static void
send_pending_removes (EDataBookView *view)
    EDataBookViewPrivate *priv = view->priv;

    if (priv->removes->len == 0)

    e_gdbus_book_view_emit_contacts_removed (view->priv->gdbus_object, (const gchar * const *) priv->removes->data);
    reset_array (priv->removes);
static void
send_pending_removes (EDataCalView *view)
	EDataCalViewPrivate *priv = view->priv;

	if (priv->removes->len == 0)

	/* TODO: send ECalComponentIds as a list of pairs */
	e_gdbus_cal_view_emit_objects_removed (view->priv->gdbus_object, (const gchar * const *) priv->removes->data);
	reset_array (priv->removes);
static void
e_data_book_view_finalize (GObject *object)
    EDataBookView *book_view = E_DATA_BOOK_VIEW (object);
    EDataBookViewPrivate *priv = book_view->priv;

    reset_array (priv->adds);
    reset_array (priv->changes);
    reset_array (priv->removes);
    g_array_free (priv->adds, TRUE);
    g_array_free (priv->changes, TRUE);
    g_array_free (priv->removes, TRUE);

    g_free (priv->card_query);

    g_mutex_free (priv->pending_mutex);

    g_hash_table_destroy (priv->ids);

    G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_data_book_view_parent_class)->finalize (object);
Пример #4
int main()
   reset_array(al_result_1, RESULT_SIZE);
   reset_array(al_result_2, RESULT_SIZE);
   int last_city, taxi_max;
   scanf("%d%d", &last_city, &taxi_max);
   scanf("%d", &ticket_prizes[0].middle);

   for(int i = 0; i < last_city; i++)
      scanf("%d%d%d", &ticket_prizes[i].left, &ticket_prizes[i + 1].middle, &ticket_prizes[i].right);
   //dla n = 1 potrafimy policzyć(jesteśmy w 1 mieście, uciekliśmy z miasta nr 0
   al_result_1[0][1] = ticket_prizes[0].left;
   al_result_1[1][0] = ticket_prizes[0].middle + ticket_prizes[0].right;

   for(int n = 2; n <= last_city; n++)
      for(int i = 0; i <= std::min(n - 1, taxi_max) ; i++)
	 for(int j = 0; j <= std::min(n - 1, last_city); j++)
	    propagate(n - 1, al_result_1, al_result_2, i, j);
      array_from_to(al_result_2, al_result_1, n + 1);
      reset_array(al_result_2, n + 1);

