Пример #1
void dtCrowd::checkPathValidity(dtCrowdAgent** agents, const int nagents, const float dt)
	static const int CHECK_LOOKAHEAD = 10;
	static const float TARGET_REPLAN_DELAY = 1.0; // seconds
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];

		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE || ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY)
		ag->targetReplanTime += dt;

		bool replan = false;

		// First check that the current location is valid.
		const int idx = getAgentIndex(ag);
		float agentPos[3];
		dtPolyRef agentRef = ag->corridor.getFirstPoly();
		dtVcopy(agentPos, ag->npos);
		if (!m_navquery->isValidPolyRef(agentRef, &m_filter))
			// Current location is not valid, try to reposition.
			// TODO: this can snap agents, how to handle that?
			float nearest[3];
			dtVcopy(nearest, agentPos);
			agentRef = 0;
			m_navquery->findNearestPoly(ag->npos, m_ext, &m_filter, &agentRef, nearest);
			dtVcopy(agentPos, nearest);

			if (!agentRef)
				// Could not find location in navmesh, set state to invalid.
				ag->corridor.reset(0, agentPos);

			// Make sure the first polygon is valid, but leave other valid
			// polygons in the path so that replanner can adjust the path better.
			ag->corridor.fixPathStart(agentRef, agentPos);
//			ag->corridor.trimInvalidPath(agentRef, agentPos, m_navquery, &m_filter);
			dtVcopy(ag->npos, agentPos);

			replan = true;

		// Try to recover move request position.
		if (ag->targetState != DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE && ag->targetState != DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_FAILED)
			if (!m_navquery->isValidPolyRef(ag->targetRef, &m_filter))
				// Current target is not valid, try to reposition.
				float nearest[3];
				dtVcopy(nearest, ag->targetPos);
				ag->targetRef = 0;
				m_navquery->findNearestPoly(ag->targetPos, m_ext, &m_filter, &ag->targetRef, nearest);
				dtVcopy(ag->targetPos, nearest);
				replan = true;
			if (!ag->targetRef)
				// Failed to reposition target, fail moverequest.
				ag->corridor.reset(agentRef, agentPos);
				ag->targetState = DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE;

		// If nearby corridor is not valid, replan.
		if (!ag->corridor.isValid(CHECK_LOOKAHEAD, m_navquery, &m_filter))
			// Fix current path.
//			ag->corridor.trimInvalidPath(agentRef, agentPos, m_navquery, &m_filter);
//			ag->boundary.reset();
			replan = true;
		// If the end of the path is near and it is not the requested location, replan.
		if (ag->targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VALID)
			if (ag->targetReplanTime > TARGET_REPLAN_DELAY &&
				ag->corridor.getPathCount() < CHECK_LOOKAHEAD &&
				ag->corridor.getLastPoly() != ag->targetRef)
				replan = true;

		// Try to replan path to goal.
		if (replan)
			if (ag->targetState != DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_NONE)
				requestMoveTargetReplan(idx, ag->targetRef, ag->targetPos);
Пример #2
void dtCrowd::checkPathValidty(dtCrowdAgent** agents, const int nagents, const float dt)
	static const int CHECK_LOOKAHEAD = 10;
	for (int i = 0; i < nagents; ++i)
		dtCrowdAgent* ag = agents[i];
		// Skip if the corridor is valid
		if (ag->corridor.isValid(CHECK_LOOKAHEAD, m_navquery, &m_filter))

		// The current path is bad, try to recover.

		// Store current state.
		float agentPos[3];
		dtPolyRef agentRef = 0;
		dtVcopy(agentPos, ag->npos);
		agentRef = ag->corridor.getFirstPoly();
		float targetPos[3];
		dtPolyRef targetRef = 0;
		dtVcopy(targetPos, ag->corridor.getTarget());
		targetRef = ag->corridor.getLastPoly();
		// If has active move target, get target location from that instead.
		const int idx = getAgentIndex(ag);
		const MoveRequest* req = getActiveMoveTarget(idx);
		if (req)
			if (req->state == MR_TARGET_REQUESTING ||
				req->state == MR_TARGET_WAITING_FOR_PATH ||
				req->state == MR_TARGET_VALID)
				targetRef = req->ref;
				dtVcopy(targetPos, req->pos);
			else if (req->state == MR_TARGET_ADJUST)
				targetRef = req->aref;
				dtVcopy(targetPos, req->apos);
		// First check that the current location is valid.
		if (!m_navquery->isValidPolyRef(agentRef, &m_filter))
			// Current location is not valid, try to reposition.
			// TODO: this can snap agents, how to handle that?
			float nearest[3];
			agentRef = 0;
			m_navquery->findNearestPoly(ag->npos, m_ext, &m_filter, &agentRef, nearest);
			dtVcopy(agentPos, nearest);

		if (!agentRef)
			// Count not find location in navmesh, set state to invalid.
			ag->corridor.reset(0, agentPos);
		// TODO: make temp path by raycasting towards current velocity.
		ag->corridor.trimInvalidPath(agentRef, agentPos, m_navquery, &m_filter);
		dtVcopy(ag->npos, agentPos);
		// Check that target is still reachable.
		if (!m_navquery->isValidPolyRef(targetRef, &m_filter))
			// Current target is not valid, try to reposition.
			float nearest[3];
			targetRef = 0;
			m_navquery->findNearestPoly(targetPos, m_ext, &m_filter, &targetRef, nearest);
			dtVcopy(targetPos, nearest);
		if (!targetRef)
			// Target not reachable anymore, cannot replan.
			// TODO: indicate failure!
		// Try to replan path to goal.
		requestMoveTargetReplan(idx, targetRef, targetPos);