth, y0, 0); if (oldprefix == text) return ""; else return text.substr(oldprefix.length()+1); }
std::string GumboInterface::substitute_xml_entities_into_text(const std::string &text) { std::string result = text; // replacing & must come first replace_all(result, "&", "&"); replace_all(result, "<", "<"); replace_all(result, ">", ">"); // convert non-breaking spaces to entities to prevent their loss for later editing // See the strange//buggy behaviour of Qt QTextDocument toPlainText() routine if (m_hasnbsp) { replace_all(result, "\xc2\xa0", " "); } else { replace_all(result, "\xc2\xa0", " "); } return result; }
ACE_TString RebuildString(const ACE_TString& str) { ACE_TString resultstr = str, tmpstr; ACE_TCHAR search[3][3] = { ACE_TEXT("\\n"), ACE_TEXT("\\r"), ACE_TEXT("\\\"") }; ACE_TCHAR replace[3][2] = { ACE_TEXT("\n"), ACE_TEXT("\r"), ACE_TEXT("\"") }; for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) { size_t pos1 = 0, oldpos = 0; tmpstr = resultstr; resultstr.clear(); while( (pos1 = tmpstr.find(search[j], pos1)) != ACE_TString::npos) { int i = (int)pos1; int slashes = 0; while(i >= 0 && tmpstr[i--] == '\\')slashes++; if(slashes % 2 != 0) //odd number of \ means the character should be escaped { resultstr += tmpstr.substr(oldpos, pos1 - oldpos) + replace[j]; oldpos = pos1 + 2; } pos1 += 2; } resultstr += tmpstr.substr(oldpos, tmpstr.length() - oldpos); } replace_all(resultstr, ACE_TEXT("\\\\"), ACE_TEXT("\\")); return resultstr; }
bool BlackList::is_black_listed(uint32_t pid) { char buffer[2048]; sprintf(buffer, "/proc/%u/cmdline", pid); if (!file_exists(buffer)) { return true; } string contents; FILE *in = fopen(buffer, "r"); if (in == NULL) { return true; } *buffer = 0; if (NULL == fgets(buffer, sizeof (buffer), in)) { fclose(in); return true; } fclose(in); contents = buffer; replace_all(contents, "\n", ""); return is_black_listed(contents.c_str()); }
int CMyString::Replace(wchar_t chOld, wchar_t chNew) { CMyString strOld(chOld); CMyString strNew(chNew); return replace_all(*this, strOld, strNew); }
void UserInterface::exec_fityk_script(const string& filename) { user_interrupt = false; boost::scoped_ptr<FileOpener> opener; if (endswith(filename, ".gz")) opener.reset(new GzipFileOpener); else opener.reset(new NormalFileOpener); if (!opener->open(filename.c_str())) { warn("Can't open file: " + filename); return; } int line_index = 0; char *line; string s; while ((line = opener->read_line()) != NULL) { ++line_index; if (line[0] == '\0') continue; if (ctx_->get_verbosity() >= 0) show_message (kQuoted, S(line_index) + "> " + line); s += line; if (*(s.end() - 1) == '\\') { s.resize(s.size()-1); continue; } if (s.find("_SCRIPT_DIR_/") != string::npos) { string dir = get_directory(filename); replace_all(s, "_EXECUTED_SCRIPT_DIR_/", dir); // old magic string replace_all(s, "_SCRIPT_DIR_/", dir); // new magic string } Status r = execute_line(s); if (r != kStatusOk && ctx_->get_settings()->on_error[0] != 'n' /*nothing*/) break; if (user_interrupt) { mesg("Script stopped by signal INT."); break; } s.clear(); } if (line == NULL && !s.empty()) throw SyntaxError("unfinished line"); }
void var___::val__(const string& val,list<string>* rems){ if(rems&&rems->size()>0){ for(list<string>::iterator li=rems->begin();li!=rems->end();++li){ replace_all(*li,"\\","/"); huashen__(*li,val); } }else huashen__("",val); }