   // Dla parzystej liczby taksówek musimy jeszcze dodać koszt ostatniej taksówki, bo jesteśmy po złej stronie
   // Zrobimy to tylko dla kolumny o indeksie równym last_city/2, bo w tej kolumnie jest wynik
   for(int i = 0; i <= taxi_max; i +=2)
      al_result_1[i][last_city/2] += ticket_prizes[last_city].middle;
   //Szukamy minimum w tej kolumnie;
   long min = INFINITY;
   // Szukamy minimum w tej kolumnie z limitem na liczbę taksówek, jednak parzyste wiersze zostały
   // zwiększone o jedną taksówkę, więc dla parzystych k nie rozważamy ostatniego wiersza
   if(taxi_max % 2 == 0)
   for(int i = 0; i <= taxi_max; i++)
      if(min > al_result_1[i][last_city/2])
	 min = al_result_1[i][last_city/2];
   printf("%ld\n", min);
   return 0;
boost::shared_ptr< Base<EncodingT> > IDiaSourceFilePtrInterpreter<EncodingT>::get_checksum(boost::shared_ptr< Base<EncodingT> >& cbData, boost::shared_ptr< Base<EncodingT> >& pcbData, boost::shared_ptr< Base<EncodingT> >& data)
	boost::shared_ptr< Base<EncodingT> > res(new Numeric<EncodingT>());
	unsigned long nativeCbData;
	unsigned long nativePcbData;
	std::vector< unsigned char > nativeData;
	if (check_numeric(cbData, nativeCbData) && 
		check_numeric(pcbData, nativePcbData) && 
		check_array(data, nativeData, check_numeric<EncodingT, unsigned char>))
		res.reset(new Numeric<EncodingT>(value()->get_checksum(nativeCbData, &nativePcbData,;
		reset_numeric(cbData, nativeCbData);
		reset_numeric(pcbData, nativePcbData);
		reset_array(data, nativeData, reset_numeric<EncodingT, unsigned char>);
	return res;
Пример #6
int main(void) {
    // testing
    const int size = 5;
    int fst_arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int snd_arr[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
    int res[size];
    array_sum(fst_arr, snd_arr, res, size);
    // output result
    print_array(fst_arr, size);
    print_array(snd_arr, size);
    print_array(res, size);
    // allocate an array from heap
    int* dynamic = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * size);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) dynamic[i] = i;
    print_array(dynamic, size);
    // delete a value in a staticly declared array
    delete_shift(fst_arr, 2, size);
    print_array(fst_arr, size - 1);
    // delete a value in a dynamicly allocated array
    delete_realloc(dynamic, 1, size);
    print_array(dynamic, size - 1);
    // free memory
    reset_array(fst_arr, size);
    print_array(fst_arr, size);
    inverse(snd_arr, size);
    print_array(snd_arr, size);
    square(res, size);
    print_array(res, size);
    return 0;
Пример #7
void PtrFreeScene :: translate_geometry_qbvh(const lux_ext_mesh_list_t& meshs) {
  lux_defined_meshs_t defined_meshs(PtrFreeScene::mesh_ptr_compare);

  Mesh new_mesh;
  Mesh current_mesh;

  std::vector<Point>    tmp_vertexes;
  std::vector<Normal>   tmp_normals;
  std::vector<Spectrum> tmp_colors;
  std::vector<UV>       tmp_uvs;
  std::vector<Triangle> tmp_triangles;
  std::vector<Mesh>     tmp_mesh_descs;

  for(lux_ext_mesh_list_t::const_iterator it = meshs.begin(); it != meshs.end(); ++it) {
    const luxrays::ExtMesh* mesh = *it;
    bool is_existing_instance;
    if (mesh->GetType() == luxrays::TYPE_EXT_TRIANGLE_INSTANCE) {
      const luxrays::ExtInstanceTriangleMesh* imesh = static_cast<const luxrays::ExtInstanceTriangleMesh*>(mesh);

      // check if is one of the already done meshes
      lux_defined_meshs_t::iterator it = defined_meshs.find(imesh->GetExtTriangleMesh());
      if (it == defined_meshs.end()) {
        // it is a new one
        current_mesh = new_mesh;

        new_mesh.verts_offset += imesh->GetTotalVertexCount();
        new_mesh.tris_offset  += imesh->GetTotalTriangleCount();
        is_existing_instance = false;
        const uint index = tmp_mesh_descs.size();
        defined_meshs[imesh->GetExtTriangleMesh()] = index;
      } else {
        // it is not a new one
        current_mesh = tmp_mesh_descs[it->second];
        is_existing_instance = true;

      current_mesh.trans = imesh->GetTransformation().GetMatrix().m;
      current_mesh.inv_trans = imesh->GetInvTransformation().GetMatrix().m;

      mesh = imesh->GetExtTriangleMesh();
    } else {
      // not a luxrays::TYPE_EXT_TRIANGLE_INSTANCE
      current_mesh = new_mesh;
      new_mesh.verts_offset += mesh->GetTotalVertexCount();
      new_mesh.tris_offset  += mesh->GetTotalTriangleCount();

      if (mesh->HasColors()) {
        new_mesh.colors_offset += mesh->GetTotalVertexCount();
        current_mesh.has_colors = true;
      } else {
        current_mesh.has_colors = false;
      is_existing_instance = false;


    if (!is_existing_instance) {

      assert(mesh->GetType() == luxrays::TYPE_EXT_TRIANGLE);

