  const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& occupancy_map)
  // stop execution if an execution was performed
  if (ivExecutingFootsteps)
    if (ivSafeExecution)
      // interrupt the thread and wait until it has finished its execution

  gridmap_2d::GridMap2DPtr map(new gridmap_2d::GridMap2D(occupancy_map));
  ivIdMapFrame = map->getFrameID();

  // updates the map and starts replanning if necessary
  if (ivPlanner.updateMap(map))
Пример #2
//-----------------------------Interface function-----------------------------------------------------
//returns 1 if found a solution, and 0 otherwise
int ADPlanner::replan(double allocated_time_secs, vector<int>* solution_stateIDs_V)
	int solcost;

	return replan(allocated_time_secs, solution_stateIDs_V, &solcost);
Пример #3
void SimplePossessor::setModerateGoal(goal_moderate gm) {
	this->gm = gm;
	if (getCell()&&getCell()->getGame()&&getCell()->getGame()->settings.print_AI_goal_messages>=2)
		std::cout << "goal M set [" << (void*) this << "]: " << gm.getDescription()
				<< "\n";
Пример #4
void SimplePossessor::update(float dt) {
	//Subtracts distance moved by Actor from patrol distance.
	//If not moving, subtracts a small amount so that the next patrol dir can be assumed.
	if (gi.type == GI::GI_PATROL || gi.type == GI::GI_WANDER)
		if (default_order_mem.patrol_dist>0)
			default_order_mem.patrol_dist -= std::max(getHost()->displacement.getMagnitude(),10*dt);
	replan_cycle = 0;
  if (ivPlanner.getPathSize() <= 1)

  // lock the planning and execution process
  ivExecutingFootsteps = true;

  // make sure the action client is connected to the action server

  humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsGoal goal;
  State support_leg;
  if (ivPlanner.getPathBegin()->getLeg() == RIGHT)
    support_leg = ivPlanner.getStartFootRight();
  else // leg == LEFT
    support_leg = ivPlanner.getStartFootLeft();
  if (getFootstepsFromPath(support_leg, 1, goal.footsteps))
    goal.feedback_frequency = ivFeedbackFrequency;
    ivControlStepIdx = 0;
    ivResetStepIdx = 0;

    // start the execution via action; _1, _2 are place holders for
    // function arguments (see boost doc)
      boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::doneCallback, this, _1, _2),
      boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::activeCallback, this),
      boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::feedbackCallback, this, _1));
    // free the lock
    ivExecutingFootsteps = false;

  const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr& goal_pose)
  // check if the execution is locked
  if (ivExecutingFootsteps)
    ROS_INFO("Already performing a navigation task. Wait until it is "

  if (setGoal(goal_pose))
    // this check enforces a planning from scratch if necessary (dependent on
    // planning direction)
	  if (ivForwardSearch)
Пример #7
Status CachedPlanStage::pickBestPlan(PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy) {
    // Adds the amount of time taken by pickBestPlan() to executionTimeMillis. There's lots of
    // execution work that happens here, so this is needed for the time accounting to
    // make sense.
    ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

    // If we work this many times during the trial period, then we will replan the
    // query from scratch.
    size_t maxWorksBeforeReplan =
        static_cast<size_t>(internalQueryCacheEvictionRatio * _decisionWorks);

    // The trial period ends without replanning if the cached plan produces this many results.
    size_t numResults = MultiPlanStage::getTrialPeriodNumToReturn(*_canonicalQuery);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxWorksBeforeReplan; ++i) {
        // Might need to yield between calls to work due to the timer elapsing.
        Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
        if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
            return yieldStatus;

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        PlanStage::StageState state = child()->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
            // Save result for later.
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            // Ensure that the BSONObj underlying the WorkingSetMember is owned in case we yield.

            if (_results.size() >= numResults) {
                // Once a plan returns enough results, stop working. Update cache with stats
                // from this run and return.
                return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
            // Cached plan hit EOF quickly enough. No need to replan. Update cache with stats
            // from this run and return.
            return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::NEED_YIELD == state) {
            if (id == WorkingSet::INVALID_ID) {
                if (!yieldPolicy->allowedToYield()) {
                    throw WriteConflictException();
            } else {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
                // Transfer ownership of the fetcher and yield.