const char *luaL_gsub (LuaThread *L, const char *s, const char *p, const char *r) { THREAD_CHECK(L); std::string result = replace_all(s, p, r); LuaString* s2 = L->l_G->strings_->Create(result.c_str()); L->stack_.push(s2); return s2->c_str(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key) { int len = input.length(); switch(key) { /* case ' ': input += "%20"; break; case 'x': showXYZ = (showXYZ) ? false : true; break; case 'q': eyeZ += 0.005f; break; case 'w': eyeZ -= 0.005f; break; */ case OF_KEY_LEFT: if (--current < 0) current = cities.size() - 1; break; case OF_KEY_RIGHT: if (++current >= cities.size()) current = 0; break; case OF_KEY_UP: eyeZ -= 0.001f; break; case OF_KEY_DOWN: eyeZ += 0.001f; break; case OF_KEY_PAGE_UP: //eyeY += 0.005f; break; case OF_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: //eyeY -= 0.005f; break; case OF_KEY_BACKSPACE: if (len) input.erase(len-1); break; case OF_KEY_RETURN: input = replace_all(input, " ", "%20"); try { cities.push_back(City(input, *earth)); input.erase(0); current = cities.size() - 1; } catch (runtime_error e) { cout << e.what() << endl; input.erase(0); showError = true; } break; default: showError = false; input += key; break; } }
string GetExt(string path){ int index=path.find_last_of('.'); if(index==-1){ return ""; } else{ string type=path.substr(index+1); return replace_all(type,"jpg","jpeg"); } }
int TokenServer::fromTokenGroup(ServerContext& ctxt, const string& tokenGroup) { string b64; sha2_loop(tokenGroup, 5, b64); replace_all(b64, "=", ""); b64 = "/.token-" + b64std2inet(b64); ServerFile file(ctxt, *this, b64.c_str()); return file.exists() ? 0 : -ENOENT; }
void conv_mac_to_dos (void) { gint CurrentPage, res; CurrentPage = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK(MainNotebook)); res = replace_all (CurrentPage, TRUE, FALSE, 0, "\r", "\r\n"); if (!res) print_msg ("This file is already DOS formated..."); else print_msg ("File converted from MAC to DOS Format..."); }
static SkString filename_to_derived_filename(const SkString& filename, const char *suffix) { SkString diffName (filename); const char* cstring = diffName.c_str(); size_t dotOffset = strrchr(cstring, '.') - cstring; diffName.remove(dotOffset, diffName.size() - dotOffset); diffName.append(suffix); // In case we recursed into subdirectories, replace slashes with something else // so the diffs will all be written into a single flat directory. diffName = replace_all(diffName, PATH_DIV_STR, "_"); return diffName; }
void AudioSinksManager::InternalAudioSink::start_sink() { assert(manager->pa_mainloop.get_strand().running_in_this_thread()); assert(state == State::NONE); manager->logger->trace("(AudioSink '{}') Starting sink", name); state = State::STARTED; std::string escaped_name = replace_all( replace_all(replace_all(pretty_name, "\\", "\\\\"), " ", "\\ "), "\"", "\\\""); std::stringstream arguments; arguments << "sink_name=" << identifier << " sink_properties=device.description=\"(Chromecast)\\ " << escaped_name << "\""; pa_operation* op = pa_context_load_module(manager->context, "module-null-sink", arguments.str().c_str(), module_load_callback, this); if (op) { pa_operation_unref(op); } else { manager->logger->error("(AudioSink '{}') Failed to start loading module: {}", name, manager->get_pa_error()); state = State::DEAD; manager->unregister_audio_sink(shared_from_this()); } }
CertInfo::CertInfo(ServerSession& s) : m_session(s) { string out; m_user = s.user(); if (m_user == "") { m_user = "******"; } if (m_user == ":root") { m_user = "******"; } make_hash64("md5", m_user, out); // user for country if enforced m_ip_addr = s.peerAddress(); m_cn = ClientInfo::for_cert(s); m_cn += ";" + out + ";"; replace_all(m_cn, "=", ""); replace_all(m_cn, "+", "-"); replace_all(m_cn, "/", "_"); make_hash64("md5", m_cn, out); replace_all(out, "=", ""); replace_all(out, "+", "-"); replace_all(out, "/", "_"); m_cn += out; // CN = CID // O = org name (inode) }
std::string GumboInterface::substitute_xml_entities_into_text(const std::string &text) { std::string result = text; // replacing & must come first replace_all(result, "&", "&"); replace_all(result, "<", "<"); replace_all(result, ">", ">"); return result; }