Пример #1
setup_events_with_host(time_t time) {
	timed_event *new_event = NULL;

	/* First service is a normal one */
	if (svc3 == NULL)
		svc3 = (service *)malloc(sizeof(service));
	svc3->host_name = strdup("Host0");
	svc3->description = strdup("Normal service");
	svc3->check_options = 0;
	svc3->next_check = time;
	svc3->state_type = SOFT_STATE;
	svc3->current_state = STATE_OK;
	svc3->retry_interval = 1;
	svc3->check_interval = 5;

	new_event = (timed_event *)malloc(sizeof(timed_event));
	new_event->event_type = EVENT_SERVICE_CHECK;
	new_event->event_data = (void *)svc3;
	new_event->event_args = (void *)NULL;
	new_event->event_options = 0;
	new_event->run_time = 0L;				/* Straight away */
	new_event->recurring = FALSE;
	new_event->event_interval = 0L;
	new_event->timing_func = NULL;
	new_event->compensate_for_time_change = TRUE;
	reschedule_event(new_event, &event_list_low, &event_list_low_tail);

	if (host1 == NULL)
		host1 = (host *)malloc(sizeof(host));
	host1->name = strdup("Host1");
	host1->address = strdup("");
	host1->address = strdup("::1");
	host1->retry_interval = 1;
	host1->check_interval = 5;
	host1->check_options = 0;
	host1->next_check = time;
	new_event->recurring = TRUE;
	host1->state_type = SOFT_STATE;
	host1->current_state = STATE_OK;

	new_event = (timed_event *)malloc(sizeof(timed_event));
	new_event->event_type = EVENT_HOST_CHECK;
	new_event->event_data = (void *)host1;
	new_event->event_args = (void *)NULL;
	new_event->event_options = 0;
	new_event->run_time = 0L;				/* Straight away */
	new_event->recurring = TRUE;
	new_event->event_interval = 0L;
	new_event->timing_func = NULL;
	new_event->compensate_for_time_change = TRUE;
	reschedule_event(new_event, &event_list_low, &event_list_low_tail);
Пример #2
setup_events(time_t time) {
	timed_event *new_event = NULL;

	/* First service is a normal one */
	svc1 = (service *)malloc(sizeof(service));
	svc1->host_name = strdup("Host1");
	svc1->description = strdup("Normal service");
	svc1->check_options = 0;
	svc1->next_check = time;
	svc1->state_type = SOFT_STATE;
	svc1->current_state = STATE_OK;
	svc1->retry_interval = 1;
	svc1->check_interval = 5;

	new_event = (timed_event *)malloc(sizeof(timed_event));
	new_event->event_type = EVENT_SERVICE_CHECK;
	new_event->event_data = (void *)svc1;
	new_event->event_args = (void *)NULL;
	new_event->event_options = 0;
	new_event->run_time = 0L;				/* Straight away */
	new_event->recurring = FALSE;
	new_event->event_interval = 0L;
	new_event->timing_func = NULL;
	new_event->compensate_for_time_change = TRUE;
	reschedule_event(new_event, &event_list_low, &event_list_low_tail);

	/* Second service is one that will get nudged forward */
	svc2 = (service *)malloc(sizeof(service));
	svc2->host_name = strdup("Host1");
	svc2->description = strdup("To be nudged");
	svc2->check_options = 0;
	svc2->next_check = time;
	svc2->state_type = SOFT_STATE;
	svc2->current_state = STATE_OK;
	svc2->retry_interval = 1;
	svc2->check_interval = 5;

	new_event = (timed_event *)malloc(sizeof(timed_event));
	new_event->event_type = EVENT_SERVICE_CHECK;
	new_event->event_data = (void *)svc2;
	new_event->event_args = (void *)NULL;
	new_event->event_options = 0;
	new_event->run_time = 0L;				/* Straight away */
	new_event->recurring = FALSE;
	new_event->event_interval = 0L;
	new_event->timing_func = NULL;
	new_event->compensate_for_time_change = TRUE;
	reschedule_event(new_event, &event_list_low, &event_list_low_tail);
static void remove_tx_locks(int tx_id, data_set_entry *data_set, state_type *state, double now) {