            if (yieldPolicy->allowedToYield()) {

            Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
            if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
                return yieldStatus;
        } else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == state) {
            // On failure, fall back to replanning the whole query. We neither evict the
            // existing cache entry nor cache the result of replanning.
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed, falling back to replan."
                   << " query: " << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << statusObj;

            const bool shouldCache = false;
            return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
        } else if (PlanStage::DEAD == state) {
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed: PlanStage died"
                   << ", query: " << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << statusObj;

            return WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(statusObj);
        } else {
            invariant(PlanStage::NEED_TIME == state);

    // If we're here, the trial period took more than 'maxWorksBeforeReplan' work cycles. This
    // plan is taking too long, so we replan from scratch.
    LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan required " << maxWorksBeforeReplan
           << " works, but was originally cached with only " << _decisionWorks
           << " works. Evicting cache entry and replanning query: "
           << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
           << " plan summary before replan: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get());

    const bool shouldCache = true;
    return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
Пример #8
Status CachedPlanStage::pickBestPlan(PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy) {
    // Adds the amount of time taken by pickBestPlan() to executionTimeMillis. There's lots of
    // execution work that happens here, so this is needed for the time accounting to
    // make sense.
    ScopedTimer timer(getClock(), &_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

    // During plan selection, the list of indices we are using to plan must remain stable, so the
    // query will die during yield recovery if any index has been dropped. However, once plan
    // selection completes successfully, we no longer need all indices to stick around. The selected
    // plan should safely die on yield recovery if it is using the dropped index.
    // Dismiss the requirement that no indices can be dropped when this method returns.
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { releaseAllIndicesRequirement(); });

    // If we work this many times during the trial period, then we will replan the
    // query from scratch.
    size_t maxWorksBeforeReplan =
        static_cast<size_t>(internalQueryCacheEvictionRatio * _decisionWorks);

    // The trial period ends without replanning if the cached plan produces this many results.
    size_t numResults = MultiPlanStage::getTrialPeriodNumToReturn(*_canonicalQuery);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxWorksBeforeReplan; ++i) {
        // Might need to yield between calls to work due to the timer elapsing.
        Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
        if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
            return yieldStatus;

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        PlanStage::StageState state = child()->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
            // Save result for later.
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            // Ensure that the BSONObj underlying the WorkingSetMember is owned in case we yield.

            if (_results.size() >= numResults) {
                // Once a plan returns enough results, stop working. Update cache with stats
                // from this run and return.
                return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
            // Cached plan hit EOF quickly enough. No need to replan. Update cache with stats
            // from this run and return.
            return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::NEED_YIELD == state) {
            invariant(id == WorkingSet::INVALID_ID);
            if (!yieldPolicy->canAutoYield()) {
                throw WriteConflictException();

            if (yieldPolicy->canAutoYield()) {

            Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
            if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
                return yieldStatus;
        } else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == state) {
            // On failure, fall back to replanning the whole query. We neither evict the
            // existing cache entry nor cache the result of replanning.
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed, falling back to replan."
                   << " query: " << redact(_canonicalQuery->toStringShort())
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << redact(statusObj);

            const bool shouldCache = false;
            return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
        } else {
            invariant(PlanStage::NEED_TIME == state);

    // If we're here, the trial period took more than 'maxWorksBeforeReplan' work cycles. This
    // plan is taking too long, so we replan from scratch.
    LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan required " << maxWorksBeforeReplan
           << " works, but was originally cached with only " << _decisionWorks
           << " works. Evicting cache entry and replanning query: "
           << redact(_canonicalQuery->toStringShort())
           << " plan summary before replan: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get());

    const bool shouldCache = true;
    return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
	const humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsFeedbackConstPtr& fb)
	int executed_steps_idx = fb->executed_footsteps.size() - ivExecutionShift;
	// make sure at least one step has been performed
	if (executed_steps_idx < 0)
	// if the currently executed footstep equals the currently observed one
	// everything is ok
	if (executed_steps_idx == ivControlStepIdx)

