//- Interpolate fluxes to a specified list of faces
void fluxCorrector::interpolateFluxes(const labelList& faces) const
    if (required())
        // Throw an error stating that the scheme hasn't been implemented
            "void fluxCorrector::interpolateFluxes"
            "(const labelList& faces) const"
Пример #2
   void testSupportedAndRequiredFields()
      SipUserAgent sipUA( 5090, 5090, 5091, 
                          NULL, NULL,   // default publicAddress and defaultUser
                         "" ); 

      // Supported
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ! sipUA.isExtensionAllowed( "nope" ) );

      UtlString supported( "supported-1" );
      sipUA.allowExtension( supported );

      UtlString tmp;
      sipUA.getSupportedExtensions( tmp );
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( supported == tmp );
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sipUA.isExtensionAllowed( supported ) );
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ! sipUA.isExtensionAllowed( "nope" ) );

      // Required
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ! sipUA.isExtensionRequired( "nope" ) );

      UtlString required( "required-1, required-2, required-3" );
      UtlString copy_required( required );
      copy_required += ',';
      ssize_t prev = 0;
      ssize_t index = copy_required.index( ',', prev );
      while( UTL_NOT_FOUND != index )
         UtlString field = copy_required( prev, index - prev );
         field.strip( UtlString::both );
         sipUA.requireExtension( field );
         prev = index + 1;
         index = copy_required.index( ',', prev );

      sipUA.getRequiredExtensions( tmp );
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( required == tmp );
      index = copy_required.index( ',', prev );
      while( UTL_NOT_FOUND != index )
         UtlString field = copy_required( prev, index - prev );
         field.strip( UtlString::both );
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sipUA.isExtensionRequired( field ) );
         prev = index + 1;
         index = copy_required.index( ',', prev );
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ! sipUA.isExtensionRequired( "nope" ) );
Пример #3
int maxbuild(const unit * u, const construction * cons)
/* calculate maximum size that can be built from available material */
/* !! ignores maximum objectsize and improvements... */
    int c;
    int maximum = INT_MAX;
    for (c = 0; cons->materials[c].number; c++) {
        const resource_type *rtype = cons->materials[c].rtype;
        int have = get_pooled(u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, INT_MAX);
        int need = required(1, cons->reqsize, cons->materials[c].number);
        if (have < need) {
            return 0;
            maximum = _min(maximum, have / need);
    return maximum;
Пример #4
bool Arguments::evaluate(int argc, char* argv[])
  // parse program arguments
  vector<string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc);

  bool is_valid = true;

  for (auto i = options_.begin(); i != options_.end(); ++i) { // configured options
    auto option = i->second;
    bool found = false;

    for (auto j = args.begin(); j != args.end(); ++j) { // given arguments
      string arg_name  = *j;

      stringstream aux;
      aux << "-" << option->shortName();

      string opt_short = aux.str();
      string opt_long  = "--" + option->longName();

      if ((option->hasShortName() && arg_name == opt_short) || (arg_name == opt_long)) {
        if (!option->isFlag()) {

        found = true;

    if (!found && option->required()) {
      stringstream ss;
      ss << "Option \"" << option->longName() << "\" is required!" << endl;
      errors_ = ss.str();

      is_valid = false;

  return is_valid;
Пример #5
bool LLWebSharing::validateConfig()
	// Check the OpenID Cookie has been set.
	if (mOpenIDCookie.empty())
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	if (!mConfig.isMap())
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	// Template to match the received config against.
	LLSD required(LLSD::emptyMap());
	required["gadgetSpecUrl"] = "";
	required["loginTokenUrl"] = "";
	required["openIdAuthUrl"] = "";
	required["photoPageUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["openSocialRpcUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["securityTokenUrl"] = "";
	required["tokenBasedLoginUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["viewerIdUrl"] = "";

	std::string mismatch(llsd_matches(required, mConfig));
	if (!mismatch.empty())
		LL_WARNS("WebSharing") << "Malformed config data response: " << mismatch << LL_ENDL;
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	mEnabled = true;
	return mEnabled;
Пример #6
 * \brief Render the component.
 * \param e (out) The scene elements.
void rp::balloon_component::render( scene_element_list& e ) const
  if ( game_variables::is_level_ending() )

  const double current_scale( height() / m_balloon.get_height() );
  const double required_scale( current_scale * 0.75 );