      // translate mesh normals and colors

      uint offset = tmp_normals.size();
      tmp_normals.resize(offset + mesh->GetTotalVertexCount());
      for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j)
        tmp_normals[offset + j] = Normal(mesh->GetNormal(j));

      if (mesh->HasColors()) {
        offset = tmp_colors.size();
        tmp_colors.resize(offset + mesh->GetTotalVertexCount());
        for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j)
          tmp_colors[offset + j] = Spectrum(mesh->GetColor(j));

      // translate vertex uvs

      if (original_scene->texMapCache->GetSize()) {
        // TODO: should check if the only texture map is used for infintelight
        offset = tmp_uvs.size();
        tmp_uvs.resize(offset + mesh->GetTotalVertexCount());
        if (mesh->HasUVs())
          for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j)
            tmp_uvs[offset + j] = UV(mesh->GetUV(j));
          for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j)
            tmp_uvs[offset + j] = UV(0.f, 0.f);

      // translate meshrverticener size, the content is expanded by inserting at the end as many elements as needed to reach a size of n. If val is specified, the new elements are initialized as copies of val, otherwise, they are value-initialized.s
      offset = tmp_vertexes.size();
      tmp_vertexes.resize(offset + mesh->GetTotalVertexCount());
      for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalVertexCount(); ++j)
        tmp_vertexes[offset + j] = Point(mesh->GetVertex(j));

      // translate mesh indices
      offset = tmp_triangles.size();
      const luxrays::Triangle *mtris = mesh->GetTriangles();
      tmp_triangles.resize(offset + mesh->GetTotalTriangleCount());
      for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->GetTotalTriangleCount(); ++j)
        tmp_triangles[offset + j] = Triangle(mtris[j]);

  this->vertex_count     = tmp_vertexes.size();
  this->normals_count     = tmp_normals.size();
  this->colors_count     = tmp_colors.size();
  this->uvs_count        = tmp_uvs.size();
  this->triangles_count  = tmp_triangles.size();
  this->mesh_descs_count = tmp_mesh_descs.size();

  reset_array(this->vertexes,   this->vertex_count);
  reset_array(this->normals,    this->normals_count);
  reset_array(this->colors,     this->colors_count);
  reset_array(this->uvs,        this->uvs_count);
  reset_array(this->triangles,  this->triangles_count);
  reset_array(this->mesh_descs, this->mesh_descs_count);

  memcpy(vertexes,   &tmp_vertexes[0],   sizeof(Point)    * this->vertex_count);
  memcpy(normals,    &tmp_normals[0],    sizeof(Normal)   * this->normals_count);
  memcpy(colors,     &tmp_colors[0],     sizeof(Spectrum) * this->colors_count);
  memcpy(uvs,        &tmp_uvs[0],        sizeof(UV)       * this->uvs_count);
  memcpy(triangles,  &tmp_triangles[0],  sizeof(Triangle) * this->triangles_count);
  memcpy(mesh_descs, &tmp_mesh_descs[0], sizeof(Mesh)     * this->mesh_descs_count);
Пример #8
void PtrFreeScene :: compile_texture_maps() {
  this->tex_maps_count = 0;

  // translate mesh texture maps
  std::vector<luxrays::TextureMap*> tms;
  // compute amount of RAM to allocate
  //uint rgb_tex_size = 0;
  //uint alpha_tex_size = 0;
  this->rgb_tex_count = 0;
  this->alpha_tex_count = 0;
  for(uint i = 0; i < tms.size(); ++i) {
    luxrays::TextureMap* tm = tms[i];
    const uint pixel_count = tm->GetWidth() * tm->GetHeight();
    this->rgb_tex_count += pixel_count;
    if (tm->HasAlpha())
      this->alpha_tex_count += pixel_count;