	// get planned foot placement
  const State& planned = *(ivPlanner.getPathBegin() + ivControlStepIdx + 1 +
  // get executed foot placement
  tf::Transform executed_tf;
  std::string foot_id;
  if (planned.getLeg() == RIGHT)
    foot_id = ivIdFootRight;
    foot_id = ivIdFootLeft;

  if (!getFootTransform(foot_id, ivIdMapFrame, ros::Time::now(),
		                    ros::Duration(0.5), &executed_tf))
    State executed(executed_tf.getOrigin().x(), executed_tf.getOrigin().y(),
                   tf::getYaw(executed_tf.getRotation()), planned.getLeg());
    humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsGoal goal;
    // try to reach the calculated path
    if (getFootstepsFromPath(executed, executed_steps_idx + ivResetStepIdx,
      goal.feedback_frequency = ivFeedbackFrequency;
      // adjust the internal counters
      ivResetStepIdx += ivControlStepIdx + 1;
      ivControlStepIdx = 0;

      // restart the footstep execution
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::doneCallback, this, _1, _2),
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::activeCallback, this),
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::feedbackCallback, this, _1));
    // the previously calculated path cannot be reached so we have plan
    // a new path

  State executed(executed_tf.getOrigin().x(), executed_tf.getOrigin().y(),
                 tf::getYaw(executed_tf.getRotation()), planned.getLeg());

  // check if the currently executed footstep is no longer observed (i.e.
  // the robot no longer follows its calculated path)
  if (executed_steps_idx >= ivControlStepIdx + 2)

    ROS_DEBUG("Footstep execution incorrect.");

    humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsGoal goal;
    // try to reach the calculated path
    if (getFootstepsFromPath(executed, executed_steps_idx + ivResetStepIdx,
      ROS_INFO("Try to reach calculated path.");

      goal.feedback_frequency = ivFeedbackFrequency;
      // adjust the internal counters
      ivResetStepIdx += ivControlStepIdx + 1;
      ivControlStepIdx = 0;

      // restart the footstep execution
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::doneCallback, this, _1, _2),
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::activeCallback, this),
        boost::bind(&FootstepNavigation::feedbackCallback, this, _1));
    // the previously calculated path cannot be reached so we have plan
    // a new path

    // check the currently observed footstep
    ROS_DEBUG("planned (%f, %f, %f, %i) vs. executed (%f, %f, %f, %i)",
              planned.getX(), planned.getY(), planned.getTheta(),
              executed.getX(), executed.getY(), executed.getTheta(),

    // adjust the internal step counters if the footstep has been
    // performed correctly; otherwise check in the next iteration if
    // the step really has been incorrect
    if (performanceValid(planned, executed))
      ROS_DEBUG("Invalid step. Wait next step update before declaring"
                " step incorrect.");
  if (ivPlanner.getPathSize() <= 1)

  // lock this thread
  ivExecutingFootsteps = true;

  ROS_INFO("Start walking towards the goal.");

  humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget step;
  humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTargetService step_srv;

  tf::Transform from;
  std::string support_foot_id;

  // calculate and perform relative footsteps until goal is reached
  state_iter_t to_planned = ivPlanner.getPathBegin();
  if (to_planned == ivPlanner.getPathEnd())
    ROS_ERROR("No plan available. Return.");

  const State* from_planned = to_planned.base();
  while (to_planned != ivPlanner.getPathEnd())
    catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&)
      // leave this thread

    if (from_planned->getLeg() == RIGHT)
      support_foot_id = ivIdFootRight;
    else // support_foot = LLEG
      support_foot_id = ivIdFootLeft;

    // try to get real placement of the support foot
    if (getFootTransform(support_foot_id, ivIdMapFrame, ros::Time::now(),
                         ros::Duration(0.5), &from))
      // calculate relative step and check if it can be performed
      if (getFootstep(from, *from_planned, *to_planned, &step))
        step_srv.request.step = step;
      // ..if it cannot be performed initialize replanning
        ROS_INFO("Footstep cannot be performed. Replanning necessary.");

        // leave the thread
      // if the support foot could not be received wait and try again

    from_planned = to_planned.base();
  ROS_INFO("Succeeded walking to the goal.\n");

  // free the lock
  ivExecutingFootsteps = false;
Пример #11
bool ompl::geometric::LightningRetrieveRepair::repairPath(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc,
                                                          ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &primaryPath)
    // \todo: we should reuse our collision checking from the previous step to make this faster

    OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Repairing path");

    // Error check
    if (primaryPath.getStateCount() < 2)
        OMPL_ERROR("LightningRetrieveRepair: Cannot repair a path with less than 2 states");
        return false;