  const double required_left_position
    ( get_render_position().x + width()
      - m_required_balloon.get_width() * required_scale );

  bear::visual::scene_writing required
    ( required_left_position,
      get_render_position().y - 0 * ( height() * (1 - required_scale) ),
      m_required_balloon );

  required.set_scale_factor( required_scale, required_scale );

  required.set_shadow( 1, -1 );
  required.set_shadow_opacity( 0.6 );

  e.push_back( required );

  bear::visual::scene_writing current
    ( required_left_position - m_balloon.get_width() * current_scale,
      m_balloon );

  current.set_scale_factor( current_scale, current_scale );

  current.set_shadow( 2, -2 );
  current.set_shadow_opacity( 0.6 );

  e.push_back( current );
} // balloon_component::render()
Пример #7
template<typename Args>
struct compute_functionalLinear_return
    typedef typename boost::remove_reference<typename parameter::binding<Args, tag::space>::type>::type::element_type space_type;

    typedef FsFunctionalLinear<space_type> type;
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<FsFunctionalLinear<space_type> > ptrtype;

    ( typename Feel::detail::compute_functionalLinear_return<Args>::ptrtype ), // 1. return type
    functionalLinear,                        // 2. name of the function template
    tag,                                        // 3. namespace of tag types
    ( required
      ( space,    *( boost::is_convertible<mpl::_,boost::shared_ptr<FunctionSpaceBase> > ) )
    ) // required
    ( optional
      ( backend,        *, Backend<typename Feel::detail::compute_functionalLinear_return<Args>::domain_space_type::value_type>::build( soption( _name="backend" ) ) )
    ) // optionnal

#if BOOST_VERSION < 105900
    Feel::detail::ignore_unused_variable_warning( args );
    typedef typename Feel::detail::compute_functionalLinear_return<Args>::type functional_type;
    typedef typename Feel::detail::compute_functionalLinear_return<Args>::ptrtype functional_ptrtype;
    return functional_ptrtype ( new functional_type( space , backend ) );

} // functionalLinear
Пример #8
// Use boost::program_options to parse command line input
// This does pretty much all the parameter checking needed
int parseCommandLine (int argc, char *argv[], po::variables_map& vm)
   int failed = 0;

   //Required options
   po::options_description required("Required options");
    ("kmers,k", po::value<std::string>(), "dsm kmer output file (not needed if using --mds_concat)")
    ("pheno,p", po::value<std::string>(), ".pheno metadata");

   po::options_description mds("MDS options");
    ("output,o", po::value<std::string>(), "output prefix for new dsm file")
    ("no_mds", "do not perform MDS; output subsampled matrix instead")
    ("write_distances",  "write csv of distance matrix")
    ("mds_concat", po::value<std::string>(), "list of subsampled matrices to use in MDS. Performs only MDS; implies --no_filtering")
    ("pc", po::value<int>()->default_value(pc_default), "number of principal coordinates to output")
    ("size", po::value<long int>()->default_value(size_default), "number of kmers to use in MDS")
    ("threads", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), ("number of threads. Suggested: " + std::to_string(std::thread::hardware_concurrency())).c_str());

   //Optional filtering parameters
   //NB pval cutoffs are strings for display, and are converted to floats later
   po::options_description filtering("Filtering options");
    ("no_filtering", "turn off all filtering and do not output new kmer file")
    ("max_length", po::value<long int>()->default_value(max_length_default), "maximum kmer length")
    ("maf", po::value<double>()->default_value(maf_default), "minimum kmer frequency")
    ("min_words", po::value<int>(), "minimum kmer occurences. Overrides --maf");

   po::options_description other("Other options");
    ("version", "prints version and exits")
    ("help,h", "full help message");

   po::options_description all;

      po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all).run(), vm);

      if (vm.count("help"))
         failed = 1;
      else if (vm.count("version"))
         std::cout << VERSION << std::endl;
         failed = 1;
         failed = 0;