  // allocate texture map
  if ((this->rgb_tex_count > 0) || (this->alpha_tex_count) > 0) {
    this->tex_maps_count = tms.size();
    reset_array(this->tex_maps, this->tex_maps_count);

    if (this->rgb_tex_count > 0) {
      uint rgb_offset = 0;
      reset_array(this->rgb_tex, this->rgb_tex_count);
      for(uint i = 0; i < tms.size(); ++i) {
        luxrays::TextureMap* tm = tms[i];
        const uint pixel_count = tm->GetWidth() * tm->GetHeight();
        // TODO memcpy safe?
        memcpy(&rgb_tex[rgb_offset], tm->GetPixels(), pixel_count * sizeof(Spectrum));
        this->tex_maps[i].rgb_offset = rgb_offset;
        rgb_offset += pixel_count;

    if (this->alpha_tex_count > 0) {
      uint alpha_offset = 0;
      reset_array(this->alpha_tex, this->alpha_tex_count);
      for(uint i = 0; i < tms.size(); ++i) {
        luxrays::TextureMap* tm = tms[i];
        const uint pixel_count = tm->GetWidth() * tm->GetHeight();

        if (tm->HasAlpha()) {
          memcpy(&alpha_tex[alpha_offset], tm->GetAlphas(), pixel_count * sizeof(float));
          this->tex_maps[i].alpha_offset = alpha_offset;
          alpha_offset += pixel_count;
        } else {
          this->tex_maps[i].alpha_offset = PPM_NONE;

    // translate texture map description
    for(uint i = 0; i < tms.size(); ++i) {
      luxrays::TextureMap* tm = tms[i];
      this->tex_maps[i].width = tm->GetWidth();
      this->tex_maps[i].height = tm->GetHeight();

    // translate mesh texture indexes
    //const uint mesh_count = mesh_mats.size();
    reset_array(this->mesh_texs, this->mesh_materials_count);
    for(uint i = 0; i < this->mesh_materials_count; ++i) {
      luxrays::TexMapInstance* t = original_scene->objectTexMaps[i];

      if (t) { // look for the index
        uint index = 0;
        for(uint j = 0; j < tms.size(); ++j) {
          if (t->GetTexMap() == tms[j]) {
            index = j;
        this->mesh_texs[i] = index;
      } else {
        this->mesh_texs[i] = PPM_NONE;

    // translate mesh bump map indexes
    bool has_bump_mapping = false;
    reset_array(this->bump_map, this->mesh_materials_count);
    for(uint i = 0; i < this->mesh_materials_count; ++i) {
      luxrays::BumpMapInstance* bm = original_scene->objectBumpMaps[i];

      if (bm) { // look for the index
        uint index = 0;
        for(uint j = 0; j < tms.size(); ++j) {
          if (bm->GetTexMap() == tms[j]) {
            index = j;
        this->bump_map[i] = index;
        has_bump_mapping = true;
      } else {
        this->bump_map[i] = PPM_NONE;

    if (has_bump_mapping) {
      reset_array(this->bump_map_scales, this->mesh_materials_count);
      for(uint i = 0; i < mesh_count; ++i) {
        luxrays::BumpMapInstance* bm = original_scene->objectBumpMaps[i];

        if (bm)
          this->bump_map_scales[i] = bm->GetScale();
          this->bump_map_scales[i] = 1.f;