    // Loop through every pair of states and make sure path is valid.
    // If not, replan between those states
    for (std::size_t toID = 1; toID < primaryPath.getStateCount(); ++toID)
        std::size_t fromID = toID - 1; // this is our last known valid state
        ompl::base::State *fromState = primaryPath.getState(fromID);
        ompl::base::State *toState = primaryPath.getState(toID);

        // Check if our planner is out of time
        if (ptc == true)
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Repair path function interrupted because termination condition is true.");
            return false;

        // Check path between states
        if (!si_->checkMotion(fromState, toState))
            // Path between (from, to) states not valid, but perhaps to STATE is
            // Search until next valid STATE is found in existing path
            std::size_t subsearchID = toID;
            ompl::base::State *new_to;
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Searching for next valid state, because state %d to %d was not valid out  %d total states",
            while (subsearchID < primaryPath.getStateCount())
                new_to = primaryPath.getState(subsearchID);
                if (si_->isValid(new_to))
                    OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: State %d was found to valid, we can now repair between states", subsearchID);
                    // This future state is valid, we can stop searching
                    toID = subsearchID;
                    toState = new_to;
                ++subsearchID; // keep searching for a new state to plan to
            // Check if we ever found a next state that is valid
            if (subsearchID >= primaryPath.getStateCount())
                // We never found a valid state to plan to, instead we reached the goal state and it too wasn't valid. This is bad.
                // I think this is a bug.
                OMPL_ERROR("LightningRetrieveRepair: No state was found valid in the remainder of the path. Invalid goal state. This should not happen.");
                return false;

            // Plan between our two valid states
            PathGeometric newPathSegment(si_);

            // Not valid motion, replan
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Planning from %d to %d", fromID, toID);

            if (!replan(fromState, toState, newPathSegment, ptc))
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Unable to repair path between state %d and %d", fromID, toID);
                return false;

            // TODO make sure not approximate solution

            // Reference to the path
            std::vector<base::State*> &primaryPathStates = primaryPath.getStates();

            // Remove all invalid states between (fromID, toID) - not including those states themselves
            while (fromID != toID - 1)
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Deleting state %d", fromID + 1);
                primaryPathStates.erase(primaryPathStates.begin() + fromID + 1);
                --toID; // because vector has shrunk
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: toID is now %d", toID);

            // Insert new path segment into current path
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserting new %d states into old path. Previous length: %d",
                newPathSegment.getStateCount()-2, primaryPathStates.size());

            // Note: skip first and last states because they should be same as our start and goal state, same as `fromID` and `toID`
            for (std::size_t i = 1; i < newPathSegment.getStateCount() - 1; ++i)
                std::size_t insertLocation = toID + i - 1;
                OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserting newPathSegment state %d into old path at position %d",
                    i, insertLocation);
                primaryPathStates.insert(primaryPathStates.begin() + insertLocation,
                    si_->cloneState(newPathSegment.getStates()[i]) );
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserted new states into old path. New length: %d", primaryPathStates.size());

            // Set the toID to jump over the newly inserted states to the next unchecked state. Subtract 2 because we ignore start and goal
            toID = toID + newPathSegment.getStateCount() - 2;
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Continuing searching at state %d", toID);

    OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Done repairing");

    return true;
Пример #12
	unsigned int PortalPath::updateLocation( const Agents::BaseAgent * agent, const NavMeshPtr & navMesh, const NavMeshLocalizer * localizer, PathPlanner * planner ) {
		// If off path, replan get a new route
		// TODO: If off "approach" vector, recompute crossing
		bool changed = false;
		unsigned int currNodeID = getNode();
		const NavMeshNode * currNode = &(navMesh->getNode( currNodeID ) );
		// test current location
		const Vector2 & p = agent->_pos;