         // Check input files exist, and can stat
         if ((vm.count("kmers") && !fileStat(vm["kmers"].as<std::string>())) || (vm.count("pheno") && !fileStat(vm["pheno"].as<std::string>())))
            failed = 1;

   catch (po::error& e)
      // Report errors from boost library
      std::cerr << "Error in command line input: " << e.what() << "\n";
      std::cerr << "Run 'kmds --help' for full option listing\n\n";
      std::cerr << required << "\n" << other << "\n";

      failed = 1;

   return failed;
Пример #9
bool VerifyObject(flatbuffers::Verifier &v,
                  const reflection::Schema &schema,
                  const reflection::Object &obj,
                  const flatbuffers::Table *table,
                  bool required) {
  if (!table) {
    if (!required)
      return true;
      return false;

  if (!table->VerifyTableStart(v))
    return false;

  for (uoffset_t i = 0; i < obj.fields()->size(); i++) {
    auto field_def = obj.fields()->Get(i);
    switch (field_def->type()->base_type()) {
      case reflection::None:
      case reflection::UType:
        if (!table->VerifyField<uint8_t>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Bool:
      case reflection::Byte:
      case reflection::UByte:
        if (!table->VerifyField<int8_t>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Short:
      case reflection::UShort:
        if (!table->VerifyField<int16_t>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Int:
      case reflection::UInt:
        if (!table->VerifyField<int32_t>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Long:
      case reflection::ULong:
        if (!table->VerifyField<int64_t>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Float:
        if (!table->VerifyField<float>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::Double:
        if (!table->VerifyField<double>(v, field_def->offset()))
          return false;
      case reflection::String:
        if (!table->VerifyField<uoffset_t>(v, field_def->offset()) ||
            !v.Verify(flatbuffers::GetFieldS(*table, *field_def))) {
          return false;
      case reflection::Vector:
        if (!VerifyVector(v, schema, *table, *field_def))
          return false;
      case reflection::Obj: {
        auto child_obj = schema.objects()->Get(field_def->type()->index());
        if (child_obj->is_struct()) {
          if (!VerifyStruct(v, *table, field_def->offset(), *child_obj,
                            field_def->required())) {
            return false;
        } else {
          if (!VerifyObject(v, schema, *child_obj,
                            flatbuffers::GetFieldT(*table, *field_def),
                            field_def->required())) {
            return false;
      case reflection::Union: {
        //  get union type from the prev field
        voffset_t utype_offset = field_def->offset() - sizeof(voffset_t);
        auto utype = table->GetField<uint8_t>(utype_offset, 0);
        if (utype != 0) {
          // Means we have this union field present
          auto fb_enum = schema.enums()->Get(field_def->type()->index());
          auto child_obj = fb_enum->values()->Get(utype)->object();
          if (!VerifyObject(v, schema, *child_obj,
                            flatbuffers::GetFieldT(*table, *field_def),
                            field_def->required())) {
            return false;

  return true;
Пример #10
static void SubstrateHookFunctionThumb(SubstrateProcessRef process, void *symbol, void *replace, void **result) {
    if (symbol == NULL)

    uint16_t *area(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(symbol));

    unsigned align((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(area) & 0x2) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
    uint16_t *thumb(area + align);

    uint32_t *arm(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(thumb + 2));
    uint16_t *trail(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(arm + 2));

    if (
        (align == 0 || area[0] == T$nop) &&
        thumb[0] == T$bx(A$pc) &&
        thumb[1] == T$nop &&
        arm[0] == A$ldr_rd_$rn_im$(A$pc, A$pc, 4 - 8)
    ) {
        if (result != NULL)
            *result = reinterpret_cast<void *>(arm[1]);

        SubstrateHookMemory code(process, arm + 1, sizeof(uint32_t) * 1);

        arm[1] = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(replace);


    size_t required((trail - area) * sizeof(uint16_t));

    size_t used(0);
    while (used < required)
        used += MSGetInstructionWidthThumb(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(area) + used);
    used = (used + sizeof(uint16_t) - 1) / sizeof(uint16_t) * sizeof(uint16_t);

    size_t blank((used - required) / sizeof(uint16_t));

    uint16_t backup[used / sizeof(uint16_t)];
    memcpy(backup, area, used);

    if (MSDebug) {
        char name[16];
        sprintf(name, "%p", area);
        MSLogHexEx(area, used + sizeof(uint16_t), 2, name);