    // translate mesh normal map indices
    //unused? bool has_normal_mapping = false;
    reset_array(this->normal_map, this->mesh_materials_count);
    for(uint i = 0; i < mesh_count; ++i) {
      luxrays::NormalMapInstance* nm = original_scene->objectNormalMaps[i];

      if (nm) { // look for the index
        uint index = 0;
        for(uint j = 0; j < tms.size(); ++j) {
          if (nm->GetTexMap() == tms[j]) {
            index = j;
        this->normal_map[i] = index;
        //has_normal_mapping = true;
      } else {
        this->normal_map[i] = PPM_NONE;
Пример #9
void PtrFreeScene :: compile_materials() {
  // reset all materials to false
  this->compiled_materials_count = ppm::MAT_MAX;
  reset_array(this->compiled_materials, this->compiled_materials_count);
  for(uint i = 0; i < ppm::MAT_MAX; ++i)
    this->compiled_materials[i] = false;

  this->materials_count = original_scene->materials.size();
  reset_array(this->materials, this->materials_count);
  memset(this->materials, 0, sizeof(ppm::Material)*this->materials_count);

  for(uint i = 0; i < materials_count; ++i) {
    const luxrays::Material* orig_m = original_scene->materials[i];
    ppm::Material* m = &materials[i];

    switch(orig_m->GetType()) {
    case luxrays::MATTE: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_MATTE] = true;
      const luxrays::MatteMaterial* mm = static_cast<const luxrays::MatteMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = mm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = mm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_MATTE;
      m->param.matte.kd.r = mm->GetKd().r;
      m->param.matte.kd.g = mm->GetKd().g;
      m->param.matte.kd.b = mm->GetKd().b;
    case luxrays::AREALIGHT: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_AREALIGHT] = true;
      const luxrays::AreaLightMaterial* alm = static_cast<const luxrays::AreaLightMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = alm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = alm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_AREALIGHT;
      m->param.area_light.gain.r = alm->GetGain().r;
      m->param.area_light.gain.g = alm->GetGain().g;
      m->param.area_light.gain.b = alm->GetGain().b;
    case luxrays::MIRROR: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_MIRROR] = true;
      const luxrays::MirrorMaterial* mm = static_cast<const luxrays::MirrorMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->type = ppm::MAT_MIRROR;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().r;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().g;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().b;
      m->param.mirror.specular_bounce = mm->HasSpecularBounceEnabled();
    case luxrays::GLASS: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_GLASS] = true;
      const luxrays::GlassMaterial* gm = static_cast<const luxrays::GlassMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = gm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = gm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_GLASS;
      m->   = gm->GetKrefl().r;
      m->   = gm->GetKrefl().g;
      m->   = gm->GetKrefl().b;
      m-> = gm->GetKrefrct().r;
      m-> = gm->GetKrefrct().g;
      m-> = gm->GetKrefrct().b;
      m-> = gm->GetOutsideIOR();
      m-> = gm->GetIOR();
      m-> = gm->GetR0();
      m->   = gm->HasReflSpecularBounceEnabled();
      m-> = gm->HasRefrctSpecularBounceEnabled();
    case luxrays::MATTEMIRROR: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_MATTEMIRROR] = true;
      const luxrays::MatteMirrorMaterial *mmm = static_cast<const luxrays::MatteMirrorMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = mmm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = mmm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_MATTEMIRROR;
      m->param.matte_mirror.matte.kd.r  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().r;
      m->param.matte_mirror.matte.kd.g  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().g;
      m->param.matte_mirror.matte.kd.b  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().b;
      m-> = mmm->GetMirror().GetKr().r;
      m-> = mmm->GetMirror().GetKr().g;
      m-> = mmm->GetMirror().GetKr().b;
      m->param.matte_mirror.mirror.specular_bounce = mmm->GetMirror().HasSpecularBounceEnabled();
      m->param.matte_mirror.matte_filter = mmm->GetMatteFilter();
      m->param.matte_mirror.tot_filter = mmm->GetTotFilter();
      m->param.matte_mirror.matte_pdf = mmm->GetMattePdf();
      m->param.matte_mirror.mirror_pdf = mmm->GetMirrorPdf();
    case luxrays::METAL: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_METAL] = true;
      const luxrays::MetalMaterial* mm = static_cast<const luxrays::MetalMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = mm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = mm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_METAL;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().r;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().g;
      m-> = mm->GetKr().b;
      m->param.metal.exp = mm->GetExp();
      m->param.metal.specular_bounce = mm->HasSpecularBounceEnabled();
    case luxrays::MATTEMETAL: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_MATTEMETAL] = true;
      const luxrays::MatteMetalMaterial* mmm = static_cast<const luxrays::MatteMetalMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = mmm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = mmm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_MATTEMETAL;
      m->param.matte_metal.matte.kd.r  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().r;
      m->param.matte_metal.matte.kd.g  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().g;
      m->param.matte_metal.matte.kd.b  = mmm->GetMatte().GetKd().b;
      m-> = mmm->GetMetal().GetKr().r;
      m-> = mmm->GetMetal().GetKr().g;
      m-> = mmm->GetMetal().GetKr().b;
      m->param.matte_metal.metal.exp = mmm->GetMetal().GetExp();
      m->param.matte_metal.metal.specular_bounce = mmm->GetMetal().HasSpecularBounceEnabled();
      m->param.matte_metal.matte_filter = mmm->GetMatteFilter();
      m->param.matte_metal.tot_filter = mmm->GetTotFilter();
      m->param.matte_metal.matte_pdf = mmm->GetMattePdf();
      m->param.matte_metal.metal_pdf = mmm->GetMetalPdf();
    case luxrays::ALLOY: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_ALLOY] = true;
      const luxrays::AlloyMaterial* am = static_cast<const luxrays::AlloyMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = am->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = am->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_ALLOY;
      m->param.alloy.refl.r  = am->GetKrefl().r;
      m->param.alloy.refl.g  = am->GetKrefl().g;
      m->param.alloy.refl.b  = am->GetKrefl().b;
      m->param.alloy.diff.r  = am->GetKd().r;
      m->param.alloy.diff.g  = am->GetKd().g;
      m->param.alloy.diff.b  = am->GetKd().b;
      m->param.alloy.exp = am->GetExp();
      m->param.alloy.R0 = am->GetR0();
      m->param.alloy.specular_bounce = am->HasSpecularBounceEnabled();
    case luxrays::ARCHGLASS: {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_ARCHGLASS] = true;
      const luxrays::ArchGlassMaterial* agm = static_cast<const luxrays::ArchGlassMaterial*>(orig_m);