		const unsigned int PORTAL_COUNT = static_cast< unsigned int >( _route->getPortalCount() );
		if ( ! currNode->containsPoint( p ) ) {
			// test to see if I've progressed to the next
			bool gotoNext = false;
			const NavMeshNode * nextNode = 0x0;
			if ( _currPortal + 1 < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
				// there is another way portal to test
				const WayPortal * nextPortal = _route->getPortal( _currPortal + 1 );
				size_t nextID = nextPortal->_nodeID;
				nextNode = &(navMesh->getNode( (unsigned int) nextID ) );
				gotoNext = nextNode->containsPoint( p );
			} else if ( _currPortal < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
				// the next node is the goal polygon
				nextNode = &(navMesh->getNode( (unsigned int) _route->getEndNode() ) );
				gotoNext = nextNode->containsPoint( p );
			if ( gotoNext ) {
				// I've made progress, simply advance
				assert( _currPortal <= PORTAL_COUNT && "Incremented current portal larger than goal" );
				changed = true;
			 else {
				const NavMeshNode * prevNode = 0x0;
				// test to see if I've gone backwards
				bool gotoPrev = false;
				if ( _currPortal > 0 ) {
					const WayPortal * prevPortal = _route->getPortal( _currPortal - 1 );
					size_t prevID = prevPortal->_nodeID;
					prevNode = &(navMesh->getNode( (unsigned int) prevID ) );
					gotoPrev = prevNode->containsPoint( p );
				if ( gotoPrev ) {
					// back up to previous way portal in path
					changed = true;
				} else {
					// Agent is not in current, previous or next polygons - agent got
					//	pushed off path - find a new path
					//	Path needs the nav mesh
					// Assume that I must be in a neighboring node (the alternative is
					//	catstrophic)
					// search current node's neighbors that aren't previous and aren't next
					const size_t NBR_COUNT = currNode->getNeighborCount();
					for ( size_t n = 0; n < NBR_COUNT; ++n ) {
						const NavMeshNode * node = currNode->getNeighbor( n );
						if ( node == nextNode || node == prevNode ) continue;
						if ( node->containsPoint( p ) ) {
							// find a new path from this node to the goal
							replan( p, node->getID(), _route->getEndNode(), agent->_radius, planner );
							changed = true;

					// It is possible for the agent, in some cases, to advance several nodes in a single time step
					//	(e.g., when the navigation mesh has many long, skinny triangles and the agent steps across the
					//	narrow fan).
					//	In this case, the agent should search forwards along the path before blindly searching.

					//	TODO:
					//		If it gets "lost" at the beginning of a long path, I'm doing a bunch of wasted testing.
					//		Given how far the agent is from a particular portal, I know I should probably stop
					//		looking as the portals are only going to get farther.  So, that means the inside
					//		query should CHEAPLY compute some sense of distance to the polygon so I can drop
					//		out.
					if ( changed == false ) {
						size_t testPortal = _currPortal + 2;
						while ( testPortal < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
							const WayPortal * nextPortal = _route->getPortal( testPortal );
							size_t testID = nextPortal->_nodeID;
							const NavMeshNode * testNode = &(navMesh->getNode( (unsigned int) testID ) );
							if ( testNode->containsPoint( p ) ) {
								_currPortal = testPortal;
								changed = true;
					if ( changed == false ) {
						// I exited the loop without finding an intermediate node -- test the goal node
						const NavMeshNode * testNode = &(navMesh->getNode( (unsigned int) _route->getEndNode() ) );
						if ( testNode->containsPoint( p ) ) {
							_currPortal = PORTAL_COUNT;
							changed = true;

					if ( !changed ) {
	#ifdef _DEBUG
						logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Agent " << agent->_id << " got pushed from its goal into a non-adjacent goal!!\n";
						// do a full find path searching for the agent position
						float lastElevation = currNode->getElevation( p );
						unsigned int nodeID = localizer->findNodeBlind( p, lastElevation );
						if ( nodeID != NavMeshLocation::NO_NODE ) {
							try {
								replan( p, nodeID, _route->getEndNode(), agent->_radius, planner );
							} catch ( PathPlannerException ) {
								std::stringstream ss;
								ss << "Agent " << agent->_id << " trying to find a path from " << nodeID << " to " << _route->getEndNode() << ".  A* finished without a route!";
								throw PathPlannerException( ss.str() );
						changed = true;
		// TODO: Implement the idea of replanning the path based on getting pushed off
		//		approach vector
		if ( !changed && _currPortal < _route->getPortalCount() ) {
			// vector from crossing point to current position.
			//	examine angle between original approach vector and current approach vector.
			//	If the angle > some threshold, replan.
		if ( _currPortal < _route->getPortalCount()  ) {
			return _route->getPortal( _currPortal )->_nodeID;
		} else {
			return _route->getEndNode();