    if (result != NULL) {

    size_t length(used);
    for (unsigned offset(0); offset != used / sizeof(uint16_t); ++offset)
        if (T$pcrel$ldr(backup[offset]))
            length += 3 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        else if (T$pcrel$b(backup[offset]))
            length += 6 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        else if (T2$pcrel$b(backup + offset)) {
            length += 5 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        } else if (T$pcrel$bl(backup + offset)) {
            length += 5 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        } else if (T$pcrel$cbz(backup[offset])) {
            length += 16 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        } else if (T$pcrel$ldrw(backup[offset])) {
            length += 4 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        } else if (T$pcrel$add(backup[offset]))
            length += 6 * sizeof(uint16_t);
        else if (T$32bit$i(backup[offset]))

    unsigned pad((length & 0x2) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
    length += (pad + 2) * sizeof(uint16_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);

    uint16_t *buffer(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(mmap(

    if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
        MSLog(MSLogLevelError, "MS:Error:mmap() = %d", errno);
        *result = NULL;

    if (false) fail: {
        munmap(buffer, length);
        *result = NULL;

    size_t start(pad), end(length / sizeof(uint16_t));
    uint32_t *trailer(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(buffer + end));
    for (unsigned offset(0); offset != used / sizeof(uint16_t); ++offset) {
        if (T$pcrel$ldr(backup[offset])) {
            union {
                uint16_t value;

                struct {
                    uint16_t immediate : 8;
                    uint16_t rd : 3;
                    uint16_t : 5;
            } bits = {backup[offset+0]};

            buffer[start+0] = T$ldr_rd_$pc_im_4$(bits.rd, T$Label(start+0, end-2) / 4);
            buffer[start+1] = T$ldr_rd_$rn_im_4$(bits.rd, bits.rd, 0);

            // XXX: this code "works", but is "wrong": the mechanism is more complex than this
            *--trailer = ((reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(area + offset) + 4) & ~0x2) + bits.immediate * 4;

            start += 2;
            end -= 2;
        } else if (T$pcrel$b(backup[offset])) {
            union {
                uint16_t value;

                struct {
                    uint16_t imm8 : 8;
                    uint16_t cond : 4;
                    uint16_t /*1101*/ : 4;
            } bits = {backup[offset+0]};

            intptr_t jump(bits.imm8 << 1);
            jump |= 1;
            jump <<= 23;
            jump >>= 23;

            buffer[start+0] = T$b$_$im(bits.cond, (end-6 - (start+0)) * 2 - 4);

            *--trailer = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(area + offset) + 4 + jump;
            *--trailer = A$ldr_rd_$rn_im$(A$pc, A$pc, 4 - 8);
            *--trailer = T$nop << 16 | T$bx(A$pc);

            start += 1;
            end -= 6;
        } else if (T2$pcrel$b(backup + offset)) {
            union {
                uint16_t value;

                struct {
                    uint16_t imm6 : 6;
                    uint16_t cond : 4;
                    uint16_t s : 1;
                    uint16_t : 5;
            } bits = {backup[offset+0]};

            union {
                uint16_t value;

                struct {
                    uint16_t imm11 : 11;
                    uint16_t j2 : 1;
                    uint16_t a : 1;
                    uint16_t j1 : 1;
                    uint16_t : 2;
            } exts = {backup[offset+1]};

            intptr_t jump(1);
            jump |= exts.imm11 << 1;
            jump |= bits.imm6 << 12;

            if (exts.a) {
                jump |= bits.s << 24;
                jump |= (~(bits.s ^ exts.j1) & 0x1) << 23;
                jump |= (~(bits.s ^ exts.j2) & 0x1) << 22;
                jump |= bits.cond << 18;
                jump <<= 7;
                jump >>= 7;
            } else {
Пример #11
void ConfigurationResult::required() const
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    po::options_description options("Options");
    // Don't use default values because the help print it ugly and too wide
        ("move,m", "move files rather than copy")
        ("symlink,s", "symlink files rather than copy (posix only)")
        ("order,o", po::value<std::string>(), 
            "order and types of metadata to read\ne=exif, i=iptc, f=file (default: eif)")
        ("unsorted,u", po::value<std::string>(), 
            "special directory to store unsorted files (default: unsorted)")
        ("dups,d", po::value<std::string>(), 
            "special directory to store files with duplicate names (default: duplicates)")
        ("force,f", "overwrite duplicate files instead of using special directory")
        ("rename,r", "rename duplicate files instead of using special directory")
        ("ignore,i", "ignore both unsorted and duplicate files instead of using special directories")
        ("ignore-unsorted", "ignore unsorted files instead of using special directory")
        ("ignore-dups", "ignore duplicate files instead of using special directory")
        ("verify", "verify copied or moved files and exit if incorrect")
        ("exclude,x", po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), 
            "exclude directories and files that contain arg (case sensitive on all platforms)")
        ("limit-depth,l", po::value<long>(), 
            "limit recursion to specified depth (0 disables recursion)")
        ("verbose,v", "prints operations as they happen")
        ("dry-run,n", "do not make actual changes (implies verbose)")
        ("help,h", "show this help message then exit")
        ("version,V", "show program version then exit")