	SERVER_lp_state_type *pointer = &state->type.server_state;
	data_set_entry *entry = data_set;
	while (entry != NULL) {
		int need_to_unlock = 0;
		if (pointer->configuration.concurrency_control_type == ETL_2PL || pointer->configuration.concurrency_control_type == CTL_2PL)
			need_to_unlock = is_owner(entry->object_key_id, pointer->server_id, state->num_servers, state->num_clients, state->object_replication_degree);
		else if (pointer->configuration.concurrency_control_type == PRIMARY_OWNER_CTL_2PL)
			need_to_unlock = is_primary(entry->object_key_id, pointer->server_id, state->num_servers, state->num_clients);
		if (need_to_unlock) {
			if ((pointer->cc_metadata->locks[entry->object_key_id] != tx_id)) {
				if (pointer->configuration.cc_verbose)
					printf("cc%d - lock sull'oggetto %i della tx %d non trovato\n", pointer->server_id, entry->object_key_id, tx_id);
			} else {
				pointer->cc_metadata->locks[entry->object_key_id] = -1;
				if (pointer->configuration.cc_verbose)
					printf("cc%d - oggetto %d per la transizione %i unlockato al tempo %f \n", pointer->server_id, entry->object_key_id, tx_id, now);
				//Wake up waiting event for key 'object_key_id';
				reschedule_event(state, now, entry->object_key_id);
		entry = entry->next;
Пример #4
/* this is the main event handler loop */
int event_execution_loop(void)
	timed_event *temp_event, *last_event = NULL;
	time_t last_time = 0L;
	time_t current_time = 0L;
	time_t last_status_update = 0L;
	int poll_time_ms;

	log_debug_info(DEBUGL_FUNCTIONS, 0, "event_execution_loop() start\n");


	while (1) {
		struct timeval now;
		const struct timeval *event_runtime;
		int inputs;

		/* super-priority (hardcoded) events come first */

		/* see if we should exit or restart (a signal was encountered) */
		if (sigshutdown == TRUE || sigrestart == TRUE)

		/* get the current time */

		if (sigrotate == TRUE) {

		/* hey, wait a second...  we traveled back in time! */
		if (current_time < last_time)
			compensate_for_system_time_change((unsigned long)last_time, (unsigned long)current_time);

		/* else if the time advanced over the specified threshold, try and compensate... */
		else if ((current_time - last_time) >= time_change_threshold)
			compensate_for_system_time_change((unsigned long)last_time, (unsigned long)current_time);

		/* get next scheduled event */
		current_event = temp_event = (timed_event *)squeue_peek(nagios_squeue);

		/* if we don't have any events to handle, exit */
		if (!temp_event) {
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS, 0, "There aren't any events that need to be handled! Exiting...\n");

		/* keep track of the last time */
		last_time = current_time;

		/* update status information occassionally - NagVis watches the NDOUtils DB to see if Nagios is alive */
		if ((unsigned long)(current_time - last_status_update) > 5) {
			last_status_update = current_time;

		event_runtime = squeue_event_runtime(temp_event->sq_event);
		if (temp_event != last_event) {
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS, 1, "** Event Check Loop\n");
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS, 1, "Next Event Time: %s", ctime(&temp_event->run_time));
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS, 1, "Current/Max Service Checks: %d/%d (%.3lf%% saturation)\n",
			               currently_running_service_checks, max_parallel_service_checks,
			               ((float)currently_running_service_checks / (float)max_parallel_service_checks) * 100);

		last_event = temp_event;

		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
		poll_time_ms = tv_delta_msec(&now, event_runtime);
		if (poll_time_ms < 0)
			poll_time_ms = 0;
		else if (poll_time_ms >= 1500)
			poll_time_ms = 1500;

		log_debug_info(DEBUGL_SCHEDULING, 2, "## Polling %dms; sockets=%d; events=%u; iobs=%p\n",
		               poll_time_ms, iobroker_get_num_fds(nagios_iobs),
		               squeue_size(nagios_squeue), nagios_iobs);
		inputs = iobroker_poll(nagios_iobs, poll_time_ms);
		if (inputs < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
			logit(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Polling for input on %p failed: %s", nagios_iobs, iobroker_strerror(inputs));

		log_debug_info(DEBUGL_IPC, 2, "## %d descriptors had input\n", inputs);

