MainWin::MainWin(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { app->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); m_isClosing = false; m_waitState = false; m_doConnect = false; m_treeStackTrap = false; m_dtformat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; mainWin = this; setupUi(this); /* Setup UI defined by main.ui (designer) */ register_message_callback(message_callback); readPreferences(); treeWidget->clear(); treeWidget->setColumnCount(1); treeWidget->setHeaderLabel( tr("Select Page") ); treeWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); tabWidget->setTabsClosable(true); /* wait for QT 4.5 */ createPages(); resetFocus(); /* lineEdit->setFocus() */ this->show(); readSettings(); foreach(Console *console, m_consoleHash) { console->connect_dir(); } /* * Note, the notifier is now a global flag, although each notifier * can be individually turned on and off at a socket level. Once * the notifier is turned off, we don't accept anything from anyone * this prevents unwanted messages from getting into the input * dialogs such as restore that read from the director and "know" * what to expect. */ m_notify = true; m_currentConsole = (Console*)getFromHash(m_firstItem); QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(popLists())); if (m_miscDebug) { QString directoryResourceName; m_currentConsole->getDirResName(directoryResourceName); Pmsg1(100, "Setting initial window to %s\n", directoryResourceName.toUtf8().data()); } app->restoreOverrideCursor(); }
MainWin::MainWin(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { app->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); m_isClosing = false; m_waitState = false; m_doConnect = false; m_dtformat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; mainWin = this; setupUi(this); /* Setup UI defined by main.ui (designer) */ register_message_callback(message_callback); readPreferences(); treeWidget->clear(); treeWidget->setColumnCount(1); treeWidget->setHeaderLabel( tr("Select Page") ); treeWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); createPages(); resetFocus(); /* lineEdit->setFocus() */ #ifndef HAVE_QWT actionJobPlot->setEnabled(false); actionJobPlot->setVisible(false); #endif this->show(); readSettings(); foreach(Console *console, m_consoleHash) console->connect_dir(); m_currentConsole = (Console*)getFromHash(m_firstItem); QTimer::singleShot(750, this, SLOT(popLists())); if (m_miscDebug) { QString directoryResourceName; m_currentConsole->getDirResName(directoryResourceName); Pmsg1(100, "Setting initial window to %s\n", directoryResourceName.toUtf8().data()); } }
phdControlManager::~phdControlManager() { resetFocus(); disableEvents(); freeControls(); }