    po::options_description hidden("Hidden Options");
        ("source-dir", po::value< std::string >(), "directory of files to organize, may end in file wildcard")
        ("dest-dir", po::value< std::string >(), "desination directory for files, may not be within source-dir")
        ("pattern", po::value< std::string >(), "subdirectory pattern for grouping files within dest-dir")

    po::options_description cmdline;

    po::positional_options_description positional;
    positional.add("source-dir", 1);
    positional.add("dest-dir", 1);
    positional.add("pattern", 1);

    try {
        po::variables_map vm;
        po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
        options(cmdline).positional(positional).run(), vm);

        if (vm.count("help")) {
            usage_full(options, argv[0]);
            return 0;
        if (vm.count("version")) {
            return 0;
        conflicting(vm, "verify", "symlink");
        conflicting(vm, "move", "symlink");
        conflicting(vm, "unsorted", "ignore");
        conflicting(vm, "unsorted", "ignore-unsorted");
        conflicting(vm, "dups", "ignore");
        conflicting(vm, "dups", "ignore-dups");
        conflicting(vm, "force", "ignore");
        conflicting(vm, "force", "ignore-dups");
        conflicting(vm, "force", "rename");
        conflicting(vm, "rename", "ignore");
        conflicting(vm, "rename", "ignore-dups");
        required(vm, "source-dir");
        required(vm, "dest-dir");
        required(vm, "pattern");
        const bool dry_run = vm.count("dry-run") != 0;
        g_verbose = (vm.count("verbose") != 0 || dry_run);
        std::string order = "eif";
        if(vm.count("order")) {
            order = vm["order"].as<std::string>();
            if(order.length() > 3) {
                throw std::logic_error(std::string("order is longer than 4 characters"));
        unsigned i = 0;
        std::string::iterator end = order.end();
        for(std::string::iterator iter = order.begin(); iter != end && i < 4; ++iter, ++i) {
            switch(*iter) {
                case 'e': 
                    g_run_order[i] = EXIF_SLOT;
                case 'i': 
                    g_run_order[i] = IPTC_SLOT;
                case 'x': 
                    throw std::logic_error(std::string("xmp not implemented yet '") + 
                        *iter + "'");
                case 'f': 
                    g_run_order[i] = FILE_SLOT;
                    throw std::logic_error(std::string("unknown order character '") + 
                        *iter + "'");
        const fs::path source_dir( vm["source-dir"].as<std::string>() );
        if( !exists(source_dir) || !is_directory(source_dir) ) {
            throw std::logic_error(std::string("source '") + 
                source_dir.string() + "' must exist and be a directory");
        const fs::path dest_dir( vm["dest-dir"].as<std::string>() );
        if( exists(dest_dir) && !is_directory(dest_dir) ) {
            throw std::logic_error(std::string("destination '") + 
                dest_dir.string() + "' must be a directory");
        // Boost doesn't seem to have a way to get a canonical path, so this
        // simple test is easy to confuse with some ../../'s in the paths. Oh
        // well, this is good enough for now.
        fs::path test_dest(dest_dir);
        for(; !test_dest.empty(); test_dest = test_dest.parent_path()) {
            if(fs::equivalent(source_dir, test_dest)) {
                throw std::logic_error(std::string("dest-dir must not be within source-dir"));
        // Disect the pattern
        std::string pattern = vm["pattern"].as<std::string>();
        boost::regex regex( "([^@]*)(@[[:alpha:]]+)([^@]*)");
        boost::sregex_iterator m_iter = make_regex_iterator(pattern, regex);
        boost::sregex_iterator m_end;
        for( ; m_iter != m_end; ++m_iter) {
            const boost::smatch &match = *m_iter;
            const std::string &pre = match[1];
            const std::string &pat = match[2];
            const std::string &post = match[3];
            // Should put this in a map, but there aren't that many options now
            bool found = false;
            for( const Pattern *pattern = g_patterns; pattern->pat.length(); ++pattern) {