      m->diffuse  = agm->IsDiffuse();
      m->specular = agm->IsSpecular();
      m->type = ppm::MAT_ARCHGLASS;
      m->param.arch_glass.refl.r   = agm->GetKrefl().r;
      m->param.arch_glass.refl.g   = agm->GetKrefl().g;
      m->param.arch_glass.refl.b   = agm->GetKrefl().b;
      m->param.arch_glass.refrct.r = agm->GetKrefrct().r;
      m->param.arch_glass.refrct.g = agm->GetKrefrct().g;
      m->param.arch_glass.refrct.b = agm->GetKrefrct().b;
      m->param.arch_glass.trans_filter = agm->GetTransFilter();
      m->param.arch_glass.tot_filter = agm->GetTotFilter();
      m->param.arch_glass.refl_pdf = agm->GetReflPdf();
      m->param.arch_glass.trans_pdf = agm->GetTransPdf();
    default: /* MATTE */ {
      compiled_materials[ppm::MAT_MATTE] = true;
      m->type = ppm::MAT_MATTE;
      m->param.matte.kd.r = 0.75f;
      m->param.matte.kd.g = 0.75f;
      m->param.matte.kd.b = 0.75f;

  // translate mesh material indexes
  this->mesh_materials_count = original_scene->objectMaterials.size();
  reset_array(this->mesh_materials, this->mesh_materials_count);
  for(uint i = 0; i < this->mesh_materials_count; ++i) {
    const luxrays::Material* m = original_scene->objectMaterials[i];

    // look for the index
    uint index = 0;
    for(uint j = 0; j < materials_count; ++j) {
      if (m == original_scene->materials[j]) {
        index = j;
    this->mesh_materials[i] = index;