		 * if the event we peaked was removed from the queue from
		 * one of the I/O operations, we must take care not to
		 * try to run at, as we're (almost) sure to access free'd
		 * or invalid memory if we do.
		if (!current_event) {
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS, 0, "Event was cancelled by iobroker input\n");

		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
		if (tv_delta_msec(&now, event_runtime) >= 0)

		/* move on if we shouldn't run this event */
		if (should_run_event(temp_event) == FALSE)

		/* handle the event */

		 * we must remove the entry we've peeked, or
		 * we'll keep getting the same one over and over.
		 * This also maintains sync with broker modules.
		remove_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);

		/* reschedule the event if necessary */
		if (temp_event->recurring == TRUE)
			reschedule_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);

		/* else free memory associated with the event */

	log_debug_info(DEBUGL_FUNCTIONS, 0, "event_execution_loop() end\n");

	return OK;
Пример #5
static int should_run_event(timed_event *temp_event)
	int run_event = TRUE;	/* default action is to execute the event */
	int nudge_seconds = 0;

	/* we only care about jobs that cause processes to run */
	if (temp_event->event_type != EVENT_HOST_CHECK &&
	    temp_event->event_type != EVENT_SERVICE_CHECK) {
		return TRUE;

	/* if we can't spawn any more jobs, don't bother */
	if (!wproc_can_spawn(&loadctl)) {
		wproc_reap(100, 3000);
		return FALSE;

	/* run a few checks before executing a service check... */
	if (temp_event->event_type == EVENT_SERVICE_CHECK) {
		service *temp_service = (service *)temp_event->event_data;

		/* forced checks override normal check logic */
		if ((temp_service->check_options & CHECK_OPTION_FORCE_EXECUTION))
			return TRUE;

		/* don't run a service check if we're already maxed out on the number of parallel service checks...  */
		if (max_parallel_service_checks != 0 && (currently_running_service_checks >= max_parallel_service_checks)) {
			nudge_seconds = ranged_urand(5, 17);
			logit(NSLOG_RUNTIME_WARNING, TRUE, "\tMax concurrent service checks (%d) has been reached.  Nudging %s:%s by %d seconds...\n", max_parallel_service_checks, temp_service->host_name, temp_service->description, nudge_seconds);
			run_event = FALSE;

		/* don't run a service check if active checks are disabled */
		if (execute_service_checks == FALSE) {
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS | DEBUGL_CHECKS, 1, "We're not executing service checks right now, so we'll skip check event for service '%s;%s'.\n", temp_service->host_name, temp_service->description);
			run_event = FALSE;

		/* reschedule the check if we can't run it now */
		if (run_event == FALSE) {
			remove_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);

			if (nudge_seconds) {
				/* We nudge the next check time when it is due to too many concurrent service checks */
				temp_service->next_check = (time_t)(temp_service->next_check + nudge_seconds);
			} else {
				temp_service->next_check += check_window(temp_service);

			temp_event->run_time = temp_service->next_check;
			reschedule_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);
			update_service_status(temp_service, FALSE);

			run_event = FALSE;
	/* run a few checks before executing a host check... */
	else if (temp_event->event_type == EVENT_HOST_CHECK) {
		host *temp_host = (host *)temp_event->event_data;

		/* forced checks override normal check logic */
		if ((temp_host->check_options & CHECK_OPTION_FORCE_EXECUTION))
			return TRUE;

		/* don't run a host check if active checks are disabled */
		if (execute_host_checks == FALSE) {
			log_debug_info(DEBUGL_EVENTS | DEBUGL_CHECKS, 1, "We're not executing host checks right now, so we'll skip host check event for host '%s'.\n", temp_host->name);
			run_event = FALSE;

		/* reschedule the host check if we can't run it right now */
		if (run_event == FALSE) {
			remove_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);
			temp_host->next_check += check_window(temp_host);
			temp_event->run_time = temp_host->next_check;
			reschedule_event(nagios_squeue, temp_event);
			update_host_status(temp_host, FALSE);
			run_event = FALSE;

	return run_event;