                if(pattern->pat == pat) {
                    PathPart part(pre, pattern, post);
                    found = true;
            if(!found) {
                throw std::logic_error(std::string("unknown pattern '") + pat + "'");
        // Assign defaults to params that need them
        const bool ignore = vm.count("ignore") != 0;
        std::vector<std::string> excludes;
            excludes = vm["exclude"].as< std::vector<std::string> >();
        long limit_depth = LONG_MAX;
        if(vm.count("limit-depth")) {
            limit_depth = vm["limit-depth"].as<long>();
            // Boost program_options doesn't work with unsigned, so do it manually
            if( limit_depth < 0 )
                throw std::logic_error(std::string("recursion depth limit must be positive"));
        std::string dups = "duplicates";
            dups = vm["dups"].as<std::string>();
        const fs::path dups_dir = dest_dir / dups;
        std::string unsorted = "unsorted";
            unsorted = vm["unsorted"].as<std::string>();
        const fs::path unsorted_dir = dest_dir / unsorted;
        ProcessParams params = {
            (vm.count("ignore-dups") != 0 || ignore), 
            (vm.count("ignore-unsorted") != 0 || ignore), 
            vm.count("force") != 0,
            vm.count("rename") != 0,
            vm.count("symlink") != 0, 
            vm.count("verify") != 0, 
            vm.count("move") != 0, 
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        process_directory(source_dir, 0, params);
        std::string op = "copied";
            op = "linked";
        else if(params.move)
            op = "moved";
            op = std::string("would be ") + op;
            std::cout << "\n";
        std::cout << "\n" << params.ok_count << " files " << op << "\n";
        std::cout << "   " << params.dups_count << " duplicates\n";
        std::cout << "   " << params.unsorted_count << " unsorted\n";
            std::cout << params.dups_ignored_count << " duplicates ignored\n";
            std::cout << params.unsorted_ignored_count << " unsorted ignored\n";
            std::cout << params.dir_ex_count << " directories excluded\n";
            std::cout << params.file_ex_count << " files excluded\n";
            std::cout << params.dir_err_count << " directory errors\n";
            std::cout << params.file_err_count << " file errors\n";
        return 0;
    catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) {
        error(e, std::string("Aborting"));
        return -1;
    catch(std::logic_error& e) {
        error(e, "");
        std::cout << argv[0] << " -h    for more help" << std::endl;
        return -2;
    catch(std::exception& e) {
        error(e, "Aborting");
        return -3;
Пример #13
/** Use up resources for building an object.
* Build up to 'size' points of 'type', where 'completed'
* of the first object have already been finished. return the
* actual size that could be built.
int build(unit * u, const construction * ctype, int completed, int want)
    const construction *type = ctype;
    int skills = INT_MAX;         /* number of skill points remainig */
    int basesk = 0;
    int made = 0;

    if (want <= 0)
        return 0;
    if (type == NULL)
        return ENOMATERIALS;
    if (type->improvement == NULL && completed == type->maxsize)
        return ECOMPLETE;
    if (type->btype != NULL) {
        building *b;
        if (!u->building || u->building->type != type->btype) {
            return EBUILDINGREQ;
        b = inside_building(u);
        if (b == NULL)
            return EBUILDINGREQ;

    if (type->skill != NOSKILL) {
        int effsk;
        int dm = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE]);

        basesk = effskill(u, type->skill);
        if (basesk == 0)
            return ENEEDSKILL;

        effsk = basesk;
        if (inside_building(u)) {
            effsk = skillmod(u->building->type->attribs, u, u->region, type->skill,
                effsk, SMF_PRODUCTION);
        effsk = skillmod(type->attribs, u, u->region, type->skill,
            effsk, SMF_PRODUCTION);
        if (effsk < 0)
            return effsk;             /* pass errors to caller */
        if (effsk == 0)
            return ENEEDSKILL;

        skills = effsk * u->number;

        /* technically, nimblefinge and domore should be in a global set of
         * "game"-attributes, (as at_skillmod) but for a while, we're leaving
         * them in here. */

        if (dm != 0) {
            /* Auswirkung Schaffenstrunk */
            dm = _min(dm, u->number);
            change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE], -dm);
            skills += dm * effsk;
    for (; want > 0 && skills > 0;) {
        int c, n;

        /* skip over everything that's already been done:
         * type->improvement==NULL means no more improvements, but no size limits
         * type->improvement==type means build another object of the same time
         * while material lasts type->improvement==x means build x when type
         * is finished */
        while (type->improvement != NULL &&
            type->improvement != type &&
            type->maxsize > 0 && type->maxsize <= completed) {
            completed -= type->maxsize;
            type = type->improvement;
        if (type == NULL) {
            if (made == 0)
                return ECOMPLETE;
            break;                    /* completed */

        /*  Hier ist entweder maxsize == -1, oder completed < maxsize.
         *  Andernfalls ist das Datenfile oder sonstwas kaputt...
         *  (enno): Nein, das ist für Dinge, bei denen die nächste Ausbaustufe
         *  die gleiche wie die vorherige ist. z.b. gegenstände.
        if (type->maxsize > 1) {
            completed = completed % type->maxsize;
        else {
            completed = 0;
            assert(type->reqsize >= 1);

        if (basesk < type->minskill) {
            if (made == 0)
                return ELOWSKILL;       /* not good enough to go on */

        /* n = maximum buildable size */
        if (type->minskill > 1) {
            n = skills / type->minskill;
        else {
            n = skills;
        /* Flinkfingerring wirkt nicht auf Mengenbegrenzte (magische)
         * Talente */
        if (skill_limit(u->faction, type->skill) == INT_MAX) {
            const resource_type *ring = get_resourcetype(R_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER);
            item *itm = ring ? *i_find(&u->items, ring->itype) : 0;
            int i = itm ? itm->number : 0;
            if (i > 0) {
                int rings = _min(u->number, i);
                n = n * ((roqf_factor() - 1) * rings + u->number) / u->number;

        if (want < n) n = want;

        if (type->maxsize > 0) {
            n = _min(type->maxsize - completed, n);
            if (type->improvement == NULL) {
                want = n;

        if (type->materials)
            for (c = 0; n > 0 && type->materials[c].number; c++) {
                const struct resource_type *rtype = type->materials[c].rtype;
                int need, prebuilt;
                int canuse = get_pooled(u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, INT_MAX);

                if (inside_building(u)) {
                    canuse = matmod(u->building->type->attribs, u, rtype, canuse);

                if (canuse < 0)
                    return canuse;        /* pass errors to caller */
                canuse = matmod(type->attribs, u, rtype, canuse);
                if (type->reqsize > 1) {
                    prebuilt =
                        required(completed, type->reqsize, type->materials[c].number);
                    for (; n;) {
                        need =
                            required(completed + n, type->reqsize, type->materials[c].number);
                        if (need - prebuilt <= canuse)
                        --n;                /* TODO: optimieren? */
                else {
                    int maxn = canuse / type->materials[c].number;
                    if (maxn < n)
                        n = maxn;
        if (n <= 0) {
            if (made == 0)
                return ENOMATERIALS;
        if (type->materials)
            for (c = 0; type->materials[c].number; c++) {
                const struct resource_type *rtype = type->materials[c].rtype;
                int prebuilt =
                    required(completed, type->reqsize, type->materials[c].number);
                int need =
                    required(completed + n, type->reqsize, type->materials[c].number);
                int multi = 1;
                int canuse = 100;       /* normalization */
                if (inside_building(u))
                    canuse = matmod(u->building->type->attribs, u, rtype, canuse);
                if (canuse < 0)
                    return canuse;        /* pass errors to caller */
                canuse = matmod(type->attribs, u, rtype, canuse);

                assert(canuse % 100 == 0
                    || !"only constant multipliers are implemented in build()");
                multi = canuse / 100;
                if (canuse < 0)
                    return canuse;        /* pass errors to caller */

                use_pooled(u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT,
                    (need - prebuilt + multi - 1) / multi);
        made += n;
        skills -= n * type->minskill;
        want -= n;
        completed = completed + n;
    /* Nur soviel PRODUCEEXP wie auch tatsaechlich gemacht wurde */
    produceexp(u, ctype->skill, _min(made, u->number));

    return made;